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Food Tech Assignment- Obese Teenager

You might be wondering what an obese teenager is? Well, an obese teenager in simple terms is
a teen who is overweight who has a BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile for age and
gender. If the person has a BMI over 95 for their age and gender, they are then classed as
“OBESE”. Over the world 50 million girls and 74 million boys were obese in 2016. Of course,
ever since then the numbers have grown since the population has grown but only from 2016
the numbers are quite shocking because that was only in 2016. The main reason for these
teenagers being obese is because of access to many readily available food franchises such as
MacDonald's, KFC, Oporto's etc.

The treatments that could help obese teenagers all over the world can include diet
modifications such as lover calorie intake be in a calorie deficit which is when you burn more
calories than you eat. That way obese teenagers can lose weight and feel more fit and healthy.
Another way that could help obese teenagers is change the diet the teenagers are consuming
instead of sugary foods and high calorie dense foods, they could try a low carb diet or low-fat
diet that way they limit the amount of unnecessary carbs and unnecessary fats such as chips,
candies, soft drinks etc. This could be a beneficial tip as this way teenagers can limit their
calorie intake as well as limit their consumption of high processed carb foods and high
processed fatty foods that could later create damage to vital organs and could result in failure
of those organs.

When it comes to strategies that could be put in place for teenagers to prevent obesity some
strategies could be healthy eating behaviors such as getting the proper right carbs not those
processed carbs which could cause long term diseases, regular physical activity such as jogging,
cycling, biking, swimming etc. Other strategies could be reduced sedentary activity so not sit on
the couch all day or lay in your bed eating unhealthy foods and snacks all day, instead what
they should do is get up go for a brisk walk, go for a light jog to get the calories burned to help
weight loss and most importantly prevent obesity.

When it comes to a permanent cure for obesity there is no such thing as a permanent cure
there might be but to prevent it and cure it in the first place is better and the way to do that is
ofc eat healthy, watch your calorie intake, limit consumption of high carb and high fat foods.
But if you really want to get a cure you could go out of your way and get medications or surgery
for weight loss if you're dealing with obesity but there is no point but do it the easier and
healthy way which is eat healthy, limit consumption of calories, be in a calorie deficit to cure

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