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 TOYBA NURYE…………………..……………………….1408004


My name is Toyba Nurye and I was born in north Wello around Wergessa and grown in south
Wello around Wechale 17.I have completed my high school at Wechale the joined Bahir dar
universty 2013 E.C as an accounting and finance student. At this time, I am learning may
accounting and finance course to get may bachelors degree in accounting and finance. I am
socially communicative with others and I like working together. One thing in my life I gave a
very high value is my mother my she is my every thing and she understand and support me every
time so if I achieve my goals and plans changing my mothers’ life is one of may plans to do for
her. She is suffering with a disease but she never gives up while she was helping me in every
aspect of my life. I need to solve her health problems in the future if I become a successful
woman. I am very kind and I like helping peoples specially helping mothers, Children, orphans
give me a full happiness. If I have achieved and become a successful woman in the future I will
help orphans, mothers, children and disabled persons.
Currently I am taking accounting and finance course in Bahir dar universty. Regarding to my
study at this time, I like the field and I want to achieve a very high-level professional with this
field in the future. Within this field I have sat different goals which will I achieve in 5,10 and 15 the next 5 years I need to first to complete my field of study with a very good
performance, grade and with the required skill in the remaining two years and including the
remaining campus time and then in the work time after my graduation I have a plan of
developing my skills in the accounting and finance sector weather being employed or starting my
business. This is what I have planned in my next five years regarding to my career. Then after I
will work to increase my capacity in the field and to upgrade my education level. Then after ten
years I will work to be highly competitive in Ethiopia in my career in the next 10 years. After I
become competitive in my career in my country, I have the aim of being highly competitive and
professional in international levels in the next 15 years. Then after 25 years I will work to have a
company which have a brand in the world.
This all plans stated in the above paragraph are my plans in my career, other plans related to my
personal life in the next five, ten and fifteen years are included in the main plan which is listed
below in the personal plan table.

Personal development plan for 5 years

Overall goal Development What I will Resources How I will Target date for
opportunity to meet do to achieve and support test my completion
my overall goal this needed changes
To increase I have a good - Increasing -family - I will test 2019
my background in my past my reading support myself with
academic academic times habit - the support in the former
performance - using of the library performance
different of bahir dar and present
ways of study universty performance
-different of my exam
books and results.
- electronic
which will
support me
To develop I am not a beginner I - taking - there are - I will take 2019
my skills in have some background practical different practical
accounting works joining institutions in exams COC
and finance different Bahir dar and and others
institutions in Wello which
my break will be places
time to develop
As apparent my skill.

to start a job After graduation I will - I will work - there are - I will work 2018
start a job first by to be different to achieve the
employment. Because competitor organizations requirements
I need to develop more and in hire in the country in which this
my career and process which I will organizations
profession as a compete to need
beginning to start my get work. including
business in the next exams,
five years interview,
and practical

Personal development plan for 10 years

Overall goal Development What I will do Resources What success Target date for
opportunity to meet to achieve this and support looks like completion
my overall goal needed
To make myself -In 10 years from - I will adopt - I will need - I will 2025
competitive in now if I get new working additional observe my
Ethiopia in the employed after ways, and trainings like progress
accounting and graduation I will increase my software, within every
fiancé field develop my level with technological quarter of a
experience and adding updates year.
education level into different related to the main diverse accounting
objective in this 10 experiences sector.
years is being
competitive and
highly skilled
person in the
accounting and
finance sector in
- and lying the base
to start my own
Starting my own Develop my ability -I will It will be started
business as a starter introduce a on 2025
company in the new way to
last year at the attract
9th year (the customers
company I will
start Is a super
market in my
living place
Establishing a I will marry in 2020 - An increase I will marry in
family(marriage) in team 2020EC and
satisfaction have a child in
score for 2022EC
I will finish my Within my work I 2025
master’s degree will take my
in accounting masters program.
and finance

Personal development plan for 15 years

Overall goal Development What I will do Resources What success Target date for
opportunity to meet to achieve this and support looks like completion
my overall goal needed
To develop - I will work to make - introducing What How will What is the date
the the business (my new ways resources you know you want to
supermarket supermarket) a brand -increasing might you when you’ve complete this by?
business in the Wello city advertisement need and achieved
into next who will success?
level (this help you?
may be
on the
branch or
the capacity
of the
Develop my I will take - Complete an Access to a - Improved
management management courses online training training employee
skills. and skills training in course on course. retention.
addition to my effective
background communication
in the
I will have -side to side my - I will have
another business I will also second child in
child give attention to my 2026
I will finish 2030
my PhD
degree in
and finance

Personal development plan for 25 years

Overall goal Development What I will Resources What success Target date for
opportunity to meet my do to achieve and support looks like completion
overall goal this needed
In these - the supermarket will -I will work 2040
years I will have brand name and to get loans
have a different technological from banks
brand ways of working, to extend my
supermarket work.
which will
branches in
10 places in
I will have 2031
third child
Personal development plan for 45 years
Overall goal Development What I will do Resources What success Target date for
opportunity to meet to achieve this and support looks like completion
my overall goal needed
I will extent -the 25 years goals -I will organize We may use The success
the branches will be done with a all places of different with in these
of the high-quality the resources and 45 years will
supermarket management and management technologies lead the
into 30 technologies then it into high brand
will be base for this standards supermarket
period. to be known
in to the
I will I will start - I will contact
upgrade the international relations with trusted
business and sell shares. persons and
company companies to
into increase the
international world
company. wideness of
And also I - Develop my
have plan of active listening
creation skills.
company in
this years

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