Microsoft Internship

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User Manual for NASSCOM-Microsoft Internships

Step:-1: open the given link

Select the Signup option on the right side of the top window

Step: -2: The student needs to fill in the details in particular fields and give a valid phone number and
e-mail ID then it will be sent OTP to your given mobile number.

Step: -3: Student to enter the OTP in Generate OTP field and type the CAPTCHA code carefully then
click on submit button
Step: -4: After clicking on SUBMIT button it will show Registration completed successfully like the
below prompt dialog box.

Step: -5: Successfully Registration, Student needs to come to the main page and click on the Login
button at the top right side of the page.
Step: -6: Login by using Username and Password (Mobile Number) while your signup (Step:- 3) then
enter CAPTCHA code

Note: Here the username means user email address, Password means which you mentioned the Mobile
Number while signup.
Step: -7: Select the INDUSTRY CONNECT module option at the right side of the vertical menu bar
which is marked in a rectangular box with red colour.

Step: -8: Directly click on the FIND OPPORTUNITY button

Step:-9: It displays information regarding the internship program of NASSCOM – Microsoft then
click on the VIEW button.

Step:-10: The student reads the information carefully and clicks on the APPLY button

Step:-11: Fill in the details and attach the resume in pdf format of the student and write a few words
about him/her in the description box then click on the SUBMIT button
Example :

Step:-12: After Submission, Its shows SUCCESS dialog box

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