Miller CHI 2017

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The Use of Smart Glasses for Lecture

Comprehension by Deaf and Hard of

Hearing Students

Ashley Miller Vicki L. Hanson Abstract

Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Deaf and hard of hearing students must constantly
Rochester, NY 14623, USA Rochester, NY 14623, USA switch between several visual sources to gather all necessary information during a classroom lecture (e.g.,
instructor, slides, sign language interpreter or
Joan Malasig Hugo Nicolau captioning). Using smart glasses, this research tested a
Rutgers University University of Lisbon potential means to reduce the effects of visual field
New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA Porto Salvo, Portugal switches, proposing that consolidating sources into a single display may improve lecture comprehension.
Results showed no statistically significant
Brenda Castro Alessandra Brandão comprehension improvements with the glasses, but
Harvey Mudd College Rochester Institute of Technology interviews indicated that participants found it easier to
Claremont, CA 91711 USA Rochester, NY 14623, USA follow the lecture with glasses and saw the potential for them in the classroom. Future work highlights priorities
for smart glasses consideration and new research
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Issues – Assistive technologies for persons with
Introduction (lecturer and slides) to get out of synch with the
accommodation (sign language and/or captions).
For deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) university students
who attend classes with a hearing instructor and
Research has examined potential ways to minimize lost
classmates, full access to lecture information can be
information due to attention switching and
difficult. Unlike hearing students who can get lecture
Classroom Accessibility accommodation lag. In general, these can be grouped
information simultaneously from both auditory and
for DHH students into two types: 1) Consolidating visual information
visual channels, DHH students are limited to visual
sources onto one display [2] and 2) controlling the
input. Typically, universities provide various
pacing of classroom presentations to provide sufficient
accommodations for DHH students to make the spoken
time for DHH to view both presentation and
lectures visually accessible. During lectures, sign
accommodation [1, 3, 4].
language interpreting and / or captioning may be
provided. Note-takers are also common for providing
Consistent with the approach of consolidating visual
written summaries of lectures.
information sources, in this research we examined
whether eyewear technology might provide an effective
As shown in Figure 1, a mainstream classroom lecture
means of reducing visual dispersion for DHH students,
includes multiple sources of visual information for DHH
enabling improved lecture comprehension. The present
students. Rather than serving as mutually reinforcing
Figure 1: This image shows a study goes beyond previous work by testing lecture
information, these multiple sources mean that DHH
mainstream computing class comprehension with this consolidation and by using
students must constantly shift their visual attention and
at RIT. Both hearing and smart glasses that have the potential for flexibility and
focus. DHH students, typically seated in front rows for
DHH students attend the (with future generations of technology) natural viewing
best viewing, must move their head and/or eyes from
class. As shown, the experience.
one physical location to another to switch between
professor is speaking the
these sources. With this visual dispersion, information
classroom lecture, using Pilot work
is often missed, causing the students to see only
slides (on the right) as part We began with pilot work to determine the potential for
fragments of the lecture content from each source.
of the presentation. An ASL eyewear use in the classroom. Specifically, we were
These students are left receiving incomplete
interpreter (on the left) interested in whether the DHH students found the
information from each source and trying to connect
provides accessibility support slides, American Sign Language (ASL), and captions
these segments together.
for DHH students. intelligible using the smart glasses. As shown in Figure
2, we began by testing this intelligibility using Google
The switching is exacerbated when using sign language
Glass. Either ASL or captions were projected onto the
or captioning. In both cases, the accessibility support
glasses while students watched the slides on a screen
lags behind what the lecturer is saying due to the time
in the front of a classroom. We asked DHH summer
needed to translate into sign language or type the
students at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
captions. This lag typically causes the presentation
to provide comments about the intelligibility of these
three sources. This pilot, and all other work reported Our experimental study was designed to answer the
here, were approved through the IRB at RIT. question: Can lecture comprehension for DHH students
be improved in mainstream classrooms by using smart
Our participants indicated a significant difficulty viewing glasses to limit difficulties caused by visual dispersion?
presentation slides at the same time as the
accommodation. With Glass, the projection display is Experimental Methods
situated on upper right lens, still requiring students to Our pilot work informed several aspects of the
shift their eyes between visual sources. Students did experimental test: 1) the choice of eyewear device, 2)
not think this improved problems of visual dispersion. testing with ASL only (no captions), 3) the use of a
Therefore, for a second pilot, we switched devices to dark background for the ASL, and 4) providing students
the EPSON Moverio BT-200, which provides the display with options for arrangement of the ASL interpreter on
straight ahead. the display.

In the second pilot, we again had DHH RIT summer Development

students view either ASL or captions projected onto the The pilot software was changed for the experiment
glasses while watching slides on a screen in the front of such that participants had the choice of six viewing
a classroom. Overall, the students thought that the options for the ASL interpretation and lecture
Moverio eyewear was useful and reported a preference presentation on the glasses. In four of these, the video
for ASL interpreting over captions in this experimental of the ASL interpretation was displayed at a half-screen
situation. They reported difficulty easily understanding height and participants selected which of the four
captions on the glasses display due to the limited corners was the anchor for the video. The ASL video
number of words that could be displayed on the space. occupied about ¼ of the display. In the remaining two,
Figure 2: The research pilot the ASL video was projected at a full screen height and
involved use of Google Glass.
In terms of the ASL, participants reported that it was could be anchored on either the left or the right side.
Note that video projection of ASL
or captions is onto the Glass
difficult to clearly see the fingerspelling. This problem The video occupied about ½ of the display.
display in the upper right for was likely exacerbated by a design decision to use a
users. transparent ASL video on a white background. The The transparent video was projected against a black
students also expressed a desire to control some background. In all cases, the part of the glasses that
display characteristics. did not contain the black background was transparent
and participants could view the lecture presentation
We note that the students reported that the Moverio (slides or lecturer) by looking directly at the source.
glasses were heavy and did not fit well. Acknowledging Participants were shown the six viewing options in
that this was a current technology limitation and one advance of the lectures and asked to select the one
that would likely be improved upon as technology they preferred.
evolves, we decided to proceed with an experimental
investigation of smart glasses for classroom use.
Figure 3: Experimental Experimental setup Experimental session
classroom setup The experiment was designed to emulate a mainstream Participants were individually tested in sessions lasting
classroom environment, similar to what a DHH student no more than one hour. Each session consisted of: 1)
would experience. As shown in Figure 3, participants welcome and Informed Consent, 2) pre-lecture
sat in the front row of a classroom with the lecture assessment, 3) one lecture followed by comprehension
slides projected straight ahead and two monitors on a questions and interview, 4) other lecture followed by
table in front of them for displaying the lecturer and the comprehension questions and interview, and 5) final
ASL interpretation. Running Java code and VLC media interview. Participants were compensated $20.
player software to synchronize presentations, a PC
This image shows the
projected simultaneous muted videos of the lecturer, Three hearing researchers were present for each
participant perspective from
slides and ASL interpreter. In the ‘without glasses’ session. One experimenter served both as a researcher
our mainstream classroom
condition, the ASL interpreter was shown on the left- and interpreter.
emulation in the “without
hand monitor and a second PC was used to display the
glasses” condition. The
ASL video. Participants
lecturer is shown on the
Participants were recruited through email and fliers
right-hand monitor; the ASL
The lecture materials were two short lectures (about 10 across the RIT campus during the summer of 2016.
interpreter is on the left-hand
minutes each), one about the life cycle of stars (Stars Students who expressed interest in participating were
lecture) and the other about Photography. The slides asked to complete a screening questionnaire to
of both lectures contained text and figures. The video determine eligibility: participants had to be at least 18
preparation followed the procedure adopted by Brandão years old, be DHH, use ASL interpreting as a classroom
et al. [1]. With these pre-recorded materials, the accommodation, and have the ability to see short and
information from the three visual sources was synched, long distances with or without correction. The Movereio
thus reducing the need to control the pace of lectures. eyewear could be worn over corrective glasses.

There were three measures that addressed the Our recruitment resulted in 15 participants: 12
question of lecture comprehension: 10 multiple choice identified as deaf/Deaf and 3 as hard of hearing. Three
This image shows a third questions, 4 transfer questions, and 6 retention of the participants wore corrective eyeglasses. No
party perspective from our questions. Like Brandão et al. [1], we did an participant had used the Moverio glasses previously.
classroom emulation in the assessment of participants’ knowledge of the two topics
“with glasses” condition. The prior to the lecture, asking them about their familiarity Experimental design
lecturer is shown on the with the lecture concepts using a 5-point Likert scale. We used a within-subjects design with two conditions
right-hand monitor; there At the end of each experimental session, the (with and without glasses) in which participants
was no lecture content experimenter conducted a semi-structured interview to watched each lecture under both conditions. That is,
displayed on the left-hand gather information about participants’ experiences with they viewed the lecture presentation directly while
monitor. the smart glasses. having ASL interpretation displayed on the glasses (the
‘with glasses condition’) or on a computer monitor (the
‘without glasses’ condition). The order of presentation classroom experience. Validating the motivation for
for conditions and lecture was counterbalanced to this work, the most commonly stated feedback from
reduce effects due to learning. With only 15 recruited the DHH participants was that without glasses they had
participants meeting study qualifications, there was a to frequently shift their attention between different
shortage of one participant in the ‘without glasses’ sources of information, often requiring the physical
condition. movement of their head. With the ASL interpretation
With / Without projected onto the glasses, this was minimized. As one
Glasses conditions
Results participant said: “I watched the interpreter more. And
To determine whether the glasses improved lecture I watched some of the slides, too, because it was easy
comprehension, scores from the multiple-choice to watch them at the same time. In real life, I have to
Multiple choice (N = 15) comprehension test were first examined. The resulting move and miss stuff. With the glasses, it was easy to
4.73 (1.62) 4.47 (1.85) scores (Table 1) were normally distributed. The paired move and follow both.”
t-test on these scores showed no significant difference
Transfer (N = 8/7)
between the ‘with glasses’ and ‘without glasses’ In terms of the usefulness of the eyewear, participants
Stars lecture
conditions (p>.05, two-tailed). frequently commented that they could imagine the
2.25 (1.03) 1.71 (1.11)
Photography lecture glasses being used in the classroom, reiterating that
1.14 ( .69) 1.50 (1.07) The independent t-tests on the transfer and retention the glasses helped to minimize or facilitate shifts
comprehension measures (Table 1) also resulted in no between visual sources. The potential for DHH
Retention (N = 8/7) significant difference between the two conditions students to do their own note-taking was raised: “Yes,
Stars lecture (p>.05, two-tailed). it is helpful because I liked that I could see the
3.00 (1.07) 2.29 (1.60)
interpreter sign and look at the PowerPoint. If I need
Photography lecture
3.00 (1.55) 3.38 ( .52) To help assess whether any prior knowledge of the to take notes myself, then it is easier.”
lecture content might have influenced performance on
_______________________ comprehension tests, we checked for any correlation There was little feedback about the interpreter
between participants’ Likert scales reports of knowledge positioning from these participants, suggesting that the
about the content prior to the lecture with their issues in the ASL projection found in the pilot work had
Table 1: Means and standard performance on the comprehension test. The been addressed in the experimental study.
deviations in the with / Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were not Specifically, these changes were the use of a dark
without glasses conditions for statistically significant for either the Stars lecture (R = - background for the ASL interpretation and the six
the three measures of lecture .07) or the Photography lecture (R = .13). Thus, viewing options.
comprehension. participants’ reported pre-lecture knowledge of these
two topics did not appear to influence their lecture Consistent with the pilot work, the participants
comprehension scores. complained that the Moverio glasses were
uncomfortable. Also, they often found themselves
The interviews with participants were coded to having to adjust the glasses position during a session
determine the eyewear experience in this simulated as the glasses slipped / moved.
Discussion Most notably, we see the need to find more comfortable
In this research we asked whether having ASL eyewear for this idea to be effective. The ability to
interpretation available in the same visual field as view materials directly is critical. We learned,
lecture presentations would facilitate the however, that so is comfort and look. Users of
comprehension of mainstream classroom lectures for technology do not wish to look ‘weird.’ In sum, choice
DHH students. Results of the quantitative measures for of eyewear device is critical.
comprehension showed no gains with the interpreter in
the same visual field; nor were there decrements when Given feedback from our pilot, we did not test the use
using the glasses. of captions in this experiment. In the future, displays
that allow projection of more text (e.g., as the
The qualitative results were more supportive of the HoloLens) offer a real opportunity to test the viability of
potential of this idea. Specifically, participants using captions for classroom lectures.
frequently mentioned that the glasses made the
lectures easier to watch and minimized head shift. Interestingly, several participants mentioned that using
eyewear with the projection of ASL interpreting offered
We note limitations with the methods used here that the potential opportunity for DHH students to take
likely influenced the comprehension results. Most notes during lectures. This is something we would like
noticeably, there were fewer participants than would to examine further.
have been ideal for this study. In addition, problems
with the lectures themselves may have caused an For our controlled experimental testing, we simulated a
underlying problem. The experimental lectures were classroom situation, having pre-recorded lectures,
each short and, not fully representative of a university slides, and ASL interpretation videos. For more realistic
lecture. testing, it would be useful to test this eyewear idea in a
live setting.
It is important to mention that the specific eyewear
used in this study was poorly rated by the participants Acknowledgments
in terms of comfort and fit. Their need to adjust the We are indebted to the support and encouragement of
glasses placement within sessions, for example, may Raja Kushalnagar in guiding the REU that made this
have distracted from any potential benefit. work possible. We also gratefully acknowledge funding
from NSF (grant #1460894 for REU SITE: Accessible
Future work Multimodal Interfaces) as well as seed funding for the
Our research participants give us reason for optimism work from RIT’s B. Thomas Golisano College of
about this approach for improving classroom Computing.
comprehension for DHH students. In future work,
however, we suggest some design changes as well new
use case scenarios.
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2.   Anna C. Cavender, Jeffrey P. Bigham, and Richard
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4.   Walter S. Lasecki, Raja Kushalnagar, and Jeffrey P.
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