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学 号:2015145022W

专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化



2019 年 6 月
Dr. Richard Zic( CEO and Founder )

Summary:With the rapid development of computer technology, Fundamentally

changing the traditional manufacturing industry, the industrial developed countries spent huge
sums of money on the modern manufacturing technology research and development, to create a
new model. In modern manufacturing systems, CNC technology is the key to technology, which
combines microelectronics, computers, information processing, automatic detection, automatic
control, such as the integration of advanced, a high-precision, high-efficiency, flexible
automation, and other characteristics, the manufacturing industry Flexible automation,
integrated, intelligent play the pivotal role. At present, NC technology is undergoing a
fundamental change, from a special closed-loop control mode to general-purpose real-time
dynamic open all closed-loop control mode.
For a long time, the CNC system is traditional closed architecture, but only as a non-intelligent
CNC machine controller. Process variables based on experience in the form of pre-fixed
parameters, processing procedures before the actual processing by hand or through CAD / CAM
and automatic programming system prepared. CAD / CAM and CNC have no feedback control
link, the entire manufacturing process CNC is a closed ring-opening implementing agencies. In a
complex and changing environment under the conditions of processing tool in the process of
composition, workpiece material, spindle speed, feed rate, tool path, cutting depth, step,
allowance and other processing parameters, not at the scene circumstances under external
interference and real-time dynamic random factors, not by random amendment feedback control
link CAD / CAM settings volume, in turn, affect the work of CNC machining efficiency and
product quality. Clearly, the traditional fixed CNC system that controlled mode and closed
architecture, limiting the CNC to the development of more intelligent control variables, can no
longer meet the increasingly complex manufacturing process, therefore, the CNC technology in
the potential for change inevitable.
CAD/CAM software are an interrelated mesh of computer programming systems that serve to
monitor, process and control the flow of manufacturing data. Modern day techniques rely
extensively on the integration of standards like the initial graphics exchange specification (IGES)
with automated path planning modules. The intent of such an integration is to maintain the
system as generic as possible. Integration of the various aspects of manufacturing systems
provides total automation of the system.
Machine vision system was used to generate the NC code to face mill any planar polygonal part.
The vision system helps to capture the image of the face of a polygonal object. This image is
decoded into edges and vertices by performing computations in software, based on simple image
processing rules. Then the software passes the control to a path planning module. This module
selects the most efficient tool path and generates the part program to face mill the part. This
paper presents a detailed description of the algorithm developed along with its application


Machine vision systems have been used for a wide variety of applications. These include the
inspection of routine industrial parts ~.4 and robotic assembly. 5.6 Vision systems have also been
integrated with robotic systems to provide automatic sensing of pose and velocity of the end
effector. With the advent of inexpensive computational hardware, machine vision systems have
emerged as an economic component in manufacturing systems.
During this century, the development of manufacturing was characterized by the increasing
efforts to automate machine processes. Numerical control (NC) of machine tools marked the
beginning of the era of computers in manufacturing. Numerous techniques have since been
developed to assist in this process. The NC machine tools have been interconnected by material
flow systems and assembly cells. The NC machines are supported by off-line software to
generate part programs and tape formats to machine a variety of part geometries. Off-line
software is created by path planning experts using NC CAD links like NC vision and NC link.
and DNC machines provide direct access to the machine via a control computer. However, there
are special occasions in a job shop where the part geometry changes (either due to design change
or vendor specification). In such cases, altering the NC path plan proves to be very cumbersome
and expensive. Hence, an integral module of vision, CAD and CAM should be used in facilities
with changing part environments.
module will help the machine to 'see' the part, extract its geometrical features and organize them
in an IGES type format. By the organization of geometric data, the machine can automatically
plan the machining sequence to attain better process efficiency. The pick and place devices, such
as a robot, can also be instructed based on the information generated by this integral module.
research has been done in the field of machine vision systems and in path planning. However,
there is no evidence of a machine vision system being integrated with path planning procedures.
In the present paper, a combination of machine vision, CAD and CAM are used in order to
develop a structure to define an efficient tool path for milling flat surfaces on parts.


The initial graphics exchange specification is a communication file structure for data produced
on and used by CAD systems, The objective of IGES is to provide a common standard for
automatic interchange of data between CAD and CAM systems. At the present time, there are
three types of computer models commonly used to represent solid objects.These are the
wireframe, boundary, and volume representation models. Each of these models has advantages
and disadvantages.
its present form, IGES does not accommodate volume representations. It stores data for an object
in terms of its exact position and orientation. This data is split up into various parts. For example,
a polyhedral shape is captured by the faces which form it. tThe daa for these faces are stored by
splitting them into edges that form them. These edges are further defined by the vertices forming
them. The vertices are stored in terms of their position and orientation with respect to the
coordinate axes. Consequently, the data for an entire object is stored in terms of its space
geometrical specification. Thus, IGES pertains to computer-oriented product definition and deals
with both CAD and CAM.
The data stored in an IGES format can form the input for many CAD/CAM applications. Modern
day techniques rely extensively on integration of such standards with automatic path generation
routines. There are a number of programs developed to generate the tool path to machine objects.

These CAM
packages are
mostly off-line
and used to
generate the
required part programs to machine objects in NC machines. Path planning modules provide the
user with a more efficient planning tool for generating efficient NC code. The only information
needed by the path planning module is the geometric features of the part to be machined.
The data stored in an IGES format can form the input for many CAD/CAM applications. Modern
day techniques rely extensively on integration of such standards with automatic path generation
routines. There are a number of programs developed to generate the tool path to machine objects.
These CAM software packages are mostly off-line and used to generate the required part
programs to machine objects in NC machines. Path planning modules provide the user with a
more efficient planning tool for generating efficient NC code. The only information needed by
the path planning module is the geometric features of the part to be machined.
path planning modules should generic as well as flexible. Hence, they
comply with the rules of optimal strategies. In face milling, there are types of path generating
strategies: milling and windowing, illustrated in
Both techniques find application in industry. Though efficient path planning is
optimal path planning is not evident in the literature.

Processing. A
capture system
was used in this study to the image of the polygonal faces of cast parts. The video capture system
is in Figure 2. The video capture consists of three main components: a
camera, a frame grabber, and a video interface board. The video capture system is a part of the
IBM PC based PC-EYE system.
Images were binary thresholded (black image on a white background). Pre-calibration was done
using strips of known dimensions to estimate scale factors. The boundary pixels of the object
were identified to detect the edges of the object. A two dimensional boundary walking technique
was used to encode the boundary of the object. The Hough transform technique was applied to
identify the edges of the object. Intersections of these edges were obtained by using Cramer's
rule. of Data. After obtaining the geometrical information of the part in terms of its faces, edges
and vertices, these data were organized in an IGES type format. Working on input obtained
through the vision system, the path planning module was created. Data for one face of the object
is obtained at one time. This face is then broken down into edges and vertices. The first task of
the developed algorithm is the renumbering of the vertices. This step was done so as to keep an
orderly track of the vertices and to keep it as generic as possible.
The vertices have been organized, the relation of each of the edges in that face has to be uniquely
determined. That is, the angular orientation of the edges have to be determined. The angles of
each of the lines is determined as follows:
For the forward loop, the angles are calculated from one vertex to the next until the maximum X
coordinate is reached;

For the reverse loop, the first angle is calculated as the angle of the line vector going from the
first vertex to the last vertex. The angles for subsequent lines are calculated with respect to the
present vertex and the vertex previous to it until the maximum X coordinate is reached.
calculating the angles, the program passes the control to the CAM routine. The information
needed apart from the CAD data is the feed rate and the diameter of the cutter.
Planning. Milling is ancutting operation and is usually to produce flat and contoured.
Milling machines and millingare generally classified on the basis the relationship that exists
between the and the workpiece. In face milling, a mill is employed to machine the (Figure 3).The
nature of the relationship between cutter and the work is illustrated in Figure.
proceeds by
rotation of the
cutter with to
the work. .
Hence, cutting
and depth of
cut are the
affect the quality of the machined. This swarf is automatically at the exit. Very large depths of
cut are permitted owing to machine stability and clearance. As previously mentioned,are two
ways in which the tool travels the workpiece. These are classified as path and windowing path.
The main CAM routine was split into many subroutines to keep it flexible.Different cases were
accommodated as in Figures 5 and 6. An overhang of 1*D was used where signifies the cutter so
that the tool path is minimized.Down by defining vertical lines,which are 0.9*D apart starting
from the initial point.
advantage of using this integral software for automated path planning lies in the fact that it is
fully generic and automatic. After compiling the generated NC code, the cutter path could be
viewed. Since the algorithm is developed for machining any polygonal face, it can be applied in
many industrial situations. Routine polygonal flat parts of aluminum were fabricated to close
tolerances ( 0.01 to -0.01 / 0.254 mm to -0.254 mm). These were tested using the software
developed. The image acquisition and processing were implemented using an IBM PC. Figures
8-13 illustrate the results of the testing. The results of the major phases of software development
are presented for two geometries (a triangle and a parallelogram). The major phases for each
geometry are: the image of the face, the encoded boundary of the object, the coordinates of the
vertices, and the generated NC path.

An inexpensive modular system was developed for automatic path generation. The system
included three major facets of CAM: machine vision, CAD database, and NC part program. The
machine vision system was used to acquire the images of the polygonal face of an object. Edges
and vertices of the object were encoded by digital image processing principles. These data were
organized in an IGES format. These were then manipulated using software capabilities to
automatically plan the path to mill that particular face. The software developed was kept highly
generic and flexible. Since the vision system used was inexpensive, the developed software is
economical as well.
From its economic feature, the techniques employed were simple. Due to its application, this
algorithm provides the present state of research with an easier tool for automated NC path
planning. Cumbersome calculations and monotony of path planning are avoided with this tool.
Implementation of such an algorithm on firmware and hardware of CNC ceriters will advance
the generation of research in this field. NC technology development trends Performance
development direction speed high-precision efficient speed, accuracy and efficiency of
machinery manufacturing technology is the key performance indicators. As a result of the high-
speed CPU chips, RISC chip, as well as multi-CPU control system with high-resolution detector
of the absolute exchange digital servo system, taken at the same time improve the machine
dynamic and static characteristics of effective measures, the high-speed high-precision machine
has been efficient greatly enhanced,includes two aspects: CNC system itself flexibility, NC
system is modular in design, functional coverage, can be cut and strong, and easy to meet the
needs of different users; group control system flexibility, with a control system pursuant to the
requirements of different processes, materials flow and information flow automatically
dynamically adjusted to maximize their group control system performance of composite and
multi-axis to reduce the process time for the main purpose of supporting the composite
processing, and are moving towards multi-axis, multi-function control of the direction of series
development. NC Machine Tool Technology composite refers to the workpiece in a single
machine on a fixture, through an automatic tool change, rotating spindle head or turntable, and
other measures to accomplish multiple processes, multi-surface machining compound. Axis CNC
technology, Siemens 880-axis control system for up to 24 axes.


The user interface is graphical user interface with the CNC system of dialogue between the user
interface. Since different users interface requirements are different, thus the development of the
workload of great user interface, user interface software developed into the most difficult part of.
At present INTERNET, virtual reality, visualization in scientific computing and multimedia
technologies, such as the user interface has put a higher demand. Graphical user interface greatly
facilitates the use of non-professional users, it can be carried out through the window and menu
operation, ease of programming and blueprint for rapid programming, three-dimensional
dynamic three-dimensional color graphics, graphics, simulation, graphics, dynamic tracking and
simulation, and the different directions view and partial display ratio scaling function can be
achieved in scientific computing can be used for efficient data processing and interpretation of
data, so that the exchange of information is no longer limited to using the written word and
language, and can direct the use of graphics, image, animation, video and other information.
Visualization technology and virtual environment technology, to further broaden the application
areas, such as a drawing design, virtual prototyping technology, which shorten product design
cycles, improving product quality, reduce production cost is of great significance. NC technology
in the areas of visualization technology can be used for CAD / CAM, such as automatic
programming design parameters automatically set, tool compensation and tool management of
dynamic data processing and display, as well as the processing of visual simulation, and other

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