Investigation Report 2

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academic year
European School - International Section- IB/MYP
Formative assessment task

Subject: Physics Teacher: Ia Kurashvili

Grade:10 A Student: Matey Fedorov

Date: 10.02.23 Duration:

Type: Investigation report

Title: " Speci ic heat capacity of different objects "
Unit “Transformation by steam ”

I. Instructions:
• Write report of the investigation : “Speci ic heat capacity of different objects “
• Please, upload the completed task in Word/PDF/ etc.


In order to meet objective B - Inquiring and designing

You should:

i.Describe a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation

ii. Outline a testable hypothesis and explain it using scienti ic reasoning
iii. Describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how data will be collected
iv. Design scienti ic investigations

In order to meet objective C - Processing and evaluating

You should:

i.Present collected and transformed data

ii. Interpret data and describe results using scienti ic reasoning
iii. Discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scienti ic investigation
iv. Discuss the validity of the method
Assessment rubric
Criterion B / Inquiring and designing
(maximum 8)

Achievement Level descriptor

0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 The student is able to:
i. state a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation
ii. outline a testable hypothesis
iii. outline the variables
iv. design a method, with limited success.
3-4 The student is able to:
i. outline a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation
ii. formulate a testable hypothesis using scienti ic reasoning
iii. outline how to manipulate the variables, and outline how relevant
data will be collected
iv. design a safe method in which he or she selects materials and
5-6 The student is able to:
i. describe a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation
ii. formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using scienti ic
iii. describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how
suf icient, relevant data will be collected
iv. design a complete and safe method in which he or she selects
appropriate materials and equipment.
7-8 The student is able to:
i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation
ii. formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scienti ic
iii. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how suf icient,
relevant data will be collected
iv. design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she
selects appropriate materials and equipment.

Criterion C / Processing and evaluating

(maximum 8)
Achievement Level descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors
1-2 The student is able to:
i. Collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
ii. interpret data
iii. state the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scienti ic
iv. state the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scienti ic
v. state improvements or extensions to the method.
3-4 The student is able to:
i. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results
iii. outline the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scienti ic
iv. outline the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scienti ic
v. outline improvements or extensions to the method that would bene it
the scienti ic investigation.
5-6 The student is able to:
i. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or
visual forms
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using scienti ic
iii. discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a
scienti ic investigation
iv. discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scienti ic
v. describe improvements or extensions to the method that would bene it
the scienti ic investigation.
7-8 The student is able to:
i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical
and/ or visual forms
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scienti ic
iii. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a
scienti ic investigation
iv. evaluate the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scienti ic
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method that would bene it
the scienti ic investigation.
Criterion B: Inquiry and Designing
i. Describe a problem or question to be tested by a scienti ic investigation

Title of investigation:
Calculating speci ic heat capacity of different objects

Purpose of your experiment:

Calculate speci ic heat capacities of three different metals with the formula by determining the
mass and temperature difference of the metals.

ii. Outline a testable hypothesis and explain it using scienti ic reasoning

Prediction (what do you think will happen?):
We will determine different properties of the given metals (mass and temperature difference).
Then we will calculate the speci ic heat capacities of the metals using a special formula and
the properties determined in the experiment.
We will be able to use the data obtained in the experiment to perform calculations in order to
determine the speci ic heat capacity of the metals.

iii. Design scienti ic investigations

Method (how you will carry out your experiment):

Write a list of the materials you will be using here
1. Water (150 ml total)
2. Cu (58 g)
3. Zn (58 g)
4. Sn (58 g)
5. 3 Cups
6. Thermometer
7. Scales

Now try to write step-by-step instructions for how to carry out your investigation :
1. Pour water into the cups.
2. Measure the initial temperature of water.
3. Put the metals into the water.
4. Measure the temperature of water with metals.
5. Perform calculations to determine the speci ic heat capacity of the metals.

Be careful with liquids. Wear gloves and overcoats. Contact the teacher in case of emergency.


Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

i. Present collected and transformed data
Table of data.

Metal Temperat Temperat Mass of Mass of Speci ic Final

ure ure water, kg metal, kg heat temp. of
(water), *C (metal), *C capacity the
(water), mixture,
J/Kg *C *C
1 22.6 100 0.05 0.058 4200 28.74
2 22.6 100 0.05 0.058 4200 25
3 22 100 0.05 0.058 4200 26

ii. Interpret data and describe results using scienti ic reasoning

Observations & Calculations
To determine speci ic heat capacities of the three metals we will use the following formula:
C = E/(m*ΔT)

But in order to do that we need to determine E irst. E(water) = E (metal)

E (water 1) = 0.05 kg * 4200 J/kg C * (28.74 - 22.6) C = 1289.4 J
E (metal 1) = 1289.4 J
C (metal 1) = 1289.4 J/0.058 kg*(100 - 22.6) C = 287.2 J/kg C

E (water 2) = 0.05 kg * 4200 J/kg C * (25 - 22.6) C = 504 J

E (metal 2) = 504 J
C (metal 2) = 504 J/0.058*(100-25) C = 116 J/kg C

E (water 3) = 0.05 kg * 4200 J/kg C * (26 - 22) C = 840 J

E (metal 3) = 840 J
E (metal 3) = 840J/0.058 kg * (100 - 22) C = 185.7 J/kg C
After performing the calculations with the data obtained during the experiment, I was able to
determine speci ic heat capacities of the 3 metals:
C (1) = 287.2 J/kg C
C (2) = 116 J/kg C
C (3) = 185.7 J/kg C


Speci ic heat capacity





Metal 1 Metal 2 Metal 3
iii. Discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scienti ic
My results matched the hypothesis as I was able to determine the speci ic heat capacity of the
metals by obtaining data in the experiment and using this data to perform necessary

iv. Discuss the validity of the method

My calculations were not exactly accurate as I was simplifying periodical decimals.

v. Describe improvements or extensions to the method

I would make the experiment in person instead of watching a video of it.

Good luck!

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