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Chapter Three

Project Design
3.0 Introduction
This project is insight into design and implementation of studio management
system. The primary aim of this project is to improve accuracy and enhance safety
and effiency of the studio store. Today management is one of the most essential
features of all forms.

3.1 Data dictionary

A data dictionary is the collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a
data model for the benefits of programmers and others who need to refer them. A
first step is analyzing a system of objects with which users interact to identify
each objects and its relationship to other objects. Using Data Dictionary for the
advantage of completeness helps the data programmer to know when data is clear,
complete, and well defined. It does so by informing as to what completeness is
defined as in any instance in question and by detailing the steps that are necessary
to take to achieve completeness.

3.1.1 Data item dictionary

3.1.2 Data structure dictionary
A dictionary data structure is one which is capable of storing objects in sorted
order based on key such as a string or integer. For instance, say you have several
hundred base objects which consist of the name of the base, the latitude and
longitude at which it is located and its armaments. One way of storing this cities is
to sort them by name, another is to store them in decreasing order by armaments,
yet another is increasing order by latitude. Primarily, the dictionary component
will store based on some sort of a string key, such as the name of base and target.
this dictionary is to provide us with an easy way to see what data points we have
already entered into our software database.

3.1.3 Data store dictionary

A data store is a repository for persistently storing and managing collections of
data which include not just repositories like database, but also simpler store types
as simple files, emails and etc. A database is a series of bytes that is managed by
database management system (DBMS). A file is a series of bytes that is managed
by file system. Thus, any database or file is a series of bytes that, once stored, is
called data store.
Patients Table
Id Primary key
Name Name of the customar
service the job customar went
Phone Phone number of the customar
location where the work is to be done
Date Date registered by the customar
price the cost of working for cusomar

3.1.4 Data flow dictionary

In computers, the path of data from source document to data entry to processing to final
reports. Data changes format and sequences 5(within a file) as it moves from program
to program.
In communications, the path taken by a message from origination to destination that
includes all nodes through which data travels.

3.1.5 Function description dictionary

3.2 Data design
3.2.1 Entities and Attributes
Entity and attribute are the most common terms of DBMS. The fundamental
difference between the entity and attribute is that an entity is an object that exists
in a real-world and can be easily distinguished among all other objects of real-
world whereas, the attributes define the characteristics or the properties of an
entity on the basis of which it is easily distinguishable among other entities of the
Entities which is riper scented by rectangles. An entity is an object or concept about
which you want to store information.
A weak entity is an entity that most defined by foreign key relationship with another
entity as it cannot be uniquely identified by its own attributes alone.
Actions, which are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities share
information in the database. Create 3NF designs for all tables, taking care to identify
all primary and foreign keys

What is Normalization?
Database Normalization is a technique of organizing the data in the database.
Normalization is a systematic approach of decomposing tables to eliminate data
redundancy (repetition) and undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update and
Deletion Anomalies. It is a multi-step process that puts data into tabular form,
removing duplicated data from the relation tables.

Normalization is important for many reasons, but chiefly because it allows databases to
take up as little disk space as possible, resulting in increased performance.
Normalization is also known as data normalization.
The three main types of normalization are listed below. Note: "NF" refers to "normal form."
• 1NF
• 2NF
• 3NF

Normalization is used for mainly

two purposes,  Eliminating
redundant (useless) data.
 Ensuring data dependencies make sense i.e data is logically stored.

First Normal Form (1NF)

First normal form (1NF) sets the fundamental rules for database normalization and
relates to a single table within a relational database system.
The first step in confirming 1NF is modifying multivalued columns to make sure
that each column in a table does not take more than one entry.
Searching records with duplicate entries is complex. To overcome this situation,
all records involved in a relational database table have to be identified by a unique
value which will have a separate column (or attribute). This unique key is called
an index key and is used to locate data for retrieval or other manipulation.
Having a unique key does not resolve the requirements of 1NF. According to the
rules, there can be no multiple entries into a single field. For example, in a data
table of customer information, a single field could be allowed to store multiple
entries, such as where a customer has multiple telephone numbers. This is a
violation of the 1NF rules. This particular problem in our example can be resolved
by creating a customer ID index in the main table and then adding a separate table
that has a column for the telephone numbers and another column for the customer
This allows proper use of relational queries to extract data from a relational
database. Null, or multiple entry fields both cause issues with data manipulation
and extraction so the normalizing process removes ambiguity.
Removing repeating values from a table is the next step toward first normalized form.
Repeating values can be moved to a new table.
The final step in implementing first normal form is maintaining atomicity of data. Each
individual field should hold the smallest data element possible to facilitate easy sorting and
searching. For instance, the date column can be separated into day, month and year.
Tables satisfying first normal form can also contain functionally dependent fields.

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Second normal form (2NF) is the second step in normalizing a database. 2NF builds on
the first normal form (1NF).
After meeting the requirements of 1NF, 2NF requires the database designer to do the
1. Split up all data resulting in many-to-many relationships and store the data as separate
For example, in a database used by a school’s application, two of the tables are
STUDENT and SUBJECT. In real life, a student takes several subjects
simultaneously while a subject is studied by several students. These are many-to-
many relationships. 2NF states that this relationship must be split into more than
the two tables above (STUDENT and SUBJECT). One way of splitting them is by
introducing a third table, which contains the columns Student_ID, Subject_ID,
Semester and Year. In this way, there is no direct relationship between
STUDENT and SUBJECT because all relationships are created indirectly through
the third table. 2. Create relationships between tables by use of foreign keys.
A table for which there are no partial functional dependencies on the primary key
might or might not be in 2NF. In addition to the primary key, the table may
contain other candidate keys; it is necessary to establish that no non-prime
attributes have part-key dependencies on any of these candidate keys.

Third Normalization Form (3NF)

Third normal form (3NF) is the third step in normalizing a database and it builds on the
first and second normal forms, 1NF and 2NF.
3NF states that all column reference in referenced data that are not dependent on
the primary key should be removed. Another way of putting this is that only
foreign key columns should be used to reference another table, and no other
columns from the parent table should exist in the referenced table.
3.3 Interface & Screens Design

3.4 Input, Output & report Design.
3.5 Control Design.
Chapter Four
Project implementation
4.0 Introduction
Chapter four will present the details of Application Development including Modules,
Refer to DFDs, process descriptions, ERDs in detailed way.
User Manual will always be presented in detailed format that will enable the
understanding of the chapter four, and we will mention all the chapters’ parts in simple.

Project implementation
Implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or
any design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As
such, implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in
order for something to actually happen.
In an information technology (IT) context, software or hardware implementation
encompasses all the post-sale processes involved in something operating properly
in its environment, including analyzing requirements, installation, configuration,
customization, running, testing, systems integrations, user training, delivery and
making necessary changes.

4.1 Application Development

4.1.1 Modules
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ timer
); main
mf =

private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

{ t


public partial class

main : Form



this.StartPosition =
FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; private void
btnexit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
e void
{throw new NotImplementedException();
private void btnlogin_Click(object
sender, EventArgs e
if (txtemail.Text.Trim()==""&& txtpassword.Text.Trim()=="")
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Username and
Password "); if ( txtemail.Text=="Girls"&&
MessageBox.Show("You Are Successfullyy Login");
Form2 frm2
= new
; }

Dashboard cord

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void fillform(object fillfm)
if (this.pnlfill.Controls.Count > 0)
Form fm = fillfm as Form;
fm.TopLevel = false;
fm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
this.pnlfill.Tag = fm;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void Camerabtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form2());

private void Designbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form3());

private void Decorationbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form5());

private void Computerbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form4());

private void Notesbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form6());

private void Homebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void Employeebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

fillform(new Form7());

private void guna2PictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Camera form

1 Camera cods form

A. Save cord
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=DESKTOP-1C0SD58;initial catalog=ritwanDB;integrated
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update ms SET
lass WHERE ID=@ID", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", txtid.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", bunifuMaterialTextbox2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Gender", cmb.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", dtp.Value);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Shift", bunifuMaterialTextbox3.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", bunifuMaterialTextbox4.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Degmada", bunifuMaterialTextbox5.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StudentClass", txtclass.Text);
2 Desing form

Designs form cord

A Save cord
Decoration form

Decoration form cord

Computer soluotion
Computer soluotion cord



4.1.2 Refer to DFDs, process descriptions, ERDs

4.2 User manual
This program will use inevitably involves the user or pharmacist as it will be used
as a way to show that we will emerge Manual if Allah says, interrupted. It will
also use the mini users a nursing clinic from operating in the relevant time to use.
As this program is designed to register all patient visits the clinical and medical
products to bring the clinic dates and type are As well as those who produced it
and gram it also intended to register staff to operate the new clinic.
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Future work

5.0 Introduction
We are going to talk in this chapter about some tips that our system will need in
the future. We have made clear to the way, we had collected data for our project,
and we also pointed some things which may require future reform.

5.1 Future work

In the future we will increase the system construction sector and will be
interconnected system. We will store management and important parts of the
studio, we will also contribute to the planning.
We wishing to do many things projects like this project.
Our aim is how to develop our country side of technology we wishing to change the
classic or manual ways that many companies in Somaliland using this time.
studio management system is a system which its first step to change the studio
performance of keeping data of registering as well as the other important
This system will help users to manage the victim information and make sure that all
important data will be able to use in the future time.
Including data reporting to those who concerned, as well as to do research from
the data that had kept in the database system as this system will be used for the
AWLIBAH STUDIO Management system, all the process will be done through
standard computers.

5.2 Conclusion
Effective implementation of this software will take care of the basic requirements
of the pharmacy management system because it is capable of providing easy and
effective storage of information related to activities happening in the stipulated
area. With these, the objectives of the system will be achieved.
In order to allow for future expansion, the system has been designed in such a
way that will allow possible modification as it may deem necessary by the
pharmacy management, when ever ideas arises.

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