KARU ZONE 2022 Report 2023 Plan

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Prayers and Evangelism
Evangelism was held once a week either on Wednesdays
or Fridays, this was mostly due to the availability of
members of the team as we were 5 persons assigned to
this zone. Two persons were in regular attendance.

Bus Operations
We were unable to regularly station a bus at our zone
as most times our bus would need to have to be shared
with others causing a delay in our pick up or having
members walk long distances to get to the bus.

Bulk SMS and Call Center

Bulk SMSs and calls were made regularly to members of
our Zones to ensure their attendance at services and to
also inform them of bus pickups Approximate cost
implication (per weekend) Bulk SMS: 3000 Airtime for
calls: 2000

We visited a member who was strong and gave some
money for treatment. We also visited some members
whom we had not seen in a while to encourage them and
remind them about church activities
2023 PLAN

2023 PLAN

Prayers and Evangelism

We plan to pray and intercede for members on our Zones on
Friday and also go out for evangelism on this day.

Train with the trainer

Karu Site is well known for the weekend when everyone
comes out for some sort of exercise. We plan to establish our
own tent where we would invite people to join us to work
out after which we preach the gospel.

Cost implication
Workout mats: N32,500
Bottled water (for a weekend): N5,400

Skill acquisition
In an area In Karu Site precisely Salasi Street, it houses a
brothel on its street after interaction with the ladies we
discovered that they needed to be empowered to learn a
new skill so that they can leave that lifestyle. There are also
quite a number of jobless young men together with those
who have menial jobs but are looking for better Jobs.

Cost implication
Tailoring apprenticeship for 3 ladies: N90,000
Shoemaking apprenticeship for 3 men: N90,000
2023 PLAN
Viewing Centers
We plan to install 4 -6 viewing centers across Karu Site.
Specifically at Salasi Street, Primos Hospital, Psychiatric
Hospital and it’s environs Cost implication Decoder and
installation: N30,000

Bus Procurement
Karu Site plans to procure a bus for our bus
operations that will in turn reduce the overhead
costs spent periodically for operations to church.
Cost implication
A 32 Seater Coaster - NGN 15,000,000,000.00

Shop for Free

Karu Site plans to have a shop for free by the 2nd
Quarter of 2023.

Cost implication
5 Bags of Rice - N175,000.00
5 Bags of garri - N140,000.00
20 Cartons of Indomie - N98,000.00

Financial Report
Please find the financial report in form of a breakdown
attached to this report. Zonal coordinators contributed to
the payment of busses for COZA Tuesday service and on
some occasions buses for Saturday evangelism.

Bus Operations -PICK UP AND DROP OFF report

From the month of October till 15th January 2023, a total
of 1,129 people were picked up from Karshi, Karu, and
Abacha road axis, while a total of 1,343 persons were
dropped off. A total number of buses uses were
used for Sunday and other operations in Karu Campus
2023 PLAN

2023 PLAN
Prayers and Evangelism
We intend to fast and pray on Thursdays for COZA global
and the expansion of the Kingdom through her. The
fasting and prayers will not only include CTS Members
but also bus captains that we work with in the various
zones in Karu and it’s environs

Project: Take over

We plan to assist zonal coordinators by carrying out
detailed scouting and surveying of our various zones in
Karu while also discovering new zones and areas in Karu.
Rather than separate the workforce into zones we
suggest that we( the workforce) focus our strength on a
zone with a given timeline and expected turn out from
evangelism, assisting in establishing new viewing centers
and training bus captains ( establishing that zone before
moving on to the next )

Train and reign

Because we are most times the first point of interaction
for members or first-timers coming to the church through
the buses, we plan to strengthen our call center. This is so
that we can clear out our database of numbers and focus
on those that are yielding to the Holy Spirit. Cost
implication Airtime for calls made per session: N3,000

As my Prophet Said (WhatsApp groups).

We have noticed little or no interaction during the week in our
groups only on service days. We plan to have daily
Declarations in line with our GSP’s teachings and Prophecies
from DPE and from services. This is done to ensure that no one
is left behind iin what God is doing in COZA.
2023 PLAN
Recruitment Wednesdays
We intend to fast and pray on Thursdays for COZA global
and the expansion of the Kingdom through her. The
fasting and prayers will not only include CTS Members
but also bus captains that we work with in the various
zones in Karu and it’s environs

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