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1. Norma Flora the bacteria that live on us protect us from more harmful microbes they also help in vitamin production they stimulate immune development and keep one another from growing in excess by competition. 2. Biotechnology we can obtain things from them that we are insufficient in like insulin/human growth hormone/blood clotting factors ...etc 3. Industrial Fermentation of food/beverages Sewage treatment Bioremediation(when microbes are used to destroy/break down toxic wastes to make them less lethal) Pest control 4. Ecology Responsible for the survival of all other life decomposition - break down complex organic molecules so it can be used by other organisms

There are many bacteria that are beneficial, and sometimes even necessary, to human life. These useful bacteria are often overlooked due to the negative effects associated with other bacterial species. A normal healthy person is actually colonized by bacteria on their skin and in their body. In the digestive tract are bacteria, the most famous of which is Lactobacillus acidopholus, which aid in digestion, compete with possibly virulent bacteria that are inhaled on a daily basis, synthesize vitamins, convert dietary fiber, and degrade toxins. There are more bacteria in the large intestine than there are cells in the human body. The bacteria also aid in developing a vigorous immune response; more than half of the body's immune tissue is located in the lining of the small intestine. All of the digestive tract bacteria are discharged from the body daily and renewed without causing disease. Antibiotics actually end up depleting the intestinal flora leaving a person susceptible to other infections. Staphylococcus epidermidis and P. acnes are two bacterial species that are naturally present on the skin; Streptococcus mutans is present in the mouth. These bacteria species can cause infection, acne, or dental plaques if not kept in check, but also compete out more virulent species of bacteria. Eliminating these colonizing species altogether would leave a person vulnerable to more severe infections.

There are also now bacteria being added to foods such as yogurt, which is itself a probiotic (live bacteria) culture. These are expected to aid in immune responses and digestion as well as alleviate lactose intolerance. Both Yoplait and Breyers brands tout such "live and active cultures" of useful bacteria.

Great for the Environment

Life as we -know it could not exist without bacteria. Bacteria are very important to the health of Earth. They help recycle dead animals and plants. Bacteria also play an important role in the nitrogen cycle.

Nitrogen Fixation

Most living things depend on plants. Plants need nitrogen! grow. Nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of the air, but most plants cannot use nitrogen directly from the air. They need to take in a different form of nitrogen. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria take in nitrogen from the air and change it to a form that plants can use. This process, called nitrogen fixation,.

Bacteria in Your Food

Believe it or not, people raise bacteria for food! Every time you eat cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, or sour cream, you are also eating bacteria. Lactic acid-producing bacteria break down the sugar in milk, which is called lactose. In the process, the bacteria change lactose into lactic acid. Lactic acid preserves and adds flavor to the food.

Good for Human

Bacteria do much more than help keep our environment clean. Bacteria also help produce many of the foods we eat every day. they even help make important medicines.

Cleaning Up Environment

Bacteria and other microorganisms are also used to fight pollution. Bioremediation means using microorganisms to change harmful chemicals into harmless ones. Bioremediation is used to clean up hazardous waste from industries, farms, and cities. It is -also used to clean up [oil spills. The Scientists also are use bacteria to remove pollutants from the soil.

Recycling leaves: have you ever seen dead leaves and twigs on a forest floor? These leaves and twigs are recycled over time with the help of bacteria. Decomposer bacteria break down dead plant and animal matter, peaking down dead matter makes nutrients available to other living things.

Making Medicines

Whats the best way to fight disease-causing bacteria? Would you believe that the answer is to use other bacteria? Antibiotics are medicines used to kill bacteria and other micro organisms. Many antibiotics are made by bacteria.


The human body needs insulin to break down and use sugar! and carbohydrates. People who have diabetes do not make enough insulin. In the 1970s, scientists discovered how to

put) genes into bacteria so that the bacteria would make human insulin. The insulin can then be separated from the bacteria and given to people who have diabetes.

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