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Wangxian Prompts

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-
Con, Underage
Category: Multi
Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)
Relationship: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī
& Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn & Wēn Qíng, Wèi
Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn & Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Jiāng Yànlí & Wèi Yīng
| Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī & Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi
Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn,
Sòng Lán | Sòng Zǐchēn/Xiǎo Xīngchén, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Lán
Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Character: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī,
Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, The Untamed (TV) Cast, Wēn Cháo (Módào
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Omega
Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Mating Cycles/In
Heat, Temporary Amnesia, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī is Lán Zhàn | Lán
Wàngjī and Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn's Child, Dark Lán Zhàn | Lán
Wàngjī, Protective Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Top Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī,
Bottom Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Loves Wèi Yīng
| Wèi Wúxiàn, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Loves Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī,
Yílíng Lǎozǔ Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Rabbits, Time Travel, creature
feature, Sailor Scout Untamed Cast, Dark Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén,
Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate
Universe - Modern Setting, Will add more tags in the future, Intersex
Omegas, Boypussy, Futanari, Reverse Futanari, Mpreg, WILL ADD
Stats: Published: 2020-10-29 Completed: 2021-11-25 Chapters: 85/85 Words:

Wangxian Prompts
by Alryetagory


As the tin says, this offers primarily a Wangxian Prompt dump with a semi self fill for each
one! Looking for some inspiration? Then come on in!

1) The Black Jade
2) Weaving you my Heart
3) Sailor Moon AU
4) Blind AU
5) Bride of the Twin Jades
6) Moon Rabbit
7) Royal AU
8) Modern Royal AU
9) Modern Hybrid AU
10) Among Us
11) You're Mine
12) The Twin Jades' Lotus
13) Say that you Love Me
14) Reborn in a Magical World
15) Mafia AU

More to be added


This prompt suddenly smacked me mid MDZS marathon. I have also read a few Dark!LWJ
fics and am enjoying a really good Yiling Patriarch!LWJ fic. I also liked how the role
reversal makes Lan Zhan 100x scarier and at the same time so much more in love with Wei
Ying. And thus this was born!!
The Black Jade Pt 1

The Black Jade (Yiling Patriarch), a Demon among Alphas, was a name know all across the
Cultivation world and greatly feared. He supposedly singlhandledly attacked and killed Qingshan
Wen, only sparing a few who joined him. He vanished not long after the Wens were killed and now
he is back, only 5 years after he vanished. What does he want? Will there be another slaughter like
last time? And what does he have to do with mystery surrounding the Red Lotus of Yunmeng?


Wei Ying looked up from where he was tending his little horde of rabbits. The soft giggles of his 4,
soon to be 5, year old son playing not to far from him the only comfort the Omega had these days.
After Sunshot campaign that was won by one man while the rest of them hand been scrambling
around trying to gather their strength and rescue loved ones, things had gone rather pear shaped for

He remembers Wen Chao about to take advantage of his forced heat with the aid of Wen Zhuliu
and then waking up in the recovery hall of the slowly rebuilding Yunmeng Jiang's Lotus Pier with
Jiang Ch- Sect Leader Jiang glaring at him. He was then accused of being Wen Chao's whore and
carrying his bastard. Wei Ying, as an Omega, knew that no matter what happened his reputation
was beyond saving and that he would be ridiculed for the rest of his life. When Sect Leader Jiang
ordered him to terminate his pregnancy; he refused. He would not punish the child for the sins of
the father, if Wen Chao was truly the sire of his baby. Needless to say, everyone minus perhaps
Jiang Yanli, Nie Huaisong, his recently discovered Uncle Xiao Xingcheng, and oddly enough Lan
Xichen and the Lan Sect seemed to be on his side. He was no longer allowed to go on Night Hunts
or any kind of hunt. He wasn't really allowed to train or train others. He spend his days inventing
new talismens and tools to aid others while raising his child.

Wei Yuan gave a shriek and Wei Ying looked up just as he saw Jin Guangshan, Jiang Wanyin and
Elder Lan Queen marching toward him. He quickly grabs his son close, a son who looked nothing
like a Wen. He looked almost like Lan Xhichen, but that was impossible and the one Alpha he
wanted had vanished when the Cloud Recess burned at the start of the Sunshot campaign.
Whatever was going on, he felt like his world was going to til again on its axis and he is not sure of
he will be able to land on his feet or if someone will catch him this time...
The Black Jade Pt 2

Wei Ying sat in a palaquin, Wei Yaun held tightly to his chest. He was in a state of shock after the
two Sect Leaders and a Sect Elder informed him that it was past due to for an Omega his age to
find a mate. They had arranged a few suitable candidates that were willing to claim a-Yaun as
theirs if he pasted the tests. When Wei Ying asked what tests, they has said that, again, it was past
due to find out who sired his son and if said father was indeed Wen Chao, they needed to...
"Cleanse" the Wen Stain. Wei Ying had quickly summoned Suiban and Told Wei Yaun to go into
their quarters and hide. However before a fight could break out. Zidian had wrapped tight around
his wrist and his world faded into pain and screaming. He woke up here, His son pressed tight to
his chest and fron the sounds of things their things were in a cart behind them. Riding with them
were Xianxian and Jiji, their favorite rabbits. But that offered little comfort.

Anyone with eyes would be able to tell that Wei Yaun looked nothing like a Wen! In fact, Yaun
looked a bit like a Lan, and that was not his wishful thinking talking. He made certain expressions
that reminded him of--

No, he could not think of the dead, no matter how much he loved and missed him. How he wished
he sired Yaun. He peeked outside the curtain to see they were surrounded by Lanling Jin disciples
and that Jin Guangshan was riding his horse beside them. Wei Ying growls low and curls up with
his son, if they want to "cleanse" his son, they would have to do it over his dead body and even
then he would rise as a Fierce Corpse to protect his only child...

Word had spread throughout the Cultivation world about the tournament being held for the Red
Lotus of Yunmeng's hand in marriage. Every Alpha available was coming to compete. Wei Ying
had been one of the few Omegas to not only participate in the Sunshot campaign before he was
"injured" toward the end, but he was a prodigy and highly skilled Cultivator with ties to the
Baoshen Sanren! Anyone who took him for a mate would gain not only fame, but wealth since he
was the adopted son of the Jiang Sect as well as power from bonding with such a powerful
Omega!! Their children would be gifted in both power and looks!

While some were fueled by greed, a few were entering to protect Wei Ying and his son from being
made into a scapegoat for the corrupted elders and those to blinded by their own hubris to see what
is really before them. Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen and a few others were hoping to protect the Omega
from further harm and humiliation. It was bad enough everyone believed Wei Ying's son was Wen
Chao 's bastard or worse Wen Zhuliu's son. The Core Melter was more feared and hated than Wen
Chao, Wen Xu and Wen Rouhan combined!

Word had indeed spread and a certain Black Jade awoke. It was time to claim what was rightfully
his and he will kill anyone who dares to think otherwise....
The Black Jade Pt 3

"Shameless!" the voice is sharp and strained but barely more than a whisper.

"Sorry, sorry! But it--" he cuts off with a strangled whimper and the heady scent of heat finally hits
the young Alpha who gasps.

"Wei Ying!" He hisses in horrified realization.

"Please.... I... Just let me stay in the water.... Please leave!" He begs.

Silver eyes blink as he gazes at the cold pond, the same place he could have finally confessed to
HIM but because he looked so scared, more so than Wei Ying who had not expected that someone
would steal his suppressants and force him to go into heat. He couldn't. He begged him to leave
and sat under the natural waterfall in the frigid water for the whole week and half of his heat. It
was so much worse due to the suppressants and alcohol he took to keep it at bay for as long as
possible. It was never his intention to have a heat here of all places. Back home, he had Jiejie and
even Madam Yu could not ignore his needs or well being because Omegas literally forget anything
that was not sex, breeding and their Alpha. Many have died because they became too dehydrated or
starved. It wasn't until fewer Omegas were being born that anyone realized how precious they

Madam Yu had hated him from day one, but even she knew how rare he was and with his gift for
dual Cultivation and his high level of Spiritual energy he would be of value to her one day so she
helped care for him. Wei Ying had no dellusions that she was prepping him to marry Jiang
Wanyin. Perhaps if he had not met Lan--

"Young Master Wei?" He turns to see Lan Huan, he is a bit flushed from not running to find him.
"Please, I did not agree to any of this, I would not allow this if I had more sway... But with
everything.... I am so sorry. This one Will do all he can to protect Young Master Wei and Wei
Yuan." He goes as far as to kowtow and it is nearly too much.

"I know Xichen-ge... I just... Can be alone for a bit... Why not go see a-Yuan?" He offers and Huan
slowly stands and nods when he sees that Wei Ying just wants to be alone for a bit.

"I will take him to where the bunnies you gifts... I am sure he shares that fondess if the two rabbits
you brought with you are any indication..." He knows better than to say HIS name near Wei Ying.

Lan Huan feels for this Omega. He has searched tirelessly for his brother, even if it was to properly
bury him, but nothing. Not after these last five years. He sometimes wished Wen Rouhan and
When Chao especially were still alive so he can unleash the full wrath of a Lan in grief. Not only
did these kill his father and many members of his blood family, they tortured his brother and then
he vanished, Wen Chao bragged about killing him and feeding him to the Tortoise of Destruction
but no one but a sickly and feverish Wei Ying had been there and even then as soon as the Omega
had been found, he was recaptured by the Wens and when he was seen again it was after the
Sunshot Campaign and by then...

By then Wei Ying had been mated and was carrying Yuan. The Omega refused to full the
pregnancy, refused to damn an unborn babe for the sins of the father. But anyone with eyes and
half a brain could see that Wei Yuan looked nothing lile a Wen. In fact he thought the child was a
more expressive and silver eyed version of Wangji when he had been that tiny. He has heard of
Omegas becoming pregnant by the souls of their dead lovers and wondered if Wangji's spirit had
impregnanted Wei Ying since his brother had been to shy and unsure of how to feel about Wei
Ying before? Even when no matter what his attention was always drawn to the Omega? How he
saved him or made sure he was safe first before the others?

Huan cannot help but smile softly as he remembered Wangji playing the song he made just for
Ying, still new and clearly needing refinement but never the less beautiful and deep as is a Lan's

He looks up to see Yuan playing with the Recess bunnies, all with their own headbands while his
own have bows in their ears.

"Little Rabbit, what are you doing?" He asks.

"Uncle! Lookie, Xianxian and Jiji have mirror!!"

"You mean twins... And yes they do look like twins." He chuckles as he sits down and is quickly
surrounded by the bunnies. "A-Yuan... I fear something bad may happen soon and I want you to
know that this Uncle will do all he can to protect you and your mother."

"... They want a-niang to marry someone who is not a-die... Mama is very upset, I hear him crying
at night...." The child admits and the serious look on his face is too much like Wangji's that Huan
would be damned if his late brother was not this child's father. "Auntie says that Many want to hurt
me because of my a-die.... Why? Why do they hate a-die so much? Why do they hate mama as I
much to hurt him because of a-die?" Yuan begins to cry and Huan pulls the child close feeling a
dark curl of resentment take homd and refuse to leave because Lans were fierce in their love and
the protection of what was theirs.

He may not love Ying as Wangji had, but he respects him far too much to allow some brute to have
him. He Will do whaht he can to protect Wangji's beloved and he would do anything for this
precious child who should not know such hate so young for somethign beyond his control.

"I do not know, Little Rabbit, but I promise you, no matter what happens, I will protect you and
your Niang for your Die... But I am going to show you how to protect yourself and your Niang
because no matter what your love for your Niang is so much stronger than mine and will protect
him even better."

"Realy!?" He gasps and he nods and in that moment he gets a brilliant idea one that will bring a bit
of pain but also give Wei Ying hope again.

"In fact... Let's go somewhere; I have an idea and surprise..."

The Black Jade Pt 4

Wei Ying sat in the thick branches of the cherry blossom tree that grew beside the Jingshi. From
here he could see over most buildings to the main area of the Recess and the steadily growing
stream of Alphas coming to compete for his hand in marriage. He scoffs in disgust and glares
hatefully at them, but he cannot fight this. Huan had explained to him what had happened. It seems
that many who were still sour over what the Wen did were looking for retibution and hoping to
establish a strong line.

Since Ying had been Wen Chao's favorite target even when he came to study at the Lans for a
short time, everyone pegged him for the sacrifical lamb. And given how he was the mother of
"Wen's spawn" it was very easy to get him placed on the executioner's block. However, Yuan told
him about entering, not because he believed the lies and delusions, or because he wants any gain,
but rather he is entering to protect him and Yuan.

"It's what Wangji would have wanted and as such I shall honor it. We will only be husbands in
name and should you need me for a heat, I will not deny you, but know I do not love you in the
sense that a husband should love his wife."

It was nice to know at least he had someone in his corner. Later he was cornered by Nie Mingjue,
who said something similar. Nie Huaisong was his best friend and he knows that Mingjue often
spoils the Omega. If Huaisong asked, he would do it. That and the fact they were injusticely
punishing Ying for someone else's crimes sickened him into a boiling rage. He was also shocked
by Jim Guangyao, however the Omega was nit competing but rather had a champion competing for

Guangyao had also voiced his displeasure that the two men he loved would tie themselves to Ying,
but knows they only do it out of a sense of duty and protection as well as filial kinship. Ying had
actually laughed so hard he cried and then he jjst sobbed. The older Omega had pulled him close
and they just sat mourning for a while. Guangyao apologized, but Ying just shook his head. He
would be upset too if their roles had been reversed. So he harbors no I'll will for him. He is
introduced to the young man competing for Guangyao and is rather amused and a bit concerned.

Xue Yang was on a fast track to becoming a monster, but Wei Ying could stop that. He spent time
with the newly presented Alpha, one who presented very young and was as power as he was often
burned bright and burned out even faster. He was only 8 and already so strong and powerful. Wei
Ying decided to teach him a few techniques he uses to calm the mania that often comes from dual
Cultivation as well as seems to plague most prodigies.

So now here, he sat, watching the big flashy clans make a show of parading their Alphas and the
gifts they would give to Wei Ying later tonight in hopes of earning his favor. The smaller clans
were less boraitious. He could almost hear HIS voice hissing a soft "shameless" or "excessive
noise is forbiddin in the Cloud Recess." Gods above, he missed him so...


As Ying ahd predicted, he was sat between Jiang Yanli and Madam Jin, since ge has no attendants
to speak of, dressed in his best red and black robes, the Baoshen Crest, a lotus under the full moon
stitched into the breast of his robe and across the back with the Yunmeng Jiang sash around his
waist, the tassles he earned as their Head Disciple tied in place on his hip with Chenqing, who
sported the tassels from his Uncle and one with a tiny bunny carved in bluish white marble, that
had been given to him sneakily no less by HIM.
His hair is picked up into an elaborate hair style with Lotus and spider lily pins in red and purple
throughout the deep black of his hair. His face is only lined with red paint in the traditional Bride
Offering of the Baoshen Clan. His Uncle who was seated by Yanli as his only living family
member had painted the lotus on his brow, the sharp wings in red around his eyes and a dark rouge
stained his lips. He did not need to powder his face bor did he wear too much. He was a sight to

Everyone was enthralled by the change and found themselves falling for the vision before them.
Wei Ying was. Expressionless, which to those who knew how always smiles or at least is more
open with his feelings, are worried because he looked carved from marble. The Alphas lined up
and began to parade up and past him, leaving the first of gifts before him, something small and

He does not look at either the Alpha or the gift save for Huan, Mingjue and Little Yang, to show
who he favored to win him. He was instrad of thinking of Yuan with his Uncle by marriage, Song
Lan, for the evening. His son had been in awe when he saw how pretty his mother looked. Ying
was also surprised to see a child's Guqin resting on the floor before him where he was practicing
the musical alphabet. With his hair picked up like HIS sans the Head ribbon, his heart nearly
stopped and then bloomed eith both warmth and pain.

He startles when everyone gasps and the sounds of swords are heard. He looks up seeing people
clothed in black with blue, red or gold accents walk in the clan. Members taking a seat near the
doors as the sole competing Alpha, tall and imposing walks up. His robes are black silk and royal
blue clouds with lotus blossoms dance around it with twin Dragons curled over his back, arms and
their heads resting on his breast. He has a mask of black on as well only his mouth is visible and it
too has a similar cloud and lotus motif. His hair is picked up into a took not and encased in a fierce
dragon head similar to Huan's, but in black with ruby eyes glaring at him and in the dragon's new, a
massive pearl that sits in a ruby lotus. It is not lost on Wei Ying that this Alpha knows he was of
the Baoshen line and was showing a subtle claim to him.

The Alpha bows and then carefully pulls a tassel in the blue and black colors of his robes with a
pearl cut into a Moon sitting in a lotus charm. There is a swell of spiritual energy in the pearl and
when it is held out. Ying cannot help but hold both hands up to accept it. Silver eyes bever leaving
the eye holes of the mask. The tassel is dropped into his palms and the Alpha turns to sit with his
Sect. The tension is palpable. And then someone yells:

"The Black Jade! How dare you show up!!"

The Black Jade Pt5

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The first time he had seen the fabled Shen hongse de Lianhua(Crimson Lotus) of Yunmeng, he
remember suddenly seeing the world in color for the first time. As if a thick veil of monochrome
had been draped over his head. How foolish he had been to think this beautiful Omega a shameless
Alpha or Beta. As he sips the tea that Wen Qing serves him, he thinks back on when things had
been so much simpler...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

He had been walking beside his brother, the Acting Leader of their Sect while their father was in
seclusion. They were hosting the Lectures this year and were watching as the various disciples
from Sects both big and small trickled in like a steady stream. Suddenly there was a shout of anger
and a fondly amused laugh, the loud sounds were startling in the normally peaceful quiet of Cloud
Recess. The two brothers turn to where two disciples in the royal purple and violet of Yunmeng
Jiang were getting their white robes for the duration of their stay, and young man in black with
hints of red. Lan Zhan will never say it out loud, but he forgot to breath in that moment, the young
man's face was bright with a wide smile, his eyes glittering like polished silver. He turned and for
just a second, their eyes connected and it was as if the world fell away and all he could see was
Silver and sunlight, could only hear the bell like laugh. He startles and looks away, muttering
about excessive noise being forbidden. Beside him Lan Huan just smiles, asks him if he sees
someone he wishes to possibly befriend besides Nia Huaisong. He knows the question was posed
both in serious curiosity and to lightly tease him. He gives a mild glare and walks away to go
prepare for patrol...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

He learned the troublemaker's name, Wei Wuxian, and made it his mission to curtail his mischief
making whenever possible after he had managed to sneak out of Cloud Ress to buy alcohol and had
nearly snuck back in undetected if Zhan had not opted to stand on tower patrol in one of the least
guard areas of the Recess. the insuing fight was more like a dance. Wuxian moved with a speed
and grace that he's never seen another Alpha use before and very few male Betas could hope to
obtain. And the childish pout when the jar of alcohol had been smashed had made his heart stutter
in his chest, the slight flush on those puffed up cheeks lending him a more fetching appeal. This
thought startled him so much that he allowed Wei Wuxian to escape for the moment.

Though the joke was on him for the next day, Wei Wuxian was forced to sit with him copying the
Lan Sect Rules until he memorized them.

And in hindsight the joke had also been on Lan Zhan for he did not expect to look forward to
seeing Wuxian, to having his attention solely on him or to grow fond of his annoying habits...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The Water Abyss had been the first time he realized he truly cared for Wuxian's safety. They had
been on the boats and Wuxian had called to him like he was wont todo, dancing and waving until
he looked and then he sent a wave of water at him using his sword scabbard. Instinctively, he
jumped toward his brother's boat just ast water ghouls were about to tip his boat and him into the
water. then there was a flash of light and the sound of a sword singing beautifully and the ghouls
were slain, allowing his boat to fall back into the water and for him to jump back onto it.
"Did you see? Did you see?!" He crows, looking like an eager pet waiting for praise. like an
excited bunny.

"Young Master Wei, how did you know the Ghouls were there?" Huan asks him.

"Yunmeng is built on a massive lake and Water Ghouls, nymphs and sprites are quite common,
though they are mostly harmless. They seem to enjoy startling some of the fishermen by tipping
their boats. However Lan Zhan's boat was much lower than the others, like it was weighed down.
Lan Zhan's not that heavy to sink that deep. So I knew something was clinging to the bottom."
Wuxian explains calmly, even if his grin never fades.

"I see... I am glad I asked for both your and Young Master Jiang's presence." Huan nods.

"You are welcome... huh?" He saw a flash in water, something dark.

It happened a few more times drawing their attentions and then Zhan called Wuxian's attention,
and much like he had done to him, he sent water at the young man, who jumped up and landed on
his boat with him, but there was nothing under his boat and large clumps of hair clung to the boat.
Seeing the perplexed look on the normally smiling Jiang Disciple made him pay closer attention. It
took only moments for things to go down hill from there. Even though they had stopped rowing,
they were still being pulled forward and Su She had lost his sword after he sent it after what they
thought was more ghouls. It was the gasps of the two Water experts that mde them look up.

"It's a Water Abyss and by the looks of it, a very big one! We need to get away now!" Jiang Cheng
had shouted.

They were ordered to mount their Swords, but Su She was trapped without his and Wuxian
attempted to aid him, but as he was about to pull him up, they were both falling into the water,
Wuxian's sword vanishing into the depths and leaving them vulnerable. Zhan felt light headed, his
vision had tunneled and all he can think was that he needed to save Wuxian. He comes back to
himself when he has his arms full of a wet Wuxian, riding his sword, Su She clinging to another
Lan's back. He feels Wuxian's coughs and gasps, can smell the faint loquat on his breath from the
ones he had eaten earlier. It wasn't long after that the young man, because he could not tell his
secondary gender, had managed to summon back his sword even after it was supposedly lost.
Wuxian had walked off, claiming to want to wring out his clothes, but Zhan had followed, worried
he would be lured back into the water. However he saw a Water Nymph rise from the water
holding up two swords, Wei Wuxian's and Su She's.

He accidently snapped a twig and the creature vanished back into the water, leaving the swords.
Wuxian seeing him pretends to be shocked that the swords had been flung up on the shore...

He never calls him out on the lie, they were not in Cloud Recess after all..

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Then the incident that led to Wei Ying("You saved me from the Abyss, the least you can do, Zhan,
is call me by my name, Wei Ying!") leaving...

He was meditating in the Cold Pond when he heard panting breaths and suddenly Ying was
pitching forward in a roll and landing in the shallow of the water. He was flushed and smelt like
sex and Omega. This infuriated Zhan and he demanded he leave this instant. However, Ying had
looked at him pleadingly, looking like he was near tears.

"It's not-- I know this looks bad-- I mean, it is bad, but-- I swear I didn't--" Is the panicked
rambling, which normally would be endearing, but right now it was only serving to piss him off
even more.

"Shameless!" He hisses, cutting him off. He is about to grab Wei Wuxian and throw him back up
the path when he is suddenly hit with the scent that he's noticed lately. Freshly blooming lotus, the
tingle of spices, rich and heady, and something sweet, yet forbidden. Something Omega. He gasps
as Ying collapses into the water, face flushed and the scent grows stronger, but it is now soured
with fear and panic.

"Sorry, sorry! But it--" He keens high in his throat, a sound only an Omega can make as he

"Wei Ying!?" He gasps, quickly covering his mouth and nose, but it is too late, he can taste the
Omega on the back of his tongue and he wants to drink in more.

"Please... I... Just let me stay in the water... Please leave!" He cries and he does as asked, but not
before catches a glimpse of Wei Ying stripping out of his wet robes, small breasts that he mistook
for slight muscle.

He wrenches his gaze away just as he hears several people running this way and with a quick
sniff, he realizes it is the Alphas. Snarling low, he marches up the patch and while he never raises
his voice, the smell of Pissed off Alpha and the deadly growl in his voice forces them stop and flee,
only Jiang Cheng remains and he is with Jiang Yanli. He is about to grab the hotheaded Alpha
and drag him away when his infamous temper flares.

"Damn that Wei Wuxian! Did he forget to mix the suppressants with the Alcohol!?"


Both men are shock at the angry shout from the normally mild mannered, soft spoke Yanli. She
even slaps her brother across the mouth with a glare on her face.

"Not now! Go and send a message to father and mother... NOW!" And for a moment she sounds
like Madam Yu which makes both Alphas flee, but not before Lan Zhan points her in the right

A week and half later, Jiang Fengmian is meeting with his Uncle. He is sitting in the window of the
library watching as a despondent Wei Ying is tying the last of his things to the wagon. No one is
outside, ordered to remain in their rooms to study. Yanli is there trying to cheer him up and points
up politely at the window and their eyes meet. He watches him slowly make his way toward the
Library and he is expecting something outrageous like climbing up to the window, but when no one
comes climbing through the window, he blinks only to hear the door slide open and there is Ying.
he looks miserable, bags under his eyes from the sleepless nights he spent in the water, his nose is
flushed with a head cold, but he cannot stay here any longer. According to what he heard from the
Jiang Siblings, because it is not eavesdropping if one of the people pretty much screams what you
are talking about for all to hear, Ying's suppressants had been replaced with something else and
that he had ended up sick before waking up in full blown heat and to someone trying to break
through his protection talisman. He fled when more Alphas showed up and shorted out the ward.
Zhan has been searching ever since for the culprit and he would make sure that they not only
served a severe punishment at his hands, but also at the hands of the Jiangs for endangering their
adoptive son's virtue and life. Gone was the bright smiles, the laughter that crinkles his eyes like
crescent moons. Instead is this pale, clearly unwell Omega, eyes red from crying and so
"Ah. ha, ha..." He tries to smile and laugh it off, but it comes out hollow and it is clear to both of
them that he is fooling no one. "I guess you finally get your wish... this annoying one is leaving...
but I would like to give this to you..." He carefully pulls something out of his robes and sets down
two bunnies, one is pure white and the is black, they both have a bit of ribbon tied around their
necks. He slowly approaches and sets them on the window seat and then pulls out a few rolled up
pieces of parchment. "Thank you for indulging this shameless menace, Young Master Lan. May the
Gods bless you always."

He leaves without another word. without a glance back and as the doors shut, he feels his heart

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

It is not until the attack on the Cloud Recess does he learn who had stolen the suppressants. It
boils his blood that after Wei Ying's kindness and mercy, such a heinous act took place. How dare
the spineless Beta sully not only their Clan name, but Lan Zhan's Wei Ying! But he cannot deal
with the pissant because they were under attack. He saw red and knew nothing but blood, fire and

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Oh as if Zhan was not already going to kill this bastard when things settled, but he outed Wei Ying
as an Omega when Wen Chao had been already beating him for not only humiliating him during
the Lectures, but also for stopping Wen Zhuliu from melting Jiang Cheng's core. Ying had been
dragged off after that and the next time he saw him, it was in the Cave of the Tortoise of Slaughter.
He was again pale, sickly looking and battered. Jiang Cheng kept everyone away from him,
berating him at the same time. It was just an utter mess. They were trapped with limited provisions
and with a sick Omega. It wasn't until they were the only ones in the cave, having been trapped
because once more that stupid little SHIT had made noise and the Tortoise caused a cave in, that
he learned why he was so sick. On his shoulder, just above his breast was a brand with the Wen
symbol in the center, festering with infection. He tried his best to take care of the Omega, but Ying
was stubborn, he refused to be treated because Zhan had a broken leg which was getting worse as
the days went on and if it kept up, he would either have a permanent limp or might have to
amputate the limb. But between the pair of them, they managed to devise a plan and executed it
with Zhan doing all the heavy work while Ying concentrated on burning the Turtle to death. they
both passed out after it was dead and when he awoke again, he realized he was flying over what
looked like the Burial Mounds and Wen Chao was glaring at him.

"So you're the one that bitch kept crying out for... tsk, how pathetic... no matter, Wei Wuxian is
mine now, I marked him and I can't wait to tell him how you died... happy landing!"

And he fell...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

He would wake up in the Burial Mounts, Golden Core severely cracked, but not shattered,
Resentful energy filling in the gaps and filling him with power, anger and a thirst for revenge. The
Demons recognize him as their new master and tell him as he recovers what has happened while he
was in limbo. Golden eyes changed to Alpha red, but instead of the normal red color, they were a
hellish red on black...

~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~
Blinking out of his thoughts, he slowly looks up at Sect Leader Jiang Cheng, who is standing,
Zandu in hand and aimed at him. Merely scoffs and continues to drink his tea until THAT voice
speaks up and his head snaps towards the Bastard. One of his demons whispers in his ear, unseen
by all but Wei Ying, who has not taking his eye of him much like he himself has not looked away
until now.

Sect Leader Su She...

The Black Jade- Escapee

Hello Readers of the Black Jade Prompts!

I am happy to tell you that I was inspired by your requests and have started a new fic from the
Black Jade Prompt I made. While I will leave it open for others to try, this is to tell you to please
check out the Heiyu's Shenhong Lianhua!

Thank you very much and happy reading!!

Weaving you my Heart


"You should have become mine, Wei Wuxian..." Growls Wen Chao as he holds Wei Ying's face in
a bruising grip, the young man looks pale and bone weary, but it hardly takes away from his
beauty. Too bad to waist such beauty.

"... Never!" Wei Ying spat at him.

"Big mistake... hope for a soft landing...." and like that he falls...


Wei Ying gasps awake, but is instantly wracked with pain and unable to move. He doesn't have
long to panic or writhe in pain before a handsome man appears, a black ribbon with golden clouds.
The gold matches the gold of his eyes. He is devastatingly handsome. The sight shocks him enough
that the man is able to make him drink a tonic of unknown origins and he coughs at the strong
bitter taste. He wants to gag, to spit it up, but he cannot because his mouth is held firmly shut.

"Do not move...." he says and Wei Ying has no choice. "Broken bones... Fever."

"Where...what--?" He does not get to say more as he falls sleep, but before he is fully under he
thinks he sees the body of a spider where legs should be...
Weaving you my Heart PT 2

Lan Zhan has lived for as long as he can remember in the Burial Mounds. He grew up under the
care of the demons and monsters who lived here. They told himnhe looked like a Lan and thus
gave him the name Lan Zhan because his spiritual energy was a pure azure blue before he matured
and was able to use the twisting black energy of the Mounds. He still has the blue energy but has
little reason to use it beyond his Cultivation training. The Lans wore robes with clouds on them and
a head ribbon with the clouds stitched into the center of it.

On of the demons wore tattered Lan Robes, she was beautiful in a horror story sense. She often
cooed and coddled him and he thought of her as Niang. She was the strongest among the demons,
the other claim that no fool would dare go up against a mother who was hellbent on protectingbher
child. She had a body like his own human on top but where normally human legs should be he had
the body of a spider. Hers was bigger and stronger. She said that the females are always bigger
than the males so they van eat the inferior males, but she would never eat her child or allow
another to eat him.

So here he grew, learned and Cultivated. He could make himself appear human but he had to avoid
touching impure iron or he eould change back. He learned early that humans were terrified of him
when he tried to help a lost child find their Niang only to be chased by an angry mob. Cultivators
use to come here to try and kill not only him but all the others who lived in the black bamboo
forest. But after they were killed and their spirits and spiritual energy was drained and feasted on to
make them stronger. They stopped. No only someone lost or incredibly stupid comes this way.

So imagin his surprise when he heard someone screaming and rushed to find out who was in
trouble, best to get the fool away before someone opts to make them into lunch or dinner. But he
looks up when he finds where the sound it coming from and sees a beautiful creature falling from
the heavens. He sends out his energy, the black tendrils wrapping around them and slowing them
down as he quickly weaves a get frombhis silk and catches them. Carrying the human back to his
cave, he lays them down on the single cot in a mostly forgotten desire to have a mate. He keeps it
fresh and comfy and it paid off. Laying them down he begins to check them. His catch was not as
good as he had hoped. A few bones took more damage than they had before and a couple broke on
impact but they were alive. He sets to work undressing then to the soft crimson red under robe and
the black one that was torn and beyond dirty.

He sends his smaller spiders to collect what he needs and crushes and mixes medicine to heal the
injuries the human has. They are bruised in a way he recalls a few of the younger demons had
when they first died and came back as demons. He growls because he now knows that the only
way to get such bruises was to live with an abuser or to have been sexually assaulted. This human
was beautiful and did not deserve to be treated with ill intent! If he learns who did this he will hunt
them down and train them of their fluids. He set the bones of a clearly broken leg and cracked ribs
before he carefully weaves a half cocoon of silk to keep his guest from moving too much and
hurting themself. He had just finished securing the last bit of the silk when they bolted awake and
in clearly blind panic and pain tried to get away only to hurt themself again. He easily stops them
them and feeds them a strong tonic to ease their painand force them to sleep so their body can
focus on healing. He says as much as silver eyes blink heavy and drugged before slipping shut
once more...

Lan Zhan spent a week caring for his human guest. His mother was not pleased at first but then she
became excited after she tasted his blood.

"Oh my darling, Lan Zhan, this is an Omega!! Out kind onlybhave Alphas so this human is very
special and must be protected! Omegas can have babies no matter with who or what as long as they
are an Alpha." She says and he blinks slowly. His mother checked the Omega frequently
mumbling about heat suppressers and poor care and diet.

She even went and made a beautiful black robe with red flame like matters arojnd the sleeves and
edges when he told he had to burn the old ones. She demanded he be in his human form and went
to tell the others that they had to adopt human forms or normal animal forms to not scare the
Omega. He was not use to his human legs but he would make due for now. He put on his best
robes the black silk embroidered with deep azure blue cloud patterns while his head ribbon was
decorated with gold to match his eyes. He tended his human and after three more days they awoke.


"You are in the Burial Mounds... Safe." He is not one to talk, but the human seems to relax at the
sound of his voice.

"Wa- wat...."

He grabs a clay cup and dunks it into the jar of fresh water his mother brought him this morning
and helps the human drink. They blink their eyes and the silver orbs are clearer now and look like
pure starlight, they are so beautiful.

"Thank You... My name is Wei Ying, courtesy Wei Wuxian... I would greet you properly but I
cannot seem to move..."

"Do bot move, injured still. Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji." He gives a proper bow to the bedridden
Omega and they blink.

"Lan? I though Grandmaster said that there are no Lans outside of the Sect...." Wei Ying muses
before he looks around what he can of his dwelling. He had worked hard to make it warm and
comfortable for himself and a future family with a nice set of tunnels that branch off into other
areas and a few tunnels that lead out. "Anyway, it doesn't matter, the Wens scattered everyone...
But it is strange tobsee a Lan not dressed in white or with such dark blue... Sorry I am rambling....
How long have I slept?"

"A week and 3 days."

"Forgive my son, he is not use to company... My Lan Zhan, come help mother set up dinner for our
guest." A woman dressed in Lan Colors with black accents says. Her smile is a bit too sharp but
not threatening as she smiles at them and sets the heavy pot she was carrying down on a low fire
and then between her and her son they clear abd set up the table before Lan Zhan comes and
unbinds the blanket he had draped over him fromnthe bed. With the release of pressure he
whimpers in pain but it leaves when he feels the cool tigle of spiritual energy enter him and he
gasps, slapping the hand away.

"No!! Don't I don--"

"Your core will take a while to heal, young master. Do not fret..." The madam says.

"But... It was melted.... I..."

"Not melted only cracked. You are very powerful and it would take someone of equal power to
break it. Or enough people to overwhelm it. Relax. Lan Zhan will ease your pain... I made soup. I
also have chili oil, I like my meal a bit spicy my son has a cat's tongue and cannot handle it..." She
giggles as Wei Ying reluctantly allows him to finish feedingbhis spiritual energy to him.

"I love spicy food." He admits. "If it isn't red, it is not spicy enough..." He tells her and she laughs
with delight. "Thank you Madam Lan--"

"Don't call me that. Call me Jun Li." She says so fiercely it scares Wei Ying to hide beyond Lan
Zhan, who brings an arm up holding his sleeve so very little of the Omega is seen.

His mother blinks awaybher unbridled rage at the title and then bursts into giggles seeing the pair.
Oh yes, she will coach her son in how to win this Omega's affections and hopefully they will
become a bonded pair unlike herself and her abductor turned husband....
Weave You My Heart Pt3

Wei Ying didn't know what to think about Lan Wangji or Madam Jun Li. After his first mistake in
calling her Madam Lan and she spazzed out slightly on him, he began tiptoing as it were around
her. Clearly living in the Burial Mounds(and wasn't that a shock to learn) was clearly not doing her
favors. However, Lan Wangji seemed immune and was like a calming draught for the woman or
she seemed to realize she was scaring Wei Ying and calmed down. Wei Ying liked toing the lines
in the sand, but even he was smart enough to keep his toes away from dangerous waters. He
couldn't very well move much and needed to be helped into sitting positions during meals and just
to have a few hours of being awake. The strange bedding was comfy, and a strange sticky silk to
the touch. He watched Lan Wangji carefully unravel it from him when they needed to check his
injuries and to begin moving his legs especially to make sure they would be strong enough to
support him when it was time to leave. It was sort of like webbing. He supposed there was an
abundant of spiders for them to collect all the webbing from and have adapted it to use daily. He
wasn't sure how long he had been here, but he wasn't bored. Lan Wangji, while not a very talkative
person, listened to him attentively and when Wei Ying would fall silent, he liked to watch those
elegant hands, so big and so strong, but incrediably graceful, mix medicine or stew. He's fallen
asleep to watching him play a pitch black Guqin, the melodies soothing if a bit haunting in their

"Ne, Lan Wangji?" He calls one day, the man, not looking up from where he was copying a text,
the brush moving in beautiful calligraphy across the blank sheets of parchment, "I know you said I
was in a bad way when you found me... but how much longer? I need to find my Shijie and Didi...
I'm worried." And he is, he doesn't bother trying to tease or weedle. He hasn't since he woke up.

"...." Lan Wangji paused in his writing, carefully setting the brush on an ink stained cloth and
getting up to come over to where he was half sitting up. "Will check...."

Wei Ying held still, feeling the by now familiar icy caress of Lan Wangji's Spiritual power filling
him, scanning him from head to toe. He gets lost in the oddly comforting chill that he doesn't
realize it at first that Lan Wangji is removing the webbing like blankets from his legs until a hand
suddenly appears in his line of vision. Blinking the daze away, he looks up at the stoic young
man's golden eyes, how oddly lumious they appear in the dim lighting of the cave before falling
back to his hand. Carefully putting his own hands into the offered hand. Wei Ying carefully sits up
fully, feeling a bit stiff and sore form the long bed rest, but other than that nothing else. He slowly
moves his legs, Madam Jun telling him that his back and legs took more damage than they had
thought from the fall and that they had to be extra sure there was no permanent damage or he could
lose his ability to walk. That frightened him because it would mean he would not be able to keep
his promises or to enjoy his freedom ever again. So Wei Ying, perhaps for the first time in a long
time, listened and obeyed the healer's orders to the letter. Shaking his head, Wei Ying takes a
breath and stands up. At first his legs are wobbly like a newborn calf, but he slowly gets himself
under control.

"Will try walking." Lan Wangji says once he's certain he can leave Wei Ying standing alone
without him toppling over suddenly.

The man moves back a few paces and it honestly feels silly, an almost grown man taking shaky
steps as if he were a baby learning to walk for the first time, but he doesn't let the thought fester.
He walks towards Lan Wangji, steadily getting more assured that he can walk as he moves. He
tires quickly however, but it is progress and he is elated.
"Mn.... three more days." The man says firmly after he helps Wei Ying back into bed, but does not
bind him to it with the blanket, but rather passes him one that is still silky to the touch, but without
the odd sticky quality to it. "Will practice again in an hour. Rest."

Wei Ying obeys, dozing off for a light nap, oddly a peace with this strange Alpha's commands.
Was it because he didn't use the Voice like many others? Or perhaps it is because it is not truly a
command, but a strong suggestion? Even Madam Jun says things that to others sound like an order,
but they leave this subtle window for one to disobey, to refuse to follow and there is no
consequence to follow. Or was it because it was Lan Wangji? The man was handsome, his
presence was powerful in an oddly unabtrusive way, kinda like Wen Qing's the Alpha Female was
a Healer so many often forget she is in fact an Alpha and very protective of her Omega brother,
who much like Wei Ying, defied the norms of an Omega. They can be soft and delicate, Wen Ning
was often a nervous stuttering mess, but he was a very strong young man, perhaps stronger than
some Alphas physically, as well as a good hunter. Wei Ying believes they are on par with their
archery skills, but he would need to test that theory out when he can finally meet up with his
friends again. He hopes they are alright. Last he heard from Wen Ning, he and some of his
relatives were going into hiding because Wen Rouhan, their father's older brother, was clearly mad
and killing off members of his own family for defying him. Not to mention everyone outside of
Qishan would not stop to think of the innocents who want nothing to do with the fighting would
only see a Wen and kill them regardless. War was terrifying to say the least. He is roused from his
doze an hour later and made to practice walking again...

"Lan Zhan, my Lan Zhan... you are letting the Omega go!?" His mother looks torn between
pleased, angry and heartbroken late that evening as she spins silk from her spider half, weaving it
into new robes for Wei Wuxian, carefully stitching protective spells to protect the Omega from
harm as well as to allow him to use Resentful energy as a back up tool without needed to Cultivate
it. She learned this after a few times her precious Lan Zhan tried to save a few fools who wandered
into their lovely nest. She needed to prefrect them for her future daughter in-law(this goes for both
male and female Omegas) and her future grandchildren. "Do you not see how rare he is? Male
Omegas are incredibly rare, only one is born out of 20 female Omegas, who are only born 2 out of
nearly a thousand Betas with Alphas being born every couple of hundred or so Betas."

"Will not force him... will not be HIM." He growls darkly and the shadows shake dangerously as
his eyes turn black and red. She coos, reaching one of her legs over to lightly pat him on the head.
"I did not mean to imply that... But there is a very high chance he will not come back..."

".... will follow." He finally said after a long pause, watching his mother stitching a beautiful lotus
flower under a full moon in what looked like a divine garden into the back of the robe, the flame
like patterns she noticed that the Omega seemed to like on the edges of the robe took a more flower
like shape so when he bowed to greet someone they would see the Lotus the sleeves will make. It
was done to represent his Sect, the Yunmeng Jiang's crest was a Lotus, but in royal purple. She
even added a few touches in the royal purple to say the Clan's motto: To attempt the Impossible.
along the lapels and hidden in the flames of the sleeves.

".... Are you certain?" She paused fully now, turning to look at him critically. She had been selfish
so long ago, stealing away into the night, heavily pregnant with her precious Lan Zhan, running
here, to the Burial Mounds where she died and came back as a Demon, gave birth to this
monsterous, but beautiful young man. She abandoned her first born and she often voiced her
regrets for not staying, even if she remained unhappily married to that MAN. She should have
brought him with her so she could have both of her boys. She often told Lan Zhan stories of his big
brother Lan Huan. Using him as a template for how her youngest should behave himself. She has
managed to keep tabs of what her Eldest was doing and how he grew up, she even managed to use
some of her Raven familiars to deliver letters to him and recieve them. She always enforced that he
should never tell his father or anyone from the Lan Sect about the letters. Her boys always listened
well to mother and it made her proud.

"Mn... Wei Wu- Wei Ying's special... I really like him, mama..." he says in a soft voice that melts
her because it is so rare that he speaks normally or even using affectionate names and titles! And
the fact he used Wei Wuxian's proper name made her know how serious he was. "And I would like
to meet brother, finally... I am not a child anymore... no one can tell me what to do. I canot hope to
take a mate if I cannot prove myself a man..."

"...." She sighs and smiles. "Very well... let Mama finish this last gift for Wei Wuxian so he can be
protected always when you cannot be there to do it yourself... He's powerful, he's survived this long
without much aid from us... I wonder if perhaps he has used Resentful energy before..."

"Mn... Fighting the Tortoise of Slaughter... He found a sword embued with resentful energy, could
hear the screams of those who were sacrificed to it, their hunger for revenge. He promised them
peace if they aided him in killing it while rescuing some of the others who were left behind due to
severe injuries and sickness. He does not recall the actual fight but some of them opted to stay and
have formed a half familiar bond." He explains.

"That sweet thing fought and killed that monstreous beast alone!?" She gasps and then grins with
far too much teeth. "No Omega, no matter how pretty would ever be worth more... unless they are
godborn, but still that much raw power should have only the best mate!" She practically crows.
While she is biased, she believes no one but her Lan Zhan and Lan Huan would ever be worthy of
such an Omega. And even then, she knows that Lan Zhan has already made his claim. She will
simply have to find a suitable mate for her eldest when they can finally meet again and she
properly begs his forgiveness for leaving him all these years. "Well, off to bed, it is nearly 9, a
good boy like you must be well rested if he is to leave with his intended as promised."

"Mn... This one retires now... good night, mama..." He kisses her cheek after he bows to her like a
good Lan would and leaves for his web, changing his form so he can sleep one last time in it for a
long while. As he drifts off to sleep, he wonders if Wei Ying would accept him as he is or flee
from him?
Weaving you my Heart PT 4

Wei Ying is not too sure how to feel about the mystery that is Lan Zhan. He is very quiet and hard
to read, but he is also very kind and surprisingly safe. Wei Ying rarely feels safe with anyone who
is not his Shijie or Nie Huaisang. Both of whom are fellow Omegas. He was trapped in bed for a
month an half, but he was not without good company. Hard to believe he was in the Burial
Mounds. Even more shocking was the lack of demons... Unless his hosts were the demons?

But if that is true, they are much too nice to be ruthless killing machines. But he no expert. Their
depature was delayed by a terrible storm but that gave him time to heal a bit more and to practice
walking. He wanted to find Wen Qing, the grumpy Alpha would be able to tell how badly he was
hurt and if he could recover, though Madam Jun was a skilled healer herself. He just trusted Wen
Qing more even if she acted like his existence offedned her.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan calls and he looks up, blushing because how can one man be so beautiful!?
He was evrn more so than Xichen-ge! "Time to leave..."

"Ok!" He carefully gets up and grabs the qiankun pouch Madam Jun packed for him and moved to
grab Lan Zhan's arm as they walk out of the cave abd into the deadly black forest. Wei Ying soon
begins chatting, because he doesn't like silence. Lan Zhan listens closely and adds input every now
and again. By the time they get to Yiling, Wei Wing is tired again and it frustrates him but Madam
Jun is there with a donkey waiting for them.

"Can't have you over exerting yourself. Now then Lan Zhan, you take good care of him!" She says
brightly and her son nods once. "I will meet you in Ciayi town in two months."

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods once as he accepts the donkey from his mother. The thing seems to give
them a judging look but does nothing else.

"Also I booked you a room for a few days. This way Wei Wuxian can try and get in contact with
one of his siblings." She smiles and hands over one of her crows, the red eyed bird happily perches
on Wei Ying's shoulder as she waves and walks back towards the Burial Mounds.

"Thank You, Madam Jun!!" Wei Ying bows as much he can without making himself dizzy and
then stands up, holding obto Lan Zhan as they head into town get the donkey settled and go to their
room. Wei Ying quickly scribbles out a message, purposely making it messy so only his brother
and sister can read it. He then carefully draws a symbol in blood to prove it is him. He lets it dry
before rolling it up and sticking it in the tube harness that Lan Zhan has put on the bird. "Could
you take this to my Shijie? She should be in Meishan if not being secreted away to Lanling."

The bird nods once, intellegent red eyes piercing into his own, the demonic bird reading his
memories in the moment of eye contact before it sees "Shijie" and takes off heading toward
Meishan first.

"Will take a day or two. Wei Ying needs to rest..." Lan Zhan says and Wei Ying smiles.

"Ok... But only if Lan Zhan reads to me..." He chirps cutely. "I like Lan Zhan's voice. It is calming
and soothing..."

"Mn, will read..." He agrees and pulls a book of poems out of one of the punches. Wei Ying gets
comfortable leaning on him and as that rich deep voice reads he slowly drifts off. If he dreams that
this was another time and another place where it would be his mate reading to him as the soft
shrieks of children at play echo around him. No needs to know but him...
Weaving you my Heart PT 5

The morning of the fourth day dawns with no sign of the crow, but Lan Zhan promises Wei Ying
that his mother's birds are incredibly smart and will find them no matter where they are in the
world. So they left Yiling and headed towards Yunmeng first. Wei Ying explained that the reason
he fell into the Burial Mounds was because he managed to escapse the Tortoise of Slaughter's cave
after coming up with a rather insane and very dangerous plan to kill the animal from the inside out.
He even still had the strange sword that helped him. Showing it to Lan Zhan, he watched in
amazement at quiet companion seemed to strum the wisps of resentful energy that danced off the
blade as if he were playing his guqin. The energy danced to his motions and seemed to calm down
and the blade began to change shape as his fingers moved until it was a circular shape with bright
red string running through and around holding a black crystal in the center and what looked like
twin tigers chasing each other's tails were carved into it. Lan Zhan nods at his handwork and gives
it to Wei Ying.

"For Wei Ying... smaller, safer..." He tells him.

"But..." Wei Ying blinks and slowly takes it. The seal, because that what it looks like, hums and
even vibrates in his hand as if recognizing him. "I don't know what to do with it..."

"Wei Ying used it to kill Xuanwu, Xuanwu was made of Yin as well... Wei Ying can use Yin and
Yang energy." He tries to explain himself, but grows a bit frustrated when he cannot find the right

"... Oh! It's because I used Yin to fight Yin! So I can actually use Yin energy! Yes, I can finally
prove to everyone that I'm not crazy! But Lan Zhan uses Yin energy too." He blinks and silver
meets gold as the Alpha nods once.

"Since young..." Lan Zhan agrees and then blinks as he turns and there is the crow. "Yaya is back."

"Yaya?" Wei Ying smiles at the cute name for the crow, who circles them once and lands on Lan
Zhan's hand. "Thank you, Yaya, such a pretty girl."

She preens at the praise and lets him lightly scratch at the underside of her chin and the top of her
head before he grabs the message out of her tube harness and then hops up onto Lan Zhan's
shoulder. The pair had been resting on the side of the road, letting Lil' Apple graze and get some
water. The donkey had a bit of an attitude, but seemed to understand that Lan Zhan would not take
her shit, though she seemed to take her annoyance out on Wei Ying, who only wanted to be friends.
Cranky demon donkey. He shakes his head and reads the note, smiling at the 'recipe' his sister sent

"Oh good, Shijie is safe... Oh no... Yunmeng was attacked!" Wei Ying gasps. "Based on the time
frame, I was still with the Xuanwu or it was after I escaped and got captured by Wen Chao... Tsk,
that's why he said no one would come save me! He attacked my home... Uncle and Madam Yu..."
He sighs as he keeps reading, hoping his sister hand seen their brother. "Oh thank the gods!
A'Cheng's safe and has met up with some of the Rebels heading to Qinghe."

"A'Cheng?" Lan Zhan asks, his tone a bit cooler than he intended, but he was feeling a bit jealous.

"My didi, he's a prickly thing, always gets mad when I remind him that I'm a week older than he is
so he should listen to me, but does he? Nope!" Wei Ying answers, missing the relief on Lan Zhan's
face. "So there is no point going near Yunmeng... not unless we want to run into Wang Lingjiao,
that fucking conniving bitch..." He hisses. She had tried to brand his friend, Mianmian's face just
because she was jealous of how pretty the Alpha female was, but she was an Alpha! Wen Chao
may be a pig, but even he knows better than to get his dick near woman who's dick is bigger than
his and can easily break him in two... Okay so maybe not, but he likes to believe that Mianmian is a
super strong woman because no one who puts up with the Jins like she does is weak!

"Should still go... lay Sect Leader and Madam to rest..." Lan Zhan tells him and Wei Ying
considers it for a long moment. There is the chance to also get some revenge for his Sect and
rescue anyone who is still alive, but it is just the two of them and Wei Ying's still too weak to do
anything. "Will protect Wei Ying..."

"... But... alright, but if it looks hopeless, the most we will do is get a count of who is alive and as
soon as we get to Qinghe, we'll ask for help to rescue them. I don't want to cause any needless
trouble for you."

"Wei Ying, no trouble." Lan Zhan assures and then gets Lil' Apple, who gives a token bray, but
follows him. Wei Ying is helped onto her back and after giving Lan Zhan a heading they are on
their way...

It is the dead of night when they get to the edge of Lotus Pier, the half burned city on the lake is a
horrible parody of her former glory and Wei Ying cannot stop the mournful Cry that falls form his
lips as he skins to his knees into the muddy bank of a lotus pond nearest them. Even from this
distance he can see the Golden Sun insignia of the Qishan Wen Sect and his blood begins to boil
with anguish and rage. Lan Zhan is shocked at the devastation mere humans can bring and Wei
Ying's pain is a bitter thing on the back of his tongue mixed with the lingering smell of burn wood
and flesh. He spots a boat of Wen Soldiers and discreetly flexes his fingers and harder version of
his webs coil around his hand like steel wires and he throws them out, catching the two men
unawares and with a quick yank, he slits their throats silently and pulls the boat closer with their
bodies in it. Wei Ying gasps and looks at Lan Zhan, who silently pulls the two bodies out and
strips them of their Uniforms and thankfully they have similar builds so when Lan Zhan hands him
the smaller uniform, Wei Ying quickly understands what they are doing and moves over to some
tall reeds to change his clothes, rubbing silt and mud onto his scent glands and onto the blood
patches on the uniform so no one realizes he not the guard or an Omega. He carefully fits the
helmet on his head, it is almost comically big on him, but it hides most of his face which is good.

"Come..." Lan Zhan says after he carefully hides the two corpses in the shallows and weighs them
down with rocks so they cannot float away but also are not visible from the single road that circles
this lake. Once in the boat, the Alpha begins rowing, following Wei Ying's instructions to get into
the waterways. As they go, He discreetly sends out his tiny spiders to help them find where
everyone is. Though finding the dead is not hard since the Wens have laid all their bodies along the
main river path in and out of Lotus Pier and have disgracefully hung the bodies of the former Sect
Leader and his wife from the main arch leading into the Jiang House. Wei Ying has to stuff a fist
into his mouth to keep his anguish in check, seeing the disgrace the Wens held for his family and
so many faces he grew up surrounded by. The Uncle who always scolded him whenever he caught
the naughty Omega stealing lotus pods from his lake, the three shihis who always begged him for
another fanciful story before bed time. The Shixiong, who once promised to win an archery contest
for Wei Ying, but ended up in 7th place and very embarrassed to have lost. And the pretty jiejies he
always flirted with as he helped them with their wash or sell flowers. The Auntie who gave him
free steamed buns! Though what crushed him so much worse was that not even children were
spared!! Their tiny bodies dumped without care and it hurt, gods, it hurts!!

Lan Zhan does not know these people, but even he can feel rage and not all of it is just his own, no
he sees many are resentful and itching to rise and Lan Zhan will let them, he will guide them to
getting revenge! But first he needs to help Wei Ying locate the living. They dock and Wei Ying
can only stare up at his dead Uncle and his cranky aunt. He does not see Zidian on his aunt's wrist
anymore and wonders if it was stolen.

"We cannot get them down just yet." Lan Zhan tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Patrols
will notice they are missing..."

"Tsk..." Wei Ying nods bitterly, but he still gives them the three bows and says a prayer for their
souls to rest before he gets up and leads the way to where the prisoners would normally be held.
As they walked through Jiang House, Wei Ying had to resist punching every Wen he saw,
especially those he found in his and his Shijie's rooms.

"Damn what I wouldn't give to have caught the omegas! Breaking those sweet virgin cunts open on
my cock!" one man laughs as he sniffs one Jiang Yanli's night robes and Wei Ying nearly sees red.

"Tch, assuming you got to them first! But hey, a lose cunt is just as good! Easier to slide into!
Would pop my knot and breed them nice and good!" Laughed another as he makes a vulgar
thrusting motion.

"Hey, I think this Omega was inventing something..." Wei Ying mentally curses as he and Lan
Zhan get closer to where there area bunch of noisy bastards in his room looking through his
research. With a well practiced eye, Wei Ying sees that nothing is missing... Yet, but that doesn't
mean he wants to risk it. Checking the Hall, he quickly draws two symbols in the air, one is an
infinite loop ward and the second is a silencing spell, both of which are his inventions and once he
sees the faint shimmer of purple of the two wards in place, he nods to Lan Zhan, who smirks and
unsheathes his sword.

"If you're looking for me... I'm right here..." Wei Ying calls and pulls off his helmet and they gasp.

"Wait, the Head Disciple, Wei Wuxian is an Omega?! Holy shit, these people are fucking
retarded!" another rude Wen pig laughs and gets up. "Well come here, little Omega, lemme show
you your place... on your knees with my cock in your mouth!" The man makes a jerking motion at
crotch level and Wei Ying adopts a seductive smile.

"Ohh, yes... lemme have it..." He moans making the men all flush with desire, but then his coy
smile turns wicked as Lan Zhan darts forward, decapitating the bastard that talked about forcing
Wei Ying to his knees followed by the two who talked about breaking and breeding the Omegas
before the others come alive. The fight is quick, but noisy. Thankfully no one dared to come down
the hall or escape into said hall or they would find themselves walking the same length of hall for
however long the ward is up, not that they would notice since Jiang House was something of a
maze to begin with. Lan Zhan flicks the last of the blood off his blade, he was that good that he did
not leave a single drop on anything of Wei Ying's. The Omega wastes no time getting his draws
open, finding his qiankun pouches and loading them with everythingin his room that wasn't
touched by these bastards, doing the same to his sister's and brother's rooms. He breaks the spells
and they hurry further in until they get to the inner throne room not to far from his aunt and uncle's
rooms, he sneaks in to try and salvage what he can, such as his Uncle's formal Guan and the hair
pins his aunt always wore, her wedding pin and another one that his uncle gave her. He found the
bodies of her two handmaids and he carefully arranged them into a more respectable position and
closed their eyes. They may not have liked him, but he always respected their skills and dedication
to his aunt. He prayed for them as well before turns to see Lan Zhan sitting down on the floor with
his guqin out.

"Lan Zhan?"
"Will make them pay now... Wei Ying, find the survivors..." He orders as he begins to play a dark
lullaby of some kind, the melody deceptively calming.

Wei Ying shivers as the room grows darker and then gasps when his aunts maids begin to get up
their undead eyes looking at him and for a moment recognition in their eyes and he is half
expecting them to slap him, but they bow and shuffle off. More shuffling is heard and soon
screaming. Wei Ying wastes no time grabbing the keys to the dungeons out of his uncle's desk and
racing out a door and towards the prison. He wats for the guards to run towards the commotion and
then enters. Those he finds are alive are far too few, He quickly calls for a few that he recognizes
and when they see the uniform they spit curses, but Wei Ying gives them one of his one-liners and
they gasp.

"Wei Wuxian!? You're alive!!" They gasp.

"Yes, if barely... come on... we need to get you guys out of here!" He hisses and opens up the
cages. Many are civilians and the few Cultivators are all too young or too old. This does not bode
well. "No one else survived?"

"Most of us didn't, but when we saw they had killed Master Jiang, we sent as many as we could out
into the wilds..." One of the instructors says and Wei Ying sighs in relief, glad that more than he
thought had survived.

A particularly loud scream rented the air, Wang Lingjiao's constant screams of 'save me' brought a
twisted pleasure to his belly.

"What the hell is happening out there!?"

"I met a new friend and... well he's having some fun right now... This way... take these and swim to
the south east lake, you should be close enough to the Lanling Jing roads." He passes them each
pouches of medicine and rations with some money, he always made a bunch of them in case he lost
one or in the event of an attack on Lotus Pier. Thank god his paranoia paid off for once.

"What about you?"

"I got my friend... once he's done playing, we're going to meet up with Shijie and a'Cheng."

"Young Master Jiang and Lady Jiang are safe1? Oh thank the heavens!"

"Yes, Shijie is in Lanling for now, a'Cheng is on his way to Qinghe." He tells them.

"We'll make our way to Lanling first and those of use willing to fight will head to Qinghe... be
careful and see you soon." The instructor says and they all bow and carefully slip into the water as
Wei Ying whistles and water nymphs appear to help protect them as they make the long swim.
Once he's sure he got everyone, he hurries back to where he left Lan Zhan, only to find him
missing. Worried he follows the screams and sees the Fierce Corpses carefully laying his Aunt and
Uncle down on the dock while the Wens try to cut them down only watch them get back up. Lan
Zhan is sitting on the steps, playing a faster, more fierce song, the sharp twangs almost grating in a
beautifully angry song. However he notices that Wang Lingjiao is safely on a boat and quickly
getting away. He growls, but he's not going to let his anger win. He will get her later. The song
goes from angry to peaceful and to his amazement the Fierce corpses all begin to lay themselves
down in neat rows and when the song is done, they are simply back to being dead and the
oppressive resentment calms and vanishes.

"Could not get the woman..." Lan Zhan says apologetically.

"No... you did so much more than I thought you could... thank you Lan Zhan..."

"Mm... Will help you bury them..." He promises.

"Thank you again..." Wei Ying smiles. "I should honestly be freaking out, that was scary, but... I'm
not scared of you..."

"Am glad." Lan Zhan gives the tiniest smile and Wei Ying nearly has a heart attack at how
devastating he looks with it. But he quickly turns away to find supplies to get everyone buried and
laid to rest even making memorial plaques for them. They will join the others eventually...
Sailor Moon AU

This is what happens when you have a drunken dream and the first thing you do is write a prompt
instead of going to get an aspirin....

Prompt: Wei Ying was a normal high school/college student when one day he stumbles upon a pair
of Cat Demons, Xiao Xingcheng and Song Lan, who give him a magical Flute and tell him he must
help them find their lost Princess. What is an Omega to do but help out? And who is this
mysterious Hanguang Jun who keeps popping up to help him when the Qingshan Generals seem to
almost have him cornered!?

All Wei Ying wanted was to attend his lessons, fail at flirting with his tutor, Lan Zhan, play his
flute and try and make sense of these dreams from a past ling forgotten due to a deadly car crash
that killed his parents and left him suffering from terrible memory loss.

Sailor Moon/Moon Princess= Wei Ying

Tuxedo Mask= Lan Zhan

Luna/Artemis & their daughter, Diana = Xiao Xingcheng/Song Lan & their son, Xue Yang

Queen Beryol= Wen Rouhan

Generals= Wen Chao, Wen Xu, Wen Zhuliu, Wang Lingjiao

Sailor Scouts= Wen Ning, Nie Huaisang, Mo Xuanyu, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Jiang Cheng, Lan
Jingyi, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling


"You will not beat us, little flowers! This is where your future ends!!" Cackled that witch, Wang
Lingjiao as she summons up more ofnher mindless demons to kill the three Scouts who claim to
have come from the future to save their parents and to prevent the corruption of the Yiling

"Dammit I knew following you two would get me killed!!" Shouted the young man dressed in
beautiful gold and cream robes as he holds his hand out to the side summoning his bow and
jumping high into the air to start raining blessed arrows down on the demons. The two white and
blue dressed boys nod and one pulls out a small Guqin while the other twirls a white ivory flute
into his hands and they quickly begin playing a powerful song to create a barrier but suddenly a
monstrous broar startles them and theybturn to see something barreling through the demons,
destroying any that do not get out of the way in time and when it stops they see a man in black with
heavy chains wrapped tight around his arms and chest.

"Uncle...." The one playing the flute gasps, tears springing tk his eyes recognizing the one
nicknamed the Ghost General in their era.

"DAMMIT WHO LET HIM OFF THE CHAINS!?" Bellows someone in dark purple robes as they
land and quickly spin, several whips shooting out and producing purple lightning.

"Uncle....." The golden clad boy breathes out just as emotional as his friends as he lands between
them. They turn when a piercing bolt of light circles them and then shoots up and bursts into
flowers. The demons whobhad been struck suddenly becoming impaled on flowering spires of
wood before a woman glides gently down in soft lavender. "M... Mother..." The boy whimpers out.

"Huh? What the hell are you three doing here!? It is dangerous, this is no place for baby disciples
to be running around!!" The angry purple clad man demands stomping up to them but gasps when
suddenly the demons begin killing each other and turns to where they can see their leader, the
Head Scout floating gently through the air on a bed of black energy.

"Finally!!" Lingjiao cackles as she summons up her best demons, made just for this little pissant!
She snaps her fingers and the four demons appear and attack. But before they can get close to the
startled Scout they are knocked back by a powerful blast from a Guqin.

"Who is that!?" The mini Guqin player asks seeing a man in pure white and a half dragon mask.

"Hanguang Jun..." The other two boys breathe remembering the description from their studies.
"He's out King and...."

"My dad.... Before he lost his power...." The younger blue and white clad boy breathes as tears fill
his eyes. "If we are seeing them so young and alive for more than half of them... It means... It
means The spell worked! We can help find and save my mother and save our family!!" He gasps
and then gets a firce look in his eyes. "Sky, Peony; cover your ears..."

They do just as the black and red flutist and he put their flutes to their mouths and as if they are of
one mind they play a shrill, piercing sound and the Ghost General roars and suddenly great wings
of black mist burst from his back and the chains turn into great snakes. He lunges at the four
demons as the pair play and then to everyone's shock a black figure suddenly joins the Ghost
General, giggling and laughing insanely.

"You brought him with You!?" The gold clad boy yells, just as angry as his Uncle was rumored to

"Shut up he needs to concentrate to keep A-Yang under control." The other boy hisses. "A-Yang is
only a danger to those who get him mad or try to disrespect the Princess!"

"Considering that the Yiling Princess went evil in our time--" he cuts off when a sour note is hit
and he winces. Now is not the time. He Will wait. Between the two berserkers the demons or
defeated but Lingjiao has fled once more and Hanguang Jun gave chase. This allows the others to
finally arrive and finish off the remaining demons. When all is said and done. The flutists put their
flutes away.

"Crimson Lotus!?" The older Scouts hurry to where he is falling the Ghost General now back to
his senses, quickly catches him and between himself and his sister they begin treating their leader.
"I told you to stay home you fool..."
Sailor Moon AU Pt 2
Chapter Notes

Alright, I switched to Chinese names/titles for the Scouts!

Shenhong Lianhua/ Shen hongse de Hua = Crimson Lotus = Wei Ying

Leizhizhu/ Lei Zhi Zhu = Thunder Spider = Jiang Wanyin
Qinghua/ Qing Hua = Light Flower = Jiang Yanli
Zhiyu Zhiji/ Zhiyu Zhi Ji = Healing Strike= Wen Qing
Shishigui/ Shi Shi Gui = Ghoul General = Wen Ning
Wudaomi / Wudao Mi = Dancing Fan = Nie Huaisang
Nandan/ Dan = Male actor playing female roles in plays/ operas in ancient China = Mo
Yinyu/ Yin Yu = Silver Jade = Lan Yaun
Tiankong = Sky = Lan Jingyi
Mudan = Peony = Jin Ling

I know, not the most creative titles but hey, I work with what I get. And their 'Sailor
Scout' Uniforms are actually the robes they wore in the MDZS timeline.

"This damn idiot!! You are sick why would--"

"Shut up, Spider!!" the woman in red and white snaps. "Ghost, hold him."

The three Junior Scouts watch her pull very thin needles out and carefully place them in specific
spots. Once she does, his body goes painfully still, almost like he is dead. But before the three
young teens can panic, she opens his robes and they gasp seeing a festering curse wound.

"Shit... I knew he was acting strange..." She mutters as she holds her hand out and scroll appears in
it and when she unfurls it in a fluid motion, a bag appearing and the scroll flashes and she reads it.
"Damn it, the demon from last week has a necrotizing curse bite. Alright I know what I need to do.
Qinghua, I need these herbs." She points at the list that appears closer to the lavender dressed

"I got it..." She takes her cross bow and chants a spell before shooting the bolt into the floor and
several plants appear. She harvests them and begins to prepare them as the instructions say.

"Tsk...." The darker purple clad man growls and turns to start clearing the demon bodies when he
remembers the Juniors. "Hey didn't I tell you brats to leave?"

"Hey, that hag attacked us out of nowhere and when did we have time to run!?" Shouted one of the
two hot heads, causing the youngest of the three to facepalm but then the boy yelped as he was
picked up.

"Sky, don't go mouthing off to the old man!" The black clad teen, who looked perhaps 18 or 19,
says grinning meanly. "And you, Peony, how dare you think that I would leave you three by
yourselves. Yinyu... follow." He says and turns to leave, but stops seeing a scout in green, black
and gold, holding a fan before his face, eyes calculating and beside him is another scout in light
brown and red, his face is artfully painted like one of the male actors of ancient China who would
play the female roles of epic plays and operas. "You must be Wudaomi and that makes you...
Nandan, then... and the old man with the short fuse is Leizhizhu... Hi, now bye--"

When he goes to teleport away with his charges, having grabbed Yinyu as well as Tiankong and
Mudan to get away. However, he vanished for only a second only to land in the same exact spot
before two new arrivals appeared. He gasped because he knew them and the last time he had seen
them alive, he was only a boy of 11. And his mother, he had his eyes back as did his father! He felt
his emotions suddenly static out and knew they needed to go. This was too much too soon for the
four of them, they needed to call High Councilor Yao!

"It is rude to leave before you introduce yourselves and even ruder to call names." His mother
scolds in that gentle way he always remembered. Only a hint of disapproval in his voice, to make
you feel even more guilty.

He cannot help how his head bows, how he scoffs his foot in the way he always did during a
scolding, peeking up at his parents through his bangs and shifting side to side. he would have his
hands behind his back if he didn't have three Juniors in his hold. He got the strength from his
father, but he was fast and light on his feet like his mother.

"Oh now you two show up!" Leizhizhu yells.

"...." the black clad teen watches his father spin and strike faster than he could follow and the
angry spider is passed out in his arm from taking a chop to the back of the head. "I can't believe we
left the army to this hothead..." He mutters.

"We didn't exactly have a choice. And you cannot deny that the army was very well trained under
his command. Now then, please tell us who you are and why you were here? I do not recognize
your robes." cam the gentle voice of his mother again.

"We were just passing through when that hag attacked us. We defended ourselves." Tiankong says
in a calmer tone of voice now that he's not being yelled at. Though he can see where Mudan gets
his short temper from. How that works is beyond him since his mother is so gentle and mild
mannered and even his father was a calm individual.

"So we gathered... but that doesn't tell us who you are." his father says, he shifts slightly and it
makes them tense slightly.

"We're not enemies if that's what your worried about. Trust me, we aren't with Qishan, we would
rather be chopped up into millions of little pieces than ever side with them..." He says and then
thinking, he stands up straight, which puts the others on high alert. "Alright, I'll bite and tell you
something, but first how old are you, Wudaomi?"

".... 15... why?" those grayish brown eyes narrow slightly behind the fan.

"15... that means Princess Yiling, is about 14 going to be 15 now..." He muses.

"Princess!? You know the Princess?!" His mother gasps, looking both hopeful and cautious now.

"Yes, in about 5-8 years, an attack happens, I don't know what happened, but the Princess becomes
corrupted and adopts the name Yiling Laozu... The Scouts band together and kills the Princess and
in the following 13 years after that, our world begins to fall to a being called the Yin Master.
Almost all of the Scouts die during that time and the King, Hanguang Jun, sacrificed his Golden
Core to create a crystal barrier to keep the Yin Master trapped. The man who raised me after my
parents were killed when I was a child, had developed a spell, but we didn't have time to test it out.
He sent us back to a point in time that could help drastically shift the future. So no, we are not with
Qishan or Yin Master, those bastards orphaned us! Destroyed our home and corrupted our Queen!
So now that you know, let us--"

"Shenhong Lianhua!?" Zhiyu Zhiji cries out and they curse.

"Put me down!!" Yinyu demands and wiggles free before running back to where the leader of the
Scouts was clearly in distress. "I can help... please?"

"You are a child--"

"I am not!" He snaps and his eyes flash from their silver to gold in his anger and she blinks.
"Forgive me, it is forbidden to yell at an elder, unless they are being bullheaded. I can help. I know
Cleansing and Restoration." He holds up his flute, the mirror image and yet exact opposite of
Chenqing. The tassel is blue with a single black pearl where Chenqing has a red tassel and a white

"Fine... It will help me clear this curse and keep him from bleeding out." Zhiyu Zhiji nods.
"Shishigui, help me."

"Ok..." He nods, trans forming the chains into ribbons and quickly tying his billowing robes
against his frame and leaning down to help his sister.

When he is given the signal, he begins playing and soon is joined by Tiankong playing on his
guqin and Mudan sings the healing song, all three helping as they try to reverse the curse.
Unknown to them, Shenhong Lianhua hears another guqin, playing a song without a name, but
somehow very familiar allowing him to relax and allow the others to help him fight off this curse...

Unknown to them, this very moment helps to shift the future onto a new path...
Blind AU


Wei Ying lost his eye sight due to the stray dogs that attacked him as a child. When he and his
siblings go to Gusu Lan for the lectures, Jiang Fengmian requests that someone guide and read to
Wei Ying so he can keep up with his studies. Lán Wangji is assigned the task and is admittedly
smitten with the cheerful young man who can see the world in a unique way and comes up with
alternative uses of both Spiritual and Resentful energy, much to Lan Qiren's displeasure.

Now what if the Wens attack the Lectures and capture all the Disciples in attendance, taking
particular pleasure in harassing a Blind Wei Ying. However the more they harass him, the darker
the Second Jade gets and when Wei Ying is locked away for the night with a monsterous dog,
leaving him a sobbing mess come morning. The Jade finally cracks and decides to take things into
his own hands to protect his Wei Ying...


Lan Zhan watched Jiang Yanli carefully administering medicated drops to Wei Ying's eyes as
Jiang Cheng holds the boy's hands firmly down. They explained the drops protect his eyes from
further damage but they sting horribly and there is little they can do. So it takes the twonof them to
keep Wei Ying from hurting himself further. After half an hour Wei Ying is released and Jiang
Cheng gently, which is odd for the brash, hot tempered young Alpha, wipe the excess away from
the Omega's eyes. Wei Ying offers a bright smile and his thanks before he tells themnto go enjoy
their free day. He would be spending his in the garden listening to sounds of nature.

Lan Zhan cannot help but follow at a distance, wondering if perhaps in another life time Wei Ying
could see. Would he be this calm, but cheerful young man or would he be a loud and charasmatic
nuisance? Would Lan Zhan have fallen so readily for him or perhaps it would take time for those
feelings to take root and bloom?

"You can join me, Hanguang Jun..." He is startled at the causal way Wei Ying calls to him.
"You're good, I will give you that, but I have long find tuned my other senses and adapated the
energies around me to make it next to impossible for one tonget the drop on me..."

Lan Zhan hesitates before joing Wei Ying in the bench he has chosen and he cannot help but look
at hazy Silver eyes as Wei Ying turns to smile at him, just slightly off center.

"See, isn't this better? Tell me, what color are the flowers?" Wei ying asks and Lan Zhan looks at
the sea of white and pale yellow blooms around them.

"White and pale yellow... Gentians." He says, feeling strangely off kilter.

"Oh, pretty!" Wei Ying smiles. "I miss being able to see colors... I especially miss seeing the
various shades of red. My mother's robes were always some color of red and black; the colors of
her clan. I were them in her honor but I wouldn't know if I am indeed wearing them or pink and
orange. Some of the kids use to purposely lie to me about the color as a prank... I can tell by the
material these are Gusu Lan robes. And I heard you wear predominantly white with accents in light
blue, almost sky blue and paler."

"Mn." He hums with a nod and Wei Ying laughs softly.

"Hey, Lan Wangji, would you tell me a story about your home? Paint me a picture with your words
so I can see your home?"

Blind AU Pt 2

Wei Ying was not like anyone else he's ever met. The Omega listened closely as he told him stories
or read to him, drew him into debates and theorized with him. When they were out on patrols, the
Omega offered aid to everyone, never asking for repayment; only accepting the gifts when those
they aided insisted. While he could not see the world like Lan Zhan could he saw the energies that
flowed through the world. The Yin and Yang flowing like a pair of koi fish in a mating circle.
never mixing but always in perfect balance. It would explain that despite his disability, Wei Ying
had earned his place as the Head Disciple of the Yunmeng Sect. Jiang Wanyin did not allow
anyone to disrespect his adoptive brother and often had to be held back by said male. Zhan grew to
love Ying more and more with every moment they spent together in the library or taking walks.
His uncle, who had been displeased at first because Wei Ying was mischievous, straightforward
and open minded. It didn't help that when his uncle learned that he was the son of Cangse Sanren,
the man had nearly Qi deviated, but now, seeing how much the calmer version of that woman, had
brought his quiet nephew out of his shell, he could not be angry anymore. For the most part. Lan
Huan absolutely adored Ying for drawing his little brother out and helping him bloom.

"I'm going to miss being here when we're done with our studies and I have to go home to Lotus
Pier." Ying said one day as they sat in the field of gentians. "Though I will be glad to go home
where it's warmer and the food doesn't taste like medicine all the time." He giggles, poking his
tongue out cutely with a wrinkle in his nose not unlike a bunny.

"Will miss Ying..." He says without hesitation. "Will try to visit... Will Ying visit as well?"

"Of course! I will be sure to bug Auntie ZiZi until she throws me all the way here!" He throws his
hands up as if he were flying in the air and then falling back to imitate how he will land in the
Cloud Recess.

"Please do not." Zhan begs, taking him a little too serious. He has heard of the Purple Spider, she
was a fierce woman and could cow even his bullheaded Uncle. If Wei ying harassed her enough,
she really would throw him back here from all the way in Yunmeng.

"I'm only joking. Auntie would tie me up in warm blankets and put me in a wagon here. She's too
worried about hurting me too seriously to actually throw me. ChengCheng on the other hand
would get tossed like day old rubbage! He can handle it!" He laughs.

Zhan gives a soft huff, that is his laughter and Ying giggles, cheering that he made him laugh. Lan
Zhan wished these days would last forever, this gentle peace and happiness. He takes Ying's hand,
lacing their fingers together and Ying looks at his cheek, blinking confused.

"Zhan?" He wonders.

"This-- I love you, Wei Ying..." He says and the gasp Ying gives and his sightless eyes actually
lock onto his and it feels like something slots into place between them.

"Re- really?" He whispers.

"Mm... Will always love Wei Ying... Lans only love once; it is a love so fierce and so deep, it is
both a blessing and a curse." He tells him. "May I tie my ribbon around your hand?"

"Ye... Yes... I... I love you too, but I can't see... if we have children... I--" He starts, tears filling his
eyes, but Lan Zhan kisses him softly, making him gasp in shock.
"Wei Ying need not see, I am your eyes, I will see them for both of us. Wei Ying will see them with
his heart." He says firmly. "See them with his soul... See them in a way I cannot." He swears and it
makes Wei Ying cry around another kiss. "Wei Ying need never fear..."

"As long as you are here..." He promises. "I love you so much.. you are too perfect..."

"No, Ying is perfect." He denies and kisses away any protest that might have cropped up...


He should have known better than to hope the days of peace and happiness would last. The attack
came late one night, He had stayed up past bedtime, working on his composition for Ying.
Wangxian as its title. He had just worked out where Wei Ying could harmonize with him when
someone burst into his room. He barely dodged the blow of a sword, rolling out of the way,
kicking up Wangji and with a shrill strum, blasted the attacker out of the door. He holds onto
Wangji as he grabs Bichen off her stand and runs out. As soon as he is out his door is when the
warning bell finally sounds. But it is too late, there is fighting all over the place. He runs out of his
dwelling and runs into his brother.


"Get the scrolls out of the library and run... NOW!!" He yells and it shocks his brother, but he
nods. "Be careful, brother... We will meet again."

"Wangji... Xiao Ying!" He gasps recalling one of the few Omegas in attendance and would be
vulnerable right now.

Zhan snarls, turning towards the fighting and bolts before his brother can stop him. He cracks the
sheath of Bichen over a few skulls of the attackers, allowing the few Omegas to flee towards the
evacuation tunnels with the children and Elders too old to fight. He sees his father for the first time
in years standing beside his Uncle, but he does not stop to watch or say anything. His sole focus is
getting to his beloved. It wasn't hard to for people to realize the gold and blue ribbon he wore every
day of his life since he was old enough to not want to play with it had been replaced with a simple
white one with a pair of red lotuses sewn into the ends. His scared ribbon was tied into a braid that
Ying asked him to make so he can know that he always has it with him. If anyone noticed that Ying
sported the new hair decoration, they either kept quiet not sure how to feel or thought it was a joke
of some kind. He didn't give two shits, his only focus was making sure no one who bore him ill
will realized that Ying was his and tried to hurt him to get at Zhan. He arrives at the Lotus Pavilion
where the Yunmeng Sect disciples were staying. The place was on fire and he does not remember
screaming for Wei Ying and running into the building.

He pulls Bichen out and muttering a small release spell he sends out a wave of ice to clear a path.
He calls for Wei Ying and hears his Omega crying in his room. He hurries in, bashing through the
wooden doors and quickly grabbing his frightened beloved.

"Do not breathe...." He tells him as the smoke grows thicker. He banishes Wangji into his qiankun
pouch and swings Bichen once more to clear the flames once more. His Omega has Suiban in his
hand, his medicine and his qiankun pouch before he bolts out. He curses when the original path
was engulfed in flames again, but then he sees Jiang Cheng, who is soaking wet to keep from
catching fire and has a wet blanket with him. "Jaing Cheng!!"

"Lan Wangji-- Wuxian!! Shit... Toss him to me!!" He yells tossing the wet blanket to him.

He quickly wraps Ying in it, ignoring him asking what is happening, what he is about to do.
"Shh... trust me." He tells him before kissing him and then tossing him over the flames and into his
fellow Alpha's arms. He waits for them to clear the path and then he is about to swing Bichen
when burning beams land on him...
Blind AU Pt 3

Wei Ying held tightly to Jiang Cheng's arm as he stared sightlessly toward their temporary home.
Jiang Cheng had shouted for Lan Zhan many times, and then there was a thunderous crash. After
that Jiang Cheng had gone stiff, so stiff that if not for Wei Ying's fingers practically digging into
his pulse, he would swear he was holding onto a statue.

"J-Jiang Ch- Cheng.... Where... Where is--?" He whimpers out frightened of the answer more than
the chaos running rampant around them.


Wei Ying covers his mouth to keep the Omegan keen he wanted to let out at bay. Jiang Cheng
shook his head and pulled the smaller male along, only let him go to quickly dispatch attackers.
Many aimed at Wei Ying, thinking he was an easy target but when they were met with Suiban and
precise strikes of pressure points, they learned it was a fatal mistake.

The brothers fight trying to get to one of the even tunnels that the Lans had shown to them when
they first arrived and learned that the three disciples from Yunmeng had two Omega's and one
Alpha to guard over them. If anyone thought that insulting or meant easy pickings, they quickly
learned the hard way that Jiang Cheng was not to be triffled with especially when it came to his
older brother and sister's safety and virtue. However they were soon captured, a knife held to Wei
Ying's throat and the startled cry he let out had distracted his brother.

"Wuxian!?" He cried out and would have charged if the knife did not press close enough to draw a
bead of blood. "Tsk... Let him go!!" He growls.

"Drop your sword and I might spare the runt." The Wen behind Wei Ying challenges.

"Didi, don't!!" Wei Ying orders pulling rank quick tryibg to stop his brother and the Heir of
Yunmeng from doing something potentially stupid and life ending.

"Shidi, I have to...." He stresses out, sheathing his sword and tossing it at their feet, his eyss on the
Wen bastard that had Wei Ying by the throat. He could see the man was much too close and if he
took a deep enough breath he would know what Wei Ying was and Jiang Cheng could not risk it.

"Heh, good... Take these-- huh?" The man pulls Wei Ying back to him and sniffs deeply and Wei
Ying squeaks and elbows him, quickly dropping his fist into his crotch next, kicking Sandu into
the air and pulling Suiban out as well. A moment later Jiang Cheng is at his side sword back in
hand and Wei Ying closes his hazy silcer eyes and takes a deep breath and soin his inner eye lights
up showing him the currents of energy and he can see how many they are surrounded by.

"Didi.... We cannot win.... It Will get us killed... There is no one who can aid us near by...." His
tone cracks as it seems to confirm Jiang Cheng's suspicions that Lan Wangji was most likely dead.

"Shidi...." He whispers because he had seen how close the pair had gotten and had a letter to his
parents from Lan Zhan that he is certain is a formal request to court and mate Wei Ying.

Seeing as they have no choice now, Wei Ying grabs their swirds and slaps a talisman on them and
they vanish from sight. He highly doubts these people will let them keep their weapons, never
mind shattering them. They get on their knees when the first Wen recovers from the nut shot and
more quickly circle them. It isn't long after that they are bound. Jiang Cheng in suppressing chains
and Wei Ying with rope. They are not the only captives as they later find out when they are shoved
it o two different groups.

"How nice of You to join the Qishan Indoctrination... We Will provide yoh with all you need!"
Laughs an arrogant voice, nasally and grating. "Now then, let's start walking... It will be some time
to get to the Nightless City!!"

And like that they are taken captive...


Wei Ying slapped Wen Chao when the bastard tried to feel him up while making him recite the
Wen Sect rules, after mocking him for being blind and unable to read. The meaty hand on his ass
had been greatly unwanted and Wei Ying had spun, slapping him hard enough he fell and many
others had laughed.

"You bitch!! I will teach you to strike your betters!! Wen Zhuliu, take him to the dungeons... Make
him comfortable... In fact put him in the last cell with fresh bedding and clean water...." Wen Chao
orders his body guard, who had came and grabbed Wei Ying by his hair and forced him to his
knees, neck bared in submission. His collar, much like the other Omegas, had been cut off his neck
it left him a constant state of unease. He could not see with the suppression cuff on his wrist
blocking his own spiritual energy so he could not draw any in and use it to see. He was truly blind.
For the first time in a long time and without his collar he ran the risk of being disgraced or mated to
a monster! He wished he was home and could hide behind his Auntie, who would no doubt bring
down Zidian's wrath on the offenders 10,000 fold.

Jiang Cheng tried to rush Wen Zhuliu but when the man wnt to strike and destroy Jiang Cheng's
golden core, Wei Ying grabbed his wrist, using their close proximity to do it and in a move none
have seen before, he jumps up, wrapping his whole body around the arm and using his weight and
momentum flipped and twisted them so they laned on their backs and Wei Ying kicked the man
once with his heel in the stomach before sitting up for just a moment, hooked his arms properly
around the Core Melting Hand and threw himself back, the sickening crunch and crash of an arm
breaking drew everyines attention.

Jiang Cheng, having seen Wei Ying do this many times before, being on the recieving end of it a
couple times too, he did not waste time grabbing at Wei Ying and pulling him behind him growling
when they were surrounded. Wen Zhuliu was in agony his lower arm hung unnaturally limp from
the elbow down as he glared at Wei Ying, who was pressed tight to his beother's back.

Wen Chao snarled as he threw his whip out and it grabbed Wei Ying by the neck and yanked him
away from his brother who was quickly subdued and held at sword point. Wei Ying sensing the
danger goes submissive and begs for his brother's life, accepting any punishment in his place.

"Oh don't worry.... As long as you behave Yunmeng Jiang will still have an Heir...." Wen Chao
says in an oily voice. "Take him and do as I ordered... As for this upstart Alpha, he can scrub the
courtyard clean. No fokd or rest until it is done..." He smirks meanly because the courtyard is
massive and no doubt the guards will make it extra filthy just for him. Wen Qing!! Attend Wen
Zhuliu!!" He shouts up the stairs to where said woman stood by Wen Rouhan, who enjoyed the

Everyone was shuffled away, Jiang Cheng to his chore, Wei Ying to the dungeon where after veing
locked into a large room he learned why it was so big when a large hulking dog barked and Wei
Ying's screams of terror echoed throughout the Nightless City, unknowingly alerting an injured
Alpha of his distress.

"Wei Ying..."
Blind AU Pt 4

Lan Zhan limped steadily forward just as dawn pierced the sky not long after he heard the screams
of his beloved echoing through out the mountains and valleys of Qishan Wen. As he entered the
great citadel, the guards all looked on stunned as he marched forward, a biting icy wind circling
him as bits of frost was left in his wake. What shocked them was that his hair was streaked with an
icy blue so pale it was white. His eyes had taken on a less than human appearance and if he were
so inclined to sneer or snarl, they would see in human teeth ready to tear and rend. They allowed
him past until two took up rank on either side of him as he walked up the great stairs that lead to
the Wen Palace. The other hostages were gathered out in the blazing sun, an exhausted but furious
Jaing Wanyin was cradling someone in his arms, the hysterical sobbing and clearly distressed
Omega scent had everyone on edge minus a laughing Wen Chao. Lan Zhan's eyes flashed Alpha
Red as he sent a bolt of spiritual ice at the bastard, slapping him in the face and leaving a nasty
frost burn. He knew very well who Jiang Wanyin would be curled around like that and thankfully
Young Lady Jiang was protected by a group of Jin Disciples with her fiance standing protectively
before her. So it could only be his Wei Ying.

The attack had the desired affect of drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Hanguang-jun!!" Gasped his fellow disciples, the few Omegas present being safe guarded.

"Oh, what's this, the Second Jade Lan showing up so late to lessons?" Wen Chao mocks, nervously
stepping back as the white clad Alpha stalks up like a great predator on the hunt. "But then again, I
thought you perished in the burning of your precious Cloud Recesses..."

Jiang Wanyin turned toward him and gasped, whispering into the tiny Omega's ear, keeping him
tucked into his arms. Wei Ying spun in his direction and the pale face, bruises and streaks of filth
did little to subtract from his beauty, but he was clearly stressed, trembling like he could not get
warm or control of his fear. It made Lan Zhan snap his golden eyes up at the Wen bastard, who
yelped as a second attack of ice slapped him across the face, slicing his face open on the other side.
The scream of fright and pain had Wen Rouhan, who was watching these events stand up, eyes
glittering with mad glee.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying's voice is small, hoarse and raw from how much he screamed the night
before, reaching out for him.

"Hold still... you're not okay..." Jiang Wanyin tells Wei Ying, holding him steady.

Lan Zhan stops by them and can see that his beloved is covered in injuries, bite marks by the looks
of them. They looked canine. Lan Zhan grips Bichen tighter as one more streak of his hair starts to
bleed to the icy blue-white.

"Well, I am impressed, a Lan rising from the dead!" Wen Rouhan laughs, "I guess hording all that
knowledge was for something.... So how was your journey? Especially with that clearly broken leg
of yours?"

Wei Ying whimpers, but Jiang Wanyin muffles him, keeping him tucked into his chest, glaring at
the guards around them, not daring for one second to let his blind brother out of his arms. He spent
the whole day and night cleaning the courtyard from top to bottom, enduring the hazing and the
harassments with little complaint, but he had to really restrain himself as he had to listen to these
motherless bastards talk about having their way with not only the other Omegas that had ben
captured during the siege of the Cloud Recesses, but his brother, who was blind and could not tell
who raped him. They laughed about turning him into a cock hungry whore for the Qishan Wen
Army. It was infuriating. He was pissed, no Jiang Cheng was beyond pissed, he was nearly white
hot with rage because these monsters were talking about raping his older sister and brother, both of
whom were Omegas. He had to listen to them detailing what they would do, how they would take
every Omega and make them all cock hungry whores. Jiang Cheng has never had much patience,
short tempered and hothead, something he gets from his own mother.

However, he also gets his patience from both her and his father. His father, unfailingly kind and
patient, has stayed by his mother's side since they were afianced and later married. He was patient
with her bouts of irrational anger and jealousy and patiently showed her that he was loyal to her
and had fallen in love with her. Sure they argue a lot, but with a woman like Madam Yu, it was
actually their form of flirting since the Madam became too embarrassed being soft or gentle, things
she was never allowed to be in a warrior clan like hers. Madam Yu had patience when it came to
things that were important to her. She was patient with her children, when her husband was in a
very rare state of aggitation or distress. And the Madam was the most patient when her husband
had finally tracked down their friends only to bring home an orphaned child, painfully thin and
badly injured. She showed extreme patience hunting down doctors and nursing the child back to
good health and then when the child began to lose his vision, she patiently exhausted herself to
teach him to read and write using other methods, she patiently trained the child, raising him as if
bore him herself. She taught this patience to her blood children, making sure that if she were to
suddenly die, she knew that all three would look after each other. Jiang Cheng has not failed to
protect Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli until now. He could hear his mother coaching him to channel his
anger into a leash. Pull it tighter and tighter until it finally snaps and make sure to aim it at those
who deserve his full wrath.

"Never take your anger out on a'Li and especially a'Ying. You are their sword and you are their
shield. break their trust and they will never trust you again. Remember that well, a'Cheng. If your
sister and brother cannot trust you, it puts them in more danger... So no matter how much you get
angry, how much you want to lash out, never aim it at them. aim it at those responsible and find
yourself a balance... someone who can help to temper you."

He had his own list of rules he lives by, rules that keep him in check and they helped keep him
from slaughtering the Wen bastards, these mangy dogs that were salivating to chomp their fangs
into the Omegas in their clutches. And even now, as he watches this standoff with Lan Wangji and
the Wen Sect Leader, he was reciting his rules to himself, keeping his temper from hitting his
breaking point. Like when Shijie makes soup and lets it sit just enough on the fire to keep it hot, but
not boiling or over flowing. Simmering, she had called it. Yes, he was simmering, keeping it just
hot enough to be ready to unleash, but not letting it have control. He keeps Wei Ying pressed close
to his chest, subtly feeding his spiritual energy into the slightly older Omega to help heal him. He's
heard of the Wen having bred monstrous dogs, but to use one of them to terrorize Wei Ying?
Unforgiveable. He's raised his dogs and trained them, had to work like hell to build trust between
Wei Ying and them. and even then only Jasmine has the closest bond to him. Wei Ying trusts her
because she doesn't bark unless she has to and she is beyond patient with his nervousness and fear,
waiting him out. If they can just break out of here, he will call her to guide Wei Ying back home
and hopefully mother will keep her promise to rip Heaven and Hell apart for Wei Ying.

"A'Ying... calm down, Lan Wangji is here... He will not let them keep hurting you... I need you to
be brave... As soon as we get a chance, I am calling Jasmine and she is taking you home... tell

"Bu- but...."

"Shh, a'Ying..." He soothes even as he glares hatefully at the Wen Guards laughing at the
whimpering Omega. "Do not fight with me... you may be older by a few months, but I am your big
brother as the Alpha... do as I say."

Wei Ying doesn't even pout, just whimpers in acceptance, curling slower to his brother as he listens
to Wen Rouhan and Wen Chao, when he's finally able to speak again, mocking Lan Zhan, who
says absolutely nothing, but the scent of winter, Alpha, the smoky smell of anger and sandalwood
tells him all he needs to know.

"Very well, since our most prestiegous guest has finally arrived, I think it is time to go on a training
excerise! We are going to Dusk Creek Mountain to look for the Legendary Tortoise of Slaughter.
Once we find it, we will kill it. If you can manage this, you will be free to go home!" Wen Rouhan
says, the mock cheer in his voice does little to fool anyone. They know that this madman will stop
at nothing to see his plans to fruition. "However, fail and I will sadly have to ask for your Clans to
send their next best disciples... And to make sure you have some motivation... The Omegas will be
taken and held in trust, except a few of them, who will be used to lore the beast out of hiding... I
think the Nie Omega, that Jin Omega over there, yes the pretty one, and this pretty little flower
right here will be enough bait..." Wen Rouhan laughs as he snaps his fingers and the guards force
Jiang Cheng away from Wei Ying, the Alpha struggling as Wei Ying screams, kicking and
punching wildly because with the suppression cuff on, he cannot use his spiritual energy to show
him where his targets are.

Lan Wangji, growls and goes to attack the guards, but Wen Chao cracks his whip against his
busted leg, dropping him without a sound, but the murderous look in his eyes holds a promise that
will be kept.

"Take the three Omegas up ahead, the rest will leave this evening!"

"No!!" Nie Huaisang screams as he is carried away as well.

"Lou Qingyang!?" screams a few Jins as she goes with them quietly even as she trembles in both
fear and anger. Wei Ying is still flailing wildly and then he lets out a scream that is not something
they heard before and the guards holding him fall dead as he lands on them with a yelp.

"Run, a'Xian!!" shouts Jiang Cheng as Wei Ying scrambles up and picks a random direction and
bolts, but screams when he grabbed by the Core Melting Hand, who holds him hostage while Wen
Rouhan checks the dead guards and then comes to check the cuff. "Get away from him!!"

"... Interesting... you killed them without seeing them and with a suppression cuff on... Wen
Zhuliu, take him and the Omegas to the Cave, keep an eye on them... if this little one does it
again... bring him to me." Wen Rouhan purrs darkly as Wei Ying whimpers, flinching when the
man touches his cheek. "I wonder if you're that Woman's son...."
Bride of the Twin Jades


Empress Liang Minghua had labored for nearly 2 days before she gave birth to twin sons. The
moment she held them inbher arms, she loved them with her whole heart and knew they would be
destined for greatness. Before she was shipped off to her private palace which would then
becomenher prison, she decreed that her sons may marry for love and only the one they love can be
given a royal title. She did not want her sons or their future mates to go through what she has to.
She decreed that never again shall the Council of Elders hold power over the royal family. The
Scribe wrote down her decrees and passed them onto the Emperor who signed and stamped them
with his blood and Royal seal before he went into the room to see his sons.

"My Lord, your sons Lan Huan and Lan Zhan." She nods to each twin in turn and he carefully takes
them to hold. "They will be great...."

~Skip 20 years~

Lan Huan and Lan Zhan stood before the council of Elders, whom had steadily lost power and
sway over the years leading up to the deaths of the Empress and then the Emporer. After the twins
were put on the throne, though Lan Huan seemd to be the one ruling and his brother onlybacted as
a mute guard. Their Uncle raised them as vest he could, trying to honor his brother's final request,
but he was a traditionalist and felt only a bride of royal blood and a harem of desirable Omegas
would do. However it was decreed and sealed by the Empress and Emporer that the Princes may
only marry for love and only their mates were allkwed royal titles.

So here the twins stood, having just placed the Kingdom in the trusted hands of Menu Yao, a good,
but crafty friend of theirs with General Nie as his guard and council. Meng Yao's council held his
brother in arms, Nie Mingjue, his half brother, Mo Xuanyu and his spymaster/personal assassin,
Xue Yang. They would keep things running smoothly in the twins absence. Being nearly 21 and
just now going on their Hunt was unheard of and was seen as an ill omen. However, it was not their
fault. No, that fell to the Council trying to curry favor and when that failed they attempted to
manipulate and coerce the young princes turned Emporers.

So they left with only one guard, Song Lan, to finally go on their Hunt. Dressed in their clan colors
but in a lesser quality to avoid people realizing who they were, to find potential mates. However
the twins were always of one mind and knew that there would not be two mates but rather one.
They would share even this aspect of their lives as they have all others. They just had to agree on
such a mate...
Bride of the Twin Jades Pt 2

The Twins and Song Lan traveled for three days before stopping at a small village on the very edge
of their kingdom. There they restocked on some of their supplies and sat down to discuss where to
start looking for a bride.

"Not Lanling Jin... Last." Lan Zhan murmurs, tapping a well maintained claw on the section of the

"We will also avoid Qishan Wen as well..." Lan Huan nods in agreement. "It is best not to tempt
fate. King Wen Rouhan will either force us to pick an Omega from his kingdom to be our mate or
declare war for the 'insult' should we decline his 'generous offer.' That leaves Qinghe Nie,
Yunmeng Jiang and the Burial Mounds."

"The Burial Mounds are a Mass Grave, no one would dare live in them." Song Lan points out.

"No, but there are many small villages that are on the outskirts of the Burial Mounds. I would
rather search there before even considering Lanling Jin. King Jin Guangshan is another one who
would try to force an Omega or twenty upon us in hopes of having not only a high seat in the
Council but now familial ties to the Royal family as well as a blood claim to the throne through the
heir we would have to produce with our mate." Lan Huan points out as his twin gives a soft hum of
agreement, a frown of distaste twisting his lips.

"Well for the Council's choice from both Qinghe and Yunmeng would be Princess Nie Huaison
and Princess JIang Yanli. However, seeing as you've both grown up with Princess Nie, and have
never once shown an interest in him, It is safe to assume we will not be staying long in Qinghe...
Most Omegas are engaged upon presenting to ensure they are safe and protected from attempted
rapes and kidnapping. I doubt there will be available Omegas, but we can start in Qinghe and make
our way from there to Yunmeng. I hear Princess Jiang is a soft spoke and gentle Omega with a
calming disposition. If it is not a love match, she would be ideal for an arranged match. She is not
so soft to be a mindless puppet, but neither would she make demands or dare to step out of bounds.
She would respect your wishes and only ask the same in return." Song Lan points out, tapping his
own clawed finger at the two captials of the neighboring kingdoms.

"Mn, logical... will keep in mind." Lan Zhan murmurs.

"We want a love match, but we will also make a list of ideal arranged matches if needed." Lan
Huan agrees and after they work out travel plans and expenses, they order dinner and then head to
bed at 9pm on the dot...

When they arrived in Qinghe's Board village they were met by Princess Nie Huaisang and a small
entourage of guards. They had lunch in the Headman's home and the Princess handed over a list, a
very small list.

"Brother sent me warning that you might be stopping here first just to clear it out of the way while
avoiding Lanling and Qishan like the plague." He say behind his fan, the semi transparent veil over
his head covering his eyes while his fan hid his mouth. it was impossible to tell what his expression
was, but the two Alpha Princes hardly paid him mind. "Brother also asked me to begin brushing up
on Lan Culture and ettequite in the event that should you not find a love match, you will pick a
wife. That list is the available Omegas who have yet to see the Match Maker and have an
engagement arranged or their fiance has recently died or broke off the engagement. They are at the
Inn and will be informed when you wish to spend the day with them. We are also trying to avoid
you coming to the palace because our own Council is trying to take advantage that brother is not
here to gain more control and to sell me off into marriage either to one of their own or to you. They
wouldn't be above shoving their own progeny onto you as well."

"We figured as much." Lan Huan sighs as he looks over the list, only 15 Omegas. "Let us rest and
in two days we will begin with Maiden Hu."
Bride of the Twin Jades Pt 3

The Twins give soft sighs as they leave behind the Qinghe boarder where the small escort from
Nie Huaisang left them. They had spent a good month or two getting to know the 15 Omegas and
attempting to form a connection, but sadly they did not click and quickly lost interest. They
traveled through towns, cities and settlements of all shapes and sizes, scoping out the offerings in
each. Song Lan kept out of their way, chuckling softly as the twins enjoyed their trip. It was rare
for them to leave the palace and even then they were kept on strict schedules and only allowed to
go to certain areas. So it was nice to see them fluttering about like over excited butterflies. Though
that was a bit of a stretch when it came to Lan Zhan, who was so expressionless, that an uncarved
stone would be jealous. But never the less, he's caught sight of him not quite smiling at anything
with bunnies on it and he's certain he bought a bunny charm from that sweet young lady who hand
carved them from polished white stones she found by the river banks. They were slowly making
their way toward Yunmeng before they would head on toward the outlaying villages. Form there
they would have little choice but to go to Lanling and then home because it was agreed that no
matter what, they would avoid Qishan. Even if the rumors reached Wen Rouhan about their Hunt,
it would be too late and the man is likely to take offense one way or another so there was no point

Days and months passed and the Twins grew into themselves. Lan Huan was beloved by all
because he was so personable while everyone was in awe of Lan Zhan's quiet beauty and oddly
touching actions when one is lucky enough to see him do something kind, like buying steamed
buns for a group of orphans, aiding an old woman carry her packages home and sitting quietly
beside some men on night watch, just quietly offering his company. Song Lan enjoyed watching
every moment and has taken the time to try and find himself a wife as well, though so far no one
has truly caught his eye. He guesses it is because of the ridiculously high standards of the twins,
but oh well. They made it to Yunmeng proper almost five months into the Hunt and were riding in
a boat toward the palace, Lotus Pier. Apply named for it was built on and surrounded by piers and
lotus filled lakes and rivers. As they rode by, the Twins suddenly perked up. There was a sweet
scent in the air, not unlike the lotus flowers, but with something citrusy like loquats and spicy, like
many of the scents in the air. They look frantically around for the someone who might have the
scent, just missing when a young man dressed in black runs past, angry yells following him. When
they turn to see what the commotion was, they are instead met with Madame Yu of the Jiang Sect,
her two maids behind her and all three looking quite imperious.

"Welcome young master of Lan... We did not receive any notice that you would be arriving or we
would have prepared for your arrival." Madame Yu says bowing to them and they give her one

"We did not want anyone to know. The point of a Hunt is to make a connection on our own." Lan
Huan reminds the Madame, who scowls but says nothing as she guides them into her home and
towards the greeting hall where she hopes her daughter is, dressed in full regalia. Like any woman,
Madame Yu is looking for an advantageous marriage for her daughter and there is no place higher
than the Queen or even concubine of the future Emperors of China. She had to chase that street
brat, Wei Wuxian away to make sure he did not ruin Jiang Yanli's chances at being picked. If
neither prince picked her daughter, she would beat them into submission, no one turns down
Madame Yu!

The Twins silently calculate the chances of leaving Yunmeng still allies if the mix of scents the
Madame was giving off were any indication. They would keep a close eye on her while hopefully
finding the source of that wonderful scent from earlier...
Bride of the Twin Jades Pt 4

Lady Jiang was a soft, delicate beauty as the rumors had depicted. She was demure as was
expected of not only her secondary gender, but as a Princess as well. She talked softly and moved
with a gentle grace that reminded them of a crane gliding elegantly through the air. However,
neither of the Twins felt anything more than a mutual friendship with her and she admitted the
same when they were finally away from Madam Yu's hovering.

"I am sorry about mother... She is determined to see me married to either one of you and will be
greatly upset if neither of you select me as your bride to be. However, I can tell you do not see me
in a romantic light, nor I you." She says softly as they walk around the edge of a lotus filled lake.
"She went to such extremes to ensure that I had the highest chance of catching your eye, going as
far as to order every of age Omega to be shipped off to the next town for at least a week and even
ordered the guards to arrest a very good friend of mine." Jiang Yanli sighs, looking worried for her
people and this friend of hers. "I have been prepared all my life to marry a Jin, and now suddenly
she wants me to marry into the Royal palace."

"If we do not find a suitable bride by the time we return to the capital, Madam Yu just might get
her wish... out of the candidates thus far, Lady Jiang is a gem amongst swine." Lan Huan says as
he pauses to watch some birds dart at the water to catch small fish or bugs. "However, we will not
force you to be our bride if that is not your desire."

"I thank you, my lord... But please, forgive my ignorance, you said 'We' as in the royal 'we' or...?"

"We seek only one mate." Lan Zhan tells her, speaking up for the first time and she blushes softly
at his deep, magnificent voice.

She wonders if many others felt bereft upon hearing him or found it a pity he does not speak often?
Shaking her head mentally, she smiles softly at them.

"I would not know how to handle a husband, never mind two, but if I am indeed selected, I will
gladly learn you." She bows but gasps seeing a bunny sitting between them. A bright red ribbon
tied on its ear with a red leather color that held a simple white stone lotus charm on it. "Shouyue!
What are you doing here?"

The twins startled, Lan Huan clasping his hand to his sword when she said its name, but blinks
when she carefully stoops and picks up the black bunny that they just now noticed.

"Shouyue?" Lan Huan asks, watching his twin close his fists to fight the urge to reach out and pet
the bunny.

They've never seen one of this color before. The wind shifts and suddenly that scent from much
earlier hits them and they both breathe it in greedily. Jiang Yanli notices their action and smiles a
soft secret smile. However, she is quick to shake it off and turn her attention to the bunny, who is
lightly digging at her for attention. She sees a scroll attached to the collar and quickly removes it,
being gentle as she then sets the bunny down, who is content to curl up on her feet as she opens it.
She reads the letter and looks sharply around.

"We should head back... It is not safe here..." She whispers and the two Alphas become alert.

"How do you know?"

"My friend sent this message and they are never wrong when it comes to me..." She says seriously
as she picks up the bunny once more and begins guiding them back the way they came. "Best to
have your swords at the ready, Young Masters..."

They do not argue, though they are wary of trusting the message from a stranger. The Princess
walks briskly, but managing to look elegant and poised still. She holds the bunny, Shouyue, close
as she moves. They are coming around the last bend that will bring them back to Lotus Pier when a
large group of bandits ambush them. JIang Yanli steps back, a small frown pinching her lips as she
counts about 50 men. She snorts softly, Yunmeng was famous for having strong and swift
disciples, so large numbers were normally best, but this much seemed over compensating like
a'Xian has said in his letter. She stooped to set Shouyue down, the black bunny shaking itself and
then giving a bark. The Bandits blink down at it and laugh.

"I think the princess is trying to threaten us with dinner!" Laughs one man, mockingly before
suddenly a white blur bashes into his side followed by a grey one and then two more bunnies land
beside Shouyue.

"Suiban, Bichen, good timing!" Jiang Yanli praises as the twins stiffen again at hearing the names
of their swords, but Suiban was one they have never heard before and made their brows wrinkle.

"Shit!! I think those fur balls broke my ribs!" Groans the downed bandit as the others blink at the
very obvious pain he is in and looking at the two rabbits, who were bigger than the black bunny
and seemed to be hiding the smaller one.

"Hand over the princess and you two pretty boys won't get hurt." Growls the leader as two of his
men tend to the injured man.

"Sorry, but we cannot do that, my good sirs..." Lan Huan smiles a soft, benign smile that is
anything but kind. "My lady, if you would kindly step back, it is going to get messy and shortly..."
He asks Jiang Yanli as he flexes the claws of his free hand, Shouyue in his other hand already
while Lan Zhan held Bichen and flexed his own claws. The twin dragons bare their teeth in
mockery of smiles at their opponents who tense seeing the less than human teeth in their mouths.

"Shijue, duck!!" a voice shouts out and the three duck as a hail storm of arrows rain down from the
sky, the men screaming as they are impaled and killed under the onslaught. When it is over very
few are left alive before a figure floats down riding a giant feather. "Shijue, are you ok!?"

"I'm alright, Xianxian... though I think you stole victory from my two gentlemen callers..." She
giggles softly and the young man blinks and blushes seeing the twin Dragons standing there
stunned. "Young Masters, this is my friend, Wei Wuxian... a'Xian these are Lan Xichen and Lan
Wangji from Gusu..."

"Oh, sorry for this one's impertience... but young masters would have been overwhelmed and
Shijue kidnapped. Madam Yu would have had my head for it if I allowed it happen..." the young
man in black says, bowing lowly.

"How do you know that?" Lan Huan asks, watching the figure carefully, noting that no weapon
was visible and yet the bodies behind him said otherwise.

Lan Zhan was studying the 'arrows' and realized they were large black feathers of some kind of
bird. He wanted to grab one and study it to figure out the type when his focus was shifted to one of
the Bandits managing to stand and lunge at the unaware young man. Moving fast, he cleaved the
man's head from his shoulders just as the young man spun around, eyes glowing red and a sharp
wind that sounded like the angry cry of a phoenix struck the man and blasted a hole through his
chest. Lan Zhan gasped and grabbed the young man, who yelped and stared startled at being so
suddenly grabbed.



"Him..." He says again and his twin gasps as he moves quick to his side and sniff and sure enough
the sweet floral and spice scent from that morning is coming from the young man.

"Lady Jiang, we must apologize, but we believe we found who were looking for..." Lan Huan says
as the young woman giggles softly.

"Nothing to worry about. I figured as much when I said Shouyue and Bichen... a'Xian, these are the
ones you've waited for... now then, I best go head off mother's fury while you get to chat..." Jiang
Yanli giggles softly into her sleeve and moves around them all, sweeping by the dead men as if she
noticed nothing out of the ordinary.


"No, a'Xian, you are deserving of love and freedom. You should not be bound if you do not wish it
and I know you do not wish to be bound here... take this time to learn what your future could
possibly have. I will be fine, Shouyue, Bichen and Suiban will keep me safe." She smiles at the
three bunnies tailing her before she turns and leaves, three balls of fluff hopping after her.

"Um..." Wei Wuxian mumbles, nervous. "I shouldn't be here... Madam Yu wants you to pick

"We have already spoken with Lady Jiang and she agrees that while a match is possible, it would
not be one none involved would enjoy long term... We were teased most of the day by your scent...
sweet like lotuses and loquats, something spicy, but homey... It is beautiful..."

"Like Wei Wuxian..." Lan Zhan adds as he and his twin box the smaller male between them.

"I'm... um... Sorry!!" He suddenly drops a talisman and with a shout, they twins are blinded for just
a moment and when they can see their elusive little bird has escaped, only the silver bell from his
belt and the red ribbon from his hair remain in their hands.

"Brother... our mate is crafty..."

"Indeed, little brother... we best go speak with Lady Jiang and see where we can find our sweet
bird..." Lan Huan purrs, letting his tail out and grabbing a black feather only for it to turn to ash
upon pulling it free of the ground. "Phoenix... a black one?"

"And one gifted with foresight... Baoshen Sanren's sect." Lan Zhan nods, knowing the hallmarks
for what they are.

"But so far away from the Divine Mountain?" Lan Huan frowns. "And from what Lady Jaing
implied, he's not here by much choice..."

"Lady Jiang is best..." Lan Zhan nods and turns to leave, sweeping his tail as well flicking it lightly
at a feather and shivering at the dark feel of it. "She is willing to aid."

"Indeed she is... but first, let's go face the real dragon..." Lan Huan laughs as his brother shakes his
head at the poor joke, but could not help but find it accurate when describing Madam Yu...
Bride of the Twin Jades PT 5

Wei Ying hid in his nest far from Yunmeng, almost on the border of Qishan Wen territory where a
village lay abandoned by all. The people greeted him as he floated down on his crimson feather
and it vanished back into a feather tipped hair pin that pierced his ponytail.

"Young master, how was your trip?" Asks a local vendor as the young Omega is surrounded by the
people in the market bowing and pawing at him in awe. The young phoenix smiles brightly as he
sheds a bit of wild fire to burn away the miasma of the Burial Mounds that lay just out side of the
northern gates. The resentful energy coils around the flames and allows them to purify it. The
Phoenix was a child of the Baoshan Clan and much lile his predocessors he could cultivate both
Yin and Yang energy and thus made his nest deep in Burial Mounds where the demons have
pledged him loyalty. They do not dare come near the village in fear of being sent on and away
from the rich calming energy their young Master puts out.

The people thrive here now that Wei Ying practically lives here, all but kicked out by Madame Yu
who also tries to collar him and enslave him. He was a Divine birth like his mother and as such he
was not meant to be bound in any form he, himself did not choose. But still he is caged by his love
for his shijie more than his Didi. He could not get along with the canine no matter how he tried.
He was too scared of dogs and Jiang Wanyin lile Madame Yu often took advantage of his fear to
control him.

"I made it intime to protect Princess Jiang... I am tired now, I would like to go rest." He tells them,
leaving out that he ran into the Twin Jades and there was possibly a future for him as their mate,
but he ran like a coward to leave them to pick his Shijie who is more than worthy of their love and

The people bow and fuss, giving him cooked meals, bundles of fruits and vegetables and a few
large jars of wine. He was their guardian and protector. He was worshipped and protected in return.
He was cared for in a way has not been since he was a Hatchling. He loved his Shijie like a second
mom, but sje could not stand against both her mother and brother. Never mind that Uncle Jiang is
too placid at times and often lets his mate run everything.

"I'm home!" He calls once he lands once more in the hidden oasis he made in the heart of the
Burial Mounds. A couple of sentient Fierce Corpses hurry forward and begin helping him with his
items and then changing into a thin red robe with a sheer black over robe. "Thank you, Ming Lin
and Yue Hu." They bow again and hurry away after leaving some wine and one of the cooked
meals for him at his table. He pulled his work to him to make more tools and items for both
Cultivators and non-Cultivators. He also had a scroll where his visions were recorded, he ignored it
because after he had seen his Shijie's would be kidnapping was meeting his mates and another of
twin boys of his own, a little dragon and a fluffy little chick with an infant little girl at his breast
with his Alphas behind him.
Moon Rabbit


Chang'E, the Goddess of the Moon, is only allowed to go to earth every few millennia to attempt to
find the reincarnation of her husband's soul. She always manages to find him and fall in love and
they have a happy and wonderful life full of laughter and sweet children. But the Sun Goddess, still
enraged and hateful for the deaths of her children, kills Chang'E's husband and children every time.

So when it is time to once more find her beloved, she hatches a secret plan. She appears before her
now immortal servant Baoshen Sanren and breals a small piece of her soul off and fuses it to the
Immortal Cultivator. She vanishes soon after and is born nine months later and takes on the name
of Cangse Sanren. She grows up as Baoshen Sanren's daughter and aiding the humans as she looks
for her husband's soul. She finds it in Wei Changze and like before. The fall in love and have a
family, but this time Chang'E has a plan.

When she can no longer mover her family out of the path of the Sun Goddess's wrath, she takes
them to Baoshen's mountain and kisses her son goodbye, but not before leaving him a pair of her
Lunar Rabbits for him. She makes him promise to study hard and to find a love deep like the
oceans and stronger than any mountain. She blesses him, knowing that there was a strong warrior
waiting for her son in the future.

Cangse and Changze leave to face the Sun Goddess and when the Goddess kills them, Chang'E
returns to the Heavens as the Heavenly Moon once more, but the cycle gas finally been broken
because her son was alive and safe hidden with her most loyal Servant in the future he will be
mated and bonded to a powerful warrior, a child of the Jade Emporer. No one will dare to strike
down her children ever again...


Wei Ying was chasing his rabbits, Jīnyù and Yín Liánhuā, a happy smile on his lips. Even if he
was newly presented at 15 as an Omega and should act more his age, he cannot shake off the
carefree child in his heart. His grandmother never minds and even encourages him at times when
the few other disciples complain that he shouldn't be allowed such freedoms. His uncle, Xiao
Xingcheng, normally makes them face off against Wei Ying in hand to hand combat and they are
often left embarrassed by getting beaten down.

Wei Ying studies hard, he trains even harder, but as a genius he quickly grows bored and if left
idle, he is prone to mischief so his grandmother often lets him go and play or sets him on a random
errand. It was by chance that she learned that sometimes a board Wei Ying led him to creative fits
and he produced several new talismans, a few new areays and even new techniques that allow him
to handle almost any situation. So if she gifts him items he needs to craft his Cultivation devices
and talismans, that is her business and the happy smile he gives her is so worth it.

But today was his last day here before he will be meeting up with the son and daughter of the
Yunmeng Jiang Sect and heading to the Cloud Recesses for studying and lectures as well as
training. When he first learned this. His grandmother gifted him a beautiful pitch black bamboo
Dizi and she and his uncle wove him a special tassel toat he died to the end and with a small spell
permanently kept it attached so he would never lose it. Jingyu and Yin Lianhua were gifted with
red ribbons like their master's that marked them as Spirit Animals and thus could not be removed
or harmed unless the offender wanted to face the consequences.

He turns to run to his grandma and his bunnys hop after him, one white like fresh snow and the
other black as pitch. He skids to a stop, smoothly sliding into a warm hug with Baoshen Sanren.
She chuckles warmly as he nuzzles her a moment.

"Yes granny?"

"Come, child. We are about to have dinner and I made your favorite." She chuckles. "Now then, I
must warn you many are very close minded when it comes to using certain techniques or even
considering using something like Resentful Energy to stop some of the horrors we face. Try to not
antagonize the lecturer, I know him and he is very stubborn, rather quick to anger and once he
makes a snap decision he rarely changes. Fair warning they have 3000 rules and one of them is that
you cannot consume Alcohol."

"But the medicine--" Wei Ying panics in fright.

"You will simply have to avoid getting caught. I cannot very well tell them that you need for health
reasons... Now the main thing I must stress, Ying, whatever happens, wahtever you do. You cannot
let them know you are a Male Omega... omegas are too few and precious and yet there are those
who will snatch them away and do unspeakable things to them. Swear to me that no matter how
bored you are, no matter how angry you get; do not let anyone know... Only Jiamg Yanli and Jiang
Wanyin know. They will help you and as long as you take your medicine once a month your heat
will be held back until you are back home with me..."

"I will do my best... Umm, do you think I will find a good Alpha?"

"I am certain... I did have an Alpha once but... Well you know the ugliness that happened... And
please do not give away your Musical Cultivation secrets. The Lans are a but... Prickly about it."
She makes a face.

He laughs and kisses her cheek.

"Granny, stop or you may get wrinkles! I will be sure to pay Granny An my respects if I find her. I
will do my best to behave and I will make sure I take my medicine! Now you promised me pork rib
and lotus root soup! Did Jiejie teach you how to make it?" He wonders as she laughs and nods.
"Then it will be good! Jiejie and Granny's cooking is the best!"
Moon Rabbit Pt 2

Wei Ying sat on the boat with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, his bunnies were curled up on his lap,
Yin Lianhua was sleeping while Jingyu was alert, ears twitching every now and again. He smiled
softly as the Jiang Siblings spoke quietly, though the punched expression on Jiang Cheng's face
made him giggle a little. The warm humid weatger of Yunmeng slowly bled away as it changed to
cooler, crisp with a mountain wind weather. His Granny had fussed about as did his uncles until he
had to leave for Yunmeng and join the Jiang siblings. Lord Jiang always wore a bitter sweet smile
on his face whenever he saw him.

Madam Yu had been at first a real right bitch until his Grandmother had shown up and cowed the
Purple Spider and reminded her that she has no say or any power over Wei Ying as he is nothing to
them other than the son of a close friend to Lord Jiang and as the Heir of the Yiling Wei Sect, there
was noting for her to worry about. After that the Madam tried to stay away until she realized Wei
Ying was an Omega and needed to be taught proper ettequite. She took it upon herself to do so and
has reluctantly grown fond of him. He has a purple tassel that marks him as a someone important in
Yunmeng Jiang but no direct ties to the Sect itself.

"Hey!" He blinks and realizes they docked while he was lost in thought. Wei Ying gets up and sets
Jingyu and Yin Lianhua on the dock before pulling a string of coins out of his sleeve and pulling 10
bronze pieces off to pay the ferryman.

"Thank you and have a fortuetous future." He bows and then climbs out, his things all in his
qiankun pouch on his hip as his bunnies scamper off ahead.

"If your rabbits get captured and eaten, don't cry to me!!" Jiang Cheng complains.

"They won't. Jingyu went to deliver our letter to let the Lan Sect know we arrived and Yin Lianhua
is gettingbus a room at the inn, grandma said that there might be a few idiots who would book an
entire inn for only a few people. So she sent a few letters. You know, just in case." He laughs softly
as they begin making their way into the bustling town.

Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli gasp and coo over the things they see, trinkents and pretty bolts of cloth.
Wei Ying bought a few treats that had been shaped like bunnies made of dragon beard candy. As
they passed by a tea house, Wei Ying paused, a wintery scent tickling his nose with a woodsy
undertone, similar to sandalwood and something powerful. He sniffed again and the scent was
gone. Blinking, he shrugged and quickly caught up to the siblings as they arrived at the inn. As he
expected, Yin Lianhua was sitting patiently, or as patient as the hyper black bunny could be, with
the confused hostess beside her.

"Good afternoon, Miss. I hope you recieved my letter?" Wei Ying asks as. The woman blinks and
blushes softly and laughs.

"Yes... Your little friend was most insistent. I also recieved one a week ago informing the owner to
reserve one suite with one bed in one room and two in another. With the common spacd in between
them. She says pulling out a key from her sleeve as she guides them inside. Yin Lianhua hops
along, the soft clicking of her tiny claws telling them of where she was. Climbing the stairs they
gigfle seeing her too up and wait impatiently for them to join her. "She is well trained!" The
woman laughs softly.

"She is, her and my other bunny, Jingyu, are very well trained and well behaved. Though I should
warn you now, they like to chew and toss things, especially if they get in a mood. And fair warning
they will try to get to any fresh vegetables you might have on hand." He warns her. "Though we
only plan to be here for the night, I will pay for any damages they might make."

"Thank you for informing me and that is fine. Shall I bring in a basket for them and bedding?"

"Please. Fresh hay and any old rags you fonnot mind if they use them as their little indoor
bathroom if you can spare them." Wei Ying says as they pause outside of the room his grandma
rented for them.

"Right away, young master. Please relax and I Shall bring tea up as well. Would you care to try our
seasonal tea? It is wild berries and a few of the early spring flowers." She asks.

"Oh, that sounds lovely, thank you. We Will go out for dinner this evening but if we can order
breakfast for tomorrow?" Jiang Yanli asks after she inspected the room and found it pleasing.

"Of course, young Miss!" She bows and excuses herself as Jiang Cheng begins checking for
vulnerabilities and nodding his head.

"Alright, so we will relax, have some tea and then explore the town." Jiang Cheng nods as he goes
to sit down at the sette by the window and looked out seeing the bustling town. Other than being
colder it wasn't much different from Yunmeng.

"Good job, Yin Lianhua... Here I bought a few fresh strawberries at the market." Wei Ying says as
he pulls a few out of the bag and carefully feeds them to her. She nibbles away, her tooth thumping
happily as her ears wiggle ij excitement. He chuckles as she gets so worked up she sprints around
and binkies a few times before darting back over to finish jer well earned treat. By the time the
young woman comes back with their tea, Jingyu is on her heels and quickly comes to hand a letter
to Wei Ying.

"Thank you, Jingyu. Here some strawberries for you as well." He sets a few down for him as the
white bunny begins to eat at a calmer pace than Yin Lianhua, but not by much. It isn't ling before
he is darting around and binkying too and then he settles to eat and just cuddle againt the black

"Huh, LaoLao wasn't kidding when she said the Grandmaster was a prickly one." He says after
reading the curt letter stating they will be expected to arrive before 3pm the next day and they must
present the jade tokens given to each of them. The man also told him that His pets weren't allowed
in the Cloud Recess. Wei Ying folded up the letter and handed it to Jiang Cheng. "Well he will be
in for a shock when he sees what these two can really do... Sorry you could not prince Princess
with you."

"You were traumatized by wild dogs as a child, that is not something some gets over easily, if ever.
Besides I did bring them but they are under orders to keep out of sight until we settle in our rooms.
Besides you seemed to be okay with Princess and Bumblebee." He says.

The two Omegas snort soft laughs into their hands and Jiang Cheng turns bright red as he glares at
them. It is something of a running joke between them that he is terrible at naming things and
always a good laugh for the pair.

"Oh just shush!" He huffs embarrassed as he sips his tea.

Royal AU


The Jade Emporer has passed away leaving his very young sons to assume the throne. However,
Lan Huan presented as a Omega and cannot assume the throne. This means that Lan Zhan, as an
Alpha must assume the throne of Heaven. Lan Huan knows exactly what will happen to his brother
so he assumes the role of parent and brother, raising his precious Wangji into a steadfast and kind
young man while leaving the rule of heaven for the mean time in his Uncle's hands, but controlling
him from the shadows.

By the time Lan Zhan is 1,000 years old, he is ready to assume the throne but due to the riggers of
royalty and being orphaned so young, Lan Zhan has not been able to go out on his Hunt. Many of
the nobles of Heaven have done their best to prevent him from going on his Hunt so that he would
have to simply pick a bride among themselves or their children. However, Lan Huan, who had his
own Hunt and found his match in the young immortal Nie Mingjue and a half immortal Menu Yao,
stepped in. If there is anything to say about the Omega, it was that he would do anything to ensure
his little brother's happiness and well being.

Needless to say, Lan Huan got Lan Zhan the time be needs to find himself a bride of love rather
than convenience. He has 200 years to find himself a bride or assume the Throne of Heaven
careless until a later date...


Lan Zhan stood surrounded by bandits, he was calm as always, golden eyes sliding from one man
to the next, counting how many there were, what kindn of weapons they had and calculating the
possibilities of how many would be hurt or left dead. He remains impassive even as they jeer and
mock him. It takes only an instant and suddenly they are engaged in battle. He moves with grace
and precision, Bichen singing through the air as he moves, disarming and crippling, only killing
when he has little choice.

The groupnof 10 quickly fall before him and he flicks the blood from Bichen's blade, sheathing her
once more. The bandits are left groaning and moaning, only two are dead. Calmly pulling his hood
back over his head he turna to keep on his way when he gasps, an arrow piercing him in the chest.
He pulls it out, seeing it coated in something and then his vision goes fuzzy and he mentally
curses. It was poisoned. He staggers, using Bichen as a crutch but whatever was used seemed to be
moving rapidly through his body. He stumbles against a tree and sees someone dressed in red with
a black and gold sun stitched into the breast of his vest. He growls, coughing as his breathing
becomes short and he feels numb.

"Hm... Stupid princeling-- uck!?" He blinks and sees an arrow pierced into his attacker's throat and
then he is falling....

Lan Zhan gasps as he wakes, coughing and choking. He spasms uncontrollably as he tries to
breathm she feels someone roll him onto his side and he feels a few pinches of what could be
acupuncture needles hit certain spots and he sicks up, his airways suddenly opening and he can feel
a gentle hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Easy, Gege.... Wen Qing, will he ve alright?"

"In a few days. Best to leave him on his side so he can breathe and to avoid him choking to death
as he expels the poison. It is a miracle he is even alive right now. He is lucky you found him.." A
woman's voice says as he drifts, oddly safe abd content as the one holding him keeps rubbing his
neck and the back of his head.

"Thank you... Say hello to a-Ning for me. I will send a spirit to summon you if he suddenly
changes anytime soon..." The gentle voice says again and it takes too much effort for him to look
up and he blinks seeing silver eyes before he is back under.
Royal AU Pt 2

Wei Ying hums softly as he carefully stirs the stew he was making, simple vegetables and herbs.
He lets it simmer as he checks the small clay oven, making sure the bread does not burn. He turns
away from the small stove and over only when he is sure everything is fine, he turns to check on
his unexpected house guest. The tall man was still in limbo between the poison induced fever
dreams and waking. Wen Qing had done a wonderful job, but it was only a matter of time.
Wringing out the small cloth he left soaking in the cold water to gently wipe sweat from a pale
face. He startles however when a hand snatches his wrist and he is met with eyes of the purest gold.

"Finally awake, Gege?" He asks, calmly. "Feeling achy? Nausea?"

The hand slowly lets go and falls down onto his chest as Wei Ying blinks and cocks his head to the
side. They only stare at each other for a moment longer before Wei Ying gently wipes the sweat
away and then grabs a clay cup and dips it into the large pot of drinking water he keeps on hand.
Carefully helping the white clad young man sit up, he helps him drink some water.

"Sip slowly... the doctor said you would feel very thirsty due to the poison. You will also feel very
weak because it was mixed with a very strong paralytic agent. If you want, I can feed you some
vegetable broth I am making." Wei Ying says, refilling the cup two more times before the young
man makes a soft sound that he had enough for now.


"My home. It was a bit of traveling, but at least you will be safe from another kidnapping or
assassination attempt in this particular forest." Wei Ying smiles in what he hopes is a reassuring
manner for the young man. He couldn't be more than a few years older than himself if not the
same age.

Wei Ying helps get him in a half reclined position before turning to the food and pulling the fresh
loaf of bread free of the oven and letting it sit and cool as he finishes up the stew, he's stopped
eating meat due to his early life in these trees, but no one has to know that. He ladles out a couple
of bowls and grabs the spoons before he makes his way over. He sets one bowl down and begins to
help the young man eat when the first attempt to let him feed himself nearly spilt the soup on his

"Aiya... can't have you burning yourself... Here, let me feed you."

"Yours will get cold." The young man says.

"It won't be that cold and it's not the first time I've had a cold meal either. Now then open up." Wei
Ying orders softly.

It is quiet, something he's grown use to, but when he would leave and eat in towns or in near by
villages, he got to enjoy talking to others. However the young man before him was eating with a
grace and the odd glare he sent when Wei Ying opened his mouth to speak that spoke of some kind
of rule that he grew up with. So Wei Ying took this time to study the handsome face. He had deep
gold eyes with a long fine nose. His lips were a pale pink and thin, but not unattractively so. his
cheekbones were defined and his skin was so pale it was like pure white jade and unblemished in
anyway. Wei Ying knew such a handsome young man would have an army of admirers falling at
his feet, begging to be the lucky one to claim him as their husband. Silver eyes blink when the
other gently pushes his hands away and he realizes the bowl is empty.
"Is that enough or would you like some more?" He asks.

Wei Ying hopes that the young man is full because he was hoping to make the pot last a few days
yet. Fresh food was impossible out here in the Burial Mounds, but he made due with what he could
and when he really needed it he went into town to predict a few futures and sell some of his wares
to make enough coin to buy food to last a week or two. He was somewhat infamous, the Witch of
Yiling. No one has seen him and those who have do not speak of what they know. Wei Ying
shakes his head, no need to go down that road right now. He turns to see his guest has declined
seconds and nods, secretly relieved. He sets the used bowl in his washing bucket and grabs his own
soup and begins to eat. It is a bit bland, but chili oil is expensive in this area and he's been a bit too
busy with the sudden surge in Undead to make a trip out to Yunmeng. He is about halfway through
his bowl when suddenly an unearthly scream echoes around them and he sighs. His guest, jolts,
hissing when he aggrivates his wound and the sudden action drains what little strength he had

"Gege, don't move!" Wei Ying scolds, gently pushing him back down, just as another scream,
closer this time, sounds. "Oh bother!! Why can they not do this when I'm not eating or sleeping?"
He complains as he stands up and grabs a black flute and some talismans before he walks over to
the door and just hovering outside of it is a fierce corpse, it goes to shriek a third time, but suddenly
stills and backs away in fright.

This is a strange sight for the young man on the bed, not knowing what to make of this sudden
development, even as he weakly reaches for his sword that is just a few feet from the bed.

"What is it? Why are you bothering me?" Wei Ying demands and the corpse croaks and groans.
"What do you mean there are a group of people at the edge? A Mob?"

It is a strange sight for Lan Zhan, who was not sure what to make of his host upon his waking. The
mortal was kind and gentle, a bit talkative, but otherwise he's not done anything to make Lan Zhan
distrust him. However seeing him talking to a Fierce Corpse was startling. He watched as the
young human left, closing the door and feels wards sealing the hut, clearly keeping Lan Zhan safe
while vulnerable. However the young Prince was not comforted. He felt trapped and until his body
was back under his full power, he had no real choice but to remain prone. He gave up trying to grab
Bichen at his point, but he would request that she be moved closer to him. A bit of frost leaves his
nose as he exhales in a not sigh, waiting...

Wei Ying followed the corpse towards where the trouble was and sure enough there was an angry
mob. As soon as they saw him, they were yelling and demanding he turn himself in. He merely
rolls his eyes as he leans back on a thick black tree.

"Why are you bothering me?" He asks boredly. "I warned you about the storm and the flood and
how many lives would be lost, but you ignored me and threw me out of town. now that several
people have either died or been displaced, you are here to harass me?"

"Witch!! You did this to us!! Bring my son back!!" screams mother, clearly older, so her son had to
be an adult already.

"Why would I do that? And even then, he would be a Fierce Corpse, not something you want to
claim as family..." He snorts as she gives a loud wail of anger and sorrow.

"Get him!!" Someone yells and Wei Ying sighs, pushing off the tree and walking further into the

"Come get me, if you dare... if not, go away. I told you if you ignored my warning, I would not
waste my time with you again... now leave before I left the monsters attack you. It is only because I
am here they have not... however as soon as I am far enough, they will... this is your final
warning..." He tells them as he keeps walking.

When it sounds like they are coming after him, he shakes his head sadly and brings his flute up to
his lips and begins playing a dark, eerie lullaby and soon the screams of the mob resound and just
as quickly die off, the resentful energy being absorbed into the Seal he created to help him control
the level of Resentful Energy filled an area as well as control an army of the undead. He takes the
time to learn of the souls stories and how and why they died and tries to bring them peace so they
can finally move on to rebirth. Those who refuse to leave or have become demons remain and
recognize him as their master and often fight for him when summoned. The new souls will feed
some of his older Demons. They would not take kindly to these people blaming him for something
they brought upon themselves. If they had not built the dam where they did and had not angered
the Water spirits to create a terrible rain storm, the river would not have overfilled an broken the
cheaply made dam and flooded their village. He had warned them, but they chose not to listen and
their hubris cost them more than their homes. He warned them again to not follow and to just
leave, but they didn't listen.

'I am a Witch, I should not care and yet I still do... stupid fools should have listened...' He sighs and
unseals his house and blinks seeing his guest, a bit of ice circling his bed. 'This will be
Modern Royalty AU


Lan Zhan is Prince in disguise attending college at the infamous Lotus Academy of Yunmeng. He
does what he can to fly under the radar, but his handsome good looks and his strong domineering
presence makes that hard.

He gets word that his fsther was assassinated and as the Heir to the throne, after his brother
abdicated to live with his mates, a Private Security firm director and their sly as a fox Traditional
Drama actor, he is expected to marry a lady of good breeding.

He is torn between tradition and following his heart. While attending Lotus Academy, he met a
young man who both attends and works at Lotus Academy, is barely legal and already the mother
of a problem child and a toddler. A young man who smiles and laughs to mask his pain and
suffering, but shows it through the beautiful art he paints and the heart wrenching songs of his
traditional Dizi playing. Will he choose love or filiality?


"So you're the Alpha sniffing around mom this time, huh?" Came a rude voice and he turns his
head up from where he was watching the young toddler, a-Yuan playing with a fabric book on
numbers, babbling as he did so. There sitting on the stairs is a young boy with black hair and dark
grey eyes his face is comely for a child and seems to favor the father even if the coloring belonged
to Wei Ying.

"Sniffing?" He asks confused. He had not sniffed anything other than the dirty diaper that a-Yuan
had soiled to the point that Wei Ying needed to bathe the child and then himself. He was waiting
for Wei Ying to finish showering so that they may study for the up coming exam in Ancient

"Look, no one shoes an interest in my mom unless they wanna put a baby in him and leave him."
The boy accuses.

"Will not do that... Your name?" He says firmly and such a sharp tone the child looks momentarily
frightened but then a coyly evil smile dances on his face.

"Xue Yang... My sperm donor took advantage of mom in his first heat and put me in him and then
left. A-Yuan was a bit more consensual, but still the jerk who put him in mom dumped him like a
bag of potatoes. So are you gonna put a baby in my mom and leave too? If so, get the hell out
now." He growls.

"Will not. Onlybif Wei Ying asks."

"Ask what?" They turn to see Wei Ying coming in from the shower, toweling off his long hair and
for the first time Lan Zhan hlis smacked in the face with Lotus blooms and something warm and
spicy. The scent is heady mix and it takes every ounce of the infamous Lan restraint to keep from
marking the clearly Omega man as his.

"Mom!!" Yang's voice startles them and then Ying's eyes go wide and he pales and it looks like he
about to bolt, but Zhan stops him.
"Stop." It is simple, soft spoken and yet they all freeze in place. "Ying need not fear. Will not cause
trouble or harm... If Ying wants; will leave..."


"Yang.... Go get the baby bag and my pills... Hurry..." He tells him and he quickly bolts back up
the stairs. "Lin Zhang...." Zhan winces hearing his alias instead of his name. "Please... I already
have enough trouble without every Alpha trying to stick their dick into a rare Male Omega. I barely
scrap by as is and I refuse to lose a-Yang and a-Yuan... So please.... If... If you want to fuck me... I
can send the boys to my Uncle.... But please--"

"Will not touch Wei Ying with out Wei Ying's permission. Not like others. Will only do what is
allowed... Shall we study?" He says and it clearly throughs the Omega for a loop because he nods
and slowly moves to his books and grabs what he needs and slowly joins him at the coffee table.
Yang comes a moment later with the bag and bottle of pills. He hands then to his mom, who takes
his suppressants and then calmly pulls a taser out of the bag and leaves it close to his hand.

Yang comes to play with his half brother, keeping a wary eye on Zhan, who does his best to ignore
the tension in the air. As he focuses solely on studying the tension slowly bleeds away and is all
but gone. When they finally stop Ying realizes it is too late to cook and preparing himself for the
fight aboht to break out but before he can even speak, Zhan offers:

"Would Wei Ying and his children like to eat out with this one?" He asks. "Can order takeaway if


"Too late too cook, Wei Ying is tired. It is this one's treat." He cuts him off softly and Ying is too
tired and hungry to fight. He agrees and quickly pulls a menu out. He let's his son pick one meal
and one sweet, if he leaves it Yang, his son would pick only a dessert for his meal. He knows what
he will ger do he let's Zhan pick his next. Once he as their orders he calls for a delivery, after
double checking if Zhan was paying with cash or credit, and then cleaned up a bit. Zhan picked up
a-Yuan who decided that his pant leg was going to be a good chew toy.

"Like rabbit... Chew chew chew... Always chewing this one's clothes..." He says seriously and the
baby giggles.

"You have a rabbit?" Yang asks, watching the Alpha with his baby brother.

"Mm..." He nods and pulls out his phone and shows the boys pictures of his horde of bunnies.
There was one of when he fell asleep meditating and was literally covered in his rabbits. His
brother was the culprit for the picture.

"Is that your foot?" Yang asks seeing said foot just barely seen.

"Mm. Was mediating but fell sleep surrounded by rabbits... Brother took picture."

"You have a brother?" Yang asks.

"Mm, older, but look alike. Married and lives with his mates. Good mates, all too protective." He
makes a face and Yang laughs.

"Dinner!!" Ying calls when the doorbell rings and Yang jumps up with a cheer anf hurries to help
se the table. As Zhan stands with Yuan his arms and heads toward wherenthe noise was coming
from. The clinical scent of Beta masking that alluring scent and making his inner Alpha mourn the
Modern Royalty AU Pt 2

Wei Ying, stood in his house robe, waving as Lan Zhan got into his Uber. Once the Alpha drove
off, he goes back into his small house on the edge of the campus, near the infamous Lotus Pier, an
ancient historical landmark from way back in their history. The building was well kept and the lake
surround it was filled with various colored Lotus flowers. He turns to clean up only to blink in
realization that not only did an Alpha not want to have sex with him, but said Alpha had managed
to get a-Yang to clean up after himself for once and helped him get his children into bed. He must
have cleaned up while Ying was reading his children a bedtime story. He starts to smile, but then
quickly shakes his head. No! He will not fall for it, not a second time! Damn that Wen Xu! Making
him feel like he something special, something precious! And what does he go and do!? He tells the
man his secret and the bastard convinces him to sleep with him. Then when he learns he is
pregnant and shares the exciting news, Xu calls him a cock hungry whore in front of the whole

Ever since, he's been the school pariah. He learned then how fickle some of his "friends" were.
Thankfully he still has Nie Huaisong, Wen Ning and even though she will never admit it, he has
Wen Qing who was a much sterner, and violent (If you count how she likes to hit you with
acupuncture needles to cause pain or to paralyze you) of Jiang Yanli or as she asked him call her
"Shijie or Jiejie." Sadly Jiang Cheng was one of those who turned on him, yelling at him and
calling him stupid and that he's always causing trouble like this. That he was to blame for
'seducing' Professor Xue the first time. That had hurt...

To basically be told that he asked to be raped and impregnated at 14, his first official heat hitting
him so suddenly when he had been asking Professor Xue to clarify a few things about the essay he
assigned them about the fall of the Qishan Wen clan of the ancient world. It had been so sudden, he
didn't have time to react, to realize what was happening before he had a cock shoved into him and
he was held down and taken again and again! He had woken up in the Professor's house and held
captive until his heat ended, being raped repeatedly! Madame Yu, who barely tolerated him before,
was an absolute nightmare after because 'how dare he repair their kindness by giving away his
virginity which should have been given to Wanyin as repayment!' After that, Uncle Fengmian had
to get him a small apartment and set him up with a job because Madame Yu would not stop her
abuse, her hateful words and stressing the pregnant teen out and would not allow him to sully her
home anymore. So he worked and lived on his own with since he was 14. Uncle Fengmian visited
him twice a month to bring him money and groceries and Yanli refused to let her mother separate
her from her little brother. Cheng had been angry on his behalf back then, but now? Now suddenly
he was to blame for what happened to him.

After that, he kept to himself, he focused on his studies to keep his scholarship since Madame Yu
refused to allow Uncle Fengmian to pay for his tuition. He video chatted with Shijie twice a week
so he can keep up with his sister and her own son, Jin Roulan, or as they call him affectionately a-
Ling. He wasn't too fond of her husband back when they had been teens, but after he was ended up
pregnant with Yang and then Yuan, Jin Zixuan has helped provide for them because even with his
measly jobs, he could not afford two children. This house was thanks to Shijie and Zixuan and the
location helped make it easier to get to classes.

Sighing, Ying checks the windows and doors to make sure they are secure before he checks on his
boys, smiling at how Yang curls around Yuan, protecting him even as they sleep. Yang only acts
out when someone talks bad about Ying or someone is trying to get into his pants. It doesn't help
that he has a bit of his father's nasty temper in him. The fact that Xue Chonghai hasn't been arrested
yet, sets his nerves on edge and it makes him paranoid because the man promised to get him back.
He really hopes that the man stays away. Going to his own bedroom, he takes off the robe and
combs his long hair out. He stares at his phone and wonders if he should... No. it was best to let
them think he was dead. he didn't want to bother his only blood relatives with the shame and drama
that hunted him like rabid dogs. Giving a defeated sigh, he lays down and goes to sleep...


When morning comes, he gets up, prepares breakfast, gets dressed and then wakes his children.
Yuan is content to sit in his rocker while he deals with his 7 year old's crankiness. However soon
they are eating their breakfast, school bags packed up, a boxed lunch packed for his eldest son,
Ying gathers up their things, takes his pills to mask his scent and gender before he grabs the
carriage and straps a-Yuan in. They have to get up early just to make sure Yang can make his 7:15
pickup for his school bus. Once his son is on his way to school, he turns to head to his first lecture
of the day, Classic Literature. As always people stare and whisper as he walks by, dressed in the
college uniform, hair pulled into high ponytail, his school bag on shoulder, diaper bag on the other
and pushing his youngest in the carriage. Thankfully no one dares to say anything bad in front of
the baby, many of the females and Omegas coo over how adorable Yuan is. He just wished they
had the same reserve around a-Yang. But beggers can't be choosers. being newly 21, he was
recognized as a full adult now and had take more responsibilities. However, unlike his fellow
classmates who drink and party on the weekeneds, he's a mother 24/7 and has to deal with teething,
tantrums and making sure Yang doesn't have too many sweets. The child was a right menace on a
sugar high... maybe he should hop him up on sweets and set him on Xu, his asshat of a brother and
the bitch that clings to them.


He almost squeaks in fright as he turns to see Lin Zhang walking up to him, his uniform crisp and
neat as always. The Alpha's long hair is picked up into half topknot. He always has this fancy
looking ribbon in it. Ying tried to see it once and the Alpha had caught his hand so fast, Ying was
surprised he didn't snap it. Shaking his head, he smiles wanly at him.

"Ahahahaha! Zhang, morning!" He greets, cheeks warm. He internally panics wondering if he told
anyone about him, what he was. Everyone thought he was a whore and suffered delusions about
being pregnant. Thank god only a very small group of people harass him to find out if he really is
an Omega.

"Mm... Hello, a-Yuan..." the way he bends down to give a very serious greeting to his two year old,
makes the Omega in him melt and want to spread their legs for him, but he has to snap at him about
not being fooled again! He swore off Alphas for a reason damn it!!

"Mo'ming!" Yuan tries out his newest word and it just makes Ying smile like the proud mama he

"He learned it! He can now say 'YanYan' for Yang, 'a-Nia' for me, 'chichi' for chicken and now
'Mo'ming' for Morning!" He sounds so pleased with himself. "And he is learning to count by
himself too!"

Zhang nods, his usual 'Mm' sounding very pleased and is that a tiny smile on his stoic face? Oh
my, his children my actually break the infamous stone face of his! They continue to walk into the
school, Ying chattering at Zhang, who adds in a few words here and there before leaving him at
the door to his classroom to head to his own just down the hall. Ying blinks confused because that
never happened before. Normally they have a small chat and at the door to the building they part
ways. But he's not about to look a gifted horse in the mouth. He walks in and nods to the teacher,
Professor Song, gives him a warm smile and comes over to unstrap Yuan and play airplane for a bit
while the rest of the class trickles in before putting the toddler in the little play area he set up when
Yang had still been too young to go to primary. There were blocks, stuffed animals and a few
musical toys for him to play with. Professor Song was mated and had a daughter a little older than
Yang, about 10 or 11, he thinks, so he doesn't worry about the genuine affection the man shows
them. Though at first, the man had been on the receiving end of not only Ying dropping him with
pressure points that Qing-jie showed him or having Yang try to tear his hair out when he mistook
the Alpha pulling Ying off of a Beta who had called him a whore as the Alpha trying to attack his

"Alright, Little Bunny, you be good for mama and Uncle Lan so we can get work done, yes?" He
asks the baby who gives an affirming sound and then starts to play with the blocks as Professor
Song turned to his class to start his lecture just as the bell sounded...
Modern Royalty AU Pt 3

Wei Ying waited at the bus stop for a'Yang to come home, thinking about how ever since his
study session with Lin Zhang, things have become more managable for him. The Alpha often come
over to study with him, spending his evenings entertaining a' Yuan and helping a'Yang with his
homework. He sometimes brought groceries with him and even extra things like blankets, warm
sweaters and even a new scarf for Wei Ying after Wen Chao set his old one on fire after beating
him up a week ago. It was hard to believe so much changed in under a month and now it was
winter. Lin Zhang never once made a move on him and if Wei Ying hinted at something sexual to
compensate him, he shut it down rather harshly, but was quick to explain that he would never ask
such things of anyone, especially not someone as kind as Wei Ying. Wei Ying had sworn off
Alphas, but he was slowly falling in love with Lin Zhang and was wondering if giving him half a
chance would be so bad?

'No!! That is what we thought with Wen Xu and look what happened! I would never regret having
a'Yuan, but that man has ruined me in more ways than I thought possible. I will not allow myself to
be put back in that position, not again!' He mentally slaps himself and perks up as the shuttle bus
comes to a stop near him. He sees Xue Yang climb down and wave to the driver before hurrying
over to him, wrapped up in the coat Lin Zhang had brought him when they realized he had out
grown his old one and Wei Ying had a break down after the boys were asleep because he didn't
have enough spare money to buy a new coat for his oldest.

"A'Niang, where's a'Yuan?" his eldest asks seeing a distinct lack of his baby brother.

"He's with your Auntie a'Li." He smiles and Xue Yang's face lights up.

"Auntie is here!? Let's go back, hurry, hurry!!" He quickly runs behind his mother and begins
pushing him along, trying to hurry them up.

Wei Ying laughs and starts walking as his son chatters excitedly beside him, dashing forward a
few paces and waiting for him to catch up. Jiang Yanli has always been his favorite. not only was
she the best older sister any one could ask for, she was pretty much his mother. Jiang Yanli had
been by his side through thick and thin, when he had been pregnant with Xue Yang, she went with
him to all his appointments and helped him exhaust every research option on pregnancies and
parenting they could thing of, had been at his side during the labor and birth of Xue Yang and
helped him raise him. She was there for him when he had been humiliated by Wen Xu after he told
him about his pregnancy and she was there once more during the pregnancy, birth and first year of
Wen Yuan's life. Jiang Yanli stood by him when Madam Yu had kicked him out and cut off his
allowance. Had defended him tooth and nail when her father for the first time in their lives would
not stand up for Wei Ying. She was just awesome and his boys loved her. He recalls her wedding
to the Peacock, how absolutely radiant she had looked, like a goddess desended from heaven to
grace this unworthy world with her kindeness and mercy. He also smiles because she has a son a
few months younger than a'Yuan and already he can see the pair being the best of friends as they
get older, as long as Jin Ling doesn't get Jiang Cheng's or even Jin Zixuan's worst personality triats.
In fact he hopes he gets all of his mother's personality traits, it would be the safest bet.

He laughs as they turn the corner to the house and he sees his Shijie in her coat kneeling in the
snow with the toddlers, both dressed warmly and currently mesmorized by the cold, fluffy, wet
stuff. Xue Yang runs up to his aunt and carefully crashes into her in a big hug as she coos and
kisses his cheeks. He fills her in on all she missed from his life, such as school, some of the fights
he been in, Lin Zhang who was kinda sorta dating his mom, but so far hasn't tried to get into bed
with him. Wei Ying turned crimson and sputtered as his Shijie took particular interest in this and
interrogated her nephew, using the homemade candies she had in her purse to bribe him.

"Jiejie, you traitor! And you, a' Yang, I thought you loved a'Niang!! Why would you tell?" He cries
dramatically, though he did feel genuine embarrassment about this weird dance of his with Lin

"Xianxian, Shijie wants to know about this man... make sure he will take very good of Xianxain,
a'Yang and a'Yuan.... You've been hurt twice now. I refuse to see it happen a third time. If it
does..." She suddenly has an uncanny resemblence to her mother with how she raises her head, the
icy cold fury sparking in her pale violet gray eyes and the firm set of her mouth. "This Shijie will
make sure his body is never found..."

He wants to protest, to deny, but he feels warmed and comforted and nods his head. After that the
scary aura is gone, even a'Yang had cowered away behind his mother, because Auntie a'Li was
super scary. However, he is soon back at her side, tattling away as he suck on the lotus and loquat
flavored milk candies his auntie made, humming happily at the subtle sweet flavor and the love he
can feel she put into them. They spend an hour outside before heading in. Wei Ying getting them
all out of their winter gear while Jiang Yanli finishes making the lotus and spare ribs soup she's
long since mastered. Soon they are sitting down to eat, the two babies given some dry cereal to
nibble on between small sips of soup. Xue Yang ate his own bowl with gusto, while he did not like
spicy food, he loved his auntie's cooking, it was the best! When he was done, he cleaned up his
area and pulled out his homework. The two mothers talked softly, catching up as the babies tried to
feed each other the cereal and babbled to one another.

It felt good to have this sense of family and calm again. Now if he can just have it every day, that
would be even better, but he will take what he can get...
Modern Royalty AU Pt 4

The strange dance between himself and Lin Zhang kept up for weeks after that. The Alpha often
coming over, bringing delicious food with him, which apparently he made himself! He brought
groceries and when they would order out, he paid for it, refusing to let Wei Ying pay him back or
offer anything else as compansation. Lin Zhang watched his boys with a calm patience, even when
Xue Yang was in a bad mood and gave him attitude. It helped the man brought a couple of his
bunnies with him one time and that finally sold Xue Yang because no matter what or who the
fathers of his boys had been, all of Wei Ying's boys loved bunnies. He himself found it cute that he
was being followed around by a hyper black bunny and a pure white one, who followed leisurely
and was content to watch the black one preform Zoomies and Binkies or paw at Wei Ying's legs
when he would prepare dinner, looking for a treat or a snack. Wei Ying laughed at the sight of Lin
Zhang, Xue Yang and Wen Yuan all laying on their backs with a bunny laying on their bellies as a
few others curled around them.

Wei Ying was falling for this gentlemanly Alpha and he knows he shouldn't, he really shouldn't,
but how can he not?

How many Alphas would refuse to take sex from an Omega, when offered? How many would help
an Omega raise children that are not the Alpha's? How many would spend large amounts of time
and money on an Omega and their kids without asking anything in return?

Lin Zhang was something else and the Omega was falling...


Lan Zhan felt guilty for his continued ruse, but could not help getting to spend so much time with
Wei Ying and his two sons. Xue Yang was a smart and talented young boy with a big heart, but
often hid it behind this rude and mean persona to keep from being hurt and to chase away
undesirables from sniffing after his mother. Wen Yuan was a happy baby, growing well adjusted
and loved, clearly showing the same intelligence his brother and mother has, if how he grabs
things, even if he babbles still. He knows what something is, what time it is and even what is asked
of him when spoken to. The boys loved it when he brings over his warren of bunnies, letting them
play and cuddle with the balls of adrable fluff. Wei Ying even joined them or fed them little treats
of fresh fruit while he cooked.

However, Lan Zhan that the longer he let this go, the higher the risk of hurting Wei Ying's trust in
him and he would die if he lost his trust, lost his Wei Ying and their sons...

Yes, he's been secretly calling the two boys his sons because he was in fact their father without
blood or paperwork to prove it. He is helping to raise them and he would happily give up the throne
to stay with Wei Ying and their boys. Looking at the tubawares he filled with a Yunmeng special
dish that Wei Ying loved. He also had a small Gusu special cake and just for Wei Ying, a jar of
Emperor's smile. He needed to tell Wei Ying tonight...


Wei Ying cursed as he checked his watch, it was getting close to clock out time, but he's still not
done working!! He had cleaned up one of the labs and had worked on another, but then he heard
that bitch, Wang Lingjiao laughing and talking loudly about him and when he went to tell her to
shut her fucking mouth before he used her as a mop, he froze in anger seeing the lab he just
cleaned trashed! And what was worse, some of the equipment was smashed on the floor and
regardless of what he says, it will come out of his pay and this shit was super expensive! So yes he
was in a really foul mood because Lin Zhang was probably on his way and Wei Ying would not be
home to greet him or to relieve the babysitter. He wasn't even gonna have enough to pay her!! Shit,
he hated whatever curse was on him because his life was just one shitfest after another.

"Excuse me?" a voice startles him and he spins to see someone dressed in a fancy white suit, a
cloud motif stitched into the shoulders and a white ribbon wrapped around their brow with two
others, clearly bodyguards by the way the sheer size of them. They were also dressed in white with
that Cloud motif, forehead ribbons included.

"Um... yes...?" Wei Ying's sixth sense was kicking in, the hair on the back of his neck rising.

"I'm told that you are close to Prince Lan Wangji... Where might I find him since he was not
home?" the person asks and Wei Ying's mind shorts out.



Modern Hybrid AU


"N-no... La-Zha--!!" He gasps, back arched. His ankles and wrists are tied together leaving him
open and exposed to the hung snow leopard currently devouring his blushing quim.

He mewls and moans as that long wicked tongue fucks into him as deadly fangs tease dangerously
along his soaked walls and clit as his small cock strains with the need and want to cum. Back
arching eyes rolling back as his ears press to he I skull in submission.. He cums and it takes him a
few minutes to regain consciousness. In that time his Alpha moves smoothly up his body.

"Wei Ying tastes heavenly."


Madam Yu kicks Wei Ying out after the Fox refuses to marry her nephew, Yu Hanqing. She cuts
him off from his allowance and even his heat medication. Growing desperate for money to by at
least his suppressants, Wei Ying attempts hooking only to be caught his first night by Officer Lan
Zhan. Who may look and act straight laced, but has a wild, darker side. And Wei Ying is caught in
the snare without realizing it...
Modern Hybrid AU Pt 2

"Wei Wuxian, it is time that you start paying back your debt to this family. You will do so by
marrying Yu Hanqing, my nephew. The wedding--"

"Are You fucking insane!?"

The woman looks up in shock and then with rage on her face as she glares at the worthless brat her
late husband brought home. While he claims that this worthless little shit was not his bastasrd, she
never believed him.

"We are Uncle's funeral for the Gods sake!!" The little bastard has the never to yell at her and she
stands, slapping him, feeling pleasure at finally being able to hit this little pissant when any time
before she had to use one of her personal servants to do it because Jiang Fengmian had forbidden
her from laying hands on Wei Wuxian after that one time he saw her whipping him with her
family's heirloom. "He isn't evrn buried yet and here you are doing as you please!! I refuse to
marry your nephew or anyone you think of!! Uncle would bot approve and neither would a'Cheng
or a'Li!!"

"How dare you speak to me this way!" She grabs his jaw and digs her nails in a mockery of a smile
on her face. "If you will not agree to this marriage you can leave right now, take only what is on
you and never come back. Your college tuition? Gone, your allowance? Severed!! I can ruin you,
Wei Wuxian and I will ruin you... I never liked you you blithering little shitstain... You look too
much like that Bitch!"

"My mother was not a bitch, you are!" He snaps back, slapping her hand away. "Uncle knows you
hate me, i know it; Everyone and their mother knows it! You may win for now, Yu Ziyuan, but
you will not win in the end..." He sneers and just because he can, he grabs her wine glass and
throats it roght in her face vefore storming out of the funeral home.

If only he had listened...

Hours later after hebhad cooled off, he went to go home only to be barred from the house by the
guards who woulf not look him in the eyes. He could see Jiang Cheng struggling tonget out of the
house and Jiang Yanli fretting and directing people about. They caught sight of each other and
three siblings tried tonget to one a other but they were held back. Madam Yu walked up to the gate
and grins meanly as she holds his pet rabbit who is too still in her hold, his head hanging too low
for comfort.

"I told you would not be welcomed back. I told you if you would not listen to me, I will ruin you...
Take you filthy beast and get off my property before I call the police and have you arrested for
trespassing... Oh and get a good look because you will never see them ever again not as long as I
live and breathe..." She sneers throwing the bunny at him and when he catches Suiban he gives a
startled abd choked scream.

"You bitch!!! You killed Suiban!!" He cries cuddling his bunny's body tight, sobbing. He screams
and yells at her, demanding to be let in, that this was his home as well!.

"This was never yoyr home, you were never welcomed in my home... You are nit family, you are
not a Jiang! You are worthless, loveless and an eyesore... Go die like that whore who birthed you...
Oh and good luck getting your medicine, would hate to be in your shoes when your heat finally
comes..." The couger grins evilly as the fox pales.
"What have you done!?"

"You want back into this house, want to see MY children? Then you better play my game. Marry
Yu Hanqing, you get everything back; even a new oversized rat. But keep being stubbirn and you
can be like your mother, a whore." She spits in his face abd leaves as the guards gently usher him
away, still refusing to look at him.

"A'XIAN!!! A'XIAN!!!" Jiang Yanli's cries are but wrenching as Jiang Cheng struggles harder to
get to him, only to be downed with a tranquilizer.

With a heavy heart, Wei Ying leaves, only Suiban's body in his arms...


Wei Ying cursed yet again as he checked his apartment, the door was busted open, the cheap lock
doing absolutely nothing to keep thieves out. As if he didn't already have an issue with his landlord
who wanted to up his rent because he was "protecting" Wei Ying from being attacked by the
Alphas in the building. He originally wanted a "favor" and Wei Ying had said no, not even on the
verge of dying of alcohol poisoning levels of drunk would he ever crawl into bed with that tub of

Now here he was checking his ran sacked match box of an apartment. His bag was open and he
cursed because he can see the contents all over the table, his cellphone was gone, but not the bunny
charm Shijie had given him when he first got a cell when he had been 13. His pills were also gone
too! He checked his hiding spots. His last refill was also gone, the scent of desparate Omega
clinging to the area it had been in. He would have given 4 away, but whoever it was took all of
them and they were the really good kind coming from Yiling Pharmaceuticals. They suppressed
the heats at a safe enough level that it feels like a mild fever with no side effects out side of the
occasional cramp and mild headaches. The only problem is with how effective they were, they
were also supper expensive. Not because the YP wanted more money, but because their rival
companies wanted to keep peddling their cheaper meds abd thus kept YP almost out of the ball
park. Wei Ying had been using them since he presented and had a set date to go off them so he can
have a natural cycle to clean his system out, but with the last bottle being stolen and him not having
access to his accounts or anything else, he was 4 months too soon and he didn't even have the
placebos to ease the warning signs before he went into heat! Fuck!!

His hidden cash was all gone minus the lousy $60 hidden inside the photo frame of Suiban. Good
gods above, what was he going to do!? He just started a job at a local kennel that had shit pay, but
it was something at least. However he could nit ask for an advancement on his pay check! Biting
his lip, he knew what he had to do. Leaving his apartment he ran down to 3D and knocked. A
nervous voice called out a moment later.

"A'Yu.... It me, a'Xian... I will need to borrow one of your... Work outfits...." He felt sick just
saying it.

A long pause and then the door opened and Mo Xuanyu, who could have passed as his twin
brother, let him in. He explained what happened and why he needed the clothes.

"Ok... But it dangerous, even if you have a pimp... Here you can borrow this one..." The bobcat
hands him a set of booty shorts, some fishnet stockings, a pair of hooker heels and a strip of cloth
that was supposed to be a shirt. "I will take you to Hooker Row, but because we are alone and you
are definitely new, we cannot be on the main streets or the others will atrack us, but the street I
work is near a rather nice gay bar sometimes the owner let's me stay and find johns there as long as
I clean up and help take out the trash..." Mo Xuanyu says as he bites his nail nervously. "Cops are
also in that area uniformed and not... So we need to be super careful... I will talk to Meng Yao and
see if he would be willing to let you pick up johns at his bar too... It is safer and warmer... And if
we are lucky we can get some free food too... Or work for the food... Are you good at mixing

Wei Ying feels only a little better abiut this as Mo Xuanyu tells him about the bar he sometimes
haunted, the do's and don'ts of Hooking and even spotted him a brand new pack of condums.

"If the John refuses to put the rubber on, get away. No amount of cash is worth getting impregnated
by someone sleeze bag or catching something from them... It is going to be okay... We can get you
some cheap suppressants until you get a better job or save up enough to get your old brand..."

"Thank you, A'Yu..."

Modern Hybrid Pt 3

Mo Xuanyu helped Wei Ying move his few belongings into his apartment, it was slightly bigger
and he had saved up a lot of money to replace the cheap wooden door with a metal one and had at
least 10 locks on it. It would be safer for them both, especially after the break in. He made Wei
Ying take a nap as well because they were gonna be up all night long, so Wei Ying couldn't afford
to feel sleep or fall asleep at all. While the other Omega was curled up on his small bed, sleeping,
Mo Xuanyu called the Lianfang and sighed softly as he stepped out onto the pitifully small terrace
in his living room.

"A'Yao? I'm sorry to call and ask this of you, but you know that friend of mine, the one who got
kicked out by his family because he refused to marry some strange Alpha? His apartment got
broken into and almost all his money, things of value and his heat suppressants were stolen... He
asked me to help him start... Moonlighting if you will.... and I know you let me use your club some
nights... but if possible could he use it too? He's willing to clean whatever, dump all the trash and
while he's not sure how well you will like his bar tending skills, he's willing to learn and not half as
clumsy as I am... Really?! Oh thank you! Thank you so much!! Yes, I already told him the rules
and he knows what to do in case someone gets too handsy or is threatening... Yes, I'm always
careful... huh? Oh um... I haven't... I scared he will hate me when he learns I... I sell myself just to
eat..." He wipes his eyes as tears to start to form. "No... I'm fine... just... you know me, I'm an
emotional mess... how can you hide your feelings so well? ... I guess, but anyway, I need to try and
get a nap in... Alright, thank you again, a'Yao... We will pop in for a bite to eat around 2 or 3am
depending on how busy things get... Alright, thank you again, bye..."

Sighing and feeling a bit better knowing that his friend would be safe with him at Lianfang's, he
heads into his apartment only to startle when his phone rings and he mutes a squeal seeing the
name on display, but his elation falls quickly because the man is too kind and pure to be with
someone like Mo Xuanyu, but he still picks up and a small smile graces his face.

"A'Hu..." He sighs happily...


Wei Ying fidgeted as he tried to adjust the super tight shorts once more. It was impossible to put on
underwear with it and he didn't exactly like that it could open so easily, but then again he figured it
made fucking in the winter a bit easier since he wouldn't have to get naked. But Wei Ying is also
hoping to have a steady job before then. This was only to get himself some suppressants, may the
next three months rent and a little extra to do some grocery shopping. He has never been so under
dressed before and he's nervous as well. There were a lot of dangers to Hooking, STDs and being
raped were the the highest on all the pros' lists of top 10 nightmares. Being killed fell to number
three because for most of them, death would be a much needed reprieve, there was being sold into
human trafficking and slavery, Pimps who abused their Hoes and so much more. The least of their
troubles would be being caught by a cop. Most cops would accept a blowjob or a quickie and let
you go, others would bring you in and basically give you a small fine, but kept you there all night
so you can be warm, fed and get so much needed sleep and there were the ones who actually did
their job, but still, the cops came as a mixed basket, never know what you were getting. Wei Ying
fidgeted again only to have Mo Xuanyu slapping his hand.

"Stop that... it screams 'Virgin, please rape me!' Trust me a wedgie is not the worst thing you can
have up your ass." He hisses softly as they make their way towards Hooker Row. They both have
on platform stilettos to give them both some height as well as it being the standard shoe for all
hookers, not only for the asthetics, they were a convenient weapon when one needed it. Fishnet
adorned their legs with the shorts Wei Ying was wearing and the strip of cloth that was Mo
Xuanyu's skirt topping off the bottom half of their bodies. Their tops were tube tops that barely
covered their tiny Omega breasts with their faces painted up nice and pretty, they kept a clutch
each with their makeup to touch up between Johns and to store their money. Their hair was styled
up in a 'just had sex' style that would help lure in customers.

"But it feels weird..." Wei Ying whines a bit, but leaves it alone, he didn't want to attract any more
attention than he was already getting.

"I know, but trust me, with all that going to be going on, a wedgie is the least of your worries right
now... this way... I can already see Wang Lingjiao and her group of bitches and they look ready to
start anything...." Mo Xuanyu says spotting a pretty woman, dressed like the Empress of all whores
and she did look like she was spoiling for a fight or some kind of drama. "She brunt another girl's
face because she was prettier than her, left her horribly scarred."

"Bitch..." Wei Ying hisses. "Is that girl okay?"

"She's fine, last I heard. She got a nice job in one of the brothels over in the Red Light district,
making the costumes for the workers. She some times gives me the spares and well you are
wearing one of her creations." He admits and Wei Ying blinks and looks at his shorts and gives a
soft, 'huh, what do you know...' as they turn another corner and there sitting on the corner is a
classy looking club. Classy for this trashy area that is. "That's Lianfang... come on, Meng Yao is
waiting for us. I guess you can consider him our Pimp, without actually being a Pimp."

They head over to the club the Bouncer looking them over before letting them in. Mo. Xuanyu
waves to a few people, shares air kisses with a few others before they are walking down an
Employee only hallway and then knocking on an office door. After getting permission to enter,
Wei Ying blinks at the Omega sitting behind the desk, looking over some numbers and typing on
his computer.

"Hi a'Yao!" The slightly young Omega greets him as he hurries over to give him a big hug.

"A'Yu... oh you must be Wei Wuxian, a'Yu told me quite a bit about you and explained your
situation to me. Here, they may not be the same as your old ones, but its something at least..." He
pulls open a draw and pulls out a small bottle and hands two pills to each Omega. "Take those now
and eat these before you head out. If you need the bathroom or just want a break feel free to come
back. If someone causes trouble, let me know and I will sent Xue Yang after them."

"Thank you, a'Yao, though you don't have to share you pills with us..."

"They are better than that dollar store crap you keep buying. We are all Omegas here and we need
to look out for one another, the fact someone stole your suppressants, while understandable, is also
very terrifying. The World is still not a safe place for us, no matter how much progression we've
had... I think the ancients had the right idea to safeguard and pretty much idolize their Omegas..."
Meng Yao huffs. "Right, take those and eat..."

He points to a tray of gourmet sandwiches which the pair of younger Omegas thank him again,
take their pills and eat. After a drink of water and a quick bathroom run, they are ready to begin
their night...


Wei Ying was not having a good night, so far he only had two handjobs and foot job, which was a
nice $200 dollars, but then one of the more professional women came and stole a few of his johns
and forced him to move to another street, this one was much more deserted, darker and he was
growing very nervous. He is about to say fuck it and go back to Lianfang's and see if he can take up
dishwashing or scrubbing puke off the floor when a sleek black car pulls up and he adopts a flirty
smile. He walks over to the rolled down window and leans in to see the guy.

"Hi, need directions?" He asks, batting his eyelashes.

"How much?" the man asks, his voice deep and powerful, the fox felt his ears pop up and his tail
appear, he normally hid them because of the reputation foxes had as tricksters and being sluts. But
he could not hid them from such a powerful Alpha and it was only his voice!

"What are you looking for?" He asks, turning on the charm. "Blowjob? Handie? Maybe some thigh

"Get in..." He orders and Wei Ying pulls back, his smile fading a bit.

"Sorry, but I don't-- Hey!!"

Wei Ying had been about to turn and leave when the man grabbed his wrist and yanked him into
the car through the window and started driving. Wei Ying had little choice but to sit there once he
righted himself.

"This is kidnapping, you know..." Wei Ying says after too long a silence.

"This is an arrest..." the man says back, grabbing up a badge from the center consul and Wei Ying
panics. "For soliciting sexual favors."

"Wha-- Ok... so I was hooking, but it's not because I want to!! I need to! Please you have to believe
me, my suppressants got stolen and my apartment is in the shitty area so I couldn't even report the
break in! Please, I'm sorry!!" He instantly panics because oh dear god, Madam Yu was still listed
as his guardian all he needed now was for her to learn what he was doing!! She had kept her
promise to ruin him, any job that was above minimum wage, he was denied instantly! She was
purposely keeping him down, drowning him until he gave in and accepted marrying her nephew,
which he had done some research. Apparently, he's a very strict mysogonistic bastard who believes
he is some kind of Godsend to all Omega kind! He's been in trouble with the law a few times, but
because of his family name and their influence, he's never faced a single charge or day in court!
"Please, I'll do anything, please!!"

"Mark your words..." he blinks confused before a large palm lands on his thigh much to close to
his private to be mistaken for anything else. Wei Ying yelps, and slaps the hand away, but the firm
growl makes him whine and submit. He opts to look out the window and blinks because they are
heading toward the inner city and soon pull into a private parking garage of some big fancy
building. He waits to be let out, the cop quickly grabbing him so he doesn't try to run away and is
pulled toward an elevator as they are getting on he sees two others climb in.


"A'Ying!? A'Hu, what-- what's...." The slightly young Omega begins panicking looking at the taller
Alpha, who blinks his eyes and gives a small, charming smile, but it is tinged in something. "...
Sorry, I meant Officer Lan...."

"Lan!? As in the Gusu Lan Police force!?" Wei Ying really panics now. Madam Yu has been
trying to get Jiang Yanli married to one of the two prominent Heirs because the Gusu Lan family
were famous for their private police force and were often tasked jobs protecting prominent figures
like the HIs royal Majesty, the Emperor and his family. So why would they be out arresting a pair
of hookers, granted Wei Ying wasn't even a proper Hooker, but still!! And Mo Xuanyu seemed to
know one of them personally.

"One and the same... Mo Xuanyu and I know each other... but now I see why you have refused my
offers of engagement..."

"A'Hu, no! That's not-- I knew you wouldn't want me once you learned what my job was! And
a'Ying only just started tonight because he need the money and no job is willing to take him!!
Please, I'm sorry! Punish me, not him!!"

"With me... not Xiongzhang..." the other Lan speaks up and Wei Ying, now that he can see him,
blushes because holy shit, was the man sexy.

"You both will be punished... Though how a'Zhan plans to punish your friend is beyond me... But I
personally am hurt you did not trust me enough..." Lan Huan backs Mo Xuanyu into the wall and
Wei Ying blushes because clearly this is not a standard arrest if the way the man suddenly makes
out with his friend is any indication. He grows fluster as the scent of arousal begins filling the
elevator as they ride it up.

Wei Ying startles when a hand suddenly cups his ass and he turns, slapping the hand once more.

"Stop that!!" He hisses. "Stop doing that!"

"You said you would do anything... Mark your words..." the Alpha growls and he whimpers,
feeling weak kneed and did he just... cream him self a bit? Oh gods, he was in trouble and then the
Lan let their ears out and he paled, they were really in trouble, Snow Leopards were incredibly rare
and famous for their high sex drives...
Among Us
Chapter Notes

Ok, it like 6 something in the morning, I am tired as tell and half drunk from a bottle of
homemade coquito. So please forgive me if this does not make any sense! After this I
am gonna sleep. So good night in advance!


Wei Ying awoke from hypersleep when the rather loud chimes of his pod sounded. It took him a
minute too long to realize he should not be hearing that sound! His eyes snap open and he fumbles
sleep heavy limbs and half frozen fingers to grab his O2 mask just before the glass like metal dome
opens and he blinks seeing his fellow crew members.

"Oh thank fuck!" His Uncle's husband breathes, his voice a bit distorted under the O2 mask and the
pitch black space suit he was wearing. "Something hit the ship and now were dead in the water...
We lost the captain though. His pod malfunctioned and well... Just keep looking at me, YingYing."
He says blocking the gory mess of their imploded captain. He is helped out, body too weak from
the heavy drugs used for Hypersleep. He is carried out of the Cryo room and to medical. His Uncle
is there was someone in a white suit.

"Xingchen, a'Ying is alright." And his uncle, also in white turns and runs up to them. He is holding
a black and red suit for Ying, once he is examined and cleared to work.

It is then that he realizes the other man has blue accents on his suit and not pure white like Uncle

"Put him here." His uncle orders and he is laid on the bed. "A'Ying, this is Lan Wangji. He will be
stationed with you in Medical until you are recovered. A-Lan, let's go see what we can do to repair
the ship. We need to get to the station and fast."

"Alright... Wei Ying, behave." Uncle Lan orders before he is left alone with the stranger.

"Lie back." He does as told and yelps at the icy cold instrument that touches his chest. "Mm, good.
How do you feel?"

"Tired... Weak... And thirsty, but I can drink water without taking the O2 off." He says.

"Mm, expected. A moment." He walks away and Wei Ying wants nothing more than to go back to
sleep, but startles when he feels a bit of tubing sliding carefully into his mask and then he grabs it
with his lips. "Hold on." He watches the doctor connect the tube to a water station and then slowly
he raises the dial until a steady stream of water flows and Wei Ying is able to drink his fill...

Lan Zhan watched 'a'Ying' drink and them he made a motion for him to stop. He did. Though the
predator part of him wanted to raise the dial to max and then hold the human down until he
drowned in the water. He is contemplating what to do when he feels the ship come back to life and
the hiss of the O2 system coming online. He has a split second to make a snap decision and when
he turns to check if he is still alone with 'a'Ying' he freezes because said young man has removed
his O2 mask and he is starstruck by the heavenly beauty.

The predator part of his brain goes from demanding to kill the human to keeping him, to mate and
breed him. He smells So fertile and since he is mostly naked, he can see how appealing his body is.
Fine, Zhan will have to simply kill everyone else...
Among Us Pt 2

Not long after the ship was back online was a meeting called in the cafeteria. Wei Ying had to lean
heavily against Lan Wangji to get there. They were a very large party, their government was
getting tired of sending off teams of 10 and people being killed with no reports on who or what was
doing it. So they opted on a large team of mixed people to try and weed out the cause and to finally
get to Polaris and get the planet set up to house humanity. Wei Ying pointed to his uncles and Lan
Wangji carefully guides him over to them. As he walks by someone in pale blue with white accents
on his suit, He cuts his golden gaze at them, his pupils bursting like a drop of ink in water. The
black steals over his eyes fully in an instant and is gone the next. It happened so quick that even
one carefully watching would miss it, but the one in pale blue did see and gave a subtle nod. Wei
Ying gives his Uncles warm hugs as he settles down beside the one in all white and turns to their
acting Captain.

"Alright, as you all know by now, Wang Jun, our captain was killed when the ship was hit by that
sudden hailstorm of astroids. We cannot risk going back into hypersleep, at least not all of us so it
would be best to set up a cycle of who is going to be sleeping and who will be awake to keep the
ship on course and functioning. Once we get to the station, we we will keep this cycling system
going until we are up to speed and finally get down to Polaris and hopefully get the planet
functioning for humanity's survival... Our best bet is to have as few Omegas awake as possible so
that way if whatever the hell keeps killing our crews, doesn't kill the very thing keeping our people
from extinction." Wen Rouhan states, as the image of their late captain appeared on a floating holo
screen, she was a beautiful Alpha with a kind face. Too bad she died. "So to make this easier, I am
going to read out the names of the Omegas and everyone is going to memorize their faces this way
we can protect them."

"Sir, I believe that is endangering the Omegas because it's not just whatever keeps killing the crews
that we have to worry about, at this point the government isn't even bothering to do proper
screenings and exposing the Omegas to potentially dangerous persons does not sit well with me.
Perhaps one trusted guard, you and the Omegas speak privately in the Captain's ready room would
be better? Assign a guard to each Omega that will stick with them the whole time they are active
and will guard the room they are sleeping in until the next cycle?" Song Lan speaks up, nervous
for his husband and nephew, his adoptive son was on the other side of the room, eyeing everyone
with that sly, twisted grin which made him wary because Xue Yang only got that look on his face
when he sensed others with ill will near by. Beside him was his adoptive daughter, A-Qing, who
was playing up her 'helpless blind girl' act, but she was carefully watching the lot of them.

"...." Wen Rouhan scowled, but then blinked and thought it over. It was better that way, he knows
plenty here are not Space Certified and even then, looking through the files on his pad, he can see a
number of them were quite questionable. There was even an openly wanted criminal, who sadly
was their expert on Weapons. It was best to keep the Omegas secret until they can weed out the
threats. "You're right... fine, you're with me, Black. We will go around collecting a guard and the
Omega and setting them up. I think a team of three would be best to keep things running
smoothly... for now... let's just get something to eat. Those of you still suffering Hypersleep
sickness follow Dr. Lan and Dr. Wen back to Medical to get treatment and to await to find out if
you are staying awake or going back to sleep once you have finished eating. no one is to go
anywhere without at least two people with them. The government has named the unknown killer,
or rather killers, to be Imposters. So keep your eyes and ears open. Anything remotely sus, report it
immediately, keep an eye out for bodies and for the love all things holy, do not engage the
Imposter by yourself!"
Everyone gives an affirmative before several get up to start passing out the premade meals while a
few others start replicating items to cook actual food for the near future. Wei Ying just leans
tiredly on Lan Wangji, who doesn't seem to mind as the medical expert is talking to the one in sky
blue, who has come to their table. it seems they are brothers. They talk in medical jargon with too
many big complicated words, but their deep voices are soothing so Wei Ying dozes off, still under
the effects of Hypersleep. he only wakes when Lan Wangji gently jostles him and slides a hot plate
of soft foods in front of him.

"Ah, thank you, Dr. Lan." Wei Ying stifles a yawn, to not be rude by doing it in the man's face,
rubbing his eyes to try and rid them of the heavy lidded feel and grabs his plastic fork and spoon to
start eating.

"Lan Zhan..." the man intones and Wei Ying blinks and looks up at him cutely. "My name."

"Oh! Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan... very pretty Azure Blue!" He smiles, liking the way it rolls of his
tongue. "I am Wei Ying... My mother had a strange sense of humor."

"Child of the Gate Keeper or Guardian is one meaning... or Ghost Child is another." the sky blue
clad male muses. "I am Lan Huan, Lan Xichen. Wangji rarely let's anyone call him by his
birthname. It speaks of how much he likes a person. I only call him by his name when I want to
stress the severity of the situation or I need to talk him down. He's calm and quiet, which sadly
makes it hard for those who do not know him to tell when he is stressed or angry." the newly
named Lan Xichen smiles.

"Brother, too much." Lan Zhan sighs.

"I am only teasing... but you best eat as well. I need to speak with our new Captain." He gets up
and leaves, discreetly signaling another of their kind who is hovering over a pretty, but short young
man, who much like those who wear a similar color scheme to him, has a red dot between his
brows. This was going to be a very interesting mission...
Among Us Pt 3

Several hours had passed since they had been woken up, those who were suffering Hypersleep
Sickness had been treated and were left resting in Medbay with Dr. Wen and Dr. Lan as everyone
else worked on repairing the ship's exterior next. Wen Rouhan had kept his word, he approached
specific people carefully and soon they were back with at least one constant companion. The few
who were mated were kept together with their Alphas, the others were paired up with someone
who passed inspection. Wei Ying looked at the room besides medbay, to have it's own emergency
generator, life support, O2 and if need be, could be ejected form the ship and act as a mini shuttle.
He knew this was the Omega room because his Uncle Xingchen was with him along with his best
friends, Wen Ning and Nie Huaisang. Meng Yao, their communications Expert, was there as well
with Jiang Yanli and his cousin A-Qing. Wen Ning, Uncle Xingchen and Jiang Yanli were mated
to the three guards currently standing guard outside the door, the three men working out a quick
cycle between themselves as well as a code to make sure they were who they claimed to be and to
communicate without raising suspicion.

"A'Xian?" Jiang Yanli asks as she waves a hand in front of his face, a worried frown on her face.

"Sorry, I was thinking that there are so few of us... Only 7 of us?"

"Yes... we need to make it to Polaris so we can get the rest of our people here..." She sighs sadly,
sitting beside him and he leans into her.

Omegas were very tactile, they were often liken to Bunnies who if left alone for too long or not
given enough love, could die of loneliness. In the corner of the room his Uncle and Meng Yao
were building a bit nest of the blankets and pillows in the room, even the spares they found in the
linen closet both inside and out side of the room, only leaving three pillows and blankets for the
Alphas to use, to make it. They were able to remove the gel mattresses from the beds and use them
as the base and to make walls around them. a few heavy blankets on top created a burrow like nest.

"Alright, we are done... c'mon..." Meng Yao says, wiping his make up off, being a bit rough with
the red dot on his brow. "Finally can clean that off..."

"Come, a'Xian..." Yanli says as she helps him up and gently pushes him, Wen Ning and A-Qing in
first, with Nie Huaisang after them, they were the youngest of the Omegas hear before she climbed
in with her brother in-law and Wei Ying's Uncle behind her, the two older Omegas checked the
pulse pistols, making sure they were full y charged and set to stun before they got comfy as well.

After a bit of shifting around, they were all curled up and dozing off, the lights left at 20% so it
was not completely dark in the room. Wei Ying almost giggled because there was not one part of
anyone who wasn't touching everyone else. They looked like a warren of bunnies all piled together
for warmth and comfort. Smiling again, he closes his eyes and soon drifts off to sleep, still bone
tired form Hypersleep...

Song Lan came to check on them after a while and smiles when he looks into the burrow only for
his husband's eyes to light up ultraviolet in his 'True Eyes' before they dimmed and then his
husband, huffs softly, going back to sleep curled around their daughter, the youngest in the group at
14 and newly presented. He can see Wei Ying curled up like the tiny bunny they all knew he was,
at the heart of the group with everyone touching him. As quietly as he came in, he left once more
nodding to Jin Zixuan, who looked upset with being on guard duty and a deadly quiet Wen Zhuliu,
who if you did not pay close attention to, looked with softened eyes at the door and then back at
Song Lan.
"Their' sleeping." He assures and the man relaxes just a little bit, the change mircoscopic, but still
there. They turn as someone comes around the bend and Song Lan smiles at Xue Yang, who waves
at his adoptive father.

"I'm on patrol... a'Niang, Little Blind and Xian-ge?" He asks, cocking his at the door.

"Sleeping, especially your cousin."

"Mm..." He nods and then glares at the Jin who is glaring back at him.

"You are supposed to be with two others!" the man hissed.

"Tsk... no one with half a braincell would want to be left alone with me..." He grins wide and
manic, eyes lighting up a soul searing orange red, like hot lava.

"A' Yang." Song Lan, drops a hand on his son's head making him pout at him. "Where are the
other two?"

"The Rapist and the Serial Killer? Yeah, I left them tied up in one of the Jefferies until I'm done
with my sweep." He states.

The three bristle at the casual info as Xue Yang shrugs. but Song Lan is not upset at the dismissal,
but the fact there is are KNOWN criminals on the ship.

"Keep an eye on them, yeah?" Song Lan asks as the younger Alpha nods his head. "Good, go... I
will clear you if some idiot tries to Sus you."

"Of course, Old man... Tell a'Niang and sis I said sweet dreams. A'Xian is most likely doing his
best impression of a bunny right now and so tell him I said he looks adorable!" He teases and keeps
going down the hall pausing when he thought he heard something in the vent. "What..." He turns
on his flashlight and aims it up into the vent but sees nothing. "We need to get a cleaner droid in
the vents... wouldn't be surprised if we have some kind of rodent in there making that noise..."

"Perhaps you shouldn't go by yourself, you know that Captain Wen ordered us into groups..."

"Mm.... Fine I will take the Peacock with me... He seems bitchy from not getting his beauty sleep,
maybe moving around will help him stay awake." Xue Yang grins meanly at Jin Zixuan, who
growls, flashing his own burnt golden red eyes.

Before the two two younger Alphas could get into a fight, Song Lan, cuffed his son on the back of
his head and told him to behave himself before he gave the Jin Alpha a sharp look that said to no
antagonize his adopted son or there will be hell to pay. The two growl petulantly but do as told,
heading off down the hall as he and Wen Zhuliu lean back against the walls, just listening to the
ship hum around them. They would check the Omegas in another thirty minutes...

Meanwhile in the vent, unholy red eyes watch the pair of Alphas before slipping into the room and
out of the only vent opening in the far corner away from the Omegas. The entity moves quietly and
seamlessly. Looking at the empty and stripped bare beds, the being blinks confused before the
tendrils that make up its hair moved not unlike the snakes of Medusa's head toward the nest in the
opposite corner. Sliding quickly toward it but being careful to not alert anything or anyone to its
presence, it looked in and saw all the Breeders of this annoyingly presistent species and gives
pleased nod as it carefully sends 7 tendrils to collect samples from the breeders and then as quick
as it had come, it slipped back into the vent and away towards Medbay where it carefully drops
down and becomes Lan Xichen once more in his brother's private office and holds out the 7 vial s
of blood to him.
"I do not believe we should kill everyone this time... only those who are clear threat or cannot be
reasoned with..." He says to his younger brother. "I already do not like the gold dressed ones...
minus one or two of them, I do not like them."

"Mn..." Lan Zhan nods his head, also not overly fond of the arrogant group. "Targets?"

"There are some who... are very offensive... They should be the ones we get the rest to vote off,
but I think we should start with these three..." Lan Xichen smiles evilly as he shows him three
pictures. "I am taking the one on the left..."


"No fair, having the meeting before I get here..." their third partner's voice gripes and they turn to
see Nie Mingjue. "Fine I get the one on the right. Now what's the plan...."
Among Us Pt 4

Jin Zixuan and Xue Yang did not talk to one another as they walked down the hall, their flashlights
being shown into every crevice possible for anything out of the ordinary. the ship was super creepy
now that there were very few people awake. Jin Zixuan checked his tablet and frowned when he
saw a few indicators that were just up the hall.

"Hold it... there's a couple of people up ahead... One just left...." Suddenly there was a strange
rattling in the vent above them and both pulled out their laser pistols and aimed up at the vent.
There were no openings here. "The fuck was that?"

"... Don't know... let's go, someone could be hurt." Xue Yang says, slowly moving down the hall,
keeping his back to the wall.

"Right... we'll check and then hit the Emergency button." Jin Zixuan agrees as they slowly make
their way up the hall, Xue Yang keeping his eyes on the vent shaft over their heads while the gold
clad young man kept an eye out on the ground. Getting to the fuel storage room, he opens the door.
"Holy fucking hell!?"

Xue Yang looks down and pales. Lying in before them was someone's left leg and right hand, over
by the fuel panel was their head and strew across the rack of cleaning supplies was their insides.
Suddenly on the tablet a red alert button appeared and Jin Zixuan pressed it and fast. The halls
turned bright orange and an automated voice recording began playing as an alarm sounded off. It
took only a handful of moments for the others to join them, Captain Wen looking unhappy to see
that two of his crew were not with their designated buddies, but that could be dealt with later and in

"What is it?" He demands.

"Sir, we found these two and they got blood on their hands..." Nie Mingjue says as he and Lan
Xichen shove the two men, that Xue Yang could have sworn he left hogtied up in one of the
jefferies tubes somewhere near reactor, at the feet of the captain. they both looked a bit wild eyed
and had blood splatters all over their dark grew suits.

"Wait blood...?" Wen Qing, one of their doctors gasped and looked nervously at the room behind
the two younger men. "Is--"

"It's a mess in there..." Xue Yang says. "From what we could see in the limited light of our
flashlights, not everything is there..."

"Oh fuck..." someone mutters sounding like they were gonna be sick to their stomach.

Wen Rouhan takes a long breath before he quickly orders everyone to the caf to wait for a report.
he kept the two possible culprits behind with Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen as well as Jin Zixuan
and Xue Yang. once it was just them, they step into the room and it takes every effort for Wen
Rouhan to not want to throw up, especially after what looked like half a liver fell right onto his red
and gold shoulder pad with the Captain stars pinned it.

"We didn't do this!! That kid is fucking insane!! He threatened us!!" the rapist yells, pointing at
Xue Yang, who growls at him.

"Yeah! He threatened to kill us!!"

"Xue Yang may be a deliquent, but even he knows better than to fuck around..." Wen Rouhan says.
"You two have history with violent crimes... so please, convince me to spare your lives...."

"We started our patrol like you ordered and when we leaving the engines this little shit attacked up
and said he would kill us if we breathed the wrong way near him! He left us tied up in the
Jefferies!" The Serial Killer is quick to explain.

"I can confirm that I did threaten them, but they are leaving out one key piece of info: I said that I
would kill them if they even thought to touch any of my family, especially my ma, sis or my
cousin." Xue Yang growls, flashing red eyes. "The knots were supposed to be impossible to untie,
but somehow you two are free. I wandered around alone from the Jefferies through the only hall
that leads to the Medbay hall. I met my old man and he already scolded me for being alone and
told Princy over here to walk with me. We came down this hall, about 10 paces back we heard a
strange sound in the vent."

"Like something crawling through it, but before that I was checking my map and saw a couple of
markers in this room, one suddenly vanished and the one remained when the sound happened, we
pulled out our pistols and slowly made our way. We thought someone was hurt and was gonna
administer first aid, but then....." Jin Zixuan waved at the mess. "After that I called the EA and here
we are now... We haven't moved from here and if the punk wanted to kill me, he had more than
enough time to do it. If he did kill, why are you two still alive?"

"...." Wen Rouhan sighs and turns to the two older males who have not said a word since they
found the pair. "Anything to add?"

"I found him trying to pry open a vent cap near where those needing close medical attention were
sleeping. If I recall correctly that vent leads to several of the rooms in the Med ward and there is
only one in that particular room." Lan Xichen says. "I was going to check the vents in the morning
to make sure they were still sealed shut since whatever keeps killing the crews that get sent out
here seems to like using them. Since we managed to escape the last ship, we agreed to keep the
vents sealed and monitored."

"I personally welded them all shut, sir... the brats heard something in the vent... that means
someone opened one up... and there are four vents in this room. One here next to the door, two
over in the back corners and one just above the middle of the room. The branch out over the whole
ship." Nie Mingjue adds and carefully picks his way around the room to check the vents finding
the one in the back left corner opened. ".... this is the one that goes towards medical and from there
to the Engines..."

"I bet if we check the vents in Engines, one of them will open up..." Xue Yang growls. "So not
only did you get free, but your trying to sabotage the crew!"

"Mr. Xue calm down!" Wen Rouhan says. "You are both covered in blood, how did that get on you
if you were tied up?"

"We... we don't know!"

"Sir, perhaps we should check for a weapon? Something sharp, possibly serrated..." Lan Xichen

"We find the weapon we find the killer... if not we will put it to a vote." Wen Rouhan agrees and
has Mingjue search the two unsavory men.

It is tense for the two minutes it takes to check and the Rapist has a bloody knife in his side pouch
and the right hand of the dead man, the one keyed to the biometric lock to the weapons armory.

"No! I didn't!! I swear!! I don't know how I got this-- no!! Please you have to believe me!!" the
rapist screams as Wen Rouhan grabs him and marches to caf as the others follow behind him, Xue
Yang growling at the Serial Killer, who is trying to plead the Rapist's case, they had been trapped
together the whole time, that it couldn't have been him.

"So it had to have been you, since you are a known killer. Who is to say you didn't scratch the itch
and when you got caught, you pinned it on you so-called 'buddy?' For all we know you both
planned this..." Jin Zixuan snarls, glaring at him, the fact that at any point they could have found
his wife and the others set his fangs on edge. They walked into the caf and the two men were
tossed before the whole crew, though the Rapist was clearly in cuffs.

Wen Rouhan explained what had been discovered and had them all plead their cases. He didn't
even get to ask for a vote when everyone was demanding the madman get sent out the airlock
without his helmet. Especially after the man admitted to being a rapist, not a murderer. Needless to
say he was sent out into the vacuum of space and the other man was locked in the brig for the time
being. A clean up crew was put together the remains were given last rights before they were
incinerated. After that the groups were remade and all was well...

That is until a week later when the body of Jin Crewmate was found...
You're Mine

Prompt From Samstagram903:

Su She covets everything LWJ has and decides he wants WWX. Since JGS /JGY want the Stygian
Tiger Seal or his power, they help brainwash WWX to think he is in love with SS(don’t care how:
talismans, arrays, poison, whack to the head). Thinking WWX is in love with SS, LWJ goes dark
to get him back. In the process, uncovers the Jin’s plot and saves everyone. This can be during
canon or in the modern era with cultivation.


13 years ago

He grunted as he stumbled down the alleyway, trying to get away from the crash sight. He left a
trail of blood behind with every step. His vision was fuzzy and kept fading in and out. there was a
ringing in his ears and he's sure he has a concussion and is bleeding from more than his head
wound. He makes... He's not even sure how far before he collapses into a pile of trash sitting in a
small suburb alley and he is pretty sure he's about to die, how embarrassing, to die at 15 in a pile of
trash. All be cause his father was going to be the Prime Minister and wanted to improve lives for all
of China...

He must have passed out because he wakes up when he feels someone gently cleaning the wound
on his head. He hisses in pain and opens a golden eye to glare at the person and is met with a sweet
face, eyes like the silver moon looming behind them. It is a child, about 7-10 years old. They are
carefully cleaning him with a water bottle and cartoon character themed plasters. They realize he is
awake and smile sweetly.

"It's okay, Xianxian is making it better. Not as good as Shijie, but Xianxian watches Shijie and
learned!" He says proudly, and it is a little boy.

He wants to tell the kid to leave, to let him die, but the child doesn't pay him any mind and then
once he is done cleaning him up, Lan Zhan breathes because he will finally be left to die and join
his parents, he can only think that thank goodness Xiongzhang had gotten sick and had to stay at
home. He is about to let himself go, but gasps as he feels powerful energy entering him and looks.
The child, "Xianxian", is holding small hands over him and they glow a rosy gold color as he
manipulates spiritual energy to heal him. His own spiritual energy is roused and accepts the boost
the child is offering him and he can feel the aches and the pain fading.

"Wei Wuxian!!" Someone shouts and the child startles, stopping what he is doing. "Where are
you!? Mother's going to be furious you didn't listen!!"

"Oops... This one needs to leave... but you should be ok to find a doctor! Bye-bye!" The young boy
says hastily and runs and as the child does, he sees a dark shadow following, he is about to get up
and save the child, but he gasps seeing the child look at the child and hears, "Thanks for telling me
he was there a-Ning! Let's go before ChengCheng sends his spirit Hounds to find me..."

He watches them turn a corner and a moment later a man in black comes running from where Lan
Zhan had come from.
"Young Master Lan! Oh thank goodness... When we heard about the accident, Master Qiren asked
me to come find you..."

"Mm..." He nods and allows the guard, the only one in the Lan Clan to wear black, pull him up to
his feet, but in doing so the world turns and he knows nothing more...

8 years ago

He made no sound even as he was beaten with an old fashion bamboo whip. He glared the arrogant
son of Wen Rouhan, Wen Chao. After his parents deaths, his family was systematically attacked
and killed off until they were but a third of their original size. It shattered something inside, Lan
Zhan. Through all the hell he suffered, dealing with his Uncle's strict and suffocating rules,
attending far to many funerals, the random ambushes that left him beaten and broken, when he
should have died too many times over, he kept a spark of light in his heart. Even now, he was
enduring this torture because the Wens have kidnapped the Heirs of the most prominent families
and was torturing them to get them to support Wen Rouhan's regime as the Prime Minister. The
Wens had been behind the attacks and the assassinations of his parents. they took the Prime
Minister post not too long after the deaths of his parents made it to the news. His uncle was the
headmaster of school and thus had no political standing and could not take the Proxy and neither he
or Lan Huan had been of age to take over either.

He keeps glaring at the smug face of Chao as he feels the skin on his back split open again, blood
pouring down to join the other pools of blood from some of the others that had been tortured. To
the side of the room, the others were forced to watch and his treasured Light was pressing his
delicate hands to his mouth to keep himself from sobbing at the sight, his adoptive brother's head
on his lap, half conscious form his own beating. The others were no better, sobbing quietly or
growling in fury. Wen Zhuliu stopped hitting him as Wen Chao frowns and glares at him.

"Stubborn, aren't you?"

He says nothing and when the stupid shit gets closer, he uses the infamous Lan arm strength to
pull his body up and wrap his legs tightly over the idiots neck and with a twist of his hips, snaps
his neck. After that it is pandemonium and makes it his goal to find and protect Wei Wuxian. By
the time their little revolt spilled into the main mansion and into an important gala that was being
televised, SWAT had also stormed in with Nie Mingjue at the head of the charge because one of
those that had been kidnapped was his younger brother. He enjoyed watching Rouhan get arrested,
enjoyed the scream of agony the man let out when his son's body was wheeled out and when the
man caught his eyes, he gives a wide smile that is more like a baring of fangs as his eyes flash
Alpha Red. The man knew it then and had hurled abuse at him and even admitted that he should
have killed both him and Huan with their parents. It was a dark pleasure to watch the man get
dragged away and slapped in cuffs. He would figure out how to get him later. He turns to get
medical attention when he suddenly has his arms full of Wei Wuxian, who has tears in his eyes.
The Omega is fussing and fretting, pulling medical items out of nowhere and much like when they
first met, he was cleaning up his wounds.

"Fine as long as Xianxian is alright." He murmurs and the Omega blushes.

"How-- nevermind... You are not fine! You're back is practically shredded!" He scolds. Zhan
knows that Wei Wuxian has a bad memory, due to the accident that killed his parents when he was
a very young child and partly his brain blocking out the trauma. He had done his research and has
watched Wei Wuxian whenever they were at a function together or sometimes in the same areas.
"And Lan Zhan, my name is Wei Ying. Wuxian is my nickname..."

"Wei Ying..." He says it and it is like tasting heaven. "Wei Ying."

"Yes-!?" The 15 year old Omega looked up and gasps as he is kissed by the 23 year old Alpha.
"Lan Zhan!?" He squeaks out cutely, covering his mouth as his cheeks turn a burning pink.

"Forgive... wanted to kiss Ying for long time..." he admits.

"Shijie says when someone kisses you, with love you have to marry them... do you... do you love
me?" He asks.

"Mm... can wait for Ying to be of age..." He nods.

"Then take responsibility and marry me!" The Omega shouts, stomping and then turning and
running away, face as red as ripe cherries...

5 years ago

"In other news, Prime Minster Jin Guangshan's PA, Su She, has announced his engagement to the
Heir of Baoshen Co., Wei Ying. However due to the heavy work load of the Prime Minister and his
cabinent, the wedding is being postponed for now."

The glass of water he had been drinking was crushed in his fist as he watched a cellphone video of
his Ying kissing Su She, a former member by marriage of the Lan Family. Su She had once been
assign as his playmate when they were children, but the slightly older boy had always been
annoying and jealous of him for some reason. And now, he dares to take his Wei Ying! He will
ruin this marriage if it is the last thing he does on this earth!! Beside him a young demon appears

"Xue Yang, this one has a task..."


Wei Ying slowly woke up in one of the guest rooms of the Prime Minister's mansion. He was
confused about how and why he was here. He knew his memory was bad, but surely something
had to be very wrong for him to be losing time. He needed to see Qing-jie, she was the only doctor
he trusted to not lie or sugarcoat. yes he was an emotional mess 99% of the time, but he actually
handled stress pretty well. He grimaces as his mouth feels sticky and tastes like he ate a tube of
fish past like that one time he lost a bet to Cheng and had to do that. He remembers being sick for a
whole week after that. Never again. He sits up slowly and the door opens and he sees his fiance of
the last 5 years walk in holding a tray of soup and thankfully water with a pitcher of water.

"You ok, my love?" She asks.

"I need to see my doctor... I've been losing more and more time lately... I'm scared." He admits.

"What? No, don't bother Dr. Wen... If you're that worried I can ask one of the doctors assigned to
the Minister. After all the Prime Minister gets only the absolute best staff, medical personnel and
the like in the whole country." She placates in a gentle tone, after setting the tray down. "This
means that they would be able to take better care of you than Dr. Wen since her treatment seems to
be failing lately."

"... I guess you're right..." Ying pouts and accepts the kiss She bestows him before he sips his
water, which tastes strange. "Is there something in the water?"

"It's electrolyte water, it's gonna taste funny." She tells him. "The pitcher is normal water."

"Pleh... but if you think it will help, I'll drink it." He makes a cute little face as he sticks his tongue

As he drinks the water and then the soup, he does not notice the malicious smile on his fiance's
face. He doesn't notice him asking him to summon a-Ning and order him to go take out Nie
Mingjue. He doesn't hear a-Ning begging him to stop doing what She says. He doesn't realize he is
nothing more than a puppet. He doesn't know that She takes advantage to use his mouth since
Madam Yu is far too formidable to try and deflower the Omega before their official wedding. Wei
Ying doesn't even know that Guangshan has used his mouth nor does he realize that the reason he
is a permanent guest of the Minster's mansion is because the two men he 'trusts' with his life, plan
to use him like a harem whore. But deep in the back of his mind a voice, too far and distorted cries
for help...
You're Mine Pt 2

Wen Ning was a class 10 Demon, the highest rank one could get, and was the bound familiar to
Young Master Wei. His young master was a kind and selfless young man. Had always been since
childhood. Wen Ning would do anything his master asked of him, which normally fell into things
like playing or helping him sneak away from his keepers for a little while. Aiding those in trouble
and the very obvious, protecting him from harm. However lately, his young master has been taken
advantage of and he can do nothing to help because his bond was being suppressed. When his
master does call on him, it is to do the bidding of his fiancé and his fiancé's boss. He growled
darkly, wanting to tear them limb from limb and then beat them to death with their own body parts
before he slowly rends their souls apart piece by piece until nothing is left. However because he
has been pretty much locked into his 'ghost' form until summoned otherwise, he cannot harm the
living. Floating above the city he uses his senses to find "Lan Wangji" and eliminate him...

He doesn't want to, but Wen Ning doesn't really have a choice, the bond recognized the order even
it knew it was not a genuine desire. An order was an order. Finding the soul he was looking for he
flash steps towards it quickly and slips easily through walls and any barriers set up because he is
not feeling malicious. However when he finds the person he is met with a younger demon, a class
7. The younger demon is hanging by his tail, grinning at him upside down.

"You're hear to kill my master... sorry, Ghost General, but I cannot allow that... I'm Xue Yang,
Class 7. My expertise is to cause pain and a lot of it..." He drops down and lands on his feet before
he gives a genuine bow of respect to the older and higher classed demon. Wen Ning was a Legend,
a Fierce Corpse with a Conscious mind from a time long forgotten and brushed off as old myths
and legends, stories to tell little ones at night. Xue Yang was brimming with excitement as well as
feeling a bit anxious. This was not his first fight against a higher class demon, but this was THE
Demon among Demons and he will likely lose. However to go toe to toe with the Ghost General!?

"... I do not want, but I've been ordered..." He admits around slowly bared teeth, his nails growing
long and deadly as his pale complexion takes on a ghastly cast, black veins becoming visible.

"Then, I'm afraid, Sir Ning, that I have to stop you... However I have been ordered to render you
immobile. Not that I believe I can beat THE Ghost General..."

Wen Ning nods once, jumping back as black chains form over his arms and chest, he uses them
like whips to both attack from far and near by, at the ends of the chains are deadly black rock like
daggers that are near indestructible. Xue Yang, pulls a sword out of nowhere, a bead of sweat
forming on his brow as he grins with manic glee and nervousness. He has more weapons, Merchant
of Death was his name among Demons and he lived up to it. Selling deadly weapons or souls was
his main job when not contracted, but a ruthless spy and assassin when under contract and he liked
his current master. You would not think someone so righteous or upstanding would summon and
form a contract with someone like him. But hey, looks are deceiving.

It takes but a second and they are clashing. The shockwaves of their blows alert the guards to
danger and a team of Demon Hunters rush in, but stop short when Xue Yang growls at them to
back off, to not ruin his fun. They are not sure what to say or do, but then the Second Jade walks in
and tells them to remain on standby. He watches the two demons go at it. He notes that the Ghost
General is holding back, fighting the command and it is allowing Xue Yang the advantage, just at
they thought...

4 years ago
Lan Zhan was looking over the books for his... side projects, doing his own book keeping to make
sure no one tried to mess with him. He hasn't told Xiongzhang yet nor Uncle and is debating
whether he should. He is also investigating the mysterious deaths of some of Prime Minster Jin's
rivals and competition as well as a few prominent figure heads or people who once funded his
campaigns but were going to support the new comer this coming election. Questionable decrees in
their last wills leaving Jin Guangshan either the majority of their fortunes or the entirety of it,
leaving their remaining families desuetude. It was far too strange if one actually thinks about it.
But then again, Jin Guangshan has had a strangle hold of the Prime Minster seat since the fall of
Wen Rouhan a few years back...

Speaking of him, Lan Zhan should finally put him out of his misery...

The man was nothing more than a catatonic shell of what he use to be and it was no longer fun
torturing him if he doesn't react any more. Oh well, If Lan Zhan has his way, Jin Guangshan and
Su She will soon be taking his place. Especially Su She...

"Master! I've the reports you requested." Xue Yang calls out suddenly, appearing from his shadow
as he likes to do on occasion usually just appearing in a random spot was his more preferred mode
of travel. He liked to scare the daylights out of unsuspecting people. However he can never seem to
get the drop on Lan Zhan must to his disappointment.

"Mn, good work..." He pulls open a draw and pulls out loquat and strawberry flavored candies from
it, the pale pink bag was set down on the table. "A treat for a'Yang."

"Ohh, master you spoil this one!" He bows in a seemingly mocking manner, but he is genuine. Lan
Zhan was not like his pervious masters, he actually cared in his strange detached way and took
what he learned of those around him too heart and often made sure they had things they liked

Xue Yang had a sweet tooth, even back when he had been human, and would do anything for
something sweet. Lan Zhan used it as a reward for a job well done and would take away some of
the sweets if Xue Yang did something he wasn't supposed to do or was too excessive. It tempered
him down and calmed him down. He may not always like doing things the 'boring way' but it was
also more effective to sometimes leave his prey alive.

"You were right about the sudden change. Dr. Wen's records about her sessions with your Omega,
show a clear change in personality and he's been coming to see her less and less. I'm pretty sure he
will stop seeing her all together and not just for his sessions, but as his primary as well. As for the
deaths, you were right on the money again, Master! Demon assassin... a very powerful one... I took
samples from each scene and I am gonna need these things to test them to check who did it. But by
the power alone, there are only a handful of demons that could pull this off and out of all of them
only one of them can freely move about the human world at this time." Xue Yang began his report,
no longer smiling. He hands over the files and a list of things he needs.

"Mn, will have the Demon Hunters get them and set up a workshop in their department for you in
the 4th subbasement." He says once he finishes looking over the list.

"I cannot get close to the Prime Minster's compound, when I just toed the line of the barrier an
entire SWAT team of guards and Demon Hunters nearly took me out... But I can bet you that they
are keeping Wei Wuxian hostage in there. What they want with him specifically is beyond me,
though the obvious reason would be his grandmother's company. Old Lady Baoshen is sitting
really pretty on an ancient throne of wealth and with her current companies and investments, the
next 20 generations can do nothing with their lives and still have a pretty penny to show for it."
Xue Yang says, showing the chard flesh of his left hand, his pinky was beyond saving from the
damage done to it, but he at least had something to study.

".... Good work, rest. Have Dr. Mo look at your injuries..."

"My pinky is gone, but the rest I can treat on my own, but I will still go let Dr. Mo fuss at me...
Night master." He bows and turns to leave when he is called again, turning he catches his candies
and smiles, almost forgetting them.

Lan Zhan reads through the reports and knows that in a few days he would have his answers.

And indeed, he did get them: The Ghost General, Wen Qionglin.

'Time to make a nuisance of myself....' He thinks, smirking as he knows just how to start...


The battle rages on for over three hours and then Wen Ning stumbles, he feels his master's
distressed mind and is distracted trying to asses what is wrong, which allows Xue Yang to jump
away from him just as the Demon Hunters throw out subjugation talismans and pin him in place.

"Enough... you are captured..."

"Please, Young Master..." Wen Ning sounds very worried. "He's distressed... I--"

"You will be released, but not before I get some answers... Wei Ying will be fine for a while
longer..." Lan Zhan grinds out because he wants to let the Ghost General go, but he knows that this
might be his only chance to learn what goes on in the Minister's compound...
The Twin Jades' Lotus
Chapter Notes

I have 04wangxian65's permission to post their Prompt here because I wanna play with
the Plunny! Please go check out their original Prompt: Ours to Keep!


Lan wangji x wei ying x lan huan

Omega wei ying has two mates, and they just happen to be the most powerful people in the

Too bad Wei Ying did not a mate let alone two mates!

Lan Wangji and lan Huan will most definitely not let their little Omega go now would they?

"Haa~ don't touch you little bastard!" Wei Ying moaned out clearly enjoying but had still not
wanted to tell them that he was in a cloud nine.

(Boypussy wei ying)

(Pure filth and smut)

Requests for smut undertaken

Strictly bottom Wèi Yīng and top twin jade's

No jadecest (for the love of god)

1) no jadecest
2) only bottom wei ying
3) lots of smut , requests are open.
4) no switch (plis)
5) I will write a chap after the requests start coming in or some chaps by myself.
6) this will have very little plot, just a lot of smut.


There was the wet sounds of mouths sucking and smacking together. The Omega writhed in
esctacy even as between devouring kisses he mewled and moaned, clearly riding the pleasure being
bestowed upon him. His hissed that he did nit like it to stop, but if he truly wanted them to stop he
needed to only say a single word, a name that can instantly the mood, bur he doesn't.

He cries out as his hair is yanked. Forcinf his head back as sharp fangs graze one of the twin marks
on his neck. He screams as he cums, his pussy dripping obscenely and the loud slurping of an eager
tongue drinking up his juices makes him whine shyly, curling up to his but he is quickly pinned
back down.

"Our beautiful A'Ying has been so naughty... Running away from poor A'Ning, he was so worried
you would get hurt..." The sweet voice of his oldest Alpha croons, the dark hiss of anger making
the Omega whine, no longer feeling indignant, but thoroughly chastised now. "I know you do not
like having someone follow you... At least we took the consideration to assign someone you get
along well with... We are not trying to control you, A'Ying, but there are people who would try to
hurt you just to get at us..."

"I... I.... Ying is sorry..." He whines pitifully around another whine his other mate happy to keep
eating his oversensitive pussy out, letting his brother do the talking as he normally does. "But you
kept me inside... For a month!" He whines again, "A'Zhan please!! Too much!! Ooh gods,
please.... F-fuck!!"

Lan Zhan pulls away, wiping the slick from his face and then smearing over the Omega's, his other
hand shoving three fingers in and viciously fucking them into the sloppy whole. The Omega quick
reaches a second Orgasm and blacks out for a few seconds as the Twins quickly devest themselves
and Lan Huan settles between spread thighs and slowly sinks in because no matter how mad they
get. They can never hurt their precious Wei Ying. Once he is sunk deep, he coaxes Wei Yong back
to the waking world.

"If you want this to stop, you know what to say or what hand sign to give. This is your punishment
for scaring us and then tomorrow you will apologize to A'Ning."

"Yes, Alpha Huan..."

"Good.. A'Zhan?" He cocks his head wondering what his brother wanted and then seeing what he
was thinking he smirks and and grabs Ying's hands and pull off his hair ribbon and binds then
tightly together before accepting Zhan's and tying it around Ying's cocker, teasing the cute little
penis before he ties the ends of the ribbons together and then forces Ying's arms above his head,
which pulls on his cock at that right level of pleasure and pain.

"Nyaaa!?" He cries out as his head is pulled back until he csn only see Zhan's cock and balls. He
opens his mouth and moans at the heady scent of sandalwood, winter and something wholly Lan
Zhan. He coughs and swallows until his nose is buried in the thick of his Alpha's scent and already
he is fading into subspace, becoming soft and pliant, a living fleshlight for his Alphas to use and
abuse. He feels Zhan move his right leg into his hands, the scars from a vicious animal attack that
had broken his leg years ago were invisible to the eye but felt. He k ow if it is too much to squeeze
them the pain will force them to stop because they never like to cause too much pain to one

Taking a moment to make sure their Omega was alright they nod and start of slow. Just enjoying
the wet warm, the slow drag. Ying whines because he is so sensitive, twitching twitching and
fighting but clearly enjoying it. They begin to pick up speed and power.

"That's it, Xiao Ying, you are nothing but our bitch... Yes... Fuck you were made for our focus.
Look how eagerly you want A'Zhan to fuck your mouth, too bad this isn't your heat or we would
knot you so you were locked on our cocks...."

Wei Ying moans wantonly. Sucking more eagerly as he squeezes through another orgasm and
moans as he is filled with hot him from Huan. He whines when he pulls away, Zhan pulling back
but quickly flips him onto his knees and slides home as Huan pushes his cum covered cock into the
Omega's eager mouth.
"A'Ying... Perfect, sweet..." Zhan growls in his ears and he moans, moving more eagerly. He had a
praise link because he was never praised by the Jiangs other than Jiang Yanli who always
supported him and took care of him when they were little. So any amount of praise especially
during sex, made him eager for more, to know he was being so good.

"Good for us... Do you wa t our babies?" Zhan asks and Ying goves a loud scream. Eyes rolling up
as he drops fulling into oblivion allowing his mates to cum and if they wanted they could keep
fucking him, but they never do.

Zhan carefully pulls out and picks him up. Huan strips the bed and replaces the sheets as Zhan gets
a bath going and soon the three are soaking, Ying kept between them, passed out and at absolute
peace to allow two Alphas to handle his unconscious body. It was not this way in the beginning,
they they would never change things. A'Ying was theirs...

"A'Ying is in bed. A'Ning has also brought in Mo Yuan..." Huan says as he walks into the office
where Zhan is working on some of their less than legal books.

"Good. Let's find out what he indeeded to do with A'Ying...." He snarls grabbing Buchan off her
stand as Huan grabs Shuoyue.

"That stupid young master should have listened to A'Xuanyu.... How is his broken arm? A'Ying
was very worried about that before we started punishing him..."

"Not broken, bruised. But he Will be alright with rest. Ning Will enjoy breaking Mo Yuan's ribs...
Such a shame a good name wasted on a horrible human..."

"Yuan... Yes it is a good name more befitting a child of our A'Ying... Maybe Qinghua for a girl? I
like Jingyi too."
Say that you Love Me
Chapter Notes

Ugh this one is not one of my best ones, I apologize in advance and super short

Prompt from Samstagram903:

WWX and LWJ are friends in college. WWX thinks LWJ is straight or not interested so he dates
around eventually meeting Wen Xu. They become very serious and get married after finishing
college. At WWX’s wedding, LWJ gets drunk after giving his best man speech. He wakes up the
next morning, naked, next to Mo Xuanyu (or JGY/OMC). He runs away.

WWX and WX move away to work for Yunmeng Jiang. WWX loses touch with LWJ and haven’t
spoken to each other for a few years. During this time, LWJ goes on blind dates set up by LQR and
meets MXY again. After a few dates, they agree to marry. Meanwhile, WWX’s world falls apart.
Wen Xu had been embezzling money from Yunmeng Jiang and gets arrested. He also racked up a
huge gambling debt with loan sharks with WWX as guarantor. Disowned from the Jiangs and
shamed by the business world, WWX is unable to get a job and when the loan sharks come to
collect, he is forced to sell his body at a brothel. There he meets Jin Guanshan and has his contract
bought by him. He gets taken to a private island owned by the Jins and is forced to invents things
for Jin Corp and also becomes a sex slave for JGS and cronies.

A month before LWJ and MXY’s wedding, JGS invites them to the private island. As JGS is
showing off the facilities where most of the Jin Corp inventions are created, LWJ spots WWX in
the lab thru a one- sided mirror/window. LWJ is unable to talk to WWX and WWX is not aware
LWJ is there. That night, as LWJ is wondering how to talk to WWX, he wanders upon JGS’s
cronies dragging WWX to a special place. He follows secretly and watches WWX get physically
and sexually abused by JGS and co.

*Jiang Yanli and Jin Xizuan have never been to the island because they are working in a different
country and just had Jin Ling so they couldn’t travel.

Figured you can flesh this idea out much better than I ever could. Have fun! Also on a side not,
you can pick anyone to be LWJ's fiance, even Jin Zixun to show it is not a love match but rather an
arranged marriage.


Wei Ying slowly awoke in the room he had been dragged into. His body was so sore, he was
covered in cum and gods knew what else. His mouth tasted horrible and he just really wanted to
curl up and die at this point. He only makes it as far as the corner before passing out...

Wei Ying bolts awake with a gasp and quickly turns over to throw up, he sobs through it and
startles when someone moves his hair out of his face. For one terrifying moment, he thinks it is Jin
Guangshan. It wouldn't be the first time the man pretended to care for him before he'd force Wei
Ying to take his cock. If it wasn't because he had been careful about his suppressants, he had has
avoided pregnancy thus far. When he can no longer force anything out of his stomach he turns his
eyes up to see just who found him and almost wishes it was Jin Guangshan. Knelt before him is
Lan Zhan.

"L- Lan Zh- Zhan!?" He squeaks, shock, happiness, fear and some more emotions mix together in
his belly. They would be threatening to make him throw up if he had anything left. "Wh- what are

"Honey, Mr. Jin's-- oh..."

Reborn in a Magical World
Chapter Notes

This is what happens when you are tired because insomnia has kept you up for 5 days
in a row, preparing for the holidays as if COVID doesn't exist, but in all reality is only
you and 4 other people in the house, and binge watching six different animes because
your sleep deprived brain thinks it 's a good idea.

I honestly wish I could blame this on a dare or because I got drunk... but nope. this is
pure, "Sleep deprivation made me do it!"

That being said, here is some important side notes:

This is an AU first and foremost, expect a lot of OOCness and shenanigans.

I am using a mix of Elemental Magics from various cultures. If you can guess which
ones are which or have studied them and think I messed up somewhere please tell me.
Now then here are the basic elements to be used.


These are the main 7, they have sub categories and branches for each, like you get
snow and ice from water, steam and explosion from fire or hurricane and typhoon from
wind. then you have combined categoriesO


Wei Ying was born into a world where Omegas had been all but eradicated from the Human gene
pool. What few there were left in the world, vanished after they were arrested for being Omegas.
One day Wei Ying's secret was found out when his heat struck him in the middle of work. The two
officers he had been serving coffee to sprung into action and he ran away. As he ran, he didn't pay
attention to where he was going until it was too late and he struck by a Sonic Bus. He wakes up to
the Goddess Baoshen Sanren, whom he met in his old world as an old lady with a cute cat garden
and her favorite cat, Momo. She offers him a better life in a new world, granting him a few gifts so
he can blend in and to help him find a good Alpha. Wei Ying isn't so sure about the latter,
considering Alphas ruined his life in his previous world. But Baoshen Sanren promises that things
are better in the world she is sending him. In this world Omegas are extremely valuable and highly
sought after. Even Betas compete for an Omega's hand in marriage. Wei Ying eventually agrees
and Baoshen Sanren offers him two powerful guardians in the form of a pair of bunnies and a token
with her symbol on it so he can speak with her whenever he desires or needs aid.

Wei Ying awakens to find himself laying in a field out side of Gusu Lan, where a group of of
mixed disciples find him. He is quickly gathered up and moved into their camp, the Alphas making
sure that he and the few other Omegas in the Party are warm by the fire, given a good meal and
protected from anything that might come after them in the night. Wei Ying is dizzy with the 180 of
being hated to being treasured and wonders what he agreed to...


Wei Ying was unwanted.

He was unlovable.

He was an Omega.

Being orphaned from a young age, Wei Ying's had it rough from the very beginning. After his
parents died when he was barely 6 years old, and having no one to take him in or willing to keep
him, he's been living on the streets. Always scrounging through waste bins and getting chased by
both stray and domestic dogs when the owners caught the lowly Omega digging out scraps of food
in their outdoor trash cans. He's nothing to anyone, only his dead parents and the odd elderly
granny or gramps who offers him at least to sleep in their sheds or on the sofa during the winters,
seemed to care about him. The world is a loud noisy place, great cities of nothing but metal and
glass where the poor live in horrific slums and the elite live in cities in the sky. There was no
natural beauty of any kind or even real animals left in the world. Humanity had all but taken over
everything. And to make it worse, some long time ago some scientist found out how to eradicate
undesirable traits from the DNA of humans and while it killed off sickness and diseases of all
kinds, it was used to eliminate Omegas from the gene pool as well. The Scientist's reasoning was
that Omegas required far too much attention and offered very little to society. So instead he took
the hormones and chromosomes that dictate one's fertility and injected them into beta women.
When the first successful Alpha/Beta pairing produced offspring and an Alpha to boot, slowly it
became a trend and then the norm and finally Omegas were being arrested and drained of the
things that made them unique.

Once that was done, the Omegas were given a chemical treatment that sterilized them so they
could not reproduce. A few hundred years later, and one is lucky to see even one Omega because
since the Omegas hormones and chromosomes were being used, there would be one who pops up
every now and again. However the occurrences were happening lesser and lesser until they've
become extinct. All but one. Now during the rise of the Alpha/Beta pairings and the down fall of
Omegas, any Omega who is born is arrested and taken to a facility where no one know what will
happen to them. Wei Ying was born an Omega and has done all he can to hide himself. He has
always been resourceful and smart. Teaching himself to read and write as well as a few handy
skills to survive the streets. He did odd jobs for any kind of credits that he could get his hands on
and bought cheap, but good quality pheromone blockers. He bought cheek colognes to mask his
scent and dressed in unflattering clothing to hide his smaller, more delicate body. He got the odd
help from kind elderly seniors who always had a warm meal or a job for him. His favorite had been
Granny Baoshen. She was a quirky old thing. She had a small house and a garden with real life
plants and not machines or synthetic knock offs. He remembers loving the smell of real plants, the
natural aromas were indescribable! His job was to weed the garden and to keep her cats
entertained, especially Momo. The cat seemed to be part Cheshire Cat, always vanishing in ones
spot and then appearing in another.

He was sad when one day, after landing a job at a small café in midtown, to find the burnout husk
of Granny Baoshen's house. The garden too. When he asked around, no knows what happened. He
mourned and he worked. All was going well for about a year, he was now 17, he got all the
supplementry certificates he needs to get into a free university. All was going well! And then one
day his heat hit him out of nowhere while he was at work. He was too small to pretend to be an
Alpha and even then Alpha pheromones were a bad idea. So he went with an effeminate Beta, he
was a Beta to all who met him. His plan had been perfect, so why did it have to go wrong now!?
He knew the instant everyone realized what he was because several Alphas stood up, salivating,
looking feral. The police officers he was serving immediately jumped into action, attempting to
tackle him and slap him in cuffs, but he ran. Wei Ying didn't stop, didn't pay attention to where he
was going or what was around him so he didn't see the Sonic Bus before it was too late. He only
heard the screams and turned his head to see it and then nothing...

Waking up in a strange place that looked similar to Granny Baoshen's tea room. Sitting up, Wei
Ying blinks seeing the old woman, her comfy house robe over a really old fashioned Hanfu with
her hair in a very tight bun on the back of her neck. She hadn't changed; her hair was silver with
age, on stubborn lock of picth black hair standing out on the left side of her head. Her eyes were a
deep grey, almost black color and held a spark in them that always made her stern features less
intense as she smiles, the faint laugh lines becoming more visible. Baoshen Sanren hands him some

"You met a rather unfortunate end, my dear...." She says in the same soft, if slightly raspy voice,
her favorite cat, Momo, at her side. "How sad, you had such great potential... but let's not waste it,

"What do you mean, Granny?" He asks, sitting there confused and sipping the sweet and spicy tea
she always made. It made him feel warm and loved, he missed it when she died. "We're in
heaven... or at least I hope it is..."

"Not quite, this is the world in between or Limbo to put it simply." She tells him a basket of
cinnamon tea cookies being sat down between them. "I am the Goddess of Balance, Baoshen
Sanren. I was having a bit of a tiff with an old friend of mine and opted to spend some time in
another realm or two for a few centuries. I wasn't expecting to come across your old and or to
watch what happened to your world. I certainly didn't mean to make you so attached that he felt so
lost when I had to finally leave. I am sorry."

"Goddess-- what, no Granny! Don't bow to this stupid one!!" He protests, hands flailing because he
wanted to reach out and stop the Goddess from bowing to him, a lowly human, but at the same
time he did not dare to presume to touch her Holiness!

"You are not stupid, Wei Ying!" She snaps, her tone like a sharp slap and he quickly bows his head
like a scolded child. Baoshen sighs and softens her tone as she moves to sit beside him, pulling him
into a hug. "I did not mean to raise my voice... Come drink and I will explain when you are here..."

Wei Ying took a long sip of tea as he listened to the Goddess's tale of the Scientist who convinced
the whole world over that Omegas were a danger to their way of life all because he fell in lust with
the Omega mate of the Chief Ambassador of Earth and she, very rightly so, declined him. She was
a happily married woman, had five beautiful children and was devoted to her Alpha and wife! Why
would he think that she would ever leave her family behind for some strange Alpha man she's
never even heard of, never mind met? She wasn't a bitch or even rude about her rejection. She
explained to him calmly why it could never work out and he seemed to take it with a grain of
sugar, but apparently it was too bitter a pill for him. He decided if he could not have the Omega of
his dreams, no one should be allowed to have Omegas. a few centuries down the line, he was
heralded as a "Hero" of Humanity for "saving" them from the archaic confines of society. However
what the Government later learned was that by removing Omegas as a whole meant that the Alphas
being born from an Alpha/Beta couple, were not as strong, not as smart or as potent. Alphas were
slowly declining and it was a problem. By now the Omega Gene was thought to be a myth, and
trying to reverse engineer their once "savior's" work proved impossible.

Wei Ying snorts, serves them all right for buying into his bullshit. The kook deserved to rot in hell
for what he did to his fellow Omegas. Baoshen Sanren's story wasn't done though. Another issue
they learned about the lack of Omegas, the few Pure Alphas left in the world were slowly
backsliding into a feral, primal state. They were growing more and more unstable as time drew on
and would eventually lead to them either going into a deadly Alpha Rage and their hearts just
explode from the strain of the aggression and anger or they would fight and kill each other over
any Omega they happen to come across. it was decided by the Earth Congress and even some of
their Otherworldly supporters that any and all Omegas should be arrested and brought to a facility
where they would be carefully guarded, some of their pure DNA would be used to either reverse
engineer the Fool's work or synthesize a new one to change some Betas into Omegas and then
select a compatible Alpha to impregnate them. They hoped to revive the Omegas. But sadly for
them, Wei Ying had been the very last one and he died getting hit by a warp drive Sonic Bus
wrapping in from across the galaxy and splattering him all along the pavement all because no one
bothered to make an announcement to avoid scaring any and all potential Omegas into fleeing once
they have been discovered.

"So I guess my old world is about to suddenly go into chaos when they realize that I was the last of
my breed..." He says, rather than asks. "So what happens now? For me that is?"

"Well I like you a great deal, you are incredibly bright and far too talented to waste your time in the
Heavenly plains until Rebirth. I can send you to a new world, where your secondary gender is
common or the norm so you will not have to worry about being whisked away and experimented
on should you take a lover and they discover you have a vagina in place of a set of testicles under
your cock." She says bluntly and Wei Ying blaushes.

"Gr- Granny!?" He yelps.

"What? I'm several millennia old. I've had my fair share of pretty much everything. Man, woman,
Trans, Non-binary. Alpha, Beta, Omega, and quite a few other surprises in between those. I even
had an Asexual husband at one point, she did not care for norms or titles. However she insisted on
being my husband and I respected her to not ask for sex of any kind and she still managed to bring
me pleasure because she wanted to see me feel good. I miss Lan An..." She sighs, a dreamy look on
her face. "Anyway! As I was saying, the world I will send you has Secondary Genders so you will
blend in quite fine. However it is a world of Magic and Legends so I will need to grant you a few
things. Or I can send you somewhere almost identical to your old world--"

"No!!" He shouts, looking panicked. "No, anything but that... no... I already feel like I've gone
insane. to wake up in a world so similar to my own and yet so alien..."

She nods once with a grim look on her face. Baoshen Sanren then glowed and gone was the old
woman and in her place be beautiful young woman sat, her Hanfu 20 times more regal and
fluttered around her in an invisible wind as she glowed faintly.

"The world I am sending you is called China, similar to your old one, but there are no other
contents like America or Africa. If anything it a world with a Pangea. One gigantic land mass in
place of several smaller ones. There are islands and the like around it, but one unified world.
Geographically." She shrugs as she waves a hand and an image of the world she describes appears.
She high lights five great nations in purple, gold, white, green and red. "There are five great
kingdoms, to the North the Gusu Lan Kingdom. They are famous for their simple, spiritual
lifestyle, strictly adherring to 3000 ridiculous rules if you ask me, and are masters of the Frigid
Elements since they live in the Mountains, their home being the Cloud Recess, just within the
Clouds that fill the sky." The nation in white is highlighted and key images appear showing him
what the Cloud Recess looks like and some of the people there. White was a common theme with
accents in varying shades of pale grey or pale blue and silver being scene. "To the far south is
Qishan Wen, again a Mountainous riegon, however they live around active volcanos so even at
night it is never dark. Their capital is aptly named the Nightless City. They are a war like tribe,
very confrontational and will take any excuse they can find to fight. They have been held back for
the last few centuries due to inner house politics but it seems they will act soon and I fear I may be
putting you into the middle of that madness." She worries her lip as images red highlighted reigon
pops up. It was like looking at miliarty war camps rather than towns or a city, even the Palace
looked like a massive fortress. "They believe themselves superior in every way and will do
anything to prove it. Next up is Yunmeng Jiang to the West in the tropical reigon." The purple area
lights up next showing lush wetlands, rivers and even a beautiful city floating on the water
surrounded by lotus flowers.

"Yunmeng Jiang is famous for their trading of imports and exports, they are relied on by all of the
other nations and thus often take a neutral stance in any skirmishes that break out. They are a
respected kingdom with a kind and just King, whose mate is like the patient black widow waiting
to strike at anyone fool enough to mess with her beautiful web. They have their own army that is
raised to both fight and work in everyday society. So if you ever visit, that old Granny selling
dragon beard candies might be an expert swords woman or the young boy herding chicken a
sneaky scout and a quick knife when needed." She laughs as the images change to the green region
next. "This is Qinghe Nie. They rule the East, they are a military state, they are quick to join a
fight and will end it. Their home is called the Unclean Lands because of how much blood has been
spilt over time, the plants have a naturally darker hue to them from being nurished by blood.
Nothing like the Yiling Kingdom at the heart of all the nations, but I will touch on that in a
moment. As you can see they live and breath the art of war, but they are not like the Wens. They
are content to remain in the east, fighting great demons and monsters, earning accolades and living
their life to the fullest. But they are like an angry beehive if one pokes them too much." She says as
they look over the images of drills being run, a group of like 30 men fighting what Wei Ying knew
of back home as a Greek Chimera. "And now Lanling Jin, the infamous Golden Realm." She
sneers here, not as bad as the one she held for Qishan Wen, but damn near close. "The most
arrogant, self intitled lot you will ever have the misfotune of meeting. Espcially if you run into
their their current leader, Jin Guangshan. The man whore is not above using underhanded tricks to
get what he want, espeically if it is a pretty Omega. While not everyone in the kingdom is as bad as
he is, they all have a bit of 'holier than thou' attitudes because they are the Kingdom that is the
richest, being broken up into for smaller kingdoms that sit at the Northeast, Northwest, Southeast
and Southwest of the other kingdoms. This means they have easy access to all Kingdoms and it can
very easily attend meetinfs if needed." And boy was she right with how guady the place looked.
everything was gold plated or made from gold with white and the odd splash of coral to bring out
the intensity of the gold.

"Ok... out of all them, I think I would prefer to land near if not in Yunmeng... Gusu Lan doesn't
sound that bad, but I've never been anywehre with so much plant life! Are they real, like your
garden was!?" He asks with excitement, before he blinks. "What about that Yiling Kingdom you
were talking about?"

"Ah, the Heart of China. The Yiling Wei Kingdom..." She smiles softly at his gasp, his silver eyes
begging her for a story. "I had a human daughter once, she left my mountain at the very heart of the
Burial Mounds." She lightlighs the area and shows what he quickly realizes was before and after
pictures. The before pictures had been beautiful and breathtaking, the myraid of colorful flowers
and trees, the bustling city and smiling people of all shapes sizes and colors, people of the other
Kingdoms in the market place and a picture of Baoshen Sanren's daughter and a man, who was
dressed in very expensive black robes. they both wore accents in red but the woman's robes had
been white and together they looked like the Yin and Yang symbol of balance.

However the After images showed one or two pitiful villages, the once bustling city and kingdom
a ghost town of half burned or demolished ruins, the odd skeleton slowly rotting away in the
elements. The once breathtaking forests and fields, empty and dead, only the black skeletal
remains of the trees reached like clawed hands towards the sky, a bamboo grove, pitch black like a
mire of misery surrounded the mountain and the sky seemed to be perpetually grey and dark,
threatening to rain and yet not a drop to be seen. The changers were drastic.

"You see, my daughter wanted to explore the human world a few centuries ago and being the
daughter of a Goddess, even is she was only half Divine, her beauty had no parallel. She went
unrivaled when it came to gaining the attention of others. However many a King, Emperor, Prince
and Noble made a fool of themselves trying to win her love with money, fame and titles. She
instead fell in love with a lowly Servant of Yunmeng. They traveled the world together, helping
where they could and eventually they came back to my Mountain. However he was mortal and had
no magical talent of his own. He was however an exceptional Swordsman and a very talented
archer. What he lacked in magic, he made up for in humility and strength. I could not grant him
immortality without a speck of magic, so I raised a kingdom for them. I built them a home and
many they helped came to live under the newly named Yiling Wei Banner. Eventually he grew old
and died. My daughter came back home and waited for his rebirth... she did this 5 times, however
this last time, she never came home.... I was dealing with a War here in the Heavens and thus did
not see when war broke out among the Great Nations. I was unaware that Qishan Wen had
obliterated my daughter's kingdom, killed her husband and carved my newest grandson from her
still pregnant belly. I only learned of their fates when I returned and the once thriving Yiling
Kingdom became the Burial Mounds and the resentful anger and hate of not only my daughter but
all who had died unjustly, their bodies strewn about, hewned and discarded like trash. No one was
properly buried and by the time I came back there was nothing left of most. It quickly became clear
no one would dare set foot in Yiling for fear of waking the demons that roam, the angry ghouls
who do not care if you are innocent or not. Set foot into the Burial Mounds and it is your grave..."

Wei Ying was horrified, how could something so horrific happen.

"And what is worse... the Qishan Wen Lord who started it stole the golden core of my daughter
and unborn grandson and ate them... He's lived until now and I take it that he's burned through
almost all of the energy and is itching to find another half god to grant him more time.." She sneers
darkly. "I hope someone will finally cut that bastard's head off!" She growls, the clear white clouds
around then turning a dangeorus reddish black and the roar of thunder under him, unnerved Wei

"Granny... Granny...." he pulls her into a hug and she calms, the sky around them clears and she
breathes a soft sigh.

"You remind me of my Cangse Sanren, my daughter. You look like her and her husband, Wei
Changze... I guess it is why I could not help getting close to you... My daughter told me before I
left for war, she planned to name her son Wei Ying, after my last husand, her father, Cangse
Xueying. So it pleases me greatly to hear you call me Granny... and I should like for you to keep
doing it even after you leave here... But now that I told you what happened and what is likely too
happen, I doubt you will want to go there now..."

"Are you kidding me!? I want to go look around! I mean I saw a Chimera for goodness sake! And I
definitely wanna look around Yunmeng and I thought I saw a dragon in one of those Gusu pictures!
Sure, I don't know how to fight and I am pretty sure things are gonna get insane, but I want to look
around! I also wanna at least kick that Wen jerk who killed your daughter in his nads at least once
before I die, because there is no way I would survive kicking him like that!" He says with a mix of
excitement and indignant rage. "Your daughter and son in-law had the same names as my parents
did, so in away I owe all four of them this. If I die in this world, I hope I can come back here and
just live with you. I like your tea and cinnamon cookies too much to risk going to hell! So if I have
to live like a Buddhist Monk the entire time, I will!"

"Calm down and no need to becomes something you are not... If you are sure, let's create you a
new life so you can easily tell others should they ask..."
Reborn in a Magical World Pt 2

Moaning, he slow wakes up. Blinking his eyes, Wei Ying tries to remember what happened and
where he was before he feels two warm bodies nuzzling his side and he sits up slowly, leaning on
the tree he woke up under and sees a pair of rabbits. One is black with a white crescent moon
waxing on their forehead while a white one with a black crescent moon waning on their forehead
too. They perk up seeing he is awake before gently nudging a few items towards him. The first is a
sword in a beautiful black and red scabbard. Carefully taking it and sliding the blade out, he sees
that the blade is a pure white with golden inlays of bamboo shoots, at the base where the hilt and
blade meet, there is the name of the sword: Suiban. He smiles as he didn't think Granny would take
him so serious when he said she could choose whatever she thought was a good name. Sheathing it
again, he looks to see what else was given to him. A flute was sitting next to him, a Dizi by the
style and it was carved from pitch black bamboo, a bright red tassel with a bluish green piece of
jade was attached to it, the jade was cut into a perfect ring with characters for Purity, Kindness and
Good Fortune carved into the surface. It hummed as he picked it up and he smiles as he can hear a
song that sounds like it is trying to say 'Chenqing.' The next thing is a small pouch, a qiankun
pouch if he recalled what Granny told him, and checking inside he found a lot more than he
thought he would. There was plenty of money, medicine, bandages, spare clothes and probably
more, but now was not the time to dig around in it.

"Okay, so I'm in the new world then..." He muses to the bunnies, who have been sitting patiently as
he examined his new items. Slowly standing up, he admires his clothes and sees a golden bell on
his belt with a jade token with bamboo stalks and curling mist. it is black with red jade inlays
filling the bamboo and mist outlines. "What's this?"

Hello, a'Ying!

"Gr- granny!?" He gasps.

The one and only!

"So if I wanna talk I can just use this? Or is this a one off?"

This is just for now, but you will have to use one of the Temples and make an offering to talk to me.
I accept whine, moon cakes and moon flowers. some bamboo or catnip is not remiss either. But in
the even of an emergency, you can use this to contact me. And if you have ever watched an anime
or even played a videogame before your unfortunate passing, you can use this Token to teleport
back to any shrine you've left me an offering at. Otherwise get use to walking everywhere.

"So cool! Thanks Granny! Where am I now and where should I go from here?" Wei Ying wonders.

You are near Gusu Lan because it is their turn to host the Young Heirs and disciples of all Sects,
both major and minor, for 2 years of lectures and training. I brought you here because this would
be one of the highest amounts of Alphas you will be surrounded by, but also fellow Omegas. Fair
warning, there are some real pigs among the Alphas, but not all of them think of Omegas as just
something to breed with. So keep an open mind. Now you should bee a few yards into the treeline
so if you walk forward you will come out onto the road and should run into a group of disciples
heading to Gusu Lan.

"Alright, thank you, but I'm still iffy about Alphas... I will talk to you later, Granny and as soon as I
find some wine and a shrine I will pay you my respects!" He chirps as the stone stops glowing and
cools in his palm again. He smiles as he sees the bamboo and lotus motif of the Yiling Wei Sect
decorating the edges of his robes and the lotus and crescent moon guan wrapped around his topknot
in black metal with rubies, pure white pearls and a red jade pin to hold it to his head. He will not
see the full effect until he finds a mirror, but when they had been picking out his story and creating
his existence in this world, he had seen the various hairstyles that he could wear as an Omega to
mark him as both humble and yet being of high birth. "Well come on, Jingyu, Yin Lianhua!"

The two bunnies sit up at attention before they take off ahead of him, a few feet at a time as he gets
up and walks after them. He holds his sword in his left hand, Chenqing slipped into his belt and
his pouch hidden in his robe by his chest. He smiles as they dart up ahead and back every few feet
to make sure he was still following before he finally broke through the treeline. He felt suddenly
dizzy and stumbled then, not sure what was happening as he fell to his knees. Up ahead a shout
rang out and he barely looks up and panics seeing a group of men and women, bigger than he was
and the heavy scent of Alpha surrounding them. He goes pale and backs away, falling over as
another wave of dizziness hits mixed with fear.

"Shit... back up..." one of them in purple says as they back up, all but one, an Alpha in red and
white and gold. "He's scared, back up!"

"I'm a healer, he's clearly not feeling well either and we do not know if it could prove fatal! Go get
my brother and your sister, Heir Jiang, they will help sooth him while I examine him." she hissed
back before getting down on her knees and crawling up to him slowly, stopping when he tenses or
tries to flee until he relaxes. "I am Wen Qing of the Qishan Wen Sect, I'm a doctor in training, I am
only a Healer right now, but I can help you. Can you tell me what happened?"

Wei Ying whimpers because he forgot granny had warned him that his body hadn't yet gotten over
the shock and trauma of being ran over and it would hit him when he was in his body, but he hoped
to have been somewhere well away from Alphas by then! But nope, luck was not on his side right

"S-sore... hurts..." He whimpers and backs away from the Alpha because seriously why was his
luck so horrible right now!?

"Jiejie, back up... he's too scared..." a male voice speaks up and Wen Qing backs away reluctantly
as a boy barely taller than her comes close and he smells like spring winds on a sunny day,
something warm and fiery, but also soft and sweet, something Omega. It calms Wei Ying down
almost instantly as the female in lighter purples also joins them and she smells like fresh water,
something floral and a warm spice tickling the back of the throat. She also has that soft, sweet
scent and it calms him fully, to the point he faints...

When Wei Ying wakes up, he is laid on a padded pallet near a warm fire with the lady in purple
sitting nearby with a young boy, who is also smells like an Omega dressed in green and gold with
black accents, chatting softly. He can hear others milling around and then Jingyu's white face
pokes into view and he gives a soft gasp, which draws the attention of the pair by him.

"Oh good, you've finally awakened!" the pretty purple Omega says, her voice is soft and lilting like
a song and she has such a lovely and sweet face, like a goddess made flesh. "I am Jiang Yanli, this
is Nie Huaisang... are you alright?"

"Wh- what..."

"You went into shock after you were bombarded by the Alphas' scent." Wen Qing's voice says
from near by and he turns his head to see her by the fire mixing something. "You're very bruised
and it looks like you were walking around with a concussion as well. From what I could tell you
haven't broken anything..."
"Oh... the Moon Tear helped to heal me.... I was running away from some Alphas who didn't look
friendly... I fell off a cliff and rolled down a steep hill. I didn't exactly wait the full 3 minutes for
the Moon Tear to work properly because I didn't want to risk them finding me alive..." Wei Ying
tells the Omegas, finding it easier to talk to them.

"Moon Tears are pretty effect if used correctly, but I understand you didn't exactly have the luxury
of time..." Wen Qing sighs as she comes over holding a steaming mug. "I need to lift you up and
give you this so you don't feel the pain anymore. By the sounds of it, you either broke almost all
the bones in your body or fractured them before the Moon Tear healed you as much as it could...
Do you recall where they attacked you? Some of the others are patrolling the area to see if anyone
else needs help or if there are any threats near by..."

"I... I think further back f... from where we met..." He gulps trying not to get too nervous around
her being so close, but allowing her to ease him up and help him drink the bitter tea she mixed. "S-
sorry... I have... I'm not good... around Alphas.... They always seem to hurt me..." He yawns and

"You're gonna sleep for a while longer, we should be in Gusu Lan by the time you wake up again...
rest easy..."

"Sn- sneaky...." He groans as the other two Omegas giggle, clearly not worried about whatever she
gave him. His last thought was that Granny had better have been right about these Alphas...
Mafia AU


The Heiyu is a name well known throughout the underground and even across national news, but
no one has ever seen him. He strikes fear without much effort and no one dares to cross him.
However one stormy night, the Heiyu stumbles into an Arts and Crafts store, badly injured from an
ambush and passes out just inside the door. When he wakes up he is met with the sleeping figure of
an angel sitting on the floor beside his bed, his injuries treated and bandaged in colorful bunny
printed wrappings. He silently gets up and leaves, but not before leaving a rather large sum of
money, a card with only the name of his exclusive nightclub and a jade token with blue clouds
engraved into it...

Wei Ying is a normal everyday worker, running a small but popular art store called the Yiling
Patri-Art. He works night and day making beautiful pieces of art to showcase as well as
commissions for some his customers, teaching arts and crafts either in his shop or in after school
programs during the weekdays. He loves his life and job, ignores the ranting from his rather
abusive aunt about how art is not a proper career and that he is 'spitting on her late husband's
kindness!' He enjoys calling his older sister and tries to have lunch with his little brother at least
once a week. So he's fairly average all things considered. He wasn't expecting to find a man passed
out and bleeding all over his workroom floor one stormy night.

Wei Ying's life is about to get a bit interesting now that he's on the Heiyu's radar.

What does the Heiyu want with a skinny artist? Will Wei Ying accept the handsome, yet
dangerous man or will he flee to the furthest reaches of the earth?


Wei Ying smiled as he finished ringing up the purchases for the young mother and her three kids,
winking at them as he said that the best part about home made slime is making it yourself as well
as coloring it yourself. He waved bye as the door opens and closes, the set of chimes above it
ringing softly. Sighing he checks the time and decides it is time to close up for the night. He flips
the sign to closed and begins by reorganizing his shelves, making not what he needs to restock in
the morning when he comes in. Sweeping up the floor of some of his afternoon student's leftovers
and some of the more 'hands-on' children who ran through his shop, he blinks confused when he
hears the chime and turns around. He grows a bit nervous seeing a few men in very expensive
black suits with shades on at 7:30pm. They surround a man in s shimmering golden suit, who is
looking around his shop, half his face hidden behind a golden, jewel encrusted fan. It was clearly
expensive, but looked incredibly gaudy and it was offending Wei Ying's artistic sensibilities.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I'm closing up for the night. Perhaps you would like to come back
tomorrow or would like to shop online from our website?" He says in his best charming little shop
owner's voice. Coupled with a small apologetic smile, it has worked many times on some of his
more stuffy and uppity customers and even a few snobby high end artists.

"Oh, no, I'm not interested in shopping... I'm looking for a Wei Wuxian..." The man in gold says,
his voice was pleasant, almost like a lover's caress, but it did not make Wei Ying feel comforted or
even remotely attracted. It set his nerves on edge and like a rabbit sensing a predator, he went into
high alert.

"I'm him... I'm sorry but do I know you?" Wei Ying answers cautiously, holding his broom a bit
tightly. It was an old bamboo and straw thing, but sturdy, as long as no one pulls a gun, he can beat
them all back and out of his store if they cause trouble.

The men seemed to come to attention then, all of them laser focused on him. On second thought,
running sounds good right about now. Wei Ying moves slowly and calmly as possible, making it
look like he was going to his cash register.

"No, you don't know me... but you know someone very important... The Heiyu." the man with the
fan coos and Wei Ying trips and catches himself on the counter as he chokes on air for a moment.

Regaining his footing and his breathing he looks startled at the man, "Are you kidding me!? There
is no way I would know such a person! No, nuh-uh!! No way while I am still alive!!" He shakes
his head and crosses his arms in an X as extra emphasis. "I do not mess with people like that! I run
a shop and teach art, I live a nice quiet life with the odd hyper child for excitement! I do not know
anyone shady, let alone the Heiyu!"

The man blinks at the rather extreme outburst and then begins laughing, his pale gold eyes
crinkling like a sly frog about to devour an unsuspecting butterfly.

"Oh I know, I've run a thorough background check on you. You're an orphan, adopted into the late
Police Chief's family and currently live alone above this very shop. You have a small group of
friends, have only two other employees working here and are remarkably boring... But you see a
few days back you helped someone who broke into your shop. An injured man... that was the
Heiyu... ooh, you remember now..." the man coos evilly as the young man blinks and pales.

"I didn't know! I just saw someone injured and tried to help them out, he was gone by the time I
woke up and I haven't seen him since! Now please leave, I know nothing else!"

"Ohh, I don't care about that... What I care about is why the Heiyu is interested in you? You are
admittedly a beautiful young man, but you're average, you're mid to low working class, you're not
from a well off family, biologically, and as I understand of your former guardians, while a well to
do family, have disowned you. Not that you would have anything to gain if they had kept you."
The man mocks. "I also want to know what he looks like, you have seen him and I know you can
draw a rendition of him... do it willingly or I will force you to..."

"Ok, creeper, I have had enough." Wei Ying says, reaching discreetly under his counter and
pressing the silent alarm. "You can kindly piss off or I will call the police. I already told you what I
know. I found a man injured, treated his wounds and he vanished sometime in the middle of the
night. I wasn't paying attention to his face, too busy making sure he didn't bleed to death on my
floor. I also reported him to the police because while I did help him out, he did break into my store.
Now please, get out."

"You can stop pressing your silent alarm. I had that disabled before we came in." The man casually
says fluttering his fan as he laughs.

Wei Ying stiffens, not sure if he believes him or not and then he turns to flee only to bash right into
a hulking goon, who had snuck up silently behind him. Wei Ying didn't get a chance to react
before he felt prick in his neck and his world began to swim and dim. As he slipped into oblivion,
the man in gold swam into view, finally lowering his fan as he smiles down at Wei Ying.

"You should have simply done as asked... but then again I still would have taken you... you're far
too pretty to pass up... put him in the car."
Like a Phoenix, I rise


What if during the Siege of the Burial Mounds, Lan Zhan was killed to save him from 'being
bewitched by the Devil's Whore?' What if not long after this, Wei Ying's very soul shatters and
throughs the balance of everything out of whack? Well a pair of certain Gods are not happy and
have opted to fix that.

The real question is: Is Lan Zhan willing to do whatever it takes to correct the sins of the past, to
ensure that Wei Ying's life is better than it was the first time and keep him safe and happy? Will he
become a monster to protect his beloved and the future they never got to have?

If you have to ask, then you do not know Lan Zhan.


"LAN ZHAN!!!!"

It was the last thing he could hear, the last image burned into his eyes and mind before the heavy
ax was dropped onto his neck, was of his beloved, struggling against the arms of purple clad
guards, his silver eyes a dull grey now that he could hardly see, pale and sickly, but still so
beautiful. He burned the image into his memories, his very soul so not even Death could take it
away from him. And then nothing...



So very curious

How is it you have such a strong will to live?

When you are so very much dead?

Why bother fighting anymore?

Give in....

Give in to us....

Give into me....



Golden eyes snapped open in total darkness before the demons and soul eaters suddenly screech
and are blasted away as he sits up, his hand moving to his neck and he blinks, feeling the scar
where his head had been chopped off. He looks around the still dark room but no he can see past
the oppressive black. He is surrounded by polished ice, almost like mirrors and he can see he is
naked, scars lining where his body had been chopped to pieces postmortem. He is confused. He is
dead and yet he is not.
"A finally awake..." he turns and sees a short strange woman, her skin is pale white and her eyes
burn a bright green in the dark. She is dressed in a long black dress with a long veil that covers hear
hair and hides the rest of her face. "Your end was not meant to happen, but it seems that idiots,
divine or not will always be idiots... Lay down and let me finish my work... sadly your mortal life
was ended and your body was shamed in death so I cannot bring you back as who you once were...
though you will be someone new..."

"W--" He chokes and she pushes him flat, sucking her teeth as she goes.

"Do not speak... it's every hard to put someone back together when they've been chopped up and
burned, fed to wild animals and the like... my brother was most upset when one of his favored
people was killed before their time..." She sighs, grabbing a strange tool that looked sharp and
terrifying, but as she cut, nothing happened. No pain; no blood. He can only stare at her. "You are
quiet dead, but I'm going to fix that... you see, I am an entity, much like my brother, who is neither
made nor born. I simply exist. I am the Law and Order of the land, but I am also the Chaos and
Mayhem that runs rampant. I am what you call Karma. And you've spent your whole life building
up good Qi so it was bound to end in a good ending for you. Marrying the love of your life, having
children and achieving immortality with your beloved... but some one had to go and break the
chain... broke a single link and it all came crashing down because with all that Good Qi, there is an
equal amount of Bad waiting to happen and it is spiraled too fast that by the time I caught it and
stopped it, it was too late..."

He blinks as he watches her through the reflective ceiling as she moves the tool along his scars and
body, bringing back his former glory, removing scars and healing damages he had not realized was
there until she told him. He was butchered after his death, burned and fed to animals, disgraced and
made impossible to resurrect or even find rebirth. He wanted to growl, but his voice was still
beyond repair and he could only be patient as the strange woman worked.

"You can call me, Heimai." She says. "It is not my real name, but it is a name I like to go by in
many forms and in many places. Different and yet meaning the same." She muses. "Once I am
done, I will bring brother and we will correct the grave mistakes that happened... especially
because you were brother's favorite and my own favorite suffered far too much and in the end his
soul shattered... my poor, sweet Wei Ying..."

He tenses, eyes wide and she looks at him. He asks with his eyes, his face, anything, and she looks

"Your son was carved from his belly and he was enslaved to make tools and weapons, forced to
recreate the Stygan Tiger Seal and when he could take no more, his soul just broke, he died and
not even reanimating his corpse could anyone bring him back. When a soul shatters, only the Gods
can fix it and even then very few know how or are willing to do it.." She says. "I am almost done...
hold still, this is the tricky part..."

He blinks confused and looks up to see what she was talking about and if he could speak, or even
flush, he would have screamed in embarrassment or turned red from head to toe as she handled his
private area.

"Gotta make sure that when we bring you back to life, it still works and you can impregnate Wei
Ying again... because like hell am I letting that bullshit happen a second time." She growls,
working diligently and with far more accuracy than even the most skilled doctors combined. But
then again she was a godly being, so of course her skills were superior. "Almost... just a bit

He can only watch her, listen to Heimai ramble, but it wasn't nonsense. It was interesting and
insightful. It oddly reminded him of Wei Ying's rambling. So it endeared him to her. It helped him
feel like he was not trapped in some strange dream or not quite hellscape. He was devastated to
know his beloved Wei Ying had died not even a year after his own death, that their son, who had
not been born had been killed. He felt a deep seeded rage fill his heart and he heard a slightly
insane giggle come from Heimai as she finally moved to his throat and head. He doesn't recall
much after that but the next time he woke up he was looking at Heimai and another figure, this one
he can only assume is her brother.

"Good, he's awake and we did a good job, Siwang... Sit up, Lan Zhan and drink these... they will
help you regain vitality as well as power and strength." Heimai orders as he slowly sits up on his
own, feeling every inch of his body as pain and soreness awaken his nerves. He sees several small
glass jars of colorful liquids and begins to take them, knocking them back like he's seen Wei Ying
do his cups of wine. It helps to lessen the less than pleasant taste. "Good..."

"Hm... As I am certain sister has explained, things did not go as we had hoped they would, it seems
that even a God's best laid plans and can occasionally go awry..." Siwang says, his voice is soft,
like the whisper of wind over a quiet grave, an oddly soothing chill to it. He is covered fully only
pale white lips can be seen as he looms like his title, over them. "Sister and I have decided we
would not only bring you back, but we will correct the mistakes... you will keep much of your
knowledge and skill sets learned in the last life and we will bring you to a point in time so crucial,
that even we cannot tell how the pieces will fall this time. But we have to know are you willing to
shed the chains of your last life to ensure not only your own survival, but that of Wei Ying, Wei

"Yes, anything for Wei Ying..." He says with such conviction, they do not even have a molecule of

"Good... We will not tell you some of the people who need to be... dealt with until the needed time,
you will hear this bell..." Heimei holds up a black bell with a piece of green jade inside. she rings it
once and it is a haunting sound, like a death toll being rung, "When someone who needs to be dealt
with has made a decision that leads to too much heartache and death, all over again the bell will
ring and the correlating memories will appear in your mind. If they choose to be good people this
time, or a take a different route, there will be no need to correct them. But I also set it up so if
anything they opt to do directly impacts or indirectly leads to the deaths of your loved ones, the
bell will ring."

"Hm, I am also granting you the power to summon some of my strongest demons to do your
bidding. They will do as told and follow any command without complaint... they can appear
human or even like a harmless animal, or they can remain unseen by all but you. As long as you
will it, they will obey." Siwang nods as he hands him a pitch black guqin. "This is Fùchóu Zhī
Zhàn... I believe you will find him accurately named and a good partner along side Wangji and
Bichen... though he will be much more powerful than both of them."

Lan Zhan takes the guqin, deep sapphire inlays of clouds, ice and gentians gave it a lovely
appearance though the blood red strings that hummed on their own, as if speaking to him, let him
know that the pretty façade was all it was. this was a powerful Spiritual weapon, one made by the
God of Death and live up to its name.

"This one thanks you, he is not worthy..." He carefully sets it aside and moves to kowtow before

Heimai just giggles while Siwang gives a soft huff.

"Modest as always... good. Fuchou Zhi Zhan will fuse with Wangji and only turn black when you
use Resentful energy or use Wangji in anger. Now then, we've spent too long here and need to
move on... if you are willing to undertake this task to correct what has sorely gone wrong--"

"Anything for Wei Ying... if you try to stop me, I will figure out how to kill you..." Lan Zhan

Heimai lets out a plea of giddy laughter, the sound similar to Wei Ying's bright laughs when he is
shocked by one of Lan Zhan's subtle jokes. Clearly Heimai truly favored Wei Ying. Siwang just
huffs again, amused and nods once before he grabs Lan Zhan by his head and the world bleeds into
darkness once more...


Lan Zhan blinks as he suddenly finds himself in Yiling, in his hand is a paddle drum, one his
brother brought him just a moment ago before he paused hearing a soft sound coming from the
alleyway. He knows this day, remembers it well. It was when he first met Wei Ying. Wei Ying!
He runs into the alleyway and there, huddled under a half rotten wooden box covered in ice and
snow, holding tattered and frayed straw dolls, of his parents and himself, is Wei Ying, dressed in
rags, pale and cold, painfully skinny but still smiling warmly as he plays, ignoring the biting chill
and how blue his hands and feet have become. Even now, at the age of 4, Wei Ying is still the
most beautiful thing he has ever seen and Lan Zhan knows what he will do in this moment. instead
of giving away a toy and hoping for the best, he marches towards Wei Ying and holds out his hand
to him.

"Lan Zhan.... let's be friends..."

"Huh? Lan.... Zhan...? Friends with Wei Ying?" the innocent child asks and then like when he had
given him a gift the last time, a smile so bright and so beautiful it outshines the sun stole over his
face. "Mm, friends!"

The moment Wei Ying took his hand, the fates shifted, the paths that had been followed once
before shattered around them and formed anew. Wei Ying doesn't know it now, but Lan Zhan
would do anything to keep him smiling and happy forever...
Like a Phoenix, I rise Pt 2

Lan Zhan took off his travel robe and wrapped it over Wei Ying, who gasped at the softness as
well as the warmth. Then he seemed to remember he was filthy and tried to protest, but Lan Zhan
firmly states that Wei Ying needs it before grabbing his hand, making sure they both had their toys
and pulled him along. They had barely walked away from the alleyway when the much younger
voice of his brother reached them and the concerned voices of some of the older disciples.

"Didi!" Lan Huan cries out as he runs up to him, looking worried, before seeing Wei Ying and
blinking confused as well as worried when he notices the child's state. "A'Zhan, who is this?"

"Wei Ying is Wei Ying. Wei Ying is Lan Zhan's friend!" The four year old chirps proudly and Lan
Zhan cannot help the childish urge to puff up his chest in pride at the innocent but heartfelt

"Xiongzhang, Wei Ying is alone. Want to bring him back with us... protect and care for him." He
demands and it shocks the small group because this is the most he's ever said to them and even
then this is the first time he's asked for anything!

"We will ask Uncle. But are we certain he is alone?" Lan Huan asks.

"A'Niang and a'Die went to fight monsters, but the monsters ate a'Niang and a'Die... Wei Ying
waited very long for them, the Uncle at the inn kicked Wei Ying out after a while... Wei Ying went
to look for a'Niang and a'Die... Wei Ying slept next them for days before they smelt bad and Wei
Ying knew they were gone." The child explains and the others are horrified, but feel sympathy.

"I see... come, we'll talk to Uncle and get Wei Ying a warm bath and some soup." Lan Huan says,
feeling instantly protective of this child who was barely younger than his own brother.

"Mn... want to see a'Niang when home..." He says in a firm tone that leaves no room for argument.

Again everyone is shocked at the tone and demand, but say nothing because this is a first for them.
For now they are taken to the Inn where their Uncle proceeds to scold Lan Zhan, who ignores it in
favor of helping Wei Ying hold his spoon properly and eat his soup. Lan Qiren is thrown for a loop
because Lan Zhan was acting strange. Never before has his usually docile and obedient nephew
dared to defy him or make demands. And yet the child, only 6, was making compelling arguments
to accept this orphan into the Sect and to see his mother as soon as they get back home. Lan Qiren
isn't sure what to make of this and seeing Lan Huan also doting on the child didn't help. He rarely
gave into his more doting side, but when it came to his nephews, he tended to be a bit more lenient
about indulgences. So needless to say, when they headed home the next day, Wei Ying was with
them, bathed and wearing one of Lan Zhan's robes to replace the rags he had worn, little feet
bandaged and covered in boots as well as his hands. The child was being carried by one of the
female disciples after the healer stated that the child should not be on his feet or move too much
due to the level of frostbite he had been suffering from.

Getting the new child settled was quickly dealt with because yet again, Lan Zhan demanded Wei
Ying stay with him and a Pavilion be prepared for him near the Jinshi and the Handshi so Wei
Ying could be close to the brothers. His arguments were sound and very little fault could be found
and even fewer counter arguments dared to crop up. As the Lans got things going to build a new
pavilion and the like, the Twin Jades took their newest friend to see their mother, a full two weeks
sooner than the last time Lan Zhan has seen her alive. She was surprised to see them and welcomed
them with a warm smile and could not help but tease Lan Zhan when he introduced His Wei Ying.
the laughter brought so much life to her face and she cooed and doted as much as she could on
them. Wei Ying seemed to be distracted with something before he startled them all by speaking to
the air near Madame Lan.

"Stop making her sick! She's a'Zhan and a'Huan's mama! Don't make them sad or I will be mad!"
He suddenly says and to their shock, he grabs something that comes into view and they realize it is
a malicious spirit. "You're mean, go away now!" Wei Ying orders and when the spirit refuses, even
dares to slap the child away, instead of crying, Wei Ying gets a familiar light in his eyes and Lan
Zhan is quick to call Wangji, who looked gray which meant it was about to transition into Fuchou
Zhi Zhan. His little fingers are braced, ready to strum if needed. "... A'Die!!" Wei Ying yells and
the straw doll of his father moves and a spirit rises from it, forming a Fierce Corpse not unlike Wen
Ning had been before Wei Ying's death, grabbing the spirit.

"A'Zhan, a'Ying!!" Lan Huan looks scared, worried even, but cannot do more than watch as the
two dark spirits fight and then the Fierce Corpse suddenly wins.

Lan Zhan takes this time to play on Wangji, Clarity and Inquiry in something of a mash up. He
listens closely to the Spirit before Wangji turns fully black and with a sharp strum, the Spirit of his
father's late Laoshi is banished to never haunt their mother ever again. Lan Zhan is furious, but
when Wei Ying places a small hand on his, he lets it go.

"It's okay, a'Zhan, Wei Ying is use to hits like that. A'Die, thank you, go back to sleep now!" He
tells the Fierce Corpse, after hugging his leg. the undead being pats Wei Ying's head with a tender
smile on his deathly pale face before turning to ash and then vanishing back into the doll.

"What..." Madam Lan gasps.

"A'Ying sensed something and was trying to protect you, a'Niang... He and a'Zhan banished it..."
Lan Huan explains, floored at the raw power and talent of the two boys, hardly children, but so
powerful. "A'Zhan who or what was that?"

"Sect Leader's Laoshi... Wanted to a'Niang, wanted her to die and be his. This one refused..." He
says and Madame Lan pales before she sighs and makes the children come sit closer to her.

"You asked me once why I couldn't leave... I lied and told you it was because I am sickly. That is
not it... Before you two were born, well all three of you really, but semantics, I use to be a rogue
Cultivator. I traveled from town to town , city to city, selling my skills to those who needed it for
room and food for the night, only accepting coin if they insisted on paying me properly. I met your
father once and he fell in love with me, head over heels in love, but I did not love him back... I still
do not love him... But he refused to leave me be. He petitioned the Elders to marry me and one of
them, his Laoshi, came to 'test my worthiness.' He attempted to force himself on me and I fought
back, I grabbed a metal insense tray and bashed him on the head with it. I didn't realize it at the
time, but the blow killed him almost instantly. Your father was torn between his love of me and his
hatred at my killing his beloved Laoshi, he never even asked me why I had done it. He married me
to keep me from being killed and I had very little choice in the matter. So wedded and he came to
me once a month to sleep with me. We had a'Huan first and then 5 years later we had a'Zhan...
after that he stopped seeing me altogether. I was forbidden to leave and even then I wasn't even
allowed to hold my own sons until they were old enough to walk and talk, visiting me only once a

Her sons are a mix of heartbroken, angry and full of so much love for their mother, whom was
more a parent to them than their father had ever been. Wei Ying is pouting fiercely, his 'angry face'
as Lan Zhan recalled him saying in his last life time when he had seen it aimed at Jiang Wanyin,
who was ignoring him. Lan Huan wipes his eyes and seems to get a determined look on his face.
"A'Niang, I might not be able to do much, but I am going to tell the Elders to let us see you every
day from now on! How dare they punish you for protecting yourself!! I will tell them what
happened today--"

"Do not mention the Fierce Corpse, Xiongzhang... They will not understand and will hurt Wei
Ying." Lan Zhan orders fiercely, startling mother and brother. Wei Ying just giggles and pats his

"Aiya, a'Zhan's so scary! No worries, Wei Ying is Lan Zhan's Wei Ying no matter what!" He
chirps inoccently and Madame Lan cannot help but giggle when her son's ears turn pink and he
gives a shy nod and hum in agreement.

"This big brother will do his best. This First son shall return, a'Niang!" He bows and then runs off,
ignoring the rules about running in the Cloud Recess.

As Lan Zhan watches his mother and his future husband bond, he feels Wangji hum with a darker
song of praise from Fuchou Zhi Zhan. He sets it on the low table and decides to recompose
Wangxian as they wait for Lan Huan to come back. He will ask Wei Ying later about how he was
able to summon a Fierce Corpse. He had thought he learned that ability during his time in the
Burial Mounds, but it seems he's always had a gift for Resentful Engery...
Like a Phoenix, I rise Pt 3

Madam Lan laughs softly as she is pulled by an eager Wei Ying towards the picnic her boys had
gone through the pains to make just for her as her first outing in years. Lan Huan and Lan Zhan
had painstakingly laid out a fine blanket in the calming dark blues and soft golds their mother
preferred with the basket of food sitting in the center on a small portable table for them to eat off
of. Lan Zhan was also herding a bunch of bunnies he found in the area that Wei Ying had in his
last life, though the two who would later become Wangxian and Biqing(Bichen and Chenqing
combined) were not born yet. The bunnies were more for Wei Ying than his mother, but he is
certain she would love their soft warm bodies or their random bursts of energy. Madam Lan gasps
in delight seeing the picnic and the clouds of cute hopping around as her sons fidget and blush as
they wait for her approval.

"Oh my beautiful darlings..." She coos and hugs all three of her boys as she gracefully sits down on
the pillow that Lan Huan indicated for her as Wei Ying plops down beside Lan Zhan asking him
how he found so many bunnies. One of the more playful ones hopping up to nibble on Wei Ying's
sleeve and the boy giggles as he curls up like a bunny to and talks to it.

Lan Zhan smiles softly and ignores his mother's cooing and Lan Huan's soft teasing. His future
husband is being an absolute angel and he will not be ashamed to indulge in this sight.

"Thank you so much boys, this is perfect! It's not too far for my legs to walk and its within the
Gusu territory." She smiles at their clever thinking.

Lan Huan had delivered on his promise, going as far as to actually throw a temper tantrum until his
father was forced out of seclusion and a meeting was called with the Elders as well. It had been a
sight to see the normally calm and well mannered Lan Huan, laying on the floor, kicking and
screaming his little heart out, demanding to see his father right this instant. When they tried to
placate him or move him, he lashed out and screamed louder. Eventually Lan Zhan had been
fetched to try and distract his brother's strange fit, but the younger boy simply laid down beside his
brother, flat on his front and stiff as a board. Lan Qiren, their father's younger brother, blinked and
asked him what he was doing.

"Tantrum." Was Lan Zhan's simple answer.

Lan Qiren and the others were not sure if they should coo and laugh or continue to stare in
confusion at the rather polar opposite 'tantrums' happening in this moment. So when Qingchen-jun
finally arrived to the scene, he was both confused and annoyed. However, Lan Huan had instantly
stopped his tantrum, corrected his appearance and took a long sip of the lemon tea prepared for his
hoarse throat. Then he recounted the events of what led to this meeting, keeping out the parts of
Wei Ying summoning and using Resentful energy to protect their mother. The Elders all stared in
shock at the youngest Lan Heir as Lan Qiren looked at his brother, who was just as shocked.

"You will allow us to see a'Niang whenever we please, you will allow a'Niang to leave her Pavilion
when she desires and you will be changing the rules! If you don't then when I become Sect Leader,
I will do it and I will kick you all out!" Lan Huan finished his empassioned speech with his arms
crossed and a clear not pout on his face. Lan Zhan had by this point stood up and stood at his
brother's side.

"And the other child who helped to banish the spirit, where are they?" Qingchen-jun asked.

"A'Ying is standing guard over a'Niang!" Lan Huan states, his tone leaving little doubt that that is
where the child will stay no matter what they say.

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods once, a fierce look in his eyes.

"We will discuss this..." Lan Qiren speaks up finally when he can see his brother trying to stare his
sons, whom he has had very little to no interactions with, down and cower them into submission.
Lan Qiren had been more their father than their Uncle so when he gave them permission to leave,
they took it, ignoring Qingchen's anger and demanding voice...

Needless to say Madam Lan, or rather Jun Mingyi was finally free, though she was forbidden to
leave Gusu territory which covered the mountains, a few towns and a small sea port, she was able
to leave at her desire. However after a little more than a decade trapped in doors, she needed to
rebuild her strength and get use to walking again. But she didn't mind because everyday her boys
promised to visit and take her on small adventures. She still has not seen her husband and she
would gladly continue to not see him. If he had truly loved her as he claimed, he would have asked
her what had happened, why she had killed his Laoshi and defend her tooth and nail, but he hadn't.
He defended her enough to keep her from being killed, but imprisoned her and stole her sons from
her. even worse he punished their sons by not allowing them to know either their mother and father
on a personal level. Was it really a wonder when Lan Zhan refuses to call his father anything but
Sect Leader or Sir? Lan Huan only used the title of father with the thinnest veil of being polite, but
everyone can hear the scorn in his voice when addressing the man. The Clan was in a tizzy over a
6 year old and a 4 year old taking on a malicious spirit that they hadn't know was living in the
Cloud Recess for years, slowly draining away Jun Mingyi's life and nearly robbing them of their
Madam Lan, whom was a kind, headstrong woman. She may not have held a sword in years, but
she still knew her katas and passed that knowledge onto those willing to learn from her. Lan Zhan
proved that he could be downright frightening when it came to Wei Ying. When the Elders had
tried to test the boy and were discussing what to do with the orphan brat, Lan Zhan had stormed in
and let his spiritual energy freeze the whole room, only the patch around him and Wei Ying was
free of ice. Wei Ying didn't even feel the cold because Lan Zhan was manipulating it to keep his
precious Wei Ying warm. He was still to malnurished and skinny to survive a mild illness never
mind the deadly bite of his ice.

The Elders could only watch in stunned shock as the orphan scolded Lan Zhan and made him
unfreeze the room, stamping his foot not unlike when the bunnies would thump their feet in a sign
of anger or displeasure. It was just this little thump of his heel and his 'angry face' which almost
always worked on Lan Zhan. After he unfroze the room, Wei Ying then proceeded to talk to the
spirits in the room, apologizing for Lan Zhan freezing their homes or favorite spots to watch the
drama unfold. Lan Zhan blinked and called for Wangji again, pure white, and sat down as he
played Inquiry, allowing himself to hear what is going on and sure enough one voice in particular
laughed quietly in his ear.

~Sister was right about you, Lan Wangji.... you are entertaining to watch and so far you have
greatly altered the future... I look forward to seeing what more you will do in the coming decade...
Be ready...~

Lan Zhan gives an imperceptible nod to Siwang before focusing on what was happening. The
Elders were in shock at the children's skills and how well they worked together, thought they have
never seen someone simply talk to the dead before. They would need to do research, such a skill
could greatly benefit not only this child in the future but the Clan as a whole. So needless to say
Wei Ying was officially welecomed into the Lan Sect and Lan Zhan made sure to imply to his
uncle that Wei Ying might be the son of Cangse Sanren and that he should send out a missive to
find out if there are any living relatives. Lan Zhan was loath to let Wei Ying be taken away but
perhaps his mother's adoptive mother would be both better guardian and teacher for Wei Ying.
Anything to avoid him going to Lotus Pier with that bitch, Yu Ziyuan and that traitor Jaing
Wanyin... He will arrange things for Jiang Yanli to meet and grow close to Wei Ying again and
perhaps help her grow so she will die again and shatter Wei Ying's heart once more. He could not
bring himself to resent her because he had felt her lose just as deeply. He may not have known her
but she had accepted him and his feelings for Wei Ying without question and encouraged him in
her quiet and gentle way...

In fact, he believes she would be a good match for Xiongzhang...

Like a Phoenix, I rise Pt 4

~Time Skip~

Lan Zhan flicked his sword clean of blood before he pulled out Wangji and began to play his half
of Peace and Serenity, in the distance, the other half could be heard played on the xiao and a dizi,
letting him know his brother and Wei Ying were safe. Once the remnants of the Yao was banished
and laid to rest, he turned to his group of juniors and began to check them for injuries. What was
supposed to be a simple Night Hunt to get the Juniors feet wet, turned out to be a disaster. Lan
Zhan is glad that Wei Ying has always had a sixth sense about how dangerous a situation could be.
However it was saddening that he learned this skill when he lost his parents as a very young child.

"A'Zhan!!" Wei Ying calls as he leads his group of juniors over, they are bandaged up and holding
more medical supplies and quickly help to tend to their fellow agemates.

"Calm, a'Ying..." He sooths, standing and gently brushing the beck of his knuckles down the fine
cheek of his beautiful Wei Ying. "Brother?"

"He should be here soon, he is helping to treat the Jiang group." Wei Ying says and then smiles
softly. "He was impressed by Shijue's skills! Never doubt a woman with a cast iron skillet!"

"Mm." He nods, he's seen the lady crack a few skulls with her good skillet over the years since he
introduced her to his brother as children. "Happy?"

"He was blushing last I saw him, but he was focused on aiding rather than gushing..." Wei Ying
giggles softly.


Lan Zhan had kept his promise to introduce the young lady Jiang to his brother as children. His
plan to find extended family for Wei Ying worked when not only the Lady Baoshen Sanren had
showed up with her only living son and son in-law, but the Jiangs too. Lan Zhan had played up
being a concerned child for his friend, which made his Uncle think rationally even if he was still a
bit bothered by some things. Lady Baoshen had immediately shut down the Jiangs about taking in
Wei Ying, the Immortal stripping Madam Yu down with her words and cursing the woman for her
hate and spite to curse a dead woman and daring to turn her ire and insecurities onto an innocent
child. Wei Ying had asked her what she meant and that was how he learned he had a grandma and
uncles. He was not too keen to go with the Jiangs, but Lady Baoshen had seen how Wei Ying had
taken to Jaing Yanli and offered to train both the future Omegas for a few years, they would then
train with the Jiangs for a few years and then with the Lans for a few years. Lan Zhan wasn't too
happy, but he knew this would help Wei Ying in the long run so he convinced his beloved to go
with his grandma. It wasn't until the Lectures that Gusu Lan was hosting this year, that he got to
see his beloved again, having gone to train at the temple from which Song Lan, Wei Ying's uncle
by marriage, had grown up in for five years.

According to the letters he got from Wei Ying, he liked Lady Jiang, she was a sweet and calm
person, infinitely patient and kind, a goddess made flesh! He groused about her fiance, who they
met a few times and was a super jerk to her for no reason! He recalls the letter Wei Ying sent when
Jin Zixuan had made Lady Jiang cry at the welcome home feast Lotus Pier hosted when the two
soon to present Omegas had finally got there after completing their training on Baoshen Sanran's
Mountain. Lan Xichen and Uncle had gone to represent Gusu Lan and to welcome the pair back
with the gifts Lan Zhan had set aside for them. According to the letter, Lady Jiang had been
introducing Wei Ying to her Jiang martial brothers and sisters, nothing special when Jin Zixuan
had called her shameless and unfilial. She had tried to appear unaffected, but she was already going
through the pre presentation maturation, which made one's emotions very unstable, she began to
cry. Lan Xichen who had been standing not to far away, and already gone through his own pre
presentation maturation and had settled well into the role of a calm, but fierce Alpha, growled. Wei
Ying's letters told him that Lan Xichen flashed Alpha red eyes and punched the Jin Heir in the
mouth, sending him flying into the river not too far from where the children were all sitting and
chatting. Wei Ying had to save the overdressed heir from drowning and calm Lan Xichen down by
cuddling with his Xichen-gege. Wei Ying had painted a cute picture of Lan Xichen looking quite
pouty, torn between wanting to cuddle his Xiao Ying and continuing to be furious on Lady Jiang's
behalf. Lan Zhan would have paid handsomely to see his brother, who could put even the most
skilled Zen masters to shame with his everlasting calm and patience, snap and punch the peacock in
the face. He also secretly wanted to punch the Jin Heir because it seems he is destined to spit on
Lady Jiang's kindness no matter the life time.

After punching the brat and scolding him, Lan Xichen presented Lady Jiang with Lan Zhan's gift
and a gift of his own, stating that it was the first of courting gifts. That if the arrangement between
her and Jin Zixuan fell through, he would not mind taking her hand for his own if she would have
him. Ever since they have been corresponding to one another. Lan Xichen shamelessly using Wei
Ying to learn what kind of gifts to get the Lady of Lotus Pier. He wrote her poetry and sonnets, he
sent her bolts of fabric which she sewed into beautiful dresses that Lan Xichen found stunning on
her person, hair pins to match then and spices from around the world that he could get his hands
on, when he learned she enjoyed cooking. So Lan Zhan is not shocked at all that his brother is
personally seeing to Lady Jiang's group.

"I'm pretty sure if your brother has his way, we will have a wedding before spring ends!" Wei
Ying's giggling brings him back to present.

"Mm." He nods with his own not smile dancing on his lips as they finish getting their juniors
wrapped up and into pairs. "Stay close, more danger could be lurking."

"Yes, Hanguan-jun!" they chirp like adorable ducklings and follow behind Lan Zhan and Wei

Nothing thankfully attacked while they moved the short distance to where the Yunmeng Jiang
Sect's group was at. Lan Xichen was carefully wrapping Jiang Yanli's arm, a concentrated look on
his face as the young woman blushes softly, giving him a coy smile through her lashes. Not too far
away was Jiang Wanyin and Lan Zhan instantly went on the defensive, though subtly as he nods to
the Juniors to spread out and offer aid where they could.

"Brother, Lady Jiang." He bows to them both, making Lady Jiang giggle softly.

"A'Ji, you do not have to be so formal with me..." She coos softly and he fights to not smile back.
His Wei Ying was correct, his Shijie was everything good, pure and innocent with the world. It was
unfair that she died so young. And it was a shame he did not get to know her so well in his
previous life. "A'Xian are you alright?"

"I'm perfect, Shijie. Though we aren't in the clear... I'm gonna head toward that grave site and see if
I can find the source of all this resentment... huh?" Wei Ying turns his head towards an apirition
that suddenly waves frantically and he looks to where it is pointing and he pulls out several
talismans and activates them while throwing them out to the for cardinal directions. "Do not leave
the barrier; a'Zhan..."

"Mm... Brother, be back." He tells his brother, who looks up to see Lan Zhan and Wei Ying
already running towards the grave site.

"Be careful!!" He shouts after them.

"Are you insane!? Letting them run off like that!?" Jiang Wanyin bellows in outrage.

"I would kindly ask you to never shout at me again, Heir Jiang... Or I will spell you silent. As for
allowing the two most capable and suited Seniors to this type of situation is my business and not
yours. My brother is more than capable of protection Xiao Ying and Xiao Ying was raised by Lady
Baoshen, if she felt he was not ready, he would still be training on her mountain, not here for the
lectures. Worry about your men and not what others are doing." Lan Xichen reprimands calmly as
he finishes tending to his lady, who gently pets his larger hand and allows him to help her stand.

"A'Cheng, that is enough. We are clearly not ready for this hunt and if a'Xian and a'Ji are able to
handle it, then we should be focus on keeping safe until they get back. Do not leave the barrier,
have your bows at the ready. We do not want to risk getting anyone injured further or killed." Jiang
Yanli reasons out. "Are the Jins and Wens arlgiht?"

"Look there!!" a Junior shouts and they turned to see the mixed group of red and gold being chased
towards them by a horde of Yao.

"Hurry!!" a couple of Juniors wave them over and as they pass through the barrier, they stumble
and collapse feeling the powerful cleansing it gave them. The injured are quickly tended to as Lan
Xichen grabs Beiling and begins to play the song of Offense, pitching the notes sharply like the
blades of knives to cut down the Yao that did not bash into the barrier and were purified upon

"Whoa..." a Wen breathes in awe.

"Lady Wen, if we could have your aid in healing the injured please?" Jiang Yanli asks Wen Qing,
who was seeing to her brother first and foremost before she turned to anyone else. "We did a quick
first aid, but I would feel better if you looked. You are training to be a doctor correct?"

"Yes." she nods and starts with the cut on Jiang Yanli's arm nodding. "We will need to clean it
better later, but for now, whoever wrapped it did a good job compressing the wound without
cutting off circulation. Do not try to lift anything too heavy for now."

"Alright, the most injured are this way..." Jiang Yanli says and then blinks as she looks around.
"A'Cheng? A'Cheng!?"

"My Lady, I think Young Master Jiang slipped out to follow Second Young Master Lan and Young
Master Wei!" a young girl calls pointing to where she saw the two other heirs vanish.

".... Little brothers..." Jiang Yanli sighs, rubbing her temple.

"Can't you keep your brother in line? If you cannot keep one measely heir in line, how can you
hope to marry into a Great Sect and run the Household as a woman should?!" Jin Zixuan demands
as he walks up to the two women.

Wen Qing felt her brow twitch, she didn't like the arrogant young man and judging by the sudden
sour note, the First Jade of Lan was not too keen on him either.

"Considering I am busy trying to help tend to the injured and your group thoroughly distracted me,
it is not a wonder my brother slipped off on his own. Now either help or be silent, Young Master
Jin." Jiang Yanli says a bit tartly, shocking those who knew that she was infinitely patient, but then
again, after being embarrassed so many times by her ex-fiance, there was little wonder. But it
doesn't take away from the shock value.

Lan Xichen finished the song when the last Yao was killed and then he moved to stand with the
four team leaders, subtly hovering over his lady's shoulder and glaring at the little uppity brat.

"I do not know how long it will take Wangji and Xiao Ying to find the source of this infestation,
but hopefully it is soon. I can only preform that song two more times before it begins to tax me."
He worries as he counts the students and breathes a sigh of relieve that they are all accounted for
minus three of them. "I am assuming Jiang Wanyin has disobeyed and left the barrier."

"However did you guess?" Jin Zixuan snarks and Lan Xichen has to recite the Gusu Lan Rules to
avoid punching him in the face once more, this time not holding back his true arm strength. It is
said that a Lan could easily kill a man with a single punch, he wonders if he could do it.

"A'Chen, do not pay him any mind... we need to come up with an effective plan, we have a limited
amount of arrows and too many of our best archers are injured." Jiang Yanli soothes him, gently
placing her hand on his clenched fist.

"Mm..." He hums as he thinks and then gets an idea. "We can break the bamboo spears into
smaller sticks, hallow them out and we can use small enough pieces of sticks as darts and rocks to
take out any more Yao that might attack. We can mix some of the medicines into either a strong
sedative or a poison to help take them down."

"... Yes, I think I can make something strong enough to slowly kill them or put them to sleep... I
need to pool all our medicine though. But that can be done after I finish treating the injured." Wen
Qing blinks as she thinks it over and nods.

"Then Lady Wen has the go ahead. We should carve as many darts as possible from any fallen
branches, twigs or even rocks and bones."

"Right..." Jiang Yanli hurries to gather some of the girls to start gathering the items within the
barrier and ask some of the boys to start carving the darts.

"You think that will help?"

"Got a better idea, Heir Jin?" Lan Xichen askes, narrowing his eyes at the golden peacock and
huffing annoyed as he turns to gather up the archers and tell them the plan. Hopefully they can
keep safe until the other three get back...
Like a Phoenix, I rise Pt 5

Lan Zhan follows Wei Ying towards the source of this Yao infestation, golden eyes sharply
focused on the forest around them. Bichen clenched tight in his fist as Wei Ying held Suibian and
his flute, Chenqing in his hands. Cresting the hill that stood over the grave yard, they both frown at
the desiccated graves, the coffins laying broken into and open as the bodies that had been buried in
them were strewn about carelessly. Any riches or offerings that had been buried with them were
either missing or laid smashed on the ground.

"... I know who did this..." Wei Ying scowls.

"Shopkeeper." Lan Zhan agrees. "Customers innocent and yet suffering."

"Because they are being sold stolen goods that were buried with the dead and the spirits do not
realize the people they are getting revenge upon are innocent... Clarity and Inquiry?" Wei Ying

"Mn." Lan Zhan calls Wangji out as Wei Ying, stabs Suibian into the ground and brings Chenqing
to his lips.

They begin playing the combined songs, Wei Ying going into a trance as his guardian demon
appears and speaks for them. It takes only two cycles of the songs to grabs the full situation and to
explain what was going to happen shortly. Wei Ying Plays a shrill, eerie tune on his flute as his
ghouls and ghosts appear and as he directs them to right the graves, carefully waking the dead to
help move things along. Lan Zhan spins and starts to kill the Yao that show up, following the
tantalizing smell of resentment and the call of the music. Lan Zhan is a graceful, but deadly
whirlwind of pale azure and white, Bichen flashing as she slices through the Yao, keeping them
away from Wei Ying. They are making good time, the grave is nearly back to rights, the only thing
they would need to do is buy the needed offerings and jars of wine to honor the departed once
more. Maybe remake a few of the grave markers and then deal with that disgusting Shopkeeper.
The Yao are starting to thin out, but they are going from small and numerous to few and quite

USEFUL!!!" Shouts Jiang Wanyin, who is cutting down the Fierce Corpses that trying to put the
graveyard to rights.

This causes a bit of trouble because Wei Ying has to let go of his control of his Ghouls and play
Peace to keep the disturbed from attacking and killing the Jiang Heir, who should not be here! Lan
Zhan pulls out Wangji and notices that its taken on it's black form and thus is Fuchou Zhi Zhan.
Strumming the darker version of his guqin, he causes the ambient Resentful energy to explode
outward, killing off the last of the Yao and sending Jiang Wanyin flying into the trees some
distance away, he then plays his own little creation, Resonance, to amplify Wei Ying's Peace. It
calms the area, the Ghouls crawling back into their graves as Wei Ying switches back to his earlier
tune and gets his Ghouls to finish correcting the graves, leaving the coffins exposed until they can
bring back the needed items to lay the disturbed souls back to rest. When they finish, Wei Ying
slowly leans on his Demon, who coos and pets his head, crooning softly as it comforts their master.

"Damn it!!" Shouts out Jiang Wanyin once more and the Demon reluctantly passes their master to
Lan Zhan's waiting arms and vanishes into crow form and flying off to let the others it is safe to
break the barrier now, if it didn't fade on its own when their master passed out. "What... where the
hell did all those Fierce Corpses go!?"
"Laid to rest... Shouting is forbidden." Lan Zhan states, carefully picking up Wei Ying, who sighs
contently in his hold, nuzzling closer and the Omega purrs softly. "Rest, Wei Ying... did very

"Mmm, a'Zhan..." He sleepily murmurs, dozing safely in the Alpha's arms knowing he is safe and
that nothing will harm him as long as Lan Zhan is around.

"Damn it, Wei--Mmph?! MM!!! MMMMM!!!"

"Waking Wei Ying is forbidden." Lan Zhan says with just enough inflection to be sassy as he
silences Wanyin and walks away, the muffled furious sounds following telling him the Jiang Heir
was following behind, if for no other reason than to get him to remove the Lan Silencing spell...

When the three make it back to the group, Lan Xichen is pulling his sword out of the last Yao, the
others who had not followed the call, lay in piles covered in what looked like hastily made darts
and arrows. Jiang Yanli runs up to them, making the motion elegant and effortless somehow as she
hurries to check Wei Ying.

"Only sleeping; exhausted." He tells her and she sighs and then cups his own cheek as she looks at
him with those big soulful eyes. "Am fine. Merely annoyed..."


"MMM!!! MM, MMM, MMMM!!!!!"

She turns and sees her brother stomping up to them waving his hands around and clearly cursing up
a storm but because his mouth was magically sealed shut they could not tell what he was saying

"A'Cheng, stop that right now... You were told to remain with us and we could have used your aid,
but you ran off and now are being punished. Take it like a mature young man." She scolds him,
even as she goes to make sure he too is alright.

"Wangji?" Xichen asks, flicking blood off his blade and putting it away in his sheath.

"Disturbed grave, laid the spirits to rest again, but the graves were robbed." He explains to his
brother, who comes to check him and Wei Ying over, sighing in relief when he see that the two are
fine and that Wei Ying is only sleeping. "Wei Ying believes it was the shopkeeper who tried to sell
him 'vintage' wine earlier."

"No... you-- Shameful!" Xichen sputters as he nods his head firmly and then pulls out a few strings
of coin from his qiankun pouch and passes them to his brother while carefully taking Wei Ying,
who whines and fusses a bit but settles again once he realizes it is the only other person he can trust
while sleeping. "Get what you need to appease them... we will bury the coffins again and pray for
them to rest once more... hurry."

"Hm." Lan Zhan nods and calls his team of Juniors to mount their swords and follow. If Lan Zhan
picks up a few extra jars of wine for Wei Ying, that is his business and no one else's.
A single Flower in a bed of Thorns


In a world where Wei Ying was never found by Jiang Fengmian or learned Cultivation, he lives a
life traveling to the five major Sects to learn what he can. He lives his life being invisible to all but
those who truly need his help, but he has to be very careful because his brand of 'Cultivation' was
not something normal people did and often mistaken for demonic arts. But like all good things, it
must come to an end, and his luck seems to have finally run out when he catches the attention of
the Jades of Lan when he dissipates the Waterborne Abyss and calms the infestation of Water
Ghouls it's caused.

Will Wei Ying be tried and executed for Demonic Cultivation?! Or-- wait, why are the Twin Jades
looking at him like that!?


Wei Ying carefully tied the white robes he misappropriated from some jerk with an annoying face
after he had kicked him into the mud and stole his last string of coins. He even had a pretty pendant
made of jade! It was such a pure white color too, it would get Wei Ying quite a few strings of
coins, in gold too! But first, might as well as sneak into Gusu Lan's famed Library! He's heard from
the other sects he's snuck into over the years and studied at that the Lan Library was the largest
collection of books form back during the Founding years, books from Xue Chonghai, Lan An, Wen
Mao and even Baoshen Sanren! Once he was ready, wondering what he could do to make him pass
as a disciple besides his 'borrowed' robes and token. He then recalls that the Lan Sect wore a long
ribbon around their heads, some of them had designs others were plain. So he grabs his spare hair
ribbon and grabbing some bits of white silk, he carefully stitches the white over the brilliant red
fabric, so it looks like rivulets of blood on snow leading to a blood red lotus in the center. He
admires his hasty work before looking in the broken mirror of the shake he was staying in for now,
to carefully tie it in place. Once he was ready to go, he turns to the memorial plaque he carries with
him that had his mother and father's names carved in gold on it, but smaller names in polished
bronze surrounding it. He smiles as lightly taps the top of it.

"A'Ying's going out now, be good and protect the town while I am gone. Then tonight we will find
a few naughties to make into a yummy dinner for everyone." He chirps softly, lovingly brushing
his fingers over his parents names. the plaque vibrates under his touch and the air grows chilled
and oppressive for just a moment, but it doesn't scare him or worry him. It is but a hug and the
voices of those who chose to remain speak as one and wish him a good day.

Grabbing his qiankun pouch and the fans he made from the black bamboo of his home that
matched his dizi, Chenqing. Since he wasn't a cultivator, nor did he have the money to commission
a sword, he made his own weapons from the bamboo and papyrus from the black bamboo shoots
and reeds in the Burial Mounds where he's lived since his parents were killed when he was hardly
more than four, their unrestful souls coming back to protect him while he lived on the streets until
he was chased by wild dogs into the Burial mounds one day and he surely would have died had his
parents had not possessed a pair of demons who tried to feast upon him. Ever since he's lived in the
land of the dead and demonic, learning to commune and master the powers of the Burial Mounds,
finding a cave that became his home full of scrolls on Necromancy, or as the world calls it
Demonic Cultivation. But that implies that he is developing a Core. Wei Ying doesn't have one,
never developed one to absorb the negative energy. Offerings, rituals and the odd possession was
how the Necromancy arts worked form what he could see. He had to study at the local temples to
understand funeral rites, prayers and blessings, studied how to recognize and classify spirits of all
kinds and the dangers they pose.

He had to learn Cultivation to learn the more advanced spells and skills needed to deal with the
more troublesome entities out there. So he eventually he did develop a Golden Core, but he doesn't
use it so he doubts it will ever grow more than the meager thing it is. Shaking his head, he turns his
attention to the massive stairs that lead up to the Cloud Recesses. Taking a breath, he begins to
climb up the stairs and the token grows warm as he passes one of the first gates to enter the Lan
Sect's main compound. It happens two more times as he passes the gates and soon he is walking
through the main gate and sees the sprawling houses and buildings. The classrooms and training
grounds take up the majority of the space. A sparkling city of whites, pale greys and blues with the
odd splash of something dark to bring out the pale colors and add definition. It is almost like
looking at a Master Painter's ink drawing in living color. There is a dull din of activity with groups
of disciples walking in perfect lines and in snyc with one another. The dull sounds of training in
uniform was oddly calming. Wei Ying easily slips in and joins a group heading towards what looks
like the main lecture hall and decides he would join them for a few lessons and see what the Lans
taught their young about the world....

Wei Ying giggles softly as he coaxes a bunny over to him, the little fluffy black ball of cute blinks
big red eyes up at him, little nose twitching as it scents the air, ears high up in alert. He wiggles the
lettuce leaf again and soon the little bunny is sitting on his lap nibbling away on the yummy treat.
He's been staying in Gusu Lan for a few months now, the lessons were in depth and taught as
neutrally as possible. The Grandmaster, Lan Qiren, either didn't realize he suddenly had a new
student, or didn't care because said new student asked rather contreversal questions and even dared
to argue back with valid points and theories, theories that Wei Ying has developed and proven in
his young life. But no one needs to know that. He also enjoyed the training, but the crowning glory
was the Library. He did not realize how massive it was and had to figure out how to keep his
sneaking around undetected, but also make sure his familiars didn't get bored or hungry. But
thankfully there seemed to be plenty of creatures to hunt in the mountains, mostly ice and illusion
entities, but still it gave them exercise when they became restless. He now carried the plaque with
him when he realized that the protective wards didn't pick up his weapon's less than pure energies.

So for 6 months, he's been stealthily infiltrating the Gusu Lan Sect, though he had much less to
worry about than when he had done this at 12 with the Qishan Wen Sect, that had been nerve
wracking, but so worth it to learn under Dr. Wen. If he had to rank dangers of being caught in a
Sect, Qishan Wen and Lanling Jin were the two he wanted to avoid at all costs. He was pretty sure
he would only get a beating and maybe some manual labor if he got caught by Yunmeng Jiang, but
so far Gusu Lan looked like the least threatening Sect, even if they were quite formidable. He
giggles when the little black bunny thumps their legs realizing the human had stopped feeding it.
Breaking off another leaf from the head he had brought with him when he spotted the little balls of
fluff in the back of the Recess. He noticed a few others of variying color gathering around and
smiles softly, btreaking off more leaves to give away to the lovely horde. He blinks when a white
one whereing a forhead ribbon hops over, sniffing both him and the black one, who jumps up onto
Wei Ying's shoulder, wary of the other. The white bunny jumps onto his lap, picks up the leaf and
then seems to lean up to offer it back to the black one. Wei Ying watches delighted as the white
bunny coaxes the black one back down and another white bunny with a forehead ribbon nudges
what looks like a freshly dug up turnip towards the black one.

"Aw, how cute, you seem to have a few friends..." He coos and offers each bunny a new leaf
before letting an older pair take the last of it to slowly gnaw on. If he had to say he liked animals,
bunnies were his favorite, their souls after passing were as fast as the wind and could carry
messages far and wide. In life they rarely showed him fear and almost always horded around him.
"Well you two be nice to this little one... I need to go now."

He stands up, brushing off his robes and turns to leave only to freeze when he sees someone
walking towards him. Panicking, he opens his fans, the black and red papyrus holding the prongs
together let off a soft wisp of resentful energy that propels him into the air and away from the
clearing quickly. He doesn't return for a week and when he does, it is to sneakily join up with the
team of juniors heading to deal with a sudden infestation of Water Ghouls. He tries to remain at the
back and as unseen as possible, partnering up with a nervous young master with green accents on
his uniform and holding a beautifully painted fan. They ask around as was asked by the Twin
Jades, which he mentally cursed about because they would definitely notice a new face since they
interact the most with the disciples. However, he pushes that worry to the back when a mother
screams and he turns in time to see a small child fall into the water, a water nymph rushing to
rescue the child before the water Ghoul gets to her. Without thinking, he jumps into the water and
allows himself to sink deep enough that no one will see what he doing. Opening his fans he begins
to spin, gaining speed and power and it pulls the child toward him, the Nymph catching her and
holding her in a safe bubble of water as the ghoul instead aims for him. Smirking, he stops spinning
and closes one fan, charging it with some spiritual power from the water and spears it through the
head, killing it instantly before he swims up and the Nymph eyes him moment before letting him
take the child and he uses his other fan to push them out of the water and onto the dock. He gasps
for air, having held it for so long and exerting so much strength. He sits up, holding the sobbing
child to his chest as the crowd rushes over, his partner, quickly grabbing the blankets a few people
brought over to dry both Wei Ying and the child off.

"Are you insane!?" the young master asks, looking paled. "Whatever caused that sudden whirlpool
could have killed you both!"

"I'm fine and she's fine... Here you go ma'am... it's best you take her to see the healer and then get
her home and into warm clothes... here to pay for anything you need." He pulls a silver coin of his
string, passing it to the protesting mother, but she reluctantly accepted it before thanking him
profusely for saving her little girl.

"You are so lucky that Er-ge and Lan Wangji didn't--"

"We didn't what, Nie Huaisang?" a voice suddenly asks and the fan boy, now Nie Huaisang,
squeaks and turns to see the others gathering up, the twins standing over them, one as blank as
stone, staring intently at Wei Ying, who flushes while the other looks half amused and half

"Ah- ah... I... Um... I don't know, I don't know!!" He panics, shaking his head frantically.

A few others who seem to know Nie Huaisang, either laugh or groan as he keeps repeating that he
doesn't know while Wei Ying gets up and bows to the Twin Jades.

"This one apologizes for not waiting for orders or instuctions. But this one could not let the Water
Ghoul drown an innocent child." He says, keeping himself bowed so they could not see his face or
notice his forehead ribbon.

"You did the correct thing, though perhaps jumping into Ghoul infested water was not the brightest
option... come we had pinned down where they seem to be originating. Will you be alright to
continue...? Oh my, I do not seem to know your name..." the First Jade says, a coy smile curling his
lips and Wei Ying is panicking now. HIs voice was rich and heady like fine wine, Wei Ying was
feeling dunk just listening to it.

"Wei Ying, courtesy Wei Wuxian..." He mumbles, hoping he will not hear him correctly, but it is a
vain hope.

"Wei Wuxian is alright to continue?" the Second Jade speaks up and his voice is deep and magical.

He nods and waits for them to turn to stand up straight again, missing when they both look back
sneakily, golden eyes crinkling just so as the twins share an identical thought: Ours.

They are riding boats towards the lake when the annoying jerk who stole his money months ago
pushes his boat closer.

"You! You're the filthy thief!" He shouts at him, drawing attention.

"If anyone is a thief, it is you. You stole what was left of my money and I had to do odd jobs to get
it back. You shouldn't talk about thievery." Wei Ying tells him calmly.

"You stole my Jade Token! Give it back!"

"I stole nothing." He lies easily enough.

"Is something the matte, Su She?" the First Jade asks, though he sounds mild as always, there is a
sense of... foreboding coming from him.

Wei Ying ducks his head and blinks before he swings his pole toward the Second Jade's boat. This
causes water to splash up, the younger twin jumping to avoid the sudden assult , but they all gasp
seeing five ghouls clinging to the bottom of it.

"You lot get down from there! Shame on you!! This is no time for pranks!!" Wei Ying begins
scolding instantly, forgetting that he is not supposed to talk to the dead. One Ghoul turns and gives
a watery warble and Wei Ying, plants his hand on his hip like a parent would when their child is
talking back. "I said get down. Now." He growls and the Ghouls shriek and duck back into the
water. "And stay there!! Now is not the time for causing mischief you still things!! Poor things
must have been children some time ago..."

"Wei-Gongzi.... how did you know they were there? And why did you scold them like naughty
children?" Nie Huaisang calls out, hiding behind his fan and Wei Ying pales for a moment, but too
quick for anyone to notice as he clears his throat.

"Second Master is not that heavy for his boat to have sunk so low into the water. Ghouls often do
this right before they tip the boat to knock you into the water. Not all ghouls are malicious. Some
of them are children or young teens who've sadly drowned and as such like to prank the living.
They don't mean anything by it, but still... it took five of them just to sink Second Master's boat so
low, it might have taken 8 to tip him into the water without his notice..." He explains, looking
away and flushing softly.

"Mn..." The Second Jade hums, eyeing the water.

"Young Master Wei, you seem to know the most about this situation, care to guess-- ah!?"

THey all startle when the water suddenly turns turbulant and they quickly pull their swords out,
those who have them at least. The Twins send theirs into the water, hacking away at the black
shadows they see darting about while others jump up onto their own swords to get away from the
choppy water. Su She, seeing the Twins using their spirit sword technique tries to copy them but
his sword does not come back out of the water when he tries to summon it. He pales as a massive
whirlpool appears and the few remaining in the boats are trapped being pulled into the center.
"Wei Wuxian! Su Minshan!!" Someone shouts and the twins look to where Su She had fallen into
the water and Wei Ying, for the second time in just as many hours, dives into the water to save
him. While he is under he can see what is the cause of the sudden whirlpool and mentally curses.
He pulls his plaque out and summons one of his water demons and orders it to take weaken the
Abyss before it kills anyone else while he swims back up to the surface holding a flailing Su She.

"Stop struggling, you stupid bug!!" Wei Wuxian yells, when he gets hit three times in the face.

"Up here!!" He sees a young man with purple accents on his uniform and recognizes him as Young
Master Jiang, he helps him pull Su She onto his sword and is about to climb back into a boat when
he is grabbed by several ghouls, and these are clearly not the playful kind because they dig their
claws into him and yank him back under with a startled yelp.

It is chaos under the surface for only three seconds before two swords sing by him, one like frost
and ice the other like spring winds and new blooms. He is free a few seconds later and then being
pulled up onto the scabbards of the Twins, who hold him between them. He blushes as they glare
at the water and in moments Bichen and Shuoyue come soaring back to their respective scabbard.

"Your sword?" Lan Wangji questions.

"Now is not the time, Wangji... take Young master Wei back, have his wounds looked at. I will
seal this lake to prevent anymore trouble or suprises." He says as he pulls Liebing from thin air and
begins to play a calming, but freezing song. The others flee back towards the Cloud Recesses,
since clearly they were not skilled enough to deal with whatever the hell that was...

Wei Ying had to wait until the dead of night to be able to sneak out of the Cloud Recesses,
especially after he was moved from his private healing room to the Jingshi where Lan Wangji
spends most of his days and some of his nights living there, not far away is the Hanshi, Lan
Xichen's residence and the twins often co-habit it when they can get away with it. Wei Ying had to
wait for Lan Wangji to be called away before he snuck out, the man was ridiculously alert and a
very light sleeper it seems because any little move Wei Ying made, the Lan was quick to turn
toward him or ask if he was feeling unwell. Now here he was carefully scaling the wall and trees in
a long abandoned area of the Recess and then flicking his fans open, he jumped into the air alike a
graceful crane, a fine mist of resentful energy carrying him on the wind towards the lake and down
to the edge. He checked the area to make sure he was unseen and alone before he summons his
water demon who makes a pathway of algae and lily pads for him to walk along. They talk as a few
other spirits and entities who in habit the lake poke their heads up and watch the human curiously.
once he is over head heart of the Waterborne Abyss, he pulls out Chenqing and begins to use
Empathy. He is pulled into the memories of not only the Abyss but the whole lake and it takes him
hours to sort through it, playing the newly mastered Clarity from the secret Lan Arts that he
sneaked a month back and finally mastered.

By the time he is done, he feels drained and dizzy, but the Abyss has been broken up and dissipated
as he lets his familiars feast on those who refuse to move on or threatened to kill him. Once the
Lake's energy is pure and peaceful again, he slowly gets up to leave only to gasp seeing the Twin
Jades standing behind him. He pales and begins to panic, but before he can move or think of lying,
he falls, his world turning black as his fatigue catches up to him. He does not hit the water as he
expects, but lands on the young Master of Lan. His world fading fast he hears distantly.

"And now Wei Ying is ours..."

A single Flower in a bed of Thorns Pt 2

Lan Huan thanked the healer after he finished examining and treating the minor injuries Wei Ying
sustained during his late night exorcism. Other than a few minor abrashions and low Qi levels, he
was fine, resting in the Hanshi on their bed with Lan Zhan sitting close by, keeping a close watch
and guard. They had been interested in this little sly bunny since he first snuck into the the Cloud
Recess. Su Minshan hadn't been lying about the stolen Token, but neither of the twins cared for the
bug faced annoyance. However little did either young man know that Lan Xichen had followed
Wei Ying one night to the rotting hovel he took up residence in for his stay, using a small frost
sprite who bound itself as a familiar to him to switch out the tokens. Wei Ying has been using a
specially made Jade Token that not only allowed him access to the Cloud Recess, but allowed the
Twins to track him down no matter where he went. It was how they knew he snuck out and how
they were able to find him so quickly.

Wei Ying didn't realize it, but they had noticed the new face among the disciples, none of the
guests wore the Lan Sacred Ribbons, and even then, only those of the main family are allowed to
have added color to their ribbons. Lan Zhan's was white and blue with the golden clouds naming
him as Heir while Lan Huan's was white with silver Clouds, the dragon guan of the Sect Leader
drawing everyone's eyes away from the deep sapphire designs on his ribbon. Their father was in
seclusion and refused to even spend time with his sons, never mind actually leading their sect, so it
fell to Lan Huan as the elder twin to lead. The suddenness of the red and white ribbon had drew
their attention from their hidden places behind their uncle's raised lectern. It was perhaps the first
time neither brother had ever paid attention to him since they were very young. Their golden eyes
locked on the swirling red and white ribbon and then being drawn into the most beautiful silver
eyes and a sweet face that looks like it was always happy and smiling. And then the angel spoke!

They could only watch with bated breath as the newcomer asked his questions, drawing their uncle
into debates that he would later, reluctantly admit he enjoyed and now needed to plan a few trips to
research the materials that the young man had listed in his counter arguments. Lans liked
knowledge and while heavily set in their ways, they are collectors of knowledge as well. So while
the twins were certain their Uncle will never budge on the topic of Demonic Cultivation, they saw
in him a spark that has long been snuffed out by the repetativeness of daily life. They were hooked!
Over the next 6 months, they would spy on their little Bunny, watching him hope from place to
place around the Recess and even around the town, helping people and late at night, when he was
certain all were sleeping, he would sneak out and summon demons or Fierce Corpses and go
hunting in the trees and along the roads, taking out threats to the town before they get too close.
They had tried to approach him once when he found their little hidden horde of bunnies, well Lan
Zhan's little bunny trove, but Lan Huan enjoys their cuteness and playfulness because it makes his
younger twin smile and happy.

Wei Ying had seen them coming and had fled away and had not been seen for a week. The twins
were going to use the trip into town as an excuse to hunt him down and bring him back, but they
need not have worried because he joined up with them willingly. They had seen him dive into the
water to save the child, had watched him create the whirlpool to safely drag the child and ghoul
into his kill zone and taking out the threat while saving the little girl. He was selfless enough to pay
for the child's medical needs and anything else that the family might have needed. He had looked
so brilliant and adorable as he fidgeted and stammered his excuses, his explainations. He even
caught on to the possible danger that would have taken a'Zhan by surprise and had scolded the
Ghouls. He doubts it was simply because they where formed form the resentment of children who
had drowned, but rather his talent in the Demonic Arts. Lan Huan didn't need to look at his twin to
know that they had made their minds up. He felt it through their link, their connection as twins.
Wei Ying was theirs.

When Wei Ying had been knocked into the water because of that damned fool Su Minshan, it took
everything the twins had to not slice him to ribbons, even after he struck their Wei Ying three times
in the face, 'failing in panic' as he was. When they saw the ghouls yank him underwater, they had
nearly lost their incomparable control of their powers and tempers, sending their swords in as they
both reached in and pulled him out, holding him between them, cradling him like the precious gem
he is, so small and delicate in their arms. Oh how they wanted to whisk him away and come back
married and with a child or two on the way. But no they needed to warm him up to them. They
refuse to be their father, forcing someone to marry them who does not love them in return. No, they
will work for Wei Ying's affections, but if he ultimately does not want them. They will try to be
mature and allow him to find another... someone they approve of. Which is next to impossible, no
one will ever be good enough for their beautiful little bunny. Lan Huan smiles softly as he walks
up to the gate, thinking of the amazing show they saw of Wei Ying playing a beautifully sad song
on his black dizi, the Yin and Yang energies of the lake roiling and coiling in the air and under the
water as the Waterborne Abyss was torn apart, broken up and dissipated into nothing, the denizens
of the Lake and Wei Ying's demons feasting on the remnants and the lake purifying itself to where
it was crystal clear and humming with spirit energy once more.

It had been breathtaking, something out of an epic poem or a scene from a grand opera for the
royal courts! But it clearly drained their beloved because no sooner had he seen them, had he
started to pass out from the fatigue. And now he was resting with Lan Zhan keeping guard while
he was heading to the gates where there was a an insistent chiming from Su Minshan's Token. Oh
yes, how could he forget Su Minshan. Call him petty, but he had sent him out not too long ago to
go search the lake for Wei Ying's plaque. He had dropped it when they had startled him and didn't
have time to get it before they had to jump away from quickly vanishing path of water plants. Su
Minshan had approached them not long after they had returned, requesting to aid them in any
manner possible if they will help him find his sword as well. Lan Huan had 'graciously' offered to
summon back his sword if he found Wei Ying's Memorial Plaque. That was nearly 6 hours ago.
Walking to the gate he opens it to see Su Minshan, soaked from head to toe in water, mud and dirt
clinging to him as random bits of vegetation clung to him in the form of algae, leaves and the odd
twig. He looked bedraggled and tired, in his hands was the plaque, oddly untouched by nature,
wrapped in a rag and cupped in scabbed, bloody hands.

"This thing is dangerous..." Su Minshan says without preamble. "It kept attacking me whenever I
tried to reach for it... I finally got it after I wrapped it in this... Acting Sect Leader should be careful
handling it."

"Thank you for your concern and as promised...." Lan Huan takes Su Minshan's empty scabbard
and summons his sword. Though he is sorely tempted to angle it so the sword would kill its owner
upon its return, however he cannot with the night guards around them and several witnesses seeing
him sending off Su Minshan earlier that night. Perhaps he can orchestrate a private Night Hunt and
take him with him and Lan Zhan... somewhere where natural disasters occur frequently. No one
can say they killed him if he fell off a cliff somewhere in the middle of a landslide and broke his
neck. Nor can they say for certain the Twins hacked him up to pieces when the area they had been
traveling through was infamous for its Fierce Corpse infestation! They got separated and he
bravely sacrificed himself for their safety as his Sect Leader and Heir! Oh how brave he had been!
Lan Huan almost laughs out loud at the absurd thought as the sword flies into its sheath and he
hands it over to Su Minshan while taking the plaque in hand and it hums warmly in his fingers, not
at all trying to hurt him. "It seems fine to me... perhaps the souls of Wei Wuxian's parents thought
you were a threat? It is not unheard of..."

"Perhaps..." Su Minshan murmurs, though he eyes the plaque warily. "If Acting Sect Leader will
excuse this one... it is very late, cold and this one will already be missing lessons come morning, it
will be worse if this one gets sick..."

"Indeed. Off with you then..." He dismisses him and then just because he's a cruel bastard.
"THough you will not be missing lessons, Uncle has returned and you know how strict he is about
attendance. I tried to excuse you, but he is the Grandmaster and the Head of the Elders, this one
cannot hope to fight and win all the time." He sounds almost sincere, but only he knows he is lying
like a worm.

"It is not your fault, Sect Leader... This one... will try his best to show up to lessons... good night..."
Su Minshan slumps off, grumbling and cursing as he goes, too bad he's not as soft as he thinks and
Lan Huan grins evilly as he heads off to his uncle's room first, informing him about Su Minshan's
late night jaunt, wording it carefully as an earned that Lan Huan had asked him to run much earlier
in the evening before curfew, but Su Minshan had just now returned and there was a subtle
implication that he smelt like wine.

His Uncle had scowled fiercely but nodded and thanked him. He will make sure that Su Minshan
and any Student who thought that while he was away it was perfectly fine to slack off and cause
mischief, would regret any late night drinking. Lan Huan also informed him that Young Master
Wei was not feeling well and would be missing the next few days of lessons. When his uncle
blinked confused, Lan Huan told him that their new student with the red ribbon was Young Master
Wei. His uncle showed concern and Lan Huan told him about the young man's selfless acts to save
not only the child but all of them from the Waterborne Abyss and Water Ghoul infestation.

"I managed to triangulate where it originated from and it seems to have from from the Qishan area,
however, I did not send out any letters or missives about it. The Qishan have been looking to
provoke us and I feel that it is only a matter of time before they do attack us. Perhaps we should
move the books out of the library and fill it with mundane everyday books? Secret them out to the
Qinghe Nie Sect and ask Sect Leader Nie to safe guard them for now... In fact we should start
moving the Omegas and children as well. It would be better to minimalize the amount of damage
and death that will occur. We both know it is not IF they attack, but rather WHEN they will do
so..." Lan Huan says.

"Indeed... Very well... I will gather up some of the Omegas to start packing up the books and
sneaking them out the back of the mountain with some of the little ones and send them with a letter
to the Nie Sect... You're feelings and premonitions have yet to be wrong so I will not doubt your
caution or concerns... As for Young Master Wei, have you informed his Sect about what

"I do not believe he has a Sect... he carries this with him and has little to no belongings. In fact, Su
Minshan has called him a thief several times during the Hunt and Wei Wuxian stated calmly that
Su Minshan stole from him first. Su Minshan's Token has been returned to him but nothing of Wei
Wuxian's things have been returned, more specifically his string of coins. Wei Wuxian had
admitted that he needed to find work in town to earn back the coins stolen from him and even then
I have seen he refuses to accept coin as payment so many have given it to him as gifts so he cannot
refuse them. He was living in a ranshackle hut until we moved him into the Recess for his stay. He
is currently resting in the Hanshi for now since it is closest to the Healer's quarters and away from
the more public areas... It turns out he is an Omega and one who has not had suppressants so his
scent is pure." Lan Huan says.

"A Rogue... and an Omega at that... sounds like that Woman..." Lan Qiren hufsfs a soft laugh, an
oddly forlorn look and tone fleeting across his face. "Well return his belongings to him and he's
more than welcomed, but if he is an Omega, he will need to be secreted out as well. Qishan will
capture every Omega possible to ensure their strangle hold over an entire sect."

"Of course Uncle... I don't know when this will happen, just best to be ready..."

"Of course, good night nephew, you have earned yourself a few extra hours of sleep in the
morning... go rest." His uncle dismisses him and he leaves, grinning like a shark as he knows that
come morning Su Minshan is going to regret ever targeting Wei Ying....
A single Flower in a bed of Thorns Pt 3

Lan Zhan had finished resetting the cool compress to Wei Ying's brow when a'Huan came back.
His twin had a tray of food in his arms as well as some spare robes. He stood to help, but a'Huan
shook his head.

"How is our sweet little bunny?" He asks as he sets the tray down with careful ease.

"Sleeping." Is the simple reply as he tucks the blankets around Wei Ying a bit more and then
moving to help his brother lay out the dinner tray.

"That's good. Here, sit this by him." a'Huan passes him the memorial tablet and Lan Zhan carefully
bows to it and accepts it. Moving it over to the small shrine by their bed with their mother's tablet ,
he sets it down and quickly sets out offerings, lights a couple of incense sticks before he offers a
soft prayer to both tablets. a'Huan joins him after pouring tea and setting it down for the tablets and
offering his own prayers as well. When they were done, they move to the table to eat their very late

"You are pleased... what did you do?" Lan Zhan points out, looking his twin in his slightly more
amber colored eyes.

"Ah, can never hide anything from you, a'Zhan...." Lan Huan laughs as she wipes his mouth and
leans slightly forward.

They often broke the rules where no one could see them, they found the rules ridiculous and
unnecessary. They would be changing that when they took over soon enough.

"Uncle arrived back not too long ago." He informs which Lan Zhan is glad to hear. Their Uncle,
who was never meant to be the leader of the Sect stepped up when their father refused to come out
of seclusion and raised them when their mother could not. They had a bit of a soft spot for him, but
he could be overbearing at times. "I informed him of our activities while he was away. I also
implied that Su Minshan was sent out well before curfew and just now returned from the errand I
sent him on. I also implied that he was a bit... influenced by wine. Hopefully the bug will come
down with a severe fever come morning and Uncle will certainly not show him mercy."

"Good... not enough..."

"I know, baby brother, I know, but we have to be patient and careful.... Once we are ruling the clan
and Sect, we can enact the plans we've wanted to since before mother's passing... we will never
allow what happened to mother happen to anyone else ever again... especially our little bunny..."
a'Huan hugs his twin close as they look at the painting of their mother hung over the tablets. She
had been a beautiful woman, too good for this clan, too good for their father and unjustly

"Su Minshan needs to go..." Lan Zhan states one last time as they finish their meal, leaving the tray
outside for someone to pick up come morning and getting ready for bed. They roll out a futon and
lay down, carefully mediating until their minds quiet enough to sleep...

Lan Zhan's eyes snap open at 5am on the dot and he quickly pulls Wei Ying back into the room
from where he was trying to escape out the window. The younger male flails with a startled shriek
which wakes a'Huan, who chuckles seeing his stoic twin holding their bunny like a life sized
stuffed doll. Wei Ying blinked as he saw Lan Huan sitting up in a futon and then looked up at Lan
Zhan, who was looking down at him with soft eyes.

"Where does Young Master Wei think he is going?" Lan Huan asks, chuckling as he carefully gets
up and helps his brother settle the sneaky bunny down on the bed, moving to check his minor
injuries. "You worried us last night, going by yourself to deal with the Abyss. You passed out from
Qi exhaustion and would have drowned had we not found you..."

"You-- You saw!?" He panics and struggles to get away and they let him go, which shocks him
into stilling by the door, looking at them nervously. "Wh-why are you..."

"Wei Ying saved many. Wei Ying is nor prisoner..." Lan Zhan says.

"What Wangji means, is why would we tell anyone about what you did and risk you being
imprisoned for using a method that many often misjudge?" Lan Huan clarifies. "Wangji's right, we
wouldn't tell on you. You saved the town, you saved Su Minshan and you saved us. It would be
dishonorable to arrest you when you saved so many. You are still weak and should not be moving
about as much, but if you are not comfortable here, we will not force you to remain... but at least
the Hanshi is more protected verse your shack..."

Wei Ying sputtered and blushed then he saw his tablet sitting beside another, the remains of
incense sticks sitting before it with a small plate of offerings. He gapes and slowly sinks to his
knees, curling up as he watches the Twins warily. This was not what they wanted, but they would
work with what they were given.

"Young Master Wei, we know you are not from our Sect or any of the guest Sects here... We have
known since you first arrived, but you seemed eager to learn and had not caused any issue. You've
actually helped us deal with the issues in and around the town, allowing our students and guests to
venture out further to train against tougher threats. You have also saved many villagers from harm.
We could sense it whenever you used your gift, but it never felt malicious, just dark and powerful.
We saw how you calmed and broke up the Abyss. We would not tell unless you brought harm to
those within our territory." Lan Huan says calmly.

"But-- but... I'm not a cultivator... I... " He bites his lip and they are suddenly facing a Fierce
Corpse who bears an uncanny resemblance to Wei Ying, who gasps and quickly grabs it from
behind. "A'Die, no! Do not hurt them... they aren't hurting YingYing... go back to sleep, a'Die...
please baba..." He pleads and the Corpse steps forward, glaring them down and then leans close to
really study them.

The twins remain unmoving blinking slowly in confusion and surprise as the almost sentient
Corpse pulls back and vanishes as quickly as it appeared. They looked to Wei Ying, who was pale
and nervous.

"I'm... I'm a ... Necromancer.... I... I raise the dead and use the resentful spirits and energy as my
'cultivarion' It helps them to find peace.... I..."

"Wei Ying is very kind..." the twins say as one and he blushes and ducks his head. "Wei Ying may
stay if he desires... but allow these twins to protect Wei Ying..."
Pure Self indulgence
Chapter Notes

As the tin says, this is pure self indulgence, enjoy it if you like, but no hate or

Zhìmìng Hǔnluàn: Deadly Chaos
Tiān Zhǎo: Sky Talon

Wei Ying ran with tears in his silver eyes as the pack of wild dogs chased him; foam dripping
maws and wild eyes seared into his young mind. He trips over a tree root and tries to get back up,
but falls down with a pained cry. His foot feels funny and moving it hurts far too much. He cannot
help but to cry for his mother and father, knowing full well that they have been gone for two
harvests now. So he gives up and cries as his doom barrels down on him. However, there is the
sweet song of a blade flying over his head and the abrupt yelps of the dogs that is then quickly
followed by an eerie silence.

Wei Ying dares to look up and blinks seeing a woman crouched down by him her black and green
robes are cut in a style he does not recognize, but the silver bells on her belt mark her as a
Cultivator. She has green eyes that looked like they were glowing as she stares at him unblinkingly
and then she smiles softly.

"Hello, little one. I am Heimai, who are you?" She asks. Her voice is as soft as a song by a cozy
fire on a cold night. It sounds so warm and safe, Wei Ying wants to curl up in it and sleep forever.

"YingYing is Wei Ying." He tells her and she coos as she carefully picks him up. When she is
standing up again, Wei Ying gasps seeing the huge weapon she wields. It stands tall at 7 feet and
the three deadly blades seem to range from 3-6 feet, going from longest to shortest starting from
the top down. Looking down he notices a much smaller blade on the opposite side of the weapon.
There are intricate patterns and characters etched into each blade in a a shade of green similar to
her eyes and in gold. The whole weapon is otherwise black as night and looked quite heavy.

"Oh you like my friend here, huh? He's been by my side for years. Want to say hello to him? His
name is Zhìmìng Hǔnluàn." She laughs and pets her scythe before she picks it up with one small
and delicate looking hand. Wei Ying is in awe of the ease in which she does it and gasps again as
she spins it in a deadly but beautiful motion then it suddenly vanishes from sight, Wei Ying gasps
and looks around for it only to notice in her hand is a simple baton. Heimai chuchles and puts the
smaller weapon in her sleeve before wrapping both arms around the far too young child and looks
around. "Now then, where are Wei Ying's parents? I am certain they are very worried..."

"Gone... Went to Hunt and never came back for YingYing... Only their bodies found..." He
whimpers and Heimai softens as she hugs him close.

"I'm sorry, sweetling.... shh, hush now... It's going to be ok... Why not come with me, hm? I am
heading home and could use the company and you look like you need a nice bath and something
yummy to eat... I promise to take very good care of you if you wish to come or I can take you
somewhere you want to be that is not with your parents, unfortunately..." She says when she sees
him about to ask just that.

Wei Ying thinks hard for a barely 6 year old on what to do and whether he should believe her. But
she did saved him from the dogs so she cannot be all that bad...

"Wei Ying will go..." And she laughs softly before she heads towards the town he had just left.

"Good. Now, first we need to get you to the doctor then some warm soup and bread, a nice bath
and some good sleep. We Will leave after breakfast tomorrow." She lists off and Wei Ying smiles
at her...


Wei Ying wakes to see Ms. Heimai finishing pinning her hair with the pretty green pins she had
him help remove from her hair last night, she was already dressed and ready for the day. Sensing
his staring she turns and smiles at him.

"Morning, a'Ying... Come on, let me get you ready and then off to get some breakfast!" He cheers
as she comes and helps him get ready, dressing him in the nice new clothes she bought last night
for him. She even carefully redressed his splint around his bad foot so it can heal properly. It
would seem when he had tripped over the roots last night, he had broken his ankle. Normally, it
wasn't that easy, but because Wei Ying was so young and so small, from not eating regularly, his
bones were very delicate and could be broke so easily. The doctor has said he cannot walk on it for
a long while, but Ms. Heimai said she didn't mind carrying him. Wei Ying liked it because it
reminded him of his a'Niang holding him and carrying him while they traveled long distances or at
night. He missed his parents, but he was quickly growing to like Ms. Heimai.

Once they were ready, the few items that needed to be packed away grabbed up and then they
headed down to the dinning area. The have more soup and some veggie stuffed dumplings for
breakfast because they were easier for Wei Ying to eat and not get sick because he's not eaten good
food in a very long time. He doesn't mind because it is so yummy! Ms. Heimai says they need to
pick up a few extra things before they can be on their way. After some shopping, they leave the
town that Wei Ying called home for so long behind. He wonders if he will ever come back to it?
Perhaps when he is much older and stronger. Heimai sensed his melancholy and begins to tell him
stories of her travels and the places she has seen to keep him distracted from both his bad memories
and the long journey. In turn, she laughs at Wei Ying's silly jokes and stories, gasping in awe of his
'heroic feats' and does not find him annoying or a bother. She is a good one in his eyes. The other
adults hated him for no reason and did not try to help him.

Wei Ying hardly notices the great distances they cover in a week until they stand on a lonely cliff
overlooking a giant valley filled with lakes and rolling hills. Overhead, a Roc takes flight and cries
out as Wei Ying gasps, having never seen a bird so big before.

"Welcome to your new home, Wei Ying. Come, our ride is making his way towards us now..." She
points at the Roc and Wei Ying is both scared and excited.

"That big bird!?" He gasps as she nods, stepping back and then running forward with him held
tight in her arms. "Eeeek!?"

"Hahahaha!!!" She lands on the back of the great Roc, who easily banks and heads for the center of
the massive lake at the heart of the valley. "Don't be so scared... Tiān Zhǎo, will not hurt us. He is
an Earthborne God who protects this valley. Look there, my home." She assures and then points to
what looks like massive flowers floating on the lake and as they get closer, Wei Ying can see that
they are buildings built to look like flowers, the biggest one at the heart of it all looks like a
massive lotus flower.

Tian Zhao banks again, slowly lowering himself down to a gigantic perch and lowers his body as
low as he can to the small tower where a couple of handmaids wait to aid their lady off the great
bird. Once they are safely on the tower, a large golden eye pins Wei Ying in place and the child
holds still, holding his breath as he feels the god like being stare into his very soul, judging him
and then Tian Zhao blinks and takes flight once more.

"He likes you! You should feel honored! Come, let's get you into your new bed and give you the
medicine for the pain. Li Mai, Song Jun, prepare the chambers for my new heir. For now he will
sleep with me until he is better and older."

"Yes, my lady." they say as one and giggle as they hurry off while Heimai lazily walks down the
tower and around her home. it is a beautiful floating city and Wei Ying cannot help by be
enamored with it all.

The respect the people show the tiny woman is inspiring! Is the Sect Leader of this place called the
Flower Garden. He didn't understand why she giggled at the name, but he liked the sound. It was
sweet and warm, but full of mischief. They eventually made it back to the Lotus Palace as her
home was called and he gasped at the beautiful swirling colors around him, the way the inside
seemed to be a living forest of vines, flowers and even trees and grass grew inside of it. It left the
air smelling fragrant and clean. The transition from raw, natural beauty to opulence is gradual, but
seamless as they travel towards the living areas and soon he is shown into a grand suite of rooms
where his new guardian sits him in a massive bed. She helps him get comfy and take his medicine.
As he grows sleepy from it, she tucks him in and begins to sing a sweet, eerie tune that sounds like
she is a mermaid singing from below the water. It echoes and calms him until he is asleep...


In the days since their arrival, Wei Ying is quickly growing to love his new home, the people are
all friendly and kind, his guardian is a fair and just leader. She remains ever kind and patient, but
sometimes he can see this scary edge to her and it leaves a deadly silence in its wake that no one
dares to break or overstep. He watches her closely and grows more and more to admire her beauty
and strength, the easy balance between the quiet demure ways of a woman combined with the
fierce strength of a typhoon, the way she waxes and wanes like the Moon between kindness and
malice. And then one day, Wei Ying sees her sparring with her largest and strongest Alpha
disciples. He watches her spin Zhiming Hunhuan with that same ease he saw that first night. in the
light of day, the weapon is frightening and he's seen it at night where it looks hellish, but oddly
comforting. She wields it like it is as much a part of her as it is its own being. He recalls her calling
her weapon a 'He' as if it were sentient and he guessed it was because she lost hold of it for a
moment, when she was tackled to the ground, the Alphas thinking they won by pinning her, but
then he gasps as he sees the weapon suddenly change form and a man, tall and lean with eyes as
green as hers and golden war paint decorating his mostly naked form knocks into them his hands
are clawed with razor sharp talons. They move seamlessly together until the Alphas are pinned
under the scythe once more, yielding with grace.

"Good, you are improving. Keep it up." She praises as she pulls each Alpha up in turn. She hefts
her weapon easily onto her shoulder and turns to walk away, the silent dismissal taken as the
Alphas bow and leave to rest and then to pick back up on their training. Heimai makes her way to
where he has sat on the porch watching her with wide silver eyes sparkling. She blinks and smiles.

"Did you like the show, Yingying?" She asks, setting the now baton form of Zhiming Hunhuan
down beside him as she grabs the jug of water Li Mai left beside the child with a snack for both the
little boy and her mistress.

"You were amazing, Ms. Heimai! I wanna be like you when I get bigger! Please teach me!" Wei
Ying begs, eyes shining brighter.

"Sure thing and you can call me Auntie..." She laughs softly and leans down to kiss his temple. "In
the meantime you need to learn to read and write, there is more to being a Cultivator than being
strong or a good fighter. One must be well read and well learned of the world. Manners make the
Kings of Tomorrow." She says and Wei Ying nods seriously. "And Queens rule the Kings! Are
you a King or Queen, Wei Ying?"

"I am the Queen of Queens!" He shouts with delight and a seriousness that she cannot help but
burst into a plea of laughter.

"Very well, we begin after we've had our snack. You will be an Empress by the time I am done
with you and all will bow before your glory..." She swears and kisses his temple.

"Yes, Auntie!!"
Pure Self Indulgence Pt 2
Chapter Notes

I've edited part one, so please go back and reread it! I made it a bit more fleshed out!

Huāgǔ Yue Sect: Flower valley (of the) Moon Sect

"Alright, a'Ying, try again." came the calm voice of his beloved Auntie Heimai as he lay on the flat
of his back, catching his breath.

"I need a moment..." He admits and she hums and sits down beside him.

"Good, only a fool full of pride would continue losing battle." She nods as she gently moves some
of his messy hair away from his face.

"Not all who fight a losing battle are full of pride. Some are full of hope and are powered by love
to keep fighting to the end." Wei Ying says back as he moves his arm away from his eyes and
slowly relaxes. "A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others."

"Very good, my little one..." Heimai laughs again as they relax between bouts. "You were at act
two, scene 1B."

"Alright." He gets up and she follows.

They take position once more for their sparring match and Wei Ying continues to recite the play
based on the Legened of Chang'E the Moon Goddess. He spoke clearly, steadying his breath as he
attacked and avoided his aunt's flurries in return. When he got to the end of the play, she named a
song for him to sing and he did so, sounding a bit breathless, but never losing steam as they went
back and forth.

The years have been kind to Wei Ying since he came to live in the Flower Guard Inn, he finally
understood why his aunt always laughed when he called it the Flower Garden instead. He grew
strong and healthy, thought he remained thin, but not sickly so. He grew taller than his auntie, but
he was shorter than he should be. His health stunted so early, had left him prone to illness and even
after he began cultivating, his bones were still delicate, almost like rabbit bones. Wei Ying had
kept his fervent promise to study hard and learn all he could. His Auntie was strict when it came to
studies, she did not let him slack off and refused to see anyone with atrocious handwriting. His
calligraphy was beautiful and sold quite well on the market when he deigned to sell a few of them.
He learned math, astrology, history, literature, and took up the arts, mastering all six branches of
them. He skills laid more in painting and playing the Dizi, but he could dance and sing well when
he so desired and he was very well cultured. Wei Ying studied Cultivation, the Elements and even
magic. His Auntie Heimai knew many things and as her heir, he was expected the know them as
well. He was graceful like a crane, but swift like a striking snake. He was as serene as a lotus
floating along the surface of the water, but as deadly as the undertow of the sea.

As his Auntie often would tease: He was Beauty, He was Grace, Piss him off and he's in your
Wei Ying yelps as he is tossed once more onto his back and pinned with a knife to his throat.

"You got distracted. You are now dead..."

"So are you, Auntie..." He laughs, his own knife pressed into her back, where her kidney was.

She blinks and then laughs, "Very good, Yingying... Come, let's go bathe... I am going to miss you
while you are in Gusu Lan for the Lectures..."

"I'm going to miss you too... who else will try to wake me up with a gaggle of pheasants?" He

"Indeed and who will help me terrify the disciples into shape?" She mourns sadly. "No, do not go!
Stay forever with Auntie!!"

Wei Ying laughs as she wails childishly into her hands, their servants ignoring the dramatics of
their Lady as they keep going about their daily tasks and chores. Wei Ying kisses her cheek and
promises to meet up with her for lunch as he heads into his own rooms, just as grand as his aunts
and decorated in dark, warm colors with accents in crimson red. The Clan Crest, a moonflower
surrounded by Spider Lilies and lotus in an umbre pattern of gold, green and black was woven
artfully into the décor with a large tapestry hung on his wall. He looks around the room with a
sense of nostalgia. The trunk with his old toys sat in the corner with the trunk of his old clothes on
top of it. Several book shelves stood around his room full of all the books and scrolls he's ever
studied. One shelf holds his notes and manuscripts for his own projects and books to help educate
the Cultivation world that just because something is strange and not normal for you does not make
it evil for others. He would be packing some of them to take with him so he can work on his
newest book and maybe sneak a few to the more open minded cultivators. His desk is a riot of
things, talismans that he's been working on, some still in the beginning stages, a few in the testing
stages and the rest perfected and ready for recreation and distribution. He trusts his Auntie to do
that for him so he will leave her a set of the master copies and take the others with him. There are a
even a few knickknacks he's been working on.

A compass to sense evil, powder to purify a possessed human or animal, flags to attract malicious
entities into an array to purify them, banish them or capture them. He has a few sheets of music that
he created. A song called Empathy, based off the spiritual skill of Empathy. However where the
skill leaves one vulnerable to influence from others or even messing up and killing either or both
the target and the cultivator. The song allows for the cultivator to either read one's memories or
share their own with the listeners. It also works similar to the Gusu Lan technique, Inquiry. He
would need to see if he can convince someone to play it while he plays Empathy and perhaps get a
better reading on the souls of the departed to better help them find true peace. Another is called
Revenge, though the name sounds bad, it allows the soul to gain the Cultivator's power for a short
time and take solid form, as if a living human and get revenge on the ones who did them harm. He
had an few arrays that allowed him to bring the mind of a Fierce Corpse back so they are as they
were in life, only deathly pale, never weary or hungry.

"Aiya... I am so scatter minded..." He huffs and turns to grab fresh clothes and head into his bath
that had been drawn and smiles when he sees that Song Jun has placed lotus and cherry blossom
blooms into the water. The sweet scent wafting from the steaming tube is soothing and he smiles as
he picks up the faint scent of the enhancer. "Good, I want to smell my best when the Lan escort

Getting undressed and slipping into the water, he slips under the surface, holding his breath and
relaxing as lays under the water. His mind begins to quiet and he is better able to organize his
thoughts. He will be bringing most of his work with him. Idle hands are the Devil's play things, as
his Auntie once said. Devils were known to do horrid things when left idle for too long and
humans were no different in that sense. His Auntie Heimai had set him to do many things as a
child. He learned to cook and sew, he learned weaving and carving. He learned to sing and dance,
he learned several instruments. He learned almost everything there was to learn just to keep his
mind stimulated and him busy. It was discovered early he was genius, a prodigy with so much raw
potential that could be a blessing to the world, or a curse. Auntie Heimai said she was much the
same and he's seen her when she begins to grow bored. She is beyond terrifying. Wei Ying is truly
glad he's never seen his aunt when she's actually bored or day he say it in a mood to cause untold
pain for no reason. The mere thought of his fun loving, if strict aunt being a monster, terrified him
and thus he took everything she gave him and learned.

Slowly sitting up, Wei Ying breathes as he breaks the surface and relaxes back against the tub. The
faint sent of moonflower filters into the lotus and cherry blossom scents with something warm and
spicy tickling at the back of the throat. He smiles at his own scent. Many have complimented him
on how pretty it was sweet and enticing, but deceptive. Only idiots believe the old wives tales of
one's scent expressing one's personality. A dominant and harsh scent meant a dominant and harsh
person. Hah! Wei Ying's junior brothers had a wide range of scents and some of those with a harsh,
powerful scent were timid Betas and Omegas. There was an Alpha who smelt like sugared Apples!
All the Omegas loved to cuddle up to him because he smelt so yummy and safe. He was big and
powerful, but he was as gentle as an Omega when not training or on a Night Hunt. Wei Ying
smiled softly, if slightly evilly, around a giggle. He can be sweet and docile, demure like a proper
Omega, but he was headstrong, vocal and steadfast.

"Weakness is not acknowledging your faults and accepting them, owning up to your mistakes and
failures..." He says to the air, quoting his auntie just as Lou Ping, his personal eunuch came in to
comb his hair and help him scrub his body. This was his last luxurious bath for the next couple of
years while he studies away from home. "Lou Ping, has the escort arrived?"

"Yes, Young Master." He says in a slightly higher voice due to his status. "The Madame is meeting
with them now and getting them situated for the evening."

"Good... I wish you could come with me... But I'm not so spoiled to rely solely on you, Lou Ping,
but at least I can be myself around you and bitch up a storm without judgement or backstabbing."
Wei Ying sighs.

"This lowly body servant wishes he can travel with Young Master as well, but I would only slow
you down and be a danger to you..." He sighs.

He was no warrior, though all of the Servants and eunuchs were trained in stealth, knife work and
poisons. And he was no Cultivator, he would not be able to keep up with the group. Besides it
would be seen as Wei Ying could not live without his creature comforts. Wei Ying has been on
Night Hunts, has slept in poorly made beds, on pallets and cots, even on the unforgiving floor! Like
any human, he loves his comforts, but he was not a slave to them.

"Oh well, at least you get to spoil me one last time until I come home in two years." Wei Ying
chirps happily as he stands and Lou Ping helps him get out dried off, using the handmade body
butter and oils to make sure he looked his best and his hair would behave for the evening.

After that Lou Ping helped him get dressed in his good Heir robes, sitting down at his vanity to
allow the eunuch to combe and style his hair into a high ponytail with twists and braids that have
flower shaped pins woven into them. The flowers were the Clan's flowers, but they were in the
black and red that Wei Ying favored as his colors. His Guan was pinned into place around his
ponytail, the black metal gleamed like polished onyx while the crushed pearl and gold inlay of the
flowers were surrounded by green jade to out line them. Wei Ying did not bother with makeup
since it was not a formal event, however he carefully fits a veil over his face. It is held by his hair
pins and the drops of rubies hold it down so only his mouth is visible while the rest of his face is
hidden. For as long as he can recall, this was what his Auntie expected of him. She wanted him
protected from outsiders who might try to take him for his genius and his beauty. Slipping on his
house shoes, he leaves his room and heads down to where his Auntie was entertaining the guests,
Lou Ping at his back.

"Entering, Sect Heir Wei Wuxian!" calls the Page, ringing a small gong of brass.

Wei Ying enters and gives a graceful bow like a woman would and sweeps through the group of
white clad Lan Disciples and bows once more to his aunt and the leader of the disciples, who looks
at him with curious eyes and a gentle smile on his face.

"This one greets, exalted Aunt and Aunt's guest. Forgive my tardiness..." He says demurely.

"You are not late, nephew mine, come sit beside this Aunt... May I introduce you, Heir Lan Xichen
to my nephew, Wei Wuxian?"

"This one is greeting Wei Wuxian. I am Lan Huan, Lan Xichen. First Jade of Lan and acting Sect
Leader." The handsome Alpha greets him with a polite bow and a charming smile.

"This one is greeting First Jade, Lan Xichen. I am Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, Heir of Huāgǔ Yue
Sect." Wei Ying bows back, a soft playful smile on his lips. "This one also greets, First Jade's men.
May you find peace in our Valley."

"Greeting Sect Heir Wei..." they intone and bow to him.

wei Ying smiles softly under his veil and his aunt catches with a soft huff.

"Nephew, do not tease the poor Lans. They are not use to someone as vibrant as you." She warns.

"And that makes me want to do exactly that...." He tells her back with a soft laugh.

The Lans are blown away by the sound and the radiance of the smile. Lan Xichen cocks his head to
the side in thought and smiles a softer smile, a more genuine one. He could imagine his darling
little brother and Young Master Wei getting along, though Wangji would deny it or even become
flustered enough to not be so stiff and formal. Lan Xichen is planning to se them up and watch
what chaos unfolds from there. Heimai suddenly gives a mad cackle that startls them all and she
clears her throat.

"My apologies... I just imagined my nephew making your poor Juniors combust from blushing so
hard..." She easily lies, she looks Lan Xichen in the eye and it is in that moment he realizes they
both thought the same thing.

"Oh dear." He says as the others subtly squirm. Wei Ying blinks, having missed something
important but sighs and turns his head to look at the acting Sect Leader.

"First Jade personally came to escort this humble one to Gusu?"

"Yes, we have to pass through rather dangerous territory and since you are the sole representative
of your clan, this one felt it best you had an escort." Lan Xichen explained.

"Only one? Auntie, the Shidis are not coming?" He frowns mildly.
"First Shidi is still hospitalized, Second Shidi is newly married and the others are far too young
still. You are more than capable of going alone and I think it would be a fine test of your self
control. If you always have someone to pull you back, how will you learn your own limitations?"
Heimai says softly, cupping his check.

"Limitations are the spring board for limitless possibilities.." He says and she laughs nodding.

"Using my own quote against me, so shameless..." She laughs. "Now then, I have arranged supper
for 6pm and your rooms should be ready now if you wish to follow the Servants and take a rest.
the baths should also be nice and warm. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask. I
will arrange things for your departure come the morn."

"Thank you, Madame is most gracious." the Juniors bow as one before getting up like a
synchronized gaggle of ducklings and following the servants out as their leader remained behind.

"Aunt, I will be taking my work with me as a means to avoid possible boredom. I am leaving a set
of the new Talismans to be copied and distributed at your leisure." Wei Ying says.

"Oh! Wonderful! And yes, that would be a safer bet. We may be a close knit community and rarely
have issues, that does not mean we are completely without blemishes and the dregs of society. I
will be sending you bi monthly packages and letters, I expect a letter at least once a month and do
not cause trouble. The Lan Elders are quick to make snap judgements and once they think you are
a miscreant, nothing you say or do will change their mind. I should know many did not get long
with either myself or your mother when we were your age and attending the Lectures. Now then,
study hard, when out on missions you obey your team leader unless he is a completely idiot, then
you do what you must to keep yourself and the others in your party safe from harm."

"Yes Auntie. What about--"

"I have made arrangements, so you need not worry." She cuts him off when he was about to ask
about his heat cycles.

His aunt does not allow him to use any of the medicines or herbs to suppress heats because they are
addictive and cause Omegas and women to lose their fertility the longer they take it. Many clans
and families have died out because of suppressants. So Wei Ying had regular cycles and only took
a tonic for the severe cramps, it is strong enough to render him unconscious for at least 24hrs. He
tries to save it for the height of his heats so he can sleep through the worst of it.

"Young Master Wei will be staying in the Lotus Pavilion with Lady Jiang of the Yunmeng Jiang
Sect. I have heard of her, never had the pleasure of meeting her, but if what I hear is true, she a
remarkably kind woman, patient and steadfast. I believe you find her good company and should
your cycle arise, she is well trained in the are of Caregiver as well as being a fellow Omega. You
are in safe hands, Young Master."

"Thank you. I understand that your clan is very simplistic and practical. I will do my best to keep to
your rules, but I am not a simplistic young man and I will beg your forgiveness now and save us
from it in the future." Wei Ying says. "I will do my best to not antagonize the Grandmaster, but I
do have many questions for him and would like to hear what he could possibly shed on certain
topics I wish to ask."

"Curious, that is a good trait in a student. Uncle will certainly look forward to speaking with you. I
should warn you there are 3000 rules that all those who live or are invited to reside in the Cloud
Recesses must obey." Lan Xichen warns.
"I am aware, Auntie asked someone to bring me a copy of them and I have them memorized
already." Wei Ying smiles.

"Indeed, one must first know the rules, in order to break them." Heimai chuckles evilly and Wei
Ying laughs brightly at his aunt's antics. "Anyway, you boys go rest,. I need to speak with Tian
Zhao to see if he would be willing to get you to the southeastern edge of the Valley and closer to
Gusu that way. You will have to travel the long way around the Burial Mounds, but over all the trip
should be fairly smooth because you will closer to Yunmeng and if I recall correctly there is one
river that flows directly to the Gusu Lan territories."

"I see, that saves us from taking an even longer trip. We came from the north having walked
around Qishan Wen's territories." Lan Xhichen muses.

"I see, now then, rest, boys. I have things to do and I am certain a' Ying has packing to finish."
Heimai says as she stands up and both boys follow her lead and they leave together, bowing and

Heimai to go ask the Roc of the Valley for his help, Lan Xichen to explore the strangely beautiful
town and Wei Ying to pack. Come morning, he would be on his way to Gusu Lan, he is excited. If
the First Jade is this handsome, he wonders if the Second Jade is as good looking...
Pure Self indulgence PT 3

When morning came and after a hearty breakfast made by his Auntie, it was time to leave.
However the Lans were confused as to why they were climbing the highest tower in the Flower
Guard Inn, instead if heading to the boats they had used tonget across the massive lake. Wei Ying
only told them that they were meeting their escort, Tian Zhao. He giggles mischievously after that
and it makes them a bit nervous as they climb up so tight and then out onto a wide platform.

"Wait here and be ready to bow." Wei Ying says as he moves with his aunt towards the unrailed
half of the platform. His Aunt begins to throat sing and it carries well ovee the valley until a great
shadow swoops over them and the following burst of wind would have bowled them over if not for
the railing. Wei Ying bows and they follow as the shadow appears and lands at the end of the

"Greetings, Tian Zhao... I hope your morning hunt was successful?"

"Hmm, it was good...." The great Fox rumbles out and then turns to see the others. "Little
Hatchling as grown beautiful and who are these strangers?"

"The first Jade of Lan and a team if his juniors to escort a'Ying to Gusu Lan... They need a lift to
the southern edge of the Valley, well away from Qishan Wen, it my lord deems it a worthwhile
trip." Heimei says bowing low in respect.

"This one sees.... Mm, step forward Jade of Lan..." He commands and Lan Xichen walks forward,
bowing once more and ghen rising to look at the great bird with awe.

Large golden eyes peer down at him as the great head cocks this way and that, accessing him.

"This humble one greets Master Tian Zhao." Lan Xichen says and the great eagle chuckles.

"A good soul this one has... Yes I shall fly them, my lady. In exchange you must sing for me." The
Roc commands.

"This one thanks You... And yes I shall sing for you!" She smiles as she then turns to let the others
know it is safe to approach. The party, with Wei Ying was only 12 and all would fit on the great
Roc's back with ease. He laid down to allow them to climb and after being instructed on how to
hold on, to not pluck his feathers or he would drop them to their deaths, he stood.

Wei Ying waved at his auntie as she waves back with a watery smile. It would be two years before
they can see one another again and he would sorely miss her. Soon they were flying at great speed
and much higher than any Cultivator dares to fly. The wind is sharp and loud around them and
none dare to speak or look around as they fly. The Roc making a beeline for the southern edge and
lands on the mountains near a foot path that would take them close to the Burial Mounds after a
five day walk. The group bows to the great bird who bows back, wishing them luck on their
journey before he heads back to Flower Gaurd Inn, and thus his promised concert by the Lady of
the Sect...

The trip down the mountain was filled with excited chatter about the great Earthbound God and
Wei Ying happily told them stories about Tian Zhao and how often he came to visit them and the
many favors traded between him and his auntie. Wei Ying admits he rode on the Roc's back many
times before and loved the feeling of it. There were Many creatures who lived in Huagu Yue.
Mermaids and nymphs, Rocs and even a friendly Naga whose cave was bear the eastern edge of
the lake and he often swims up to the piers to trade handmade jewelry or crafts for wares.

Wei Ying is quickly liking the group as they share his enthusiasm of meeting strange and new
beings and hopefully befriend them. They were confused when Wei Ying said there was a friendly
Firece Corpse who lived in an old graveyard, tendinf the graves and helping the few lost visitors to
the valley find their way. This shocks them because They recall the old man who was sweeping up
the graveyard theybhad passed to get to Flower Guard Inn. He had not looked like a corpse nor had
he moved like one. He moved like a man in his golden years and complained about his aching
joints like one. They had not even noticed! Wei Ying laughs softly as he assures them that Old Man
Mao is in fact dead but had risen and after a small controntation had taken the task of tending the
graveyard and guide.

"Amazing... We have never heard of a Fierce Corpse retaining their mind and personality from
their previous life before...." Lan Xichen muses one night around a small fire on the edge of the
Burial Mounds. It is eerily quiet and they dare not speak louder than a whispering wind least they
attract unwanted attention.

"You would not since the array that made it possible was not invented until a fee years ago and I
tested it out on Old Man Mao. He was admittedly annoyed with me at first but got over it when he
noticed the poor state of his grave. Ever since he cleans and guards the graves to make sure no one
else rises though that is jot a fear since he was the only one who did after someone knocked over
his offerings."

"You did that!?" One junior gasps mutely.

"Yep... I like to invent things when I am not training or studying. Many of my methods are not
conventional and will likely be met with hostility and skepticism. However, I am willing to
compromise and educate anyone who might be interested."

"Perhaps You should speak with the Grandmaster, my Uncle, upon arriving. He Will be most
curious once you argue him down. He is a steadfast man and rarely wavers." Lan Xichen says,
most curious about this strange young man, but now very curious as to how he and his brother
would get along.

"I was hoping to ask him some questions during the lectures, so this works out perfectly. My
thanks, Lan-Gongzi."
The Mummy AU


In this AU, basically Hamunaptra is Shangri-La. So I am moving it into a huge valley
surrounded by near impenetrable mountains and desert. Also in this universe Chinese, or
rather traditional/Ancient Chinese is a dead language and thus is not spoken in the modern
world. It would liken to Archaic Latin where you have to take a specialized class to learn it
and study it. If you find this offensive in anyway, I am sorry. But I have to take quite a few
more creative liberties than I normally do. There will be mild to moderate derogatory
language in regards to women and possibly another race or two. I personally do not believe
these and felt I should warn you.

There will be some semi major Character Death in this one!! And Surprise pairings, maybe.
And even though I call it a Mummy AU, I have no real idea if it falls into that category...

That being said, enjoy!

As a reward for dedicated study, ingenuity and hard work, college Student Wei Ying is allowed to
join the first ever expedition to ever reach Shangri-La, the mythical city that was likened to the
Lost City of Atlantis. Headed Dr. Jin Guangshan, the group to go exploring this area consisted of
experts in various fields, a few military personnel and private security with the added of Wei Ying
and his small team that had finally decoded and located the lost city. What will happen when the
find the lost city? Will it be the discovery of a life time? What about the ancient beings that were
said to have once lived in the lost city? Divine Beasts of great power, Immortal Gods and powerful
relics of great destruction?

Wei Ying is looking forward to finally proving his late parents theories correct and to get their
names finally published and accoladed as they should have been from the beginning! His friends,
Wen Ning, Mo Xuanyu and Nie Huaisang are excited to help him meet his goals as well as to
prove to their families that their dreams are not silly or short sighted.

The Pros:

Jin Guangshan= Head Archeologist

Wen Rouhan= Head of Private Security Team
Jiang Cheng= Military Personnel/Team Captain
Wen Qing= Head Medical Doctor
Jiang Yanli= Paleobotanist/Team Cook/Backup Doctor

Assistant Pros:

Private Security
Wen Xu= Second in Command/Weapons expert
Wen Chao= Demolition expert/Scout
Wang Lingjiao= Chief Assistant

Jin Zixuan= Second in Command(Commander)/Tactical expert
Jin Zixun= Sargent
Su She= Lieutenant/Recon and Gear specialist

Lou Qingyang

Wei Ying
Wen Ning
Nie Huaisang
Mo Xuanyu

And let's not forget the Canon Fodder!

If you are wondering about the others and where they are, that will be explained later if not right


"A'Xian, will you alright?" Jiang Fengmian worries, as he helps his adoptive son take his suitcase
and carry on out of the car.

"Tsk, worry about our son and daughter who are being dragged on this wild goose chase!!" Snaps
an irate Yu Ziyuan as she gets out of the car, slamming the door behind her. Said daughter climbed
out on her own while said son pulled up in a military issued vehicle with his team and unloading
only what they need.

"My wife, our son is a highly decorated Captain, he does not need this old man worrying after him.
He has proven himself more than capable of protecting himself and I trust, a'Cheng to keep both
a'Li and a'Xian safe as well as himself. Have faith in the boy..." Jiang Fengmian frowns at his wife
before smiling a small proud smile at his blood son, who preens subtly under his father's low key

It took years for them to work out their awkwardness, but now the Jiang Men could read each other
fairly well. Yu Ziyuan scoffs and belittles the man she married and her son for accepting 'cheap
words' before grousing about Wei Wei, who ignores her as he sets down his adoptive sister's bags,
being very careful with the large white case that carried some of her delicate equipment.

"Mother, a'Xian worked very hard in his classes and dedicated hours and hours of time researching
this project and they confirmed the location via satellite imaging. This is not a wild goose chase,
but an exploration into a long lost piece of our history!" Jiang Yanli defends her younger brother, a
disapproving frown marring her lips. "I do not know why you insist on disparaging him so. He's
done nothing to you."

"Hah, I do not need to explain myself to you, daughter!" The woman huffs and stomps up to where
she can see the large group preparing the military jumbo jet for the mission.

"I'm sorry, a'Xian..." Jiang Yanli says.

"I'm more than use to it by now besides, once we come back with irrefutable proof, she will not
have a leg to stand on." Wei Ying smiles, though they both know that her words stung deep.

Jiang Cheng lightly slaps his shoulder, shaking him with a small proud smirk on his face. Jiang
Cheng had been there when Wei Ying's coordinates got plugged in and the satellites got moved
into position and zoomed in to see the legendary city from space. It was hidden in the wilds
where Russia, India and China overlapped into a vast uninhabitable desert. He had been amazed as
the room full of so-called geniuses, puzzled how Wei Ying managed what countless others have
failed for centuries and no matter how many satellites they used, they got the same results which
means that it was not a fluke and that Wei Wuxian managed the impossible. The Siblings also
knew that Wei Ying was especially excited about this expedition because it meant that his parents
research, their dedication and ultimately their sacrifice was not in vain and it means that finally
they would get the recognition they should have gotten years ago.

"We will make Auntie and Uncle very proud..." Jiang Cheng promised.

"Thanks a'Cheng..." Wei Ying smiles softly as they make their way to the plane...


It took hours to get everything loaded up, to run through all the checks and make sure that
everyone was ready to go. Wei Ying and his friends, the guys in his Mythology Class and club
who had helped him, were standing with Jiang Cheng, a huge man named Wen Rouhan and Dr.
Jin, going over their research notes, using pint outs, various books and Nie Huaisang's laptop to
show them everything they new about where they were going, how best to get there and what they
need to be wary of.

"Shangri-La, much like the Artic Circle, is a Dead Zone, nothing is going to work once we get
close and we will have to operate on man power alone." Nie Huaisang says, as he prints out
everything they have from his laptop knowing that it is going to be useless until they leave. Thank
the gods he backed up his harddrive at home already or he would be pissed as all hell otherwise.
His dad had found his mother's old typewriter and gave him so many ink strips he could fill a mini
mansion with them so he could type up reports and get his own personal writing done.

"The land is pure and there is no telling how we will be affected by it or vice versa... We will need
to collect samples of everything we come across and examine it before we dare to eat or drink it.
Jiejie will insist on it and I agree..." Wen Ning shyly adds.

"Alright, so until Dr. Wen gives the green light, its the rations and bottled water." Jiang Cheng
makes a note in his notebook.

"We will be entering from the East, their location, West for us." Wei Ying speaks up. "According
to legend, there are strange beasts that guard Shangri-La and they will be very aggressive. We do
not know what can penetrate their hide, if anything could penetrate it... so our best bet is to remain
as undetected as possible. We can expect to see creatures we thought extinct living there or even
rarities like the Crimson Tigers of Shangri-La or the Golden Chimpanzees... But there are also
things like demonic beasts simply called the Yao. They appear as bigger, more dangerous versions
of animals we know today or might encounter. If I am correct these creatures leave a wake of death
and rot where they traverse, we need to avoid crossing them. They move inhumanly fast. There are
also the Guardians, and the possibility of Gods roaming these lands. It is best to be as non-
aggressive as possible."

"We have no concrete idea what's there ?" Sneers Wen Chao.

"Considering no one has found Shangri-La in centuries, millennia even, it is impossible to tell and
if someone did, they died before they could tell anyone. So no, Mr. Wen, we have no idea what to
expect. Just know that it is a fairly hostile environment and if anyone is living there, they will
defend themselves aggressively if needed. We do not want to risk anyone's lives, so please refrain
from lethal force unless there is no other choice." Wei Ying says, giving the slightly older man a
serious look.

"My son, do not pester the man who is leading our team..." Wen Rouhan scolds mildly, while
studying everything. "What's this?"

Wei Ying and his team look at him pointing at a photo of a stone carving of what some believe is a
divine relic.

"It's called the 'Sword of Shangri-La.' No one knows where this carving came from or why it is
called that, but it is believed to be Relic used to protect Shangri-La in times of war or danger." Mo
Xuanyu pipes up. "Though we're pretty sure it is actually a tower, like a watch tower and not an
actual weapon of any kind. Look at these..."

As Mo Xuanyu explains the details of what looked like windows and archer nests to the Military
and Security team, Wei Ying moved to speak with Dr. Jin and the pilots about where they should
land and continue on ground from, the vehicles had solar panels to keep them functioning even in
the dead zone, but they also had pack mules and a few horses to use as well. Wei Ying was excited,
but he was also nervous. A life time of dreaming, hard work and studying was about to either
finally pay off or blow up in his face. Pulling out an old locket, he opens it and smiles sadly at the
photo of when he was but a small child of 2 smiling at the camera as his mother blew a raspberry
into his cheek and his father was trying not to fall over laughing. It had been the last time he seen
them alive, they were spending the day at the beach. He remembers going to bed and then waking
up to his mother running into his room, covered in blood and looking scared. She quickly hid him
in a small crawl space and told him to not come out until she came back. She closed the door and
he recalls hearing strange sounds and then his mother's final scream. He stayed in that crawl space
for days not daring to leave no matter how much he was hungry or thirsty. He was on the verge of
death when he was found by Uncle Jiang ever since he's lived with the Jiangs.

"I hope I am right..."


As Wei Ying had predicted they needed to land about a day or two drive out form the boarder was
and once they were ready to move out, Wei Ying smiling as he pets the biggest most ornery horse
in the group whom he noticed had a fondness for apples and slipped him one or two before
climbing his saddle and rubbing at his ears.

"Alright, with the directions from our youngest members, we should be traveling fairly straight
from here. Let's go!" Dr. Jin orders as they move out. It is mostly uneventful, traveling as much as
they could in the pre morning light until about mid morning where they took a break and set up

They waited until almost sunset to set out again and traveled quite a bit into the night, only
stopping to get about three hours worth of sleep before they set out once more. It was a rinse and
repeat session for a three days until the sand of the desert started to change into gravel and then
finally hardpacked earth and finally rock and stone with smatterings of grass. They set up base
camp and spent the next few days getting ready, leaving the camp here as a just in case with a
small team to man it while the rest of the party moved on towards Shangri-La, but that is only after
they find the right path. The mountains that surround the legendary city are a labyrinth and were
very easy to get lost in and impossible to ever get out of again once lost. They all knew that the
chances of casualties were pretty high, but they were optimistic in keeping the death count to a

Mo Xuanyu and Wei Ying were scoping out a path that had markings similar to the ones they have
found previously in texts and photos, paintings and other documentations. While Wen Ning was
helping his sister with her prep work to make sure they wouldn't die as Nie Huaisang was
educating Dr. Jin and his team on the basics of the ancient Chinese language. The pair were
unaware of someone watching them, dressed in furs and skins, a crude weapon in hand, but no less
deadly. The spy curious as they listened to the pair speaking fluently in their native tongue while
trying to read the markers over the Eastern Gate to Shangri-La. Sniffing the air, they are startled at
the soft scents coming from there and the one with the silver eyes smelt Blessed. Moving out of
view when the pair seemed to finally realize they were not alone. Grabbing a horn, the Guard
blows and the haunting howl it emanates startles them into hurrying away, the guard following
with the rest of their team, keeping careful watch of the strangers wonderingly...
SciFi AU


He moans weakly, the blaring red alert siren was giving him an even bigger headache. He hurt all
over and when he tried to move, he cried out, the sound wounded and pain filled. Carefully looking
down towards his legs, he whimpers because he's trapped under heavy slabs of stone and metal.
Looking around with blurry eyes, he sees the glass, wires and debris of all kinds around him. he
sees water slowly rising and curses because if he cannot get out or get help, he will drown. He
whimpers and tries to get one leg free at least, but the slabs shift and dig jagged bits of rebar into
his legs, making him scream in pain. Suddenly there's an inhuman sound and he turns and gasps as
he stares into the Creature's eyes.


"Test Subject is still unresponsive to the stimulus." says a woman's voice.

"Damn it..." growls Jin Guangshan as he slams his fist into the computer counsel in frustration.

"Having a hard time, I see..." came a darkly amused deep voice.

"President Wen Rouhan, what an unexpected surprise... why are you here?" Jin Guangshan asks,
turning to see the large man.

"Came to see this so called... 'Alpha' that you found and revived... " He chuckles darkly as he walks
up to the tank where a motionless figure floated in an almost gelatinous liquid, wires connected to
nodes and tubes connected to needles were spanning all over the body, an oxygen mask was
secured firmly over the mouth and nose, the stead burst of air bubbles the only sign that the being
was alive. Wen Rouhan's eyes traced the tall and broad form, the tightly coiled and compacted
muscles that pulled the skin snuggly over them, the tapered waist, the long legs. Hands and feet
tipped in what looked like claws, while long hair floated behind it like spilled ink in water. "It
looks human... minus the claws, it could pass as human."

"Well the locals that worshiped this thing, claimed it was a God and it was sleeping. That it
shouldn't be disturbed." Jin Guangshan snorted. "They resisted us and we... forcefully pursauded

"You killed an entire village, is what you mean...."

"Well not all of them..." Jin Guangshan let's a lecherous smile steal over his face. "It would be a
waste of such pretty faces, I generously offered some of them mercy... they are in holding cells in
Block 2-D."

"I am not nearly as lecherous as you, but I will see if there is one that sparks my interest." Wen
Rouhan snorts, because of course, the man would kidnap a few pretty young women to fuck and
impregnate and then dump somewhere. He was a serial Breeder, but a brilliant scientist.

They two men talk about the thing before them, a God that had been sealed for a few thousand
years, from the time of Ancient China, where myths and legends ran rampant, but they were far
from impressed with it. The locals had called it The Alpha, but they didn't see anything... 'alpha'
about it. They didn't know what an 'alpha' was outside of what they understood of animals and
even certain kinds of men in their everyday society. As they were talking a pair of guards dragged
in someone, who struggled in their hold, glaring at them with hateful eyes.
"Oh... are you a fiesty one..." Wen Rouhan laughs as he gets glared at and nearly bitten when he
tries to grab the pretty face.

"How dare you attack my people! How dare you kill them!! Kidnap them!! How dare you desicrate
a sacred site!" the young man yells, kicking a foot at Jin Guangshan, only to be pulled back at the
last second so he was only able to hit the coffee cup in his hand splash him with the scalding hot
liquid. Smirking, he suddenly gasps as he sees the figure in the tank and pales. "No!! What have
you done!? You should not have disturbed him!!"

"You know that thing is?"

"He is not a thing!!" the young man snaps at Rouhan for his rudeness, trying to kick him as well,
but once more pulled back at the last second so he just barely clips his hand when he brings it up to
block the attack. "You do not know what you've done!!"

"And what, pray tell, have we done?"

"Sir! There's a reaction!" the same woman calls out and they turn only to see the thing had opened
its eyes and they gasp seeing the inhuman color and shape of them as the young man bows himself
as best he can in respect, not daring to look in its eyes. "Wait-- ah?!"

Suddenly the alarms began to blare as the thing began to rip the wires, tubes and everything that
was not naturally apart of it off before it began thrashing violently only for a suddenly large scaled
tale to slam into glass, cracking it, a second strike shatters it and then the view screen cuts out as an
inhuman roar echoes around them. They young man begins whispering prayers, sacred rites. He
would be doing the bows too if he wasn't being held by the guards. But he still prayed. He ignored
the scrambling around them until he yelped, his hair being pulled back by Wen Rouhan who
grinned evilly at him.

"What is that thing?"

"He is your death..." the young man sneers at him and them smiles a brilliant, but cold smile when
a second roar sounds and explosions echo around them. "You should have left us alone... Now you
will pay for waking him... May the Gods have mercy on your worthless soul."

Tsk, bring him with us, if we have at least one of them as a hostage, I'm certain that thing will back

"He is not a thing!!" the young man screams at them.

"Then tell us what it is!?" Jin Gunagshan demands angrily as he backs up everything on a few
external harddrives.

"Hanguang-Jun, the White Snake of Gusu..." He grins just as the room beings to shake violently.
"You woke up the last and angered him... now he will change into his other form... Good luck
gentlemen... we're all dead because of you... without the Sacred Bride, there is no taming
Hanguang-Jun when he becomes the Heiyu-jun..."

And then the room breaks apart and he falls with the others...


He moans weakly, the blaring red alert siren was giving him an even bigger headache. He hurt all
over and when he tried to move, he cried out, the sound wounded and pain filled. Carefully looking
down towards his legs, he whimpers because he's trapped under heavy slabs of stone and metal.
Looking around with blurry eyes, he sees the glass, wires and debris of all kinds around him. he
sees water slowly rising and curses because if he cannot get out or get help, he will drown. He
whimpers and tries to get one leg free at least, but the slabs shift and dig jagged bits of rebar into
his legs, making him scream in pain. Suddenly there's an inhuman sound and he turns and gasps as
he stares into the Creature's eyes.

He knows he made a mistake as the God dives at him, but he cannot bring himself to regret seeing
the beautiful face of his death...
Alternate AU
Chapter Notes

Another round of self indulgence!!

This is extremely emotional and there is some very heavy topics!! Suicide being the
heaviest trigger!! There is Death, there is a lot of dark themes in this!!! PLEASE

Cachu: Erase
Huifu: Restore

Fire and ash surrounded him, smoke, acrid and bitter, choked him as screams echoed with the
sound of battle and death creating an unholy symphony. The cacophony of noise was nothing more
than a dull roar around him as he watched everyone who once fought beside him, fighting and
killing each other to try and be the one to kill or capture him. He slowly lowered his flute, backing
away from it all, walking backwards, up a set of stairs and towards a cliff. What had he done?

How could he cause this...?

All he wanted...

All he had done had been to protect those he cared about. But everything he touched turned to ash
and ruin. His home had been reduced to ash and bones, his once sworn brother hates him, his
beloved sister lay dead in the center of the battle, minus the bloody stab wound that killed her, she
looked pristine and as if she were a beautiful princess spelled to sleep. The people he protected
were all dead and his son was gone...


That's right, this... this fight, this hell was because these bastards killed his son!!

For a second red bled into his eyes, but they flickered back to silver as he kept walking backwards.
The man he loved hated him and there was no reason to live on, to continue being a weapon or to
be tortured to death. No... He needed to end this.

Summoning the Stygan Tiger Seal pieces back to himself, he drew their attention as he made it
whole and then with the blood he was covered in, bot his own and his beloved sister's he began to
draw an array in the air. The people began to panic and charge him. He ignored them all as he kept
working, pouring all the power he amassed, the power of the Seal and what little bit remained of
his Golden Core into the array. He activates it and a powerful pulse of magic shakes the world. He
smiles as a white beam of light begins to open, but then his name is screamed and he looks to see
his once brother thrusting his sword at him, he gasps as it pierces his heart.

"Die!! DIE YOU PIECE OF SCUM!!" The JIang Sect Leader is screaming at him, shoving his
blade further into his chest.
He coughs up blood, manages one last smile as he holds his hand toward the seal.

"As you wish... Cachu..."

And the light bursts fear and fills the area, spreading to the world and as it passes by everyone,
they begin to forget why they are here, why they are fighting. Those who died gasp as they
awaken, alive once more as the light touches them. The light touches everything and everyone,
erasing everything that he ever touched or created. It erases memories of him and any resentment.
It Erased it all. Once it has reached the ends of the earth it comes back, and he keeps smiling at his
once brother.

"Goodbye... shidi..." he gasps out as the light races at them, but just before it can touch him a
second voice screams out his name and he sees his love, looking devastated. He only gives him a
bloody smile and just as he vanishes he whispers, "...I love you... Lan Zhan..."

And then there is an explosion....

For 13 years, there was peace in the world. Resentful energy just suddenly vanished from the
world, no one knows why or how it happened. There were no more need for Cultivators as there
was nothing to fight against so they began to pursue other activities to test their skills or simply live
their lives. The Jins slowly lost their status and power, becoming smaller factions led by various
members and depending on which sub group one was talking about, there was fondness or utter
outrage. The Nie Sect continued their brutal training style, hiring themselves out during wars and
other battles while the Jiang Sect became a Trade Mogul center and the Lans continued their lives
in peaceful seclusion. There was nothing left of the blood stained past. The only thing that
remained was the Burial Mounds, which has stood long before the time of the Immortal Baoshan
Sanren. It was a mystery, one day air around the Burial Mounds just suddenly cleared up, but no
one has dared to go investigate it, horror stories told for generations kept any would be brave soul
from going there.

Minus one man.

Lan Zhan arrived in the village of Yiling, that has become a bustling little city over the last 13
years. For some strange reason, he felt a strange sense of nostalgia but for the life of him he could
not recall ever coming here or why this place would bring just a deep resonance of loss, But still he
checked into the local inn and asked around about the Burial Mounds.

"Nothing has happened in 13 years, but we do not risk it, kind sir! We leave a few jars of our best
wines and a tray of our best dishes and spices to appease the spirits as a safety precaution. Just
because it suddenly went silent, 13 years ago, doesn't mean it won't suddenly start acting up
again... If you are going there, would you mind taking the offerings to the Cave of the Eternal
Sorrow? Lay them at the Alter just inside of the mouth."

"Mn..." He nods and accepts the carefully packed box and leaves for the Mounds. The walk is quiet
minus the faint call of song birds in the distance. Even though the Resentment that has saturated the
place for generations was gone, the Burial Mounds were as silent as any grave, very few trees
bloomed with life, the tall trees slowly bleeding into a Bamboo forest where the tall stalks were as
black as pitch. He paused to touch one and for a moment a zing shot through him, a disembodied
sound not unlike a flute, sang through his heart and he ached. "Strange..."

Keeping on his track he noticed a cleared area before the path to the cave, the skeletal remains of a
tiny village surround him, a small field yielding radishes and turnips lay well overgrown and full of
to bursting with life. He stoops to pluck a few, figuring a bit of raw bounty will help appease the
spirits more and he hears a young child's giggle next and he almost falls over at the sudden force of
utter anguish that rips through him. He gasps a name, but no sound comes and he cannot figure out
the shape of the word he said. He can hear an echo of pure anguish through him, a voice that
sounds like it was screaming from the bottom of the ocean, too far and distant to make what was
said or who it belonged to. When he comes back to himself, he's managed to crawl all the way to
the entrance of the Cave of Sorrow. Leaning on the alter, he catches his breath before he carefully
lays out the offerings, lights the sticks of incense and blinks as one of them, cinnamon and lotus,
makes him breath in the heady scent, A phantom touch, a muted voice playfully saying his name.
He yearns for the touch, for the voice and almost trips over the alter in his blind moment of
following whatever was toying with him. Getting a bit frustrated, he finishes setting the alter,
offering a prayer for continued peace for the village before he grabs Bichen and heads into the
Cave, because that is what had to be messing with him.

Lan Zhan enters the cave and frowns at the clearly hewned and smoothed walls, natural shelves
and a basin for bathing with a fire pit in the center, a few paths leading to a study, a medical room
and an herb garden, a sleeping area and then he comes out of a long tunnel into the very heart of
the cave where a pool sat, as silver as moon light and kneeling by the pool was someone., He grips
his sword tighter.

"The Huanguan-jun has finally come to us..." they say, their voice neither male or female, not one
and yet not many. "We have waited a long time... We perfected the spell while waiting and send
you hints..."

"The impressions, the voices..." He doesn't quite ask, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"Yes... something very precious was stolen from this world... This world is so... stagnant now, but
We are glad... Master is no longer suffering....but Master has not been reborn yet... will never be
reborn again... We do not like it... We hate it...We want Master back... and you want Master back
too... you just do not realize it yet..." They say, carefully standing and turning.

Their face is completely missing, no features of any kind, minus the slights hints of a nose and
cheek bones, the shame seems to be mimicking someone, their hair was left down and tied with a
cute bow with a grayish brown ribbon, it might have been red once upon a time. the robes were
grand and a mix of male and female, the design was faded too, but looked like flames in the same
brownish gray of the ribbon while the red was now dingy and faded. For some reason this
silhouette makes his heart ache, a name on his lips but it does not fall, cannot fall and he feels like
he under the Lan Silencing spell.

"You want to say Master's name, but because Master 'fixed' this world, he made sure there was
nothing left that could disrupt the eternal peace he granted you..." they give a bitter laugh and turn
away again. "We do not blame Master... it was not his fault, but the fault of everyone else... of your"

"Me?" Lan Zhan wonders, watching this entity as it walked over to the wall and grabs a box and
carefully grabs it and brings it over.

"We are not being fair... Hanguang-Jun did nothing, but try to save Master... but We didn't like it,
didn't want you to... We drove Master past his breaking point... You tried to save Master even at
the end..."

A suddenly flash in his mind, makes Lan Zhan stumble forward and fall to his knees, the smell of
ash and fire, the acrid stench of melting flesh. Screaming and the sound of battle echo around him.
He looks around and sees all the Sects in a bloody war, strange demonic beasts fighting them and
each other. He turns and he sees someone, he runs towards them, but it feels like he is knee deep in
water, or mud, he cannot move fast enough, cannot escape this desparate need to get to HIM! And
then someone stabs the man and he opens his mouth to scream, but he is suddenly looking at his
reflection in the silver water.

"This use to be the Demon Eating Cave, this pool of water use to be the Blood Pool... It use to be a
sacred Pool, but years of death, the blood and bodies being dumped here turned it permanently to
blood. The Burial Mounds became alive and an Immortal who tried to save us, ended up sealing us
in as they died... It was not until Master came that we were able to break free... Master was not like
you... but he was skilled like you... He realized that when he whistled we listened... he made a Dizi
from a stalk of the Blood bamboo. He drank form the Blood Pool and was reborn..." They say
almost fondly. "If We knew then what We know now... we would have protected Master's kind
soul... would have protected Master so much more..."

"Who--?" He gasps and they kneel beside him and pass him the box. "What--"

"You will remember if you open it..." They say and vanish from his side.

Lan Zhan is not sure if he's going insane, talking to some strange not quite demonic entity or he is
bed ridden and feverish from the brutal beating he does not recall the reason for receiving. Does he
throw the box away and pretend this isn't happening? But the echoes of something important ache
deep in his chest, his very soul. He wants to know who he wants to call out to, who the child like
giggles belong to. Slowly opening the box, he decides he is truly mad to listen to this not demon. In
side is a cracked jade tassel, the vibrant red of the string is frayed and calling apart and then he
sees a Jade Token, one that the Gusu Lan only give to either trusted allies and visiting students. this
one was marked for a student. slowly reaching out, he gasps as he realizes whoever owned it had
carefully carved a bunny around the Cloud motif and there was a louts flower seemingly floating
on the cloud.

"Wei Ying...." He breathes and then with an agonized scream the dam breaks.

He remembers the annoying, but cheerful teen, recalls their time spent in the library, the constant
teasing and attempts to befriend him. An infectious smile, bright innocent laughter. His name a
near constant on his lips. Glittering silver eyes shining. Bunnies, peonies, gentians, loquats, the
smell of alcohol -Emperor's Smile-

Lan Zhan arches his back as he relives his life with this young man at his side, vanishing and
appearing sickly and half mad, trying to convince him to come back with him, to let him help him.
He recalls the village where the Wen Remnants lived under Wei Ying's protection, the Yiling
Laozu' Protection. He recalls Wei Ying telling him he gave birth to the small child, who had clung
to Lan Zhan's leg calling him 'a'Die' and then calling Wei Ying 'a'Niang.' He recalls buying the
child, Wen Yuan, a few toys, buying food and medicine for Wei Ying and the Wen Remnants.

Lan Zhan rolls over and claws at his chest, where his heart feels ready to burst from the sheer
anguish he suffers as he loses Wei Ying again only to see him once more, clearly fallen from grace,
but there was a light of hope in his eyes, a plead for heal that his lisp refuse to ask for. Sect Leader
Jiang using him as a weapon, not caring for how it is tearing Wei Ying's very soul to pieces, the
Seige, the Wen's Deaths. Lan Zhan let's out a gut wrenching scream as he recalls finding the bodies
of the Wen children, little a'Yuan among them in a shallow ditch outside of one of the Jin Prison
camps. He cries and wails like he is dying as he can see himself digging graves with his bare
hands, carefully burying each child, holding a'Yuan's tiny body to his chest as he rocks and
screams in agony. It is echoed and he looks to see red eyes looking down at a'Yuan's body in his
arms and then green flames...

He throws himself violently on the floor, almost cracking his skull if the entity does not stop the
deadly blow from happening, he does not notice because he's already dying. The final battle, the
world against a grieving Wei Ying, Lady Jiang Yanli breaking through his madness and almost
getting him back to them, but Su Minshan attacks and Lady Jiang dies in Wei Ying's arms,
protecting him. He is running through throgs of cultivators, fighting and killing anyone who
attacks him, trying to find Wei Ying, to save him for both himself and Lady Jiang, whom he laid
properly and put a barrier around her to keep her pristine in death. He is running towards where he
spots Wei Ying slowly backing up a cliff, about to go over. He is not fast enough, Jiang Wanyin is
there and plunging his sword into Wei Ying's heart. Jiang Wanyin yelling at Wei Ying and Wei

Wei Ying smiles as his eyes dim with death, smiles around blood pouring from his mouth and

Wei dies smiling, activating his last spell and....

"... I love you... Lan Zhan..."

The last scream he lets out before his world falls into oblivion, is echoed out the Burial Mounds,
felt in the very bones of the entity. They lay the man down, carefully folding his hands on his
chest, making sure he is holding the token before turning back to the array and finishing it, fine

Lan Zhan Bolts awake, with Wei Ying's name on his lips and looks desparately for his beloved but
when he sees only the entity, mimicking Wei Ying when he had been the Yiling Laozu, he
crumbles into hysterical sobbing and yelling. He curses for the first time in his life, blames himself
,blames the world, blames the Entity for Wei Ying's Death. He grabs Bichen, intent to kill himself,
but the Entity proves its is much more superior in strength when it stops him him with one hand
from unsheathing his sword.

"Do not be foolish, Hanguang-Jun... If you wish to save Master, to be with Master again... I need
your sacrifice to activate this array..." They say, pointing to the glowing array, finally ready and
waiting to be activated. "Do you truly love Master?"

"More than anything... and a'Yuan...."

The Entity flinches and bows into itself.

"Too young... too innocent... gone, gone, gone, GONE!!!!" It screams with pain and rage before
calming down again. "Will you do as We ask? Will you help Us get back those We love most?"

"You drove him mad..." Lan Zhan snarls darkly and for the first time in 13 years there is a coil of
resentful energy wafting form the Second Jade.

"And We can never apologize enough, could never pay for Our folly enough..." They admit,
kowtowing. "But Master was kind to us, purified us where others only wanted to destroy us... You
see what happens to the world when there is no Yin in it... it's boring, stagnant... it will not move
forward... Yin and Yang must always bee in balance... We are not ourselves anymore... we are a
pale imitation of what We once were... We need Master... Master is the YIn and Hanguang-Jun is
the Yang... Equal and always in balance. Master has a pure heart and Hanguang-Jun has a ruthless
darkness. Neither one is perfectly one or the other, but equal..."

Lan Zhan considers this and yes, he believes that is a very fair assessment. He also wants to crush
this Entity for what it helped do to Wei Ying, but that will solve nothing, will not bring Wei Ying
"Listening..." He murmurs and they perk up.

"Hanguang-Jun must feed his all into this spell like Master did, you will die in this world, but We
will be free of those hellish existence and will be able to find Master's soul. Once found, We will
revive Hanguang-Jun... will aid Hanguang-Jun to protect Master and a'Yuan..." They explain.
"Hangung-Jun is not yet immortal or he would be able to activate this spell without issue..."

"Very well..." He says without hesitation.

"Come into the pool, lay down here... Hanguang-Jun can wield his sword with energy, yes?"


"Good. Use that to impale BIchen through the center of the spell and cast the spell.... Say Erase..."
They instruct.

Lan Zhan does as told, laying in the silver water, that looked exactly like Wei Ying's eyes, feels the
gentle warmth of it that reminds him of Wei Ying's hands, his arms...

He does not think about anything but Wei Ying as Bichen soars free of her sheath and comes down
through the spell piercing him in the heart. He barely gasps at the sharp pain, only using the last
his strength to whisper...

"... Cachu.... Huifu...."

Alternate AU Pt 2

Wake up, Hanguang-Jun.....

Wake up......


Golden eyes snap open as the world falls back I to place from the swirling spinning madness of a
dream/memory of a time forgotten. Sitting up he looks around himself face to face with the Burial
Mounds Persona. They appear female and with bone white hair layered over black. Black and red
feathers grew from the sides of Their head and helped conceal their eyes with the silvery white
bangs of their hair. A bright read jewel hundg in the middle of their forehead as their robes and
hanfu werw black and red, tattered and torn but looked to be fashioned that way on purpose. Theie
long black claws started off black and turned a bloody red towards the tips as they ended in deadly

They sat on the bed watching him and he stares back.

"Come it is time...." They say and get up. "We must return to our Brethren and grown stronger...
You, Hanguang-Jun must go to Lotus Pier. It is the trip you declined going onand thus did not meet
Master until the Lectures..."

Lan Zhan gasps and jumps put of bed because indeed he recalled such a trip. Back then he had not
wanted to go because of what he heard about Yunmeng and being painfully shy as well as not
liking crowds, Lan Zhan not wanted to go. But now he would because this would be around the
time that Wei Ying had been whipped unconscious for upsetting Uncle.
All the Translations I am using
Chapter Summary

These are the translations for previous Prompts and future Prompts.

Please come back to this Page every now and again to see if there are new words you
need to be on the look out for!!

Title Weapon Name Location

老师 致命混亂 天爪 月亮花谷

Lǎoshī Zhìmìng hǔnluàn Tiān zhǎo Yuèliàng huāgǔ

Teacher Deadly Chaos Sky Talon Flower Valley of the Moon

黑玉 烏雲 死亡 丟人的房間

Hēi yù Wūyún Sǐwáng Diūrén de fángjiān

Black Jade Black Cloud Death Room of the Shamed One

治愈之擊 復仇之戰 黑麥 月亮山

Zhìyù zhī jī Fùchóu zhī zhàn Hēi mài Yuèliàng shān

Healing Strike Revenge of the Fallen Rye Moon Mountain

深紅蓮花 光之花 銀玉 蓮花室

Shēnhóng liánhuā Guāng zhī huā Yín yù Liánhuā shì

Crimson Lotus Flower of Light Silver Jade Room the Lotus

牡丹 黑歌 寧靜

Mǔdān Hēi gē Níngjìng

Peony Black Song Serenity

天空 花扇

Tiānkōng Huā shàn

Sky Flower Fan

舞蹈迷 翡翠之歌

wǔdǎo mí Fěicuì zhī gē

Dancing Fan Emerald Song

輕花 金色憤怒

Qīng huā Jīnsè fènnù

Light Flower Golden Fury


Léi zhīzhū

Thunder Spider


Xuánzhuǎn mǔdān

Twirling Peony


Jīn mǔdān

Gilded Peony


Wēnróu de huā

Gentle Flower


Guǐ jiāngjūn

Ghost General



Male Actor Peking Opera



Golden Jade


Yín liánhuā

Silver Lotus





Yin and Yang


Cā chú




A Song for Us


Wei Ying did not expect to get magically displaced from his time and dropped off in a world of
myths, legends and magic! And he sure as heck wasn't expecting it to happen because he fixed an
old music box he was found with as a baby. He felt like he was the MC in one of his favorite
animes or comics, getting plucked from his world and dumped off in a world of chaos and
mayhem. He just hopes he doesn't end up with a Harem of crazy women trying to be his wives! He
prefers to be the Wife thank you very much!


"Okay, twist this like this.... loosen this over here... ah-hah! A broken gear! I knew it!" crows the
young man, as he carefully removes the busted gear, his silver eyes magnified to almost 40x their
size due to his magnification glasses as he works on the delicate music box. Setting the broken gear
off to the side, he mumbles a series of sizes and numbers to himself as he checks a drawer and pulls
out the exact same gear, brand spanking new and carefully places it in the empty spot that he
opened up. "Alright, that should do it... now them to put this baby back together and I can finally
see if it will give me a clue about who I am and where I am from..."

After carefully putting the music box back together, he pulls his head gear off, rubbing his eyes
when the world suddenly shrinks back to normal. Once he is sure he can see without getting dizzy
or misjudging distance, he smiles and carefully turns the little crank until the coil is nice and tight
before he opens the top and waits. Holding his breath he prays he did it and then gasps as a
beautiful melody starts to play. It is a sweetly heartfelt song, full of longing and sorrow, regret and

He knows this song! He begins to hum it, softly, closing his eyes as he keeps humming the song,
slowly words begin to paint themselves into his mind and he sings them out loud, missing that the
box was starting to glow. He touches a necklace he's warn since he was a baby, it was made from
the last piece of White Jade left in the world, carefully cut into a lotus sitting on a cloud. Many
have tried to steal it or make him sell it, but he never let it go, just like his music box. He suddenly
knows the song's name, unknown to him a whirlwind of magic was creating a bubble around him,
some of his things being packed into a qiankun pouch that suddenly appeared. There is a shiver
anticipation as he lips his lives and breathes the name.


And suddenly the world drops out from under him. He doesn't have time to scream before he is
engulfed by the magic and in a blink, is gone from his world and time...

Wei Ying moans as he slowly sits up, he has no idea what the heck happened, but his head was
killing him. He hears a faint giggle and blinks his eyes open only to gasp as he sees what looks like
Celestial fairy from some of the old ink paintings he saw in a museum once. She had her hair
pinned up in an elaborate style with a long guazy ribbon floating around her as she was dressed in
pale pinks and yellows. she was the size of his palm and looked adorable her eyes were solid blue,
not an hint of any other color.

"Hello Master. I am Li Ming, I have waited a very long time for you. You must be very confused
and sore form your trip here... Not to worry,, things will be come clear in time... for now, please
get up and follow this faithful servant..." She chirps and floats up in a soft glow of pink and yellow.
Wei Ying blinks confused, but does as she asks. "Don't forget your Qiankun! I went through a lot
of trouble to pack it for you." she points a tiny hand at the black and red silk pouch on the floor.

"It's so small.. I can keep you in it..." He murmurs as he picks it up and curiously opens it to see
what she could have possibly 'packed' for him. "Eh!?" He yelps seeing that there was a lot more in
it than the shape and size indicates.

"Silly Master, please put it away and follow this faithful one!" She chirps again and takes off a few
yards as Wei Ying yelps and follows her.

"Li Ming? Where am I, what happened? How am I your master?!" He yelps the last question.

"Li Ming is a Celestial Fairy and is your Faithful Guide. Everyone of your mother's Sect is
assigned one at birth. But Mistress had to send you away and Li Ming had to wait a very long time
for you to come home... Now Master is home again! We are not safe, please follow and no more
Questions... This is Qishan territory and the Blood Emperor will not show us mercy if we are
caught..." She tells him before floating up to his face and pleading in such a pained tone that he
nods mutely and she lightly presses her tiny hand to his cheek in thanks.

Wei Ying resists the urge to ask questions as he follows behind the fairy, who zips ahead of him
few yards and checking around bends or in too deep shadows to make sure they are still
undiscovered. She was very earnest in her concern and he was weaponless so he didn't want to
know who this Blood Emperor is, nor does he want to get caught by him. They travel for several
hours like this, it is nerve wracking and grating, but Wei Ying perseveres. When the enclosed land
of mountains and canyons open up into open fields, Li Ming breathes easier and then in a flash of
light there is suddenly a beautiful woven carpet in rich red, gold and emerald.

"You must be very tired, Master, please sit and ride the Carpet until we get to the next town. Once
there and we have a room for the night, I will explain everything I can!" She promises and Wei
Ying cannot find it in him to argue, the little kid in him squealing with delight to ride a real Magic
Carpet! He carefully hops on, sinking in at first before it molds around his bottom and weight,
lifting into the air and taking off after Li Ming, who zips off like a falling star over the field.

Wei Ying cheers and laughs as he holds onto the 'front' of the carpet and it seems to feed into his
excitement because they do a loop de loop before it zooms high and pulls away from him and he
falls a few feet only to be caught again and left breathless and giggling. He is wind chafed and pink
from laughter by the time the touch down in a small bustling trade town, a few others flying in on
brooms, carpets and even a Pegasus, are seen coming in or leaving and Wei Ying is glad he is not
standing out too much. He gasps as he sees winged beings, creatures from myth and legend
walking around! They were from all over the world! There was a Japanese Oni manning a cart of
delicately crafted glass hair ornaments, a herd of Centaurs raced down the main street, playing with
a discus. There was a tribe of African Pygmies in a giant tree, running and swinging on ropes and
vines alike carrying tubes that must hold messages to and from buildings!

"Master, over here!!" He turns to see Li Ming and hurries after her, she guides him into an Inn
where there is a large mix of people and creatures alike. She tells him to open the qiankun pouch
and pull out the string of copper, the most common currency. He does and blinks as he sees smaller
strings on it of actual coins, raw ore chunks, purified ore chunks and even small thin bars of
copper. He hides his money in his sleeves, having realized his knitted sweater and sweats had been
replaced with a long flowing robe and simple pants and his bare feet were protected by black
slipper like shoes.

Wei Ying walks up to where Li Ming is floating and sees a Goatman marking things down in a
"Excuse me?" He calls, not sure if the Goatman was actually a man or a female.

"Y-y-y-yes?" He asked.

"Do you have a room available for the evening?" He asks.

"Mmm, y-y-y-yes... it i-i-i-is a bit sma-a-a-all though..."

"That's fine, I use to live in a match box sized apartment, I'm use to cramped spaces." Wei Ying
smiles brightly as he pulls up the string of money. Li Ming helps by pulling off 10 copper bars and
setting them on the small check in desk.

"For tonight and tomorrow... If Master needs to stay longer, we will come back and discuss it
further!" She chirps and the Goatman nods and then licks his fingers. A lizard like child appears.

"Ta-a-a-ake our gue-e-e-est to the Blu-u-u-ue room..."

"Yes, sir! Young master, please follow A'huli!" The lizard child hisses and then takes off quickly
along the floor before climbing a wall and along the ceiling. Wei Ying is both thankful and a bit
disturbed by this as he follows A'huli towards a back stair and up it to the third floor and then into
a blue shogi door where there was a beautiful room bedecked in varying shades of blue that made
one feel like you were under water but at the same time floating in the air. "Young master, like?"

"Yes, thank you."

"If Young Master is needing anything, pull this rope, A'huli will attend right away! Please enjoy
your stay, Young Master!" and like that the lizard child darts off, likely back to some chores as
Wei Ying closes the door, moving the stick hidden by the from to lock the door from any possible
attackers as he moves over to the bed and sits on it. He moans in bliss at how soft it is.

"Alright, Li Ming, please tell me what is going on... I feel like I'm in a game or an anime...." He

"As I promised, Li Ming will explain!"

Medusa AU


Rumors of a deadly monster that no one has seen up close with out turning to stone has spread far
and wide. To the point that many either wanted it dead or capture it and use it as a weapon. With
the steadily rising unrest being caused by the slow desent into madness that the Emperor, Wen
Rouhan, was falling into. The other Kingdoms, both great and small, were planning to put an end
to it before such a creature could be found.

In Yiling, a pitifully small kingdom on the edges of Qishan Wen and Yunmeng Jiang, the people
lived their lives quietly and peacefully, offering wine and cooked meals to their Guardian, a strange
creature who has turned many a dangerous person to stone. Queen of their small Kingdom was
formerly of the Qishan Wen Royal family vut had veen disowned with members of her family
when they refused to join the brewing war.

Wen Qing has seen their Guardian and does her best to aid him and protect him. Her orphaned
Nephew adores him when "Pretty Gege" comes to play and loves that his hair sometimes turns into
deadly snakes that when he turns brilliant greenish yellow. He does not understand that they eye
coolor is dangerous, but it is perhaps because a'Yuan is only a baby and thus is innocent of the sins
of the world that he can look upon their Guardian's face without fear.

Wei Ying has lived in the Burial Mounds his whole life, he has been surrounded by a menagerie of
petrified statues and undead but he is far from malicious. He is painfully lonely what with his
mother being killed for being what she was ans his father dying trying to protect him after he had
newly hatched. Thankfully his kind are born with the knowledge and memories of their
predocessors or things would be worse for him. He only wants to help others but has to be very
careful to not expose himself when he hears that rumors of his mother had finally reached the ears
of Wen Rouhan...


Wei Ying giggles as he waits in the magnolia tree for Princess Jiang Yanli, he made her a new set
of charmed bracelets and a lovely braided hair pin. They were charmed with health and good
fortune blessings as well as protective spells to keep her from harm when wearing them. It is only a
few minutes before she arrives with her ladies in waiting giggling away. He slips off his branch and
lands quietly beside them startling all but Jiang Yanli, who giggles and cups his cheek.

"Hello a'Xian." She coos and he nuzzles her palm, her scent soft like flowers in spring with a warm
spiciness that premeats from the cuisine eaten in Lotus Pier.

"Hi, Shijie! Sorry I have not been by, I had a hard time these last few weeks of late winter." He
tells her and she gives him a concerned look before seeing that he is well if a bit tired.

"Are you hungry?"

"Always, Shijie." He smiles sweetly as she waves to the girls abd they bring a covered pot up and
they sit down to enjoy the homemade soup.

Wei Ying giggles as they sit and gossip, Yanli gushing over his new gifts for her and how they
were carefully colored to match the varying shades of purple that the Jiang Royal family wears.
They chat and enjoy the soup, Yanli going somber when her cancelled engagement is brought up.
It turns out that Prince Jin Zixuan did not want to get to know her nor give her a chance to know
him and took the excuse that her brother punched him for insulting her as reason enough to cancel
the engagement.

"You are beautiful, Shijie... You Will find love, I swear it and when he realizes that he lost
something truly wonderful it will be too late. You will have a love much more deeper and fulfilling
than he could have given you..." He swears his eyes changing to a soft yellow as he saw something
in the future for her. The others carefully look away from his eyes as Jiang Yanli gasps as she
catches glimpses of what he sees. Then it is over.

Wei Ying blinks his eyes and closes them as his hair turns to snakes and become alert.

"I need to leave now..." He hisses and slips silently away just as guards come running up to the

Wei Ying giggles as he bathes in a hot spring, washing his hair as the snakes that form from it keep
him aware of what is around him as he washes and relaxes. His legs have become a long tail and he
scrubs sand long his scales to keep them nice and shiny, the beautiful red and black patterns with a
silvery white underbelly. He giggles again but gasps when his snakes his and he turns and comes
face to face with a Sword.
Medusa AU Pt 2

Wei Ying stares at the sword point and quick as his species, he lunges deep into the pool changing
back to human for as arrows rain down on the pool. He doesn't know how he was found or who
found him but he needed to be very careful. Thinking a spell, an air bubble forms around his mouth
and nose and he allows himself to breath as he casts a second spell to stir up the sand and silt
masking his form as he swims to where he hid his clothes and surfaces slowly to see golden robes
and mentally curses seeing the Jins scrambling his bathing area. Grabbing his clothes, Wei Ying is
about slip back into the water unnoticed, when suddenly several hands grab him from behind, one
hand slapping over his mouth at the instinctive urge to shout, his hair is wrapped in thick cloth and
he panics and opens his human eyes to see what is going on when he is suddenly blinded from his
snakes. Their voices panicking along his thoughts as he too gives into the blind panic. The hands
pull him out and away from the pool and deep into the underbush before he is suddenly plopped
onto a thick towel, the hands moving fast to dry him off and dress him in robes, his own being
quickly snatched from him. He tries to protest, but the hand over his mouth remains and he resists
the urge to bite and inject his venom into the person.

"Calm, Young Master Wei... Lady Jiang informed us of you and we knew that Young Master
Zixun will stop at nothing than to capture you. You best pretend to be one of our servants until we
can get you away safely..." a woman he recalls meeting once who had not liked his teasing and
flirting, thinking he had been trying to bed her when he had only been trying to compliment her.

"Mianmian?" He whispers as she lets him go finally and blinks at her, his silver eyes blinking as
his slitted pupils relax into an almost human roundness.

"Yes... Hurry, the men will notice our absence soon if we delay any longer, hide his robes in the
pack. Hold still..." she quickly picks up his hair into a Jin style ponytail and carefully paints his
face with white powder, not that he needed it with his flawless complexion. However it made him
look sickly with the added powder and with the right amount of rouge he looked like he was

"There, can you fake being ill..." Lou Qingyang, or Mianmian as very few people are allowed to
call her, asks as he nods and gives a pitiful moan and sags like he is boneless. "Perfect... alright,
you two help me pick him up." she orders and they pick him up, hiding his face with their forms as
they hurry back toward the pool just as Jin Zixun, King Jin Guangshan's nephew, had noticed the
lack of people and upon seeing them come out of the trees carrying an injured member, he scowls.

"What happened?!"

"We don't know, he just suddenly collapsed we need to get him to a doctor and quickly." Mianmian
says, acting like she is confused and scared.

"Tsk, he's just a servant! leave him there and help us search for the beast! I didn't see what it
looked like. We just know it is snake like!" The chubby young man orders, ignoring Wei Ying's
pitiful moans. "Shut up and die already! Save us having to lug your corpse around! Better yet,
leave him for the creature to find! We can use him as bait!"

Wei Ying wanted to punch the loud bastard in the face, but only whined and moaned more until he
felt Mianmian, who was holding his legs around her hips, moving, she ignored Jin Zixun's orders
to use their 'ailing comrade' as live bait, stating that they do not know if the Creature even ate meat,
never mind human meat! Wei Ying did not in fact eat meat. Animals were his only companions
and he could not bring himself to kill and eat them. He lives solely on vegetables and fruits and
wine. He does not mind the some of the dishes that used meat stock to cook them, but overall he
could not eat meat himself. The Yiling Villagers had painstakingly cooked him thousands of meals
to find out that anything with meat in it was not welcomed. However offerings of pelts and tools
made from bones were welcomed. Wei Ying would never eat a human, even if he had no other
choice but to. He would rather starve.

"I said to leave him!!"

"And I am not letting my friend die because you THINK that the Guardian of the Forest will
somehow decide to have a human snack!!" She yells back. "If you wanna sacrifice someone,
sacrifice yourself!" She then kicks his shin and moves on with the other two behind her. She
moves quick because Wei Ying is heavy even if he is deceptively thin. They made it to the edge of
the forest and he quickly stands up wiping away the make up and taking his things back.

"Thank you, Mianmian... but how did..."

"Lady Jiang may be my young master's former fiancé, but she is a very good friend of mine and she
always spoke highly of you... We didn't see anything other than someone in the spring that the so
called Snake Monster sometimes visits." She says. "Sorry about putting that towel on your hair like
that it must have startled you badly... and down't worry about these two, they are mute and will not
tattle because they, much like me are loyal to Lady Jiang..."

"Thank you... You should join the Gusu Court... I have a feeling that your steadfast loyalty to those
who earn it and quick thinking will reward you..." He says as he stares at a point beyond her his
silver eyes glowing a faint yellow before he blinks and turns and runs off into the woods away
from his hot spring. He will have to find a new one to bathe in from now on if other Cultivators are
going to camp that one...

Wei Ying sighs as he sits in the orchard just off of Queen Wen Qing's home, his long tail draped
over the strong branches of the loquat tree as he sunbathes. His home is being over run with people
looking to capture him for his powers and either kill him or use him as a weapon. Wen Qing is
weeding her medicinal garden with her nephew at her side, the small toddler happily half buried in
the dirt to one side claiming to be a radish as Wen Ning, Wen Qing's younger brother, smiles softly
where he is gathering ripe and ready herbs. It is nice and peaceful, but Wei Ying misses his home
among the black bamboo forest and the dead who wandered and requested his aid or informed him
of someone who needed his help. It's been months and he feels lethargic and it is not because he
ate his fill of Wen Qing's tofu stuffed dumplings or the sweet tarts that Wen Ning makes from the
fruits he gets. Nor is it due to Fourth Uncle's fruit wine. He is homesick and nothing can cure it but
to be able to return home.

"Pretty Gege sad..." a small voice calls up and he smiles brightly as he lets his tail slip down and
carefully coils around the child and swings him softly back and forth, making him giggle and
squeal with delight. he slowly brings him higher up and elongates the swings much to the child's
delight. Wen Qing smiles at the child's gleeful laughter, but her smile is pinched with concern. Wei
Ying and sadness do not mix in her opinion much like water and oil. "Pretty Gege!"

"Aw, little Bunny seems to like riding on Pretty Gege's tail!" He coos and swings him back and
forth again. "But yes, I am a little sad, Pretty Gege wants to go home, but scary people won't let
him... Auntie and Uncle are very kind to let Pretty Gege stay, but Pretty Gege doesn't want the
scary people coming here either... they might take you away little Bunny because you are so

"Noo!!!" The child squeals with delight.

"A'Yuan, let's go wash up so we can make Pretty Gege some nice yummy dumpling soup!" Wen
Ning calls and comes to gather the child who squeals with delight about the yummy soup. Once
they are gone, Wei Ying slips down and coils himself up beside Wen Qing, who watches him sing
softly and coax her garden into waking.

"You are worried because you cannot see what will come..."

"I have seen what will come and I want to be here to protect you..." He says firmly. "It is what I do
that can either save you all or kill you... If I run away, who is to say that you still won't suffer
horribly because of me?"

"You're scared... This is not like you?"

"The woman who outed my mother will come... She will know who I am the moment she sees me
and know exact what I am. She will out me too... I cannot allow her to doom you either..." Wei
Ying says firmly. "My kind is born with generations worth of knowledge and I know from my
mother's memories that this woman is dangers..."

"So am I... Do not doubt me just because I am a doctor..." She says firmly and then in a rare show
of affection hugs him. "You saved Wen Ning's life and I owe you for that, but you are also the
reason we can thrive here... and as much as I am loath to admit it, you are like a second little
brother to me and I will protect you just as fiercely as I protect a'Ning... Now come inside, I made
spicy tofu dumplings with chicken flavoring."

"Oooh, sounds wonderful!" He gasps and quickly changes to his human form, and following her
Medusa AU Pt 3

Wei Ying wore a long black veil as he walked between two of Wen Qing's personal handmaids. He
wore a flowing hanfu in gauzy black and red chiffon. The outfit was lose enough to mistake him
for a woman but cinched just right to allow him to transform and fight as he needs. It is a measure
of both safety as well as surprise. His hair had been combed and brushed until the natural curls
coiled into silky singlets and gathered into a beautiful bun with spider lilies and lotuses pins. His
lips were tinted a dark rouge with a brighter crimson lined his eyes as a delicately painted red lotus
with a cresent moon hanging above it. His cheeks were dusted with pink powder to bring a more
feminine set to his face.

The Queen had veen summoned to Yunmeng Jiang and she was wary to go alone, but at the same
time she wanted to leave Wei Ying and Wen Ning home where the villagers would keep the two
young men safe. She did not know why she felt so uneasy about leaving them. However she was a
practical woman and while she was a realist, she understood that some things were truly divine and
Wei Ying was a something that no books could ever hope to explain the how or why of it.

They set out not even a month before and were now walking from the ferry that carried them to
Lotus Pier, towards the Lotus Palace where the King and Queen stood waiting for them. Queen Yu
Ziyuan was scowling as she is wont to do, but manages to sound welcoming if haughty. Wen Qing
does not react to the subtle bait as she gives a bow and those of lower rank and birth bowed lower
than her. Wei Ying subtly slipped his tongue out and gathered the scents into it before pulling it in
and tasted the scents, desciphering and catagorizing them.

The warm rich taste of home cooking was strongest, but there was the scent of ozone and hot iron
that held feminine notes. That was the Queen, the Violet Spider. The King's was muddy and
humid, like the rich silt resting on the banks of the rivers.

"Welcome, Wen Qing, Queen of Yiling." They greet her.

"Thank You for hosting my small party... My brother, Prince Wen Qinglon." She waves at hee
nervous little brother who bows and they nod back.

"You must be tired, come." Jiang Fengmian says abd claps onxces, a team of eunuchs rushed out to
guide them to their chambers. Wei Ying passes someone and freezes only a breatha and then keeps
going as acidic green of his eyes glare at the eunuch who was guiding him. A quick flick of his
tongue, Wei Ying frowns at the scent of expensive incense.

'A spy....' He thinks. As the person moves abd a second flick of the tongue tells him that thisnis no
eunuch. He would keep a close eye one them....
Medusa AU Pt 4

After the Yiling delegation was shown to their rooms and had sufficient rest, they met back in the
hall for dinner. Wei Ying and the other two handmaids kept their veils up even as they ate, but Wei
Ying was tracing the not eunch that seemed to be assigned to him or at least the Yiling higher ups
in general.

"Why are they still veiled?" Queen Yu asks, though her tone was just shy o of a demand.

"Just as I am wearing one." Wen Qing waves at her own veil, which is identical to those of her
maids. "It is so I can easily hide among them in th even a possible assassination event occurs. the
robe veils are identical to keep even the smartest Assassin guessing who the real Queen is." Wen
Qing sips her tea carefully, after catching a sutle nod form Wei Ying that it was safe to drink.
"Even my brother has one and his attendants were matching ones for the same reasons."

""So for all we know, we are talking to a decoy who was trained to be your shadow." Prince Jiang
says, looking impressed.

"Tsk, coward..." Queen Yu scoffs.

"Am I a coward? If I were killed my brother would assume the throne and if he were killed before
he could have an heir, our small kingdom is lost. If my brother wee killed before I and I am left
childless before my own death, the same situation. And many would kill my brother just to get at
me. How many people would target yor children to get at you, yor majesty?" Wen Qing
challenges."Everyone knows what yourchildren look like and will easily find and kill them if they
felt so inclined. Having a body souble or two is a good ideas. It is too late to keep their identities
secret, but veils work wonders in confusing the would be murderer."

"Are you threatening my children!?" Queen Yu demands.

"No. Merely stating that hiding one's identity is far from stupid or cowardice. I refuse to die before
I complete my goals and ensure the safety and happiness of not only my brother but my people as
well." Wen Qing states calmly and leaves the Yunmeng Queen sputtering in out rage.

Queen Yu refuses to speak to her after that as King Jiang tries to salvage the mood by asking about
her kingdom and the treaty. He would not blame the youger woman for withdrawing it. It would be
the first time his wife ruined relations and them blamed the other party for her own fault. Queen
Wen is thankfully receptive to the talks and does not appear ready to withdraw her offer.

Wei Ying half listens to them as he keeps his senses on the not Eunuch. He is trying to place that
particular incense scent and where he smelt it before. But his terrible memory was working against
him. He knows he smelt it... He is thinks of something yellow, but is distracted by Jiang Wanyin
asking about the legendary monster that supposedly lives in the Burial Mounds that creeps just at
the outer edge of the Yiling kingdom.

"Why would I know anything about it? I have forbidden my people from ever venturing into the
Forrest least they plan to commit suicide." Wen Qing says. "Other tham that we leave wine and a
little bounty of fruits and rice to appease the Burial Mounds and it seems to keep most of the
dangers away. We are small and have only myself, my brother and one other as Cultivators. It is
why I am here. One of the clauses os that Yunmeng Jiang aid us when summoned to deal with a
big or numerous threat to my people. We will trade out medicine and wine in exchange if we
cannot pay you outright."
"That is most fair." Jiang Fengmian says ignoringnthe Madam's scowl and scoff.

Wei Ying frowns minutely under his veil at the topic if himself. Hebhas done nothinf ro hurt
anyone and his mother only wenr after rhise who attacked her or were corrupted. Other than that
she left everyone alone. And yet people wanted him dead. Wei Ying eats his dinner, hoping to
forget that part of the convo when he gets a chance....
Moon Spirit


Wei Ying is the Moon Spirit said to come down every year at the Lunar New Year and choose a
new Champion for the year. It is a tradition carried on since Wei Ying had been a tiny Moonbeam
and his mother was the Moon Spirit. However this year is different.

This year marks Wei Ying's maturity as a Celestial Deity and thus is the year he must find not only
a champion but a mate. Wei Ying takes the form of a black bunny to avoid the more greed driven
or power mad individuals who seek not only his favor but his hand in marriage...


Lan Zhan finished dispatching the last demon in the area and quickly cleans his blade, bows to
prey for the souls that the small group of demons had devoured could find their way to rebirth.
When he is done, he stands to move on when a rustle nearby has him on alert. It is tense for
perhaps 5 of the longest minutes of his life and then fron a bush a black blur bursts free followed
by the wild barking of those annoying Dogs from Yunmeng. The blur slams into him and he
catches it, realizing it is a terrified black bunny with a cute red ribbon tied around its neck in a
flowering bow.

He has a fondness for bunnies and holds it gently in his arms, petting the silky soft fur and rocking
it gently to calm it down. He knows very few bunnies like to be held because they are a prey
animal, but he has a talent for coaxing even the most skittish of bunnies into his arms for a good
cuddle and petting session. Lan Zhan almost smiles at the soft grinding of teeth, but it falls when
the Dogs finally arrive and turn human. At the lead is Prince Jiang Wanyin, who like his mother,
took on a Canine like appearance in his Other Form. King Jiang was an Ox, strong and stubborn,
but also very placid. The Princess of Yunmeng was an oddity being a Tiger and a White one at

Lan Zhan had often wondered, when he allows himself to indulge just the tiniest bit in intrigues,
how someone so sweet and delicate like Princess Jiang could be a fiercesome and awe inspiring
animal like a Tiger. He would liken her to a bunny much like this adorable little black ball of fluff,
but he does not dare to question.

"Hanguang-Jun, what are you doing in our lands?" Prince Jiang demands eyeing the bunny who
shivers and burrows as close to his chest as possible.

"Night Hunt." He states as if it explained everything and in a simple way, it did. He strokes the
bunny, who calms at the gently petting and relaxes some in his hold.

"Hand over the rabbit." Prince Jiang demands and Lan Zhan gives the tiniest of frowns, the bunny
stiffening in his hold, rapidly snuffling, a clear sign of agitation.

"No. It belongs to someone."

"Yes, to Yunmeng. Now hand it over!" The Prince demands and Lan Zhan frowns but suddenly the
bunny bites him and he drops it as it bolts off back into the undergrowth.

"Shit!! Capture it, hurry!!" Prince Jiang orders and bolts off after the bunny in his dog form with
his fellow canines at his heel.
Lan Zhan frowns a bit deeper, rubbing where he had been bitten. How curious....
Moon Spirit PT 2

Wei Ying had been excited to come doen from the Heavenly Realms as he always is, but this year
is different. This year the Moon Spirit would pick both a Champion and a mate! His grandmother,
the Heavenly Empress, Baoshen Sanren, had informed him on his Birthday and every since he has
been waiting in anticipation!

When the Lunar New Year approached, Wei Ying had prepared himself to spend some time and
not just a night of merry making and frolicking, in the Mortal realm. He had to choose a secondary
form that would best suit him but also make it hard for greedy and power mad beings of the mortal
Realm to spot and capture him. He had oppted for a bunny, he loved bunnies for their sweet nature,
their bursts of energy and sometimes their mischievous side! They were also associated with the
Moon but many people forget this detail as part of the fantasy to lighten the stories for children.

He had not ecpected that the moment he stepped foot onto the Mortal Realm to be suddenly
accosted by Canines and forced to flee. Thankfully he had already transformed before coming or he
would be caught out. The canines gave chace until he barreled into what he had aft first throught
was a deadend but turned out to be a young man's chest. The scent the mortal gave off was
dangerous but oddly soothing and the way he carefully cradled and petted him calmed hin down
and Wei Ying was able to forget whybhe had been so scared. It is not until the barking came closer
and soon someone was yelling at his protector.

They were arguing over the rights to have him. Wei Ying grew agitated and bit the young mortal
before him to get him to loosing his hold and bolted off once more the dogs once again giving
chase. It took three days of dogged, haha not funny brain, running and hiding before Wei Ying was
able to lose them long enough to change to human form and drink a special potion to hide his
Immortal glow and to dull his ethereal beauty a bit. When done he cast a small spell that pointed
him toward the nearest settlement which was Lotus Peir of Yunmeng Jiang.

He remembers coming hear nearly 12 years ago and enjoying the delicious moon cakes that the
princess had painstakingly made for himnin offering after he had chosen a Tiger to be his champion
that year. The tiger had been white and and graceful, beautiful and demure but fiercely loyal and
protective of him the entire time he had been dancing and playing until sunrise when he had to
return home. He wonders if the Princess was still there and if she could make him some more
moon cakes!

With an excited giggle he sets off for the bustling kingdom and smiles as the normally blue an
dpurple town was filled with red and gold as lanterns with animals painted on them hung along the
main streets and the river that flowed in the middle. He sees that everyone is either in human form,
their middle form or their other form. Monkeys and rats hrried aling the roofs helping to hang
lanterns and charms for good luck, wealth and health while Oxes and Bears lumber about carrying
heavy burdens.

Limber foxes and cats dart about carrying packages or messages to and from as birds soared
overhead. It was lively. Wei Ying watches carefully, wanting to spot someone to be his Champion
if he could bot find his friendly tiger once more. Tigers were rare especially White ones but Snakes
and dragons were even rarer. Maybe a snake this year or a dragon? He wonders as he pauses to
watch a stage be erected for the annual play of the Moon Legend. As he dies so he blinks and turns
his head just as a familiar voice carries over the river abd there is his friend the Princess speaking
with a very handsome young man, she looks upset about something, but what it could be is beyond
him. But he is admittedly distracted by Pretry Gege who looks like he should be an immortal with
his beauty and power. Wei Ying shivers as he feels it even as subdued as it is to bot make others

"I think I found my champion..." He breathes as he watches them and then the awful barking and
Wei Ying squeaks in gright as he is knocked into the water by that rude dog Prince...
Pure Filth
Chapter Summary

Just as the tin says! ;"3

Lan Zhan bowed to his Uncle, bidding him a good night after the older Beta walked him back to
his room. He was newly crowned Emperor this very evening and his family was taking no chances
with possible assassination attempts. Little dis they know that he had already caught the assassin.
His guards went to enter his chambers, but Lan Zhan cut a hand sign at him and they stilled,
instead posting themselves around the entryways in and put of the room. Nodding once, Lan Zhan
walked into his suite of rooms and into his bedchamber where laid out, wrapped in red and gold
braided silk was his pretty assassin.

The pale expanse of pearly skin glowed in the candle light, rosy red where hot wax drips fall along
his pretty nipples and down to his cock. A knotting gag affixed to his mouth keeping his full lips
spread wide as his throat worked convulsively to swallow around the cock head. A silken black
strip of cloth blindfolded him as his arms lay bound above his head and his legs bent at the knees
and bound to the head board keeping him spread and immobilized. A pretty pink pussy glistened
around a vibrator lazily fucking him to orgasm.

"My Ying is very beautiful..." He purrs darkly as he swishes his hand vanishing the wax and
candles away. The assassin whimpers and flinched, the silencing spell also gone so he can listen to
the Omega's whines and whimpers. "Did my Ying miss me? This Alpha certainly missed him... Oh
my, so wet already... Did you behave and cum as I asked?" He purrs, tracing a finger around the
oversensitized lips of the blushing pussy.

Wei Ying, a young assassin, whimpers and struggles in vain to get away. Tears glistening down his
cheeks as the Alpha toys with him futher. He had tried to take the Alpha out while pretending to be
his new body servant. How was he to know that the then Prince had no need for such a thing
because he did not like to be touched!? He had thought it would be easy to jab him with a poison
dart on the back of the neck and then hold him under water until he stopped thrashing. After all
many would not expect an Omega to be an assassin, especially the child of a once famous Healer
and Master Cultivator. But Wei Ying had been so very wrong.

Lan Zhan had known about the attempt because his brother's former friend and now quite dead
advisor had arranged it but had not known that Lan Xichen, the Recent in charge until Lan Zhan's
crowning, had overheard everything while feeding the Lan Bunnies. His brother originally wanted
the Assassin found and killed but when Lan Zhan heard who it was, he told his brother to let it
happen. He would handle the rest. Lan Xichen had merely chuckled and offered to get ehat he
needed to tame his wild little Flower. Lan Zhan, as many totals, has been fed a steady diet of
poisons and toxins since very young, getting use to them and building up a strong immunity to
them, he practiced the lost art of Cultivation and has reached the 8th level before his 21st year
where as Wei Ying has only reached his 6th only a few months ago at 18.

The Omega had no idea of the trap or that his contractor was dead. The orphan had thought he
would be able to pull it off but Lan Zhan had shocked him by freezing him with a spell and giving
him his own little poison. It made him sensitive and aroused and if bot taken care of within a set
time limit, the Omega would die. For the last week he kept him on a slow torture of pleasure and
he has finally broken.

"Shy, my Ying... Shhh..." He purrs again, pulling the toy out and thrusting it in harshly to make a
gushing orgasm rob the Omega senseless before ge carefully removes the gag and blindfold. Hazy
silver eyes blink up at him and for a moment flash a pink color telling him the poison has run its
course and now Wei Ying was his perfect little Empress. Willing and ready at any time. As if he
knows what is wanted of him, Wei Ying opens his mouth wide, tongue lulling out as he pants in
want. Lan Zhan chuckles as he pulls the Omega up and obto his knees once he removes the
stabilizing ropes from him. The Omega waits, knowing better than to greedily take.

"Good, a'Ying... Suck." He commands as he removes his robes and allows his cock to spring free
of his lose trousers. The Omega dives right in, nose buried between balls and cock, one of the large
orbs in his mouth as he sucks and plays with them before kissing and nipping his way up the cock.
He hums lewdly as he gets pure unadulterated Lan Zhan scent and Alpha musk, drooling with
hunger and desire.

"Master... Master... Use a'Ying's mouth pussy as he desires please!!" He whines, opening his mouth
in want.

"Very good, my Ying, very good..." Lan Zhan purrs as he slowly feeds his large cock to Wei Ying,
sliding it in and then because he is cruel like that, grabs the back of the Omega's head and slams
his way down his throat.

The gag did its job in repressing the gag reflex but not fully training it outbof the Omega who
chockes and struggles, eyrs wide but hazed with lust still. He fights to get a breath, face slowly
turning red as the gagging becomes choked and a bit wet. Just before Wei Ying is certain he will
become sick or pass out. The large cock is pulled back and he is allowed to breathe.

"Th-thank you... Master... More please!!" He begs and Lan Zhan purrs darkly as he slides in and
begins to slowly fuck the Omega's throat.

Wei Ying is vroken and he knows it. But does not care. He would have either ended up dead or
whoring himself out eventually so why fight Lan Zhan's cruelty and love? For a week straight he
had been fucked and toyed with til he could think of nothing but Lan Zhan's touch and his cum.
His throat is now a cock sleeve just for the Emperor, his pussy will be used to birth him strong
heirs and his very life was his to play with.

On his back was a beautiful tattoo of a fierce ice dragon holding a large pearl that housed a crimson
lotus inside of it. Lan Zhan's claim of Wei Ying permanently etched into his skin. He moans as his
mouth is abused, wet and aching for more of his touch, his quim pulses with desire as his arse hole
is still stuffed with another toy. He looks up at golden eyes and feels his world zero in only on the
pleased gleam in that coldly cruel face. Even as Lan Zhan pinches his nose shut and holds him as
close to his crotch as possible. His cock spewing hot dum down his convulsing throat. He could die
right here and ve happy. But Lan Zhan does not kill him. No, he pulls him off and lets him gag and
breathe before he finds himself on his back, held still by the ropes binding his body as Lan Zhan
gazes at him like a feast.

"Your heat is nearly here... Mmm, yes, I can smell it... Smell how fertile you are and soon you will
bloom with child.... My child... I shall keep you full of babies to your dying day...." He swears and
Wei Ying moans and cums from the thought alone. "Oh so filthy... Yes... Cum again, but this time
on my cock.... I will breed you well, my little Omega... You are mine...." Lan Zhan snarls as he
holds his precious pearl in place and takes him yet again, filling him with him as the Omega moans
and begs for more...
Lan Xichen hums to himself as he sits in his study, a pretty young teen knelt betwen his knees rosy
lips stretched tight on his cock as he finishes signing the necessary papers to reinstate the Wei
Royal family to power as well as the execution papers for a certain Violet Spider and a certain
Golden Peony.

"I hope you are not attached to your manwhore of a father, a'Yu... He is going to die... Just like
your half brother, Guangyao...."

No Xuanyu pulled off his cock long enough to smile beautifully at him, "No, Master Huan, this
Omega does not care... Only Master maters to me..." He thrn slips back onto the hard cock, a
pregnant belly hanging down as Lan Xichen smirks.

"Good... I should have spent time with Uncle... But oh well, he has out lived his usefulness and
lord knows he will contest yours and a'Yings places as Empress and Royal Consort respectively..."
He sighs just as there is an abrupt scream from hsi Uncle's study just across the small courtyard. "I
shall reward Xue Yang with that kitten he was asking for..."
Chapter Notes

The song and dance preformed.


Moon Empress Cangse Saren has sent a summons to all able bodied warriors to attend the
Presentation of her only Child and heir. Leaders great and small arrive at the legendary Baoshen
Mountain. Their heirs and best disciples at their heels as they are invited into a grabd banquet hall.

The Moon Empress is veiled in mourning whites and moonlight silver, veiled so none could see
her. Her child is veiled much the same. No older than perhaps 10, the child sat on a throne of black
and starlight.

They wonder who the child is and what they look lile but none has been so lucky to see the Moon
Empress or her child, only the Late Moon Emperor has.

What could come of this banquet they all wonder. Cangse Sanren can only slyly watch them all,
anticipating the reations when her precious Wei Ying picks the two men he will bind himself to for
the rest of his life. He had made it clear he did not see females in that light.


The Great Hall buzzed as they watched the Empress sitting in glittering silvers and pale blues on
mourning white robes not dissimilar to the Lan Sects colors. However the colors blended in the
way moon light did, not the glacial sheen of ice. Her veil hung heavy, droplets of moon tears
holding it down around her so only her lips could be seen.

"Welcome..." She says and her voice is like a haunting melody in the might, both welcoming and
terrifying in its gentleness. "This one has invited you all to watch the presentation of this one's only
child and heir. My child will be preforming for us shortly. Rest and be Merry..." She says and claps
her hands only omce as servsnts begin carrying our heavy serving trays ladened with foods from
each regent, catering to the tastes of each group and regent with smaller platters of the other regrets
flkds for them to sample.

She watched everyone begin to eat and drink, chatting softly curious as to what will happen. About
halfway through the feast, music began to play and the grand doors opened up as veiled dancers all
in pale silvers and white gracefully gloat in like moonbeams while only a single dancer in black
waltzes forward, silver and starlight surrounding them. They had long fans in their hands and got
into position.

They moved with grace and elegance the most beautiful of them all was the one in black, a mask
carved of Moon Pearl covering tgeir face. And then the one in black began singing. The song was
enchanting and haunting, melodic and so tragically beautiful. They were all entranced until the
very end, when the dancers had surrounded the one in black, who stood tall and proud. They
cheered and clapped as the others bow and hurry off as the Empress waves for the one in black to
come forward.

"Come my child... You did beautifully." She praises and they gasp realizing that the Heir was
present and preformed their debut talent.

Many among the guests felt awed, others wondered what ties they could establish but among the
Lans, a pair of twins fell in love with the mysterious beauty. Their song calling to them and they
wished to horde this treasure away, safe and sound from the greed and horrors of the world. A
glance at one another, they knew they would do anything to win their Moonflower's heart...
Moonflower pt 2

Wei Ying sat beside his mother after he had finished his performance, his mask remaining firmly
in place even as he carefully ate and drank while the dinner went on. His mother ran her fingers
through his hair and he wanted to purr at the touch. However, he entertained himself by watching
the others. Many were quickly getting drunk and a bit rowdy while others kept eyeing himself or
his mother. His attention is drawn to a Jin who walked up to their table, the guards quickly pointed
their weapons at the bold man, who simply holds up his up.

"I wish to toast Her Excellency and her heir, may you live for 10,000 years!" He says.

His mother narrows her eyes at the bold fool and delicately picks up her drink, but does not drink it.

"Who are you?" She demands calmly.

"This one is Jin Zixun, nephew of Sect Leader Jin Guangshan!" He says with all the air of
someone self important, but with no outstanding accolades to his name, nor any fame of his own.

"Hm... I refuse." She said simply and sets the cup down with nary a sound and the Jin is left
sputtering in humiliation and shock. "This one does not need pointless toasts made to garner favor."


"Be gone or the guards will remove you... they will not leave you in one piece if they do." She
warns and he quickly beats a retreat. No one else dares to boldly approach until it is time to get up
and properly greet Heir.

Wei Ying gives a polite smile and nods at the guests as they come up to wish him happiness and a
long life or good luck in his chosen path and in love. He is mentally crying in boredom when a pair
of twins walk up and bow deeply before him. He is floored at their unearthly beauty and the scent
of winter, sandalwood incense and something uniquely them. Their eyes are golden, one pure and
bright like refined gold while the other was darker like burnished gold, almost amber in color.
They set a gift down like the others have, but Wei Ying cannot fight his curiosity as he pulls the
fabric off the top and gasps seeing an adorable pitch black bunny.

"Aww, so cute!" He gasps and picks up the bunny and cuddles it. "Are you just the sweetest little
thing... This one thanks the handsome geges for such a wonderful gift." He bows and they bow
back, humming softly as they move to bow to his mother and then leave for their seat, but Wei
Ying's eyes are on them and he ignores the others who try to gain his attention...
Daemon Soulmates AU
Chapter Notes

Just so you know I do take some requests. If you want to see if I am willing please

Also, I will be trying to fix this hot mess of a 'fic' by condensing the parts to one
chapter if not a small series... So be on the look out for that!

For those of you asking for time stamps on the newer updates: I rarely, if ever do this.
I try not to time stamp things because it throws me off when I see something posted a
month ago labeled part 2, but part 1 was updated today.

Normally when I update I wait at least a day or a few hours in between so you get a
link to the actual chapter verses being forced to read the whole thing just to find out
what is new...


In a world where you are born with your soul taking on a physical form, you can expect a number
of strange, colorful and unique appearances. Many humans have mumdane animals found around
the world and those born special or gifted are born with a unique Daemon. A Daemon is your soul's
physical manifestation. It takes the form of an animal that best corrolates to you. Sometimes the
animal is complementing, other times it is rather confusing if not perceived as an insult by the
powers that be. No one knows for sure, but never the less we all have one.

Lan Zhan is a stoic young man whose daemon has never been seen because it can change size and
chooses to keep hidden in his shirt or somewhere under water and in the air. Many believe he is an
oddity since they believe he does not have a Daemon. Little do they know his Daemon is ome of
the rarest of all and thus makes him even more desireable than his looks and pedigree does.

Wei Ying was an anomaly. His Daemon even after he had matured, was still settling. It confuses
everyone beacuse only young children have a Daemon that changes its form every few minutes
based off their emotional state, bot the daemon and/or the child's, necessity or simply because they
can. And yet his Daemon seems to not be settled. This leads to a lot of people taking an interest in
him and it is rather... Annoying.


He presses the com in his ear, whispering softly that he is in position and ready for the signal. He
and his team had been called in when a hostage situation suddenly went a bit pear shaped. The
daughter of Ambassador Jiang and their adoptive son, had been attacked and kidnapped while on
their way home from an event. The Ambassador had paid the ransom wothout hesitation to get
them back but the kidnappers instead sent back a beta prostitute, who was rather confused about
what was going on. They then demanded a second and a much larger ransom for the Omegas.
Needless to say Madam Yu, Ambassador Jiang's wife was beyond livid and had yelled at the
kidnappers that they already paid to get her daughter back and to help with the bastard.
Needless to say the situation got worse. He checks his weapons, his wilhite shirt was slightly open
at the top and the sleaves were rolled back to his elbows while a pair of black gloves cover his
hands. His black pants were form fitting without restricting his movements. His long hair was
pulled back into a tight pony tail with a white ribbon that is sacred in his family.

"Bichen." He whispers and his Daemon suddenly darts put of his shirt and towards an opening that
rats were running in and out of.

One he is certain his daemon is inside, he gets the green light as well and hurries to the door, their
hacker killing the alarms and looping the video so he can get in undetected. Now it was time to
Daemon Soulmate AU Pt 2

Jiang Yanli sat pressed against her adoptive brother, even though they were both blindfolded, their
hands bound with their wrists tied to their elbows, making it impossible to break free without
breaking something. The tape pressed firmly over their mouths kept them from talking, which was
annoying because she wanted to make sure her brother was alright. He was trembling, their
kidnappers had dogs that were surrounding them and Wei Wuxian was terrified of them. she
managed to move her hand enough to interlock their fingers, trying to comfort him in some way.
He whimpers softly, pressing harder against her. Their Daemons were tossed into cages, hers was a
great Maltese tiger, the blue fur looked purple from the richness of the color that matched the Jiang
Family's color of choice, a rich royal purple. Níngjìng was bound tightly with rope and chains
keeping her pinned and if needed, easily harmed to make Jiang Yanli comply. Wei Wuxian's was
in a smaller cage that had been electrified because they weren't sure what to do with it. She had
listened to them call her parents, show them a video of them, she knows because they told her and
Wei Wuxian to smile prettily for it while squeezing their faces enough to bruise. She knows her
father sent the money, had heard the men laughing and cheering but instead of letting them go free,
they packed up and moved locations while sending someone else in their place.

Jiang Yanli cannot help, but worry what more they could try to do. She knows that she is not the
most beautiful Omega out there, but she and her brother are very pretty and a couple of their
kidnappers had voiced 'trying them out' before their boss yelled at them to keep their hands off.
There was a high chance of being sold on the Black Market, there was also the very high chance of
them being killed and left for their family to find. She also wasn't foolish to think her mother was
concerned about Wei Wuxian. No one in their family, expect perhaps their father, understood
where extreme hatred of Wei Wuxian came from. He was the son of their father's childhood best
friend and his wife, her a'Xian was a sweet boy, a bit mischievous, but still a good, sweet boy with
a heart that is pure and selfless. It was one of the reasons they gave him the name Wuxian because
he was without envy in his heart. He's only tried to please her mother and that only seems to make
her hate him more. She is pretty sure her mother will hire someone to rescue only herself and leave
her brother to these monsters. She tenses when someone comes close.

"Get up." it is the leader.

The two Omegas turn their heads to him, they were tied up and could not very well get up without
falling all over themselves. But thankfully he wasn't expecting them to do it on their own, he pulls
them up one at a time and then marches them somewhere. It is when he orders a pair of women to
help them use the bathroom that they understood what was happening. The women grouse about
not expecting to be babysitters when they were hired for the night, but hey, getting 2K for the
night, a hot meal and not risking getting busted by the cops was worth it.

"Damn, I'm super jealous of these Megs... their skin is so soft and they are so skinny! And look at
this ass! I'm shocked they aren't covered in semen by this point!" one girl whines.

"Shut up! We have enough trouble getting customers without competing with the whore machines
of the Dynamic!" another girl bitches as she cleans Wei Ying a bit rougher than intended. He
flinches and she sucks her teeth. "Oh please, that barely hurts! Try taking three cocks at once and
then come bitch to me about pain!"

"Kandy, stop being so mean!" the first girl says as she carefully cleans up Jiang Yanli and then
once both Omegas were presentable again, they knock twice on the door to let them out. The two
Omegas are grabbed and marched back to where they had been, the two girls, Betas by the sounds
of them, go back to wherever they were hiding out. As they walked, Wei Ying felt something brush
against his leg, causing him to jump and startle, forcing the Boss to stop.

"What is it!?"

Wei Ying muffles at him and he rolls his eyes and removes the tape.

"I think a rat just ran past my leg..." he says after hissing from the sting of the tape being removed.

"Tsk, stupid bitch..." the man grumbles and presses the tape back onto his mouth and then shoves
them both onto their bottoms back on the floor in the corner of the warehouse.

Wei Ying tries not move as he feels whatever it was that had climbed up and wrapped around his
ankle under his pants. It is smooth and a bit ridged... like scales of some kind. He feels it crawling
up his leg over his pants and then up his chest and hiding under his hair.

Shh, here to help...

Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli try not to stiffen at the male voice. They cannot exactly speak, but they
give minute nods and the Daemon, because it can be nothing else, moves down to the ropes on
Jiang Yanli's arms and begins to chew on them. If he were in his bigger form he would have no
issue snapping them like thread, but since he was no bigger than a milk snake right now, he would
have to make due.

Master will be here soon, duck down and do not move unless told.

They nod again and can feel their Daemons nervous acceptance as well. Right now they are
confused, Wei Ying especially because touching someone's Daemon was akin to rape, but when
someone's Daemon voluntarily touches you, it's a bit confusing and disconcerting. Only family and
mates are allowed to touch your Daemon. Granted this Daemon belonged to their rescuer, but
surely he could have done this without touching Wei Ying. Wei Ying can tell he's being careful to
not touch his Shijie, but seems perfectly content to perch on his bound arms while trying to get her
free. And then they startle when another Daemon joins them.

Shouyue-xiong. Good, get her. Will get him.

Of course, Bichen-didi.

The two Omegas feel thrown for a loop feeling the two familiars touching them, almost dizzy with
the strangeness of it all when suddenly an alarm blares and their Kidnappers all scramble, three
being left with them as the others run out of the warehouse area and towards the main factory...
Daemon Soulmates AU PT 3

Lan Zhan had managed to get ibto the building and take down 10 guards without being caught,
however it seems they were not the only retrieval team sent in. However, from what he cohld hear
from his childhood friend's half cussing, the other team wss none of theirs ans the idiots had
triggered an alert because now the abandoned factory was becoming quite active. His Daemon,
Bichen had located their targets and had shared what he was seeing. He felt a but dizzy seeing his
Daemon openly touching one of the Omegas and the half aborted choke that came through his
comm told him that his brother was not much better. However, they have no time to deal with this.
Lan Zhan waits until most of the goons run by before he snags a straggler and after putting him in
the sleeper hold, he manages to get more info than they had before. Knocking the man out, he
takes off toward the warehouse.

His brother is somewhere near the commotion and the long suffering sigh that leaves his mouth is
all the info they need. Jins. He resists rolling his eyes or the childish urge to have a fit. He turns a
corner and runs into three Beta Prostitutes. The women are aesthetically pleasing enough to have
regulars, but they were far from his ideal if he allowed himself to think such things. So when they
try to seduce him. He quickly and effectively handcuffed them together and to a bit of piping and
ignores their indignant screeching. Pulling out his gun and adjust his goggles, he tells his brother
and the rest of their team that he located the warehouse. He snuck into the room and carefully
snuck around. Narrowly avoiding being caught a few times he spots the caltive Omegas who are
being held at gun point, the two pressed as close together as possible flr both comfort and to hide
the two two Daemons working to set them free.

"Shit, I was planning to sell them on the Market, but nlw we need to cut our ties. Take the money
and leave! Kill them!!" Shouts the obvious leader.

Lan Zhan growls low as his brother actually says "Fuck it, kill them!" And he does so without
holding back. The first shot kills the man looming over the Omegad before the next two shots hit
the men standing near the Omegas Daemons.

'Bichen, attack!' He mentally commands his Daemon who jumps around the Omegas and grows big
enough to take down the various dog Daemons. Killing a Daemon did not kill a human, but it
certainly left them wishing for death. He knew this as did many in their profession and often the
best move to cripple someone was to kill the Daemon. However killing the human killed the
Daemon since the Human was their Host. He could not risk either Omega being hurt physically or
through their Daemons.

"Shit!! How dis you find us!?" Snarls the leader as he tries to shoot Lan Zhan, who ducks and pulls
out a small pouch that when he waved it out came a Guqin and then with early practiced fingers he
strummed 5 sharp and shrill notes that blasted out spiritual energy.

"You are not quilfied to talk to me..." He snarls and takes out two more guards nad with a kick
breaks the lock of the tiger's cage.

"Wangji!? What you doing here!? We git this, get lost!" Jin Zixun yells and Lan Zhan really wants
to shoot him. But he focuses on freeing the Daemons while Bichen is keeping the others at bay,
killing the ones who's human dare to aim their weapons at either Omega.

Breaking through the chains and setting the Maltese free, Ningqing runs to her human and with a
careful swipe of her paw she set them free. Shouyue climbed up the tigers back and lunged to join
his brother, both dragons keeping fairly small but deadly. Lan Zhan carefully gets the snaller cage
open and the tiny Daemon flies out of there and lands on her human while changing forms which is
a shock for him since rthe Omega is bit a child.

"Wangji, look out!!" his brother's warning comes too late as he is stabbrd in the back and he
manages to shoot the leader in the head vefore he collapses. He blinks seeing the red eyes befkre
he faints...
The Last of Their Kind
Chapter Notes


Okay, so I wanted to condense the chapters down into one chapter a piece do the older
posts/fills and the new Chapters would be the newer updates.

However the issue I am having right now is that if I delete the chapters, I lose the
comments that were alreay added to the chapter.

The other option is to basically take the fills and make them into a series of actual
stories, but the issue is that I am already working on two fics right now and I do not
want to stretch myself thin. Let me know in the comments what you think I should do:
Condense them down or make a series? Obviously I am going to edit the crap oiut of
these so they sound and look better.

The Heiyu's Shenhong Lianhua would be Part 1 of that series and Painting my Heart in
Clouds will be part two since they are the ones being filled properly. this means if you
want to take up a prompt and post it, let me know so I can add it into the series and
place it at number 3 and so on until all of them are being properly filled and yes I
accept multiples of the same prompt fills.

Everyone has a different take or writing style and I would honestly love to see how
others handle thes prompts!! And Podfics are more than welcome!

Prompt from CordeNarcissus:

Lan Zhan is the last Alpha on earth and Wei Ying is the last omega. (Or they could be anything
really.) The plot here is that they are taken and forced to have sex with each other. Along with
having children and etc. They didn’t know each other beforehand, and they form a bond in


Wei Ying sat in the fancy helicopter, looking out the window as the mainland vanished and
nothing but open water met his eyes. At his feet was the carrier that held his pet bunnies, YanYan
and Lao Khan. He was nervous because there was at least 5 others in the back with him, all big
scary looking soldiers, the pilot and co-pilot were up front obviously gett them to their destination
without incident. Wei Ying thinks back on what lead him to this point in time, wondering just what
kind of luck he had...


"You stupid, ungrateful piece of shit!! Why couldn't you have died with your whore mother and
your useless, unfilial father!?" screeched Madam Yu as she hurled a vase at him.

Wei Ying had ducked it and yelped as he was hit with the shards of porcelian from where it
smashed into the wall just above his head. water and floors spilled down on him with the glass as
Madam Yu screeched at him again.

She had barged into his room unannounced and caught him kissing another boy in his year. They
were just experimenting to see if they could be boyfriends since they both acknowledged they were
gay. He felt bad Lao Binghe. They had only just kissed when she caught them and began throwing
shit. Wei Ying took a hit from a textbook to protect his half blind friend so he could jump out the
window and run away as fast as he could. Wei Ying would have jumped out right after him, but
Madam Yu had caught hold o him and dragged him to the Disciplnary Hall.

That is where they are now, Wei Ying was battered and bruised from her throwing things at him
and her two devil maids who whipped him if he tried to escape. He had small cuts and lacerations
from where they caught him or where the glass caught him. He was carefull to keep his head and
face protected. He didn't even try to talk his way out. He had long ago learned that nothing he ever
said or did would ever make his Uncle's wife like him.

She hated him for just breathing and never once held back on her hatred. She conked him with a
paperweight next and in the time it took his ears to stop ringing and his vision to stop fading to
black, Uncle Fengmian rushed in with Jiang Yanli, his beloved Shijie and his tsundere little
brother, Jiang Cheng. He didn't know therewere a couple of others, only knowing that Madam Yu
had grabed a heavy jade statue and was gonna smash his skull in when the familiar sounds of
Uncle and his wife fighting sounded, his sister carefully helping him sit up as his brother very
carefully picks glass out of his hair.

He's pretty sure he passed out for a few minutes because when he opened his eyes again, Wei Ying
was sitting in Uncle's office where he noticed General Wen and Soldiers talking to his Uncle. His
siblings were sat with him. He gave a weak smile to his sister as she began to fuss, Jiang Cheng
was glaring at the Soldiers who had been apparently watching Wei Ying's sleeping form this whole

"-That woman was imprtant!? And you want that filthy faggot!?" Madam Yu's voice was like a
sledgehammer to his senses.

She was greatly offended that someone as important as the Imperial General would come to her
house and instead of asking for one of her children, asked for the filthy little bastrd of THAT
woman!! She near apocolyptic at his point.

"I just told you. Cangse Sanren was the daughter of the Chief Scientist, Baoshen Sanren. They have
dones great and wonderful work for the Government and unfortunately with their passing the only
person capable of completing their last project is your nephew. We came to get him as per Dr.
Baoshen's Will and bring him to our facility." General Wen says in a firm tone that leaves no room
for rebuttle. "Besides, thier notes are locked in a biometic safe and his is the only DNA that will

"But why now?" Uncle asks, worried about the suddenness.

"Dr. Baoshen's passed away in an accident and we've been scrambling ever since. this is the first
time since it happened that we have been able to come collect Mr. Wei. Dr. Baoshen was actually
supposed to come visit him tomorrow, but unfortunately..." He shrugs his shoulders and shakes his
head, a contrite look on his face. "We are on barrowed time and need to get back with Mr. Wei, so
if you will kindly hand him over?"

"Take the faggot!" Madam Yu snarls before anyone can speak and Jiang Fengmian actually snaps
at her this time.
"Ziyuan! You cannot--"

"He was making out with another boy!! It's bad enough he's a stupid, waste of space, but a
disgusting homosexual as well!? I want him gone before he can infect a'Li or a'Cheng! Or do you
not care that he is so close to OUR children!? "

Wei Ying sees the arguement before it can happen and speaks up, "I will go... It will help out these
gentlemen, I can get what I am supposed to get from my grandmother and I will be out of your
hair. It's a Win-win-win all aroud."

"But a'Xian, we don't know if and when you will be back--"

"You better not come back you son of a bitch!" Madam Yu says and Wei Ying feels his eye twitch

""I am pretty sure I can gt time off in about a year or two. I am studying genetics like mom did so I
am sure they will have a use for me somewhere." Wei Ying ssays

"Then it is settled, Mr. Wei, show these gentle men to your room and they will begin packing
everything and moving them to transport... I will need you as his guardian to sign these Waviers..."

Wei Ying expected his siblings to follow, for Jiang Cheng's outburst and the water works. He
didn't have to explain, everyone in the Jiang Household knows that Madam Yu Has been trying to
get ride of Wei Ying since forever. It was best to leave now, hopefully his grandma left him some
money or a house so he can have his own place to stay and not worry about the looming guilotine
that is Madam Yu's wrath. He promised to write and call them whenever he could and that at the
first opprotunity he would come see them. After a tearfilled hug session, they got him packed up
within the hour and he was off..

"Wei Wuxian, I know this is very sudden and all but like I said time is of the essence. The
experiment that your grandmother was working on, is actually complete. We just need you to be
his campanion. He had liked your grandmother and becomes rather...difficlut when he doesn't see
her for a while. There are a few other things we need you to help with but your main job is to keep
that guy's comapny... Tell me Mr. Wei, do you believe in Fairy Tales?" General Wen suddenly
Yunmeng's Shenhong Lianhua


Yunmeng was a kingdom built on series of massive lakes filled with lotuses. They were small, but
rich. Many wanted ties to them for the trade and for their skills in crafts as well as swordsmanship.
What no one knows is that what makes the kingdom special is that living at the heart of the
Yunmeng Kingdom, surrounded by the Lotus Pier Palace, was a great big crimson red Lotus that
housed a beautiful and powerful fairy. The fairy had saved the Queen's life while she was giving
birth to her eldest child and had saved her son's life when he almost drowned as a toddler.

However the Fairy died and her flower had turned black with red tips as it closed. It would be a
couple of years beforenit bloomed again and her child would be born. The Queen, who had owed
the Fairy so much, had vowed she would raise her son as her own and ensure he was kept safe.
However time would tell what fate had in-store...


"Wei Wuxian! You get your little backside down here this instant!" Huffed the queen as she stood
under a great flower that loomed high above and sitting nestled in the center was her adopted son.
"The Jins will be here any minute and we cannot afford that idiot knowing about your secret!"

"Oh, right..." Wei Ying murmurs as he slips off the perch he made in the giant flower and slips
easily through the air like a feather as the flower shrinks and returns to ita normal form just as he
touches down. "Sorry Auntie..." He bows his head and she lightly slaps him with her fan and gives
a soft smile.

"Go find, a'Cheng and get ready. We are also expecting the delegation from Gusu Lan. They are
not use to how open and free we are so please try to behave arounf the young masters." Queen Yu
says and shoos him off, shaking her head before turning to her handmaids. "Have extra security
around a'Xian's chambers and wing. I do not want to give anyone a reason to snoop around."

"Ma'am." They bow and hurry off as she turns again to see her husband coming down one of the
outdoor hallways. He smiles at her and she gives a fond smile.

"Did You find a'Xian?" He wonders.

"Just sent him to get ready." She agrees and he cups her cheek. She blushes and slaps his hand
away. Flustered and giving a biting comment that he knows she does not mean because she is still
so new to genuine affection. Her family were a harsh resilient clan, she was the youngest of 5
daughters and was treated harshly but with love. However she was not use to softness and often
used anger as a shield. However her husband has warn her down over the years and her friend,
Cangse Sanren had helped. She missed a'Ren, but was please her sonbwas growing well.

"You miss them." He says and she smiles sadly. "We will find out what happened. For both
yourself and for a'Xian... Now come, my lady, I recieved word that the Gusu Lan Delegation has
been spotted sailing across the lake."

The death of the original Fairy, Cangse Sanren had been a mystery to them for some time. She had
lived her whole life in Yunmeng and thus had fallen in love with Wei Changze, at the time the
personal asistant of crown Prince Jiang Fengmian before he was given the title and position of
advisor after said man became King. Cangse Sanren had fallen for the quiet man and he for the
lively Fairy. They had a long courtship because Cangse Sanren did not want to simply marry
because liked someone. She wanted someone who would be with her in good and bad times.
Someone who would love her as both an immortal and a mortal.

It was around this time that Yu Ziyuan had come to live in Yunmeng in preparation to be married.
She had hated Cangse Sanren at first when she had caught the fairy leaning in a rather suggestive
position on her fiance. However the Fairy had worked hars to earn her forgiviness and finally got
when Yu Ziyuan had a severe complication having her daughter. The Fairy had flown into the
room in a ball of moonlight and took her full celestial form, Yu Ziyuan had been stunned and it
allowed the fairy to feed her a special food pellet from the God of Medicine that allowed her to
have her daughter and enough strength to recover. Ever since she had slowly begun to get to know
Cangse Sanren, whom she realized hugfed and leaned bon those she liked or loved. She started to
do it to Ziyuan as soon as she realized that the young queen was no longer hostile toward her.

When her secind child, Jiang Cheng had been born, Cangse Sanren had been there ready to help if
she had another issue but thankfully Jiang Cheng had been an easy birth. However it was when he
was three and had toddled off alone and fallen into the lake that would solidify Yu Ziyuan's love
and friendship in Cangse Sanren. The Fairy had been resting in her flower when she felt the shifts
of disturbed water and went to check it out. She hurried to pull a'Cheng out of the water spelled the
warer from his little lungs just as Ziyuan had run around the edge of the lake to get to them. The
fairy gave him a bit of her lifeforce to help him recover from his near death and ever since Queen
Yu swore sisterhood and friendship with her.

So it honestly shocked her when one day about a year or two after Wei Changze abd Cangse
Sanren left to visit the Fairy Realm to speak with a'Ren's mother, that the giant Crimson lotus had
suddenly turned black and seemed withered as it closed shut and sunk into the lake. It was a
terrible omen and it heralded ill news. It would be months later they would hear about the deaths of
Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren. A supposed Night hunt gone bad. That was impossible. Changze
had been the Head Disciple when he and Fengmian were boys, he was a strong and capable guard
and later on a valued advisor. He was not so easily bested and by a Yao of all things.

And then there was Cangse Sanren. She was a powerful Fairy, having spend a lifetime cultivating
and she ruled a vast land and kept it pure and clean. Only the odd low level ghoul or Yao appearing
and being either dealt with or left alone as long as they left the humans alone. She has faced
demons and other creatures before even fellow fairies or corrupted versions of them. It was
impossible that she was was killed by something so low tier. No something happened, but no one
knows what. The only witness was Wei Wuxian, but he had been traumatized and it affected his
memory. He had told them whenbhe suddenly apleared in the flower thaat had risen once more
brilliant crimson once more that he remembees his mother asking him tone at in the protective
circle. He doesn't know why she asked or what haplened just that one moment he was waiting the
next he was attacked by dogs and woken up in the flower where he spent the year or two
recovering from the attack. No one dared to press him. Not only in fear of causing him harm but of
Queen Yu as well. Ever since, she kept Wei Wuxian close, she guarded him as fiercely as she
guards her own children. After all he and her a'Cheng were only a week apart in age.

Yu Ziyuan blinks as her husband kisses her brow and she sighs, she had veen lost in thought but
thankfully the love of her life was there to keep her safe and grounded.

"We will find out the truth... Just give it time... Now come, out guests have arrived and I am certain
our children are greeting them now." He says and she sighs.

"We need to worry about a'Cheng's tenper." She huffs and he laughs. "Why did he have to get it
from me?"
Yunmeng's Shenhong Lianhua PT 2

Queen Yu and King Jiang arrived soon after and bowed to the Gusu Lan Delegation. Grandmaster
Lan Qiren biwed in greeting before he introduced his two nephews.

"Crown Prince Lan Huan, Lan Xichen. And Second Prince Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji." The man said
with just the slightest hint of pride in his voice.

The two boys were very handsome, they were dressed very finely in white and blue, the few pieces
of jewellery they sported gleamed like snow in the sunlight and they bowed with perfect poise.
Queen Yu knew they would be very handsome when they matured and many a lady and even men
would flock to them. She vaguely entertains the idea of arranging one of her children to them but
shakes it off because a'Li was already promised to Jin Zixuan, her other sworn sister's son. They
were bot yet teens so she should not meddle yet. While she hoped a'Li would marry Him Zixuan,
she knows she would not force her daughter if Jiang Yanli truly did not want him. Madam Jin
would be upset for a while, but ultimately would not hold it against them. After all not all arranged
marriages ended in a happily ever after.

Pergaps in another life time, Yu Ziyuan would have been an embittered woman and taken her anger
out on all, especially a'Xian since everyone was so sweet on him especially her family. He was
stronger than her son, but that is a given since he was a Fairy and her son is human. Mentally
shaking her thoughts away, she bows when her husband introduces her and then she introduces
their children.

"Our eldest, Princess Jiang Yanli, Jiang Qinghua. Our son Prince Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wanyin. And
our other son, Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian." She zmiles proudly when the three bow in sync and give a
proper greeting. They stand and smile at their guests who bow back. The Twin Jades looked a bit
swept away by the three, but perhaps it was a good thing.

"Wei?" Lan Qiren asks, and then realizes it is prying and is about to retract his question but the
child speaks up before that.

"Yes, my a'Die was Uncle Jiang's closest friend and advisor. My a'Niang was Auntie's sworn sister.
They died when I was much smaller. Ever since Auntie and Uncle have raised me." He tells him
easily enough, his smile beautiful even as he tells them something so traumatic.

"I see. My apologies."

"No need to worry Grandmaster Lan, everyone always asks and it is best to be told the truth than
risk rumors being spread." Wei Ying chirps and Queen Yu smiles proudly. Oh yes she has heard
the rumors. That her husband took a mistressand impregnated her but said mistress married his
advisor to save face. Others claim Wei Ying was her child with Wei Changze. Oh please! Wei
Changze and her were like oil and water. They could be near each other just fine but never mixed.
They were too opposites. He was calm and cool while she was hit tempered and as loath as she is to
admit it, quick to violence.

Though she would admit they would make a lovely child together. Not nearly as pretty as hee a'Li
or a'Xian, but certainly eye fetching. Call her biased but that is her opinion.

"You must be tired. Come, allow us to show you to your rooms. Children, please guide the Princes
to their quarters in the children's Wing." Jiang Fengmian says and waves his arm to start guiding
the adults while Wei Ying bounces over to the Twin Jades bows ans takes their sleeves in his hands
and pulls them along. Lan Qiren is going to scold the bold child but to his shock, Lan Zhan allows
the casual touch while Lan Xichen allows Princess Jiang to take his other sleeve leaving Prince
Jiang to lead the group struting like a proud peacock the while way.

"They will be fine." Queen Yu assures. "A'Xian is a good boy and often knows things without
trying to make others comfortable or like him. Your nephews arw in good hands with him and a'Li.
A'Cheng sadly has my temper." She sighs and the group chuckle. Queen Yu was infamous as the
legendary Violet Spider. A name well earned in her opinion but had draw backs as well. Her son
was often quick to anger and sometimes gis jealousy gets the best of him but she is working in that
with him. She made sure that while others may be better, as long as he did his best she would be
proud no matter what.

She never pits her children against each other like her own parents did. It is why she never really
speaks to her sisters which saddens her now that she has such lovely children to introduce to them.
Oh well. She smiles as a'Xian's bright voice carries over the still water giving a grand tour of Lotus
Pier's palace to their younger guests and his siblings chipping in every now and again. She sees a
great friendship blooming and hopes it will thrive....
I will Protect you...

The howling of the black wind through a forest of pitch masked the faint sounds of chalk and blood
being painted over the wide expense of the clearing. He worked hard and diligently, eyes bloodshot
from days of mourning and sleepless nights. Pale and half sunken in cheeks from lack of sunlight
and hardly eating. He had been a fool... He faltered only once, trusted the wrong lerson and it cost
him something irreplaceable. If he had known then what he knew now, he wouls have sided with
those who needed him and perhaps his precious ones would be here now. He worked and worked.
Painstakingly making sure each character, rune and symbol was perfect and correct. He knew what
he needed to do and he knew what needed to change. Once he was done he stepped forward in to
the center of the spell, his personal items and those belonging to his lost loved ones laid on each
circle. He began chanting the spell and the world is light up in purple as blue and red energy circle
and colid and slowly the wind falls mute as the world falls away. As he falls he watches his sword,
Shouyue fly away, Liebing, his Xiao not long after. A grass butterfly flutters away and a cloth doll
that had seen better days chases it. The flash of pure white as Bichen pieces herself back together
and flies off as the splintered peices of Wangji come back together blod soaked strings cleaning
themselves as strings reattach themselves. A sword unseals itself and it is beautiful but its name
had once been thought of as a disrespectful prank, but had proved her worth as whatever her late
master desired. Suibian flew off after Bichen, like her own to harass the sword in playful
companionship beflre the sounds of a Dizi meets his ears and there is Chenqing, surrounded by the
black mist of resentful energy seemingly lonely but the strum of the Guqin and the echon of the
Xiao call and soon the black bamboo flute flies away to join the others. After that he knows

Lan Huan's eyes snap open as he bolts up right. He is in the Hanshi. For a hysterical moment he
thinks he did not succeed in casting Wei Ying's time spell, but as he get out of bed, he flops
gracelessly because he is a few inches shorter than he had been, his bed was also lower than he
remembered and then his door opened and there was 16 year old Wangji, a'Zhan, looking

"Xiong--" Lan Huan is up and across the room in a matter of seconds and cannot help the raw
emotions as he holds an alive Lan Zhan in his arms. A Lan Zhan who had fallen off the cliff with
Wei Ying when that man murdered them. He realizes that a' Yuan was not even birn at this time
and it gives him time to prevent the tragedies that surrounded him from birth to his unhust death at
the hands of fhe Cultivation World just because he was supposedly a Wen. "Gege?"

Lan Huan melts and pulls away, he cupps his brother's cheeks and cannot help but agree with Wei
Ying's comment that his brother was much to pretty at times, which made him look adorable when
he allowed emotion onto his face. Wei Ying! Xiao Ying would be with the Yunmeng Sect at this
time, still so innovent and carefree! But he would also be with that bastard...

"Sorry, A'Zhan, I had a horrible vision of the future... You and your beloved had been murdered
and I could jot save you... I could not even save the son you created..." He sighs so tiredly as he
pretends that he is his newly 19 yeard old self.

"Brother?" Lan Zhan is confused and a bit worried as he rubs his brother's back. Lan Huan had
been prone to visions and rarely confided or revealed what he had seen. This must have truly upset
his brother. He had died? Him and his beloved? Impossible. Lan Zhan was planning to be celibate
for the rest of his life... But he had a son too...

"What happened?" Lan Zhan asks, glaring at him to tell him everything and Lan Huan almost
laughs in hysteria at ghe petulant set of his brother's face as minor as the shift was.

"You know I cannot... However I Will give you hints along the way... When you go out today, do
be on the look kit for anyone who lost their invitation and allow them in..." He says and shoks
himnout the door so he can get ready himself. He would protect his brother and their beloved Lotus
and little Starling....
I will Protect you... PT 2

Lan Zhan was not sure how to react to his brother's strange behaviour. However, he was given a
small hint at something. Sighing he washed up, got dressed and ready for the day. He joined his
brother for breakfast, which Lan Xichen was thankfully put together and seemed to have valmed
down from the hysteria the vision induced. If he had been in his brother's place, Lan Zhan is
certain he would have been just as manic and hysterical. He had been bruised from how tight his
brother had hugged him. But something was not right. His eyes looked older...

Lan Zhan has these thoughs running circles in his mind all day long as he does his duties for the
day and then heads out to patrol the mountain to make sure no one was lost or wandering where
they should not be. It is around mid afternoon when he makes his way back and sees a group of
Cultivators in white robes with the royal purples and blues of the Yunmeng Sect. They were
looking worried as they seemd to be seraching for something.

"Damn it, I told you not to lose it!" One man snaps, his tone is loud and hostile, while the other
gives a soft laugh, apologizing even as he keeps searching.

"It was in my qiankun pouch and I had not moved it or pulled it out... So where-- oh no...." He
niticed the whole in the pouch and they all paled vecause that means they might have lost some of
their suppiles along the way as well.

"Damn you, Wuxian!!"

"A'Cheng!" A woman snaps and he is cowed at the firm tone. "A'Xian, perhaps you csn go back
along the bath we took and see of you can find it and check at the in we stayed in last night just in
case if fell there. We will walk up as much as we can and wait to see if one of the Lan Disciples
will pass by and explain what happened. I Will sew up your pouch as soon as we get inside. It must
have gotten snagged somehow..."

"Ok--" they all turned as he approached and they opened a path for him. He stopped before the
three leaders of the group and they all bowed to him. "Ah, forgive us, Gongzi, but we seemed to
have lost our invite. Could you please help us?" The one with the brigjt smile asks, bowing again,
the motion is quick and a bit rude, but he remembers his brother's words and he did not like how
the loud mouth had yelled needlessly at the smiling one.

"No invite; no entery..." He says firmly and the group deflates, but he then turms to the smiling
one. "Will help you find the lost invite. Must have it for safety reasons." He explains and the boy
brightens up again.

"Oh, you think we might be bandits or something... That's understandable. But at least let Shijie
inside so she can send a note to Uncle? I do not know how long my pouch has had this whole in it
and we might have lost more than just the Jade token..." He explains, hopeful. He also wanted his
sister somewhere safe and cool. The day was a bit warm and they were not sure how the heat of
the day or the thin air of the mountain would affect her.

He looled over the frail woman and considers it for just a moment and then nods. He allows the
women to go up and through. His Unclr must have been alerted to their presence as he was waiting
at the top of the stairs. Maiden Jiang explains their situation and requests ro pen a letter to her
father in case the Jade toke. Was mistakenly forgotten at home or fell on the barge that brought
them to Caiyi town. His Uncle looks sour faced but allows it dince they were asking so politely.
Nodding he heads back dow. And the smiling boy, the loudmouth and at least one other Jiang
Disciple join him and they begin heading down the path tiward the town...

Lan Huan blinks as he walks up to the gates and sees Lady Jiang sending off one of their ravens
with a letter, but her group is missing. He looks around and sees only a few fenale Jiang Cultivators
sitting on a bench not to far from her and smiles softly when he does not see Wangji. He sees his
uncle however and his face sours greatly. His obstinate uncle and his hypocrisy. Forcing his smile
into its polite mask he approaches and asks what has happened and as he had recalled the Jade
token is missing. He bever learned where it had vanished to last time, but she she confirms his
brother was helping to find it he preened.

They waited until almoat supper when the group of Jiang Cultivators make it to the top, his brother
holding onto the jade to make sure it is not lost.


"Stolen... Brought the thief." He murmurs and steps askde to show a known thief in the area. The
man is sweating and lookign nervous as he is held by two of the biggest Jiang Disciples.
"Recovered it safely."

"Good... Jiang-Gongzi." He greets the the younger version of the bastard in a sacchrine tone but
then softens as he sees the vision of a young and happy Wei Ying. A Wei Ying who had not been
tortured, who still had his golden core and looked to be calmer than he had been last time. Perhaps
it was because he had warned his brother and he met them before Wri Ying began attempting to
break through the wards. "Who are you, Gongzi?"

"This one is Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, Head Disciple of Yunmeng Jiang. Greetings to First Jade!"
He chirps and his cute little laugh is as sweet and adorable as he recalls.

"Please you must be tired. We can formally welcome the students when the others arrive in the
next two days. Wangji, could you please escort them to their temporary homes here?"

"Mmm." He nods and turns to start walking. The Jiangs bow in thanks, Wei Ying giving a cheeky
little smile and wave before he jogs to keep up with his sister, whom he hands his pouch as the
thief is left before him and Uncle. Lan Huan smiles a smile that is anything but friendly.

"So you thought to steal a Jade Token and break i to the Cloud Recesses?" Is his omnious

Lan Zhan stops in front of the last room where Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian would be staying.
The Jiang Heir nods once curtlyband enters as his adoptive brother lingers to bow properly.

"Thank you so mich for your help, Lan-er-gege. If you had not come when you did. I might have
tried to break open the wards to let the others in at least..." He admits and Lan Zhan stiffen in out
rage but then blinks and considers what such a feat would mean about the young man's strength
and intelligence.

"Do not break the wards... Will return the Jade when qiankun pouch is fixed... It is late. Eat and
sleep. Bedtime is 9pm awaken by 5am..." He states and Wei Ying gasps but then laughs brightly.

"I guess becuase Lan-er-gege helped me, I will listen this one time! Goodnight and thank you
again..." He thrn heads inside and slides the doors shut.

Lan Zhan is not sure how he feels. He walks back ina bitnof a daze and startles when his brother
touches his warm ears.


"... Think.... Made a friend?"

"Oh, wonderful! Was it Wei-Gongzi? He seems like a bright and brilliant young man! Maybe he
will surprise us with solutions that others might not consider?"

"Mm... Must meditate..."

"Alright, a'Zhan... Good night." He waves him off as they part ways. Lan Huan however does not
go back to the Gandhi, he heads for the path leading behind the dorms and goes to check on Wei
Ying, not trusting Jiang Wanyin; never again. However, he pauses as he looks at the library and
gets a brilliant idea. He will order a few of the others to start making copies of the books and
hiding the originals in the Blood Seal chests and hinding those in the back of the Mountain. He
will also pay his father a visit. But for now he needed to discreetly ward Wei Ying's rooms and
keep his beloved little Xiao Ying safe...
I will Protect you... PT 3

Wei Ying was a care-free and often mischievous young man and he knew it. He was in the top ten
of most handsome and eligible young masters because of gis skills and merits alone. He did not lile
rules or to be told he cannot do something. However after running into the Second Jade and getring
his help to find their missing supplies and invite. He had been so certain the cold beauty would
refuse to help them or turn them away, but he had surprisingly helped out. And the First Jade was
as handsome as they said he was and so charming and he had the cutest smile.

Since their arrival, the two Jades were seen around fairly frequently. Wei Ying sat across from Lan
Wangji and sometimes when he dared to look in his direction Wei Ying would smile and give a
tiny wave. He made a bit of waves when Grandmaster Lan had asked a seemingly impossible
question and Wei Ying had stated a very unorthodox method. The man had gotten angry and three
a scroll case at him, which he dodged easily but cut the man off mid-rant.

"Grandmaster, please. If normal methods even the most powerful of our skills and techniques
cannot subdue the demon then would it not make sense to use the very resentment it feeds from
against it? Like the supression cuffs use our own Qi against us?" Wei Ying challenges and the
Grandmaster opens his mouth but falls silent.

"Uncle I beleive Wei-Gongzi has made a valid point... Please explain if you can?" Lan Xichen
speaks up from where he was sitting in a small alcove supervising the lesson.

"If I were facing this demon and it is as powerful as you say. Then using arrays and talismans
crafted to use Resentful energy or even neutral energy can be used. Take the purification circle. If it
is not working, perhaps change a few characters or symbols, perhaps both if needs be, and it should
instead use the Resentful entery to 'purify" the denon and weaken it to allow a more standard
methid to kill itbor suppress it. And Firce Corpses are nit always aggressive. Perhaps if we found
away to control them or at lease bring back the conscious of the person and learn of how they died
we can aid then no to find rest or have a group to scout a dangerous situation that is already dead
and thus cannot be killed again or detected..."

"Interesting..." Lan Xichen hums, hiding his pleased smile behind his fist as he pretends to 'think
over' the suggestions.

"... I will admit that there is a smidgen of merit. But to go down shuch a dark path--"

"But Uncle, you have always told us balance is key... If the path of Light is not working wouldn't
the Dark path work instead?" Lan Wangji asks, after thinking over what Wei Wucian had said and
finding... The idea was not repulsive. "Certainly going down the Dark path is dangerous but what
if the one so learn the dark methids had someone on the light path of equal or perhaps greater
power to balance them and pull them back?"

"That is a good idea, Wangji. And it does actually follow our belief in balance. It deals with the
threat, allows for all methids to be used to subdue or terminate the threat and keeps the one who has
to dip into the Demonic arts from losing themselves to the madness..." Lan Xichen adds in and Wei
Ying is floored by the Twin Jades sticking up for him.

"... Perhaps this requires further research and discussion. Wei Wuxian, you will attend Wangji in
the Libaray pavilion to research, draft and compose a valid use for Resentment. Wangji is powerful
and should be more than enough to pull you back if, and this is a very big IF, you can prove your
theory correct with evidence." Lan Qiren houses as the young man gives him a bright smile so loke
his mother's and he bows respectfully.

"This one will do his best to convince Laoshi!" He says and gracrfully drops back to his knees
already drafting something on a bit of spare parchment. As he is busy, Lan Qiren continues his
lesson if a bit off kilter now...

Lan Huan is all too pleased with the outcome. Instead of Wei Ying being chased out of the class,
he managed to start sewing seeds of open mindedness so his Xiao Ying was not demonized once
more. It was funny how the first time everyone had been relying on him as a whole to win the war
for them but when it was over and they could not collar and chain him to them, he needed to be
destroyed. Flashes of the Seige on the Burial Mounds flashes in his mind, the screams, the blood
and death little a'Yuan's tiny body too cold and still in his arms...

'Not this time, not this time...' He swears as he calms himself and keeps listening in, watching Wei
Ying as he works on his forst spell. The young man had aleays been brilliant with spell crafting,
Array smithing and creating or tweaking talismans. Lan Huan already had a contract set up to
ensure that anything that Wei Ying deems good and working, that he is willing to share with the
public, he gets the royalties due for everything sold. The Jins had stolen Wei Ying's notes and
made profit off them as well as slowly took over. Lan Huan will not let that happen a second time...

Lan Zhan sat reading a book on Yin and Yang energy in the library with Wei Wuxian hunched
over the table, his hair a bit messy from running his fingers through it, pulling on the long black
tresses in frustration or shaking hisnhead rapidly as he seemed to chase ideas from his own mind.
He was muttering to himself. The words all various characters, symbols, spells or evrn units of
measurement as he worked. There was a large pile, messy too, of half sketches and doodles. Notes
in messy scrawl that only Wei Wuxian seemed to be able to read. Lan Zhan will admit he was
rather... Distracted. The young man had been at this for weeks now, slowly compiling a basis for
Demonic Cultivaion. Some of the completed works that the younger boy showed hin proved
brilliant and clearly he was a good artist because the lines were neat and perfect compared tonhis
notes. But perhaps it was done on purpose to prevent theft?

"Man... I need to figure out how to get thr energy to do what I want..., he groans dramatically and
flops down on the table in a tired frustrated heap.

"Ah, is something wrong?" They look up to see that Lan Xichen was bringing tea and snacks. Lan
Zhan cocked a brow at his brother who chuckled and joimed them as he has been doing the last few
days. "Wangji?"

"Frustrated." He says simply and Lan Xichen just hums.

"Stuck I see... Perhaps I can help?" He asks and pulls up Leibing, his Xiao. "Perhaps if I play Peace
and Clarity for you, you will relax..." He offers.

"Mn, will help." Lan Zhan carefully sets his book aside and summons Wangji to the table.

"Oh, no! You don't--"

"You clearly are stressed and need a break. If nothing else, the music will help you relax..." Lan
Xichen cuts in gently and the youngest of the three sighs and nods his head. "Good now then have
some tea, I believe this is your favorite snack in Yunmeng? Lady Jiang gave it to me..." He hands
him a pouch of lotus seeds and the boy gives a delighted little squeak and he looks so much lile a
happy bunny in that moment. Lan Xichen sees Lan Zhan's fingers twitch with the urge to pet Wei
Ying and it makes him smile.

The time traveler was discreetly pushing the pair together much sooner than they had the first time,
wanting Wei Ying already familiar with them and comfortable to come to them for aid. Besides he
wanted a'Yuan back and for that Lan Zhan and Wei Ying needed to be lovers first. He could wait
as long as needed. Focusing he begins to play Peace as Wangji plays Clarity. The songs mesh
together wonderfully and they watch Wei Ying relax as he snacks on his seeds and then seems to
drift off for a small nap.

It does jot matter it is a good bonding moment. His brother is relaxed and open, the micro shifts of
his face telling the First Jade that something was taking root and if nurtured and protected will
grow as big and bright as it had been before. Lan Xichen already felt his own love grow bigher.
They sat there for maybe and hour before their peace was ruined by Jiang Wanyin. Lan Xichen
was proud his brother already hated the young man and subtly hinted his own displeasure for his
brother to see.

"Wei Wuxian!! Where are you!?" The bellow startles their little Bunny Wei from where he had
fallen over in his sleep leaning on Wangji who had not dared to stop playing or remove him. His
brother was certainly falling faster ifbhe was allowing Wei Ying's touch even if it was a sleepy

"Huh!? Wha!" He gasped and blushed as he tried to right himself, cheeks pink from
embarrassment. "Sorry! I--"

"Wuxian come out of hiding right now or I'll break your legs!!" Wanyin's shouting was thunderous
in the peaceful tranquillity of the Cloud Recesses.

"Oospe... I need to go--"

"Will clean up for Wei Ying... Uh, Wei Wuxian." Lan Zhan's ears turn pink. At the slipnin familiar
address as the boy smiles and hurries off.

"Oh and I think I figured out the problem! Tomorrow csn we go find a low level Yao?" He asks
Lan Xichen as he hops in place, nervous as his brother's shouthing was getting louder and closer.

"Certainly... Best run alingm and tell your brother I said to please report to the disciplinary Building
to recieve punishment for shouting." Lan Xichen says, his smile just a bit feral with pleasure at
finally being able to start punishing the bastard. Wei Ying nods, nit noticing the menacing look as
he hurries off.

"Brother does not like Jiang-Gongzi."

"Neither do you, a'Zhan." He smirks back and his brother nods, not denying it as he cleans up the
notes carefully organizing them. "You seemnto like Wei Wuxian..."

"As does brother... If brother wishes, this little brother will not pursue Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan looks
so dejected at the idea.

"I would never deny you anything, at least no within reason... Why can we simply nit share Xiao
Ying? He is certainly comfortable with us..." He offers and his brother takes a moment to think and
then nods. "But I cannot do anything right now. So you will have to love him fkr both of us right

"Mn." Lan Zhan nods. Only 3 weeks and Lan Zhan had fallen hard. But it was impossible to not
love Wei Ying. He was too cute and so bright, like a bunny in spring...
I will Protect you... PT 4

Lan Xichen stood back with Lan Zhan as they watched Wei Ying whistle and the resentful energy
dance to his call as the Yao was forced to obey him. Lan Xichen made a mental note to visit the
Burial Mounds to cut down a bamboo shoot and carve out Chenqing once more for Wei Ying.
Soon the Yao was fully under Wei Ying's thrall and the young man was all to happy with himself.

"I did it!" He cheers and Lan Zhan nods his head once, a pleased hum sounding. "I got it from how
you sometimes play music and it helps to calm or clear away resentment! But instead of doing that
it helps control it and subdue it!"

"Xiao Ying is brilliant." Lan Xichen praises and the young man blushes at the praise. "Now then to
be certain your new friend will not cause trouble..." He pulls out a special sealing collar and
carefully fits it around the fox like Yao's neck. "There... Xiao Ying need only add some energy to it
and the seal is complete."

"Oh, thank you, but that must havr been super expensive! How could I repay you for that!?" Wei
Ying panics.

"By being yourself and working hard." Lan Xichen says softly as his brother nods. Mentally they
would accept Wei Ying being eternally theirs but that can come later.

After a bit more practice and testing, after Wei Ying sealed the collar, they headed back to the
Cloud Recess the Yao carefully tucked into Xichen's arms...

The following day, Wei Ying presented his findings and research to Lan Qiren and while their
uncle tried to debase and disregard everything, since it was not the "traditional route" he could not
fully do so without admitting that Wei Wuxian had achieved the impossible. It only served to upset
him more when after lessons others showed an interest. Lan Xichen was most pleased because if he
could help Wei Ying establish a base for Demonic Cultivation, then the chances of what happened
before will drop significantly. He was not pleased, however by Jiang Wanyin berating Wei Ying
for his originality, proof and presentation. You would think he would try to ride his robe tails like
last time. But then again, if the memories the Burial Mound shared with him, it was because Lotus
Pier had been destroyed, Wei Ying's golden core now in his chest and Wei Ying slowly slipping
into madness from being drowned in resentment and not fully recovered from giving his golden
core to the ungrateful brat.

If Lan Huan had any say this time, Wei Ying would not lose his core. He had seen what it did to
the innocent young man, how it drove him to madness and ultimately to his grave. Never again.
Lan Zhan was also scowling at Jiang Wanyin, Wei Ying's smile no longer bright with pleasure and
the way he almost hunched in on himself. The second Jade almost got up to slug the Jiang Heir.
Lan Zhan took Wei Ying to the library where they would research more into his theories and spend
time together, that certainly brought back some life to Wei Ying, his fox like Yao was there, lying
on a pillow under the open window and looking oddly cute as it waited for them. Over the next
week this was how they spent time. Lan Xichen sometimes joining them and it slowly made love
bloom in Wei Ying's heart.

So when Lan Laoshi left to the conference and Xichen was left in charge, he was all too happy to
spend any ann free time with his sister and his two favorite Lans. Lan Xichen knows the Abyss is
soon and it would be the perfect time to test out Wei Ying's newest theory...
The Healer
Chapter Notes

I am so sorry for being away for so long! I finally finished moving and can now
actually sit and think of something that is not "Pack this here, that goes to storage--
Where the fuck is the Packing Tape!? Ah, no!! Do not drop that, that belonged to my
late grandfather!!!"

I was being driven insane and when I did try to write, I literally sat staring at my
laptop screen for an hour not do anything because I basically fell asleep with my eyes

So I am gonna try and pump out as many updates as I can in the coming days to make
up for the lack of activity.

Also thank you for everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday back on August 27th,
which was my 32nd birthday! I wish I could say I had a good day, but I was neck deep
in moving that I honestly actually my birthday until my grandma made me one of my
favorite Cuban dishes for dinner and gave me a shot glass of my late grandpa's
favorite cognac in his honor!

If you guys forgot or did not know, don't worry about it! Because I know I did... So
any way, enough rambling, please enjoy the new prompt/snippet!


For the first time in centuries, he opened golden eyes and after a good long stretch from his nearly
1000 years of sleep, he could not help but wonder why he was waking up? The Cloud Recess, once
a Dragon haven had been attacked and utterly destroyed by the Wen Fire Demons almost 5000
years ago. Ever since he's been alone in what was once his home, surrounded by family, living
peacefully and tranquilly. No one was spared, not even the hatchlings and the newly laid eggs. He
had been on a mission for his brother, had been away when everyone was wiped out. His father's
head on a great black pike at the entrance to the Cloud Recess had only been the first thing to greet
him. the burnt earth and carnage behind it had been so much worse. After that he had found one of
the Elders, just barely clinging to Life, he was named the New King, had been given the powers of
the King and then the Elder died and as his first and only act as King, he locked the wards of his
home, he spent years cleaning up the bodies, removing the ruins, nurturing the earth back to what
it once was and then just... Just existed. At some points he would sleep for long periods of time,
hoping to never wake again, but when he would, he could not be furious with his inability to die.
Dragons are immortal until killed after all. Shaking his great head he slips out of the only building
left standing in what was once a sprawling little city of close friends and family with the season
visit of other dragons from around the world hoping to trade or find a mate or two. It was the
temple that surrounded the Cold Pond. He had rebuilt it, reinforced it and carved his own living
niche, complete with quarters for a family he will never have. A nursery that will never be used by
little curious hatchlings nor a rookery to keep their eggs nice and warm when both parents have to
be away for more than a few hours.

Why had he woken again? He is about to lay back down and try and sleep for eternity when
suddenly it clicks why he is awake. Someone had entered the Recess! Unadulterated fury fills him
and he moves quickly, serpentine in speed, movement and grace to where he sensed the intruder.
His home was now a grand forest and valley hidden in the clouds, away from world, almost his
personal bubble of heaven and hell. His white form is hidden in the thick rolling mists that cling to
his home until about mid afternoon, which allows him to sneak close and with centuries of training,
practice and generations of instincts kicking into high gear, his great form is deadly silent, nary a
leaf or blade of grass is disturbed as he moves towards his target. There! In a clearing he sees a
hunched over form. He slowly inhales, building a ball of steaming scalding hot water, enough to
fully boil a full grown Hellhound alive within 5 seconds in the back of his throat. Their death will
be so swift, they will not even realize it until it is far too late.

"Ok, I got what I need... better go leave these matcha cakes and veggie dumplings at the temple
before I head back down..." the person, a young male by the sounds of it, says softly as they get up
and the Dragon pauses, he sees a basket filled with flowers, roots and cuttings from several of the
medicinal herbs and plants that he allowed to grow wild all over the Recess when he could not
bring himself to get up daily to tend the once neat gardens. "A'Yu, a'Yang, come back!" He calls
out and suddenly two young boys come bursting from the foliage from the other side of the
clearing and the Dragon nearly gasps. "A'Yang" is clearly a Demon Child, but it this "a'Yu" is a
dragon! And not any dragon, the long white tail he half carries as he toddles over, tells him that he
is a Lan! But how-?!

"Coming Mama!" the little dragon chirps and the person chuckles softly.

"Xian-gege is not your mama, a'Yu!"

"He takes care of us, makes us food and tucks us into bed like a Mama, so he's Mama!" The little
boys get into an argument, the young man sighs and lets them but when they get close to the
Temple and graveyard of Name Plaques, he tells them to be quiet and respectful. The boys duck
their heads, cowed by the gentle reprimand before they break off to clean off the plaques and the
stones they were carved into while the young man moves into the temple. The dragon moves,
watching wondering and then he sees the young man set out wooden bowls, clearly hand made and
a bit shoddy in craftsmanship on the altar and then unpack food from the basket and carefully set
them into the bowls. He set out candles and lit incense sticks and after a few minutes of prayer and
the appropriate bows given, he stands and turns. That is when the Dragon can see they young
man's face and he is blown away by the utter beauty of him. And that is when he realizes the
young man is not human, but a Snake! The scales are so pale they blend into his skin seamlessly
and if not for the sudden flash of gold through the silver of his eyes, he would think him fully

"Kids, come on." He calls as he leaves. "The air feels different today... Let's not disturb this little
valley anymore. I have plenty to make medicine for at least a month." He calls and the two children
hurry over to him. A'Yang struggling to take the basket from 'Xian-gege' as a'Yu manages to hold
his hand while holding onto his long tail. "We can go see Wen Ning and Wen Qing on our way
home. Maybe they have some tasty soup for us..."

The Dragon snarls and lunges out at the mention of Wens and the snake moves much too quick for
anyone to cat and suddenly two serpentine titans are battling it out, but because he is a Dragon, he
has claws and paws which he uses to pin the snake down, the threat of death keeping him from
struggling too much. They glare at one another as the two children flee the valley, the basket
forgotten as the older boy pulls the smaller along. When they cannot sense the children, the Snake
seems to go limp in submission. And he will forever blame it on his lack of understanding others,
that he foolishly lets up and the snake suddenly snaps up, bites him and the venom injected is not
painful, but suddenly he is quiet sleepy again....
When the dragon wakes up again, he is still in his home, but it is the dead of night and only the
birds and the small woodland creatures that lived here for centuries are the only things he can
sense. He curses softly as he realizes he is in his humanoid form and stands up only for something
to land at his feet. it is pouch full of medicine and bandages with a small note: Sorry, hope the
medicine and bandages will make up for me cheating...
Once upon a Bunny


He sat curled up, half hidden under a tree, his once pristine white robes were muddy, covered in
grass stains, speckles of blood from where the cloth was torn by sharp twigs and he got scratched.
He was lost and very much alone right now. He wanted his Xiongzhang, his Shufu, his Fuqin and
Muqin! It was pouring rain and the air was thick and hot, the thunder, which had never scared him
before sounded like a ravenous monster trying to find him so it could eat him. His hair was messy
and try as he might to find his way in this strange land, he could not! He wanted to start crying, but
that might attract the monsters! He startles when suddenly some bushes start moving near by and
he goes so still he might as well be mud splattered statue. And then a bunny appears. It is black
with a pretty red bow carefully tied around its neck in the shape of a flower. It was strange to see a
bunny out in the rain, but then suddenly a child appeared, they were dressed in poorly kept clothes,
their hair was messy and they had no shoes.

"There you are, Hei Lianhua!" the child chirps. "How did you get out? It's pouring. It's not safe for
sweet little bunnies to be playing in... oh..." The child turned and saw him and he blinks. "Did you
find this lost fairy, Hei Lianhua? Such a smart bunny." the child carefully sets the bunny down on
the ground and comes over. "Pretty Fairy, it's not safe out here and you should never hide under a
tree when the Heavens are this angry. sometimes they will strike at the trees and if you are too
close, you can be hit and die.... I live close by, you can hide there until the Sun Goddess chases
away the angry Heavens."

He blinks, what he said made no sense, but he did not like the sound of being hit by a stray bolt of
thunder so he takes the hand and stands up. He is bigger than the other child and the black bunny
hops over, seemingly untouched by the rain as the child picks her up and begins walking through
the forest. He rambles about nonsense, seeming to talk just to talk and it looks like he talking more
to the Bunny than himself.

"Here we are!" He says proudly and it's... He doesn't know what it is. It is a crudely made hutch of
some kind, large and thick leaves were twined together with springy vines. Felled saplings were
stabbed into the earth with heavy rocks and mud packed around them to keep them upright and a
third sapling was tied across them and helped to hold the leaves at an angle that covered a space
where two small children could rest in a bit of cramped space, but comfortable for one of them.
There was a ring of rocks around a fire that was carefully covered by some kind of thatched roofing
as well. The place was close to some trees, just enough that their large branches would help keep
most of the rain from drenching the spot, but not directly under them either. He slowly sat down
near the fire when the other child urged him to.

"I do not have anything to eat, Pretty Fairy, I'm sorry... I didn't get the promised meat bun the
Uncle said he would give me if I delivered a letter for him." the child says sadly. "But I'm use to
not always having something to eat. But I don't think you are use to it. As soon as the rain is light
enough, I can find you some nice berries to eat! Fairies like berries right?"

The child keeps talking, telling him about forest, the best places to find certain things or some of
the people in the town who are very nice and some who like to play mean tricks on him. But that's
okay because he always tricks them back! The child talks until he starts to nod off and soon he is
curled up sleeping sitting up. He slowly curls up beside him, still cold and scared, but not as much
now that there was someone there. He closes his eyes and hopes that when the morning comes, he
will be able to see his family again...
He jolts awake when the child touches his head.

"Oh, sorry Pretty Fairy! But you're really hot and your face is very pale. I wanted to check if you
had a fever... Mama use to check my temperature before she and Baba got eaten by scary dogs..."
The child says softly. "I do not have money or medicine... But... maybe if we go to the town, we
can find one of the nice Aunties and she can help us get you better..." He perks up at the thought of
the town, that means he would be able to see his family! But... this child was alone...

"Mm... Town... family..." He mumbles and then coughs, he's sick and he feels achy and his throat

"You're family's in town? I didn't know Fairies visited towns... but ok! We'll get you back to your
Mama!" The boy chirps. "Hei Lianhua, lead the way please!"

The black bunny, does a little spin and then takes off quickly, darting back after a moment to
thump at them annoyedly for them taking too long. The two children get up, the smaller boy trying
to support him as they follow Hei Lianhua through the undergrowth and towards the town...

They are crossing the bridge that leads into town when there is shouting from in front of them and
above them. The two boys look in both directions confused before looking at each other.

"A'Zhan!!" comes from above again.

"Little Master!!" They wait for the people to get a bit closer, the smaller boy leaning him against a
post and putting his twig thin arms up to try and protect him in case these people are dangerous.

However he recognizes his father's tall and powerful form and the rich purple of the Jiang
Kingdom's guards. He weakly pushes off the post to walk towards his father, but almost falls over.
the boy catching him and leaning him against the post again as the adults get close, their raised
voices make his head hurt and his ears ring. He gives a pained whimper and the boy gets angry,
stomping his foot much like his bunny had done to them several times.

"Stop being so loud!" he shouts and they go quiet in shock at being yelled at. "The Pretty Fairy is
sick and you are making them feel worse! We need to find their Mama!"

"Child, I am... the Pretty Fairy's Baba." The tall man in shining white robes declares and the little
boy looks him up and down.

"You do not look like a fairy...." He mumbles.

"We are not fairies, dear boy... A'Zhan, can you speak?" the man turns to his son, kneeling down to
hold him in his arms and check his forehead. His son opens his mouth only to let out a horrible
sounding cough instead. "This is not good... We should not have let you explore alone..."

"Lord Lan, the urchin?"

"He's saved my son, the least I can do is offer him a warm meal and a bath--"

"Qingchen!?" Someone new shouted and a man in very nice purple robes rode on the back of great
fish towards them. "We found the men who tried to kidnap Prince Wangji, but we didn't find--
Oh... you found him!"

"It seems this brave little boy saved my son... what is your name, little one?"

"Oh, I know it very well! Mama and Baba always told me to say: This Wei Ying greets you!" He
gives a very clumsy bow, one normally reserved for someone of similar status. He does not know
that he supposed to bow much lower to those of higher birth, but then again, he mistook his son for
a Fairy.

"Wei Ying?!" The newcomer gasps and all but falls to his knees to get a look at the wild looking
child. "Tell me, is your father Wei Changze?"

"You knew Baba?" The boy asks, wary now, he's been tricked before. "Are you going to try and
give me funny tasting candy and try and stick your thingie in my mouth?"

All the adults in the area suddenly chocked on either spit or air, their faces turning red or paling as
the implications of what he just said struck home.

"No! No, no, no, no! I have a son a little bit older than you are! I would never and even then, my
lady wife would have my Head!" He grabs his neck, just imagining his wife, beautiful and deadly
using her spiritual weapon to take his head of if he ever, ever entertained the thought of looking at
anyone but her with perverse thoughts, never mind a child! He'd impale himself on his sword
before he ever do that. "Wei Ying, I'm Jaing Fengmian... Ucnle Feng?" He tries.

The boy seems to think hard, as if trying to recall something before he gasps.

"Mama and Baba said we would visit Uncle Feng after they helped some rich people take care of
some Yao. But... but they weren't Yao... they didn't feel the same... They were scary dogs... they
ate Mama and Baba..." The child suddenly bursts into hysterical sobs and that triggers the other
child to start crying and the two Kings panic because they are not use to handling the children
when they cry, that was their wives duty!

Seeing as they had little else to do, the Jiang King calls up for his water mount, the great royal
purple Shark rises up and both Kings jump onto its back as the Jiang guards get on smaller sharks
or their swords and escort them back to the palace, no one notices the little black bunny racing
along the bridge and at the last minute jumping onto the Lan King's shoulder, startling him as she
held on with all her bunny might.

"Where did you come from?" He asks, startled.

"H- Hei L- Lian- Lianhua..." HIs son wheezes out, looking at the bunny with bleary eyes.

"Hei Lianhua?" His father asks and the bunny nods once, holding on with all her might as they ride
quickly to the palace that sits on the back of a great big tortoise. As they ride into the canal that
leads to the main royal dock, the two queens are waiting impatiently and as soon as the two men
step off the shark's back and the Bunny jumps down to the ground, the Lan Queen all but snatches
her son into her arms, fretting and worrying because her son is sick and crying his little heart out.

"Fengmian?" His wife's tone is sharp like the finest steel and he hides the flinch that wanted to give
him away. She is glaring at him and then cocking her brow at the upset child in his arms.

"My lady, I know what happened to a'Ze and his wife... They were killed on a Night Hunt... This is
a'Ying..." He tells her and she gapes and then looks furious, why, he cannot guess, and then she
goes almost stoic. "My lady?"

"Yinzhou, Jinzhou, get young master Wei a warm bath, if you cannot save his hair, chop it off and
wash it thoroughly. Look for a red ribbon--"

"Hei Lianhua?" The child suddenly gasps and the black bunny runs up to the queen and leans up
on her back legs, pawing at her until she looks and there it is, around her tiny neck.
"Oh good... he kept at least that..." she sighs. "Very well, as I said, try to save his hair, but judging
by how young he is and how utterly matted it is, we will need to cut it off and have him grow it out
again... Also get the cooks to have some thin chicken broth with only a pinch of salt for flavor
prepared... I can clearly see his bones in his arms from here, I certain he is nothing but skin and
bones... he will need thin broths and anything that can be mashed into a paste to eat until he gets
back enough weight to be able to eat anything heavier."

"My Lady, the dogs... they will be need to moved to the kennel area... it seems something dog like
attacked and killed a'Ze and Lady Cangse."

"Damn it, a'Ren...." the woman sighs. "I will go talk to a'Cheng, he will be upset about this...." She
nods once. "Get Healer Hao to check a'Ying and make sure he is comfy... as for this... bunny... Let
it stay with him. I do not think he will cope well if it is not there..."

"No... Pretty Fairy needs her more..." The child weakly protested. It was then that Jiang Fengmian
noticed how pale and how hot the child felt in his arms.

"They are both sick!" Queen Lan Miyoung gasps and the two personal handmaids of the Jiang
Queen quickly take the Wei Child and hurry away with him as the Lan Queen follows, the black
bunny easily keeping pace as the two Kings remain to give some last minute orders to their men,
security is tightened around the main palace as well as the castle town only a short distance away
floating on docks built into the water. The men who had tried to kidnap the Second Jade of Gusu
Lan were in the prison waiting for interrogation and to be punished. Before the two children were
separated, Lan Zhan, Prince Wangji, managed to look one last time at Wei Ying, the boy, who had
helped him as best he could last night. The child looked so much worse than he did, he was
worried. He reaches out to him weakly but passes out from the fever as the boy vanishes into a
room with the twin maids...
Lan-Wei Sanren to the Rescue!


"Baba, are you sure this is going to work?" the young woman asks.

"It's one of your grandma's spells, he would not have left in the family vault if it did not work." Her
father's raspy voice speaks up from where he is painstakingly drawing out the array, ritual circle
and activation spells in blood. "He was my Laoshi for a while before he became my mother in-law
when I married your Mama... I always thought he was half crazy and in some ways he was, but I
learned that your grandma never did anything without a good reason. Even if we do not see it that
way at first..."

"Baba, you should stop... Mama would not have wanted--"

"Your mother was stolen from us because we got complacent, we did not learn from the mistakes
of what led to your grandma becoming the most hated man in history... Remember, a'Ren, the path
to Hell is paved in Good Intentions and that no Good Deed goes unpunished... Your Grandma
wanted to save that purple bastard and this was the thanks he got... He wasn't satisfied with just
your Grandma's life, or Grandpa's, not even your Mama's... He will not stop until anyone with the
name Wei, Wen or Lan are dead. Anyone who practices Demonic Cultivation is tortured and
executed..." He cuts her off harshly and she nods once. "I'm not going to live much longer... But if I
can do one last good thing, it is this... Do you have everything I asked you to pack?"

"Yes... I have the scrolls, the notes and I even have the shards of Grandma and Grandpa's swords...
I have the ribbon that Mama gave me. I never take it off..."

"Good." He smiles weakly and finishes and steps back carefully. "Get in, a'Ren... Remember: I
love you, always have and always will. The next time we see each other, hopefully it will be in a
better and brighter future with our family whole and safe." He then stands up as much as his
hobbled, maimed and failing body would allow him to. "Always attempt the Impossible and
always uphold what is right and just, even if others do not agree or hate you for it."

"Yes Baba... please come--"

There is a thunderous crash upstairs and shouts before fighting sounds and there is no time now.
He begins to chant and the spells activate followed by the ritual ring and finally the array. As his
chanting reaches a fever pitch, the doors behind him are being relentless attacked and hammered
at. His daughter tries to reason with him, but he finally shouts the activation word and in flash she
is gone just as the doors burst open and a whip of lightning cracks against his back and he falls
with a scream of agony. She is gone and safe so he merely rolls over to look into the aged face of
the Shendou-Jun and laughs darkly at him.

"Hello, Sect Leader Jiang... You're too late... my daughter is beyond your reach..." He laughs and
moves himself to get back up, smearing the spell work and making it impossible for them to later
recreate it since the books were given to his daughter. Everything Wei-Laoshi and Hanguang-Jun
ever created or owned had been given to his daughter and were now beyond the greedy hypocritial
hands of these ungrateful swine.

"I will get her, do not worry about that... maybe not now... but I will get her... Say hello to that Wei
Bastard when you get to hell..." Jiang Cheng sneered as he lopped the younger man's head off.
"Search the place, I want to ensure that neither Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji are ever brought back
from the dead! See, nephew? If you stray from the RIght path... you end up like this... Remember
Jin Ling, I do this to keep scum like the Wens, the Lans and the Weis from killing those you love
ever again... They took away your mother and father, your grandparents... They even steal those
you loved more than anyone else... Wangji stole from like this piece of shit Lan Jingyi stole from
you... and like that bitch Cangse Sanren stole from your grandmother.... Go bring me that Head
Shaker and make him recreate the ritual! I need to get that little bitch back and end her accursed
line once and for all!!" He shouts out the door as he leaves his nephew to slowly fall to his knees
by his best friend's corpse.

"Jingyi... Jingyi, I'm so sorry.... I should've listened to Sizhui... I should have listened to Lan-
Laoshi.... I-- I need to go protect your daughter.. I swear I will... I-I won't let what happened to us
happen again... I will make sure she is safe and happy... I will raise your grandchildren as if they
were my own..." Jing Ling, Jin Roulan swears his friend one final time and then slowly he rises and
carefully removes a jade token out of a secret pocket, it his white and black with a mountain and
bamboos carved into it with rolling mist and a single lotus flower on it. He bites his lips until they
bleed and then he kisses it and it grows hot in his hand before he makes a wish. "I wish for Lan-
Wei Sanren to be successful in her mission... I wish to send her a guardian, take my soul as

There is a flash and he collapses dead beside his friend just as his Uncle comes racing in having
sensed HER energy and screams as he finds his nephew dead...

Lan-Wei Sanren moans weakly as she wakes up in the middle of a forest and blinks confused. She
slowly sits up then startles when a yip sounds beside her and she blinks.

"Oh, a pretty foxy...." She coos, sounding much like her Mama and grandma when they spotted a
cute and friendly animal. "Tell me, Pretty Foxy, where am I?"

The fox seems amused and gently bullies her up and she gets up and follows the fox until they get
to a town and then it leads her through some alleys until she spots a child sitting in the snow, alone
and clearly cold. In their hand is a brand new paddle drum. She knows that drum. it sat on display
with really old straw dolls of a small family with newer cloth dolls that looked like her
grandparents, her parents and her sat beside them. And then the fox yips and the child looks up and
she gasps. That was her Grandma! But as a child!! The spell worked! She hurries over and pulls the
confused and startled child into her arms and just enjoys hugging her grandma again, even if he
was so much younger and smaller than her.

"My name.... My name is Tuziyueliang... You can call me Tuzi-jie...." She introduces herself.
Almost laughing in hysteria at using her Curtsey name around her grandma. The one he gave her
when she demanded a cute name at the age of 3.


"Yes... I'm going to take very good care of you from now on... come, let's get you something warm
to eat and a nice hot bath...."
Lan-Wei Sanren to the Rescue PT 2
Chapter Notes

Hello, sorry for the delays, most move mode is killing me because unpacking amd
with the coming holidays, it is a nightmare over here in RL. My inspiration has pretty
much abandoned me and I am trying to decompress my brain so I can write updates at
a faster pace. Again I am so sorry about this!!

And yes Lan-Wei Sanren's Curtesy name is Tuzi Yueling, which is literally Rabbit
Jade Lotus. Or as I was meaning to write it: Jade Rabbit (&) Lotus. It is because she
has the perfect Jade complexion of her grandpa Lan Wangji, but she was as bouncy
and hyper as a bunny and she loves lotus flowers in her air and eating their seeds wifh
her grandma Wei Wuxian. So WWX gave her the name when she demanded it at 3
years old and he could not help himself.

If anyone has not guessed it yet, then I will not spoil it!! But it has to do with Pretry

Lan-Wei Sanren stood up, holding the much to thin and far too light child in her arms. Her
grandma had always been on the thin side, but he had a healthy amount of fat on him, he certainly
ate like he should be a big as Buddha, but somehow was as thin as a river reed. Was it because of
this? She never heard stories of his childhood or why he did certain things. To her it was normal
for Grandma to suddenly become very erratic, eyes glowing red with mania, but he never hurt her
or his family, he seemed to take protecting them to the extreme during this bouts. Her grandpa had
to often hold him tightly and hum a special song to calm him down.

It was their song, a song only meant for them and she loved to hear them sing together. They often
did it for her, singing her to sleep. How she missed them, she also misses her mother, he was calm
lile her Grandpa, but smiled and loved to play like her grandma, though he was much tamer in
nature. She sometimes thing her father was her grandma's son since he was so.... Well him. Lan-
Wei Sanren paused as she felt her heart clench. Her baba was likely dead now and she had no way
to return home.

The fox yips again and she comes back to her senses standing before an in. She quickly ducks
inside and suddenly her grandma scrambles aout of her arms. She panics as he dashes off and
hurries after him, her robes fanning out around her like the lotuses she loves dearly. The two
permanently preserved by her grandma were pinned into her hair as her forehead ribbon was
lovingly made from the ribbons of her family. The motionnof her robes as well as her grandma's
sudden burst of activity alerted a group of Lans to them a pair of children step forward, one looking
at her grandma with familiar goldens.

"YingYing wanted to thank Gege for the gift... Gege can have Findings Baba, Mama and
YingYing!" The child pulls the battered straw dolls out of his threadbare robe and gives them to the
child and pauses as he thinks, a hand on his chin anda finger lightly tapping his nose as she often
saw him do in her childhood memories. He blinks and smiles as he steps back and preforms three
very clumsy, but endearing bows to the younger version of her grandpa and granduncle whom she
sadly never got to meef before he was killed.

"Oh. You are the cute bunny Wangji gave his drum too..." The slightly older boy says witha gentle
smile as she watches her grandpa clutch the dolls close and almost possessively, his ears turning a
faint pink.

"Who are you and why are you wering our colors?" Someone demands sharply. She startles and
turns to see whom she assumes is Grandmaster Lan Qiren, if the stories of how he looked were

He was a handsome man, with stern features and a goatee that she suddenly had the urge to shave
off his face. She might do that at least one if he annoys her enough. She takes a deep breath to calm
herself and bows respectfully, she sees her grandma do the same at her side, though again, clumsy
and very much ungraceful.

"My name is Yueling Tuzi. My robes are a combination of my various family members who all
came from different Sects and Clans. A couple of them were Lans." She says truthfully. "This is
my courtesy name, I will not tell you my real name." She says firmly. She may be young,nut Lan-
Wei Sanren was far from easily intimidated. Her grandpa was a scary man when you made him
angry. Nothing sxared her more than that, well other than seeing her Baba scared.

Sanren has to stop going on mental tangents, she needs to focus right now. She stands up after the
Lans stand as well Grandmaster Lan stroking his beard as he thinks. She seriously wants to shave it

"I will need to check the family resister to see where you are from. But if you are indeed a Lan
then you my room with us. The child looks like he could use a hot bath and food, perhaps a healer

"Thank you, come Wei Ying." She felt weird calling her grandma by name, especially his real

"Tuzi-Jie?" He cocks his he'd slightly not unlike a bunny who was curious or contimplating the
distance they needed to clear to get to the yummy cabbages her family grew for them. "We are

"No, we are staying here for now. Come on, you need food and a bath. We will get you some
chicken broth and a piece of bread. If you can hold that down, I will make you some congee in the
morning Ok?" She reasons at with him and he nods though he looked like he wanted to protest.
However it has been too long since his last meal and he threw that up almost as soon as he ate it.
Perhaps Tuzi-Jie is right.

Nodding her head, she grabs his hand and they follow the land. The mini versions of her grandpa
and grand uncle quickly taking up pace woth them. Her grand uncle striking up a conversation with
her grandma while hwr ever so silent grandpa watches fromt he corner of his eye, tiny face hilding
the slightest pleased smile...
The Desert Lotus
Chapter Notes

Ok, so I am suffering from a serious case of Writer's Block and it is preventing me

from updating HSL and for those of you who read I see in Moonlight or Light in the
Dark. As for Paint my Heart in Clouds, Tae is busy with school work so we are gonna
be hella slow updating that one, but it will be updated.... eventually.

With that out of the way, this idea came to me after I reread the Dune book, watched
the Original movie, the mini series that Syfy had and just recently the remake that
recently came out. So this little bunny came jumping at me, both figuratively and
literal too, since I'm bunny sitting for a friend of mine. Mochi, the bunny's name in
case you ask and she is a Holland dwarf, managed to startle some brain juices into
high gear so I am gonna write this while the iron is still hot!

In this story, I need to take some creative liberties. Lan Zhan is an only child, though
he still calls Lan Xichen his brother. Lan Xichen is a cousin and bodyguard for Lan
Zhan. He is basically Duncan, though I will be taking liberties again. House Harkonan
is gonna be the Wens while the Emperor and his court is gonna be the Jins and the
other sects, both major and smaller. The Nies and Jiangs, minus Madam Yu, are the
Frehma, the natives of Arakas or Dune. This pretty much covers what I can safely tell
you without spoiling!

Also if you have not read or seen any of the adaptions of Dune, then please consider
this your SPOILER ALERT!


Lan Zhan stood beside his father, dressed in full regalia, though the materials used in this one was
of lighter more breathable cotton than the imported silks he is use to. They are standing in the
hanger bay of their ship and already it feels like a sauna. He can only imagine that it is so much
worse outside. His mother, the Lady Long Miyoung, his father's concubine stood on the other side
of his father, a few feet further back. She is dressed in a an almost see through dress with a long
sheer veil hiding her beauty from others. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth that his mother, who
clearly loves his father and his father her, cannot take her rightful place as his wife because only a
woman of noble blood and standing could do so. His mother is part of an order of Sorceresses,
Enchantresses and Witchs. The Bene Gesseritt Sisterhood. Lan Zhan has learned about their history
and their roles in society at his mother's knee. Has been trained in most of their arts. A dark scowl
steals over his face for a second as he recalls just three nights ago, the woman who trained his
mother, Reverend Mother Yu Ziyuan, had come to their home in the dead of night and dared to
order his mother about as if she were a mere slave in her own home. His mother was from a noble
house, was of noble blood and thus was superior in status. But that woman managed to make his
mother tremble in fear, made her weep. The reason for this was because his mother had broken a
rule of the Sisterhood. Only bear daughters. Lan Zhan is clearly not a girl. He is the first male of
the Bene Gesseritt Order. Mother Yu had demaded to see him and had tried to make him lesser
than he is, compared him to an animal. She made him take a test with a nueral emitter box, which
was set to slowly cause pain and build upon it until he cannot take it anymore. She held a Gom
Jabar to his neck as he was made to kneel before her and endure the pain. However, she was not
expecting that his mother was so thorough in her teachings nor does she know the Lans nearly half
as well as she thought she did. He endured the pain for nearly two hours before he finally could not
restrain the growl. He had passed her test, was deemed 'human' in her eyes. Mother Yu had stated
they would be keeping a close eye on him. To see if he was worthy. If he was not; they would
simply start again. The unspoken 'we will kill you' that she had thought he had not picked up on
heard loud and clear.

"A' Zhan?" His mother calls softly and he blinks his eyes slowly and turns his head just slightly to
let her know he is listening. He rarely speaks and is normally blunt and to the point. He chances a
glance at her and seeing the unasked question on her face, the concern in pale gold eyes, he gives
an almost imperceptible shake of the head and she sighs, a fond and yet exasperated tilt to her lips.

The hanger doors finally open and the blazing heat of Yiling, Dune as many call it, nearly bowls
them over. The brilliant glare of the sun has them all squinting as they begin heading out of the
hanger bay and to the ships that would carry them into the palace proper. There is a very large
gathering of people outside, natives of the world. They stand in light colored robes and scarves,
turbans and long jackets. They begin cheering and shouting in their native tongue. Lan Zhan
having studied everything about Yiling rather thoroughly, even the dialects they spoke, picked up
on the chants of a promised Messiah. They called his mother the Bringer. He could not discern
anything else with the overlapping voices and noise. Lan Zhan looks out over the crowed, curious
as they get closer and for a moment he gets a brief flash of a vision when he catches something
black among the sea of creams and light browns, blues and purples. He sees a figure dressed in
black, moving seductively, the glare of Yiling's double suns black out the face, but he sees the
eerie blue glow of eyes, the glow more noticeable in shadow than in direct sunlight. He thinks he
sees silver dancing in the blue. A laugh, bright and happy echoes and a voice yet to be heard says
his name. Lan Zhan is quickly brought back to himself as he catches sight of Lan Qiren, the half
human, half super computer, who leads his father's army and has been his tutor since he first
learned to read and write. He cannot help the small smile as they are met half way and the ever so
serious Lan Qiren gives a detailed report even as he helps the royal family onto their ship and soon
they are taking off. They have to be quick because it is approaching midday and Yiling's suns are
unforgiving at that time only those insane or from the Burial Mounds, the deep desert where the
Sandworms and many terrible and deadly beastts live...

Works inspired by this The

one Heiyu's Shenhong Lianhua by Alryetagory

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