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Discussion Case 2

For years now, I have been bothered by the speed at which information technology (IT) has been
advancing and in the way it is becoming more integrated in all aspects of our day to day lives.
Undoubtedly, information technology seems to be perceived by most as a great blessing especially for the
young generation. We are living in an IT revolution era. From a business and workplace perspective, we
can see the use of computers and IT taking over each and every field. IT has evolved to change the world
with such a dramatic effect on our lifestyle and society making me feel its power of dominance and the
pressure of its clutches which I cannot seem to be able to escape or even take a break from. Today, more
that 2 billion people use the internet worldwide and 53% of US mobile phone are smartphones. Over 19%
of Americans own a personal tablet. However, the IT usage is not equally distributed around the world.

The internet simply means that communication and communication channels are made much easier and
more accessible, especially to younger generations. With the internet, they can connect with long-distance
family and friends, access more knowledge and information easier, collaborate on homework, and do
research on subjects of their interest. However, these easy-to-access people and information are dubious
and may potentially have adverse effects and consequences, such as inaccurate information and privacy
violation. Also access to unacceptable businesses and websites such as gambling is also part of the easy-
to-access benefits. Moreover, long duration of sitting in front of a computer may also have negative
physical health effects.

Think of an area or business where computers and IT are not being used! Education, manufacturing,
banking, defense, military, teaching, learning, research, healthcare, accounting, entertainment,
telecommunication, media, aviation, marketing, and space research and exploration. Our modern world as
we perceive it today will look void without computers and IT. Computers have created such a dependency
for efficient data storing, handling and management. It seems that computers and IT have our lives much
more organized, systematic, simple, colorful, and efficient.

In the text above, there are many opportunities to agree and disagree. Please discuss IT and You by at
least addressing the following instructions below. You may discuss more issues but at a minimum include
in your discussion your thoughts as they relate to the issues/questions identified:

1. Do a search on the internet and find the following:

1. Internet & computer usage facts:
-Mobile devices are being used by 4.32 billion people to surf the internet,
according to

-United States Government spent $3.5 billion for Cybercrime in 2019, according to

-More than 500 hours of video are being uploaded to youtube every minute
by 2021, according to

2. Most Revolutionary Tech Advancements of 2020 (present)

10 technology trends that will impact our lives in 2020 (present)

What is the metaverse? (future)

How technology will change the way we work (present and future)

The World in 2030: Top 20 Future Technologies (future)

3. In my opinion extensive use of computers and IT in the work environment has brought
many advantages, which help to improve work efficiency, productivity and accuracy and
finally living standards of humans. On the other hand, we cannot turn a blind eye to the
cons, since IT has substituted lots of manual work and job competition has become
more fierce now and in the future too. No doubt, we have become more reliant on
devices in the working environment and finally cannot work without information
technology. Can we go back to “write a report”, record the transaction in books? I think
the answer is the same for everyone.

4 In my opinion, computers and IT usage make life happier and easier. For example,
when I feel lonely, I can immediately and easily chat with my friends and family, know
about their status via social media tools such as Wechat, whatsapp, zoom even though
we aren’t in the same countries. Also, there is so much free entertainment such as
short videos, movies, songs, games and fiction on the internet that I can enjoy. Also, I
can submit a form or any information to the bank or school without going to their site,
instead all these can be submitted via their websites or apps. Indeed, I also feel it is quite
dangerous when I expose too much personal information on the internet, because it is
easy for hackers to steal my personal information for criminal purposes.

5. Which area do you see yourself and would like to work in? To you envision your
future dream job to be heavily involving computers and IT? Elaborate and explain.

In my plan, I will work in the accounting firm because I have been interested in
this subject since I was in Grade 10. As the technology improves, various
industries including accounting and auditing also gradually involve more on
computers and information technology instead of manual inputting and checking.
This will not only enhance the accuracy, but improve the transmission of
accounting data too. I can forecast that some entry or basic positions in the
accounting industry will be replaced by computers but accounting is not only
about inputting data and providing reports. Data that has been input and
analyzed, requires human knowledge and experience to make wise decisions for
management, operation and even marketing, therefore, I have confidence this
industry will grow well with the assistance of computers and IT.

6. In conclusion, technology is evolving and will take us to a golden age of humanity

because it enables people to live, work happier and communicate easier. For instance,
nowadays workers in one office can easily work with their colleagues in different
countries. Our working environment or colleagues are not limited to people nearby or in
the same city, we can cooperate with colleagues from all over the world via different
communication platforms and complete the work project. The development in metaverse
technology and Web3 intelligent & connected world will greatly facilitate such working
status in the future. Although there are always negative comments about technology
advances such as human’s reliance, cyber crime, etc, if we pay attention and be alert to
the protection on the web, the benefits are always larger than the drawbacks. So I
believe that if we make good use of technology, life standards will be improved.

Discussion Case 3

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