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Discussion Case 4

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been ever-present in popular culture, with several references to apocalyptic
or utopian scenarios. However, current technological advances and the threat of automation are moving
the AI conversation from the realm of science fiction to real-world economies and societies that stand to
benefit or lose from artificial intelligence.
Watch the video in the link below and answer the following questions:

1. Think of an example or application of AI and explain it addressing its implementation, challenges, and
impact on businesses and society. Conclude by stating whether you would like to see this happen or not

Artificial intelligence applications act as blueprints for human minds through specially designed
algorithms to understand, analyze and learn from data. AI applications are able to remember
human behavior patterns and adjust to their preferences. An example of the AI is Google Maps
or some Taxi Apps. Such maps apps know exact directions, best routes, and even road
obstacles and can avoid traffic jams. This is made available by GPS and artificial intelligence
incorporated to give users a better experience in specific contexts.

Using machine learning, the app's algorithm memorizes the building's edges, which are fed into
the system after the work teams manually identify them. This allows for clear building visuals to
be added on the map. Another feature is the ability to recognize and understand handwritten
house numbers, which could help commuters find the home they want. Places without official
street signs can also be identified by their outline or handwritten labels.

The app has been taught to understand and recognize traffic. Therefore, it recommends the best
route to avoid roadblocks and congestion. The AI-based algorithm also tells the user the exact
distance and time to reach their destination, as it has been taught to make calculations based on
traffic conditions. Users can also view pictures of their location before arriving at their destination.

Therefore, by adopting similar AI technology, various ride-hailing applications have also


2. Do a search on the internet and find the following:

1. Five facts about the AI (good or bad).

● AI-powered voice assistants to reach 8 billion by 2023.

● By 2025, the global AI market is expected to be almost $60 billion.
● Global GDP will grow by $15.7 trillion by 2030 thanks to AI.
● AI can increase business productivity by 40%.
● The number of AI startups grew 14 times over the last two decades.

2. Identify and copy and paste 5 links to internet sources that you assess as credible and that provide
interesting information about the AI.
a) The AI ACT

b) 8 tests for Artificial Intelligence

c) The Robot Rat Race: How Technology is Changing Jobs, and What That Means For Society

d) An A.I.-Generated Picture Won an Art Prize. Artists Aren’t Happy.

e) AI: Why chefs are turning to artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Act

3. What will be the impact of artificial intelligence on jobs and society?

Artificial intelligence will create new job opportunities while "killing" some other job opportunities.
It is expected that the jobs created by artificial intelligence will exceed the number of
unemployed. And jobs that are killed by AI are usually low skilled such as truck drivers by auto-
driving vehicles and factory workers in production by automation procedures. Salespersons in
retail shops, accountants and auditors even though their work requires a higher level of skills.
More work opportunities exist in the information technology areas.

Some optimistic opinions about AI that can be brought to society is that human beings can
efficiently complete the work they love. With more time for vacation and enjoyment, the
entertainment industry will achieve unprecedented prosperity, and there should be new
indicators to measure human productivity.

4. How can artificial intelligence be used in the world of education?

AI plays a role in helping students and teachers optimize and automate both learning and
teaching tasks. With the use of AI, students now have a personalized approach to learning
programs based on their own unique experiences and preferences. Also, students can ask
assistance from AI tutors and chatbots when encountering study difficulties .An AI-powered
chatbot can answer student questions at a response rate of 2.7 seconds in 24/7 service.

AI can benefit educators by giving teachers a clear picture of which subjects and lessons need to
be reevaluated. This analysis allows teachers to create the best learning program for all
students. The power of AI can automate the most mundane of tasks, including administrative
work, grading papers, assessing learning patterns, replying to general questions and more.
According to a Telegraph survey, teachers spend 31% of their time planning lessons, grading
tests and doing administrative work. However, with support automation tools, teachers can
automate manual processes, leaving more time to focus on teaching core competencies.

5. Is artificial intelligence a good or bad tool for society as a whole? Where is the place of AI in the modern
world and with the modern workforce?
In general, AI is good for society, it helps to improve efficiency and ensure accuracy in work performance.
On the other hand, it also brings drawbacks such as unemployment and lack of flexibility in work. When
the majority of the work is conducted by AI and robots, interaction and communication among people in
work will be eliminated. This may have adverse effects on society as a whole.

6. Are you in favor of having AI be part of your world (How and Why)?

1. Personal life
Having AI has turned to be part of our world nowadays. For example, the Siri in the Iphone helps me to
solve questions in daily life. I use google map to guide me to new destinations. I used google translate to
learn the pronunciation of new words. All these AI technologies have made my life easier and I am
enjoying accepting new things.

2. Professional life
It’s a fact that AI killed a lot of jobs during the past decades, so we must be very careful when selecting our
professional areas. Works that are related to repetition, have higher possibilities to be replaced in the
future. Some studies stated that even medical professions will be replaced by AI and robots by the end of
this century. Therefore, what we can do is to grow with the new technology.

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