LP Basketball

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Dumingag Campus
Caridad, Dumingag, Zamboanga del Sur

Laboratory high school

DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN PE (physical education) (Grade 10)

Mentee: Jay E. Duhaylungsod Subject Taught:Physical Education

Mentor: Khyrthz Marco C. Salaguste Target Learner’s: Grade 10

Learning Competency: Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities

for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of school.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to do the following
with at least 75% level of accuracy;
a. Identify the basic skills in basketball,
b. Explain the importance in the mastering of the basic skills in attaining
good performance.
c. Execute the basic skills of basketball observing proper posture.

II. Subject Matter/Content: Basketball (Basic Skills)

References: MAPEH 10,21st Century
Author: Nonabelle C. Agapay
Materials: PPT, Laptop, TV, Manila paper, Pilot Pen,
Time Allotment: 1 Hour

III. Procedure

Teacher Activity Students’ Activity

A.) Preparatory Activities

 Prayer
Please all stand for a prayer. Dear Lord, grant us the serenity to accept the
Kindly lead the prayer ______. things that we cannot change.

 Greetings
Good afternoon class? Good afternoon sir.
How are you today? We’re fine sir.
That good to hear.
No one sir!
 Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today?

• Review
Do you have an assignment
class? Sir. Our topic last meeting is all about
What was our topic last
meeting? Sir. The five basic skills in volleyball are;
Passing, serving, setting, spiking, blocking
and digging
Yes, correct its about volleyball
What are the five basic skills in
volleyball? (Students do as told)

Very good.
Execute the Passing, serving,
setting, spiking, blocking and
Let’s proceed.

• Classroom rules
But before going further, I have
some rules that you need to
follow. Please read the
following.  Classroom Rules

1. Avoid passing in and out while the

discussion is going on.
2. Put your cellphone on a silent mode.
3. Avoid talking with your seatmate.
4. Be Respectful
Do you have any questions class
regarding with our classroom None, sir!

Since none let’s proceed.

B.) Motivation
Now, I have here a video clip.
All you have to do is to observe
and analyze the video that I
have presented because
afterwards I will ask questions.
Is that clear class? Yes sir!

Based on the video presented, what

have you observed?
They are playing basketball sir.
Okay! Very good!

What else Class? They are performing the dribbling,

passing of basketball sir.
Very good!

Now class, what do you think is

our topic this afternoon? I think sir our topic this afternoon is all about

C.) Presentation of the Lesson

Our topic this afternoon is all
about basketball. But before we
proceed to our main topic this
afternoon, here are the
objectives that you need to
attain at the end of the lesson. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the
students are expected to do the following
with at least 75% level of accuracy.
a. Identify the basic skills in basketball,
b. Explain the importance in the mastering
of the basic skills in attaining good
c. Execute the basic skills of basketball
observing proper posture.
Thank you class!
But before we proceed to our
discussion proper, I will give you
first the reading materials for you
to be guided.

D.) Discussing new concept and

Practicing New Skill # 1

1. How will describe Basketball- is a team sport, which is the two

Basketball? teams of five players play on a marked
rectangular court with a basket at each width
end. Basketball is one of the world’s most
popular and widely viewed sports. A team
can score a field goal by shooting the ball
through the basket during regular play.
2. What year the basketball was
invented? Basketball was invented in December 1891
by the Canadian clergyman, educator, and
physician James Naismith. Naismith
introduce the game when he was an
instructor at the young Men’s Christian
Association Training School (now
Springfield College) in Springfield,
3. What are the basic skills in
Basketball? The basic skill in basketball are Shooting,
Dribbling ,Passing, Rebounding, and
4. Do you know how to perform Some say yes and some say no, for you to
the basic skills correctly? know the proper execution on the varied
skills of basketball at this time we will have
an activity.
E.) Discussing new concept and
Practicing New Skill # 2
Now, let’s have another set of
activity. I will group you into
three groups. This column will
be the group one, this column
will be the group two and this
column will be the group three.
I have here a three envelop,
inside of this envelop contains
questions. All you need to do is
to write your answer on the
manila paper. I will give you
two minutes to collaborate
within your group. After two
minutes, you will choose one
representative from your group
to discuss your assigned tasks.
Is that clear class?
Yes sir!
Group Assigned Tasks
Group 1
Group 1
1. What is Shooting and
Dribbling? Shooting – in order to score points and be an
effective offensive player in the game of
2. perform the correct mechanics basketball, you need to be able to shoot the
of shooting and dribbling. ball into the hoop. A proper shot requires
precise aiming, arm extension, lift from the
Shooting legs, and a strong follow through. There are
1. sight different types of shots you need to learn,
2. balance including layups, free throws, and three-
3. hand position pointers.
4. elbow-in alignment
5. rhythmical shooting motion Shooting skill development often involves
6. follow-through. being able to shoot from many areas on the
basketball court, as no one scoring
Dribbling opportunity is the same as another.
1.Keep your head up and your eyes
on the game. Don’t look at the ball. Dribbling- is perhaps the most important
2. Extend your arm and snap your basketball fundamental for all players. This
wrists to send the ball into the offensive skill will allow you to move up and
ground. down the court, maneuver past defenders and
3.Use your fingers, not your palm, execute plays. As players move up in level,
to control the ball. dribbling requires ball-handling skills with
4. Do not bounce the ball too high both hands and the ability to perform a
while dribbling. That will give you variety of crossovers.
more control over the ball make it
harder for defenders to steal the
5. Use your body and your non-
dribbling arm to shield the ball
from defenders.

Group 2

1. What is Running and

2. Perform the correct mechanics
of running and rebounding.
Running Running- is an understandably important
1.lean forward. skill of basketball. In a full-court game, you
2. run on the balls of your feet. will find yourself running back and forth as
3.swing your arms and hands from the game quickly transitions between offense
cheek to cheek (that is butt cheek and defense. When you have the ball,
to face cheek) along side your running will help you to avoid defenders and
body – don't allow your arms to get to the basket quicker. As a defensive
cross-over in front of your body. player, you often will find yourself needing
to run after the opponent, especially during
Rebounding. fast breaks, to prevent an easy layup or dunk.
1.When a shot goes up, turn and
face the basket. Rebounding- is one of the most important
2.Bend your knees and prepare to
phases of the game of basketball.
jump for the ball.
3.Use your body to prevent an Rebounding gives a team possession of the
opposing player from getting basketball, and each possession helps both a
around you. team's offense and their defense and
4.Jump to grab the missed shot. If ultimately helps a team win basketball
your teammate shot the ball, try to
make a shot. games.

Group 3

1. What are the types of passing

in basketball?
Overhead Pass, Bounce Pass, Chest

Passing- Because you are on the court with

four other players from your team at all
2. Execute the basic skill in times, it is incredibly important to be able to
basketball, three types of effectively pass the ball, even if you are not a
passing. point guard trying to accumulate assists.
Thank you all the groups.
Now let us check you

Teacher inputs;

What is the importance in

mastering the basic skills to attain
good performance in basketball? These fundamentals will help the team
develop tactics in different playing situations
and enable them to be most suited for a role
or position. Without mastering basic skills in
basketball, a player won't be able to execute
advanced moves properly.

Shooting- players spend a good

deal of their practice time on
shooting drills to improve their
skill level.
( student Listens.)
Dribbling- is a skill that you
should master. It allows you to
move around the court while
you’re in possession of the ball. It
is a legal method that allows you to Discuss, perform and clarify their answers
advance with the ball and make a from the reporting activity.
score as opposed to that of passing
it to a teammate to shoot it for the

Passing- it is a skill that

maximizes the involvement of all
players in setting up a play to earn
successful shots and earn points for
the whole team.

Rebounding- is one of the major

aspects of the game. It is your
ability to jump with power to gain
possession of the ball as it bounces ( Student Listens.)
to the rim after a failed shot before
it touches the floor.

Running- is one of the basic skills

that a basketball player should
possess. Because in this sport,
speed defines the best. Whether
you’re on the offensive or
defensive side of the game,
passing, receiving, shooting or
rebounding a ball, you always have
to run in any way possible.

F.) Developing Mastery

At this moment, let’s test your
ability if you are listening to
our discussion this afternoon.
All you need to do is to analyze
the basic skills best in the
video[final game]. While the
video is played you will start to
identify and write you answers
in the manila paper as the video
stop you will raise your
answer. But make sure that all
members of the groups will be
in your seats in circle
formations. Am I clear class?
Yes sir

Very Good! Give yourself a three


G.) Application
At this point, let’s have another
activity. In the same group you
are going to perform the proper
execution of different skills in
basketball. Group 1 will
perform “Passing”, Group 2
will perform “Shooting” and
the group 3 will perform
“Dribbling”. I will give you 5
minutes to practice it within
your group. After 5 minutes
you are going to present it on
the class within one minute. Is
that clear class?
Yes sir!
Your time start now!

And you performance will be evaluated

based on the

Criteri Exempla Satisfact Fair 5

a ry 10 ory 7
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Creati The The The skill
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presentat t in a n of other
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H.) Generalization
I know you’ve learned a lot in 0ur
discussion, so may I request
everybody to stand and form a
circle for our short activity. I have Activity
here a ball, all you need to do is to Pass it.
listen to the music and you can
pass the ball to your classmates. If
the music stops the student who
holds the ball will tell about
his/her lerrnings this afternoon . Is
that clear class? Yes sir!

What have you learned from our I learned that basketball is a team sport,
discussion this aftenoon? which has two teams of five players that
played on a rectangular court with a basket at
each width end.

What else class? I learned that when playing basketball, there

are 5 basic skills that we need to apply
during the game.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Read and analyze the questions properly. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. How will you describe a basketball?

a. Basketball is a team sport.
b. Basketball is one of the world’s most popular and widely viewed sports.
c., Basketball is a two teams of five players play on a marked rectangular court
with a basket at each width end.
d. All of the above.
2. Which among the choices is the correct mechanic of shooting?
a. Jump to grab the missed shot.
c. Lean forward.
b. Run on the balls of your feet. d., Hand position
3. Which of the basic skill in basketball allows you to move around the court
while you are in possession of the ball ?
a. Running c. Shooting
b., Dribbling d. Rebounding
4. Which of the choices is correct mechanic of dribbling?
a., Use your fingers, not your palm, to control the ball.
b. Rhythmical shooting motion.
c. A shot goes up, turn and face the basket.
d. Use your body to prevent an opposing player from getting around you.
5. What is the basic skills in basketball that ability to jump with power to gain
possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim after a failed shot before it
touches the floor?
a. Running c. Shooting
b., Rebounding d. Passing

V. Assignment

Study in advance about the rules and regulations in playing basketball and answer
the following questions.
References: MAPEH 10,21st Century

Directions: In a ½ sheet of paper, answer these following questions.

a. Who are the officiating officials in basketball?

b. What are the duties of the officiating officials in basketball?

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