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1. ELEMENTS OF People - The mass of the population living within the state.
territory - Demarcated area the rightly belongs to the
- Terrestrial, Fluvial, Maritime and Aerial.

2. DISCOVERY is the oldest method of acquiring title to territory

3. PHYSICAL discovery or simple "visual apprehension"

4. PRINCIPLE OF Related to the title by discovery is the hinterland doctrine

CONTINUITY or the principle of continuity.

5. ACCRETION is the process by which new land foRmations are legally

accumulated to old ones.

6. ACCRETION V.S Accretion - Slow and gradual deposit of slow by alluvium

AVULSION so as to modify river channel imperceptively

Avulsion - Sudden and Violent in the channel so as to

leave the old river bed dry.

7. Cession may can be voluntary or involuntary.

8. NATIONAL AIR- The law on airspace today has its roots from the Roman
SPACE law principle of:

"qui dominos est soli est coeli et infernonum" latin for

whoever owns the soil, it is eithers all the way up to heaven
and down to hell.

and the coomon law maximum "cujus est solum, ejus est
usque and coelum" which is latin for the State sovereignty
over all airspace above this territory.

9. OUTER SPACE was considered by the Legal Subcommittee in 19866 and

TREATY agreement was reached in the General Assembly in the
same year.


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The agreement governing the activities of states on the
moon and other celestial bodies approved in 1979.

The moon is demilitarized and nuclear weapons or other

weapons of mass destruction should not be deposited in

11. GOVERNMENT Refers to the agency to which the will of the sate is formu-
lated, expressed, and carried out.

12. SOVEREIGNTY Define as the supreme power of the state to command and
enforce obedience to its will from the people.

a. Internal - power of the state to rule within its territory.

b. External - the freedom of the state to carry out its

activities without subjection to or control by other states.


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