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(2) A. This proves what many have always suspected: that women are more intelligent than men.
B. This consideration, however, did not stop over half a million people taking part in a television IQ test.
C. You can’t be very intelligent if you don’t know how intelligent you are.
D. In it women score 110 while men only managed 105.
Options and Responses:
 CBDA  (selected by student)

Score: 1

(3) A. When driving around town the energy stored in the batteries is used to power the vehicle.
B. Hybrid cars use half as much fuel as their petrol equivalent.
C. They cost considerably more than an equivalent car that runs only on petrol.
D. A petrol engine is used to drive the wheels and charge a large bank of batteries.
Options and Responses:
 BDAC  (selected by student)

Score: 1

A. Indians and Pakistanis are the same people.
B.  The idea of India is stronger than the Indian, and the idea of Pakistan weaker than the Pakistani.
C. Why then have the two nations moved on such divergent arcs over the last six decades?
D.  India has progressed into a modem nation occasionally hampered by backward forces. Pakistan is regressing
into a medieval society with a smattering of modem elements.
E. Multi-religious, multi-ethnic, secular, democratic India was an idea that belonged to the future; one-dimensional
Pakistan was a concept borrowed from the fears of the past.
Options and Responses:
 ACBED  (selected by student)

Score: 1

A. A paragraph is a collection of sentences and normally, is used to convey a concise idea within a larger idea
structure of a passage.
B. A top heavy paragraph is one which conveys its main idea at the start of the passage-and then it tapers off in its
C. In our experience, top heavy paragraphs are much more common than bottom heavy paragraphs in general
English writing.
D. In general, paragraphs can be either top heavy or bottom heavy.
E. On the other hand, a bottom heavy paragraph has its main idea towards the end of the paragraph with the start of
the paragraph being usually light in content.
Options and Responses:
 ADBEC  (selected by student)

Score: 1

In Q6-10, a topic sentence is given. Choose the sentence, from the options, that best develops or supports it.
Life on Earth is ancient and, even at its first appearance, unimaginably complex.
Options and Responses:

Scientists place its beginnings at some three billion years ago, when they hypothesize that the
first molecule floated up out of the ooze with the unique ability to replicate itself.
(selected by student)

The most complex life form is, of course, the mammal—and the most complex mammal is

It is unknown exactly where life started, where the first molecule was “born” that had the ability to
replicate itself.

Darwin’s theory of evolution was one attempt to explain what essentially remains a great

Score: 1
Cosmetic plastic surgery is one of the fastest growing segments of U.S. medicine
Options and Responses:
Cosmetic plastic surgery can have dangerous side effects, some of which can be fatal.

Americans are eager to make their bodies as perfect as possible and to minimize the visible
signs of aging.
(selected by student)
 The price of cosmetic plastic surgery is also on the rise.  
This increase in cosmetic plastic surgery says something quite disturbing about our culture.

Score: 1

One scientific theory of the origin of the universe is the much misunderstood big bang theory
Options and Responses:

Physicists now believe they can construct what happened in the universe during the first three
minutes of its beginning.

Many scientists believe that, during microwave experiments, we can actually “hear” echoes of
the big bang

The popular notion is that the big bang was a huge explosion in space, but this is far too simple a
(selected by student)
The big bang theory, if accepted, convinces us that the universe was not always as it is now.

Score: 1

Before we learn how to truly love someone else, we must learn how to love the face in the mirror.
Options and Responses:
 Don’t be shy about meeting members of the opposite sex.  
 No one can really love you the way you can love yourself.  
 Love is not something that lasts unless one is very lucky.  
Learning to accept ourselves for who we are will teach us how to accept another person.
(selected by student)
Score: 1

The Greek ideal of the hero most closely resembles today’s free-agent superstar.
Options and Responses:
 A superstar is an athlete who commands a great salary based on his individual skills.

The Greek warrior’s focus was on grasping at immortality, and he did this by ensuring that his
name would live on, long after he died.

The Greek hero valued self-interest above loyalty to a cause, his king, or to his army, just as the
free-agent superstar values his contract salary above any special team, coach, or the game.
(selected by student)

The Greek hero was impressive in his performance on the battlefield as well as in the sports

Score: 1

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