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What are your strengths and weaknesses?

ngths and sted in your general stre of The employer isnt intere ones. So as an example work-related weaknesses, but rather angry when like Well I do get really a weakness, something et and I almost in front of me on the stre people stop abruptly reciated. Instead try not be app whack into them will the past and talking the hting a weakness from highlig d example you dealt with it. A goo interviewers through how problem with lines: I used to have a might run along these nager, learned how sed this with my ma time-keeping, but discus ctively, and now I would s and diaries more effe to use timetable ets. And its as one of my biggest ass describe time-keeping more examples of up with definitely best to come Colin suggests ngths than weaknesses. stre providing r main strengths before summarising you ht say, I have a proven mig specific examples: You time of projects at the same ability to drive a variety is a strength that has able to prioritise remaining focused and and within budget, and always deliver on time enabled me to back up your claims. then give examples to

This is a great chance to give an example from a group project, work experience or a ski lls-related extra-curricu lar activity that demonstra tes you can come up wit h new ideas and think creativ ely. In a work environm ent good examples of initiative inc lude anticipating a pro blem, identifying the solution and presenting this information to the pro ject manager, explains Colin. You can then explain the time and money tha t your improvement saved the organisation. There are probably plenty of examples you can dra w on from your time at university as well. Overcoming a pro blem with an assignme nt, adopting a new approach to presen ting your work or findin g interesting resources to support you r essay contents are all good instances of using your initiative. Following the STAR app roach may help you to formulate your responses. STAR stands for situation, task, action, results. Sta rt by describing the situ ation you were in and the task you nee ded to accomplish, exp lain the action you took and finally the results you achieved. If it was a group task keep the focus on what you did specifical ly rather than the efforts of the team in gen eral.

G e p o meivwhaen eyxoaumshlewefda ti n o initiative

What experience h you had of teamwo ave rk?

Teamwork is increasin gly important in almost every career sector as employers see k to find staff who wil l work cohesively together to achieve sha red goals. Team sports can be a good example, if a little obv ious. Just saying I played in the uni netball team and it wa s great isnt enough: wh at teamwork skills did you learn, how did you work together effectively as a team? But try to be ima ginative and come up wit h an unusual and inspiring example that the interv iewers havent heard before. Th is is an opportunity to discuss teamwork from any area of your life, explains Colin. You can mention team dynamics, incentives, and roles and responsibilities you hav e held within teams. Exam ples of when a team you were involved in exceeded tar gets will work well, par ticularly if you discuss how you contrib uted directly to this. Th e most important thing about your response to this que stion is that you convey that you und erstand the importance of teamwork and can interact effectiv ely with others. Speak in terms of we rather than I and be pos itive about your group s efforts.

Where do you e expect to be in fiv years time?

the relation to your career and You must answer this in lines to. Something along the g company you are applyin e) and successful (insert job rol of being respected as a anisation should go the org perhaps moving up within I an ambitious approach, n well. Colin recommends dow s something bold interviewee say s to am impressed when an ted and focused colleague Leading a team of motiva such as, l have increased and I ional network wil n deliver results. My profess life balance. You can the e to enjoy a strong work/ will continu -work goals to of one or two non go on to give examples ividual. Peter wants to t you are a rounded ind show tha ir career ates have researched the see evidence that candid ortant that s, It is imp opportunities. He explain of the options available ates have an appreciation candid to continue to whether these are likely for career progression and lar profession they e chosen a particu motivate them. If they hav ations available, such as are of the further qualific should be aw terms of work , and what this means in achieving chartered status involved. and the likely timescale

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January 2008


What do you think makes a good employer? style and

rking n is to ascertain your wo ere The aim of this questio at the organisation. Th youd fit in therefore show whether must recognise wer. A good employer isnt a right or wrong ans nage them their employees and ma pany the individuality of has to fit with the com ne still appropriately, but everyo so that the est in your response culture. Its best to be hon y, but this is e to assess your suitabilit organisation is abl avoid your own strengths and stress another opportunity to ing like A good esses. Saying someth highlighting your weakn ling to listen to input n to new ideas, and wil employer is ope and also a team ts that you are creative from every level sugges ative qualities; a fivee rather than neg ise player. Focus on positiv anisation and lack of pra t on low wages, disorg minute ran ial employers! ear you to your potent will not do much to end ly raise is the didates can comfortab Another area can fessional development. for pro importance of support youre to learn will show that to the Emphasising your desire trate your commitment to demons conscientious and help organisation.

What the interviewer is really looking for here is a description of a situation that displa ys your management ski lls and professionalism under pressure. This questio n gives the interviewee the opport unity to show that they can think on their feet, exp lains Peter. The ability to handle a stressful situatio n cannot easily be taught so the candidate needs to show that they have the right characteristics. These inc lude common sense and initiative. You can tak e examples from experie nces such as the Duke of Edinburghs Aw ard, university, industria l training, your gap year and sum mer vacation work any thing as long as it shows your ability to react effectively und er pressure. Make sure that you exp lain the context of the crisis without implicating yourself in its creation. You cant be the saviour of a problem that you cau sed in the first place! Th ink carefully about this question bef ore your interview; if you already have a rough idea of what you intend to say you will sound more authoritative and be bet ter able to describe eve nts without rambling.

G e fa meivwhaen eyxoaumhpale doled ti n n a major crisis.

Have you ever had bad experience wit a h an employer?

If youre asked this or another similarly tricky question during an interview you can bet that the recruiter is kee n to see your tactfulness and diplom acy skills put into action . Never be negative about your pas t employers, however ins ignificant the job or far back in the pas t it may be. It will only serve to portray you in a bad ligh t. Its best to keep your answer to this one relatively short and diplomatic, along the line s of Ive always got on well wit h my employers, as Im personable and a hard worker, and have gained invaluable experie nce from parttime jobs and summer vacation work over the years. Recruiters will be more interested in how you respond to a difficult question than in hearin g you spill the beans on your past issues. You may find that the interviewer questions you r responses but dont feel pressured. Th ey are not getting at you , but are trying to see how well you can argue. Keep calm, look them in the eye and stick up for yourse lf. Probing questions are actually a good sign, as they show that youve passed the eas ier stages.

Do you have any to e questions youd lik ask us?

of the interview ay comment at the end This isnt just a throwaw ation on the ruiters with key inform but rather provides rec erview has gone too feel the int candidate. If you dont in a unity to show yourself ll you can use this opport we port will I get for ts, What sup better light. Colin sugges Why has this post nal development? and professio questions to ask. Peter been created? as good are often preparation: Interviews recommends thorough t they go in with five so I sugges stressful for a candidate on a card to act as questions written down or six all of these nt be necessary to ask prompts. It probably wo interview. n answered during the have bee questions as some may elligent, well ortunity to ask int e This is the candidates opp demonstrate that theyv stions and also helps to researched que for more ing Dont be shy about ask done their homework. feel it hasnt been graduate package if you information on the about finding Interviews are as much covered in enough detail. . If you want to as the other way around an employer to suit you part of a wider try to do so tactfully as ask about salaries and healthcare. sions question on benefits, pen

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