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General information / preparation

Setting up the network configuration via

Quick Guide for GX Developer Software

Setting up the parameter configuration via

CPX-FB23 CC-Link V1.1 Festo Maintenance Tool (FMT)
connected to Mitsubishi PLC The FMT software (freeware) and documentations with detailed descriptions are
available at the Festo Support Portal.

Go to (Support -> Support and Downloads)

Search for:

CPX-FB23 (CC-Link manual): EN version -> 526404
CPX-SYS (CPX system manual): EN version -> 526446

To use FMT for CPX-FB23 you have to order a CPX-USB-Adapter:

 NEFC-M12G5-0.3-U1G5 pn: 547432

Additional information about CC-Link can be found on:


1 2
Start-up hardware settings Using GX Developer Software for
network configuration
1. Start the CC-Link Network configuration (Parameters -> Networkpa...)
Operating mode: CC-Link slave address
Remote I/O 1….64
and  Default : 1

Baud rate:
2. Define your network
Yellow: Definition of CC-Link masters
Blue: Definition of I/O start address
Green: Definition of CC-Link slaves
Pink: Definition of I/O bytes & words
 Clear
Brown: Definition of slave station area
(Logical communication outputs
Default: are reset in the event of field Additional information to the pink field::
4 station per slave bus communication faults.)

Rx = input byte of digital modules

and no
Ry = output byte of digital modules
RWr = input word of function & analogue
 Diagnose
RWw = output word of function & analogue
Connection Technology: modules
FBS-SUB-9…IP65 pn: 532220 or FBA-1-KL… IP20 pn: 197962

Using GX Developer Software for

3 4
Using GX Developer Software for
network configuration network configuration
3. Define the slave station 4. Check your settings

Yellow: First letter is the node; second letter the slave address:
GX allocates automatically a node address (more valve terminals necessary). It depends 5. Download network parameters to SPS
on the Exclusive station settings. Please note that the address DIL settings have to be

Blue: Is the operation mode of the node. Choose “Remote device Station” for the
“Remote I/O” mode of our CPX-FB23 .

Green: Here you define the stations. The setting depends on the used memory area of the
CPX valve terminal.

Festo AG & Co KG Quick Guide for CPX-FB23 Version A1

Tip I/O Mapping (1 of 2)
Tip I/O Mapping (2 of 2)
Prio 3:- Allocation of outputs and inputs depending on the physical order of the
configuration (from the left side to the ride side)
- Compact address mapping without gaps (modules have to be equal)
- Function modules are CMPX, CMAX, CM-HP, CPI...
Location Module I-address O-address - Addresses are assignment after digital I/O modules and pneumatic modules and
1. node CPX-FB23 (no diagnosis) - analogue modules
2. digital output module (8DO) - 1Byte - New station necessary.
3. digital input module (8DI) 1Byte -
4. analogue output module - 4Byte Result for I/O Mapping (1 of 2):
5. Multi-axis interface CMXX 16Byte 16Byte

Mapping Rules:
Prio 1: - digital I/O modules & the system diagnosis start in station 1
- Allocation of valves/outputs and inputs depending on the physical order
of the configuration (from the left side to the right side)
- Compact address mapping without gaps
- The remote ready bit (RR) you find always in the last reserved station (RX area).
If the RR bit is on then you have an error free communication
Prio 2: - Allocation of outputs and inputs depending on the physical order of the
configuration (from the left side to the right side)
- Compact address mapping without gaps (modules have to be equal)
- To set an analogue output you have to set the Control bit before
- Analogue modules are VPPM and VMPA-FB-PS..., too.
- Addresses are assignment after digital I/O modules and pneumatic modules ->
New station necessary.

Rule for the max possible Using LED’s for the

Tip valve terminal extension Tip device status identification

CC-link Background information: CC-Link specific Led’s

Theoretical maximum space for digital I/O modules = 112 Bit I/O (Mapped in the bit area of
“Rx” (for DI modules) and “Ry” (for DO modules) of the Mitsubishi PLC)
Run No error
Theoretical maximum space for analogue & technology modules = 256 Bit I/O (Mapped in Connection error
the word area “Rwr” (Inputs for analogue & technology modules) & “Rww” (Outputs) for Error data communication fault
analogue & technology modules of the Mitsubishi PLC) CRC & data com. fault
No fault
Here the simplified mapping rule:
SD CPX sends data
1. Add all bits together of the digital I/O modules and the maximum of the I or O bits CPX send no data
divide through 32 bits -> The result rounding up RD CPX receives data
2. Add all bits together of the analogue I/O modules and the maximum of the I or O CPX specific Led‘s CPX receives no data
bits divide through 64 bits -> The result rounding also up
3. Add all bits together of the technology I/O modules and the maximum of the I or O
System failure (SF) Ok
bits divide through 64 bits -> The result rounding also up
Add the rounded off results of point 1 & 2 & 3 together and when it is not bigger as 4 then Diagnostic
the configuration is ok. Hardware defect
Power system/load (PS & PL) Power ok
Outside tolerance
(PS) No sensor supply
Modify status (M) Saved parameters
Forced active

Tip Write / read module information

via GX Developer software Tip Changing parameters of the CPX

1. Start “Operand Batch” in online mode • Use CPX-MMI or FMT (Festo Maintenance Tool) with the CPX-USB-Adapter
(Online -> Monitorin -> Operand Batch) (NEFC-M12G5-0.3-U1G5 pn: 547432) to change the parameters.

• In “ System parameter “ choose for the Start-UP parameter the option -> “Saved
2. New window appears
Blue: Here you enter the
start address
Yellow: Additional options
Green: With this you can write

3. Write window

Yellow: Here you can set the outputs  Be carefully if you change the node. You lose all saved
(RY) bit by bit -> controller bit, too. parameters.
Blue: Here you can set the outputs
(Rww) word orientated.  A lighting M-LED indicates stored parameter changes
Green: Here you can see if your entry
was successful -> History.

Festo AG & Co KG Quick Guide for CPX-FB23 Version A1

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