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Lighting Guide 18:

Lighting for the built environment — Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises
Lighting for licensed premises

The Society of Light and Lighting

ISBN 978-1-912034-31-4

Lighting for the

built environment
The Society of Light and Lighting is part of the
The Society of
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 9 781912 034314 Light and Lighting
Lighting Guide 18:
Lighting for licensed

The Society of
Light and Lighting

222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS, UK

Tel: 020 8675 5211. Fax: 020 8673 3302. E-mail:
The Society of Light and Lighting is part of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
The rights of publication or translation are reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or

transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the

© October 2018 (2nd edition) The Society of Light and Lighting

The Society is part of CIBSE which is a registered charity, number 278104.

ISBN 978-1-912034-31-4 (book)

ISBN 978-1-912034-32-1 (PDF)

This document is based on the best knowledge available at the time of publication.
However, no responsibility of any kind for any injury, death, loss, damage or delay
however caused resulting from the use of these recom­mendations can be accepted
by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, the Society of Light
and Lighting, the authors or others involved in its publication. In adopting
these recommendations for use each adopter by doing so agrees to accept full
responsibility for any personal injury, death, loss, damage or delay arising out of
or in connection with their use by or on behalf of such adopter irrespective of the
cause or reason therefore and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, The Society of Light and
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Layout and typesetting by CIBSE Publications.

Printed in England by The Lavenham Press, Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9RN

Cover photograph: The Cherry Tree, Market Harborough (photographer: the


Note from the publisher

This publication is primarily intended to provide guidance to those responsible
for the design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of
building services. It is not intended to be exhaustive or definitive and it will
be necessary for users of the guidance given to exercise their own professional
judgement when deciding whether to abide by or depart from it.

Any commercial products depicted, mentioned or described within this

publication are included for the purposes of illustration only and their inclusion
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Society.
Previously entitled Guide to the lighting of licensed premises, this publication has
been updated and expanded for its second edition, which is now entitled SLL
Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises.

Licensed premises consist of a wide range of establishments—bars, restaurants

and many types of clubs—and they are found in hotels, theatres, concert halls,
stations, airports, universities and colleges. This Lighting Guide is intended to
provide practical advice for anyone involved in designing, installing or operating
lighting in licensed premises.

Benedict Cadbury

Benedict Cadbury (Lampholder Lighting Design)

First edition
The late Arthur Tarrant
Mark Duncanson
Iain Maclean
Rebecca Weir

Second edition
Lou Bedocs
David Holmes
Nigel Monaghan
Paul Ruffles

SLL Secretary
Brendan Keely

Ken Butcher

Photography credits: Chelsom Ltd. (Figs. 2.1, 2.4, 2.5), Barrisol® (Fig. 2.3),
Hamilton-Litestat (Figs. 2.13, 2.14), iGuzzini Illuminazione spa/Ieva Saudargaite
(Fig. 4.3), Bignell Shacklady Ewing (Fig 6.6), Iain Maclean (Figs. 2.6, 2.9, 2.10,
3.1, 3.6, 4.2), Liz Peck (Figs. 2.11, 3.4, 7.3), Paul Ruffles (Fig. 3.2), Rebecca Weir
(Figs. 2.2, 3.5), Benedict Cadbury (Figs 3.3, 4.1, 4.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8,
6.9, 6.10)
1 Introduction........................................................................1
1.1 Scope of the guide....................................................................................1
1.2 Arrangement of the guide.........................................................................1
1.3 The functions of lighting...........................................................................2
1.4 Terms used in this guide............................................................................2

2 Why lighting is important..................................................3

2.1 Character and atmosphere........................................................................3
2.2 Lighting and decoration............................................................................3
2.3 Daylight....................................................................................................5
2.4 Colour rendering and colour temperature.................................................6
2.5 Modelling, glare and sparkle.....................................................................7
2.6 Choice of lamps........................................................................................8

3 Lighting design: interior..................................................13

3.1 General design considerations.................................................................13
3.2 Detailed requirements.............................................................................14
3.3 Checklist.................................................................................................21

4 Lighting design: exterior..................................................21

4.1 General considerations............................................................................21
4.2 Locating the luminaires...........................................................................22
4.3 Lamp selection........................................................................................23
4.4 Control...................................................................................................23
4.5 Gardens and terraces..............................................................................23
4.6 External smoking areas............................................................................24
4.7 Façades...................................................................................................25
4.8 Car parks................................................................................................26

5 Emergency lighting..........................................................27
5.1 Escape and standby lighting....................................................................27
5.2 Legal requirements..................................................................................27
5.3 Illuminance values on escape routes........................................................27
5.4 Illuminance values in open areas..............................................................28
5.5 High-risk task areas.................................................................................28
5.6 Luminaires...............................................................................................29
5.7 Safety signs.............................................................................................29
5.8 Planning emergency lighting...................................................................29
5.9 Inspection...............................................................................................30
6 Lighting for specific types of premises............................30
6.1 Restaurants.............................................................................................30
6.2 Nightclubs...............................................................................................36
6.3 Theatres and concert halls.......................................................................37
6.4 Sports, social and health clubs.................................................................39
6.5 Transport buildings..................................................................................40
6.6 Universities and colleges..........................................................................41

7 Energy use and Building Regulations..............................41

7.1 Compliance with Building Regulations.....................................................41
7.2 Applicability of Building Regulations........................................................42
7.3 Energy considerations and lamp selection................................................43

8 Maintenance.....................................................................46
8.1 General...................................................................................................46
8.2 Equipment accessible from or near floor level..........................................47
8.3 Equipment not readily accessible from ground level.................................48

9 Measures of light..............................................................49
9.1 Luminous flux and illuminance................................................................49
9.2 Uniformity...............................................................................................49
9.3 Luminance..............................................................................................49
9.4 Light output ratio....................................................................................49

Further reading...................................................................................................51

Index ...........................................................................................52

Introduction 1

1 Introduction

1.1 Scope of the guide

The function of this Lighting Guide is to provide guidance to all those who are
concerned with the design, equipping, management and operation of ‘licensed
premises’, i.e. buildings or parts of buildings in which alcoholic beverages are
sold for consumption on the premises. They include the following:

—— public houses
—— restaurants
—— gastropubs
—— nightclubs
—— sports and social clubs
—— health clubs and sports halls
—— theatres, cinemas and concert halls
—— areas within airports and railway stations
—— universities and colleges
—— hotels and guest houses
—— licensed tea rooms
—— conference halls and function rooms.

Licensed premises need a special lighting guide as the lighting of such places
must meet two distinct objectives: (1) to be right for the style/feel/mood/brand
of the premises, and (2) to meet legislative requirements for safety and escape
from areas where alcohol is consumed. Even in the most moody or ‘edgy’ of
premises, stairs and escape routes must be lit with safety in mind. Exit signage
must be present, even if reduced to the minimum permitted size for the viewing
distance for each sign, and emergency lighting is usually required. Likewise legal
requirements for places of work and building regulations must be complied with.

This Lighting Guide is intended to cover existing buildings, new buildings, and
those cases where existing buildings originally built for different purposes are
converted to licensed premises. Experience indicates that the average life of a
lighting installation in licensed premises is about twenty years, though minor
alterations may be carried out at any time. Redecoration usually takes place
more frequently and when this is done the design and limitations of the existing
lighting installation must be borne in mind. Lighting and decoration relate to
one another to a large extent and should be considered together.

1.2 Arrangement of the guide

Many points have to be taken into account when designing lighting installations
for both new-build and refurbishment projects. The first design considerations
are outlined in chapter 2 while more detailed design considerations for the
lighting designer are given in chapters 3, 4 and 6 (interior and exterior). Chapter 7
is devoted to the question of energy use and the requirements of current building
regulations within the UK, which in most licensed premises can provide severe
constraints on lighting design. Emergency lighting is covered by chapter 5 and
2 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

chapter 8 deals with the maintenance of lighting. Explanations of some lighting

technical terms are given in chapter 9.

1.3 The functions of lighting

In any interior space the lighting, be it daylight or electric, has to serve three
main purposes. First, it has to enable the occupants to see what they are doing,
i.e. to carry out the intended function of the space. This is known as ‘lighting the
visual task’. Second, it has to make the space appear pleasant and attractive; this
is referred to as ‘lighting for amenity’. This amenity factor is clearly important
in licensed premises. Third, it has to provide lighting for the occupants to move
about safely, both generally and in the event of a power failure, which is when
emergency lighting is required.

1.4 Terms used in this guide

It is necessary to define some of the terms used in this guide. For example the
word ‘bar’ can mean the actual bar counter, or the room in which it is located, or
the whole establishment. The meanings of some terms used in this guide are set
out below:

—— Pub: a traditional public house.

—— Bar: the room or space which includes the actual bar counter.
—— Bar walk: the area adjacent to the bar counter where patrons stand
to be served.
—— Bar back: the fittings, shelving, mirrors etc behind the bar counter.
—— Drinking area: an area where patrons actually consume their drinks.
—— Eating area: an area where patrons consume meals (note: drinking
areas and eating areas may or may not be part of the bar space).
—— Luminaire: any type of light fitting.
—— Lamp: the light source within the luminaire; some common types
•• gls: general lighting service, i.e. a traditional incandescent
•• cfl: compact fluorescent lamp

•• led: light-emitting diode.

—— cri: colour rendering index.

—— Emergency lighting: lighting provided to enable people to leave the

building safely in the event of failure of mains power; it does not
mean lighting to enable business to continue.
—— Standby lighting: lighting sufficient to continue trading in the event
of mains power failure.
—— Horizontal illumination: lighting of horizontal surfaces such as tables
and bars.
—— Vertical illumination: lighting of vertical surfaces, such as walls,
pictures on walls, bar backs, and especially people’s faces.
Technical lighting terms are explained in chapter 9.

Why lighting is important 3

2 Why lighting is important

2.1 Character and atmosphere

The primary consideration should be the character and atmosphere of the

building. Many factors contribute to the atmosphere in licensed premises, but
decoration and lighting are often the most important ones. Different atmospheres
suit different kinds of premises. A small pub in the country may call for a very
relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, whilst a town centre bar aimed at a younger
clientele may call for a more stimulating, vibrant one, potentially with a theme
of some kind. In some cases the atmosphere will need to alter at different times
of day. For example, a theatre bar may need a brisk and bright atmosphere when
drinks have to be served rapidly during intervals, but a more relaxed one if it is
open for after-show drinks.

The style of the luminaires also contributes to the atmosphere. Even when they
are switched off, they can indicate what kind of a room it is. For that reason they
should be chosen carefully. Domestic style luminaires may be suited to a small Figure 2.1 The luminaires make a
village pub but they may look out of a place in a busy city centre bar. Luminaires major contribution to the
that look as though they were intended for industrial use are likely to be suitable character and atmosphere
in the warehouse style of some restaurant chains. Whatever choice of luminaires of a room (image courtesy of
Chelsom Ltd.)
is made, it is advisable that all in any one space should complement one another,
as shown in the example in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 If luminaires of different

types are used together,
complementary styles
should be chosen (image
courtesy of Rebecca Weir)

2.2 Lighting and decoration

Lighting and decoration complement one another to a marked degree. At any

point in a room, much of the light comes not directly from the luminaires, but
will have been reflected off the floor, ceiling or walls. If these surfaces are dark,
the result may be a dark and gloomy room. If they are lighter, the result is likely
to be a much brighter room. A warm atmosphere is generally expected, hence
it is advisable to use the traditionally ‘warm’ colours; on the other hand large
areas of green or blue tend to produce a colder atmosphere. In general, the darker
the décor, the greater the lighting input required to achieve a given level of
illumination in the room or area.
4 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

The height of the ceiling is an important determinant of lighting design. Low

ceilings should preferably be white or an off-white colour, otherwise the room
risks appearing gloomy and oppressive. Higher ceilings allow a much wider range
of lighting methods to be used and the choice of colour is wider, for example a
room could have the ceiling painted a deep colour for effect. Very high ceilings
pose a different challenge: whether to light right up to the top; to leave the ceiling
dark; or to set a lower height with a translucent false ceiling, such as a Barrisol®
ceiling (Figure 2.3), which then allows lighting either above or below the ceiling

Figure 2.3 Luminaires formed out

of false ceiling elements
(image courtesy of Barrisol®)

Light coloured walls help to create a bright environment, especially in an old

country pub or retail-style café-bar with little daylight. On the other hand a
warehouse-style bar or restaurant will use exposed brick, concrete and ironwork
as a feature, with a variety of spotlights creating pools of light in sharp contrast
to the dark materials on walls, ceiling and probably floor as well.

Figures 2.4 and 2.5

The colour of the walls
can have a profound
effect on the atmosphere
within a room (courtesy
of Chelsom Ltd.)

Why lighting is important 5

2.3 Daylight

Many licensed premises such as bars and sports clubs operate during daylight
hours. As a light source, natural daylight is excellent and has perfect colour
rendering. However, daylight should not be considered as ‘free’. Large window
spaces providing excellent daylighting of an area have implications on heating
and ventilation. They often result in large heat losses in cold weather, with
consequent additional heating costs, whereas in summer considerable heat gains
and solar glare may require investment in blinds and air conditioning.

Figure 2.6 A good example of the

use of daylight in a bar; an
18th century building now
used as a sailing club (image
courtesy of Iain Maclean)

Curtains can greatly reduce heat loss during the hours of darkness, but during
daylight hours they should be drawn back completely clear of the windows
and window reveals otherwise the ingress of daylight can be significantly
reduced. Solar glare and solar heat gain can cause serious problems, especially
in conservatories. One way of dealing with solar glare is to use venetian blinds.
If used properly, they can cut out solar glare whilst still giving the occupants a
clear view of the outside world. Solar heat gain may be reduced by the use of
movable external shades or awnings, but these are expensive to install and must
be properly maintained. Further guidance on this point may be found in the BRE
364: Solar shading of buildings (Littlefair, 2018).

Problems can also arise in the transition between areas lit by daylight to areas
that are much darker. Examples include (a) entrances where patrons walk from
a bright street into a dark bar, (b) where a conservatory has been added to an old
building with few windows, (c) where the staff serving meals to patrons outdoors
pass frequently between sunlight and dark kitchens. These problems are more
acute for older people, whose vision adapts quite slowly to very large changes of
light level.

Electric lighting should be designed to complement daylight in all premises,

particularly those with large window areas. In large spaces, the switching should
be arranged in rows parallel to the windows so that lights may be brought on in
groups as daylight fades (Figure 2.7).
6 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Figure 2.7 In large rooms it is

advisable for the luminaires
to be switched in rows
parallel to the windows
Row A

Row B

Row C

2.4 Colour rendering and colour temperature

There are many different types of lamp available. They all differ in their colour
appearance (warmth/coolness) and their ability to show colours of materials

2.4.1 Colour rendering

It is well known that surface colours may appear differently under different
light sources. For example, a red carpet will look a rich red under domestic
incandescent lighting, but a duller, flat red-brown under cooler led or fluorescent
lighting. This is because incandescent lamps emit more light at the red end of
the spectrum whereas fluorescent and led lamps emit light mostly at the blue/
green end.

Some types of lamp will render colours well while others may appear to distort
colours. To indicate the ability of a light source to render colours properly, a
colour rendering index (cri) has been developed. The scale runs from 0 to 100,
with 100 representing ideal colour rendering, such as that produced by daylight.
Note that two lamps with the same cri may not necessarily display colours in the
same way.

Good colour rendering is important in all areas of licensed premises used by

patrons: the faces of both staff and patrons should be well lit; food and drink
should look appetizing; and coins and banknotes need to be easily distinguishable.
Ideally, lighting in patron areas should have a cri of 90, but considerations of
energy use may preclude this in some areas. The minimum cri should be 80. In
areas used only by staff, a cri of 80 is acceptable. At till points, the use of colour-
tinted lighting is to be avoided as it can hinder recognition of notes and coins.

2.4.2 Colour temperature

‘White’ light as we know it is a mixture of light of many wavelengths. The

wavelengths of visible light and the colours that we usually associate with them
are shown in Figure 2.8.

Why lighting is important 7

Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red Figure 2.8 The wavelengths of visible
light and the colours
usually associated with
Ultraviolet Infrared them
(not visible) (not visible)

200 400 600 800 1000

Wavelength / nm

It is also necessary to specify the actual colour of the light emitted by the
lamps, which is known as the ‘colour appearance’ of a lamp. There is no simple
connection between colour appearance and colour rendering index.

‘Colour temperature’ is a simple way of describing the colour appearance of light

sources. When a body such as a bar of iron is heated it glows first red then, as
the temperature rises, white. The colour of the light from it is determined by its
temperature. The colours of most light sources resemble those of incandescent
bodies and so the colour can be indicated by the temperature of a body that would
emit light of that colour. This is referred to as the colour temperature, which is
expressed in terms of absolute temperatures on the Kelvin scale.

Traditionally red and orange colours are spoken of as ‘warm, whilst blue and
green colours are called ‘cool’. These terms are often used by lamp manufacturers
to describe lamps, e.g. ‘cool white’ or ‘warm white’. The colour temperatures of
some light sources are given below.

Table 2.1 Colour temperatures for various light sources

Source Colour temperature (K)
Candle flame 1900
Traditional bulb/warm fluorescent lamp 2700
Tungsten halogen lamp/warm white LED lamp 3000
Cool fluorescent/LED/metal halide lamps 4000–4500
Direct sunlight 4800
Overcast sky 6500
Light from clear blue sky 10 000 upwards

For licensed premises where a warm and welcoming atmosphere is called for,
lamps whose colour appearance lies in the range 2700–3500 K are recommended.
‘Cool white’ leds or cfls are not suitable.

It is important to avoid cold lighting in service areas being visible in the bar or
restaurant when a connecting door is opened, hence passage lighting leading to
front of house areas needs to be considered with the front of house lighting.

2.5 Modelling, glare and sparkle

In many parts of licensed premises, the appearance of people is critical. If light

is provided by a few small bright light sources, strong shadows will be produced,
Figure 2.9 Strong directional lighting,
which lead to an unflattering appearance (Figure 2.9). Equally, if the light is
e.g. from downlights,
made very diffuse in character, it may make things look flat and uninteresting. can produce unflattering
One solution to this problem is to provide one style of lighting to provide general modelling (image courtesy of
lighting with supplementary spotlights to provide highlights (Figure 2.10). Iain Maclean)
8 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Figure 2.10 The lighting of faces

is essential: staff and
customers need to be able
to see each other clearly
(image courtesy of Iain

The positioning of luminaires is critical; luminaires that are close to our usual
sight lines, such as those mounted on a low ceiling, may produce objectionable
glare. Wall-mounted luminaires may do likewise (Figure 2.11), in which case it is
important to select ones with satin glass or fabric shades. Glare is often a problem
in the lighting of exterior areas and careful consideration must be given to the
safe movement of people and vehicles in these areas.

Figure 2.11 Wall lights producing glare

in an eating area (image
courtesy of Liz Peck)

Spotlights can be used to emphasise key areas or displays and to add visual
interest to the bar or restaurant area. Lighting to produce highlights, referred to
as ‘sparkle’, can be achieved with carefully positioned spotlights, but care has to
be taken to see that such spotlights do not produce glare.

2.6 Choice of lamps

There is a wide variety of lamps available, all with different characteristics in
terms of their energy use, efficiency, colour appearance and colour rendering. A
brief summary is given below but more detailed information on available lamp
types can be found in section 7.3.

Why lighting is important 9

Traditional incandescent lamps are referred to as gls (general lighting service)

lamps, but note that these are no longer an option due to their high energy use.
Compact fluorescent lamps are referred to as cfls. Light emitting diodes are
called leds.

Lamps with warm colour temperature are best used over areas with yellow and
red furnishings and fabrics as they bring out the depth of colour and emphasize
a feeling of warmth. For blues and greens a slightly cooler light source may
be used, which provides a crisp and accurate reflection of the décor. leds and
fluorescent lamps that have a good colour rendering index will be sympathetic to
most colours of the spectrum and should be used where possible in table lamps,
wall lights and pendants.

2.6.1 Light source performance

Efficacy Average life Colour Colour

Lamp type (lumens per watt) (thousand hours) temperature
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 40+ (K)

Tungsten halogen 100

excellent 3000

Tubular fluorescent 80–100

(triphosphor and multi-phosphor) very good /excellent 2700–6500

Compact 70–90
fluorescent average /good 2700–6000

High pressure sodium 20–39

(SON/E and SON/T) very poor 2500

Metal halide very good /excellent 3000–6000

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) 2000–8000
poor /excellent

Figure 2.12 Main characteristics of light sources

2.6.2 Energy-efficient lamps

The use of energy-efficient lamps can result in a considerable reduction in the

running costs of licensed premises. An example is outlined in Table 2.2 below,
that of a small village pub with a bar and two rooms. It is assumed that the lights
will be on for 12 hours a day, 365 days a year, which makes a total running time
of 4380 hours per year.
10 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Table 2.2 Comparative lighting cost: village pub with bar and two rooms; lighting use 4380
hours per year
Room/space Lamp type Quantity Total wattage Energy
(W) consumption
(a) Using halogen lamps
Drinking areas Twin wall brackets (40 W) 20 × 2 1600 7008
Bar Halogen spotlights (50 W) 6 300 1314
Passages, WCs Flush ceiling fittings (60 W) 10 600 2628
Total: 2500 10 950
Total cost of 10 950 kW·h at 14 p/unit = £1533 per annum

(b) Using energy-saving LED lamps

Drinking areas 6 W candle LED 20 × 2 240 1051
Bar 7 W GU10 spotlights 6 48 210
Passages, WCs 8.5 W bulb shape LED 10 95 416
Total: 383 1677
Total cost of 1677 kW·h at 14 p/unit = £235 per annum
Annual saving = £1298

Over a 5-year period the costs of the lamps in the two cases are roughly similar
as leds have a life 20 times longer than halogen lamps. Therefore the total
saving by using energy saving lamps amounts to £1298 per year, which means the
running cost is 84% less than with the original halogen lamps.

2.6.3 Lighting controls

It is well worth investing in suitable controls for any lighting installation.

This makes the lighting scheme more flexible and enables it to be used more
economically in terms of energy use. Suitable lighting controls are recommended
to avoid unnecessary lighting when daylight levels are adequate or when spaces
are unoccupied. Guidance on compliance with building regulations in the various
UK jurisdictions (NBS, 2013; Scottish Government, 2018) recommend that
display lighting controls should be separate from those for the general lighting. Switches

Standard switches are the most important element of lighting control. To save
wiring costs, it is sensible to group lights of one function together, e.g. all the
lights for the bar walk may be controlled from one switch, (the maximum load
that can be connected to a single switch is about 1.2 kW). In large areas it pays to
divide lighting into sections or zones, each independently switched. Where part
of an area may be lit by daylight and part not, the lights in the daylit area should
have a separate switch so that they can be turned off when not required. In large
rooms that may be partly lit by daylight it is advisable to arrange the separate
switching of lamps adjacent to the windows, as in Figure 2.7 above.

It is advisable for all the light switches to be on a single panel at a central point
not accessible to the public. It is recommended that the switch panel be engraved
so that the function of each switch is clear: staff turnover in licensed premises is
notoriously rapid. Additional light switches should be provided at each entrance
door for basic access lights, and there must be at least one two-way switch for the
entrance used by staff when opening the premises.

Why lighting is important 11 Dimming controls

Dimming controls offer a valuable option for scene setting, and can also
considerably reduce energy consumption. It is, for example, possible to vary the
intensity of light within a given area to suit the time of day. However, irrespective
of the type of dimming system used, it must be capable of being switched to full
output instantly (see

Dimming controls include:

—— Rotary dimmer switches: these are suitable for use with mains
voltage halogen lamps and many low voltage lamps when used in
conjunction with suitable transformers, but cannot be used with
most varieties of compact fluorescent lamps. It is important that
halogen lamps are not inadvertently replaced with non-dimmable
energy-saving led lamps (see section 3.3) in dimming circuits.
Particular care is required with led lamps. Some operate with a
standard (leading edge) rotary dimmer switch, but others require
the less common trailing edge version. Dimmers need a minimum
load, usually 25 W, which may not be reached if only a small number
of led lamps is in use. A number of switch manufacturers now
offer ‘intelligent’ dimmer switches, which detect the circuitry of
the lamps and provide the most suitable dimming method (Figure Figure 2.13 LED dimmer switch (image
2.13). For this reason it is important to avoid mixing brands and/ courtesy of Hamilton-Litestat)
or types of led on the same circuit and to select a compatible
dimmer switch. Check with the dimmer switch manufacturer that
the product is compatible with the lamp type(s) that it is intended
to use.
—— Low voltage halogen dimmers: these operate with dimmable
transformers specifically designed for lamps of this type.
—— 1–10 V dimmers: led lamps of 20 W and above and dimmable
fluorescent lamps use this type of dimming equipment, which
requires additional 1–10 V control wiring. The dimmer switch
operates via the low-voltage control circuit on the driver or ballast
of the luminaire to adjust the light output. Control systems

There is a wide variety of control systems available with various degrees of

complexity, and corresponding cost. These include:

—— Manual systems: a combination of simple switches and dimmers.

This is the simplest and cheapest option.
—— Electronic single room systems: these typically can control up to five
circuits and provide four different scene settings. They can be
operated from a switch panel or a hand-held remote control.
—— Electronic multi-room systems: these are lighting management systems
for large numbers of lighting circuits throughout a building. They
have to be professionally programmed when they are set up. They
offer infinitely variable settings with pre-set values that can be
selected from a control panel. It can thus be changed from a bright
lunchtime setting to a more subdued early evening one at the touch
of a button. Systems can also be programmed to fade slowly from
one setting to another. These systems are highly sophisticated but
12 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

—— Wireless control: this is a convenient way of retrofitting a control

system using existing cabling. Various Wi-Fi systems, such as
Bluetooth® and Casambi®, can be used, controlled from a fixed
control panel or a smartphone/tablet computer (or both). A
wireless receiver is installed in the circuit of every light fitting to be
controlled. The control transmitter sends instructions to switch on/
off or dim to the receiver(s), enabling all light fittings thus equipped
to be controlled in any combination. A control pad can be installed
in any convenient location and programmed as required. The only
limitation is the quality of Wi-Fi coverage in the building.
—— Daylight control: a light sensor monitors the level of daylight,
switching ‘on’ when it fades below a trigger point. This type of
control is used to maintain a specified level of light in a room, which
can ensure that lights are dimmed or switched off in a room when
there is plenty of daylight available, leading to significant energy
savings. For exterior use a dusk-to-dawn sensor operates to switch
security lights on at dusk and off again with the morning light.
—— Presence or absence detection: a passive infrared (pir) or microwave
detector senses whether there is anyone in a room or not. This can
be used either to switch lights on when someone enters a space,
or to switch lights off when rooms are left empty, or both. This is
useful for meeting rooms, cellars and store rooms.

Where lighting is to be provided for dance or performing areas, it is advisable to

use a simplified form of stage lighting installation controlled separately from the
general amenity lighting.

Figure 2.14 A combined lighting and

audio touch control panel
(image courtesy of Hamilton-
Litestat) Manual override controls

Irrespective of the control or dimming system employed, it must be provided

with manual override switches, placed within easy reach of staff so that if an
incident occurs, full lighting can be switched on instantly. Such a feature may
also be utilised to indicate to patrons that the premises are closing.

Lighting design: interior 13

3 Lighting design: interior

3.1 General design considerations

Patrons enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, and to create this, the lighting should be
designed accordingly. The best results will be obtained by using a variety of light
sources to achieve good vertical and horizontal illuminance, and contrasting
some areas against others. Having arrived at a target level of overall ambient
illumination, smaller and more directional light sources may be added to
highlight specific areas. Spotlights should be sited with care and used advisedly,
and, once aimed, should be firmly locked in position.

Luminaires need to be robust and readily replaceable. Luminaires within reach

of patrons must not be hot to the touch, and should be secured to walls, tables
or floors to comply with health and safety requirements and to prevent theft.
Luminaires should be carefully positioned so as to avoid glare, which is often a
problem in premises with low ceilings; it must be remembered that all luminaires
will be viewed from both sitting and standing positions. It is advisable to use
only those luminaires where the actual light source is not directly visible from a
normal viewing angle.

Figure 3.1 A relaxed atmosphere is

expected in drinking areas:
lighting should be free
from glare (image courtesy
of Iain Maclean)

Each area within the building has a different function and the visual tasks
involved for each of these will vary. The tasks will also vary for the staff and the
patrons. It is important to consider all of the tasks that may need to be carried out
at different times of the day and by different people.

The fundamental considerations in planning the lighting layout are: Who is

going to use the space? What will they be doing? For how long will they be doing
it? It is also important to assess the degree of difficulty of the task: reading a
menu may be a simple task for most people but small or intricate print is difficult
for people with lower visual acuity. Descending steps to a cellar may be simple
enough until the person is carrying something that may impair their vision.
The principal visual tasks met with are summarised below.

Patrons need:

—— to be able to see each other clearly, and to enjoy a cheerful, relaxed

14 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

—— when at the bar, to see the bar staff clearly

—— to identify entrances and exits
—— to see the drinks on sale clearly
—— to see to move about easily, especially if carrying drinks when the
bar is crowded
—— to be able to see television screens
—— to read newspapers and menus
—— if meals are served, to see what they are eating
—— to find the way to the toilets without asking
—— to see to play games, e.g. pool, darts, etc.

Staff need:

—— to see patrons’ faces clearly

—— to pour drinks accurately
—— to see if glasses are clean
—— to see cash and tills clearly
—— to see what patrons are doing
—— to keep the place clean
—— to see spillages, especially on solid floor surfaces which will thereby
become slippery
—— to identify broken glass after breakages
—— to move barrels, kegs and other goods safely
—— to make beer line or gas connections safely
—— to read sell-by dates, delivery lists etc.

3.2 Detailed requirements

3.2.1 Entrances and exits

The lighting should ensure that the door(s) and approach(es) to the door(s) stand
out from the surrounding area. This applies both to people leaving and to those
arriving from outside, particularly in strong sunlight. Additional illumination
will be needed at such points. Suggestions include:

—— extra ambient light, i.e. additional luminaires

—— skirting level lighting in passageways
—— extra luminaires for use during daylight hours to help people adjust
when entering from sunlight outside, but which are not used in the
—— spotlights are not recommended.

People tend to move naturally towards more brightly lit areas, and the lighting
should be arranged to attract people away from doorways in order to avoid

Lighting design: interior 15

3.2.2 The bar walk

Here the aim is to achieve contrast with the surrounding area, so that the eye of
a new patron is drawn to the bar. Suggested approaches are:

—— use downlights to mark out the floor passage

—— adjacent lighting should be less bright to enhance the effect of the
pathway to the bar
—— use a lighter coloured (i.e. more reflecting) floor covering than that
in the surrounding drinking areas.

Floor level lighting may be considered — patrons often drop money when at the
bar; recessed leds can be used as a decorative detail.

3.2.3 Bar counters

So that the bar staff and cctv security cameras can discern the features of patrons,
a vertical illuminance of 100 lux should be achieved. Good vertical illuminance
is important, without glare and with good colour rendering, as patrons and staff
need to see the colour of drinks and money. The lamps chosen should have a
colour rendering index greater than 80. Suggestions include:

—— a high level of ambient lighting in the whole bar area

—— linear lighting directly above the bar, but shielded from the view of
patrons; tubular fluorescent or led lamps may be used either with
diffusers or built into the superstructure of the bar; there should be
no glare to either patrons or staff
—— in long bars cold cathode or led lighting can be used in suitable
coving (see section 7.3.5)
—— internally illuminated tap points (e.g. lager or mixers) should not
be too bright or they will form unwanted focal points
—— downlights alone are less suitable, especially if the counter top is Figure 3.2 A contemporary bar design
made of a reflective material such as brass or stainless steel; led with filament-style LED
or halogen spots are possible provided that lower wattages are used lamps (image courtesy of Paul
and the counter top is made of a non-reflective material such as Ruffles)
wood or Corian®.

3.2.4 Bar backs

The choice of lighting will depend on the type of display (bottles, optics, etc.)
envisaged. Possible approaches are:

—— wall wash with luminaires positioned above the bar back

—— entire panels of the bar back illuminated from the front, or rear-
illuminated panels
—— if there is a superstructure to the bar, luminaires fitted to light the
bar back
—— glass fronted cooling cabinets may or may not be lit from within; if
they are, it is not advisable for them to become focal points
16 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Figure 3.3 Backlit panels form a major

feature of this hotel bar
(image courtesy of the author)

—— spotlights above the bar area, carefully directed at the bar back;
these should be above head level
—— decorative features may be added, e.g. rope lights along the front
edges of shelves, or strips of leds above, underneath, or at rear of

3.2.5 Display areas and tills

It is vital that there should be adequate light so that staff can see money
clearly, so illuminance of 200 lux is recommended. In dim areas such as night
clubs it is more practical to use lighting only slightly brighter than that of the
surroundings: lighting should therefore be one ‘level’ above the surroundings.
Excessively bright till lighting may impede the ability of the staff to see what
is going on in drinking areas. For a cctv system to be effective there must be
adequate vertical illuminance and good colour rendering. One approach is to
use downlights or spotlights over displays and tills. Many modern tills use lcd
touchscreens, so care must be taken with the positioning of any such luminaires
to prevent disability glare or unwanted reflections.

3.2.6 Staff areas: cellars, changing rooms, kitchens, stores

The important point is to ensure that there is sufficient light to enable the
various tasks to be carried out safely. The lighting needs to be as energy efficient
as possible, in order to meet the requirements of the building regulations for the
building considered as a whole.

Suggested luminaires with high energy efficiency are:

—— those using T5 fluorescent tubes with electronic control gear (see

section 7.3.2) with prismatic diffusers
—— flush ceiling luminaires with led light sources, with opal or
prismatic diffusers.

Lighting design: interior 17

Recommended illuminances are given in Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Recommended illuminances
for staff areas
Area Recommended
In kitchens, good colour rendering is called for (cri: 80–90); fully enclosed and
illuminance (lux)
moisture-proof luminaires with easily cleaned surfaces should be utilised.
Kitchens 500
Cellars, storerooms 100
3.2.7 Drinking areas Passages 100
Staff rooms 200
The lighting system needs to be flexible to respond to differing needs at different Offices 300
times of day, i.e brighter lighting at lunchtime, early evening and for morning
cleaning, with softer lighting for the later evening.

The following points should be taken into consideration:

—— at least some of the luminaires should be dimmable

—— scene setting (see section 2.6.3): switches or dimmers must be in
a place not accessible to the public and should be clearly labelled;
switching to be arranged in rows parallel to the windows so that full
use can be made of daylight
—— diffuse general lighting is preferable to pools of bright or harsh light
—— economy: given the desirability of dimming, it is worth ensuring
that power is saved when using the softer lighting scene; two
suggestions for this are:
•• multi-lamp luminaires with lamps on two separate circuits,
so a 50% or 100% output can be chosen; this feature is
frequently found on large pendants with direct and indirect
lighting elements or chandeliers
•• use fluorescent or led lamps with dimmable electronic
control gear (see sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2); when dimmed
there is a significant reduction in power used.

When there is fixed seating in the form of banquettes or groups, the lighting can
be designed accordingly, using wall lights, ceiling lights, recessed lighting or wall
washers from above or below. Often there is an area with moveable tables and
chairs. Some options are:

—— provide lighting all round on the walls, e.g. wall lights, uplighters,
picture lights or a combination
—— ceiling lights: if these are recessed it is important that good
diffusers are used, e.g. satin glass covers, otherwise the area beneath
them will be glaringly lit; a lighting scheme consisting of recessed
downlights can make the ceiling appear unpleasantly dark, whereas
the use of surface-mounted luminaires has the benefit of lighting
the ceiling itself
—— pendants or chandeliers may be used where the ceiling height is

The needs of television viewing should not be overlooked. Spotlights or other

bright sources should not be used near screens, and direct light from light sources
should not be allowed to fall on the screen, as it greatly reduces the contrast of the
picture. It is advisable to have two set lighting levels, one subdued for tv viewing
and a brighter one when the tv is not in use. This can be achieved by switching
extra luminaires on or off.
18 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Routes to toilets need to be clearly identifiable, especially when the premises are
crowded; luminaires above the doors can help.

Gaming machines, with their ever-changing brilliantly coloured displays,

is a matter to which some thought must be given, as they may significantly
alter the atmosphere (in extreme cases they could affect patrons with epileptic
tendencies). Whilst they may be desirable in a sports club or vibrant city centre
establishment aimed at a young clientele, they may be quite out of character in
an ancient country pub. One solution is to place them in an alcove where they
are less visible.

3.2.8 Restaurants and eating areas

Lighting needs to be flexible to respond to differing requirements, e.g. Sunday

lunchtime or Friday evening. It needs to reach each table so that patrons can see to
read the menu, but without making them feel exposed: the primary requirement
is for the lamps to have a cri of at least 80. Points to consider for a specification

—— dimmers: at least some of the luminaires should be dimmer

—— switching: arrange to switch the luminaires in groups that
follow the room’s layout and pattern of use; e.g. where one end
of a restaurant has daylight, the luminaires at that end should be
separately controlled to allow them to be switched off when not
needed during daylight hours
—— spotlights should only be used in conjunction with other luminaires,
since on their own they produce glare and dark shadows
—— it is better to illuminate the whole space than to provide individual
table lighting; one can choose a direct or indirect lighting scheme,
or a mixture of the two: the more diffuse the light, the softer the
—— direct lighting options: wall lights, pendants, chandeliers
—— indirect lighting methods: wall uplighters, concealed lighting in
coving on ceilings, along beams or in window embrasures; wall
washers set behind fixed seating or recessed in ceiling
—— economy: (a) when lighting is dimmed, it is prudent to ensure that
electricity savings are also being made; (b) it is sensible to maximise
the use of efficient light sources, e.g. fluorescent or leds, since this
reduces running costs both in terms of electricity consumption and
in labour to replace failed lamps.

Figure 3.4 A well lit menu board;

the matt surface of the
board eliminates unwanted
reflections from nearby
lamps (image courtesy of Liz

Lighting design: interior 19

3.2.9 Games areas

Games areas generally need higher overall illumination than drinking areas:
recommended illuminance is 200–300 lux. Principles for consideration include
the following:

—— separate games rooms: high levels of ambient lighting without


•• indirect: wall uplights or lighting in ceiling coving

•• direct: ceiling lights, wall lights, pendants

—— games within the main bar area: highlight specific items such as a
pool table or dartboard; this can be achieved by:

•• direct lighting angled into the games area, such as pendants

or spotlights over tables

•• wall washers for dartboards

•• led or fluorescent strips with diffuser designed to cut-off to

the rear.

3.2.10 Steps and stairways

In many older premises there are small changes in level between various parts of
the same room. These represent a hazard to users, so good lighting and marking
are essential. Similar hazards exist on staircases. Various measures can be taken
to reduce the risk of tripping or falling, initially by providing an illuminance of
100–200 lux on the treads; additional measures can include:

—— edging of a contrasting colour to the floor surface on stair treads,

across their whole width

—— increased ambient lighting on steps and stairways, i.e. one ‘level’

brighter than surrounding areas

—— low-level lighting at the side of stair treads to target the light where
it is needed: such luminaires are available with compact fluorescent
or led light sources; the latter has the advantage of colour options,
but care should be taken to get contrast between the light from the
led and the carpet

—— edge-strip lighting along stair treads: led strips provide excellent

highlighting of the edge of each step.

The advantage of the last two methods is that they have little impact on the
ambient lighting in the area.
Figure 3.5 Well lit stairs: low-level
recessed LED luminaires
More detailed advice on lighting stairs is given in SLL Lighting Guide 16: light each tread (image
Lighting for stairs (SLL, 2017a). courtesy of Rebecca Weir)
20 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Figure 3.6 A typical stair hazard: it

is difficult to discern the
edges of the treads (image
courtesy of Iain Maclean)

3.2.11 Toilets

The style of luminaire chosen will depend on the establishment and its clientele
— what is suitable for a cricket club or restaurant may be inappropriate to a
town bar. Energy-efficient light sources are recommended, given that toilets are
generally in use throughout opening hours. Recommended illuminance levels

—— toilets and urinals: 100 lux

—— washbasins and mirrors: 200 lux.

Fully enclosed decorative or bulkhead luminaires should be selected that are easy
to clean, moisture-resistant and appropriate to the interior design. They may be
either ceiling or wall mounted. In some places it will be advisable to use vandal-
proof luminaires.

Lighting for mirror and baby changing areas should have good colour rendering
(cri= 90): people applying or checking their make-up do not like cold greenish-
white led or fluorescent lighting. Some decorative tungsten halogen lamps
can be used. Spotlights and downlights immediately above mirrors cause harsh
Lighting design: exterior 21

shadows and are therefore not recommended; it is more effective to position

lights either side of, or immediately above, the mirrors.

The entrances to toilets should be clearly visible, as should the signs to them;
appropriately directed spotlights may be used here. Low-level floor lighting can
also be used to indicate entrances and exits.

3.2.12 Lighting for cleaning

In larger premises it may be worthwhile installing a secondary lighting system to

be used only to enable cleaning and restocking to be properly carried out, outside
trading hours. The luminaires should have energy-efficient lamps and be located
so as to be inconspicuous when the normal lighting is in use.

3.3 Checklist
Before commencing the preparation of any lighting design detailed consideration
of all the relevant items in the following checklist should be carried out so that a
clear specification of the proposed works may be prepared.

—— Ensure that light levels are appropriate for the users, activities and
tasks of an area. Higher lighting levels may be required for certain
—— Use lighting to create the right atmosphere. Strike a balance:
lighting that is too dim prevents the staff from seeing all that is
going on, but bright glaring light is cold and unwelcoming.
—— Lighting controls must not be accessible to the public.
—— Lighting controls must be clearly labelled.
—— The use of zone switching and dimming controls is recommended,
both to increase flexibility and to reduce electricity consumption.
—— An override switch is required, within easy reach of bar staff.

Finally, carry out a detailed examination to investigate the overall energy

efficiency of the proposed specification so as to comply with the energy
conservation energy conservation guidance for the relevant Building Regulations
(TSO, 2004/2010/2012).

If the project is a new building or fit-out and an energy performance certificate

(EPC) is required, then the design should be checked to ensure that the overall
result of the calculation to produce the EPC will be compliant. This may require
a discussion with the energy assessor undertaking the calculation.

4 Lighting design: exterior

4.1 General considerations
The principal functions of exterior lighting are:

—— to enable patrons to locate the premises easily, and to attract people

—— to make gardens and external smoking areas available after dark
and be pleasant places to occupy
22 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

—— to allow patrons and staff to walk about safely, especially identifying

hazards such as steps
—— to enable patrons to move and park cars safely
—— to provide overall security for the premises.
Of these, safety and security are paramount considerations.

The first consideration is whether external lighting is necessary at all. Premises

in a brightly lit city centre may not need any if well designed signage is used.
If external lighting is needed, the next action is to determine how much of the
building requires lighting. A good starting principle is to light those parts of
immediate interest to patrons, such as the façade, entrances, access ways, car
parks and gardens, and to leave the rest. There is no point in lighting dustbin
areas or the back of a building sporting a fine display of pipes and guttering.

Whatever lighting scheme is adopted, it must fit in with its surroundings. The
amount of light used needs careful consideration: a pub in a country village with
no street lighting will need far less than a suburban roadhouse. The scheme must
also be acceptable in daylight when the lighting is switched off — the lighting
equipment must not be obtrusive, especially in conservation areas.
Figure 4.1 A well lit pub sign: the
light sources have been Another important consideration is spill light and glare. Light should not
effectively shielded to trespass into adjacent properties where it is not wanted, nor should it be allowed
avoid unwanted glare or to spill into the night sky: such light is wasteful, which means it is a cost to
light spill (image courtesy of
the business. Apart from its effects on birds and other wild life, sky glow may
the author)
prove very unpopular with the surrounding community, particularly in the
countryside. Patrons should not have to suffer glare in gardens or smoking areas,
and particular care must be taken to see that external lighting does not cause
glare to nearby road users. Further guidance is available in the Guide to limiting
obtrusive light (SLL, 2012a).

4.2 Locating the luminaires

Luminaires should be located where they produce little or no glare to residents of
the premises, to neighbours or to passers-by. They must not be visually intrusive
but need to be accessible for maintenance. Lighting needs to be waterproof,
preferably to IP65, although in sheltered areas IP44 is likely to be sufficient.
Protection to IP65 will be required in exposed areas or where there is sea spray,
driving rain or spray from fountains.

Luminaires placed high up can be seen from a great distance, especially in rural
areas. Equally luminaires placed on external walls at or near eye level can produce
very severe glare and are to be avoided. There may be restrictions on mounting
locations on listed buildings or in conservation areas, and this should be checked
with the local authority planning department and Historic England/Historic
Scotland/Cadw (Wales), where appropriate.

Figure 4.2 Glare from a badly sited

exterior luminaire (images
courtesy of Iain Maclean)
Lighting design: exterior 23

In garden areas, luminaires can be mounted in trees to advantage and lighting

equipment can be screened by careful planting. Floodlights used for façade
lighting can be placed in sunken pits to make them less obtrusive, but care
must be taken to direct them accurately to avoid light spillage into the night
sky. Wherever baffles or shades are used to control light spillage, they should be
securely locked in position to prevent them being accidentally moved by staff or
patrons. If lights are sunk into the ground, it is important to keep them free of
leaves and gravel which may accumulate on top of the diffuser glass.

When planning exterior lighting it is sensible to consider the security of the

lighting equipment. Cabling, connection boxes and light fittings are all vulnerable
to damage, theft or vandalism, so it is recommended that cabling is, as far as
possible, positioned out of reach of customers or passers-by, and suitably robust
luminaires are chosen.

4.3 Lamp selection

Bearing in mind that external lighting can be in use over long periods and
that large areas have to be lit, energy-efficient lamps, such as led, fluorescent
or metal halide, are recommended. In gardens and external smoking areas it is
recommended that lamps with a colour rendering index (cri) of at least 80 be
used. Whereas in places used only for access or movement — alleys, footpaths
and car parks — lamps with a lower cri (60–70) can be used, which means that
metal halide, high pressure sodium or led are suitable. Low-pressure sodium
lamps are not recommended because their colour rendering is very poor, making
them incompatible with cctv security systems, and they are unpopular with
users because of the difficulty of distinguishing car colours.

4.4 Control
In general, the external lighting, including advertising signage, should only be
on during those trading hours that are in darkness. Time controls to switch lights
off when they are not needed should always be included as it is very easy for staff
to forget to switch external lights off. This can be achieved by a solar-dial time
clock (so called because it turns the lighting on at dusk as it varies through the
year, and off at a set time (i.e. closing time or shortly after)). Security lighting
can be controlled by passive infrared detectors (pirs). These will switch on the
security lighting when they detect any movement and switch it off if there is
no further movement within a pre-set period, e.g. five minutes. Some security
lighting may need to be on all night, in which case a dusk–dawn photocell control
is recommended.

4.5 Gardens and terraces

These are areas where people expect to relax, and to see each other properly. It
is important to use lamps with good colour rendering (cri > 80), and to avoid
glare. Good colour rendering is important for facial recognition and so that
flowers and gardens can be enjoyed. It is also important to decide on the colour
temperature — warm white or cool white — and to have consistency across the
various different types of luminaire used.

As a starting point, paths and especially steps need to be lit. Low-level lighting
is recommended to reduce the possibility of glare at the tables and as people go
in and out of the building. This could be achieved with low bollards, low light
fittings that direct light downwards, or lights on walls or fences with a hood or
24 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

eyelid to avoid upward light. Where decking is installed small recessed indicator
lights on either side are a good method of marking paths and steps.

Festoon lighting can be placed in trees, shrubs or along the top of fences for a
decorative effect. Accent lighting can be provided by carefully placed spotlights,
either fixed to structures or at ground level.

If luminaires are to be mounted on the outside wall of the building, they should
not create glare for people on the terrace or in the garden, hence it is recommended
that either ‘up+down’ lights or wall lights with effective diffusers are used. It is
usually better to install a larger number of lower output luminaires than two or
three high-output ones.

Steps in paths and other access ways must be lit clearly, ensuring the treads are
lit across their full width. Low-level luminaires, which can be recessed into an
adjacent wall, are a good way of doing this. If there is a flight of more than four
steps, it is essential to light the top and bottom step effectively.

Figure 4.3 A well lit restaurant terrace

(image courtesy of iGuzzini
Illuminazione spa/Ieva

4.6 External smoking areas

A smoking area is generally sited either on the pavement in front or in the garden/
yard behind the building. This may be a shelter or simply tables protected by
large parasols.

In town-located premises there may be sufficient ambient light from street lights,
so that only limited lighting may be required. A rural location will require more
illumination, but this will need to be designed to avoid glare and light spill into
neighbouring properties.

Where large parasols are used, suitable options are:

—— a small pendant lantern under each parasol

—— small bulkhead lights on the wall of the building just below the
height of the parasol.
In a shelter it is practical to install a ceiling luminaire or wall-mounted lights. It
is advisable to use waterproof luminaires given the risk of condensation forming
in cold weather after lights are turned off at night.

Lighting design: exterior 25

4.7 Façades

Lighting the façade is an effective method of directing customers to an

establishment. Such lighting should be sufficient to make the façade stand out,
so the brightness will depend on the surroundings. In an otherwise unlit village
street relatively low illuminance will be sufficient, whereas in a town centre with
modern street lighting a much higher illuminance will be required.

There are numerous options, depending on available space and location of power

—— ground level floodlights positioned away from the building

—— uplights on the wall, or in the ground at the base of the wall

—— festoons of mini led lights above the windows and/or along the
eaves of the roof

—— neon tubes forming the name of the establishment or delineating

the façade

—— small spotlights on the wall picking out architectural features.

The choice of illuminance for any particular external feature depends greatly on
its surroundings. A rural pub for example needs far less light to stand out in its
surroundings than a nightclub in a bustling city centre. To avoid over-lighting
and to reduce energy waste, the Institution of Lighting Professionals produced a
set of standard lighting limits for varying environmental zones. These zones are
defined as:

—— E1: National Parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty or other

dark landscapes

—— E2: areas of ‘low district brightness’, rural areas but not those
included in E1

—— E3: areas of medium district brightness, e.g. in urban locations

—— E4: areas of ‘high district brightness’, e.g town centres.

Recommended levels of lighting for outdoor areas are given in Table 4.1. Note
that the criteria given under E1 do not preclude installations for necessary task
lighting or to meet health and safety requirements.

Table 4.1 Recommended illuminances for external areas

Area Recommended illuminance (lux)
Average Minimum
Rural (zones E1 and E2) 15   5
Urban (zones E3 and E4) 30 10

In zones E1 and E2, there should be no sky glare; elsewhere it should be kept
to the absolute minimum. Care should be taken to see that light does not shine
directly into windows of neighbouring properties and that any high-mounted
luminaires are not viewable from a great distance.
26 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

4.8 Car parks

Car parks used during the hours of darkness must always be lit, both for the
security of patrons and for safe movement of cars and people. It is particularly
important to avoid glare to drivers; attempts to floodlight across large areas
from pole- or wall-mounted luminaires at or not far above eye level constitute a
serious safety hazard. Unless it is a very small car park (i.e. less than 10 spaces)
it is recommended that luminaires be mounted 5 m off the ground on poles or
outbuildings. Luminaires on poles should have flat glass diffusers and suitable
cowling to ensure that light is effectively directed downwards and not spilled
sideways or up into the sky.

Table 4.2 gives general guidance. However, a risk assessment should be carried
out to determine what lighting is needed in the car park itself, any access road,
and where it joins the public highway.

Table 4.2  Recommended lighting levels for parking areas (SLL, 2012)

Type of area, task or activity Em (lux) Uo GRL Ra
Light traffic, e.g. parking areas of shops, terraced and  5 0.25 55 20
apartment houses, cycle parks
Medium traffic, e.g. parking areas of department 10 0.25 50 20
stores, office buildings, plants, sports and multipurpose
building complexes
Heavy traffic, e.g. parking areas of schools, churches, 20 0.25 50 20
major shopping centres, major sports and multipurpose
building complexes

Where cctv is in use, compatible lighting must be used. Care must be taken to
avoid spill light and to minimise the visual impact of the scene since car parks
are often visible from great distances. Figure 4.4 shows an example of a country
pub car park whose poorly sited floodlights are visible from the opposite side of
a valley.

Figure 4.4 Car park floodlighting

visible from a great
distance in a rural
environment (image courtesy
of the author)

Emergency lighting 27

5 Emergency lighting
Emergency lighting is a vital part of any lighting system. It is required to enable
people to leave a building safely in the event of mains power failure. It helps to
avoid panic and to maintain confidence; it also allows for specific tasks, such as
cooking, to be stopped safely. Emergency lighting is closely involved with fire
safety, and safety signs and escape routes have to be considered together. There
are three categories of emergency lighting, known as escape, safety and standby

5.1 Escape and standby lighting

Escape lighting means lighting provided to enable the occupants of any premises
to evacuate the building safely if the normal lighting fails. This also enables
specific tasks to be stopped safely.

Emergency safety lighting refers to lighting to enable occupants to stay in an area of

the building during a power failure, but is not enough for business to continue.

Standby lighting means lighting provided to enable normal activities to continue

within the building during a mains failure. Standby lighting can be used as
escape lighting but, if that is done, it must meet all the specific requirements
for escape lighting, which are described below. This is most common in larger
buildings such as hotels, airports etc.

In smaller premises, it is usual only to provide escape lighting. For the purposes
of this guide the phrase ‘emergency lighting’ refers to escape lighting, except
where standby lighting is specifically mentioned.

Generally such lighting should be capable of operating for three hours without
mains power.

5.2 Legal requirements

By law, almost all licensed premises have to provide emergency lighting and exit
signs. If there is any doubt as to whether emergency lighting and signs are required,
the Local Authority or Fire Officer should be consulted. Guidance on emergency
lighting are given in BS 5266-1 (BSI, 2016), Approved Document B (NBS, 2016a)
for England and Wales, the Technical Handbook (Scottish Government, 2017a) for
Scotland and Technical Booklet E (DFPNI, 2012a) for Northern Ireland. SLL
Lighting Guide 12: Emergency lighting (SLL, 2015) offers detailed guidance on
the design and installation of emergency lighting. The sections below set out the
basic requirements.

5.3 Illuminance values on escape routes

50% of width
All escape routes and areas must be kept clear at all times when the premises
are in use. The illuminance should be adequate for people to see their way out. Not less than 0·5 lux
It must come into operation within five seconds of the mains failing and must
Not less than 0·5 lux
remain operative for a minimum of one hour. The illuminance on the centre line
of any escape route should be not less than 1.0 lux, with a minimum of 0.5 lux
across the central 50% of the width of the escape route (Figure 5.1).
Not less than 1·0 lux
Emergency luminaires should be located to illuminate hazards such as steps and along centreline
changes of direction of the escape route as far as the designated place of safety, Figure 5.1 Illuminance on escape
which may be away from the building. route (up to 2 m wide)
28 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

5.4 Illuminance values in open areas

For larger open areas where a defined exit route is not easily identified, additional
emergency lighting is required (Figure 5.2). The illuminance on the floor of the
open area, to within 0.5 m of a wall, should be a minimum of 0.5 lux. Emergency
lighting must also be provided in lifts, toilets and closets. The emergency lighting
must be at full power within 60 seconds of mains failure.

Large areas require

a minimum 0·5 lux
up to border of
0·5 m of the
perimeter area

Max. to min.
illuminance ratio
≤ 40:1

Exit sign must

be visible from
all parts

Figure 5.2 Illuminance values in open


5.5 High-risk task areas

There are places where the task activity cannot be halted immediately, such as
cooking, which need emergency light. These high-risk tasks areas should ideally
be illuminated to the level required by the task and in any event the maintained
illuminance should be not less than 10% of the required maintained illuminance
for that task and be not less than 15 lux. This emergency lighting must be fully
operational within 0.5 seconds. The uniformity should not be less than 0.1. For
this a maintained system should be considered.

Emergency lighting 29

5.6 Luminaires
Emergency lighting luminaires should be of a style that will blend in with the
normal lighting scheme and with the architectural style of the premises. They
must be suitable for the environmental conditions of their location; for example
luminaires outside the final exit should be weatherproof to IP65.

The emergency lighting luminaires can either be standalone or integrated within

the normal luminaires. They can either be self-contained with integral 3-hour
battery or fed from a central power system. The choice is decided mainly by
the size and complexity of the premises, though testing and maintenance needs
should also be considered. In most licensed premises self-contained luminaires
provide the most practical solution. These can be connected to the local lighting
circuits and require little maintenance.

Luminaires can be either ‘maintained’, meaning they are lit all the time, or
‘non-maintained’, meaning they run only if the mains power fails. Which type
to choose is a matter of practicality: in a dark service corridor it may be useful to
have a maintained emergency light that provides useful illumination at all times,
whereas in a restaurant it is less obtrusive to have a non-maintained fitting.

Emergency luminaires should be positioned above head height (at least 2.0 m
above the floor). The lamps should have a colour rendering index above 40, so
that the colours of safety signs can be recognised. They must also be chosen to
avoid dazzle to anyone in the premises. If spotlight-style emergency lights are
positioned near escape doors they must be angled carefully to prevent them
dazzling occupants endeavouring to escape.

5.7 Safety signs

Safety signs including directional signage must be provided to indicate the
escape route and final exit points from any part of the premises. The luminance
of the safety colours on the signs must be at least 2 cd/m2. The signs should be
pictograms as defined in BS 5499-4 (BSI, 2013). The signs should be visible at
all times when the premises are in use, and they must be illuminated within five
seconds of the mains failing. The escape route signs must be placed so that the
occupants can clearly see them and identify the escape route from any part of the

An examples of approved emergency exit signs are shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Emergency exit signs: EN
style (upper) and BS style
5.8 Planning emergency lighting
There is no precise planning sequence to be followed but the points below should
be considered. Before starting the plans it is most important that a risk assessment
is carried out detailing the emergency lighting risks identified as applying to the
building, and also that consultation is carried out with relevant regulatory bodies
to verify the escape route, exit doors, etc.

(1) Establish licensing requirements

(2) Examine building plans
(3) Mark exits and final exits
(4) Mark escape routes
(5) Identify open areas and special locations
30 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

(6) Mark location of hazards, firefighting appliances and alarm call

(7) Identify small toilets with no windows and toilets over 8 m2.
(8) Identify closets, control rooms, special plant rooms and lifts.
(9) Note illuminance and other specification requirements.
(10) Select signs and escape luminaires fit for the purpose.
(11) Position luminaires at essential locations.
(12) Add extra luminaires to complete scheme.
(13) Check uniformity and glare.
(14) Prepare installation instructions.
(15) Prepare commissioning procedure, including illuminance checks.
(16) Prepare operation testing service instructions.
(17) Prepare logbook.

5.9 Inspection
Regular inspection of emergency lighting schemes is essential and, as such, must
be considered and adequately documented. Regular testing is required, at monthly
intervals for short duration and annually for full duration. The responsibility for
this falls on the ‘competent person’ appointed by the owner/user of premises. The
testing may be manual by local switch, or automatic by self-testing or remote
centrally-controlled testing system; tests must be recorded in a log book. The
inspection needs to confirm that:

—— the luminaires are in place as designed

—— the lamp in each luminaire is functioning
—— all the signs are visible.

During inspection if any faults are noticed these should be recorded in the log
book and corrective action taken at the earliest opportunity.

6 Lighting for specific types

of premises

6.1 Restaurants
Style and atmosphere constitute an important part of a restaurant’s image: lighting
plays a major role in this. Those offering fine dining will probably look for soft
shadow-free background lighting with a candle(s) on each table; by contrast a
warehouse-style bistro typically highlights each table with a bright spotlight and
this effect is enhanced by leaving the ceiling and background in shadow. Not
only the function of the light fittings, but also their appearance contributes to
this. In the former case the lighting will probably be glass, ceramic or have pastel
colour shades to match curtains and décor, with no visible cabling, whereas the
latter will have spotlights in chrome, steel or bright primary colours with cabling
exposed, which may itself be part of the décor and hence the design statement.

Lighting for specific types of premises 31

6.1.1 Fine dining restaurants

The atmosphere is generally opulent and relaxed to enable customers to savour

gourmet food and fine wine. Many such restaurants receive a significant
investment in internal decoration and furniture.

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— relatively uniform lighting level across the entire space

—— good illuminance on tables so people can see the food and read
menus/wine lists easily
—— shadow-free illumination
—— dimming control for at least all the main lighting and probably the
background lighting as well.

Figure 6.1 Uplights used to provide

soft indirect lighting (image
courtesy of the author)

Principles for lighting design:

—— indirect background lighting, such as uplighters, cove lighting, or

up+down lights on walls
—— direct main lighting, such as wall brackets, pendants, chandeliers,
or ceiling lights
—— some accent lighting, e.g. small recessed or surface-mounted
spotlights, to light an architectural feature, fireplace, wine storage
rack or picture; this adds variety and interest
—— flexibility of switching to set a brighter setting for lunch (approx.
100 lux on the tables) and a softer evening setting for dinner
(approx. 50–75 lux).

6.1.2 Bistros

A town centre or city bistro has a lively atmosphere, frequently with music, which
presents a modern and fashionable image. Emphasis is on high seat occupancy,
rapid service, and social buzz.
32 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Figure 6.2 Downlights and ceiling

lights combined with
recessed coffer features
(image courtesy of the

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— substantial contrast between circulation and seating areas

—— spotlights on tables creating significant shadowing

—— highlighting the bar, kitchen servery and specials board

—— dimming control for all lighting

—— some use of colour-settable lighting

—— light fittings that make a design statement.

Options for lighting design:

—— track system with spotlights

—— large pendants with metal or brightly coloured shades

—— pencil pendants over tables

—— up+down wall lights

—— cove lighting with colour-settable led strips or tape

—— distinctive surface-mounted spotlights

—— several switched settings to cover lunch, early evening, dinner and

late evening drinking; a lighting control system with pre-sets with
a gradual fade/brighten from one setting to another is advantageous,
especially in a larger establishment with more than one team of staff

—— where there is plenty of daylight it is recommended to install

automatic daylight control for at least the lighting circuits nearer
the windows.

Lighting for specific types of premises 33

6.1.3 Small informal restaurants

Many restaurants in towns and villages are sited in typical retail premises with a
capacity of no more than forty covers. There will be an entrance and large windows
at one end, but otherwise no daylight; ceiling heights can vary considerably;
there may or may not be a bar for coffee and drinks.

Both the size of the space and budget considerations favour a simple general
lighting scheme with all-purpose luminaires.

Figure 6.3 Good general lighting in

a small restaurant (image
courtesy of the author)

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— good uniform illuminance without glare

—— no heavy shadowing
—— possible additional lighting over tables
—— at least two switch settings for daytime and after-dark lighting
—— the electric lighting at the back must be sufficiently bright to avoid
excessive contrast with daylight at the front, otherwise the interior
will look dingy when a customer enters the restaurant.

Options for lighting design; the ceiling height is a major consideration:

—— low ceiling options: flush ceiling lights, recessed ceiling lights, or

wall lights
—— if the ceiling is higher, further options are uplights, single and
multi-arm pendants, or chandeliers
—— cove lighting using flexible led tape
—— up+down wall lights
—— some accent lighting, e.g. for the bar, a mural or pictures
—— automatic daylight control is recommended for lights at the front of
the premises, especially if it receives direct sunlight during opening
34 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

6.1.4 Hotel restaurants

These are often multi-purpose spaces serving three meals a day, each of which
has different requirements. Breakfast is likely to be self-service with emphasis
on lighting the buffet tables and coffee machines. Lunch may be informal with
fairly quick service of a limited menu while dinner is a big meal served in a
formal manner. Above all the lighting needs to be versatile. This can be achieved
by a single lighting scheme with overall dimming to suit the ambience for
different meals, or it can be designed with several distinct but complementary
types of lighting from which a combination is chosen to create the desired
atmosphere. In the latter case a lighting control system with pre-sets would be

Figure 6.4 A combination of lighting

methods in a large hotel
restaurant (image courtesy of
the author)

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— high uniform illuminance without glare (i.e. approx. 150–200 lux

on the tables) for the breakfast setting
—— soft background lighting without shadows for the evening setting
—— an easy method of switching between settings.

Options for lighting design:

—— indirect background lighting: wall uplights, cove lighting, or

up+down wall lights
—— direct main lighting: chandeliers, pendants, recessed ceiling lights,
or wall lights
—— lights over tables, provided the table layout does not generally vary
—— some accent lighting for architectural or decorative features
—— picture lights, which serve a dual purpose by lighting pictures but
also contributing to the indirect lighting of the space

Lighting for specific types of premises 35

—— automatic daylight control is recommended for the light fittings

near windows, especially if the restaurant receives direct sunlight.

6.1.5 Function rooms

Hotels, clubs and some pubs have function rooms of varying sizes, many without
daylight. They may be used for meetings, conferences, coffee breaks, buffets,
dances and formal meals. Here the lighting needs to be multi-purpose to cope
with different room layouts and different levels of illuminance (50–300 lux).

Figure 6.5 A typical function room:

indirect coffer lighting
with wall lights for a social
function; downlights
are added for a business
meeting (image courtesy of
the author)

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— a combination of direct and indirect lighting

—— the need to light the ceiling and walls (as well as tables and floor),
especially if there is no daylight

—— dimming control for all lighting.

Options for lighting design:

—— indirect lighting: wall uplights, cove lighting, or up+down wall


—— direct lighting: ceiling lights, wall lights, pendants or chandeliers

—— if there are low ceilings, recessed ceiling lights (they are less practical
with high ceilings because of the difficulty of maintenance)

—— some accent lighting to add variety and interest

—— a lighting control system with pre-sets is advantageous; automatic

control of main lights, or indeed all lights, in the form of an absence
detector is recommended.
36 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

6.2 Nightclubs
Style and atmosphere are very important for a nightclub: lighting plays a major
role in this, to an even greater extent than décor. Unlike almost all other licensed
premises, where generally the entire area is lit, nightclubs choose to leave dark
areas, hence the perception of lighting is as much about what is not lit as what is.
Nevertheless, safety considerations require access routes and particularly steps
to be adequately illuminated; lighting in the bar area has to be sufficient for the
tasks staff undertake.

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— indication of access routes to the bar, exit and toilets

—— subdued ambient lighting in seating areas
—— accent lighting for the stage, performance area and bar(s)
—— colour-settable lighting
—— dimming control for all lighting
—— additional circuit of lighting used during cleaning and maintenance.

Dance floor lighting will usually be installed and operated separately from the
fixed lighting. Such lighting is usually theatrical including colour changing and
synchronisation with music. This is a specialist area not covered by this guide.

Figure 6.6 A typical nightclub; a

higher level of lighting is
needed at the bar than
in the drinking areas, but
the contrast must not be
too great (image courtesy of
Bignell Shacklady Ewing)

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Ambient lighting can be provided by deeply recessed directional

ceiling lights, wall lights with no direct forward light (such as
led cubes or pucks, which light up, down or sideways), uplights
recessed behind fixed banquette seating.
Lighting for specific types of premises 37

—— Cove lighting is an effective form of background lighting: recessed

led strips or tape can be used; this provides great opportunities for
scene-setting if it is dimmable and colour-settable.

—— Access routes must be clearly identifiable by customers and staff:

a good option is to install low-level recessed lighting with no
upward light spill either side of the route (see Figure 6.7). The
recommended average illuminance is 20 lux at floor level. Note that
the colour and type of floor covering has a significant effect; for
example, a dark purple carpet will need almost double the lumen
input of a light wood floor.

—— Steps are a particular hazard. The principle is to ensure that

unexpected isolated steps and the top and bottom step of any flight
of stairs are lit more brightly than their immediate surroundings
and have a suitable contrasting nosing on each step. The first step
should be lit to a lighting level one ‘standard lighting interval’
Figure 6.7 Low-level recessed lighting
above ambient, i.e. for an average floor lighting level of 20 lux the for an access route (image
step should be lit to 30 lux. The SLL Code for Lighting (SLL, 2012) courtesy of the author)
lists the standard intervals as 20, 30, 50 lux etc.

—— Bar: this needs to be lit sufficiently so that staff can see to pour
drinks and mix cocktails, and take money and process credit cards.
Lighting the bar back will provide a good deal of ambient light
(see sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4). To avoid glare the front of the bar can
either be lit downwards from the bar counter, by lights recessed in
the underside, or by recessed lights at skirting level.

—— Exit signs must be of the prescribed size (section 5.7) and be lit
whenever the premises are in use. They should be sufficiently bright
that they can be clearly seen by patrons on the dance floor or in
seating areas. Emergency lighting must be installed in accordance
with the regulations, which means that the escape route must be
lit all the way to a place of safety outside the building (section 5.3).

6.3 Theatres and concert halls

Being entertained has become a social priority today. Theatre and concert goers
expect all facilities to be efficient and of a high standard. The bar is the focal point
where most of the audience gathers to drink and socialise during the interval and,
to a lesser extent, before and after the performance. Bars in such locations are
increasingly utilised during the day when rooms are hired for conferences and
events. Organisers of corporate events favour theatres: such venues inject a sense
of drama that is more stimulating than bland commercial conference rooms.

Lighting requirements are likely to include:

—— indication of access routes to the bar(s)

—— accent lighting to draw the eye to bar counters

—— subdued ambient lighting in drinking areas

—— sufficient illuminance for cctv equipment to operate effectively

—— effective task lighting at bar counters to facilitate rapid service

—— some colour-settable lighting to adapt to different types of event.

38 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Bars form an integral part of the front of house design of a theatre

or concert hall, hence the style of their lighting will be influenced
by that of the foyer and upper circulation areas. Unless there is a
specific reason to the contrary, lighting should complement that of
the surroundings.
—— Bar backs and counters are often bespoke, offering opportunities
for creative lighting effects such as backlighting, glow and grazing.
These will create focal points, thereby facilitating patrons’
orientation. Bar backs can have edge-lit shelves, pelmet lighting or
a cluster of very small spotlights.
—— Functional lighting for the working area of the bar is recommended
to be glare free and the luminaires unobtrusive, for example
uplights, ceiling lights or downlights provided with diffuser discs.
Its brightness needs to be compatible with backlit screens of tills
and credit card machines.
—— Liaison with bar designers early in the project will establish the
stylistic and technical requirements for lighting.
—— Where the drinking area is part of an open space, consideration
should be given to lighting that helps to identify the area. A fixed
low partition offers a number of possibilities: luminaires attached
to it; recessed floor lights to uplight it; festoon lighting running
along the top.
—— Where the ceiling is low downlights have the disadvantage of
lighting the tops of people’s heads but leaving faces in shadow, so
wall lights or ceiling lights are recommended.
—— Drinking areas benefit from dimmable ambient lighting set to
suit the occasion, e.g. bright during intervals but subdued after
the performance. It is important that this lighting is separately
controlled from the main foyer and/or landing lighting, thereby
enabling the bar to operate independently.

Figure 6.8 A concert hall bar (image

courtesy of the author)

Lighting for specific types of premises 39

6.4 Sports, social and health clubs

Bars, cafes, and sometimes restaurants, feature in sports clubs, leisure centres and
health clubs.

The bar is generally the primary area of a social club. In a sports club it is a focal
point, whereas a health club may choose to site it in a side room. The lighting
scheme for the licensed section will be informed by this approach to its relative

6.4.1 Sports clubs

The bar is usually a social centre, often quite a large space, used for meetings and
presentations as well as for drinking.

6.4.2 Social clubs

The bar is the central point of the establishment, used for drinking, meetings
and entertainment; there will be additional function rooms with or without their
own bar.

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Ambient lighting will need at least two levels of illuminance: bright

for meetings and daytime use; softer for evenings and when tv
screens are in use. Depending on the size, shape and ceiling height
of the room, this could be achieved with ceiling lights, pendants,
wall lights, uplights, or a combination of these.
—— Good task lighting at the bar back and bar counter to enable bar
staff to serve drinks rapidly at busy times.
—— Some feature lighting at the front of the bar.

6.4.3 Leisure centres and sports halls

Where there is a bar this may be located within a large foyer along with a ticket
office and other facilities.

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Feature lighting is useful to identify the bar within the space.

This can consist of spotlights, pendants with distinctive shades, or
backlit panels on the bar counter and bar back.
—— Effective task lighting at the bar back and bar counter.
—— Ambient lighting is generally already provided, however additional
lighting can help both to identify the area for bar seating and to
create a more welcoming atmosphere.

6.4.4 Health clubs

The bar may well be treated as an ancillary service, located in a separate room.
Lighting suitable for a small lounge would be appropriate, the style being
informed by the general design of the building interior.
40 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Soft ambient lighting from ceiling coffers, pendants, uplights or

wall lights.
—— Glare-free task lighting for the bar counter.
—— The bar is likely to be designed to blend with the lounge decor,
hence feature lighting is unlikely to be required.

6.5 Transport buildings

Major transport buildings usually contain licensed premises — i.e. bars, cafes
or restaurants. Railway terminals are likely to have a bar; airports have bars and
restaurants on the departure side. These licensed premises are housed in a wide
variety of constructions: free-standing pavilions within the huge frame of an
airport; shop-style premises opening at one end onto a concourse; units within
an internal mall designated as a food court.

Considerations for lighting design:

—— Daylight: access to daylight is an important consideration. It is

sensible to design lighting to complement available daylight, even
if this is only available via transparent roofing or a light well.
—— Lighting in the surrounding area: a bar sited in a large departure
lounge may have no control over the ambient lighting, which is
designed to light a vast area uniformly. At the other extreme, an
Figure 6.9 Pendants used as a
internal food court may have no background lighting at all, the space
decorative feature in an being lit by a continuous run of shops, cafes and bars. It is important
airport lounge (image that a bar has sufficient local lighting to function independently of
courtesy of the author) its surroundings, and that this lighting is controlled by staff on the
—— Surrounding lighting will be designed to certain standards and
there may be a lighting policy for concessions within the building.
Should this be the case, this would form the starting point for
designing a lighting scheme. For example, there may be restrictions
on substantial use of coloured lighting.
—— Where the drinking or eating area is part of an open space,
consideration should be given to lighting that helps to identify
the area. If there is a fixed low partition, this offers a number of
possibilities: luminaires attached to it; recessed floor lights to
uplight it; festoon lighting running along the top.
—— Feature lighting is likewise useful: this can consist of spotlights,
pendants with distinctive shades, or backlit panels on the bar
counter and bar back. Although ambient lighting is generally
already provided, additional lighting can help both to identify the
area for bar seating and to create a more welcoming atmosphere.
—— Energy efficiency: many licensed premises are in indoor areas with
no daylight, hence electric lighting is in continuous use. Therefore
energy efficiency is a serious consideration during design. led
light sources vary widely in efficiency; particular attention should
be given to ascertaining the luminous efficacy of the luminaire,
which is defined as the net lumen output of the luminaire divided
by the actual power consumed (i.e. rated wattage plus power used
by drivers/control gear — the latter can be up to 10% of the rated

Energy use and Building Regulations 41

6.6 Universities and colleges

Higher education institutions generally have numerous bars and at least one
licensed restaurant. Some bars are housed in purpose-built areas, others are
placed in large open spaces along with other services (in an atrium for example);
some are run by the university or college, others by the student union.
Considerations for lighting design:

—— The points noted in sections 6.3 and 6.4 above also apply to this
type of establishment. Depending on the surroundings, it may be
desirable to provide feature lighting to highlight the bar within the
space, likewise additional lighting helps to identify the seating area
and create a more welcoming atmosphere for bar users.
—— Bars are significant social centres and often used for meetings and
entertainment. The important point is to consider all the various
uses and prepare a flexible lighting scheme: this frequently means Figure 6.10 A bar sited in a large
providing three (or more) different methods of lighting the space atrium at a university
which can then be used singly or in combination. (image courtesy of the author)

7 Energy use and Building Regulations

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the Building Regulations (TSO,
2010/2012) require that for new or extended buildings ‘fixed building services’,
which include lighting, must be energy efficient and capable of effective control.
In Scotland, the Regulations (sometimes referred to as ‘building standards’)
(TSO, 2004) require that ‘every building must be designed and constructed in
such a way that artificial or display lighting must operate and be capable of being
controlled to achieve optimum energy efficiency’.

The energy calculations required to demonstrate full compliance with the

Regulations are beyond the scope of this Lighting Guide and reference should be
made to the guidance on compliance appropriate to the location (NBS, 2016b/c;
Welsh Government, 2016a/b; DFPNI, 2012b; Scottish Government, 2017b). If an
Energy Certificate is required, then assistance from an appropriately accredited
consultant should be sought.

7.1 Compliance with Building Regulations

For England, Wales and Northern Ireland the Non-Domestic Building Services
Compliance Guide (NBS, 2013) and, for Scotland, the Non-Domestic Building
Services Compliance Guide for Scotland (Scottish Government, 2018) state that the
lighting system should meet a recommended energy efficiency value, as defined
in 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 below.

An alternative method of demonstrating compliance is the Lighting Energy

Numerical Indicator (leni). This assessment also takes into account the predicted
usage pattern of the lighting installation. Detailed information about leni and
its calculation can be found in chapter 6 of SLL Lighting Guide 14: Control of
electric lighting (SLL, 2016) and in the Compliance Guides mentioned above.

7.1.1 Energy use requirements in bars, drinking and eating areas

For most areas in licensed premises energy efficiency is defined in terms of

luminaire lumens per circuit-watt, averaged over the whole area of the particular
type of space within the building. In any one luminaire the ‘lamp lumens’ is
42 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

the total amount of light produced by the lamps within it. ‘Circuit-watts’ means
the actual power consumed in the lamp, plus any that may be used in its driver
or control gear. With halogen lamps, and those compact fluorescent and led
lamps that do not have external control gear, this figure is simply the wattage
of the lamp. With tubular fluorescent lamps, leds and many types of discharge
lamp the wattage quoted is that of the power used in the lamp only, but some
additional energy is always used in the control gear, which must be quantified
for this calculation.

The ‘luminaire lumens’ is the amount of light that is actually emitted from the
luminaire, i.e. the lamp lumens multiplied by the light output ratio (lor, see
section 9.4).

The figure set for the spaces with which this publication is concerned is a
minimum of 60 lumens per circuit watt. That precludes the use of halogen
lamps over large areas, such as a whole restaurant or drinking area. However,
they may be used in small numbers provided that the average figure is met for
the whole space.

Where automatic controls are installed the minimum is reduced by 10% for a
single control method and 15% for dual control. Thus if lighting in the space has
both daylight control and absence detection the minimum is reduced by 15% to
51 luminaire lumens per circuit watt. (See for details of control systems.).

There is an exception to this rule, namely display lighting, for which the limit is
22 lumens per circuit watt. This means that some halogen lamps can be used for
display lighting, such as that used on a bar back. The Compliance Guides (NBS,
2013; Scottish Government, 2018), however, state that ‘Display lighting, where
provided, should be controlled on dedicated circuits that can be switched off
at times when people will not be inspecting exhibits or merchandise, or being
entertained’. After the public has left, the control system should ensure that any
display lighting can easily be switched off and that only energy-efficient lighting
is left switched on in the public areas for clearing, cleaning and re-stocking.

7.1.2 Energy use in office, storage and other back of house areas

For these areas energy efficiency is likewise defined in terms of luminaire lumens
per circuit-watt averaged over the whole area of the particular type of space
within the building. The same minimum of 60 luminaire lumens per circuit-watt
applies, as do the ‘control factor’ reductions.

This implies that all back of house areas such as kitchens, staff corridors, toilets,
offices and changing rooms must use energy efficient lamps such as fluorescent
or leds.

7.2 Applicability of Building Regulations

The Building Regulations (TSO, 2004/2010/2012) only apply where building
work is being carried out, for example in new premises, or if the lighting system
is being replaced.

Under the Regulations, for existing buildings, exemption is given if the area
covered by the lighting is less than 100 m2. The following points should be noted:

—— The Regulations apply to the energy used averaged over the whole
area of the building. This means that if high efficiency lighting is

Energy use and building regulations 43

used in the staff areas of a building, some lower efficiency equipment

can be used in patron areas.
—— The use of halogen is now effectively restricted to display lighting
of bar backs and display signs. Although less stringent regulations
apply to display lighting, it is not possible to claim that lighting
used over a large area constitutes ‘display lighting’.
—— Emergency lighting does not come under these restrictions.

Operators of licensed premises who are refurbishing or refitting their premises

should give particular attention to section 3.1, and chapters 4, 5, 7 and 8 of this
Lighting Guide. This includes all services, not just the lighting.

7.3 Energy considerations and lamp selection

Constraints upon energy use mean that lighting schemes can no longer rely on
classic incandescent lamps. Lighting users and designers should be aware of the
many types of energy-efficient lamp available today and their relative efficiencies
(lumens per watt), see Figure 2.12. Ease of dimming varies considerably between
lamp types.

It is mandatory to display a European Community energy label on all new

electrical products displayed for sale, including lamps. This label provides useful
data when sourcing energy-efficient lamps. In addition to the standard ‘A–G’ scale
(‘A’ being excellent, ‘G’ poor) for energy efficiency, information on the packaging
must include the light output in lumens (luminous flux), the input power of the
lamp in watts (often shown as kW·h/1000 h) and the average rated life in hours.

7.3.1 Light emitting diodes (energy ratings A and B)

Light emitting diodes (leds) are small semiconductor devices that emit either
white or coloured light when energised by a low voltage direct current. Early
leds were extremely small and this meant that to get enough light for general
lighting purposes, numbers of them were used together in clusters. However
they have developed very rapidly and more powerful chips of 20 watts or more
are available. One disadvantage is that good heat dissipation is essential to their
efficiency and longevity, so larger units need an effective heat sink, which means
larger luminaires. They have extremely long life, usually 25 000–50 000 hours.
White leds typically have an efficacy of 100 lumens per watt, coloured ones
rather less; the most advanced white leds now achieve 150 lumens per watt. Figure 7.1 EU energy rating label for a
Colour rendering can be quite poor, especially at the budget end of the market, lamp
so for indoor use it is important to select luminaires and lamps with good colour
rendering (minimum cri 80).

Because of their small size, leds offer great possibilities in decorative lighting,
and are often used in strips, ropes or chains. They can be incorporated in materials
and fabrics, and can be used to highlight architectural features of buildings. They
can be used to advantage to light refrigerated displays or wine coolers. With
their long service lives they can also be used for display and emergency signage.
Colour changing options are almost limitless, which offers exciting opportunities
to architects and lighting designers. They can be used equally well for exterior
lighting, especially in gardens, and to highlight exterior features.

leds run at 12 or 24 volts and generally require constant current, therefore

control gear (usually called a driver) is required. Many are dimmable; however, a
number of methods are used and the switch has to be compatible, so this aspect
44 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

needs to be carefully specified. It is not advisable to mix led types, or put leds
and other types of lamp, on the same dimming circuit, as their different dimming
characteristics may result in some or all of the lamps flickering, or even going out.

7.3.2 Tubular fluorescent lamps (energy ratings A and B)

The familiar fluorescent tube lamp has been in use for over sixty years, and is
widely used in commercial and industrial lighting. It is seven times more efficient
than incandescent lamps and has a much longer life of 10–15 000 hours. However,
it cannot be simply connected to the mains and equipment known as ‘control
gear’ is needed to provide the lower voltage required and keep the current under

Whilst it is generally not suitable for the main lighting in the customer areas
of licensed premises, fluorescent lighting can be effectively used as concealed
or decorative lighting. It is recommended for kitchens and for staff, office and
storage areas.

Fluorescent lamps are available in a wide variety of colours and colour

temperatures, many with good colour rendering (cri 80–90). With electronic
control gear (ecg) efficacies of 80–100 lumens per watt can be achieved along
with lamp life of up to 24 000 hours. However, dimming is possible only if the
luminaire has been fitted with dimmable ecg, usually requiring a separate 1–10 V
dimming circuit and a compatible dimmer switch.

The colours of fluorescent lamps are sometimes described by three-digit numbers

such as ‘colour 835’ or ‘colour 940’. The first digit represents the first figure of
the colour rendering index. The following two digits are the first two figures of
the colour temperature, thus ‘colour 835’ means a lamp whose colour rendering
index is between 80 and 89, and whose colour temperature is 3500 K.

7.3.3 Compact fluorescent lamps (energy ratings A and B)

Also referred to as ‘energy saving’ lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (cfls)

are similar in principle to tubular fluorescent lamps, but the tube is smaller in
diameter and is convoluted in some way to form a compact lamp. Their efficacy
is good (50–70 lumens per watt) and they have long life, typically 8–12 000 hours.
They use one fifth of the energy needed by equivalent incandescent lamps, and
are much cooler in operation. Hence they are useful where excessive heat is to be
avoided, such as fully recessed luminaires or those mounted near ceilings.

They are very suitable for licensed premises where they are in use for long periods,
and can be used in places where they may be within the reach of customers.
However their colour rendering is not as good as that of halogen lamps; they
usually have a colour rendering index between 80 and 90.

cfls require electronic control gear. This may be placed in the luminaire, in
which case the lamp is provided with pin connections and must only be used
in the type of luminaire for which it was designed. In the other type of cfl the
control gear is embodied in the lamp cap (the usual bayonet or screw). Most cfls
are not dimmable; those that are usually require a compatible dimmer switch.

The actual tube in a cfl is often too bright to look at comfortably. Varieties are
available in which the tube is housed in an outer frosted envelope, so that the
lamp resembles the traditional gls lamp. These are recommended for luminaires
where any part of the lamp is visible at normal viewing angles — bare cfls pro­
truding from a luminaire are unattractive and likely to cause glare (Figure 7.2).

Energy use and building regulations 45

Figure 7.2 Bare CFLs protruding from

wall lights (image courtesy of
Liz Peck)

7.3.4 Ceramic metal halide lamps (energy rating A)

These are high-intensity discharge light sources in which the light is produced
by the visible radiation from an arc of mercury vapour containing selected
metal halides. Versions are available with either clear or coated envelopes. This
type of metal halide lamp uses a ceramic material for the arc tube instead of
quartz, resulting in superior colour rendering (cri 80+) and improved lumen
maintenance through life. This arc tube design delivers excellent colour
consistency and lamp reliability together with a long service life of 6000–12 000

The availability of 20, 35 and 70 watt versions has enabled their wide applications
in spotlighting and feature lighting. Their high luminous efficacy of 80–90 lumens
per watt and a colour temperature of 3000 or 4000 K make these lamps suitable
for many interiors, provided they do not need to be switched on or off frequently.
The disadvantage of this lamp technology is that these lamps require several
minutes to achieve full light output and, once hot, several more minutes to re-
start if switched off, which limits their application in most interiors.

The higher wattages up to 2000 watts are especially suitable for exterior lighting
applications such as building floodlighting, gardens, exterior play areas and car
parks, with colour temperatures of 3000–6000 K.

7.3.5 Cold cathode lamps (energy ratings A and B)

Cold cathode lamps are similar in principle to fluorescent lamps with very long
life, typically 45 000 hours. They are therefore suitable for use in places where
access for replacement is difficult.

They are of smaller diameter than traditional fluorescent lamps, but can be made
in longer lengths and are available in over fifty colours. However they are fragile
and require specialised high voltage control gear and so can only be used in places
where there is no possibility of patrons touching them.
46 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

They are available in straight lengths that can be mounted end-to-end so as

to produce a continuous line of light and may well be used behind coving for
ceiling lighting. They can also be made in custom-fitted shapes to emphasise
architectural features, or as decorative lighting. Some types are dimmable if
appropriate control gear is used.

The light output can be as high as 3200 lumens per metre length, but in many
varieties this figure will be much lower.

7.3.6 Incandescent lamps (energy ratings E and F)

Also known as general lighting service (gls) lamps, these are the traditional
bulbs of the kind that has been in use for over 100 years. Light is generated by
passing an electric current through a thin wire (filament) that glows white hot
and emits light. They are cheap, easily dimmable and have good colour rendering
properties, but disadvantages are that they are the most inefficient in terms of
energy use and have the shortest life. Their efficacy is only 12–14 lumens per watt
with a life of about 1000 hours. Because of this, they have been largely phased out.

7.3.7 Tungsten halogen lamps (energy rating D)

These are incandescent lamps in which the envelope contains a tiny amount
of one of the ‘halogen’ elements — usually chlorine or bromine. This has the
effect of prolonging the life of the filament, and enables it to be run at a higher
temperature so that they are more efficient, around 15–20 lumens per watt.
The life is usually approximately 2000 hours. They have good colour rendering
qualities, and can easily be dimmed.

8 Maintenance

8.1 General

In most areas of licensed premises, defects in the lighting system are immediately
visible to patrons. It is therefore important that any defects be rectified promptly
— failed lamps or dead flies visible in luminaire diffusers convey the impression
that nobody cares. It is a good plan to make one individual responsible for
lighting maintenance. This does not mean that he or she should have to do it all,
but that they are responsible for seeing that it gets done.

Adequate stocks of all the types of lamp used in an establishment should be held,
and in view of the variety of lamps, clear instructions should be given about
their use (see section 8.2 below). In larger premises it is advisable to keep a small
number of replacement luminaires. If a stepladder or other equipment has to
be used to carry out maintenance, it is the responsibility of the management to
ensure that staff involved are properly trained to use it. The requirements of the
Work at Height Regulations 2005 (TSO, 2005a/b) should be observed at all times.

Lighting maintenance generally consists of replacing lamps and cleaning

luminaires. Occasionally the replacement of damaged luminaires may be called
for, but this is likely to be beyond the remit of the normal staff. For the purposes
of maintenance, lighting equipment can be divided into two categories:

Maintenance 47

—— that which is accessible from or near floor level, which means

equipment less than 2.4 metres (8 feet) above the floor, and
—— other interior and exterior lighting equipment, which is sited more
than 2.4 metres high and hence is deemed not accessible from
ground level.

8.2 Equipment accessible from or near floor level

8.2.1 Lamp replacement

Failed lamps should be replaced promptly. Clear instructions must be given to

the staff involved, and these should be prominently displayed in an area used
by staff, but not by patrons. Bar staff are often peripatetic, and in many cases
English is not their first language. These instructions must make clear: (i) that
the relevant circuit must be switched off before any attempt at replacement is
made and (ii) exactly which type of lamp is to be used in each luminaire — putting
a non-dimmable lamp in a dimmer-controlled circuit can have unsatisfactory
consequences. These instructions should include a chart or plan showing the
positions of luminaires and the lamps to be used in each. Any stock of replacement
lamps should be marked to conform with this chart.

Modern types of lamp such as clfs and leds have much longer lives than the
familiar gls lamps, and may start flickering or flashing whilst still working. Any
such lamps should be replaced promptly; flicker is disturbing to everybody, and
can cause epileptic seizures in some people. The light output of fluorescent strip
lamps, cfls and leds decreases slowly throughout their life, and it may therefore
be worthwhile replacing old lamps that still appear to be working properly to
avoid overall illuminance falling below the desired level.

8.2.2 Disposal of used lamps

Many types of lamp such as cfls and tubular fluorescent lamps contain small
amounts (< 5 mg) of mercury; the electronic circuit boards in cfls and leds
generally contain other toxic materials. Consequently old lamps must not be put
in general rubbish, but disposed of safely at a suitable recycling point. Recycling
facilities are available at local authority household waste sites; electrical
wholesalers also have lamp recycling facilities which can normally be used free of
charge when purchasing new lamps.

8.2.3 Cleaning of luminaires

The currents of air rising in luminaires cause dust and dirt to accumulate in
them and on the surface of adjacent walls/ceilings. Although this may not greatly
affect the light output, it is readily visible to patrons. A regular programme for
cleaning should be laid down; luminaire cleaning involves washing some parts
and therefore should only be done out of normal trading hours.

The staff who do this work must be fully trained. They must ensure that all the
circuits concerned are dead before they start, and remain dead whilst they are
working. Some luminaires require special tools or techniques to get to their inner
surfaces, and staff should be shown how to do this. Any special tools or keys
required should be kept carefully in a specified place so that they do not get lost.

Many types of lamp in use today have much longer lives than the familiar gls
lamp. Consequently it is necessary to clean luminaires several times during the
48 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

life of the lamps if light output and a good appearance are to be maintained. As
a rough working rule, it is advisable to clean all interior luminaires once a year.

8.2.4 Replacement of luminaires

Luminaires occasionally become damaged or broken. Many decorative types

of luminaire are only made in short production runs, and replacements or
replacement parts may not be readily available. To meet this contingency, it
is advisable to keep a small number of spare luminaires in stock. If an entire
luminaire has to be replaced, that work must be entrusted to a qualified electrician.

8.3 Equipment not readily accessible from

ground level
8.3.1 Interior equipment

All of the points made in sections 8.2.1, 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 apply equally, but it may
not be practicable to replace failed lamps immediately. It may be necessary to
call in an electrical contractor to carry out this work. If that is done or if special
equipment (e.g. tower ladders) has to be used, the labour costs may far exceed the
costs of replacement lamps. In that case it makes sense to replace all the lamps
in an area at one time, whether they have failed or not. If such a system of area
replacement is used, it is recommended that it be done at suitable intervals, with
proper records.

Large chandeliers using dozens of lamps present a particular problem. Failed

lamps are readily identifiable while the chandelier is switched on, but they cease
to be so when it is switched off. One solution is to photograph the chandelier
with a mobile telephone camera while it is operating to enable the failed lamps
to be identified easily.

8.3.2 Exterior equipment

All the foregoing remarks about maintenance apply equally to exterior lighting,
but most of it is not accessible from ground level. Thus ladders or jacking
platforms have to be used. Normal bar staff should not be expected to carry out
this work. Anyone who does engage in this work should be properly trained and
provided with adequate safety equipment; in many cases it is best handed over to
specialist contractors. If it is necessary for ladders or jacking platforms to be used
on or near public roads or paths, precautions should be taken to ensure public

Exterior luminaires may need attention more often than those indoors. They may
become dirty through weather, accumulations of dead leaves and bird droppings.
If a luminaire controlled by a dusk–dawn sensor remains alight during daylight,
it is usually because of bird droppings on the sensor. These should be removed at
the first opportunity.

If professional window cleaners are used, it may be possible for them to carry
out the cleaning and maintenance of exterior luminaires, provided that they are
suitably instructed.
Measures of light 49

9 Measures of light
9.1 Luminous flux and illuminance
The basic unit of visible light is the lumen. An incandescent 100 watt bulb has
a light output of about 1300 lumens; a five-foot 58 watt fluorescent lamp has an
output of up to 5000 lumens; the light output of a small GU10 led spotlight is
400–500 lumens. The total amount of light emitted by a lamp is referred to as
its luminous flux. Details of light sources may be found in the SLL Lighting
Handbook (SLL, 2009).

However we are more usually concerned with the amount of light falling on a
given surface, such as a bar top. That quantity is referred to as the ‘illuminance’.
It is defined in terms of the amount of light falling on a given area. The unit is
the lux, which is the illuminance occurring when 1 lumen falls on an area of
one square metre. The illuminance values found on the desktops in offices are
usually in the order of 300 lux, but in our homes we usually use lower values,
around 100 lux. A surface lit to 1000 lux will appear very bright. Outdoor values
are much higher. On an overcast day the illuminance on the ground may be about
5000 lux, whilst in direct sunlight in the latitude of the UK the illuminance can
be 50 000 lux. Moonlight produces an illuminance of about 0.1 lux.

Note that the value of illuminance on a surface usually varies widely from
point to point. In the case of a table under a ceiling light, the ratio of that of the
brightest point to that of the darkest may be as much as 3:1. When a single value
of illuminance is given, it refers to the average value over the whole surface area.

When we speak of the illuminance on a given surface we usually mean a horizontal

surface such as a bar counter or restaurant table, hence horizontal illuminance,
but there are cases where we refer to the illuminance on a vertical surface, e.g. a
board displaying a menu, hence vertical illuminance.

9.2 Uniformity
The ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average illuminance over a specified
surface or area.

9.3 Luminance
We are often concerned with the brightness of a surface as we see it. This can
be measured, and it is referred to as the luminance of the surface. The unit of
luminance is candela per square metre , abbreviated to cd/m2. The full definition
of luminance is beyond the scope of this guide.

9.4 Light output ratio

Not all of the light emitted by the lamp or lamps within a luminaire emerges
from it as useful light. Some is inevitably obstructed by the lampholder and other
parts of the luminaire, and some of its surfaces will absorb some light. The ratio
of the usable light which emerges from a luminaire to the total amount of light
produced by the lamp(s) within it is referred to as the light output ratio (lor)
of the luminaire. It is usually expressed as a percentage. At best the light output
ratio can be as high as 90%, but many domestic luminaires have much lower
lors, often as low as 50%.
50 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Regulations and associated documents
DFPNI (2012a) Fire safety Technical Booklet E (Belfast: Department of Finance (Northern
Ireland)) (available at
(accessed February 2018)

DFPNI (2012b) Conservation of fuel and power in buildings other than dwellings Technical
Booklet F2 (Belfast: Department of Finance (Northern Ireland)) (available at https:// (accessed February 2018)

NBS (2013) Non-Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide (Newcastle Upon Tyne: NBS)
(available at
part_l_-_conservation_of_fuel_and_power/5) (accessed February 2018)

NBS (2016a) Fire safety Approved Document B (2006 edition incorporating 2007, 2010,
and 2013 amendments) (Newcastle Upon Tyne: NBS) (available at
government/publications/fire-safety-approved-document-b) (accessed February 2018)

NBS (2016b) Conservation of fuel and power in new buildings other than dwellings Approved
Document L2A (2013 edition with 2016 amendments) (Newcastle Upon Tyne: NBS)
(available at
power-approved-document-l) (accessed February 2018)

NBS (2016c) Conservation of fuel and power in existing buildings other than dwellings Approved
Document L2B (2010 edition incorporating 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2016 amendments)
(Newcastle Upon Tyne: NBS) (available at
conservation-of-fuel-and-power-approved-document-l) (accessed February 2018)

Scottish Government (2017a) Fire ch. 2 in Technical Handbook 2017 Non-Domestic

(Edinburgh: Scottish Government Building Standards Division) (available at http://
techhandbooks/th2017nondomenergy) (accessed July 2018)

Scottish Government (2017b) Energy ch. 6 in Technical Handbook 2017 Non-Domestic

(Edinburgh: Scottish Government Building Standards Division) (available at http://
techhandbooks/th2017nondomenergy) (accessed July 2018)

Scottish Government (2018) Non-Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide for Scotland
(Edinburgh: Scottish Government Building Standards Division) (available at http://
techhandbooks/ndbscg) (accessed July 2018)

TSO (2004) The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 Scottish Statutory Instruments
2004 No. 406 (London: The Stationery Office) (available at
ssi/2004/406) (accessed February 2018)

TSO (2005) The Work at Height Regulations 2005 Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 735
(London: The Stationery Office) (available at
(accessed February 2018)

TSO (2005) The Work at Height Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2005 Statutory Rules of
Northern Ireland 2005 No. 279 (London: The Stationery Office) (available at http://www. (accessed February 2018)

TSO (2010) The Building Regulations 2010 Statutory Instrument 2010 No. 2214 (London:
The Stationery Office) (available at
(accessed February 2018)

TSO (2012) The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 Statutory Rules of
Northern Ireland 2012 No. 192 (London: The Stationery Office) (available at http://www. (accessed February 2018)

Welsh Government (2016a) Conservation of fuel and power — New buildings other than
dwellings Approved Document L2A (2014 edition with 2016 amendments) (Cardiff: Welsh

Bibliography 51

Government) (available at

approved-document-l2a-new-buildings-other-than-dwellings-en.pdf) (accessed February

Welsh Government (2016b) Conservation of fuel and power — Existing buildings other than
dwellings Approved Document L2B (2014 edition with 2016 amendments) (Cardiff:
Welsh Government) (available at
regs-approved-document-l2b-existing-buildings-other-than-dwellings-en.pdf) (accessed
February 2018)

British Standards
BSI (2013) BS 5499-4: 2013: Safety signs. Code of practice for escape route signing (London:
British Standards Institution)

BSI (2016) BS 5266-1: 2016: Emergency lighting. Code of practice for the emergency lighting of
premises (London: British Standards Institution)

SLL Publications
SLL (2018) The SLL Lighting Handbook (London: Society of Light and Lighting)

SLL (2012) The SLL Code for Lighting (London: Society of Light and Lighting)

SLL (2015) Emergency lighting SLL Lighting Guide 12 (London: Society of Light and

SLL (2012) Guide to limiting obtrusive light (London: Society of Light and Lighting)

SLL (2016) Control of electric lighting SLL Lighting Guide 14 (London: Society of Light
and Lighting)

SLL (2017a) Lighting for stairs SLL Lighting Guide 16 (London: Society of Light and

Other publications
Littlefair P (2018) Solar shading of buildings BRE 364 (2nd edn) (Garston: BRE)

Further reading
British Standards
BSI (2018) BS 7671: 2018: Requirements for electrical installations. IET Wiring Regulations
(London: British Standards Institution)

BSI (2008) BS 8206-2: 2008: Lighting for buildings. Code of practice for daylighting (London:
British Standards Institution)

BSI (2008) BS 5266-10: 2008: Guide to the design and provision of emergency lighting to reduce
the risks from hazards in the event of failure of the normal lighting supply (London: British
Standards Institution)

BSI (2017) BS EN 15193-1: 2017: Energy performance of buildings. Energy requirements for
lighting. Specifications, Module M9 (London: British Standards Institution)

BSI (2012) BS EN ISO 7010: 2012 + A7: 2017: Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety
signs. Registered safety signs (London: British Standards Institution)

SLL Publications
SLL (2014) Daylighting — a guide for designers SLL Lighting Guide 10 (London: Society
of Light and Lighting)

Other publications
Quartino DS (2010) New Bars & Restaurants 2 (London: Harper Collins)
52 Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises

Index controls 10 glare control (continued)

display lighting 42 see also light spillage
exterior lighting 23 gls (general lighting service) 9
Note: page numbers in italics refer to system types 11–12
figures; page numbers in bold refer curtains 5 halogen lamps
to tables. average life 9
dance areas 12 colour rendering index (cri) 9
access routes 37 daylight control 12, 42 colour temperature 7, 9
amenity 2 daylighting 5, 7, 40 dimming 11
atmosphere 3 decoration and lighting 3 efficiency 9, 42, 43
dimming 17, 18 energy performance 10
bar backs 15–16 fluorescent lamps 44 health clubs 39–40
bar counters 15 led lamps 43–44 high pressure sodium (son/e and
bar walk 15 dimming controls 11 son/t) lamps 9
bars 37, 38, 41, 41–42 display areas 16 high risk task areas 28
bistros 31–32 display lighting 8 horizontal illuminance 49
Bluetooth® 12 controls 10 hotel restaurants 34–35
British Standards 51 energy use 42, 43
Building Regulations compliance drinking areas 17–18, 41–42 illuminance 49
41–43 illuminances, recommended
eating areas 18, 41–42 access routes 37
car parks 26 efficiency see energy efficiency emergency lighting 27–28
Casambi® 12 electronic control gear (ecg) 44 exterior lighting 25
electronic control systems 11–12 staff areas 17
cctv 16, 26
emergency exit signs 27, 29, 37 steps 37
ceiling height 4
emergency lighting 27–30, 43 incandescent lamps 9, 46
ceiling lights 4, 17
energy efficiency 9, 41–46 ingress protection (ip) rating 22, 29
cellars 16–17
energy-efficient lamps 9–10, 43 inspection 30
ceramic metal halide lamps
entrances 14 interior design 3–4
see metal halide lamps
escape lighting 27
chandeliers 48
European Community energy label kitchens 16–17, 42
changing rooms 16–17, 42 43
character and atmosphere 3 exit signs 27, 29, 37 lamp lumens 41–42
circuit-watts 42 exits 14 lamp replacement 47
cleaning, lighting for 21 exterior lighting 21–26 lamps
cleaning of luminaires 47–48 daylight control 12 average life 9, 43, 44
closed-circuit television (cctv) 16, ILP standard lighting limits 25 choice 8–9, 23, 43
26 maintenance 48 colour rendering 6, 9, 43, 44
cold cathode lamps 45–46 external smoking areas 23, 24 colour temperature 3, 6–7, 7, 9
colleges 41 disposal 47
colour appearance 7 façade lighting 22, 25 EC energy label 43
colour rendering 6, 9, 43, 44 festoon lighting 24 efficiency 9, 41–46
colour rendering index (cri) 6 flicker 47 exterior lighting 23
bar counters 15 floodlights 22, 25 led lamps see light emitting diodes
emergency luminaires 29 floor level lighting 15 (leds)
gardens and external smoking fluorescent lamps 9, 44 legal requirements 27
areas 23 average life 9, 44 licensed premises 43
kitchens 17 colour rendering 6 light emitting diodes (leds) 9,
lamp types 9 colour rendering index (cri) 9 43–44
colour spectrum 7 colour temperature 7, 9 applications 43
colour temperature 3, 6–7, 7, 9 dimming 11, 44 average life 9
compact fluorescent lamps (cfls) 9, disposal 47 colour rendering 6, 43
44 efficiency 9, 42 colour rendering index (cri) 9
average life 9, 44 flicker 47 colour temperature 7, 9
colour rendering index (cri) 9 function rooms 35 dimming 11, 43–44
colour temperature 9 functions of lighting 2 disposal 47
dimming 44 efficiency 9, 10, 42
disposal 47 games areas 19 flicker 47
efficiency 9, 42 gaming machines 18 light output ratio (lor) 49
flicker 47 garden lighting 23, 23–24 light spillage 22, 22–23, 25, 26
concert halls 37–38 general lighting service (gls) 9, 46 see also glare control
conservation areas 22 glare control 8, 13, 37, 38, 44 lighting design
control gear 42, 44 exterior lighting 22, 24, 26 checklists 21

Index 53

lighting design (continued) multi-room systems 11 sports clubs 39

exterior 21–26 sports halls 39
interior 13–21 natural light see daylighting spotlights 8, 13, 18
Lighting Energy Numerical nightclubs 36–37 staff areas 16–17, 42
Indicator (leni) 41 staff corridors 42
lighting management systems 11 office areas 42 stage lighting 12
listed buildings 22 stairways 19, 20, 37
lumens 49 passage lighting 7, 18 standby lighting 27
lumens per circuit watt 42 performing areas 12 steps 19, 20, 24, 37
luminaire lumens 42 presence/absence detection 12, 23, storage areas 16–17, 42
luminaires 42 surface finishes 3, 4
cleaning 47–48 switches 10
emergency lighting 27, 29 regulations 27, 41–43, 50 switching groups 5, 6, 10, 18
exterior lighting 22–23, 26, 48 replacement lamps 46
grouping 5, 6, 10, 18 restaurants 18, 30–35 television viewing 17
inspection and testing 30 risk assessments 26, 29 terminology 2
lamp lumens 41–42 rural locations 25 terraces 23–24
maintenance 46–48 testing 30
positioning 8, 13, 22–23, 26 safety signs 29 theatres 37–38
replacement 48 scene setting 11, 17 tills 16
robust and secure 13, 23 security lighting 12, 23 toilets 20–21, 42
style and character 3 security of lighting equipment 13, 23 transport buildings 40
luminance 49 signage 22 tubular fluorescent lamps 42, 44, 47
luminous flux 49 see also exit signs tungsten halogen lamps 46
sky glow see light spillage
maintenance 46–48 smoking areas 23, 24 uniformity 49
manual override controls 12 social clubs 39 universities 41
menu boards 18 Society of Light and Lighting (SLL)
metal halide lamps 45 publications 51 vertical illuminance 49
average life 9 solar glare 5 visual adaptation 5
colour rendering index (cri) 9 solar heat gain 5
colour temperature 7, 45 solar-dial time clocks 23 wall-mounted luminaires 8
efficiency 9 spare lamps 46 windows 5
modelling 7–8 sparkle 8 wireless control 12
Lighting Guide 18:

Lighting for the built environment — Lighting Guide 18: Lighting for licensed premises
Lighting for licensed premises

The Society of Light and Lighting

ISBN 978-1-912034-31-4

Lighting for the

built environment
The Society of Light and Lighting is part of the
The Society of
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 9 781912 034314 Light and Lighting

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