Motivation Letter

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Motivation Letter

Name: Asha Rahman

Specialization Studies: Degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy

Program of Study: Global Health, University of Bergen (UiB)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I would like to express my desire to study at University of Bergen (UiB) in Norway. In this letter, I would
like to submit my application for the Master of Global Health, starting in fall 2023. I believe that my
educational background can contribute greatly to the university. I am Pharmacist from University of
Development Alternative with CGPA 3.42 out of 4.00. From my knowledge and experience I think
prevention is more effective than cure. Governments can save money and improve citizen wellbeing by
putting prevention measures in place and promoting healthre. As a result, global health is crucial since it
protects the nation.

I think that my educational and professional backgrounds make me a strong contender for this master's
program. I have a competitive advantage and the background necessary to succeed in this program
because my bachelor's degree and professional license “A” Grade pharmacist (Registration No: A -
14212) are closely related to it. I have worked in the pharmacy industry for more than Five years.
Furthermore, I can say that I would like to continue my education in order to learn more and get
experience via academic search. I think earning a master's degree in Global Health would give me the
opportunity to get a comprehensive understanding of all facets of this area. Since it focuses on the
overall population rather than specific patients or diseases. I was aware that my course was
interdisciplinary and would expose me to a variety of other fields, like NGOs and research, which piqued
my interest.

The reason for choosing this specific Master Program comes from the fact that it combines knowledge
about nutrition, migration and health, maternal and child health, epidemiology, biostatistics, and health
research techniques with expertise in public health. During Corona pandemic I realized that prevention
is better than cure as many people were only dying because of lack of knowledge about prevention
measurements of corona. They didn’t know how to be protected against this virus, even this virus can be
defected if they only maintain some precaution. That’s why I wanted to study in Global Health.

In Bangladesh, I completed my 4 years Bachelor degree in pharmacy at University of Development

Alternative with CGPA 3.42 out of 4.00. The program covered courses in: Pharmacology, Human
Physiology & Anatomy, Diseases process & Pathology, Medicinal Chemistry, Environmental Science,
Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Marketing & Management, Organic Pharmacy, Inorganic Pharmacy
and other related subjects. During third year of my studies I had completed the 3 months Professional
Skill Development Program organized by the Department of pharmacy. Furthermore, I did 2 weeks In-
plant training in Essential Drugs Company Limited during last year of my studies.
I was engaged in extracurricular activities while I was a student, and I frequently went to medical and
research seminars. I was involved in Public Health and Science club, Pharmaceutical club and Sangskritik
club in my university. At the same time, I have participated in various voluntary activities of philanthropy
and community service to contribute to my society. I was also assigned to do voluntary work from Jago
Foundation, Volunteer for Bangladesh to deliver food and mask to the people in my country.

I am a dedicated worker who is eager to assume a leadership position and who possesses a strong
capacity for continuous learning. I am a very outgoing, affable, and gregarious person. I adore making
new friends and interacting with folks from various ethnic backgrounds. That is very fulfilling to me. I'm
a creative person who enjoys reading and making the handicrafts in my spare time. I am also enjoying
dancing and reciting in my leisure time.

Since Norway is home to some of the most esteemed universities in the world and offers a diverse
population in terms of culture, color, and ethnicity, we can all benefit from learning from one another. I
want to continue my studies and pursue a doctorate at this prestigious university when I finish my
master's program.

I am aware that this Master's program in Global health at University of Bergen (UiB) would be a great
place for me to start. Additionally, if I'm chosen for this program, I'll have the chance to learn from the
finest, and the fact that I'll be studying Norway will provide me the chance to forge new connections
with people from various cultural backgrounds. I am also aware of the level of commitment and
perseverance required to produce the greatest outcomes in the area, and I think my background will
make me qualified for such a role.

I appreciate you taking my request into consideration and eagerly await your response.

Yours faithfully,

Asha Rahman

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