LAW102-Writing Guideline

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Course Name Business Law and Ethics Fundamentals

Subject Code: LAW102

Guideline Writing + IRAC guideline

Identify the purpose of the case notes according to the assignment briefing. Read the case
- skim first to understand the issue and context; reread as often as necessary) to pull out the
key facts and points of law.
Undertake research using reliable authoritative sources. Begin with relevant course
readings; look for existing case notes on the case, peer-reviewed articles, or other cases to
support your arguments.
Brainstorm your response to the task. Consider the legal principles covered in your lectures
and recommended readings for the course.
Plan the document; an organization can vary. Outline your structure based on the task
instructions and decide on a logical order to present your ideas (e.g., according to judicial
reasoning or court rulings).
Write your paper using your plan and research. avoid unnecessary descriptions of case
details. Provide an introduction with a brief explanation of the case to lay the foundation of
your analysis and critique of the case decision.
Edit and review. Is it logical, clear, and concise? Are all sources cited? Proofread. Check
for grammatical errors that can reduce clarity. Spelling mistakes, typos , and inconsistencies
can cost you marks.


The IRAC method has four steps:
1. Identify the issue.
2. Relevant law - Here you need to explain the law not just state it. This could be
sections/s of the Corporations Act or case law.
3. Application to the facts - the law is applied to the facts of the problem.
4. Conclusion
Use the following IRAC structure as a guide to answering case study questions.

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