Current Use and Future Potential of Organometallic

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Review article

Current use and future potential of organometallic

Roger Schibli1, P. August Schubiger2
1 Center for Radiopharmaceutical Science ETH-PSI-USZ, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
2 Department of Applied Bioscience, ETH Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Published online: 6 August 2002

© Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract. Contrary to common belief, organometallic Keywords: Organometallic – Bioorganometallic – Tricar-

compounds exhibit remarkable stability in aerobic and bonyl – Radiopharmaceuticals – Biomolecule
even diluted aqueous solutions. Technetium-sestamibi
(Cardiolite) is one of the most prominent examples of Abbreviations: MIBI, 2-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile –
this class of compounds routinely used in nuclear medi- 99mTcCO, [99mTc(H O) (CO) ]+ – DAT, dopamine trans-
2 3 3
cine. This review summarises the recent progress in la- porter – PgR, progesterone receptor – EgR, oestrogen re-
belling of biomolecules with organometallic complexes ceptor – BFCA, bifunctional chelating agent – n.c.a.,
for diagnostic and therapeutic application in radiophar- non-carrier-added – scFv, single-chain antibody frag-
macy and exemplifies in detail developments focussing ments – mAb, monoclonal antibody – NET, norepineph-
on organometallic technetium- and rhenium-tricarbonyl rine transporter – IPT, [N-(3-iodopropen-2-yl)-2β-carbo-
technologies. The value of such technologies has been methoxy-3β-(4-chlorophenyl) tropane] – β-CFT, 3β-(4-
recognised and they have become a valuable alternative fluorophenyl)-tropane – Ac, acetyl – DTPA, diethylene
to common labelling methodologies. An increasing num- triamine penta-acetate – IDA, iminodiacetate – BC,
ber of groups have started to employ an organometallic boranocarbonate – HYNIC, hydrazinonicotinic acid
precursor for the purpose of radioactive labelling of vari-
ous classes of biomolecules, and the advantages and lim- Eur J Nucl Med (2002) 29:1529–1542
itations of this new technique are compared with those of DOI 10.1007/s00259-002-0900-8
other labelling methods. The synthetic access to appro-
priate precursors via double-ligand exchange or aqueous
carbonyl kit preparation for routine application is de-
scribed. Strategies and examples for the design of appro- Introduction
priate bifunctional chelating agents for the Tc/Re-tricar-
bonyl core are given. The functionalisation of biomole- Classical organometallic compounds, compounds with at
cules such as tracers for the central nervous system (do- least one direct transition metal-carbon bond, are extreme-
paminergic and serotonergic), tumour affine peptides ly rare in biological systems. The only naturally occurring
(somatostatin receptors, neuroreceptors) and tumour organometallic compound so far discovered is the vitamin
binding single-chain antibody fragments is summarised. B12 coenzyme, adenosyl cobalamine. Bio-organometallic
Where possible and appropriate, the in vitro and in vivo science is a recently emerging discipline of potential im-
results in respect of these examples are compared with portance for future directions in fields such as immunolo-
those obtained with classical 99mTc/188Re(V)- and 111In- gy, receptor research and assay development. In this fast-
labelled analogues. The preclinical results show the in growing area of interdisciplinary research, numerous
many ways superior characteristics of organometallic la- groups have recently reported remarkable progress.
belling techniques. Upon being confronted with the term “organometal-
lic”, even chemists will associate it with compounds
which are air and moisture sensitive and insoluble in wa-
ter. Contrary to common belief, organometallic com-
P. August Schubiger (✉) pounds indeed exhibit remarkable stability in aerobic,
Department of Applied Bioscience, ETH Zurich, aqueous solutions, offering a judicious choice of metals
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland and ligand systems. As a matter of fact, an increasing
e-mail: number of compounds containing organometallic cores
Tel.: +41-56-3102843, Fax: +41-56-3102849 are under consideration for medical use.

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

technetium and rhenium. The productivity in this field in

the past decade merits an overview of the progress and
future perspectives of this class of compounds in respect
to radiopharmaceutical and nuclear medical applications.

Prerequisites for application of organometallic


The discovery of a new class of radiopharmaceuticals

stands at the beginning of a long development process.
Several critical issues have to be addressed to satisfy the
clinical requirements. The preparation of such com-
Fig. 1. Structure of Tc-sestamibi (Cardiolite), the first clinically
pounds has to be simple, preferably in a kit formulation.
applied organometallic compound in nuclear medicine Furthermore, the synthesis has to be safe (conditions
which can be handled within a routine clinical environ-
ment) and rapid (several minute to a few hours, also de-
It is not only recently that nuclear medicine and ra- pending on the half-life of the radiometal), and should
diopharmacy have played a pioneering and leading role result in products of high radiochemical purity (≥90%).
in the development of clinically applicable, organometal- Therefore, the principal limitations are the following: (a)
lic drugs. One of the most widely used SPET imaging any preparation has to be performed in physiological me-
agents in routine nuclear medicine, technetium-99m ses- dia; (b) no purification of the final product should be
tamibi (Cardiolite, Fig 1), is a classical organometallic necessary; (c) the reaction time should be short. Scrutiny
compound. Originally developed as a myocardial perfu- of the chemical literature shows that these prerequisites
sion agent [1], it is nowadays also successfully applied obviously made the introduction and use of organometal-
for tumour imaging and the detection of multidrug resis- lics rather unattractive until recently.
tance [2, 3]. In fact, Cardiolite is the first example of an
organometallic complex routinely used in nuclear medi-
cine. The technetium- and rhenium-tricarbonyl core
Compared with the “first-generation” radiopharma-
ceuticals, the prerequisites for a novel, e.g. target-specif- During the past few years the emphasis of technetium-
ic, radiopharmaceutical are greater with respect to its bi- and rhenium-based agents has gradually been shifting
ological activity. The compound has to maintain as much from inorganic chemistry to biochemistry, focussing on
affinity and selectivity as possible for the selected target the nature of the biological group attached to the metal
but not for other organs and tissue. chelate. Many efforts have been undertaken to “hide” the
Since many of the interesting radionuclides and par- technetium core and to adapt it to the characteristics of
ticularly nuclides with potential therapeutic application the corresponding biomolecule. It has been hypothesised
are transition metals, there is a need for appropriate and that the smaller the technetium complex, the higher the
efficient labelling procedures for various biomolecules. likelihood that the biological activity will not be altered.
In this context, the “artificial” character of organometal- Stabilisation of the metal complex in vivo is another im-
lic transition metal compounds might create distinct ad- portant issue. It is well known that beside the thermody-
vantages compared with “natural” drugs, which are often namic stability of a complex, its kinetic stability or inert-
subject to unwanted rapid metabolism in vivo. Thus, or- ness is of equal, and sometime greater importance for an
ganometallic approaches might offer a valuable alterna- application in vivo.
tive to common labelling protocols. It is unlikely that significant improvements in the la-
In the chemical literature there is no sharp definition belling of biomolecules with technetium and rhenium
for organometallic compounds. Thus, beside “classical” can be expected with classical nitrogen/sulphur/phospho-
organometallics, transition metal complexes with or- rus-based ligand systems, because they have been op-
gano-phosphorus, -sulphur or -selenium chelates can timised during the past 20 years. Thus, further advances
also be regarded as organometallics. Applying this are more likely when novel ligand systems, such as
broader definition, many other, predominantly phospho- HYNIC or lower oxidation states, are explored.
rus- and sulphur-based complexes developed in radio- One of the most promising and developed organome-
pharmacy and used in nuclear medicine can be regarded tallic cores for labelling of biomolecules is the techne-
as organometallics. tium- and rhenium-tricarbonyl core. The metal centre is
For the sake of consistency and clarity, this review ar- in the low oxidation state +I and is therefore chemically
ticle will mainly focus on recent developments and the very inert. The M(CO)3 core (M = Tc, Re) is very com-
application of “classical” organometallic compounds of pact, with an almost spherical shape. If the octahedral

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

Fig. 2. Qualitative size comparison of the organometallic precur-

sor [Tc(H2O)3(CO)3]+ (left) and Tc-MAG3 (right) based on X-ray
analyses. Purple = technetium, red = oxygen, grey = carbon, blue
= nitrogen, yellow = sulphur. Hydrogen atoms are omitted

coordination sphere is “closed” with an appropriate li-

gand system, the metal centre will be efficiently protect-
ed against further ligand attack or re-oxidation. In con- Fig. 3. First kit for the preparation of [99mTc(H2O)3(CO)3]+ start-
trast, the “open” quadratic pyramidal structure of Tc(V)- ing from pertechnetate in saline [6]
oxo complexes with a tetradentate chelate is character-
ised by unprotected sides, which are prone to ligand at-
tack and protonation, which leads to decomposition of
the original complex. The corresponding Re(V) com-
plexes are even more affected by these characteristics.
This has to date possibly been the greatest hindrance to
extended therapeutic studies employing rhenium iso-
topes. Furthermore, a qualitative comparison of the tri-
carbonyl core with the widely employed complexes of
technetium and rhenium in the oxidation state +V, such
as Tc(V)-MAG3, reveals a significantly reduced size
(Fig. 2).
Schubiger’s group at PSI succeeded in developing a
normal pressure preparation and a fully aqueous-based
preparation of the precursor [M(H2O)3(CO)3]+ (M =
99mTc, 99Tc, Re) in high yields and with excellent (ra-
dio)chemical purity [4, 5]. The precursor can be obtained
by reduction and carbonylation of pertechnetate by inter-
action with borohydrides and atmospheric pressure of
carbon monoxide. This procedure circumvents the most
common starting materials for tricarbonyl compounds,
decacarbonyl and halopentacarbonyl. Although the pub-
lished preparation of [99mTc(H2O)3(CO)3]+, abbreviated
99mTcCO, was suitable for research purposes, it still re-
lied on toxic gaseous carbon monoxide. For a commer- Fig. 4. A Alberto’s method for preparation of organometallic tech-
cial radiopharmaceutical kit preparation this is the sub- netium-cyclopentadienyl-tricarbonyl derivatives in aqueous media
starting from pertechnetate [54]. B Wenzel’s method via double-li-
ject of some concern. The use of solid, stable and non-
gand-transfer reaction in organic media [9]
toxic potassium boranocarbonate, K2[H3BCO2], which
releases CO upon hydrolysis and can reduce Tc(VII) to
Tc(I) concomitantly, can be regarded as the ultimate [188Re(H2O)3(CO)3]+, which promises to be useful for
breakthrough permitting broader application of organo- future therapeutic applications, differs only slightly in
metallic precursors [6]. The kit will soon be made avail- terms of reducing agents and yields [7].
able for research purposes (Fig. 3). The recently optimi- Closely related to the M(CO)3 subgroup is the
sed preparation of the corresponding rhenium precursor cpM(CO)3 class of molecules, where cp stands for cyclo-

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002
Fig. 5. Examples of bidentate
and tridentate chelating sys-
tems for the functionalisation
of biomolecules for labelling
with the technetium- and rheni-
um-tricarbonyl core

pentadienyl. The cpM(CO)3 core is highly lipophilic, Ligand systems for the M(CO)3 core
making it particularly interesting for functionalisation of
steroids and drugs that have to pass the blood-brain bar- The M(CO)3 core was not designed as a “stand-alone”
rier. The fact that the cpM(CO)3 (M = Re) moiety can be radiopharmaceutical like, for example, Tc-sestamibi, but
coupled to biomolecules without affecting the binding as a precursor for simple labelling procedures and easier
affinities has been demonstrated [8]. The inherent advan- and more appropriate functionalisation of biomolecules.
tage of the cp ligand is the low molecular weight and the Consequently, various bifunctional ligand and chelating
stability of the resulting half-sandwich complex. The agents (BFCAs) have been designed and tested. The
first synthesis of functionalised cp derivatives and 99mTc three carbonyl and the three vacant coordination sides
was reported by Wenzel (Fig. 4B) [9]. 99mTcO4– was re- are facially arranged around the octahedral metal centre.
duced in presence of ferrocene derivatives and This has a favourable influence on the size and geometry
Mn(CO)5Br. Katzenellenbogen and co-workers have re- of the chelating units. The oxidation state +I allows the
cently presented a modification of this “double ligand application of a broad variety of donor and acceptor at-
transfer” (DLT) reaction [10, 11]. However, the harsh re- oms [12].
action conditions in organic media and the often poor In the search for appropriate mono-, bi- and tridentate
yields preclude practical application. An elegant, fully ligand systems, N-heterocycles such as imidazoles, pyri-
aqueous-based preparation of cp99mTc(CO)3 derivatives dines and pyrazoles, amides, carboxylic acids, thio-
was recently published by Alberto and co-workers ethers, thiols, phosphines and combinations thereof have
(Fig. 4A). The key step for the unique preparation in wa- proven to coordinate efficiently to the tricarbonyl core
ter is the introduction of electron-withdrawing substitu- (Fig. 5). Some of these functionalities also correspond to
ents, enabling deprotonation of the cp-ring at physiologi- side chains of amino acids and are, therefore, of particu-
cal pH. As a consequence, straightforward functionali- lar interest for labelling of peptides and proteins. Egli et
sation of biomolecules as well as labelling with the al. have investigated the ability of amino acids and ami-
99mTc(CO) core under reasonable conditions and with no acid fragments to react with the 99mTc-tricarbonyl
satisfactory yields could be achieved for the first time. core [13]. The most important finding was that histidine
reacts quantitatively with the organometallic precursor at
concentrations as low as 10–6 M at 75°C. The extraordi-
narily high capacity of imidazole to build and stabilise

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

hydrogen bonds is the major reason for this characteris-

The low oxidation state of the technetium and rheni-
um centre also allows the use of “exotic” ligand systems
such as isonitriles (as in the case of, for instance, MIBI)
or cyclopentadienes. Particularly the cps are of great im-
portance, since they represent the one of the smallest
“tridentate” chelates for the tricarbonyl core.
The high flexibility of the M(CO)3 core regarding ap-
propriate ligands and consequently the simple function-
alisation of biomolecules with mono- and bidentate che-
lating systems is convincing and tempting from a chemi-
cal point of view. However, pharmacokinetic experi-
ments have unveiled some characteristics and limitations
regarding the minimal denticity of the chelate for opti-
mal clearance rates and stability of model complexes in
vivo [14]. It has been observed that 99mTc-tricarbonyl
complexes which are coordinated with a tridentate che-
lating system reveal good stability when challenged in
human plasma and with excess cysteine, histidine or glu-
tathione. These complexes have also shown very good
clearance from the blood pool and all tissue and organs
Fig. 6. Biodistribution of two examples of tridentate and two ex- when tested in BALB/c mice (Fig. 6). In contrast, com-
amples of bidentate coordinated 99mTc-tricarbonyl complexes in plexes which are only coordinated in a bidentate fashion
BALB/c mice, 24 h p.i.
show significant aggregation with plasma proteins in vit-
ro and in vivo. They are significantly retained in the
blood and in the organs of excretion, such as the liver

Table 1. Selected examples of novel technetium/rhenium-tricarbonyl labelled compounds for potential radiopharmaceutical application

Biomolecule/ligand Target/potential application Ref.

1. Small molecules (<1,000 Da)

Biotin Avidinylated mAb/tumour pre-targeting [17]
Glucose Tumours [18, 19]
Oestrogen Oestrogen receptor/breast cancer [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]
Progesterone Progesterone receptor/breast cancer [27]
Tamoxifen Oestrogen receptors/breast cancer [20]
WAY 100635 Serotonergic system [53]
Piperidine derivatives Sigma receptors on tumours [28, 29, 30]
Haloperidol Dopamine D2 receptors [9]
Tropane Dopamine receptors [9, 31, 32]
Benzazepine Dopamine D1 receptors [33]
MIBI Multidrug resistance/renal imaging [34, 35]
Etomidate Adrenal cortex/adrenal cortical tumours [36]

2. Medium size molecules (1,000<Da<15,000)

Somatostatin Somatostatin receptors [37, 38]
Neurotensin Neurotensin receptors [39, 40, 41]
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) NPY receptors [42]
Bombesin Bombesin receptors/small-cell lung cancer [43]
Bitisatin Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor/thrombus imaging [44]

3. Large molecules (>15,000 Da)

ScFvs Colon cancer/bladder cancer [45, 46]
Surfactant protein B Acute respiratory distress syndrome [47]
MAb Bladder cancer [48]

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

and the kidneys. The overall charge and the lipophilicity

of the complexes seem to play only a subordinate role in
these effects, to which several factors may contribute.
Among these, the major one may be the fact that tricar-
bonyl complexes with bidentate ligands still have a va-
cant coordination side, occupied by a substitution labile
water molecule or chloride [15, 16]. Complexation of
functional groups of plasma proteins via this coordina-
tion side can explain the prolonged retention in the blood
pool and (consequently) in all organs and tissue. Further
investigations are necessary to confirm this assumption
and to reveal the exact mechanism in vivo. Therefore, al-
though the synthetic complexity may be greater, it seems
more favourable to functionalise biomolecules with tri-
dentate chelates as this will yield a better pharmacoki-
netic behaviour.

Radiopharmaceutical application of organometallic

compounds of technetium and rhenium

The number of potential applications of tricarbonyl tech-

nology which are currently being exploited is remarkable
(Table 1). The advantages of the tricarbonyl moiety are
valuable for the labelling of both small biomolecules
(<1,000 Da) and large proteins (>15,000 Da). Fig. 7. Organometallic derivatives of tropane for the DAT (A) and
ligands for the serotonergic system (B) and their affinity for the
targeted receptor subtype
Examples of small molecules labelled
with Tc/Re-tricarbonyl
system does not overcome the problem of stereoisomer
A particular challenge for the new generation of radio- formation, it is promising because of the straightfor-
pharmaceuticals is the labelling of small receptor-target- ward functionalisation strategy via an ester group, the
ing molecules with 99mTc. Especially neuroreceptor-tar- small size and the high lipophilicity of the complex.
geting molecules have been the subject of extensive in- The rhenium complex is less polar than Tc(V)-oxo mol-
vestigation in recent years [49]. The feasibility and high ecules and revealed a tenfold enhanced affinity towards
potential of such radiopharmaceuticals was demonstrated monoamine transporters compared with native β-CFT
by 99mTc-TRODAT-1, a tropane analogue [50, 51]. A or "3+1” complexes derived from IPT [52]. IC50 values
balanced lipophilicity and a low molecular weight are for the analogue are 7.3±1.1 nM for NET (β-CFT,
prerequisites of such compounds. A crucial point for all 834±45 nM) and 71±1.4 nM for 5HTT (β-CFT,
receptor-based radiopharmaceuticals is high specific ac- 759±47 nM). The high affinity was explained by an en-
tivity, necessary in order to avoid receptor saturation and hanced lipophilic interaction of the organometallic core
unwanted pharmacological side-effects. with the transporter.
These requirements are often hard to meet with In related efforts, Katzenellenbogen and co-workers
Tc(V) labelling techniques. Furthermore, most of the have recently investigated the potential use of η5-cyclo-
tetradentate ligand systems produce syn/anti-stereoiso- pentadienyltricarbonyl rhenium and technetium deriva-
mers, which can differ significantly in their biological tives of tropane for DAT imaging [31]. Functionalisat-
characteristics, particularly in the case of small mole- ion of the tropane analogues was accomplished via N-
cules. The high labelling efficiency of the tricarbonyl 8-alkylation of nortropane or substitution at the para
core, the small overall size and the organometallic position of the 3β-phenyl group (Fig. 7A). The double
character offer valuable means of overcoming existing ligand transfer reaction was applied to insert the metal-
hurdles. TROTEC-1 (Fig. 7A) represents the first ex- tricarbonyl core. A strong dependence of the affinities
ample of a tropane derivative (β-CFT) with exception- for all three monoamine transporters (DA, 5-HT and
ally high affinity in vitro to cloned human DAT, func- NE) on the position of functionalisation could be dem-
tionalised with a thioether/carbonyl moiety [32]. Func- onstrated. The N-8-substituted tropanes showed affini-
tionalisation of the tropane ring was accomplished with ties in the low nanomolar range, whereas the 3β-substi-
a 4,7-dithiaoctaonic acid at position 2-β. While this tuted systems had negligible affinities. These results

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

RU5020 =100%) of organometallic oestradiol deriva-

tives were found to be only slightly lower (15%–23%
RBA at 25°C) than those of “3+1” and “4+1” complexes
of rhenium(III/V) (9%–45% RBA at 25°C) [59]. The dif-
ferences in RBA can partially be explained by the higher
logPo/w values measured for the organometallic deriva-
tives. RBA was also found to depend on the nature of the
spacer between the metal chelate and the steroid moiety.
Similar observations and tendencies have been reported
for the progestin complexes [27]. For both examples, the
organometallic cyclopentadienyl-tricarbonyl systems
were superior to the dithioether-tricarbonyl systems in
terms of RBA for the corresponding receptors. This
might be attributed to the diastereomeric nature of the di-
Fig. 8. Organometallic derivatives of oestradiol (A) and progester-
thioether complexes and the presence of bulky bromine
one (B) and the relative binding affinity compared with native oes-
tradiol and RU5020
atoms in the metal coordination sphere. Synthesis of the
corresponding 99mTc analogues and biodistribution stud-
ies will help to clarify the usefulness of these systems as
are in agreement with observations that the effect of effective imaging agents for PR- and ER-positive breast
substituents at the para position of 3β-phenyl cannot be cancer.
predicted with our current knowledge and is not direct-
ly related to the introduction of the organometallic la-
bel. Examples of peptides labelled with Tc/Re-tricarbonyl
Arylpiperazine is among the most thoroughly studied
CNS ligands for the 5-HT1A subclass of serotonergic re- The most advanced branch where tricarbonyl technology
ceptor. 1-(2-Methoxyphenyl)-piperazine, a truncated de- is extensively tested and applied is in combination with
rivative of WAY 100635, has been functionalised with tumour affine peptides. Tricarbonyl technology can be
cyclopentadien and bidentate Schiff-base chelates, en- beneficial in several respects:
abling labelling with 99mTcCO with specific activities of
up to 30 GBq/µmol (Fig. 7B) [53]. The Schiff base com- 1. The labelling efficiency gives rise to high specific ac-
plex revealed an IC50 value of 5±2 nM for the 5-HT1A re- tivities.
ceptor. For 5-HT2A, dopamine D2 receptors and 5-HT 2. Purification of the labelled peptides is not usually
and D transporters, the IC50 values were in the micromo- necessary.
lar range. Thus, the biological affinity and selectivity of 3. The convenient functionalisation strategy for peptides
the native compound could be preserved in the organo- (applicable on a solid-phase synthesiser) is a further
metallic derivatives. The complexes are stable in physio- advantage.
logical phosphate buffer for at least 24 h at 37°C. For the
preparation of the cp-arylpiperazine derivative in yields In general, small hydrophilic peptides distribute uni-
>95%, a one-pot, single-step synthesis was described, formly and penetrate readily in tissue and clear efficient-
starting directly from aqueous [99mTcO4]– [54]. This can ly from the circulation. Radiolabelling can result in im-
be regarded as significant progress towards routine ap- portant changes in hydrophilicity and charge, with con-
plication of the tricarbonyl technology, and of the cp-li- sequences for biodistribution and tissue kinetics. A “neu-
gand system in particular. tral” and “innocent” labelling method is therefore of
Metal carbonyl complexes of steroids have been the great importance.
subject of intensive investigation for some time. Jaouen Somatostatin analogues such as octreotide are among
and co-workers have exploited their use as a “cold” bio- the most successful and thoroughly studied compounds
logical probe for immunological assays, called CIMA for systemic radiotherapy and diagnosis. 111In-DTPA-D-
(carbonyl metal immuno-assay) [55, 56, 57, 58]. This Phe1-octreotide is clinically established and represents a
group and others have recognised at a very early stage benchmark for any further development of peptide-based
the potential of this class of compounds for the diagnosis radiopharmaceuticals. Apart from HYNIC-functionalised
and therapy of steroid receptor-positive breast cancer [8, octreotide analogues [60, 61], the 99mTc-99m labelling of
9, 22, 23]. The groups of Johannsen and Katzenellenb- octreotide has met with rather limited success to date
ogen have synthesised various 17β-progesterone and 7α- owing to the difficulties with disulphide bond reduction
oestradiol dithioether and cyclopentadien complexes of in the presence of stannous chloride in direct as well as
rhenium(I)-tricarbonyl (Fig. 8). The bioconjugates were indirect labelling approaches. Since Tc/Re-tricarbonyl
tested in vitro for binding affinity towards PgR and EgR. does not react with the disulphide bridges, the advantage
The relative binding affinities (RBA; oestradiol =100%; of employing this technology is evident. 0Tyr3octreotate

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002
Fig. 9. Octreotate derivatives
functionalised for labelling
with 99mTcCO. Potential metal-
coordinating groups are la-
belled in bold

Fig. 10. Gamma-camera images of A [99mTc(CO)3-Nα-Ac- tivity in the cells was much higher in the case of the
His-0Tyr3octreotate]0, B [99mTc(CO)3-His-0Tyr3octreotate]+ and multiple anionic charged complexes (60.1%±4.6% reten-
C [99mTc(CO)3-DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate]3– compared with D [111In- tion for [99mTc(CO)3-DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate]3– vs 17.9%±
DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate]– in male Lewis rats bearing CA20948 3.4% retention for [99mTc(CO)3-Nα-Ac-His-0Tyr3octreo-
pancreatic tumours, 4 h p.i. B, Bladder; K, kidneys; L, liver; T,
tate]0, after 16 h at 37°C). Biodistribution experiments
were performed in male Lewis rats bearing CA20948
pancreatic tumours. Specific uptake could be detected in
all somatostatin receptor-positive tissues. It could be
analogues functionalised with various BFCAs have been shown that more negative charged BFCAs provide a
tested for labelling with 99mTcCO (Fig. 9) [38]. The slightly greater tumour retention and predominantly uri-
BFCAs gave rise to complexes of different overall nary excretion. Yet, [99mTc(CO)3-Nα-Ac-His-0Tyr3oct-
charge (+1 to –3). Aromatic BFCAs such as histidine reotate]0 showed excellent tumour-to-blood ratios of
(bidentate chelate) and Nα-Ac-His (tridentate chelate) 16:1 30 min p.i. and 33:1 4 h p.i (Table 2). These data
gave rise to very high specific activities of 110 GBq/µmol are comparable with those published for 99mTc-HYNIC-
and 220 GBq/µmol, respectively, whereas the aliphatic 0Tyr3octreotate and other high-affinity somatostatin re-
tri- and multidentate BFCAs produced specific activities ceptor binding peptides such as 99mTc-P587 and 99mTc-
of 10–20 GBq/µmol. In vitro binding studies of the dif- P829 [60, 61, 62]. A tendency towards better in vivo
ferent 99mTc-tricarbonyl labelled octreotide analogues properties was observed if the peptide had been function-
with AR42 cells revealed significant differences in fa- alised with multidentate or tridentate instead of histidine
vour of the neutral complexes (29.9%±2.4% binding for (bidentate chelate) only. This observation is a direct re-
[99mTc(CO)3-Nα-Ac-His-0Tyr3octreotate]0 vs 7.2%±0.6% flection of the clearance characteristics of tridentate and
binding for [99mTc(CO)3-DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate]3–, after bidentate coordinated 99mTcCO model complexes men-
4 h at 37°C). On the other hand, the retention of the ac- tioned earlier.

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

In comparison with 111In-DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate,

Table 2. Comparative biodistribution (% ID/g)of various 0Tyr3octreotate derivatives functionalised for labelling with 99mTc-tricarbonyl and 111In-DTPA-0Tyr3octreotate in male Lewis
[99mTc(CO)3-His-0Tyr3octreotate]+, [99mTc(CO)3-Nα-Ac-



His-0Tyr3octreotate]0 and [99mTc(CO)3-DTPA-0Tyr3oct-

reotate]3– provided good images of the 99mTc-labelled


compound except in the case of [99mTc(CO)3-

His-0Tyr3octreotate]+ after 4 h p.i. (Fig. 10).



Neurotensin analogues [NT(8–13)] targeting recep-
60 min

tors expressed on a variety of carcinomas [63] have been


labelled with 99mTcCO. Eleven NT(8–13) analogues
were functionalised at the N-terminus with an Nα-Ac

histidine or a histidine similar to 0Tyr3octreotate [13, 64].

The almost quantitative formation of uniform and stable


products was observed at ligand concentrations of 10–5
to 5×10–5 M at 75°C. Unspecific labelling through other
30 min

side chains of the peptides was not observed. Although


the organometallic core is virtually incorporated in the

peptide, it does not reduce the binding affinity of the

peptide. The KD values of the corresponding labelled


peptides varied between 0.2 nM and 3 nM [native pep-


tide NT(8–13): KD=1 nM] [39, 40, 41]. A phase I clinical


study has been launched with 99mTcCO-labelled NT de-



30 min

In the case of other receptor-avid peptides and pro-


teins which express an endogenous histidine, such as


bombesin or neuropeptide Y, the pronounced avidity of

the tricarbonyl core for histidine can create problems

with unspecific binding. Pre-labelling procedures can be


used to circumvent these problems but this procedure is


cumbersome [42]. Garcia-Garayoa et al. could show that

site-directed post-labelling of bombesin with 99mTcCO is


30 min

possible by introduction of an Nα-Ac-histidine (triden-



tate chelator) at the N-terminus of the peptide [43]. As a


result, a single, stable species was formed and unspecific

rats bearing CA20948 pancreatic tumours. For structure of BFCAs see Fig. 9

labelling was negligible.




Examples of large proteins labelled


with Tc/Re-tricarbonyl
30 min


Single-chain antibody fragments (scFvs) have the poten-

tial for tumour targeting, since they yield high tumour-

to-background ratios at early time points. As scFvs be-



come available from combinatorial libraries, a general,



efficient and straightforward radiolabelling method


would be desirable to exploit this technology. Unfortu-


30 min

nately, there has been no convenient 99mTc labelling


technique for scFvs. Conventional labelling strategies re-


ly on the presence of free sulphuryl groups (via cys-

teine), which have to be introduced chemically or geneti-
cally. The free cysteines present a problem for routine

production and storage owing to interference with disul-

phide bridges of the scFvs, which favours misfolding of
Time p.i./tissue

the protein. Other procedures use reduced disulphide


bridges for “direct labelling” of the protein. As a result


the biological activity is often lost.


The group at the Paul Scherrer Institute and

Plückthun et al. have successfully developed a standard

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

Table 3. Biological activities of

various scFvs after 99mTcCO la- ScFv Antigen Method Activity
MOC31 EGP2 Cell binding 90%
4D5 c-erbB2 Cell binding 87%
M603-H11 Phosphorylcholine Affinity column 97%
FITC-E2 FITC-albumin Gel shift 87%
M12 Mucin 44-mer peptide, Dynabeads 57%

Fig. 11. Section of a computer-

generated model of a protein
labelled with technetium-tricar-
bonyl via His4 and His2 of a 5-

gant because the His-tag is genetically expressed for

ease of purification of the protein on a nickel affinity
column. Mixing of the scFvs together with 99mTcCO in
buffer at 37°C for 15 min results in >90% incorporation
of the total activity (Fig. 12). No protein aggregation
could be detected as determined by size-exclusion chro-
matography. With this gentle procedure specific activi-
ties of up to 3.3 GBq/mg protein could be achieved.
Displacement experiments in the presence of 100-fold
excess of free histidine resulted in only minor dissocia-
tion of activity from the labelled scFvs, which proved
the site specificity and stability of the His-tag labelling.
ScFvs bearing no His-tag showed only minor incorpo-
ration of the radioactivity (16% incorporation of initial
activity). If the protein had endogenous histidines, less
than 25% of initial activity was incorporated. These da-
ta show that labelling occurs predominantly through the
Fig. 12. Incorporation of 99mTcCO into scFvs with a 5-His-tag His-tag. Further experiments showed that three histi-
◆ ), with endogenous histidine (●) and with no histidine (■) in
(◆ dines in a row are sufficient for stable incorporation of
buffer at 37°C. After 60 min the labelled protein was challenged with 99mTcCO. The in vitro immunoreactivity of a series of
a 100-fold excess of free histidine. Only 1.5% of initial radioactivity seven different labelled scFvs ranged from 57% to 97%
was released in case of the 5-His-tagged scFvs, compared with 29% (Table 3). The in vivo stability of labelled scFvs was
in the case of scFvs without histidine in the protein sequence
tested with an anti erbB2/Her2 scFv 4D5 in tumour-
bearing nu/nu mice. Analysis of the whole-mouse sera
labelling protocol employing the 99mTcCO precursor for after 1 h revealed that 75% of the injected activity was
scFvs and “mini-antibodies” (bi- and trivalent con- still migrating with the intact scFvs, whereas the rest of
structs of scFvs) carrying an N- or a C-terminal His-tag the activity was bound to albumin and high-molecular-
(Fig. 11) [45, 46, 65]. The method is particularly ele- weight proteins. The tumour localisation was 1.4%

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002

i.d./g 24 h post injection, giving rise to tumour/blood as a surrogate for 123I-hippuran [68] (97Ru: γ, 216 keV,
ratios of approximately 9. Elevated renal uptake and t1/2=2.9 days; 103Ru: γ, 763 keV, t1/2=39.4 days). The ab-
prolonged retention were detected (108.6%±21.7% sence of β-emission, the suitable γ-energy and the longer
i.d./g), which presumably represents an inherent clear- half-life of the ruthenium isotopes compared with io-
ance property of scFvs. The reason why radioiodinated dine-123 make them attractive. The renal clearance rate
scFvs do not show such high renal retention of radioac- of the organometallic derivatives has been compared
tivity is the efficient enzymatic dehalogenation in vivo. with that of 125I-hippuran in rabbits. A similar renal and
Waibel et al. have recently shown that lowering the iso- plasma clearance pattern was found for 103Ru-ruppuran
electric point of the protein, by means of succinylation and 125I-hippuran. Within the first 20 min p.i., 103Ru-
of the lysine side-chain and co-administration of excess ruppuran was eliminated more rapidly than 123I-hipp-
L-lysine, can significantly reduce the high renal uptake uran, while after 20 min p.i. 125I-hippuran cleared better.
of technetium-tricarbonyl labelled scFvs by a factor of This tendency was similar for the plasma clearance. The
approximately 2 [66]. authors claim that the absorbed dose in the bladder and
Murray et al. have performed an interesting compara- the kidneys would be slightly lower for 97Ru-ruppuran
tive study of reduction-mediated and 188ReCO direct la- than for conventional 123I-hippuran.
belling of anti-MUC1 antibodies in vitro [48]. MUC1
mucin is up-regulated and abnormally glycosylated in
bladder cancer and is a promising target for intravesical Conclusion
radioimmunotherapy. The preliminary results clearly re-
vealed better retention of immunoreactivity of the It is apparent that organometallic compounds are a valu-
188ReCO-labelled mAb (80% at 48 h post labelling) able and serious alternative to state of the art labelling
compared with the 2-mercaptoethanol-reduced and techniques. The encouraging results of preclinical and
Re(V)-labelled mAb (<20% at 48 h post labelling). This clinical studies with organometallic labelled, tumour
suggests that the carbonyl labelling methodology may be affine peptides and scFv fragments form the basis for
more appropriate for intravesical radioimmunotherapy further investigations. The potential for use of organo-
using 188Re. metallic labelling techniques in nuclear medicine will
Certainly more efforts are required to improve the bi- also depend on the therapeutic success of organometallic
ological characteristics of Tc/ReCO-labelled antibodies compounds and the availability of appropriate radionucl-
and scFvs in order to permit routine clinical and eventu- ides. In the future, chemists and radiopharmacists will be
ally therapeutic application. However, the stability and equally challenged to exploit the aqueous organometallic
efficiency of this gentle labelling technique for scFvs chemistry of potential radionuclides to develop novel
and antibodies is a decisive advantage. techniques and compounds for diagnostic and therapeu-
tic application.

Miscellaneous examples of organometallic Acknowledgements. We thank Mary Dyszlewski, Robert Waibel,

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European Journal of Nuclear Medicine Vol. 29, No. 11, November 2002


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