Exploring Sound Worksheet

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Exploring Sound worksheet (U5, LO1: AC 1.


*Remember to use CMD+K to add links to the definition text you put in the boxes below*

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly Research section calling it EXPLORING
SOUND. You will be required to answer a series of questions in order to pass. They are in RED on this document. You can answer
these questions using examples from TV, film, animation or gaming but will need to provide links so make sure you can do this
when choosing them!

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/6: Diegesis and Non-Diegesis

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
Diegesis is a style of Diegesis is a style of storytelling https://youtu.be/osVwx5qGvvQ
storytelling which presents where the characters and the
an interior view of a world world are told through the diegesis is any sound in a film or tv show
in which details about the narrative. For example, a world itself. This example is a speech
Diegesis world itself and the character’s speech is diegetic. from SpongeBob movie this is diegesis
experiences of its character as it is dialogue which is heard in the
are revealed explicitly world itself.
through narrative.
definition link
Non-diegetic sound is any Non diegetic sound is sound that https://youtu.be/mxVLkYhlykQ
type of sound that does not the characters in the world can’t
Non- specifically exist within the hear but we can. This example is non- diegesis as the song
Diegesis world of the film itself. used is only for the audience to hear the
characters themselves can’t hear it.

Task 2/6: Background Music

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both soundtrack music and score music. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
A track used in a film, A soundtrack is music used in a
animation or tv show that film, Animation or tv show that https://youtu.be/gQa8bAtZkiY
carries the sound record. was specifically recorded,
Soundtrack definition link written or chosen for the film, tv
Soundtrack show or animation. This soundtrack example is from the
greatest showman. The songs on the
soundtrack were written and performed
specifically for the film.

Score is a written form of a A score is a musical https://youtu.be/_D0ZQPqeJkk

musical composition. composition that is specifically
score definition link written for a film, tv show or this example is the Star Wars theme tune
Score animation. A score is mainly it is a score that was written and
just instruments and contains composed specifically for the film.
little to no lyrics.

Task 3/6: Ambience

You are required to give…
 An existing definition of ambient sound. Say where you got it from.
 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
Ambient sound is audio that Ambient sound is any 1. https://youtu.be/6bPN0JyGfA4
refers to the background background audio in a movie, ambient sound of rain falling onto a
noise present at a given animation or tv show these can window.
scene or location. This can be sounds in the surroundings. 2. https://youtu.be/ipf7ifVSeDU
include noises such as rain, ambient sound of surroundings in a
Ambient traffic, or birds. meadow.
Sound ambient sound definition
3. https://youtu.be/fh3EdeGNKus
ambient sound of traffic on a
highway at night.

Task 4/6: Foley

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of foley sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of each this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
Foley is a unique sound Foley sound is everyday sound 1. https://youtu.be/jMjHzn6rT_s
effect technique that used in films, tv show or this is an example of foley
involves creating and animations. For example, doors sound of a shoe squeaking on
performing everyday sounds opening, glass breaking and the floor.
for movies and television footsteps.
2. https://youtu.be/Dc1cN7FE-pk
Foley this foley sound example is of
Sound glass smashing.

3. https://youtu.be/3Ec5gRPowuQ
this foley sound is of water

Task 5/6: Recording apparatus

You are required to list as many ways as possible that you could personally record sound for your work. Think about
hardware and software, so for example if you want to use your phone, talk about what type it is and as a result what
software or app you may choose. Talk about other methods you may be able to use, perhaps equipment which can be
booked from the college?

Name/type of hardware/software Advantage Disadvantage

H/ware microphone -allows freedom of movement -can take up a lot of memory on the
1: -picks up the audio being said computer
-high quality -would have to book out so have a
certain amount of time to record the
-can pick up unwanted sounds
-doesn’t work well for audio that is
not a voice
-able to stop and restart the -can only record voice audio
audio without having to make a -have to be close to the recorder
new file can’t move around
Dictaphone (voice recorder) -able to insert additional
-can erase recordings that are
-easy to set up and transfer files -not as high quality as microphones
to the macs -picks up a lot of unwanted
S/ware -records any audio background noise.
Voice memos -can use wherever and

-able to multiply audio tracks -can take up storage

and sync different audios -only on iphone
S/ware together
Apple garage band
2: -high quality

Task 6/6: Handling noise and other unwanted sounds (usually WIND)
You are required to give…

 Existing definitions of handling noise, distortion/clipping and gain as they relate to audio recording, microphone use,
etc. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite the definitions in your own words to show you understand what they mean.

Existing Definition with

Name Your understanding of cause Example with link
Handling noise refers to Handling noise is unwanted
any undesired noise that noise created by the https://youtu.be/sJlpoQnlrw0
comes from a cable or movement of a microphone
microphone when being or cable.
Handling noise moved or handled.
handling noise definition

Clipping is a form of Clipping is a form of

waveform distortion that distortion which happens https://youtu.be/W4D6BuqL4z8
occurs when an amplifier when an amplifier is
is overdriven and attempts overdriven or lacks power.
to deliver an output
Distortion/clipping voltage or current beyond
its maximum capacity.
definition link

Gain in audio is the Gain is the amplification that

amount of amplification is applied to audio to increase https://youtu.be/pm4MKg6oldI
applied to signal by any its strength between the input
Gain process that increases its and the output.
gain definition link

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