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Reading 2 – Practice test 1

Chapter 1 – Let’s see what you can do

If you have spent any time at all in school, you're probably quite familiar with academic paper-and-pencil
tests. You walk into the classroom, tired after staying up late to memorize information and nervous because
the test is your only opportunity to prove to your teacher that you have learned the course material and
deserve a good grade.

Some educators, however, believe that these traditional tests are of limited value since they primarily require
students to just remember information. (a) Another type of testing, sometimes called "authentic assessment,"
evaluates students' ability to use what they have learned in class.

Authentic assessment--authentic because it tests real-world skills--is really nothing new. To get a driver's
license, people have to get behind the wheel and actually drive a car while a driving instructor takes notes on
how well they handle the car and obey traffic laws. Musicians are also familiar with authentic assessment
since they must audition in order to be admitted to many music schools and then give recitals to demonstrate
their musical proficiency to the public. (b)

Projects are another type of authentic assessment. Engineering students, for example, might be asked to
design two boats--one that will float, as boats should, and one that will sink. The students need to create
drawings of the two boats, make a list of the materials they will use, and then actually build the two boats.
(c)The final step is to place the boats in the water, which is when the students (and their instructors) evaluate
their designs and predictions. The advantage of a project like this is that students can demonstrate a wide
variety of skills by applying their knowledge to the type of task they will one day perform in the real world.

Interviews can also be a form of authentic assessment. In an interview, the instructor will talk with students
individually and ask them to solve some type of problem. (d) For example, in an English language class,
students might be asked what advice they would give to someone who has very noisy neighbors. In order to
answer, students must think about the situation, decide which grammatical forms could be used to express
their ideas, and then explain their ideas using pronunciation that the instructor can understand. Instead of
filling in blanks in existing sentences, in an interview students must do what people usually do with language-
-talk about something!
1. The word MEMORIZE in the first paragraph means
a. read. b. write. c. remember. d. analyze.
2. The phrase REAL-WORLD SKILLS in paragraph 3 means
a. academic performance. b. geography tests.
c. acting ability. d. practical ability.
3. According to the passage,
a. traditional testing is best.
b. authentic assessment is a good way to test what students have memorized.
c. authentic assessment tests practical ability.
d. traditional testing tests practical ability.
4. According to the passage,
a. testing a student's memory is a good way to test his knowledge.
b. the best way to test a musician's ability is by using a written test.
c. projects are not an effective testing method.
d. interviews are a good way to test a student's ability to use a language.
5. Which of these inferences can be made from the information in the passage?
a. The speaker approves of moves to change the testing system.
b. Everyone is happy with traditional tests.

Miss Nguyễn Hoài Linh – HUFLIT Lecturer – 0979189549 1

c. All schools now use authentic assessment.
d. The speaker thinks interviews are a poor way to test students' language skills.
6. Which of these is NOT mentioned in the passage as something that can be assessed authentically?
a. Engineering b. Acting c. Driving d. Languages
7. The word PROFICIENCY in the third paragraph means
a. knowledge. b. ability. c. instruments. d. academic level.
8. What is an advantage of the projects mentioned in the passage?
a. They test only mental ability.
b. They aren't real assessments.
c. They are easy to perform and grade.
d. They allow students to apply what they have learned to tasks that are useful.
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of authentic assessment?
a. A student must complete 10 math problems in five minutes.
b. A student must choose the best way to invest $1,000.
c. A student must develop a business plan for a new product.
d. A student must create a monthly personal budget.
10. Circle the letter (a,b, c, or d) in the passage which indicates the best place to add the following sentence:
“They are looking to reform the testing system.”


Chapter 2 – Testing alternatives

A What is a realistic way to evaluate students' knowledge of a subject? One way is traditional testing--having
students sit in a classroom and answer questions without looking at their study materials. What if there were
a better way?

B Standardized testing may not be the best way to measure student learning. This type of testing is normally
used to advise decision-makers about learning on a group level. Studies show, however, that individual
assessment using alternative means is a more successful way to measure learning. Varied forms of testing,
such as take-home essays, projects, and classroom discussions, may be a better reflection of the knowledge
that students have gained in class.

C Many teachers believe that the best way to find out if students have learned a subject thoroughly is to let
them go home, look at their materials, and write comprehensive essays. These educators believe that writing
essays allows students to synthesize the material they have learned during a course and shows the teacher that
they have the ability to turn many facts into a cohesive whole. Creating a comprehensive essay from a
semester's worth of study exploits higher-level problem-solving skills, encourages deeper reflection, and has
more real-world relevance than memorizing facts and reproducing them in a classroom test.

D A similar way to assess student learning is through a take-home project. Projects can show a teacher how
students can work in a group, plan and execute an idea from start to finish, and integrate knowledge from a
whole semester. Looking at how students behave in leadership roles, or as team members, allows teachers to
evaluate how they will perform in a job.

E Many teachers judge how well students are learning by holding class discussions. Students are evaluated on
their ability to raise intelligent questions and debate the material thoroughly with their fellow classmates,
allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the material. In this way, students are required to build
on each other's knowledge and talk about subjects in much more detail than is ordinarily asked for on a
traditional classroom test.

Miss Nguyễn Hoài Linh – HUFLIT Lecturer – 0979189549 2

F Educators who promote alternative testing believe that they have better ways to evaluate student
performance. Realistic evaluation is important for teachers who want to know how well their instruction is
working. After all, the purpose of assessment is to make sure students are truly learning.

11-13 Complete each sentence with the correct ending from the box below, according to the passage.

A. think more deeply.

B. to ensure students are really learning
C. available in a few years from now.
D. to record exam results.
E. the best way to measure learning.

(11) Standardized testing may not be... _____

(12) Class discussions allow students... _____
(13) The purpose of assessment is... _____

14-17 The paragraphs are labeled A-F. Which paragraph contains the following information:

(14) How projects can help students develop ___________

(15) Realistic evaluation ___________
(16) The beneficial effects of essay writing ___________
(17) How class discussion can help ___________

18-20 Complete the summary below with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage

Traditional tests have students answer questions (18)____________________ at their notes. However,
many teachers believe students should be tested using (19)____________________. This includes
essay writing at home, projects where students' ability to work (20)____________________ can be
assessed and class discussions which allow students to build their knowledge.

Miss Nguyễn Hoài Linh – HUFLIT Lecturer – 0979189549 3

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