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Book Review
Book Name: Authors Name: Year of Publication: Total Pages: Price: Place of Publication: Published By: SIKANDER HAYAT KHAN (1892-1942) A POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY Iftikhar Haider Malik 1985 211 Rs. 85.00 Islamabad National Institute of Historical Research and Cultural Research. This book have eight chapters, each chapter is comprehensive in its account. The author explain each and every moment of Sir Sikandar`s life in detail and with the comments of other historians. First chapter Family and early life of the present study provide the background of Sikandar Hayat Khans family and their services in British Rule, and the detail of the District Campbellpur of Punjab which is now known as Attock. This chapter is basically an introduction of Sikandar Hayat Khans early life, his education and all the political activities of his family members, including his grandfather, father and his elder brother. Last pages of this chapter are about the early political activities of Sikandar Hayat and his active role in the Ghadr Party, and his business activities in different companies i.e. Wah Tea Estate, Amritsar Patti, Kasur Railway Company, Peoples Bank of Northern India, Silakot Narowal Railway Company, Mining Syndicate, Messrs Owen Roberts, Punjab Sugar Corporation Ltd, Taj Company. Second chapter The Punjab in Retrospect highlighted the history of Punjab. The author discusses in this chapter the rich civilization of Punjab in the words that the Punjab is the cradle of the Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world. He discussed the region historically, culturally and socially. Besides that the history of Sikh rule has been discussed in detail. The author also pointed out the changing patrons of history, the role of press in the twentieth century, with special reference of First World War, and mentioned the contributions of Punjabis and their distinctions. Sub-continent has rich

political history, which has been discussed in this with special reference of Gandhis role and the incidents of Jallianwala Bagh 1919, Rowlett act and Khilafat Movement in the province. Last part of the chapter highlighted the political activities and contribution of different political leaders of Punjab including Mian Fazal-i-Hussain, Taj-ud-Din, Malik Barkat Ali, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan, Ghazanfar Ali Khan and Hasrat Mohani. Third chapter Sikandar Hayat and the Unionists deals with the formation of Unionist Part, aim of Unionist Party. Sikandar`s role in regional and provincial level, and his aptitude towards the politics. Sikandar was a very active member of Unionist Party. He had the ability to lead. At the same time he played as important role in politics, and he served the Government in different positions. Due to his performances he was finally appointed as the Head of Unionist Party, after the death of Sir Fazal-i-Hussain in 1937. Fourth chapter Sikandar Hayat and the Punjab focused all the activity of Sikandar Hayat since 1920, in Punjab. Sikandar played an effective role in the political history of Punjab, before and after his premiership. He faced many problems but deals with all those bravely. Sikandar Hayat proved him self as an enthusiastic and versatile leader of the Punjab, either in regional or national politics. In this chapter the author also discussed the contribution and interest of Sikandar Hayat in social and welfare work of the province of Punjab after his premiership. The proof of his interest in archaeological heritage of Punjab was the repair of Badshahi Mosque on urgent basis. He also got a law enacted by the Punjab Legislative Assembly known as the Badshahi Fund cis Punjab Act, of 1939. He also took a deep interest in the undertaking of Taj Company an account of his long term programme of Quranic publications. Although Sikandar Hayat himself did not hold any formal academic degree, but he had keen to establish institutions of high learning. He showed a zealous interest in the educational venture of the Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam. He never wishes to collation with All India National Congress in his political career. Last part of this chapter discusses in detail his relation with the political parties as well as the leaders. Fifth chapter Confrontation with the Ahrars focuses on the relationship of Sikandar Hayat with the Ahrars in the context of Sheheedganj mosque crises, which the Punjab Government under Emerson and Sikandar Hayat, tried to resolve in its own way. The Majlis-i-Ahrar-i-Islam or the Ahrar Party was established in 1929 with the avowed aim of

creating an Islamic State within the subcontinent that would manage its affairs in accordance with Islamic dictates of life. The president of Ahrars was Maulana Habib-urRehman Ludhianvi, who has played an important role in the activities of Ahrars. Sixth chapter Showdown with Khaksars deals with it Khaksars Movement and its deteriorating relationships with the Unionist Government. Allama Mashriqi founded his Tehrik-i-Khaksar in April 1931 at Lahore. Allama Mashriqi was the Salar-i-Ala (Supreme Commander) of this party. This chapter is a brief document on the relations of Khaksars with all the parties of subcontinent. References have been given in the chapter about the Khaksars. Burhan a monthly Delhi observed The Tehrik-i-Khaksar is not a purely movement but an organization of an international character. Yet it is asserted that the Tehrik is determined to re-established he Islamic glory every where. This chapter elaborates the structure of Khaksars in detail and their activities. Khaksars rank-wise had been divided into four categories according to their capabilities and duties i.e. Mujahid, Muhafiz, Muawin and Janbaz. Late the author discussed the Khaksars relations with Punjab Government and the offer to its 50,000volunteers to the British Government in Second World War, which the Viceroy turned down. Seventh & Eighth chapters Sikandar Hayat and the Muslim League and Sikandar Hayat and the Pakistan Movement are interconnected and highlighted the relationship between Sikandar Hayat and the Muslim League and its leadership. Sikandar played an important role in Muslim League after 1937. Sikandar-Jinnah Pact was the main cause, by which Sikandar Hayat started interference to the matters of All India Muslim League. Actually Muslim League was not in a strong position in the province of Punjab. It was due to the Sikandar Hayat, that Muslim League started its life in Punjab after a very strange defeat in election 1937. Sikandar Hayat also played a vital role in the formation of the draft of Lahore Resolution 1940. It was also a proof of Sikandar`s influence in Muslim Leagues internal matters. Both the chapters provides the detail of Sikandar`s activities in provincial Muslim League and the relation between the regional leadership and Sikandar Hayat. This book is a detailed document on the history of Punjab with special reference of Sikandar Hayat Khan. It provides his social and political role in the province as well as at national level. This book is very informative for the up-coming generation to know about

the Punjabs contribution in freedom movement. Language used by the author is very easy. The detail of primary sources has been given at the end of the book, which is very useful to understand the circumstances of that time. Bibliography of the book is very rich and based on Primary Source. Write systematically described all the events of Punjab in Sikandar Hayats premiership.


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