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Name: ae Ef Ean DA AC Theory Review Questions Ch.9 (Parallel RC Circuits) Mr. Adjemian coat ene HOME WORA Essay 1. Capacitors in parle are calculated similar to inductors and resistors in ‘Connecting capacitors in parallel as the same effect a8 she pate area of one capacitor, 3. The ohmic value is actualy due to the voltage developed bythe expector charge and create value that is degrees ur of phase with the resistanc, 44. The total circuit impedance can Be found using any of the total values and substituting nn tor opposition inst Ons aw formia. 5. The of angle theta (8) ic equal othe poser Factor 6, Tnall AC eves the PP i factor applic to the ofthe circa. 7. lace cepsitos in pr ‘8. Discus RC paral ret. 9. Discus ang captive reactance in all 10, Discus the cet volgen paral eit. plain why it might not he necnseary to know th exact values ofa creo toubleshoot it 1) introductory information Ts eon ater epee pralel AC cet that ean enc nd aetna resid ness ean ryt fe acre tafe eth ay on we se tort operate andere ule seo byt comple Aponhesecateasarce robles patty rset, They wef ne dca tres n pean ne aerating cara Sytims win nich alerts wate ar, Important hat oo tnt an, ep nie at sore cuts carn he san total campers toy athe vet caret be sane, ts ne bg Ate camonet Tern efecto eva rh estar and eacanc on or Acres) tovatges arcuate hapa cet ages besa sera at theca conpmors: tons te ae vote {go sane, bats rps. Teo pel eu tt conn theatres an acon (ret Cor cet te cron oo Bhs, and be vag th ree. stn ‘paral at pens etl ees ying al brn creat st. Wan oki power or te phase ange 6 * naar cuts, vottage crop or reactanc vas ‘aroused. + ‘Inara ccs ony caren values are used Learning Objectives ‘Mr conpetng ts eson, you vl beable to: 1. Desrib the eects of chengng parameters ina Paral RC cect. 2. Detemine mattematealyuniaown quanta these cits 3 Draw parte cut vector showing vatage cure reatonips, lel RC Circuits HOMEWORK “omare eT 2. When more para pats ar aed to paral ‘read wencrease the numberof 2 path rev the 2 ofthe creat {8120 0 AC cut supplies a3 ohm resistor in paral wih a uF capaci, 4. Wats the votage arse te resto? by What the vtage ares te capactor? Us the folowing circu to answer Questions 4 ‘through 9. (Show work) 4, Answer each of ha folowing ether Tre or Fab: a. Gurntin the capacitive branch is pass vith he vote. nn Fase by The curentin the resisve branch is in-tase with te ote 2 le . Curent in the capactve branch eas te turont inthe resve branch by 90 degmes a Te false 4, Votages acres th esse and capacitive branches are 90 degrees ut-o-ase a whe Faso ‘Bune Ey bee 42-2 suet a vector onthe votage referance below “present the values off and ‘rte cout $weston 5, Show te lcton and value of angle @ parallel cet has tare ead asl 0 is doce to 0 depoes. 8s cost to 90 degrees. ‘al current mes applied vtage gives the power, ‘any reactive crt, which larger: tue power vr apparant power? igi Pree eC 10, When is uur power equal apparent power? “1. tte requency ot a prael H creut is nreasd, the 2 (Check al appropriate answers.) a ___ Zineases >, __ flerenses Me tereases 4. pase angle increases 2, poner factor decreases 12, Whatls the ie power ofthe cat in Question 5? 13, Aparalll A crcuithas a esstnca of 70 chm ‘and a reactance of 330 ohms. Determine the Impedance ofthe cul using the formula: eral Rectan CHE-eCeELEEe EES EEeSeELEeEaeeSee eens CEE ewATE 14, Prove your answer for Question 13. (Shaw work) {Determining branch currents, ttl curen, and ‘moedance using Ohm's Law. Assume a vote ora70, Ces 1b, Draw a vector showing the esr cent capacitor cure, and the total cet you ved above. nicte canon ot ange theta, eNIATC Be What the value of in Question 1 the raga 1,028 Mate? Ange met gual 02. Creve Pale Red Cea ©. Ite frequency is doubled, whats the value fee? Te WSS CTL dt Qeierrment event winse Si aetna oes cae Introduction ‘Te mathematical formu er deterring the Jimpodanc of a parallel AC cut i: z= ht ‘This experiment i designed to vata ts formula Tho ollags athe curt ‘aremeasred in crc the impedance is Calultd using Ohms Law: | zak pS Objective: ‘Aer patipatig in tis experiment, youl bw abl fo use the product er sum fora fo feterining the Impedance of paral AC cet Equipment Required. 4 NIATE Theary Demonstrator 2, ig Mutetar dace Cd 1. Vite below the Impedance formula fo a paral Ac cet. Lab Assignment/Experiment 34: Paralle! RC Grcuits— Impedance | ‘2. This formulas slr te tat fortwo estos in pale. The dferece i that resistance and apetve reactance are 90” out-of-phase and thie ‘sm must be ebainad using vector algebra. 3. Connect the experimental cru using Figures A and 8. ‘wre Store aga of part RC crt ed ‘tte npc rm rf conan carpets 4 Study th schematic agram in Figure A The ‘measured cent and wate applied tothe cet iS used in hs Law very the clelated ohmic ‘ale usin he impedince formula, Wet Ohm's aw fr calculating impedance in the pace below.

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