Ngày 69

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Ngày 69:

Cách ráp câu Bị Động ở thì Hiện Tại Đơn.

I sing a song

That song is sung by me

S + Vtobe + V3/ed.
S + Vtobe + not + V3/ed.
Vtobe + S + V3/ed?
Where/What,.. + Vtobe + S + V3/ed?

EX: S + Vtobe + V3/ed.

- That song is sung by my mom.
- This sweater is made in China.
- The new student is helped by the teacher.
- The new students were helped by the teachers.
- The teachers helped the new students
- The dog is walked by Ben.
- Cookies are made here.
- Baseball is played with nine players on the team.
- The environment is studied by many scientists.
Many scientists study the environment.

EX: S + Vtobe + not + V3/ed.

- The cat isn't walked by Ben.
- Sandwiches aren't made here.
- The walls aren't painted by my mother.
EX: Vtobe + S + V3/ed?
- Is the rabbit walked (by Ben)?
- Are the brakes (những phanh xe) checked
regularly by the mechanic?

EX:Where/What,.. + Vtobe + S + V3/ed?

- How are the cookies made?
- Who are umbrellas sold by?

Câu hỏi dành để luyện nói:

1/ What is imported (nhập khẩu) by your country?
2/ What is exported (xuất khẩu)by your country?
3/ What is the most popular luxury item in your country?
Who is it made by?
4/ What do you think expensive perfume is made from?
Chemicals: chất hóa học
5/ Who are the most expensive cars made by?
6/ What materials are your clothes or shoes made from?
7/ Who are your favorite clothes made by?
8/ Where is your favorite fruit grown?
9/ What is usually eaten for breakfast in your country?
10/ Are teenagers given too much freedom these days? Do
they need to be controlled?
Obedient >< NAUGHTY
11/ Where is your car or bike parked?
Parking lot : chỗ đậu xe
12/ A hungry man steals a loaf of bread (ổ bánh mì). How
should he be punished (bị phạt)?

What are the pros and cons of using public

Nowadays, more and more people prefer taking public
transport to using their own car.
Prefer + Ving … + to Ving +…… : thích làm cái gì hơn cái j
Love = like =hate = prefer + Ving…
transportation (n)/ˌtræn.spɔːˈteɪ.ʃən/: phương tiện công
cộng; giao thông.
Nowadays (adv)/ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/: ngày nay.
public transport: phương tiện công cộng.
own:/oʊn/: Của chính mình, của riêng mình, tự mình.

However, there are a lot of positives and negatives about

using public transport.
positive (n)/ˈpɒzətɪv/: mặt tích cực
negative (n)/ˈneɡ.ə.tɪv/: mặt tiêu cực.

In this essay, I will discuss both views of it.

essay (n)/ˈes.eɪ/: Bài tiểu luận.
discuss (v)/dɪˈskʌs/: thảo luận.
both:/boʊθ/: cả hai.
view (n): góc nhìn.

On the one hand, public transport is beneficial for both

countries and individuals.
On the one hand : một mặt…
On the other hand: mặt khac
beneficial (adj)/ˌben.əˈfɪʃ.əl/: Có ích; có lợi; tốt.
individual (n)/ˌɪn.dəˈvɪdʒ.u.əl/: Cá nhân; người.

Firstly, public transport help to decrease significantly

quantities of private vehicles and exhaust fumes from them.
decrease (v)/ˈdiː.kriːs/: giảm.
significantly (adv)/sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kə đáng kể.
quantity (n)/ˈkwɒn.tə.ti/: số lượng.
vehicle (n)/ˈviː.ə.kəl/: Xe cộ (xe hai bánh, xe hơi, xe tải..).
private (adj)/ˈpraɪ.vət/: Riêng, tư, cá nhân.
exhaust fumes: /ɪɡˈzɑːst//fjuːmz/: khí thải.

This contributes to reducing air pollution causing global

warming which may have a devastating our environment.
contribute (v)/kənˈtrɪb.juːt/: Đóng góp, góp phần.
pollution (n)/pəˈluː.ʃən/: Sự ô nhiễm.
cause (v)/kɑːz/: Gây ra, gây nên, sinh ra, làm ra, tạo ra.
global warming: /ˈɡloʊ.bəl//ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/: sự nóng lên toàn
devastating: /ˈdev.ə.steɪ.tɪŋ/: Tàn phá, phá huỷ, phá phách.

Secondly, investment in public facilities, particularly

transportation systems will ease traffic congestion as people
are encouraged to travel by buses and trains instead of
facilities (n) /fəˈsɪl.ə.tiz/: phương tiện.
particularly (adv)/pəˈtɪk.jə.lə.li/: Một cách đặc biệt.
ease (v)/iːz/: làm giảm.
congestion (n)/kənˈdʒes.tʃən/: sự tắc nghẽn (đường sá…).
encourage (v)/ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/: khuyến khích.
travel (v): Di chuyển, đi lại.

Finally, modern public transport is often fast and cheap,

which will help to save time and money.

On the other hand, it’s inconvenient because of some

On the other hand: mặt khác.
inconvenient (adj)/ˌɪn.kənˈviːn.jənt/: bất tiện.

Buses and trains are often slow and unreliable. As a result,

commuters will come non-punctual or even delay their
important events.
unreliable (adj)/ˌʌn.rɪˈlaɪə.bəl/: không đáng tin cậy.
as a result: /rɪˈzʌlt/: do đó.
commuter (n)/kəˈmjuː.tər/: hành khách.
non-punctual:/ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl/: không đúng giờ.

For instance, last month, most of Singaporean pupils were

late to get to school for the final examination in secondary
schools due to train disruption and they had to take the
exam later.
For instance: /ˈɪn.stəns/: = for example: ví dụ
most of: hầu hết.
pupil (n)/ˈpjuː.pəl/: Học trò, học sinh.
Singaporean (adj)/ˌsɪŋ.əˈpɔːr.i.ən/: người Singapore.
get to school: đi đến trường.
examination (n) /ɪɡˌzæm.əˈneɪ.ʃən/: Sự thi cử; kỳ thi;
kiểm tra.
secondary school: trường cấp 2.
due to: = because of: /duː/: do, bởi vì.
disruption (n)/dɪsˈrʌp.ʃən/: gián đoạn.
take the exam: làm bài kiểm tra.

Moreover, people often feel like “sardine in can” as using

the metro system in the rush hours, which is not as
comfortable as driving their own cars.
Moreover (adv)/ˌmɔːrˈoʊ.vɚ/: hơn nữa.
sardine (n)/sɑːrˈdiːn/: Cá mòi.
can (n): lon.
metro (n)/ˈmet.roʊ/: tàu điện ngầm.
rush hour (n)/ˈrʌʃ ˌaʊr/: giờ cao điểm.
comfortable (adj)/ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bəl/: thoải mái.

In addition, public places are becoming insecure because of

a possible threat of terrorism, which is not safe for travelers
taking public transportation.
insecure (adj)/ˌɪn.səˈkjʊr/: không an toàn.
threat (n)/θret/: Mối đe doạ, nguy cơ.
terrorism (n)/ˈter.ər.ɪ.zəm/: Sự khủng bố.
taking public transportation: đi lại bằng phương tiện
công cộng.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages

of public transport that people should consider before
traveling by them regularly.
In conclusion:/kənˈkluː.ʒən/: tóm lại.
consider (v)/kənˈsɪd.ɚ/: cân nhắc.

1/ Do you often use public transportation?
2/ At what age does the average person obtain a driver's
3/ Can you ride a motorcycle?
I knew how to ride a motorcycle when I was 18 years old.
4/ Do you have a driver's license? If so, when did you get
Graduated from high school
5/ Have you ever been in a traffic accident?

6/ Have you ever been stopped for speeding?

Negotiation: thương lượng
Negotiating :
7/ Have you ever ridden a horse?
8/ How do you get to school?
9/ How do you think countries can reduce congestion on the
Separate the flow of vehicles running on the roads
10/ How many times have you traveled by airplane?

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