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% This code solves the NLS equation with the split-step method

% idu/dz - sgn(beta2)/2 d^2u/d(tau)^2 + N^2*|u|^2*u = 0

% Written by Govind P. Agrawal in March 2005 for the NLFO book
%---Specify input parameters
clear all; %
distance = input(’Enter fiber length (in units of L_D) =’); %
beta2 = input(’dispersion: 1 for normal, -1 for anomalous’);%
N = input(’Nonlinear parameter N = ’); % soliton order
mshape = input(’m = 0 for sech, m > 0 for super-Gaussian = ’);
chirp0 = 0; % input pulse chirp (default value)
%---set simulation parameters
nt = 1024; Tmax = 32; % FFT points and window size
step_num = round(20*distance*N^2); % No. of z steps to
deltaz = distance/step_num; % step size in z
dtau = (2*Tmax)/nt; % step size in tau
%---tau and omega arrays
tau = (-nt/2:nt/2-1)*dtau; % temporal grid
omega = (pi/Tmax)*[(0:nt/2-1) (-nt/2:-1)]; % frequency grid
%---Input Field profile
if mshape==0
uu = sech(tau).*exp(-0.5i*chirp0*tau.^2); % soliton
else % super-Gaussian
uu = exp(-0.5*(1+1i*chirp0).*tau.^(2*mshape));
%---Plot input pulse shape and spectrum
temp = fftshift(ifft(uu)).*(nt*dtau)/sqrt(2*pi); % spectrum
figure; subplot(2,1,1);
plot(tau, abs(uu).^2, ’--k’); hold on;
axis([-5 5 0 inf]);
xlabel(’Normalized Time’);
ylabel(’Normalized Power’);
title(’Input and Output Pulse Shape and Spectrum’);
plot(fftshift(omega)/(2*pi), abs(temp).^2, ’--k’); hold on;
axis([-.5 .5 0 inf]);
xlabel(’Normalized Frequency’);
ylabel(’Spectral Power’);
%---store dispersive phase shifts to speedup code
dispersion = exp(i*0.5*beta2*omega.^2*deltaz); % phase factor
hhz = 1i*N^2*deltaz; % nonlinear phase factor
%*********[ Beginning of MAIN Loop]***********
% scheme: 1/2N -> D -> 1/2N; first half step nonlinear
temp = uu.*exp(abs(uu).^2.*hhz/2); % note hhz/2
for n=1:step_num
f_temp = ifft(temp).*dispersion;
uu = fft(f_temp);
temp = uu.*exp(abs(uu).^2.*hhz);
uu = temp.*exp(-abs(uu).^2.*hhz/2); % Final field
temp = fftshift(ifft(uu)).*(nt*dtau)/sqrt(2*pi); %Final spectrum
%***************[ End of MAIN Loop ]**************
%----Plot output pulse shape and spectrum
plot(tau, abs(uu).^2, ’-k’)
plot(fftshift(omega)/(2*pi), abs(temp).^2, ’-k’)

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