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PHYSICAL REVIEW E Defocusing regimes of nonlinear waves in media with negative disper: VOLUME 53, NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 1996 Luc Bergé,* Evgenii A. Kuznetsov,’ and Jens Juul Rasmussen Risb National Laboratory, Optics and Fluid Dynamics Deparment, PO. Box 49, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark (Received 12 September 1995) Defocusing regimes of quasimonochromatic waves governed by a nonlinear Sehridinger equation with mixed-sign dispersion ae investigated. For a power-law nonlinearity, we show that localized solutions to this, ‘equation defined at the so-called critical dimension cannot collapse in finite time in the sense that their tcansverse (anomalously dispersing) and longitudinal (normally dispersing) extensions never vanish. Soltions 0 cor responds to the so-called anomalous dispersion, and «"<0 to the normal dispersion, In this context, the space *Permanent address: Commissariat & Energie Atomigue, Centre ‘Etudes de Limell-Valenton, 94195 Villeneuve-St-Georges ceden, France, "Permanent address: Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ko: sygin 2, 117940, GSP-1, Moscow, Russia, 1063-651)96/53(2V/1340(4)'$06.00 3 collapse if they are assumed to shrink along each sp ables = (ky) and # are often inverted: when looking at structures evolving in the group velocity frame bost—z/vg, 2-05, the variable £ in (1) refers to the propa gation variable, while z plays the role ofa retarded time (2] In addition, Eq. (1) also generally governs the propagation of nonlinear waves in anisotropic media, as i the ease of se- focusing waves in magnetized plasmas (3]. When transform ing the operator L = «,,(3°/3x,x,) into a canonical form by a rotation of the coordinate sysiem and rescaling the ¥ ables and field, Eg (1) reads iat gi*a,aut f(lu|?)u=0. ° In Eq, (3), the new dispersion operator g/4a,ay=V2 +3? (a= 0/6) contains a diagonal metric tensor of components 8%, with D, elements equal to +1, corresponding to the transverse space vector F, , and with D, elements of value S==1, contespondiog to the longitudinal one 2, s0 that D=D.+D, ‘The nature of the nonlinear interaction significantly de- pends on the sigas of both the dispersion coefficient $ and the nonlinear frequency shift f(|u|*). For s= +1, Ea. (1) is called the elliptic nonlinear SchiSdinger equation (ENSE) tnd possesses blowing-up solutions for certain classes of in tial data. u(x,0) as reviewed in [5], blowup may occur when the potential U=— f(|ul*) in (3) is negative and obeys the requirement co+2)f atubiey with F(v)= Sife)dw. Henceforth assuming this, a suff cient condition for blowup is that the Hamiltonian integral =f anetourere-| ruber, 6) Which is a constant of motion for Eq. (3), has to be negative AAs is well known, the mathematical proof of a finite-time blowup results from the vanishing of the mean square radius—or virial—integral 1(1)= fx |u|2dx at a finite time ‘= f., lading thereby to the divergence of the gradient norm together with the divergence of the amplitude |u| as tr, One has, however, to remember that the time at which |u|-++2 can be smaller than ¢., which indicates. that RIsO © 1996 The American Physical Society 3 DEFOCUSING REGIMES OF NONLINEAR WAVES IN MEDIA blowup occurs before I(t) reaches zero. Conversely, a non- vanishing /(#) does not, stitly speaking, guarantee the ab- sence of blowup. Nevertheless, the vanishing of 1(2) in the context of ENSE has above all a physical meaning: it em- Phasizes the local concentration ofthe intensity at the center, Which is responsible for the occureence of a singularity and thus promotes the collapse of localized wave fields. Collapse is then connected with the attractive character of the seit interaction of waves along each spatial ditection. So, from a physiel viewpoint, the behavior of the virial integral is more meaningful than a mathematical argument showing—or not—the existence of blowup. In the following, we will hence regard the nonvanishing of virial-type integrals as be- ing a signature of the absence of a “physical” collapse in the sense given above, even though it cannot definitively settle the question of blowup. Among the nonlinear forms for which the collapse is possible, we can recall the general power nonlinearity f(|u\*)=|ul2¥, o>0, which includes the cubic NSE for 1, and for which negative-energy states of ENSE selffocus and blow up infinite time when D is larger than or equal tothe so-called critical value 2. ‘When s=~1, Eq, (1) is called the hyperbolic nonlinear Schrédinger equation (HINSE) and the nature of the nonlin- car interaction deeply differs from the elliptic case, in the sense that a compression of the wave form in the transverse plane may be counteracted by a repulsion along the z axis. Daring the last deeade, this problem was a subject of inten- sive study [2-9]. Nevertheless, the description of such non- linear regimes is basically an open problem, since apart from these studies, to our knowledge no thorough investigations of the global behavior of multidimensional solutions to HNSE are available so far. The present work is devoted to establish- ing time-dependent estimates governing the evolution of u(x,t), when the solution, assumed 1 exist at least locally in time, evolves from an intially localized-in-space function By means of two viril-type identities, the time evolutions of| localized wave packets governed by HINSE ate described at both the ertical (D=2ia) and supercritical (D>2/a) di- mensions fora povier nonlinearity. We show that no collapse ‘ean occur at the critical dimension and that the longitudinal extension of the solution never reaches zero for any D. Moreover, in the supercritical case, we demonstrate that & transverse self-focusing cannot be achieved by a collapse When assuming that the mean longitudinal size of u(x,t) decreases in time. Before proceeding, we prove that nonzero localized sta- ary solutions of (3), defined as u(x,t) = (x)e™, cannot exist for s=~1. We argue by contradition and suppose that ‘B(3) is a nonzeto localized solution that satisfies the differ ential equation ROHVED— Vib [14/79 6=0. © ‘We multiply (6) by (ry -V..6*) and by (2-V.6*), then in- tegrate the real part of the resulting equations to get NIGI3+ 1-22. B13 1V. A J Fustrare-o, o RIM Mal+iv. oi} -200IN.613— f FUgl a where gl =Clsl?d2s)"? denotes the standard 1? norm, Subtracting Eq. (8) from Eq. (7) gives |V, dl =(D, /D_)|V.4|3, which is incompatible with the pos tiveness of norms. The same proof can be extended to trav- cling. wave solutions (see the recent paper (6]). Even if it displays thatthe most simple” solutions to HINSE exhibit a natural property of unlocalized structures, this result does not prevent time-dependent solutions u(x,t) from remaining lo- alized, atleast ina finite time interval. In order to follow the time evolution of the spatial extensions of u(x,t), let us introduce two quantities, denoted by 1, (#)= fri |u|"d0x and 1,(0)=52"|ul'dPx, respectively, which, normalized by the mass N= fluldx, represent the transverse and longitudinal mean square rads ofa localized structure. Straightforward calculations, following [10,5], lead to two Vitial-type identi- ties, 2 filul2)}ax} “f(\ul?))dPx) iw 4f v.ulh+D, f (Fel?) 0 =al, z. 2) Jul? ¢(lul2)]a?s 140=4{ 21V.0l3~b. J UFC) lapels} ao) For a power-law nonlinearity f(lul?)=lul?" (o>0), the nonlinear potential integrals in Eqs. (9) and (10) simply re~ duce to wiser}. a) few ful?) ‘To describe the evolution of /,(¢) and (2), we now inte- ‘gate by parts the L? norm of any L?-integrable function x and apply the Schwarz inequality to obtain the key inequality te 2 i, Uel3<5-AVeelas'ela, F242) which resembles the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, when itis normalized by the “mass” ig. Then, decomposing the wave field u(x,t) as u(x.t)=A(xQe', we estimate Separately each contribution ofthe gradient norm IW wl3=LV.Al3+ 1A Ve (43) Applying the inequality (12) to the first term of the right hand side (RS) of (13) immediately gives, IVAIB=(D,2)°N', with 1()=Fxflul*d?x. The last term of (13) can be bounded as [AV 3>(1,)*/(16E,). This, estimation follows after using the identity Ad ()=4e,S°A2V ed? x with €,=1 and —1 and ap- plying the Schyvarz'inequality to this inegral. By so doing, ‘we finally get the bound of the gradient norm from below, UV ul 3 (Dyl2)°N7/1, + )7/161,) a) RIB, (sce a similar treatment in (11). We now prove that under the requirement (4), the vanishing of the longitudinal exten- sion of u(x,t) along the z direction is not possible. (a) Absence of a longitudinal collapse for all space di- ‘mensions. First, we notice that since [,(¢) is positive, the vanishing of this integral at a hypothetical time (, would necessarily imply that 1,(¢) should decrease near ¢., other- wise the complementary situation 7,0 would immediately lead to the wanted result, For teating the relevant case 1,<0, we retain the estimate 1>slVuli (as) from Eq, (10), where the nonlinear integrals form a positive ‘contribution by virtue of (4), and apply the bound (14) to get SAB), B= = B>— 5R7AB), WAB)™ ser (16) with B(®)= VID and C= —D.N. Inequality (16) describes, the motion of a particle moving under the action of a poten- tial whose effective force — 97/08 is stronger than C?/B Such a repulsive potential pushes the particle out from the center B=0 towards large values of B and hereby prevents the particle from reaching the value B=0. To show the ab- sence of a longitudinal collapse, we multiply both sides of (16) by B<0 (since /.<0) and obtain after a simple integra. B+ CyB (0)=[B(O)P?+C7/[B(0), (17) where the “inital” instant ¢=0 here refers tothe moment when 1, stars to decrease. As (0) remains fst, the limit 15-0 is tity forbidden in that case. The minimum exten sion of the solution u(x) along the axis of normal dsper- sion is then given by Ba,~ [ain C2/4(0). AS 1,(8) never vanishes, we can multiply (15) by /, and apply the inequality (12) with gu to get (#2/d!2)(2)>20,>4C2, implying, spreading of/,(0)=12 (0) ~ inthe limit +2. This dy namics indicates that (2) most finally increase in an exten- sion regime /,>0 for which the estimate (16) strengthens the asymptotic divergence of I(t) with I,(t)>I()~e as tortx since B()>B(O)t+B(0). ‘The behavior of the characteristic longitudinal size J, ofthe wave field is thus to grow at least inary in time. Note thatthe previous result holds independently of the space dimension D. This means thatthe spatial distribution ofthe wave il tends to displace in the longitudinal direction, either by dispersing simply along the = axis, or by moving the maximum of u(x. from the origin 20 towards lange distances z, as observed inthe numerical simulations of Refs. [8,9]. Tet us now study the behavior of the transverse mean square radius 1,(2). As the dynamics ofthis later integral sentially depends on the nonlinear frequency shift Aw, we will restrain our investigation to power-law nonlinearities Characterized by the potential contbution (11) with trans: verse dimension number satisfying D, =2/a, This assump- tion olds inthe situations of physical intrest D,=2, D.=1, regarding the propagation of short optical pulses in normally dispersive Kerr media witha cubic non Tineariyy o= 1. We investigate the critical and the super cal dimensions, separately. BERGE, KUZNETSOV, AND RASMUSSEN 3 (b) Absence of transverse collapse at the critical dimen- sion D=2/e. Referring to the standard two-dimensional (2D) situation o= 1, we here assume D, =D,=1/o. In this, ‘case, we prove that J, (1) never vanishes: frst, one sees that, by using (11), Eq. (9) reads = 0D, (2 Loom aa tvalte 22? page fel 7 alte) 1-. alist ult H+ IV ull. (18) ‘Bounding the transverse gradient norm by employing (14) in the RHS of (18), we easily find > 3HX™ "4 (3/4)DENEX-S a9) with X(0 .()}**. When supposing @ priori that I, (0) could possibly vanish at a given time ¢., this transverse virial integral should necessarily decrease 98 tf. Eluding thus the trivial ease 20 that cannot promote a transverse collapse, we just consider a decreasing integral X(1) and rmulliply the estimate (19) by <0 to find P-9HX*(9/4)DIN'X-M=Z"O), (20) Similarly wo the previous ease, the constant (0) is defined by the left-hand Side (LHS) ofthe above inequality stated at the “initial” moment -=0 at which J, (f) begin to decrease. Since this constant is ensured to be finite, one sees from the boundedness of (20) that iis impossible to pass to the limit X(1)0, which concludes the proof. Furthermore, 28.7, never vanishes, the transverse sizeof u(x4t) evolves symp- totically faster or slower than the longitudinal one depending ‘on the sign of H. In the critical case D=2/a, relations (9) and (10) ean be combined into the simple form H. 2 ii. A direct integration of (21) then yields 1, (1) =1,() +42 +1, (0)—7,(0)}¢+1,(0)—1,(0), leading to the asymptot- ies L,()~L.()+4HE as t+, When, e.g, H<0, the latter estimate shows that the mean longitudinal size must, necessarily diverge faster than 2 y[H| as (—+ +22. These re- sults, valid for all initial conditions, improve the ones re- ported in Refs. [3,7,8], where the absence of collapse in the Critical case was definitively established for positive initial rates /,(0)=0 only. (0) Absence of transverse collapse in total compression regimes at the supercritical dimension D> 2ler. We now in vestigate the supercritical dimension D>2/or for wave fields characterized by a transverse distribution defined at the crit cal dimension number D, = 2/e and an axial one defined for D,= Vo. We here consider an evolution of the wave field u(x,t) forced in the so-called “total” compression regime. By “total” compression, we mean that both the transverse and longitudinal sizes of the localized wave field are a sumed to shrink in space with 7, <0 and /,<0. Such con- straints compress the solution u(x,t) simultaneously in all, spatial directions, which could be believed to promote at, least a transverse collapse. Paradoxically, we show in the 3 DEFOCUSING REGIMES OF NONLINEAR WAVES IN MEDIA, following that a transverse collapse never occurs in this case Making use of the inequality (12) in order to bound the vari- ‘ous gradient norms, we estimate the virial identities (9) and (10) as follows 1, =811+8|9 ul3=8H+2C%,, 2) i= -4nealvuli+s1Vuld>—4+C7,, 23) with C7=D.N. We then multiply Eq, (22) by 7.<0 and Eq, (23) by 7, <0, add the resulting inequalities, and perform an integration over time to get id, -8H1.-2C*Inl.+ 41, ~ Cin, = 6"(0). (24) 2°(0)<-+2 is the first integral of motion associated with the erossed system (22) and (23) and defined by the LLHS of (24) at the initial moment when both J, and [. are ensured to decrease, Taking next into account that 1,0) e- mains bounded from above by 1,(0), by virlue of the re- ‘quirement /.<0, and from below by the quantity Fain de- fined in point (a), we deduce from the inequality (34) that 1, can never teach zero, Thus, a collapse in the transverse space cannot appear under these conditions, which could be thought to privilege it. This result simply indicates that in a regime where the wave field would self-contract along its longitudinal axis, a complete shrinking of the fleld distibu- tion in the transverse plane eannot be realized. Consequenty, the remaining possibility to promote a transverse collapse lies in the so-called compression-extension regime, whe the solution still compresses in the transverse space while ‘continuously extends in the longitudinal one. From a physi- cal viewpoint, this situation appears in the cubic case o= 1 to be the most dangerous for the occurrence of a transverse collapse, since it would amount to considering a wave field Stretching along the 2 axis and therefore uldimately behaving 48a 2D waveguide that could undergo finite-time collapse In this respect, itis worth mentioning that if @ transverse collapse occurted in the 3D ease D, =2 and D,= 1, it would ‘cause the divergence of the transverse gradient norm by vir- tue of the inequality (12), so thatthe Tongitudina gradient norm should necessarily be bounded from below. This prop- erty follows from the inequality lu|{=CN"]V, ul/3]V.ull2 obiained by using the Sobolev embedding theorem where © is some positive constant. After a simple rescaling of the ‘gradient norms, the best constant Cj, ean be found by the same way as in [12,13] and itis equal 10 Cyeu= No. Here [1] AC. Newell and 3.¥. Moloney, Nonlinear Optics, Advanced ‘Topics in the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Redwood City, CA, 1992) Chap. 2, p. 50. [2]4.A, Powell, etal 5. Opt. Soe. Am. B 10, 1230 (1993) [3]... Myra and CS, Liu, Phys. Fluids 23, 2258 (1980), [4] L Bergé, Phys. Len. A'189, 290 (1994), {5} J Juul Rasmussen and K. Rypdal, Phys. Scr. 38, 481 (1986). {[6].1M. Ghidaglia and J.C. Saut, J. Nonlinear Sei. (10 be pub: lished) (7.1. Gibbon and MJ. McGuinness, Phys. Lett, A 77, 118 (1980); FHL Berkshte and J.D. Gibbon, Stud. Appl. Math. 69, 194) is the mass of the 3D spherical-symmettic ground soliton solution uo(|x|) of the ellipnc NSE: “uot Veuy + use0. This enables us to show that inthe case of a transverse blowup [V,ul}—-+% as1—re, the constaney of the Hamil- tonian H=|V uli — N'Y uh /2No)— [Val implies that the integral N’ must exceed the limiting value N=ANGIIV ul 5) ‘This criterion can be viewed as a necessary condition for collapse in the sense that the total mass should be greater than some critical value defined by the gradient distribution along z. Itcan be compared to the critical collapse for the 2D ENSE when the collapse is possible as the intensity exceeds some critical value (for details, see, for instance, (12,5). As announced above, this criterion also demonstrates a bound from below of the gradient norm, but not from above, as it should naturally be required to predict the possible occur- rence of a transverse collapse from the inequality (22), which remains unsolved at the present state, In summary, by using estimates constructed from virial- type identities, we have shown that for nonlinearities satis- fying (4), solutions to the hyperbolic nonlinear Schrodinger ‘equation will asymptotically stretch along their longitudinal axis. This dynamics is compatible with the property that sta- tionary solutions to HNSE can only be unlocalized along the longitudinal direction. Furthermore, for a power-law nonlin- arity, we have demonstrated the absence of transverse col lapse at the critical dimension, This conclusion applies to supercritical solutions when both of their transverse and lon- ‘gitudinal mean square radius are assumed to self-contract in time. These results, even though they do not strictly rule out the occurrence of a blowup-type singularity, give a strong, indication for the absence of collapsing solutions 0 the HINSE. The question of the occurrence of collapse for a transverse compression accompanied by a longitudinal ex- tension of the wave field, however, remains open. One of the authors (L-B.) would like to thank Professor 1.C. Saut for his efficient advice on the present topic. This ‘work was supported by the DGA-DRET under Grant No. 94-1124, by the Danish Natural Science Research Council (SNF) under Grant No, 11-0921-1, and by the INTAS under Grant No, 93-139. 229 (1983). [8] AG. Litvak, eral, Fiz, Plazmy 9, 495 (1983) [Sov. J. Plasma Phys. 9, 287 (1983) [9] NA. Zharova, et al, Pis'ma Zh, Eksp. Teor, Fiz. 44, 12 (1986) ETP Len. 44, 13 (1986)] [10] SN. Vlasov, eral, tev. Vuz Radiofizika 14, 1353 (1971) [Radiophys. Quantum Electron. 14, 1062 (1974) [11] PM. Lushaikoy, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. 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