Casio FX9700GE PC Interface Circuit Electronics Serial

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Casio FX9700GE PC Interface Circuit Electronics Serial Communicati...


NOTA: Esta lista está em inglês atendendo à divulgação pretendida!

3 diodes 1N4148
1 voltage regulator 5V uA7805
1 integrated circuit MAX232 16 pin DIP
3 resistors 22 Ohm
C1 electrolytic capacitor 220 uF 16V
C2 electrolytic capacitor 47 uF 16V
C3 capacitor (ceramic or polyester) 100 nF
C4,C5,C6,C7 electrolytic capacitors 22 uF 16V
1 RS232 - 9/25 pin interface

J2 TIP or Fifth Upper Pin (from PC to FX9700/FX8N0P

) J1 Middle or Seventh Lower Pin (from FX9700/FX8N0P to PC)
J3 Sleeve or LowerRight (Ground)
On the FX9700 use a 2.5mm JACK

PINOUTS OF MAXIM 232: ---_---

+C7 --| |-- VCC
(+V) +C6 --| |-- GND
(GND) -C7 --| |-- T1 OUT
+C5 --| |-- R1 IN
-C5 --| |-- R1 OUT (MIDDLE)
(-V) -C4 --| |-- T1 IN (TIP)
T2 OUT --| |-- T2 IN
R2 IN --| |-- R2 OUT

Indicated capacitors above are all electrolytic 22uF !

10 TTL in ----> 7 RS232 out
11 TTL in ----> 14 RS232 out
8 RS232 in ----> 9 TTL out
13 RS232 in ----> 12 TTL out

16 Vcc is 4.5 to 5.5 Volt9 PIN vs 25 PIN EQUIVALENCE:

DB9 DB25
DCD 1 | 8
RXD 2 | 3

1 of 2 2/23/2023, 2:30 PM
Casio FX9700GE PC Interface Circuit Electronics Serial Communicati...

TXD 3 | 2
DTR 4 | 20
SG 5 | 7
DSR 6 | 6
RTS 7 | 4
CTS 8 | 5
RI 9 | 22

PLEASE NOTE : On the PC use any modem like communications program that uses the Serial Port, For
Example Windows Terminal. On my calculator I use CAS/CASPORT >=0.4.2 by Tom Wheeley. There's
also an older QBasic Program and Circuit by Bob/Robert Parish for this purpose widely available and
successfully tested. As COM1/9 is usually occupied by the mouse, you may prefer to use COM2/25.

Lúcio M.M. Quintal - Madeira - Portugal

2 of 2 2/23/2023, 2:30 PM

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