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§ 193.2719 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

§ 193.2719 Training: records. (a) A description and schedule of se-

curity inspections and patrols per-
(a) Each operator shall maintain a
formed in accordance with § 193.2913;
system of records which—
(b) A list of security personnel posi-
(1) Provide evidence that the training tions or responsibilities utilized at the
programs required by this subpart have LNG plant;
been implemented; and (c) A brief description of the duties
(2) Provide evidence that personnel associated with each security per-
have undergone and satisfactorily com- sonnel position or responsibility;
pleted the required training programs. (d) Instructions for actions to be
(b) Records must be maintained for taken, including notification of other
one year after personnel are no longer appropriate plant personnel and law
assigned duties at the LNG plant. enforcement officials, when there is
any indication of an actual or at-
Subpart I—Fire Protection tempted breach of security;
(e) Methods for determining which
SOURCE: Amdt. 193–2, 45 FR 70408, Oct. 23,
persons are allowed access to the LNG
1980, unless otherwise noted. plant;
(f) Positive identification of all per-
§ 193.2801 Fire protection. sons entering the plant and on the
plant, including methods at least as ef-
Each operator must provide and fective as picture badges; and
maintain fire protection at LNG plants
(g) Liaison with local law enforce-
according to sections 9.1 through 9.7 ment officials to keep them informed
and section 9.9 of NFPA 59A (incor- about current security procedures
porated by reference, see § 193.2013). under this section.
However, LNG plants existing on
March 31, 2000, need not comply with § 193.2905 Protective enclosures.
provisions on emergency shutdown sys-
(a) The following facilities must be
tems, water delivery systems, detec-
surrounded by a protective enclosure:
tion systems, and personnel qualifica-
tion and training until September 12, (1) Storage tanks;
2005. (2) Impounding systems;
(3) Vapor barriers;
[Amdt. 193–18, 69 FR 11337, Mar. 10, 2004] (4) Cargo transfer systems;
(5) Process, liquefaction, and vapor-
§§ 193.2803–193.2821 [Reserved] ization equipment;
(6) Control rooms and stations;
Subpart J—Security (7) Control systems;
(8) Fire control equipment;
SOURCE: Amdt. 193–2, 45 FR 70409, Oct. 23, (9) Security communications sys-
1980, unless otherwise noted. tems; and
(10) Alternative power sources.
§ 193.2901 Scope. The protective enclosure may be one or
This subpart prescribes requirements more separate enclosures surrounding
for security at LNG plants. However, a single facility or multiple facilities.
the requirements do not apply to exist- (b) Ground elevations outside a pro-
ing LNG plants that do not contain tective enclosure must be graded in a
LNG. manner that does not impair the effec-
tiveness of the enclosure.
[Amdt. 193–4, 52 FR 675, Jan. 8, 1987] (c) Protective enclosures may not be
located near features outside of the fa-
§ 193.2903 Security procedures.
cility, such as trees, poles, or build-
Each operator shall prepare and fol- ings, which could be used to breach the
low one or more manuals of written security.
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procedures to provide security for each (d) At least two accesses must be pro-
LNG plant. The procedures must be vided in each protective enclosure and
available at the plant in accordance be located to minimize the escape dis-
with § 193.2017 and include at least: tance in the event of emergency.


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 194

(e) Each access must be locked unless age capacity, only the protective en-
it is continuously guarded. During nor- closure must be monitored.
mal operations, an access may be un-
locked only by persons designated in § 193.2915 Alternative power sources.
writing by the operator. During an An alternative source of power that
emergency, a means must be readily meets the requirements of § 193.2445
available to all facility personnel with- must be provided for security lighting
in the protective enclosure to open and security monitoring and warning
each access. systems required under §§ 193.2911 and
§ 193.2907 Protective enclosure con-
struction. § 193.2917 Warning signs.
(a) Each protective enclosure must (a) Warning signs must be conspicu-
have sufficient strength and configura- ously placed along each protective en-
tion to obstruct unauthorized access to closure at intervals so that at least one
the facilities enclosed. sign is recognizable at night from a dis-
(b) Openings in or under protective
tance of 30m (100 ft.) from any way that
enclosures must be secured by grates,
could reasonably be used to approach
doors or covers of construction and fas-
the enclosure.
tening of sufficient strength such that
(b) Signs must be marked with at
the integrity of the protective enclo-
least the following on a background of
sure is not reduced by any opening.
sharply contrasting color:
[Amdt. 193–2, 45 FR 70409, Oct. 23, 1980, as The words ‘‘NO TRESPASSING,’’ or
amended by Amdt. 193–12, 61 FR 27793, June
3, 1996; 61 FR 45905, Aug. 30, 1996]
words of comparable meaning.
[Amdt. 193–2, 45 FR 70409, Oct. 23, 1980, as
§ 193.2909 Security communications. amended at 47 FR 32720, July 29, 1982]
A means must be provided for:
(a) Prompt communications between PART 194—RESPONSE PLANS FOR
personnel having supervisory security ONSHORE OIL PIPELINES
duties and law enforcement officials;
and Subpart A—General
(b) Direct communications between
all on-duty personnel having security Sec.
duties and all control rooms and con- 194.1 Purpose.
194.3 Applicability.
trol stations.
194.5 Definitions.
194.7 Operating restrictions and interim op-
§ 193.2911 Security lighting.
erating authorization.
Where security warning systems are
not provided for security monitoring Subpart B—Response Plans
under § 193.2913, the area around the fa-
194.101 Operators required to submit plans.
cilities listed under § 193.2905(a) and 194.103 Significant and substantial harm;
each protective enclosure must be illu- operator’s statement.
minated with a minimum in service 194.105 Worst case discharge.
lighting intensity of not less than 2.2 194.107 General response plan requirements.
lux (0.2 ftc) between sunset and sunrise. 194.109 Submission of state response plans.
194.111 Response plan retention.
§ 193.2913 Security monitoring. 194.113 Information summary.
194.115 Response resources.
Each protective enclosure and the
194.117 Training.
area around each facility listed in 194.119 Submission and approval procedures.
§ 193.2905(a) must be monitored for the 194.121 Response plan review and update
presence of unauthorized persons. Mon- procedures.
itoring must be by visual observation APPENDIX A TO PART 194—GUIDELINES FOR
in accordance with the schedule in the THE PREPARATION OF RESPONSE PLANS
security procedures under § 193.2903(a) APPENDIX B TO PART 194—HIGH VOLUME
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or by security warning systems that AREAS

continuously transmit data to an at- AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1231, 1321(j)(1)(C),
tended location. At an LNG plant with (j)(5) and (j)(6); sec. 2, E.O. 12777, 56 FR 54757,
less than 40,000 m3 (250,000 bbl) of stor- 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; 49 CFR 1.53.


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