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Pt. 191 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

(3) If necessary to avoid a risk of sig- PART 191—TRANSPORTATION OF

nificant harm to persons, property, or NATURAL AND OTHER GAS BY
the environment, PHMSA may in the PIPELINE; ANNUAL REPORTS, IN-
notification declare the proposed ac- CIDENT REPORTS, AND SAFETY-
tion immediately effective. RELATED CONDITION REPORTS
(4) Unless otherwise specified, the
terms and conditions of a corrective Sec.
action order, compliance order, or 191.1 Scope.
other order applicable to a pipeline fa- 191.3 Definitions.
cility covered by a special permit will 191.5 Immediate notice of certain incidents.
191.7 Report submission requirements.
take precedence over the terms of the
191.9 Distribution system: Incident report.
special permit. 191.11 Distribution system: Annual report.
(5) A special permit holder may seek 191.12 Distribution Systems: Mechanical
reconsideration of a decision under Fitting Failure reports
paragraph (h) of this section as pro- 191.13 Distribution systems reporting trans-
mission pipelines; transmission or gath-
vided in paragraph (i) of this section. ering systems reporting distribution
(i) Can a denial of a request for a spe- pipelines.
cial permit or a revocation of an exist- 191.15 Transmission systems; gathering sys-
ing special permit be appealed? Recon- tems; and liquefied natural gas facilities:
sideration of the denial of an applica- Incident report.
191.17 Transmission systems; gathering sys-
tion for a special permit or a revoca- tems; and liquefied natural gas facilities:
tion of an existing special permit may Annual report.
be sought by petition to the Associate 191.21 OMB control number assigned to in-
Administrator. Petitions for reconsid- formation collection.
eration must be received by PHMSA 191.22 National Registry of Pipeline and
LNG operators.
within 20 calendar days of the notice of 191.23 Reporting safety-related conditions.
the grant or denial and must contain a 191.25 Filing safety-related condition re-
brief statement of the issue and an ex- ports.
planation of why the petitioner be- 191.27 Filing offshore pipeline condition re-
lieves that the decision being appealed ports.
is not in the public interest. The Asso- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 5121, 60102, 60103,
ciate Administrator may grant or 60104, 60108, 60117, 60118, and 60124; and 49 CFR
deny, in whole or in part, any petition 1.53.
for reconsideration without further § 191.1 Scope.
proceedings. The Associate Adminis-
trator’s decision is the final adminis- (a) This part prescribes requirements
for the reporting of incidents, safety-
trative action.
related conditions, and annual pipeline
(j) Are documents related to an appli- summary data by operators of gas pipe-
cation for a special permit available line facilities located in the United
for public inspection? Documents re- States or Puerto Rico, including pipe-
lated to an application, including the lines within the limits of the Outer
application itself, are available for Continental Shelf as that term is de-
public inspection on or fined in the Outer Continental Shelf
the Docket Operations Facility to the Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331).
extent such documents do not include (b) This part does not apply to—
information exempt from public disclo- (1) Offshore gathering of gas in State
sure under 5 U.S.C. 552(b). Applicants waters upstream from the outlet flange
may request confidential treatment of each facility where hydrocarbons are
under part 7 of this title. produced or where produced hydro-
carbons are first separated, dehy-
[73 FR 16568, Mar. 28, 2008, as amended at 74 drated, or otherwise processed, which-
FR 2893, Jan. 16, 2009] ever facility is farther downstream;
(2) Pipelines on the Outer Conti-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

nental Shelf (OCS) that are producer-

operated and cross into State waters
without first connecting to a trans-
porting operator’s facility on the OCS,


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