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Comparison / Contrast Essay (Shaun Mached)

Show similarities and differents-Character Theoris etc

Avoid the obvious

Basic Essay Structure

1. Introduction
2. Hook
3. Enggage the reader
4. Introduce both subject
5. Background
6. Essential informatian
7. Thesis
8. Focuses the comparison for the reader

Option one- Block Method

Two paragraph, clear topic sentence

Similarrittes differences

Paragraph 1- similaries

Paragraph 2- differences

Subject to subject

Paragraph 1- subject A

Paragraph 2- subject B

Option two – by – poin

Two more paragraphs

Point of comparison – atmosphare

Service, menu

Paragraph one – point one

Paragraph two – point two



Final opinion

Include points in your thesis statement

Comparison & contract Essay (Ashan R. Hampton)

 To compare is to identify similarities

 To contrast is to identify differences
 In college wtiting, comapare and contrast are often used complex, critical thought and
organi zational proceses in writing.
 Some topics are simple such as comparing and contrasing cats & dogs, some, like chapter
schools vs. Public schools are more complex.
 Comparing/ contrasting generic good to brand name goods big contect, price and quallity
example : Pizza Hut, KFC, MD, Burger King, Subway, Domino Pizza.

Comparison/ contrast Topics


 Cats and dogs have bean domesticated for centuries

 Cats are dogs often do not get along with one another

Contrast :

 Cats are good at catching mice, unlike dogs

 Cats can usually keep themselves clean, but people have to wash their dogs
 Cats usually do not like water, but many dogs like to swim

Directions : write “Yes” next to topic if you would use compare / contrast, “No” if not.

Yes what did you last thanksgiving?

Yes when would you rather live, in an appartment or house?

Yes which is better working days or working nights?

No how do you heat up a can of soup?

Yes what movies do you like better, camedies or movies?

Key Word & pharases

 Compare and contrast

 Similarities and contrast
 Relative merits
 Advantages and disadvanteges
 Evaluate
 Which do you prefer?
 Which is better...?
 Where would you rather...?
 Which is easiver/ harder/ more difficult?
 However


 Minor characters
 Major
 Themes


 Minor characters
 Major characters
 Themes


 Minor characters
 Major characters
 Plot

NOVEL “B” Wrong

 Author life
 Major characters
 Symbolism

Subject A : Television Marketing

 Point 1 : men
 Point 2 : woman
 Point 3 : children

Subject B : Radio Marketing

 Point 1 : men
 Poin 2 : woman
 Point 3 : children

First all of A : Television (point 1, 2, 3)

Then all of B: Radio (Point 1, 2, 3)

Thesis : although telivision and radio are distincity different media, they use similar strastegies to
appeal to their audiences.

Point 1 : TV-MEN


Point 2 : TV-Women


Point 3 : TV-Children


Point 1 first A point 1, Then B

Point 2 first A point 2, Then B

Point 3 firts A point 3, Then B



 All similarities
 Subject A : point 1
 Subject B : point 1
 Subject A : point 2
 Subject B : point 2
 Subject A : point 3
 Subject B : point 3
 Then All Differences
 Subject A : point 1
 Subject B : point 1
 Subject A : point 2
 Subject B : point 2
 Subject A : point 3
 Subject B : Point 3

Plan Your Ideas


Coffee is good for breskfast

Coffee is made from a bean

Coffee contains coffeine

Coffee is good hot or cold

Caffee has a strong flavor


Tea is good for breakfast

Tea is made from a leaf

Tea contain coffeine

Tea is good hot or cold

Tea has a mind flavor

Choose a structure


 Coffee is good for breakfast

 Tea is good for breakfast
 Coffee contain coffeine
 Tea contain coffeine
 Coffee is good hot or cold
 Tea is good or cold


 Coffee is made from a bean

 Tea is made from leaf
 Coffee has a strong flavor
 Tea has a mind flavor
Thesis : the aroma and lexture are different, but amaerica’s favorite hot beverages share more
similarities than differences.


 Comparison & contrast must be organized effectlvely

 Chosee an identilable essay structure before writing
 Points must be paralel between both subjects
 Some essays might concentrate only on similarties.

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