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6A. Pronunciation
* Stress in three-syllable adjectives and verbs
I. Write the three-syllable adjectives or verbs below in the correct column, according to the stress
Digital 1 Expensive 2 Different 2 Astonished 2 Estimate 2
Wonderful 1 Advocate 1 Convenient 2 Practical 1 Effective 2
Hesitate 1 Understand 2 Electric 2 Creative 1 Excellent 1
Operate 2 Consider 1 Introduce 1 Remember 2 Calculate 3
Encourage 2 Oversell 1 Disappear 2 Imagine 2 Recommend 3

Ooo oOo ooO

Digital, Expensive
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

II. Read the following sentences. Underline the three-syllable words. Put a mark (‘) before the stressed
1. We advocate women take part in different careers and business.
2. We should abandon prejudice against women and give them promotion in their careers.
3. Our group seems to be very decisive, productive, creative, and satisfied every need of customers.
4. We understand how practical, effective and convenient the new method is.
5. She has been considered one of the most creative, and talented artists of her century.
6. They operate a new system that is very practical, wonderful in recycling organic waste.
6B. Vocabulary
* Equal job opportunities
I. Complete the sentences with the words given.
dream treated equality high-paying child marriage
adorable uneducated equal low-paying domestic violence
1. The government is committed to achieving ______equality__________________ rights for women.
2. Both _________child marriage_______________ and forced marriage are a marriage where one or both
parties is under the age of eighteen.
3. My brother had always wanted to go to the USA and at last his __________dream______________ came
4. Liberia is the nation with the highest proportion of ___uneducated_____________________ children with
nearly two-thirds of primary-aged children not accessing school.
5. As part-time, ________low paying________________ workers, the women earned very little.
6. A(n) ___________high paying_____________ job satisfies one’s basic needs and fulfils one’s dreams like
buying homes or cars.
7. Prevention of ________domestic violence________________ involves providing equal economic
opportunities to men and women.
8. Have you seen their new baby – she’s simply ________________________!
9. In an ideal world, would everyone get ___________treated_____________ equally?
10. Women have yet to achieve full _________equal_______________ with men in the workplace.
* Gender equality
II. Complete the sentences with the words given.
equal domestic violence Treated Surgeon
child marriage Gender low-paying Dream
1. __________dream______________ ends the childhood of girls, and they are forced into adulthood before
they are physically and mentally ready.
2. The _________surgeon_______________ told reporters that Sara was making good progress after the
heart transplant.
3. In higher education, women are _________equal_______________ in numbers to men.
4. Last year her ________________________ came true and she was offered a chance to study in America.
5. The job centre seems to list only __________low paying______________ temporary jobs.
6. ________________________ is any behaviour the purpose of which is to gain control of over a spouse or a
7. All people should be ________gender________________ equally, whatever their age or sex.
8. There are many ________________________ differences in attitudes to paid work.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. The purpose of the law is to end discrimination _____________ workplace.
2. All over the world women are demanding equal opportunities _____________ education and work.
3. The law puts a limitation _____________ the number of hours children can work.
4. She dreamed _____________ becoming a scientist.
5. Her maternity leave prevented he _____________ getting the promotion.
6. Some people aren’t fully aware _____________ gender discrimination in society.
7. Elderly parents are dependent _____________ their children either male or female _____________
physical care.
8. The government must ensure equality _____________ opportunity _____________ all children.
9. The career is his family tradition, passing _____________ from generation to generation.
10. Parents should set a good example _____________ their children.
IV. Fill in each blank with the correct word below. Each word has to be used only once.
freedom status feminist opportunities education
gender quality responsibility injustice women

Famous Women Equality Quotes

1. “My goal is not to get a Nobel Peace Prize … My goal is to get peace and my goal is to see
___________________ of every child.” (Malala Yousafzai)
2. “___________________ equality is not a woman’s issue; it is a human issue. It affects us all.” (Nan Sa Aell
Daung Paing)
3. “A ___________________ is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”
(Gloria Steinem)
4. “To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s___________________ to woman.” (Mahatma
5. “True equality is not the superiority of women, but the equal___________________ of man and woman.”
(Mercedes Joubert)
6. “___________________ cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of
oppression.” (Nelson Mandela)
7. “As___________________, we must stand up for justice for all.” (Michelle Obama)
8. “Men of___________________ respect women’s equality.” (Jeremiah Say)
9. “Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more 50 percent of voters. We must demand
that we all receive 100 percent of the ___________________.” (Beyoncé)
10. “Women only have true equality, when men share with them the___________________ of bringing up
the next generation.” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
V. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below. There are some extra words.
Requirements: yêu Attitude: thái độ plans Job
meeting projects Concerns: mối quan Tasks: nhiệm vụ

Equal for women workers in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the poor (both women and men) are often engaged in day labour as hired seasonal
workers on landowners’ large plantations. Currently, men and women perform almost identical (1)
_________job____________, but they do not earn equal wages. In an analysis of wages, it was found that for
a day’s labor, men earn an average of $2.22, while women earn nearly half of that amount ($1.21).
To solve: giải quyết the problem, volunteers from Pathway Project issued: đưa ra an analysis: phân tích
and held (2) __________projects___________ on “fair wage”: tiền lương công bằng at each community in
the area. At the end of these meetings, they developed (3) __________concerns___________ to take action
and bring their common (4)________plans______________ to the landowners: địa chủ and social elites: tầng
lớp thượng lưu trong xh. Male day labourers recognized that equal wages for women would also benefit
their families, and they joined forces with the women to ask for equal pay.
Recently, men and women are working together in the crops field as a team. Landowners are showing a
more positive (5) ______attitude_______________ to the women day labourers, and women day labourers
are getting equal wages at the end of each day without having to request it.
VI. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.
1. Since 2009, Iceland has been the global ______leader_____________ in gender equality. (lead)
2. For the past five years, Iceland has been in the first rank of educational ____achievement_______________
and ____improve_______________ in women’s economic conditions. (achieve/ improve)
3. On October 24, 1975, more than 25 thousand women in Iceland took a day off to emphasize the
importance of women’s ______contributed:đóng góp_____________ to the economy, both in paid and
unpaid work. (contribute)
4. Gender equality is also a part of the______solve: giải quyết_____________ to the challenges facing
society. (solve)
5. The______participated_____________ of women in the labour market in Iceland is one of the highest in
the world. (participate)
VII. Choose the correct word.
1. The least equal/ equally/ equality country in the world for women, ranking 145 th, was Yemen, where
only 55% of women can read and only 6% attend college.
2. UNICEF says that access to education is one of the biggest challenges:thử thách/ questions/ refusals:từ
chối facing children in Yemen today, especially girls.
3. Until now, the high cost of courses: khóa học/ lectures: bài giảng/ schooling has discouraged or
prevented poor parents from having their children, especially girls, educated.
4. Moreover, a miss/ need/ lack: thiếu female teachers contributes to low enrolment of girls in schools.
5. UNICEF is now providing schools and families with/ for/ of educational supplies to help lower costs.
6. Through a joint study/ project/ survey: sự khảo sát involving the World Bank, UNICEF hopes to help the
government provide all children with textbooks at the beginning of each school year.
7. UNICEF is working both nationally and regionally to teach/ inform/ educate the public on the
importance of educating girls.
8. The gender equality/ inequality/ fairness in education in Yemen is among the highest in the world – it’s
bad news to girls there.
6C. Grammar
* Passive voice with modals
I. Rewrite the active sentences in the passive.
1. People won’t use maps in the future.
 Maps will not be used in the future.
2. Manufacturers will build cars with a GPS system.
 Cars will be built a GPS system by manufactures .
3. People won’t need travel agencies.
 Travel agencies will not be need.
4. Parents will plan family holidays online.
 Family holidays will be planed online by parents.
5. Factories won’t manufacture televisions anymore.
 Televisions won’t be manufacture anymore by factories.
6. Manufacturers will develop bigger computer screens.
 Bigger computer screens will be developed by manufacturers.
II. Complete the text. Use the future active or passive, affirmative or negative.
Today, Google is the most popular search engine in the world, but in the future traditional search engines
(1) ________will become__________ (become) less and less popular. Why? Because typed words (2)
______will not be used____________ (not use) by people anymore. Instead, pictures (3)
___took_______________ (take) and used to find out information. Imagine these scenarios:
 Museums. You want to find out about an exhibit. Take a picture with your phone and the
information you (4) _______appear___________ (appear) on the screen.
 Eating out. You’re in a restaurant on holiday. Take a picture and the menu (5)
_______translate___________ (translate). A review of the restaurant will also appear.
 Travel. You are lost. Take a picture of the street and a map with your location (6)
______show____________ (show). A list of nearby shops with discounts (7)
_____download_____________ (download) onto your phone, too.
 Social. You meet a new person at a party. Take a picture and their Facebook page (8)
______open____________ (open) up on screen.
Some of these applications have already been developed, others (9) _____will develop_____________
(develop) soon. One thing is for sure: if you lose your phone now, it’s a pain. If you lose it in the future
when it does everything for you, it (10) _____will be_____________ (be) a disaster.
III. Choose the correct passive modals below to complete sentences.
must be stopped should be removed must be made
loại bỏ
should be provided will be achieved will be given

1. Gender equality ____will be given_______________ only when women and men enjoy the same
2. In Muslim countries, changes_______must be made____________ to give women equal rights to natural
or economic resources, as well as access to ownership.
3. In order to reduce gender inequality in South Korean society, women ____will be
achieved_______________ more opportunities by companies.
4. Child marriage_________should be removed__________ in several parts in the world because it limits
access to education and training.
5. In Egypt, female students from disadvantaged families____should be provide_______________
scholarships to continue their studies.
6. Discrimination: sự phân biệt on the basis of gender ______must be stopped_____________ from
6D. Reading
I. Read the following short biography of the famous female pilot, Amelia Earhart. Choose the correct
heading (A-G) for each paragraph (1-4). You will not use all the headings.
A. Amelia’s Education
B. Amelia’s Mysterious Disappearance sự biến mất bí ẩn của
C. Amelia’s Family Life
D. Amelia’s Childhood Years
E. Amelia’s Marriage
F. Amelia’s Flying Records kỷ lục bay
G. Amelia’s Love of Flying

Amelia Earhart
1. D_________________________________________________________
Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas. At three years old she went to live
with her grandparents who lived fifty miles away. Amelia was a tomboy and loved snow sledding and
climbing trees. She lived with her grandparents until she was ten. At ten she moved back with her parents
and her younger sister, Muriel.
2. G _________________________________________________________
Amelia saw her first airplane at the 1908 Iowa State Fair. At this fair, there was a stunt-flying exhibition,
and it fascinated Amelia. It was here, as she watched theses planes twirling and swooshing, that Amelia fell
in love with the idea of flying. Amelia actually had to wait thirteen years to take her first ride in a plane,
and just six months after that, she bought her first plane. It was bright yellow, and she called it Canary.
3.F _________________________________________________________
Amelia was very competitive and entered many flying contests over the next several years. She continually
broke the records of other pilots. To mention just a few:
In June of 1928, she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.
In May of 1932, she became the second person to fly solo across the Atlantic.
From August 24 to 25, 1932, she flew a solo nonstop flight from the west coast of the United States to the
east coast, making her the first woman to do that.
From April 24 to 25, 1935, she was the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
4.B _________________________________________________________
At the age of forty, in 1937, Amelia Earhart wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. She and
her navigator took off from Oakland, California, and flew to Miami, then through the Caribbean to Brazi
and through Africa to India. After India, they flew to Bangkok, Indonesia, Australia, and then Papua New
Guinea. From Papua New Guinea, they flew toward Howard Island, 2,200 miles away. They never arrived,
and despite extensive searches, they were never found.
No one knows for sure what happened to Amelia and her navigator, but the world knows that Amelia is
one of the most important and influential pilots in history.
II. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given
Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. As a young girl, she demanded that girls
should be allowed to receive an education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing
a death threat against her.
After the Taliban began attacking girls’ schools in Swat, Malala gave a speech
whose title was, “How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to
education?” In early 2009, Yousafzai began blogging for the BBC about living
under the Taliban’s threats to deny her an education. Yousafzai continued to
speak out about her right, and the right of all women, to an education.
She was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in 2012 but survived. The
shooting resulted in a massive support for Yousafzai, which continued during
her recovery. She gave a speech at the United Nations on her 16 th birthday, in
2013. She has also written an autobiography “I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was
Shot by the Taliban”, which was released in October 2013.
At the age of 17, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize: giải nobel hòa bình.
In congratulating Yousafzai, U.N. Secretary – General Ban Ki-moon described her as “a brave and gentle
advocate of peace who through the simple act of going to school became a global teacher”.
For her 18th birthday on July 12, 2015, the young activist opened a school for Syrian refugee girls in
Lebanon. Its expenses were covered by the Malala Fund, and the school was designed to admit nearly 200
girls from the ages of 14 to 18. “Today on my first day as an adult, on behalf of the world’s children, I
demand we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Yousafzai spoke in one of the school’s classrooms.

1. Yousafzai gave many speeches to support girls’ basic right to have education.
2. She was so brave: dung cảm to write articles about the gender discrimination: sự
phân biệt in education in her hometown.
3. She worked as a BBC reporter for a short time.
4. She has worked as a teacher in many countries in the world.
5. She gained great support after being shot nearly dead : gần chết by Taliban.
6. She was taken to hospital in the capital of Pakistan.
7. She was the youngest person to receive the Nobel Prize.
8. She opened a school for Syrian refugee girls in Lebanon funded by the Malala
9. She loves peace, and hates war.
10. She founded the Malala Fund.

III. Read the passage carefully and do the tasks that follow.
Working mothers are the ones who move out of the house for the purpose of of earning money and also
maintain household chores. Every woman at home prefers to work in order to balance the financial and the
other basic needs of the family.
The children of working mothers become smarter, more active, and more independent aas compared to
the children of non-working mothers. This is is because of the fact that the mothers being working have to
move out of the house leaving all the household chores intact, the children understand their responsibilities
and manage to do all their tasks without being dependent on others, so they become smart, active and
independent enough.
The working mothers are now helped by their husbands in household chores after returning from
work. By seeing fathers being a helping hand to mothers, children learn good habits and inculcate manners
of helping others as well as their mothers, thus in this way good habits are inculcated in them.
A working mother also adds to the advantage of helping the family financially. It is beneficial as a
woman becomes a helping hand to the husband in terms of money. Therefore, the family runs in a very
smooth way without any financial difficulty and the kids also get the best as parents are able to afford all
necessities due to a good income level.
The mothers, when work, become an inspiration for their kids as they look up to their mums and say
that they aspire to be like their mums in the near future. Working mums not only work but also look after
their children without any difficulty. So such kids need to get an inspiration at home, and they also learn to
do hard work in their life.
Task 1. Match words 1-5 with definitions A-G, write the answer in each blank. There are two extra
1. Intact: nguyên E A. to make someone have a strong feeling
vẹn (adj)
2. Inculcate: khắc B B. to remember something by doing it so often
sâu (v)
3. Inspiration: F C. to respect or admire (someone)
nguồn cảm
4. look up to (v) D. to have a strong desire:mong muốn to do something
5. aspire (v): D E. complete and in the original state
khao khát
F. someone or something that gives you ideas for doing
G. to fix beliefs or ideas in someone’s mind
Task 2. Read the passage again and answer the questions below.
1. Why does every woman at home prefer to go to work?
Because woman in order to balance the financial and the other basic needs of the family.
2. Why do the children of working mothers become smarter, more active, and more independent?
Because the mothers being working have to move out of the house leaving all the household chores intact,
the children understand their responsibilities and manage to do all their tasks without being dependent on
learnStanton and Amelia
good habits Bloomer.
from their fathersSusan worked for the American
at home?
Anti – Slavery Society with Frederick Douglas, a fugitive slave and black abolitionist.
On July 2nd, 1979, the US Mint honored her by issuing the Susan Anthony dollar
coin. Although Anthony did not live to see the fruits of her efforts, the establishment
of the 19th Amendment is indebted to her efforts, according to US historians.
1. Anthony advocated all of the following EXCEPT ___________.
A. slavery: chế độ nô lệ should be abolished: bãi bỏ
B. women are citizens: cộng đồng and should have the right to vote
C. employers: nhà tuyển dụng should provide childcare for female employees: người lao động
D. alcohol: rượu bia should be prohibited because of the abuse it causes.
2. The underlined word “crusade” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _____________.
A. a battle against authority
B. a campaign to work tirelessly for one’s beliefs.
C. a war against the enemies in the Middle Ages.
D. an attempt to fight evil
3. What would historians say about Susan Anthony’s greatest achievement?
A. She was an activist and raised a family at the same time.
B. She worked with abolitionists to get the country rid of slavery.
C. Her tireless efforts to guarantee women the right to vote led to the establishment of the 19 th Amendment
to the Constitution.
D. Women had the legal right to vote under the provisions of the 14 th and 15th Amendments to the
4. In which of the following ways did the US Mint honor her life’s work?
A. The Susan Anthony stamp was issued.
B. The Susan Anthony dollar coin was issued.
C. The Susan Anthony Memorial Park was built in Rochester.
D. Susan Anthony dolls were created.
5. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Slavery was one of Susan Anthony’s causes.
B. Susan Anthony did not accept the use of alcohol.
C. Susan Anthony never gave up her struggle for all people’s freedom.
D. Reformers do not always see the results of their efforts.
V. Read the text and do the following tasks.
Women Who Have Made History
In the last 100 years, more women have become scientists, writers, and politicians than ever before. For
example, Rachel Carson was a scientist and writer who started the environmental movement in the 1960s.
Indira Gandhi was a politician who became the first female Indian Prime Minister in 1966. The
achievements of these extraordinary women and many others have changed the world.
This week, we present Marie Curie, the Polish French physicist and chemist
who was one of the greatest scientists of the 20 th century. She was also the
first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only woman ever to win two
Nobel Prizes in different subjects, physics and chemistry.
Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Maria went to Paris to study mathematics and
physics. She met Pierre Curie, who was a well-known scientist. They got married in 1895.
Marie Curie is famous for her work on radiation, which she named ‘radioactivity’. She used the word
‘radioactive’ to describbe substances that produce rays. Scientists already knew about the existence of ‘X-
rays’, but they didn’t know what they were. Marie Curie’s research showed that these radioactive rays
come from atoms. She discovered polonium and radium, which are both radioactive elements. Her
research was essential for the use of X-rays in medicine. She knew that doctors could use X-ray to reveal
broken bones. During World War One, she organized twenty mobile X-ray units to help doctors. Marie also
discovered that doctors could use another radioactive element, called radon, to treat cancer.
Marie Curie faced great opposition from male scientists in France, but she never gave up her research.
She died in 1934 from leukemia that she developed because of her exposure to radiation. In those days, the
health dangers of radioactivity were unknown. Her daughter Irene Curie was also a great scientist who
won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935.
Task 1. Complete the notes about Marie Curie.
Occupation: ________________________________________________
Nationality: ________________________________________________
Famous for: ________________________________________________
Task 2. Find these words in the text, and match them to their definitions.
1. elements ___________ a. being affected by something
2. reveal ___________ b. stopped doing something
3. treat ___________ c. make something known
4. gave up ___________ d. the basic substances
5. exposure ___________ e. tried to make a sick person well again
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. What have more women done in the last 100 years?
2. How many subjects did Marie Curie win Nobel prizes for?
3. Why did she go to Paris?
4. What did she discover about radioactive rays?
5. What radioactive elements did she discover?
6. What did she do during World War One?
7. How did she die?

VI. Read the text and decide whether the sentneces are true (T), false (F). Then correct the false

Woman’s work?
In many ways, David Mc Laren is a stereotypical Scotish man. In his free time, he plays golf, goes to
football matches, and meets his friends in the local pub, all the things you’d expect a young, active man to
do. And like many men, he isn’t very good at housework. He’s untidy, hardly ever hoovers and he’s never
cooked a meal in his life. However, one thing about him does not fit this stereotype: his job. David is a
Although some women are surprised when they find out that their midwife is a man, David has a good
reputation in the part of Scotland where he works. In his opinion, it’s because of the way he carries out his
duties. ‘I really care about the women that I look after,’ he says. He gets on well with the husbands too.
‘Having another man there calms them,’ he explains. ‘And many of them feel more comfortable asking a
man questions.’
‘I’ve been qualified for fourteen years, and I’ve delivered hundreds of babies,’ says David, who used to be a
coal miner. ‘There are only five or six male midwives in Scotland. When started, I expected more men to
join the profession, but the number hasn’t really changed. People still see it as a job which only women do.’
A man’s world?
Base 34 is new garage in Lyon, in the south-east of France. Customers who take their cars there for repairs
may be surprised to find that all the employees are women.
When Michel Martin advertised for women who wanted to become mechanics, he received 120
applications. After tests and interviews, he chose fifteen. They included a nurse, a secretary, a beauty
therapist and two flight attendants. They all wanted a chance to work in this traditionally male
environment. ‘I think a lot of people instinctively trust women more. And female customers might feel
more comfortable with somebody who doesn’t treat them as if they don’t understand anything.’
Although most car mechanics are still men, the situation is gradually changing. Men are starting to leave
the profession, and women are joining it. Why? In a word, technology. In the past, being a mechanic is a
physically tough and dirty job. Now, cars are much more complicated than they used to be. You need
patience and intelligence to work out what the problem is, not strength. Many people believe that this
makes the job more suitable for women than for men.

1. David McLaren does not have the same hobbies as most other men in Scotland. ________
2. Most women that David has worked with think that he is good at his job. ________
3. David gets on well with the women but not with their husbands. ________
4. David is not very experienced in his work. ________
5. There are not many male midwives in Scotland, but the number is increasing. ________
6. What is surprised about Base 34 is that no men work there. ________
7. Fifteen women applied to work at the garage. ________
8. The women had different jobs before working at the garage but wanted a change. ________
9. The job of mechanic is changing because cars are getting simpler. ________
10. Many people think that there will be more female car mechanics in the future. ________
6E. Speaking
* Everyday English
I. Choose the correct response. Then practise the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: Women should stay at home and take care B: a/ I think they can follow their careers and
of the family. interests outside the family.
b/ I don’t think men are more hard-working.
2. A: Women won’t become CEOs. B: a/ Why not? They are also good leaders.
b/ Why not? Men are better leaders than
3. A: Nowadays women get equal job B: a/ They can have more breaks than men.
opportunities as men.
b/ But they don’t get equal pay.
4. A: Do you agree that doing housework is B: a/ But we can use labour-saving devices.
very boring? b/ Women can do that by themselves.
5. A: Housewives are often financially B: a/ Not really. That’s true.
dependent on their husbands. b/ You bet!
6. A: Men should share household chores with B: a/ No, I guess so.
their wives. b/ I agree with you.
7. A: Do you think women in Korea get good B: a/ I hope not.
gender equality? b/ I don’t think so.
8. A: Oh, most of our teachers are female! B: a/ Yes, women are better at taking care of
b/ Yes, women should be encouraged to work
outside the home.
9. A: Can you see any benefits of a working B: a/ She’ll have less time to take care of her
mother? children.
b/ She can set a good example for the children.
10. A: Why should girls get higher education? B: a/ In order to do household chores better.
b/ In order to get good jobs and promotion.

* Career choices
II. Use the notes and useful expressions to complete the dialogue to offer the career choices.
Realistic: Realistic people like to work with things they can see or touch. Job matches: carpenter, chef,
nurse, pilot
Investigative: People of this type like to research and study, rather than leading groups of people. Job
matches: computer programmer, surgeon
Artistic: They like to work with a free flow of ideas. Job matches: actor, graphic designer, writer
Social: They love to work with people. Job matches: social worker, teacher
Enterprising: They are good at making money and making decisions. Job matches: business owner, lawyer,
Conventional: They always follow rules and regulations. Job matches: accountant, editor, librarian
Useful expression:
- I think/ I believe that …
- I think you’ll work as …
- I believe I can work well.
Career Counsellor Hello, everyone. Today we’ll discuss the jobs that are suitable for you. But first,
you have to say something about your likes or dislikes so that I can tell the job
match for you.
Nick Miss, I enjoy tasks that allow me to express myself and I like to think of new ideas
for my work.
Career Counsellor (1) ______________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________. Next, Mai.
Mai I can work well with figures because I remember the rules, details and can apply
the rules to the problems.
Career Counsellor Well, you’re a logical thinker, and (2) ________________________________________
Nam, would you like to talk about your strengths?
Nam Yes, I like to work in a team, and I often help small children with their homework
in my free time. I like to serve the community too.
Career Counsellor (3) ______________________________________________________________________.
Anna I like to work in a team too and I also enjoy making decisions for my team. I think
making money is very important because with money we can help other people
and we feel to be free to do anything we want. I believe that a job of a business
owner is suitable for me.
Career Counsellor Good. You’re right and (4) ______________________. How about you, Phong?
Phong I don’t work in a team, but I love working on my own. I like to explain things or
find out the solutions to problems. Which type of job is suitable for me?
Career Counsellor (5) ______________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________. And the last, Lan?
Lan I’d like to work outside with tools or machines. I also like to do gardening in my
leisure time.
Career Counsellor (6) ______________________________________________________________________
III. Complete the conversation between the reporter and Nguyen Thi Hong – Vietnam’s only female
ship’s captain, using the sentences (A-G) given. There are two sentences that you do not need.
A. But I quickly cleared such thoughts out of my head and told myself that I had to try or I would feel
regret forever.
B. I suffered huge losses after several unsuccessful fishing trips.
C. Time passed, and I could forecast the weather through clouds, the light of the stars and the condition of
the waves.
D. At that time, I was teaching Literature at a middle school and my aunt passed through my place by boat
and asked me to go fishing with her on her ship at sea.
E. After five hours of struggling with fierce waves during the night, my crew and I had brought 36 people
on board.
F. It was a horrible sky, and other boat owners tried their best to escape from the storm.
G. My aunt also taught me how to jump from one wave to another and how to manage the ship to follow a
school of fish.
Reporter How could you go to sea for the first time?
Mrs. Hong I learned it from my aunt, who was also my first teacher. (1) _________________________
Reporter What did you learn from your aunt?
Mrs. Hong She taught me her knowledge of how to watch the stars and manage the ship.
(2) ____________________________________________________________________________
Reporter Your aunt was really a great instructor to you.
Mrs. Hong I think so. (3) __________________________________________________________________
Thanks to her, I escaped from death in Typhoon Linda.
Reporter On that fateful night of November 2, 1997, you were the only captain who brought your
ship in and also rescued 36 other fishermen. What did you think at that time?
Mrs. Hong I thought I could not survive, so how could I rescue storm victims with my ship?
(4) ____________________________________________________________________________
Reporter How did you and your men rescue others?
Mrs. Hong I told my sailors to throw our two buoys into the sea despite the roaring waves in order
to rescue people. (5) ____________________________________________________________
6F. Writing
* Writing about jobs for men and women
Write a paragraph about the qualities of an effective firefighter, using the prompts below. The first
sentence has been done for you.
In order to become an effective firefighter, you should have physical fitness, communicative skills,
adapability, dedication, and courage.
1. firefighters/ have/ good health/ perform/ tasks/ and/ remain/ safe/ job
2. women/ enough physical strength/ remain safe/ job/ too
3. clear, intelligent, and polite communication/ an essential quality/ the career/ both men and women/ have
4. women/ good/ active listening/ and/ calming frightened victims
5. firefighters/ skill/ adapt/ new settings/ changing conditions/ perform the job
6. successful firefighters/ a passion/ take a pride/ their job
7. effective firefighters/ courageous/ because/ they/ willing/ take risks/ and/ sacrifice/ help others
8. both men and women/ all the qualities/ do the job well
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. gender B. equal C. preference D. secondary
2. A. aware B. family C. planet D. married
3. A. focus B. spend C. sure D. pursue
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. maintain B. perform C. prefer D. offer
5. A. promote2 B. happen1 C. pursue2 D. affect
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The company promotes equal ___________ for women in the same pay and promotion.
A. opportunities B. cases: trường hợp C. positions: vị trí D. careers: nghề nghiệp
7. The principle: nguyên tắc of equal pay is that men and women doing ___________ work should get paid
the same amount.
A. same B. alike C. similar: tương tự D. identical: giống hệt nhau
8. Children often benefit from the___________ upbringing and parents.
A. education B. educational C. uneducated D. educated
9. In developing countries, housewives are more likely to be victims of ___________ violence.
A. domestic B. household C. home D. family
10. International Women’s Day is an occasion: dịp to make more ___________ towards achieving gender
A. movement: phong trào B. progress: cải tiến C. improvement: tiến bộ D. development
11. Reducing gender ___________ improves productivity and economic growth of a nation.
A. equality B. inequality C. possibility D. rights
12. Women with high qualifications: trình độ___________ to managers.
A. must promote: khuyến khích B. must be promoted C. must move D. must be moved
13. A common reason that someone ___________ more for similar work is because of his or her experience
or “length of service: thời hạn phục vụ”.
A. may be paid B. should not be paid C. can be paid D. must be paid
14. All forms of discrimination: phân biệt against all women and girls___________ immediately: ngay lập
tức everywhere.
A. must be taken away B. must be ended C. must be allowed D. must be followed
15. True gender equality___________ when both men and women reach a balance between work and
A. can achieve: thành tựu B. should be achieved C. can be achieved D. should achieve
III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below.
History Wage: tiền công role gender Colleagues: đồng
Job experience family Result: kết quả Employers: nhà
tuyển dụng

The state of California is working to say goodbye to the gender wage gap: chênh lệch tiền lương.
Governor Jerry Brown has signed the Fair Pay Act, a new law that forces: buộc (16) employers who pay
more to a man working the same (17) wage as a woman to prove that the pay is based on elements: các yếu
tố other than (18) experience. It is not just a gender problem – it is a (19) historis problem or a human
Aileen Rizo, a math consultant at the Fresno County Office of Education, discovered that one of her
male (20) _____________________ earned $12,000 more per year than her, even though he had fewer years
of (21) _____________________ and education.
Over the course of a 40-year career, the average American woman will lose out on about $431,000 as the
(22) _____________________ of the wage gap, according to the Center for American Progress. And the pay
gap starts early: If a woman earns less in her first job, when she takes on a new (23) _____________________
and her new employer sets her (24) _____________________, it will often be based on her prior pay (25)
Now the new law has closed the gaps for women.
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
An advocate for Kenyan women and environment
Wangari Maathai has become an international (26) _______________ because
of her persistence in the struggle for democracy, human rights, and
environmental conservation. Maathai is best known for her efforts to develop
the Green Belt Movement, an organization that focuses on planting trees to
protect the environment and improve the (27) _______________ of life. Because
of her efforts, Maathai was (28) _______________ the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.
In 1976, Wangari Maathai became active in the National Council of Women of
Kenya. While she was serving as the chairwoman in the National Council of
Women, she began to found an organization that encouraged women’s groups
to plant trees in order to conserve the environment. It was this small effort that has (29) _______________
women in planting more than 20 million trees on farms, schools, and churches. This effort eventually
became known (30) _______________ the charitable organization (31) _______________ the Green Belt
Wangari Maathai has become very important to the people of Kenya, Africa and the international (32)
_______________. Because of her active role in the environment and the Green Belt Movement, more than
20 million trees have been planted, numerous other countries have begun tree planting programmes, and
women all over the world have been helped by the example that she (33) _______________. As noted by the
Norwegian Nobel Committee, she has served as an “(34) _______________ for many in the fight for
democratic rights and has especially encouraged women to (35) _______________ their situation.”
26. A. image B. key C. figure D. idol
27. A. quality B. quality C. characteristic D. feature
28. A. given B. awarded C. rewarded D. gained
29. A. resulted B. offered C. provided D. assisted
30. A. as B. for C. in D. ø
31. A. call B. calling C. called D. called as
32. A. community B. society C. association D. federation
33. A. fixes B. sets C. puts D. establishes
34. A. feeling B. emotion C. impression D. inspiration
35. A. take B. move C. better D. gain
V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The status of women in Japan is complex and cannot be characterized in simple terms. Slowly, there is a
growing number of professional women and professional women’s associations. More women continue to
work after getting married and having children. However, many companies have separate programmes for
women, usually non-career development, and follow practices that would be considered discriminatory in
other societies. For a typical couple, the female spouse is still generally expected to do all of the cleaning,
cooking, and other chores, whether she is working or not. Single women are said to be enjoying their lives,
spending much money on travel abroad and shopping. Housewives are active in networking themselves
for various objectives, for example volunteer activities, community services, recycling activities, study
groups, and many others. The traditional Japanese value of “good wife, good mother” is changing.
Unlike other countries where a couple is the usual social unit, in Japan it is typical for only the husband
to be invited to business gatherings or to weddings for company employees. Exceptions are frequently
made for foreign visitors depending on the occasion, but wives should not take their exclusion as a
personal insult.
36. The status of women in Japan is _______________.
A. indefinite and illegal B. complex and unclear C. clear and high D. low and simple
37. Nowadays, Japanese women _______________.
A. can go to work after getting married and having children
B. all have become professional women
C. take over most important work in many companies
D. have the same work and pay as men in all companies
38. In the family, the female partner _______________.
A. often does all the housework if she doesn’t go to work
B. the male spouse always helps his wife with cookinh and other chores
C. is still generally expected to do all of the housework
D. no longer spends much time doing the housework
39. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?
A. It is normal for only the husband to be invited to business gatherings.
B. Single Japanese women are used to enjoying their lives, spending much money on traveling abroad and
C. The traditional Japanese value of “good wife, good mother” is changing.
D. Wives in Japan can take their exclusion as a personal insult.
40. What can be inferred from the passage is _________________.
A. the role of Japanese women in the society is changing so that all Japanese women gain gender equality
in both society and home
B. there have been some changes in their social role, but Japanese women haven’t acquired the same rights
as men in many fields yet
C. Japanese women are fighting for their definite status in the society
D. most Japanese women are satisfied with their social role nowadays
VI. Complete the conversation between the reporter and Huynh Ly Dong Phuong – a chief pilot of
Vietnam Airlines, using the sentences (A-G) given. There are two sentences that you do not need.
A. I was determined to change others’ thinking about female pilots and make them realize that not only can
women fly planes, but they can also do it very well.
B. My father died when I graduated from high school, and then I was admitted into a business school, but
still found myself dreaming about the sky.
C. After finally obtaining my mother’s permission, I came back to Viet Nam and trained to become a pilot
with Vietnam Airlines, which sent me to a two-and-a-half-year training course in Montpellier, France with
31 other trainees.
D. The sky looks different every day, and no fancy office can be as beautiful as that.
E. I was born and raised in Brussels, Belgium.
F. I only became fascinated with planes and airports after I came back from a vacation in Vietnam.
G. I felt like a bird spreading its wings for the first time.
Reporter Hello, Dong Phuong. Congratulate you on becoming the first female chief pilot of
Vietnam Airlines. You fly both domestic routes and international flights. Where were
you born?
Dong Phuong (41) _______________________________________________________________________
Reporter Was flying in the sky your childhood dream?
Dong Phuong Oh, no. (42) ________________________________________________________________
Reporter Did your parents support your decision to become a pilot in the first place?
Dong Phuong I don’t think so. They suggested I should take an easier office job.
(43) ____________________________________________________________________
Reporter How could you make your dream come true?
Dong Phuong (44) ______________________________________________________________________
Reporter Did you experience any pressure or discrimination from male instructors or classmates?
Dong Phuong At first, some of my male classmates had no idea what a girl was doing there. Yet, I also
have very good instructors and friends who showed lots of support.
(45) __________________________________________________________________________
Reporter Thank you so much, Dong Phuong. Pleased to have a nice talk with you.
Dong Phuong You’re welcome.
VII. Write sentences about the nursing career, using the prompts below.
46. nursing/ be dominated/ women/ ages/ but nowadays/ more men/ nurses
47. when/ male patients/ see/ both male and female nurses/ take care of them/ they/ feel/ more emotionally
comfortable/ supported
48. male nurses/ make/ certain procedures/ more comfortable/ especially/ male patients
49. when/ children/ see/ both male and female nurses/ they/ understand/ nursing/ both sexes
50. nursing/ a growing career/ job security, promotion and pay rise/ which/ attractive/ both men and
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. equal B. women C. eliminate D. example
2. A. female B. parent C. baby D. age
3. A. birth B. other C. youth D. think
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. college B. woman C. mistake D. housework
5. A. hunger B. police C. parent D. courage
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. In Australia, men and women will be given an equal ___________ to contribute: đóng góp both at home
and in the workplace.
A. luck B. risk: rủi ro C. chance: cơ hội D. pay
7. Discrimination on the basis of race, ___________, age or disability is not allowed.
A. condition: tình trạng, đk B. female C. gender D. occasion
8. For girls in Nigeria, the only way to avoid child marriage and take control of their future is___________.
A. to go schooling B. to schooling C. to educate D. to get educated
9. Women in the United States are more likely to complete high school and college than men, but there are
___________ in high government positions.
A. a few women B. a number of women C. many women D. fewer women
10. Women and men must have equal ___________ to influence society and their own lives.
A. directions B. ways C. behaviours: hành vi cư xử D. rights
11. Women do the majority of domestic and ___________ work, including cleaning, cooking, and childcare
as well as taking care of sick and elderly.
A. paid B. unpaid C. low-paying D. high-paying
12. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the fourth President of Iceland, was the first woman in the world___________ the
first female Head of State in 1980.
A. elect B. to elected C. to be elected D. electing
13. Gender equality ___________ without the support of the government, organizations, and individuals.
A. mustn’t be achieved B. needn’t be achieved
C. should not be achieved D. cannot be achieved
14. Although progress___________, we are still a long way from achieving gender equality worldwide.
A. has been made B. have been made C. has been done D. have been done
15. In sub-Saharan African countries, investments___________ in education, skill training and health care to
form a better future for adolescent girls and their families.
A. will be needed B. should need C. will not be needed D. must need
III. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word below.
services Growth result Increase potential
opportunities Care progress Policies concerns

A lot of (16) _____________________ with women’s rights has been made in Korea, but there are still
some misunderstandings and prejudices that are blocking gender equality.
The first misunderstanding is the idea that if women gain more (17) _____________________, men will
lose out. This is not accurate: gender equality does not harm men, but it allows women, who make up half
the world’s population, to achieve their full (18) _____________________. Men and women should develop
together, and this would help overcome the low (19) _____________________ and secure sustainable
The second misunderstanding is that childcare and housework are jobs for women, and that work-life
balance issues are female (20) _____________________. It was true in the past: women took (21)
_____________________ of housework and childcare, men financially supported their families.
The Korean government is carrying out various (22) _____________________ to support work-life
balance, including a(n) (23) _____________________ in the number of daycare centres and a system for
childcare leave. But here is the third misunderstanding: people think that by using these (24)
_____________________, they are creating difficulty for their employers and colleagues. The (25)
_____________________ is that they don’t use them.
We can only have gender equality when we change our misunderstandings and prejudices.
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Saudi Women Register To Vote For The First Time
Women in Saudi Arabia began registering to vote this week for the first time in the nation’s (26)
_______________. The late King Abdullah announced in November 2015 that women would be allowed to
run for office and vote in city elections, which (27) _______________ every four years. At least 70 women
intend to run for office, and more than 80 registered as campaign managers, Arab News reported last
month. (28) _______________ the legal barrier to voting has been lifted, other Saudi laws and culture could
complicate women’s (29) _______________ to cast their votes.
Saudi women still have to deal with limits on their freedom of movement, and since it’s illegal for them
to drive, many of them will have to (30) _______________ male members of their family to take them to
register and to vote. Male relatives who oppose female voting rights could also be a barrier. The
government also (31) _______________ voters to have personal ID cards, and many Saudi women do not.
To make serious (32) _______________ on women’s rights, Saudi authorities should (33)
_______________ the male guardianship system, under which caring policies and practices (34)
_______________ women from obtaining a passport, marrying, traveling, or accessing higher education
without the approval of a male guardian. Only then will Saudi Arabia’s women be able to (35)
_______________ to society on an equal situation with men.
26. A. life B. history C. campaign D. period
27. A. take place B. take part C. take care D. take after
28. A. When B. Because C. However D. While
29. A. work B. careers C. efforts D. travels
30. A. trust B. remain C. base on D. rely on
31. A. needs B. keeps C. requests D. requires
32. A. development B. steps C. progress D. movement
33. A. cut B. stop C. complete D. finish
34. A. prevent B. take C. end D. remove
35. A. help B. contribute C. cause D. give
V. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Tawakkol Karman was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 in recognition of her work in non-
violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in Yemen.
Tawakkol was born in 1979 in Taiz, Yemen’s third largest city. She studied a degree in Commerce from
the University of Science and Technology in Sana’a before completing another degree in Political Science
from the University of Sana’a.
Growing up in a country with political uncertainty, Tawakkol witnessed the
unification of North and South Yemen in 1990, followed by a civil war in 1994 in
which the North gained victory over the South.
As a journalist and human rights activist, Tawakkol responded to the political
instability and human rights abuses in Yemen by organizing others and reporting
injustices. In 2005, she founded the organization Women Journalists Without Chains
(WJWC) which supports rights and freedoms and provides media skills to journalists.
In addition, the organization releases regular reports in human rights abuses in
Yemen, recording more than 50 cases of attacks and unfair sentences against
newspapers and writers so far.
In 2007, Tawakkol began organizing weekly protests in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, aiming at calling for
inquiries into social and legal injustice. Tawakkol’s weekly protests continued until 2011 when she
redirected protesters to support the Arab Spring. Tawakkol even brought Yemen’s revolution to New York
speaking directly with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and organizing public meetings at the UN
Brave and outspoken, Tawakkol has been imprisoned on a number of occasions for her opposition
movement for human rights. She is known as “Mother of the Revolution”, and “The Iron Woman”.
Since receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, she has continued to support female journalists and encouraged
people in Yemen to ask for social justice and human rights. Fiercely committed to change, Tawakkol
spends the majority of her time in a tent in Change Square, where she continues her peaceful protest for
justice and freedom.
36. By establishing WJWC, Tawakkol would like _______________.
A. to oppose to the victory of the government from the North
B. to support rights and freedom and provide media skill to journalists
C. to start the non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights
D. to report the unification of North and South Yemen and the civil war
37. The organization WJWC produces regular reports on _______________.
A. bad sentences in newspaper articles issued in Yemen
B. weekly protests in Yemen’s capital and the government’s repression
C. violent and unfair treatments against humans especially journalists
D. organizing public meetings at the United Nations headquarter
38. The purpose of weekly protests in Yemen’s capital led by Tawakkol from 2007 to 2011 was ___________.
A. to ask to make speeches at the United Nations headquarters
B. to bring Yemen’s revolution to New York and speak to UN Secretary General
C. to get many women free from prisons on a number of occasions
D. to oppose to social and legal injustice and wrongdoings from the government
39. All of the following are true about Tawakkol EXCEPT that _____________.
A. she has started supporting female journalists since 2011.
B. she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.
C. she started supporting the Arab Spring in 2011.
D. she has been put in prison several times.
40. The word “committed” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _________________.
A. done something illegal or something that is considered wrong
B. determined to give your loyalty, time to a particular principle
C. sent officially to prison or hospital
D. being brave and outspoken to live in very bad conditions
VI. Complete the conversation with Emma Watson, a famous British actress and Goodwill Ambassador
for United Nations Women in September 2014, using the sentences (A-G) given. There are two sentences
that you do not need.
A. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive; both men and women should feel free to be
B. But sadly, I can say that there is no country in the world where all women can expect to see these rights.
C. And today we are launching a campaign called HeForShe.
D. My school did not limit me because I was a girl.
E. When at 15, my girl friend started dropping out of sports teams because they didn’t want to appear
F. It’s not about men saving women.
G. We want to end gender inequality, and ro do this, we need everyone involved.
Reporter When did you start questioning the gender equality?
Emma When I was 8, I was confused for being called bossy because I wanted to direct the plays
that we would put on for our parents, but the boys were not. (41) ________
Reporter When were you appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women?
Emma It was six months ago, in February 2014. (42) ___________________________________
Reporter HeForShe, it’s the first campaign of its kind at the UN. Can you tell any difference of this
Emma (43) ____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________. We want to try to mobilize as
many men and boys as possible to be advocates for change. And we don’t just want to talk
about it. We want to try and make sure that it’s tangible, and achievable.
Reporter You have been very successful in the Harry Porter film series, but sometimes you think that
the world has become such uncomfortable one. Why do you think so, Emma?
Emma I am from Britain, and I think it is right I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think
it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body.
(44) ____________________________________________________________________________
Reporter Have you ever experienced gender inequality in your own family or at school?
Emma My life is a sheer privilege because my parents didn’t love me less because I was born a
daughter. (45) _________________________________________________________________
VII. Write sentences about the female pilots in Australia Air Force, using the prompts below.
Female pilots in Australian Air Force
46. there/ no restrictions/ employment/ women/ Australian/ Air Force
47. authority/ encourage/ women/ apply/fly/ fighter jets
48. they also/ have/ several programmes/ help/ women/ become pilots
49. men and women/ the same basic fitness test/ become a pilot/but/ standards/ different/ age and gender
50. female graduates/ complete/ same courses/ their male peers/ and/ have/ same qualities/ those/ other

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