Case Report An Uneventful Effect of Accidental Extrusion of Excess Sealer On Periradicular Healing: Two Case Reports

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Updat Dent. Coll .

j 2015;5(2):52-56

Case Report

An uneventful effect of accidental extrusion of excess sealer on

periradicular healing: Two case reports.

*Dr. Tahmeena Ishrat Ahmeda, Dr. Md. Mahmud Hossainb, Dr. Farhana Haque Sustac

a. Junior consultant, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dhaka Dental College
b. Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dhaka Dental College
c. Assistant Professor, Dental unit, Delta Medical College, Dhaka


Article history:
Received : 11.07.15 Accidental extrusion of sealer has been questioned
Accepted : 16.09.15
regarding its fate, tissue reaction, and subsequent effect on
the root canal seal and periradicular healing. These case
Key words: Sealer, Resorption,
Periradicular area. reports demonstrate, radiographically, almost disappearance
of excess sealer which has been expressed into the
periradicular tissues during obturation and subsequent
healing of periapical tissues despite this additional

Introduction: one or more of its toxic components

All of the commercial root canal sealers exhibited persistent chronic inflammatory
are toxic, irritate periradicular tissue, responses2. Periradicular necrosis by the
causing extensive to moderate tissue sealer, if allowed to escape from the canal,
damage as soon as they escape through the may be due in part to an infarct caused by
foramen1. Periradicular tissue reaction to pressure obstruction of the region’s
the sealers will at first be inflammatory, vessels3,4. Necrosis of the periodontal
but as the cements reach their final set, ligament provoked necrosis in the adjacent
cellular repair takes place unless the cementum and alveolar bone as well.
cement continues to break down, releasing There was also a greater tendency toward
* Address of Correspondence epithelial proliferation and cyst formation
Dr. Tahmeena Ishrat Ahmed, BDS, MS
Junior consultant in the overfilled group2. When foreign
Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Dhaka Dental College body is not too irritating, it becomes either
Mirpur 14, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: 01711240403. resorbed by phagocytes or encapsulated by
collagen fibers3. In the rat, the periodontal

ligament regenerated within 7 days if toxic aspect. There was a history of trauma from
irritation did not continue1,3. At the same road traffic accident.
time, if the canal is properly cleaned and Clinical examination revealed crown
shaped, and obturated three-dimensionally, fracture with loss of mesio-incisal angle
there should be significant healing of the from left maxillary central incisor.
periradicular tissues. The present report Moderate tenderness and dullness found to
describes, radiographically, dissolution of percussion on the maxillary left central
extruded sealer in the periradicular tissues incisor.
with subsequent osseous repair which was Radiographic examination revealed the
similar to healing in periradicular tissues presence of radiolucencies around the apex
where there was no extruded sealer. of maxillary left central incisor. The pulps
Case report 1 were diagnosed as necrotic with chronic to
subacute periapical periodontitis. Access
was gained to the canals and working
length was measured, which was cleaned
and shaped with appropriate number of K
and H file. The canal was cleaned with 1%
sodium hypochlorite solution, dried and
obturated with laterally-condensed gutta-
Fig-1: Initial X-ray with periapical lesion Fig-2: Working length measurment
Xray percha and Sealapex-a calcium hydroxide
containing root canal sealer. During
obturation of the tooth, the sealer,
Sealapex, was extruded beyond the apex.
The patient occasionally complained some
discomfort, which gradually declined and
had no symptoms after 18 months. The 18-
Fig-3: Final X-ray with sealer Fig-4: After 6 month month recall exhibited significant
extruded into periapical lesion
reductions in the size of radiolucencies and
almost disappearance of sealer. (Fig: 1-6).

Case report 1
A 18-years old male patient presented with
a non-contributory medical history, a chief
complain of intermittent diffuse pain in his
maxillary incisor region and recently
Fig-5: After 12 month Fig-6: Disappear of periapical
developed moderate pain in the same Lesion and sealer after 18th months

Case report 2 tenderness and dullness found to
percussion on the both maxillary central
Radiographic examination revealed the
presence of radiolucencies around the apex
of both maxillary central incisors. The
pulps were diagnosed as necrotic with
Fig-7: Initial X-ray with periapical Fig-8: Working length measurment
lesion X-ray
chronic periapical abscess. Access was
gained to the canals and working length
was measured, which were cleaned and
shaped with appropriate number of K and
H file. The canal was cleaned with 1%
sodium hypochlorite solution, dried and
Fig-9: Final X-ray with sealer Fig-10: After 6 months
obturated with laterally-condensed gutta-
extruded into the periapical lesion
of rt. max. central incisor percha and zinc-oxide eugenol root canal
sealer. During obturation of the tooth, the
ZOE sealer was extruded beyond the apex
of right central incisor. The patient
complained a small swellings at the apex
of the tooth and little discomfort at the
Fig-11: After 12 months Fig-12: After 18 months next visit, after one month. The patient
was examined and observed swelling was
due to blockage of sinus by extruded
sealer. Sinus was curetted, first sealer then
blood came out through the sinus,
antibiotics was given and after 7 days
Fig-13: Disappear of periapical lesion and sealer
sinus healed up. The patient occasionally
After 24 months
complained some discomfort during
Case report 2 healing period, which gradually declined
A 32-years old female patient presented and had no symptoms after 24 months.
with a non-contributory medical history, a The 24-months recall exhibited significant
chief complain of intermittent diffuse pain reductions in the size of radiolucencies and
in her maxillary incisor region. There was almost disappearance of sealer. (Fig.7-13).
a history of trauma five years ago.
Clinical examination revealed discoloured Discussion:
maxillary central incisors with a The present report describes
discharging sinus was present at the apex radiographically, gradual dissolution of
of right central incisor tooth. Mild accidental extrusion of excess sealer from
the periradicular tissue. In a similar type of

study Gutmann JL and Fava LRG5 found implantation site. Even at the 90-day
that macrophase debridement process and observation, macrophages and foreign
possibility of residual sealer particles body giant cells with significant amounts
apparently did not adversely affect the of engulfed material persisted at the ends
course of periradicular osseous repair, as of silicone tubes. The majority of the
the region without extruded material specimens showed some degree of
responded in a similar manner granulomatous tissue invagination into the
radiograpically to the tissues containing lumen of the tubes. Similar responses to
sealer. While it is not advocated that sealer sealapex were shown by Tornstad et al.10
be routinely placed beyond the confines of when the material was placed in
the root canal system5, it can be observed intraosseous Teflon cups. A severe
that tissues will heal despite this additional macrophage reaction was evident, with
irritation. This favourable response is removal or dissolution of the material from
probably based on multiple factors, such as the cups. In addition, an ingrowth of
canal cleanliness i.e. proper biomechanical connective tissue was observed. This same
preparation6, the nature of the sealer and its tissue response was verified by Soares et
physiological effects on the surrounding al.11 in the periradicular tissues of dogs’
tissues, seal of the canal system i.e. teeth. By contrast, Sonat et al.12
hermetic obturation, and host response. In demonstrated pronounced periradicular
another study, Erausquin and Muruzabal healing when teeth were obturated with
found that all of the cements, if the canal gutta-percha and sealapex. Minimal areas
was overfilled showed a tendency to be of inflammation were present, together
resorbed by phagocytes1,2. In comparing with significant cemental apposition, bone
the various sealers, straight zinc-oxide formation and periodontal fiber
eugenol cement was highly irritating to the organization. In another study, South
periradicular tissues and caused necrosis of American group reported on dog
the bone and cementum7. Inflammation periradicular specimens overfilled with
persisted for 2 weeks or more. Finally, the Sealapex, CRCS and ZOE. All responded
ZOE became encapsulated. Much the same with chronic inflammation.11 While
inflammatory reaction was observed at the depending upon the nature of the sealer
US National Bureau of standards when and canal cleanliness, accidental extrusion
monkey teeth were overfilled with ZOE of sealer could result in either a productive
cement8. Zemner et al.9 demonstrated or destructive response in the priradicular
significant macrophage response to tissues. So long-term follow-up is
sealapex within silicon tubes implanted in indicated.
the subcutaneous tissue of rats. Foreign
body giant cells containing dark particles Conclusion:
in their cytoplasm were noted adjacent to This case highlighted radiographically,
the material also distant from the that accidental extrusion of sealer does not

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