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Gene Keys


You are about to begin a beautiful journey into the Purpose of your life. The
Purpose of your life is not so much about what you are here to do as how you
are to do it. Our primary purpose is to live well, to live with passion, to learn
from our mistakes and to continually expand beyond the parameters set by our
minds or the minds of others. A life in which we make mistakes and take full
responsibility for those mistakes, without recourse to blame, is in some ways
even more admirable than a life of impeccable morality. Our very human
nature is to grow. So the purpose of your life is not a fixed mark. It is an ever-
changing alignment tot he core of your humanity, to your ability to forgive
yourself and others and to keep the fires of your enthusiasm burning ever
brightly. I hope that your journey into this wisdom brings these insights and
gifts into your life. Finally, i would like to wish you good fortune as you explore
this material. The essence of the Gene Keys is the transformation of the
suffering of our past into the Gifts of the future, and therefore that is our
greatest challenge as a species. Thank you for having the courage to take this
pioneering step and may it reward you in a myriad of marvellous and
unexpected ways.
The Fire Eye

Deep inside the arc of your being there is an eye. This eye was born when you
were born, and i twill die when you die. This is the Fire Eye. When you see the
world through this eye, you see a world of adventure, excitement, and passion.
When you see through the Fire Eye, everything is vibrant and changing and
bursting with potential – the very air around you crackles with the electricity of
your longing. It is the Fire Eye inside you that has led you here. It is the seeker
inside you, the inquirer, the believer, the knower. When you look at life
through the Fire Eye, you wonder about the purpose of your life. You may feel
you could be doing more. You know you have so much to give but you don’t yet
know how to give it. You feel a restless longing to accomplish something, to
fulfil your highest destiny. The Fire Eye dreams large dreams. As the turbine
that drives all human genius, the Fire Eye knows that anything in life is possible.
It has already accomplished so much in our world. It is the Fire Eye that builds
the great civilisations and puts men on the moon. It is the Fire Eye that drives
our human evolution. Those whose lives have unfolded through the Fire Eye
have become our great heroes and heroines – those great statesman, warriors,
explorers, inventors and geniuses whose lives remain forever enshrined in our
history. The Fire Eye is dynamic, hungry and always filled with hope. It is only
obsessed with itself. The Fire Eye cannot see beyond its own need for satiation.
Like a wild dog chasing its own tail, it does not know how to rest. No matter
how great are its achievements in the world; the Fire Eye is not capable of
finding inner piece.

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