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Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 1


Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 2

The objectives of this chapter are to:

❑ provide an understanding of a viable business opportunity by
identifying, observing and analysing relevant variables and
trends in the environment that can be a source of good
❑ provide students with knowledge and skills in analysing and
identifying the most attractive and suitable business
opportunities using SWOT analysis and strategic planning
❑ provide students with skills in developing a business model to
capture and turn a business opportunity into a viable
business start-up

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 3
Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter, students should be able to:

❑ develop generic skills in identifying and capturing
opportunities in their career and life
❑ apply generic analytical skills such as the application of
SWOT analysis to their work
❑ be creative and innovative in developing new business
models or marketable products
❑ work in groups effectively and harmoniously
❑ inculcate a life-long attitude and commitment toward
continuous self-improvement and professional
development throughout their career
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved
© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 4

❑ Fundamentally, all business organizations exist to provide a

service or product to their customers at a price which can
give profit to the entrepreneurs and provide value to the
customers. Therefore, most business opportunities evolve
and develop from an effort to fill a gap in the form of needs,
wants and creation of value to the customers.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 5
Scanning the Environment

❑ Improvement of existing products or introduction of better

quality new products.
❑ Fulfilling the gaps of needs, wants and creation of value to
❑ Opportunities based on local market or business advantage
such as supply and demand, competition, cost advantage,
quality advantage, reputation and brand advantage, etc.
❑ Opportunities based on macro factors such as
– technology
– demographic, geographic and psychographic factors
– political
– trend, etc.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 6
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved
© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 7
Business Ideas

The following are examples of possible sources of business ideas:

❑ Based on work experience.
❑ Based on hobby and interest.
❑ Based on chance encounters or observations while travelling.
❑ Based on family business.
❑ Based on suggestion from spouse, siblings and friends.
❑ Based on business networks.
❑ Based on local needs, wants, problem or finding gaps in the
market place.
❑ Based on market trend or market growth potential.
❑ Based on copying successful business model.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 8
Business Ideas (cont.)

❑ Based on franchise business.

❑ Based on searching and seeking of good opportunities in the
❑ Based on experimentation, trial and error methods and better
product development.
❑ Based on building internal strengths such as skills, capability,
experiences, resources and networks so that you become the best
and most suitable person to capture the opportunity. These
additional strengths that you build may make opportunities seek
you or single you out from your competitors.
❑ Based on readings from magazines, books and internet.
❑ Looking for good existing business for sale.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 9
Screening, Analysis and Selection
of the Opportunities
❑ By nature, business environment is always like a competitive
game, only the best will win the competition.
− In order to win the game, an entrepreneur must choose a sector that
suits his interest, aspiration, strength, capabilities and resources and
find a market opportunity that offers him attractive and positive
factors such as a sizable market, high growth market and minimum
❑ He needs to identify a business that he enjoys doing and has the
skills to produce high quality product and can make this product
at a cheaper cost and thus, can sell at an attractive price and in
the process, makes some profit and contributes better value to
the customers.

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 10
Critical Success Factors of an

❑ Entrepreneurial characteristic and traits such as being

hardworking, alert to opportunities, perseverance, willing to take
calculated risks, tolerance for ambiguity, high need for
achievement, internal locus of control, goal oriented, etc.
❑ Knowledge and experience in the field.
❑ Soft skills such as leadership, communication and negotiation

Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship All Rights Reserved

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 11
Critical Success Factors of an
Entrepreneur (cont.)

❑ Adequate resources such as capital and human resource.

❑ Good networking with potential customers, suppliers, experts,
potential workers, bankers and investors.
❑ Good viable business opportunities with many positive and
attractive environmental factors such as market size, market
growth, minimum or tolerable competition, good support system
and a good business concept, strategy, sound business plan and
meticulous execution details.

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Adequacy Threshold

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Strategic Planning For Small

Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT)

❑ Using the SWOT analysis, an entrepreneur can identify attractive
and favourable business opportunities that match his/her

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© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T), 2013 1– 14
Strategic Planning For Small
Business (cont.)
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) Analysis

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Macroenvironment Analysis

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Selection of Business

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Business Model

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Business Identification

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