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                                          Year & Section: BCAEd 2A

Subject: EDUC 6 Class Schedule: MW 1:30-3:00 

EDUC 6- Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Task 2:

A. Read and comprehend the following educative situations below. Identify and write the BEST
corresponding principle/s that are associated to the different situations cited.

1. Principal Martinez shares his thought with his teachers, “Subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete
responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions”.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


2. Teacher Marianne, a high school teacher requires an encoded response paper regarding
“Economic Globalization”. He found out that Mark has no corresponding resources and
incapable of spending money no work in a computer shop. For this reason, he personally lends
his laptop to Mark and let him use it at vacant periods.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


3. Ray is a transferee and feels uneasy with is new school that could make disturbance in his
learning. Yet, his teacher is very accommodating, warmth and caring. Alvin felt comfortable
with the teacher’s display of genuine warmth. The teacher is consistent in his manner Ray
began to feel interested in attending his class every day and looking forward for their lessons.
Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


4. Teacher’s Carmel’s lesson for the day is all about “photosynthesis”. Prior on her lesson
proper, she let her students give words whom they think are connected to the word
photosynthesis. With that, Miss Carmel ask some volunteers to define photosynthesis using the
terms/words suggested by everyone.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


5. Ms. Dominguez, a Grade 8 teacher, instructed her students to come up with a book report
and grouped her class into three. Each group was assigned on different manner of
presentations. The group 1 will create a graphic organizer of the story, Group 2 will give an oral
report and Group 3 will build a diorama illustrating the story.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


6. An English teacher designed an interesting learning activity on his lesson about “public
speaking”. He let her students pick a certain type of speech of which will be performed in the
class. Further, he requires his students to prepare and perform their chosen type of speech
wearing appropriate dress code.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


7. Teacher Dela Paz conducted a pre-test to her Grade 9 class on the very first day of school.
The result of the rest was her basis in designing her instructional plan.

Answer: ___________________________
Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


8. Akellah dreams to become a journalist in her time, yet she always struggles o grammar
lessons. However, she’s glad that her English teacher Annie is fund of giving her remedial
activities on grammar every day that actually help her


Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


9. Mariel was assigned to report on the Part of the Animal and Plant cells as well as its
corresponding functions. Thinking that it would sound better, Mariel memorized all the texts
from the book. But during the actual delivery, she made forgot on one sentence that lead her to
stammer and got lost on her presentation. Afterwards, teacher Mariel called her attention and
advise her to create an outline of her topic in order to attain sound reporting.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


10.Frida, a TLE teacher, always do inspire her class in their baking and pastry lessons by telling
her students the importance of learning the crat since they can earn a living from it and even
can start up a business afterwards.

Answer: ___________________________

Brief explanation about the answer: ____________________________________


B. Fill out the matrix below to summarize and synthesize what your learnings and insights.
Column A contains the 14 principles in column B, write your learnings/insights, especially on
how you plan to apply what you learned when you teach.
The 14 principles My learnings/insights on how I will apply
what I learned
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
1. Nature and the learning process
2. Goals of the learning process
3. Construction of knowledge
4. Strategic Thinking
5. Thinking about thinking
6. Context of Learning
Motivational and Affective Factors
7. Motivational and emotional influences on
8. Intrinsic motivation to learn
9. Effects of motivation on effort
Developmental and Social Factor
10.Developmental influences on learning
11.Social influences on Learning
Individual Differences Factors
12.Individual differences in learning
13.Learning and diversity
14.Standards and assessment

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