Ia Outline

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Internal Assessment Format

Law Unit 1

Please note the following:

Each heading should start on a separate page. Each page should be numbered.

The headings that are required are:

1. Cover Page – this should have your name, candidate number, center number, subject,
research topic, name of teacher, unit and name of school.
2. Acknowledgment – thanking the people who were instrumental in helping you to complete
your research. This need not be more than five (5) sentences.
3. Title and Table of Contents – list of items expected to be covered in research paper and the
page on which they can be found. Title is the broad heading from which the research topic
4. Research topic – this should be written using the main theme as presented in the Syllabus
guide and the specific topic selected from the list provided.
5. Description of the Research problem – Outline the laws related to the problem, the
importance of investigating the problem and propose a possible solution.
6. Aims/ Objective – this should list what you hope to achieve by conducting your research.
7. Methodology – This should list a description of the method used to collect data.
8. Presentation of Findings – Presenting information gathered using appropriate methods – by
charts, graphs, tables.
9. Analysis/ Discussion of Findings – this should discuss the topic in reference to research
c9onducted. This heading is used to interpret the findings and explain how they relate the
existing body of information, relates findings to the law and or legal theories.
10. Recommendations – this should include possible recommendations based on the findings of
the research paper.
11. Rubric – this is the grading scheme that will be used to assess your research paper.
12. Appendix – this contains any graphs, pictures, questionnaire, interview questions used in
the research.
13. Reference – this should include citation of all sources and all resource persons interviewed.
All legal citations must be done using OSCOLA.

The document should be double spaced using Times New Roman font size 12.

The research paper should be approximately 1500 words excluding Appendix and References. Failing
which marks will be deducted.
N.B. This research paper should be conducted from a legal perspective, not from a moral or
philosophical perspective.


Primary Sources of Data

Candidates should use primary sources of data in their research activities. These include legislation
treaties and cases. Information gathered through questionnaires, and face-to-face interviews may
also be used.

Secondary Sources of Data

Secondary sources of data may also be used. These may include text books, law journals,
newspapers, professional law journals, law commission reports or other legal reports and
documentation on cases studied.

Research Topics

1) Law and Morality - Abortion – The Right to Life or the Right to Choice
2) Law and Morality – Euthanasia – To Kill or not to kill
3) Morality and Religion in Law - Legalizing Buggery in Jamaica
4) Morality and Religion in Law - Decriminalization of Prostitution in Jamaica
5) Morality and Religion in Law - Unconstitutionality of the Death Penalty in Jamaica
6) Is the Office of the Ombudsman necessary?
7) Should the Privy Council or the Caribbean Court of Justice be the highest appellate court of
8) Ethical Standards - The Duty Owed by Lawyers to Clients
9) Whether the Governor General is necessary as the Head of State? What is the process of
removing the Governor General?
10) Sentencing - Should young offenders be given custodial sentences?
11) What rights do citizens in Jamaica have when they are detained?
12) Law and Morality - Prostitution - Is it legal to do whatever you want with your body?

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