Nat Geo Look 3 Unit 2

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DC My E iE 2 i. { ¥ 2 ae ae) ae j ! i E ay aaa Clee ets Greece ror Se anne) @ Usten, chant, and act. oes she live on a mountain? e live in Usten and read. (} eyeulve na town? — Doi 8804, Grammar 2 No, we don't. Yes, we do. We lve on a form. No, she doesnt Yes, she does. She lives in a ree. No, they dont. Yes, they do. They live on a boat, Ana ive next @ tres? Yes, wo Yos sho. No wo dont. No.sho ‘No.wolve na viloge, _No.sho ives nex! to alate. _) Look and say. Carlos — fy uy z Riaond Went |v viv UNT2 ony Way 19) cable cars subway exercise @ Where are the children in the photo? Usten and read. (= » For scme cileren isnt eosy fo gel to school. In big cies iNiscdongerous becouse there are lois of cas. In Caracas, Venezuela some ehisten don rove hxough the oly they travel above the city n cable ears. In Tokyo. many Japanese chicken favel und the cy on the subway. In some cities, Ie Rouen, France, there are “bike buses, bicycles for mary people that ride around tne ity 30 that the chilsten go te School together I's good exercise! ‘And then there are chikken wine walk a long wey fo get fo schoo) Raghika sna Yashoda ive in ne vilage ct Syaba inthe Himolayas in Inia. They walk al he way down the mounioin, Thay walk along a litle path trough the forest. Then Iney go. {2070 ho river on a special cabo Car. fakos two hours! @ Match the countries with the kind o bike buses cable cars. subway walking r the questions. 1. What tps are fur? 2. Whot taps are aitioulr? 3. What is your event 20 uni 20M Wey @ Listen and read. 0) w=: ®@ Match. ebove across along around — down — past through under — 1 2. 3 4 s. 6. Write two true sentences and one false sentence about your trip to school. Guess! 1. They go acro8 arrver on @ special cable cor 2. They ravel uncer the city on the subwoy. 3. They ride cbove the eityn a cable cor ‘A. Mey walkthrough te forest '5. Mey walk down the mountain ‘6. Mey nde post her ends. 7. Tey go around the ety on a spoctal bik, &. Tey go along a lie pars We go past / under a forest on our way to school He can walk along / under the watertal She rides around / through the lake every cay leant swim above / across the aver. t's dangerous! The tain goes up and above J down the mountain You walk down J through the city on your way home. UNT2 Onmy wet 21 Song ee eid RU Ru ane ered Do you want fo come to my house and play? Isit far? Can | stay all day? Sure! There ae lots of toys! For girls and boys? Yes, let me tell you the wey. You ge down the path, down the path) between the trees, (between the trees) along the beach, {along the beach) and you're there! (I'm here!) You go across the river, across the iver) past the farm, (past the farm) under the waterfall, (under the waterfall) and you're there! (fm here!) Bre tot a y Help others. Poet aren) — Phonics © @ Liston and point.) » @ listen. Say the sounds. (= tree tee weee-k week b-ea-ch beach —pl-ea-se please c-ou-n-tr-y county —st-o-r-y story @ Write ee, ea, or y. Listen and chant. ( }-2 Play on the bch, cli a tal sail on the s__. follow ab__1 ‘When | go to the countr_side, inemakes me hop inside! @ write ee, e9, or y. Say the words. Listen and repeat. 3.) re 2 ontay wey 23 ® Watch the video again. Check (7) the words you hear. 1 v Librother CJ cousins [forests] grandparents [houses mountains [movies parents Leading — Ciriver Lischoct (sister [video games [waterfalls [window C] door Writing We use periods al end of sentences. We use commas in Iss fron 's 2 big county. 1.g0 wih my mem, my cad, ry sister, nc Weuse question marks othe end ot eourin ‘auestons. ‘Wo uso apostrophes in contractions and fer Where de you go? possesion, rm from Bra We vat my aunt—my mom's sister —<——=S———— EEO EOE ® Write about long trip. Do you ge on any long tips? Wht do you do while you travel? How do you travel? ‘And what do you see? 24 uN? One Way! Function 1:Talking about dates Today fs October 1".My birthday son July 7". ‘Ordinal Numbers 6)» tet 13" thiteenhn 2" second 14 foursentn 3” thd oF 20° twentisth 4 fourth 21° twenty frst 5° mm 30° therm @ listen and read. Complete. ( } =>: Pablo: What are you doing, Gloria? Gloria: tm making port invitations. Pablo: Bul foday’s 1 Your isthday isn't until ___1 Glofia: 1 know: 64 theyre not for my party. They're Invasions for Gelinas bithday party. Pablo: Oh, | see! Well when's Celina’ birthday? Gloria: Her birthday is on __. That's Wednesday ana the party's on Sunday, Da you want 19 cama? Pablo: Yos, | dol Thonks! And you can come to my birthday party on @ listen, check, and repeal. ( } @ listen again. Match. (2+ 1. Glorio’s birthday March 16" 2. today Moreh 18" 3. Celina’sbitnday March 22" 4, Celna’s party Apiila* 8. Pablo's party November 9 @ say. FUNCTION 1: Tang about deter 25. The Sami and the Reindeer Tedioy wel going 10 ploce where its very cflcul {o e—the cole nortn Sap isc region in the north of Eutope. There is snow fer alot ofthe year, ‘and there oro somo wooks when you don't 590 th gun! tit easy to tte) play outside, or grow vegetables But Sapmis where the Som peoale lve iis their heme: Let's go and nd cut how they ve 4) Read about Sapmi. Answer the questions. 1. Whereis Sapmi? 2. Whyisit cific to live there? 3. Who ives there? Watch the video. Circle, © 1. The reindeer ore impertant fo the Sami fer evel / food. 2, The reindeer find food in the woter / under the snow. 4 3. The reindeer walk for becouse she Sami people move them / they need fo Wd God ys 4A. The Sami reindeer herders Ine in one place / diferent places. 6. The reindeor swim across the ver / cross the vor in boats . 26 scHooLTRP 1 School Trip 1 ‘Asami man taking care ot his reindeer Draw a map of an De pte a a Dee Eee ae a ad ® complete. Le 45h A —. Ln’ §Ja 1M 6 MER (® Cross out the incorrect word. 1. Many young people live here, in this lake / town / village. 2. You can swim in the farm / lake / river. 3. Lots of wild! animals live in this field / forest / village. 4. Let's walk through this forest / fown / mountain. 5. That's a very high river / mountain / waterfall. @ complete. my her his our your their 1. | have a blue bike. | ride __________ bike to school 2. Victor often walks to schoo! with —_________ friends. 3. "Are __________ parents from Argentina?" "No, they're from Spain 4. There's a new gil in class today. —________ name is Mae. 5. We love monkeys. _____ favorite monkeys live in Brazil 6, Gina and Raul walk to school, —__ house isn't far. @ Listen. Circle the best answer to the question. ( } 1m:s 1. A.No, I don't. B. No, he doesn’t. 2. A.Yes, lam. B. It’s a big country. 3. A.No, he doesn't. He lives in a village. B. No, I don’t. My house is far away. 4. A. Yes, she walks through the park. B. No, she can't go to school today. 5. A.In.a big house near the river, B. No, they don't live here. 28 REVIEW 1: Units 1-2

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