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PSYC 1101 EXAM 3

Question 1

1 out of 1 points

A person starts from one point and comes up with many different ideas or possibilities based on that
point. The person is engaging in ________.

Question 2

1 out of 1 points

Janie is taking an exam in her history class. On the exam, there is a question that asks her to state
and discuss the five major causes of the Trans-Caspian War (whatever that was!). Janie remembers
four of them. She knows there is a fifth, but time is up. As Janie is walking down the stairs, all of a
sudden, she remembers the fifth point, but it is too late. Janie had a problem with _________.

Question 3

1 out of 1 points

Loni is asked to memorize the letters I K T E A L N in no particular order. She memorizes them by
reorganizing them into the words INK and LATE. This tactic is called _________.

Question 4

1 out of 1 points

_______ develop when two eggs each get fertilized by two different sperm, resulting in two zygotes
in the uterus at the same time.

Question 5
1 out of 1 points

When someone looks at an image, the retina turns the light rays from it into neural messages that go
up to the optic nerve so the brain can interpret them. This process is called _________.

Question 6

1 out of 1 points

Riley has figured out how to unlock his bedroom door with a paper clip. What has he most likely
overcome in his new use of the paper clip?

Question 7

1 out of 1 points

Marisa is at a point in her pregnancy when the zygote is moving down to her uterus, and the
placenta and umbilical cord are beginning to form. Which period of prenatal development is Marisa
currently experiencing?

Question 8

1 out of 1 points

Monozygotic twins _______.

Question 9

1 out of 1 points

Talia is looking for her cat by methodically searching each room and then closing the door. She is
using what type of problem solving strategy?
Question 10

1 out of 1 points

Frank mistakenly believes that there are more words that begin with the letter "k" than there are
with the letter "k" in the third position due to the ________.

Question 11

1 out of 1 points

The ability to learn from one's experiences, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges
or problems is the psychologist's working definition of ________.

Question 12

1 out of 1 points

What are the two major types of rehearsal (for moving information from short-term to long-term

Question 13

1 out of 1 points

What term do psychologists use to describe our tendency to search for evidence that supports our
belief and to ignore evidence that might disprove it?

Question 14

1 out of 1 points

General knowledge, language, and concepts are seen as parts of ___________.

Question 15

1 out of 1 points

Which type of attachment style is characterized by babies who do not seem to care very much
whether the mother is present or absent, and are equally comfortable with her and a stranger?

Question 16

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development?

Question 17

1 out of 1 points

Elijah is a 3-year boy who likes to spread his peas and carrots all over his plate. After spreading out
his food, he asks for more. His mom pushes all the food together and Elijah continues to eat. Which
period of cognitive development is Elijah in?

Question 18

1 out of 1 points

Shaquin finished his term paper and handed it in. As he walked out of the classroom, he realized that
there were a few more things he should have included in the paper. Shaquin's problem is the
_________ component of memory.

Question 19

1 out of 1 points

Shelby is very adaptable to change. She is on a regular sleeping, eating, and waking schedule.
Thomas and Chess would describe Shelby as being a(n) _______child.

Question 20

1 out of 1 points

The three parts of the information-processing model of memory are _________.

Question 21

1 out of 1 points

Greta's child has facial deformities, a smaller than normal head, heart defects, mental retardation,
learning difficulties, and delayed growth. If these defects can be traced to a teratogen used by Greta
when she was pregnant, which was she most likely abusing?

Question 22

1 out of 1 points

On a newly developed IQ test, an individual scores at the 110 level on the first half of the test, and
150 on the second half of the test. What does this test appear to lack?

Question 23

1 out of 1 points

The correct formula for determining IQ as used in Terman's development of the Stanford-Binet Test
was ________.

Question 24
1 out of 1 points

Suppose you're pitching in a baseball game and facing a good hitter. You remember that you struck
him out with a fastball the last time he was up. You also remember that your coach told you to
always try to be unpredictable, so you decide to throw a curve ball this time. In making this decision,
you are primarily using your _________.

Question 25

1 out of 1 points

A display of 12 letters is flashed on a screen in front of you followed by a tone. You attempt to recall
a portion of the display based on the specific tone you heard. What aspect of your memory is this
experiment designed to assess?

Question 26

1 out of 1 points

Someone a short distance away, to whom you have been paying no attention, quietly speaks your
name, and suddenly you attend to that person. This is an example of _________.

Question 27

1 out of 1 points

Don tells Ray that he wants to get a new sports car. Ray immediately understands why, because he is
familiar with the common characteristics of sports cars and knows what makes them different from
family cars. Ray is using mental categories called ________.

Question 28

1 out of 1 points

Jean Piaget is noted for his theory of _______.

Question 29

1 out of 1 points

Sternberg has found that ________ intelligence is a good predictor of success in life but has a low
relationship to ________ intelligence.

Question 30

1 out of 1 points

Sally is enrolled in a high school geometry course, which she describes as "drawing figures and
figuring drawings." In a typical class, students draw geometric figures and use a formula to calculate
an aspect of the figure, such as its area. Each time Sally uses a formula, she is making use of what
psychologists call ________.

Question 31

1 out of 1 points

Germain tends to rule his home with an iron fist. His children know the rules and they are expected
to obey them without question, or there will be harsh consequences. Diana Baumrind would
describe Germain's parenting style as _______.

Question 32

1 out of 1 points

In Erikson's _______ stage of psychosocial development, preschoolers are challenged to control their
own behavior.

Question 33
1 out of 1 points

Mary is an adolescent who currently has a small pimple on her cheek that is causing her to be overly
self-conscious. She is convinced that everyone she meets stares at and talks about her pimple.
Mary's behavior exhibits _______.

Question 34

1 out of 1 points

Several weeks of diagnostic tests have revealed that cancer has spread throughout Barry's body. His
physician suggested that he "take care of important matters." Barry realizes his family's home needs
repairs, so he arranges to have that done right away. To relieve his family of the agony of planning
his funeral, he has made all the arrangements. Barry tells his minister he has had a good life and just
wants to make sure he provides for his family after his death. This description fits the stage Kübler-
Ross called _______.

Question 35

1 out of 1 points

Brad is 18 and is looking into career options. He is currently deciding whether he wants to become a
gourmet chef or a race car driver. Brad is at what stage of Erik Erikson's psychosocial development?

Question 36

1 out of 1 points

Your little sister picks up objects, feels every part of them, and then puts them in her mouth. What
stage of Jean Piaget's model of cognitive development does this behavior suggest she is in?

Question 37

1 out of 1 points

Jamal is trying to buy something over the phone. He asks his partner to read him his credit card
number. However, when he tries to repeat it to the sales clerk on the other end of the line, he can't
remember all the numbers. Jamal is coming up against _________.

Question 38

1 out of 1 points

Emily and her husband are thrilled as they peer into Emily's uterus by means of an ultrasound. The
physician reports that the pregnancy appears normal, and that their baby's fingers, toes, heart, and
circulatory system are developing as expected. The couple learns that the baby is only an inch long.
Given this information, the current stage of prenatal development is the _______.

Question 39

1 out of 1 points

Which of the following illustrates Vygotsky's concept of scaffolding?

Question 40

1 out of 1 points

Suzy looks up from her lunch, realizing that Jacques has just said something to her. What was it? Oh,
yes, he has just asked her if she wants to go to the movies. Suzy's ability to retrieve what Jacques
said is due to her _________.

Question 41

1 out of 1 points

Jesse still has very vivid memories of his first romantic kiss. This example illustrates a specific form of
_________ memory known as a(n) _________ memory.
Question 42

1 out of 1 points

You are out for a drive with the family and are lucky enough to get a window seat. The rapidly
passing scenery you see out the window is first stored in _________.

Question 43

1 out of 1 points

Agatha Harkness-Smythe is determined to ban guns in the United States. This is a controversial topic
and social scientists have debated whether the ownership of guns by citizens increases or decreases
crime. Agatha could go to the library and look up studies on the linkage between guns and crime
rates. Instead, Agatha just reads the local newspaper and only cuts out articles about robberies in
which the "bad guy" used a firearm. Agatha is demonstrating ________.

Question 44

1 out of 1 points

Dr. Smith believes people who are very aggressive have become so because of their life experiences.
Dr. Goldberg believes people are more or less aggressive from birth because of genetic factors.
Which of the following terms best describes an issue in human development that is highlighted by
their disagreement?

Question 45

1 out of 1 points

Brad is in an electronics store with his parents. He looks at the CDs and thinks for a moment that he
could grab one and put it beneath his coat. As he considers this possibility, he decides not to do it
because he might get caught and his parents would punish him. What stage of moral development
does Brad's decision represent?
Question 46

1 out of 1 points

According to Robert Sternberg, ________ is best described as "street smarts," or the ability to use
information to get along in life. People who have it know how to be tactful, how to manipulate
situations to their advantage, and how to use inside information to increase their odds of success.

Question 47

1 out of 1 points

Mr. Beluga has just been told that he has a rare form of cancer. He insists that there has been a
mistake and asks his physician to retake his medical tests. According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Mr.
Beluga is most likely in the _______ stage of dying.

Question 48

1 out of 1 points

Ovum is a term used to describe _______.

Question 49

1 out of 1 points

According to Piaget, _______ represents the beginning of the child's language development and
symbolic thought.

Question 50

1 out of 1 points

Like any 4-month-old, Amy depends on her parents to feed her and to change her diapers. When
Amy cries, her devoted parents quickly respond to her needs. According to Erikson, Amy is
developing a sense of _______.

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