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Both “Escorts rm te ‘Song ofthe Open Road” by Wak Whisman and "New Horizons” concern the theme oe exckement of ouney and experieeng new things. A»ough bot | tex address he same cera! hme, “Excerpts tom the ‘Song ote Open Road pesenis this theme as Something tats universal rather than solate, Something that occu naualy 8 everyone. "Excerpts rom the ‘Song ofthe Open Road” preserts the theme ofthe excitement of experieneng new tings on journeys ns somehat slated. The narrate fels these erations in thems but tees a pressure o explain hs emotion othe person wr wil accompay them. “Traveling win te you fn what never tres, To kaw the unwerse oe a ood. 29 many roads, s roads for raveling sous" (Whiman ines 21:2), In the naratr expiring tha the feciterent of ajoumey never tes ote ther penta joumey companion Isle thatthe companon needed tis explanation of how he Journeys supposed to be exckng. This tater implies bat he dive fr experiencing th excitement of new things is net inna in everyene, thus te naratos need wo excain its exisonce. “The author of Now Horizons” presents tose themes with an imped continu, contrast the way they are presented in “Except ram The Song ofthe Open Road” In ‘New Horaons, the storie are dasebed with thee diferent ndiduas al felng this inate excitement ofa joumey. These individuals exist in dierent me periods and come ftom ciferent bckgrounds, yt they al share this excitement when they lenve home. And yet he knew he ‘would be reses if forced to tay nthe sme pace al he tet he could na rave! rn Place to pace, om press press hesler visting and tending ta ha mechanical patents" (New Horzons) The father nie fst excerptin ie sory acknowledges thathefe'srestiess ‘wen ne doesnot vavel,mplying tat he neds oavel 0 fel at ease. The inthe second excortexperences a sina enon, “She was one fo learn enovgh abou Heatue to sat ‘wing Mer ow. New Horizons") The oi inthe second excerpt expresses a tery excitement ‘regarding her own avels and the things she would do inher waves, ning thal she was‘an fete lear about iterate in her vavels.n presenting tis tome ofthe excitement of wavel through many people simple ha this exctement or travels continuous troughout indus and time penods ts sometsng nae. “Excerpt tam The Song ofthe Open Road” ‘only presents his excitement inthe neato’ and implies tha this excitement isnot ten the ‘way the nanatr has to expan the emoton i others for them to understand ‘Both "New Horizons and "Excerpt ram The Song ofthe Open Road” concern the tmome ofthe exctemenc ota oumey. Aug the fxs Nave te same theme, rey present hs ‘nome deren wh aiferent peatlons. Ths shove tat I not only NpataR 1 ead Texts ‘or thei hemes tuto also study now these themes ae presented 0 recive afl Understanding ofa ox.

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