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Anjana jose


I think I'm going to add a typical village girl (from South India?) in the documentary, City Girls.
She doesn't actually want others to think that she is a city girl. Let her name be Nandhini. She
was forced by her parents to go to Delhi University and get her degree. But she is unhappy. She
wants to go back, stay home or get married and be a housewife. She is Kulsum's and Umra's new

(A bell rings. Nandhini is struggling with 3 huge bags, waiting for the door. She drops one of
them and it falls down with a huge thud. Kulsum and Umra comes out, looks at each other and at

Umra: (confused) um… hi.

Nandhini: hiii… (sighs)
Kulsum: Are you (checking her phone) Nandhini?
Nandhini: yes yes. I called you no.
Umra: o ya. Come in, come in. (Looks at Kulsum and gestures,"she's struggling with the bags,
let's help.")

(The two of them walks in and throws the bags down, hands on their hips. They sit down on the
green bean bag. Nandhini follows. Umra sighs and looks at Nandhini who is still holding the

(Kulsum and Umra giggles)

Umra: Arre, put the bags somewhere and sit down yaar.

(Nandhini drops them on the floor. She sits down, her spine as straight as a tree and rests on the
wall behind her.)
Kulsum: so… why'd u come to Delhi?
Nandhini: (with an Indian accent) oh that, appa sent me hete to get a degree and a job. I dont
know why I need to do all that work when he could have just married me off to some rich guy. I
told amma that this is a waste of money but appa insisted I go. I don't want to stay here. I just
want to go back to my hometown.

(Both Umra and Kulsum are a little shocked by Nandhini's response.)

Umra: you know, college years are the best years of one's life. I think you'll like it here. It won't
be your hometown, but you can try to recreate it here.

(Kulsum looks at her watch)

Kulsum: oh no it's 8 already. We need to get there by 9 or the manager is gonna shout at us again.
Chalo, let's get ready.

(Kulsum walks to her room. The sound of cupboards opening can be heard.)

Umra: ugh, I hate him. Wish he'd get a transfer or smtg. (to Nandhini) There's milk and some
groceries in the fridge. Feel free to use 'em. (pointing towards a door with paper butterflies in it)
That's your room. We have to leave for work. You can settle down.

(Umra leaves. After a few minutes, the girls comes out of their rooms in formal outfits.)

Kulsum: (talking to someone on the phone) haa bhayya, eek second. Aah raha hoon.
Umra: You know my number right? If there's anything text me. I'll call you back during breaks.

Umra and Kulsum: (together) buhbye.

(Both exits)

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