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Code: 15A01603 R15

B.Tech III Year II Semester (R15) Regular Examinations May/June 2018

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the purposes of site investigations?
(b) What are the factors that affect the sample disturbance?
(c) What are different types of slope failures?
(d) What is a stability number?
(e) What are the factors affecting the magnitude of lateral earth pressure?
(f) What are the assumptions in Coulomb’s theory?
(g) Define ‘ultimate bearing capacity’.
(h) What is factor controlling the allowable soil pressure for foundation in cohesive soils?
(i) What are the conditions where a pile foundation is more suitable than a shallow foundation?
(j) What do you understand by grip length?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Explain in detail about plate load test in detail.
3 Describe various methods of drilling holes for sub-surface investigations.
4 Describe Bishop’s simplified method. What are the advantages over Swedish circle method.
5 A dam of homogeneous section is 25 m high with upstream slope of 2.5 to 1.0 and downstream slope of
2 to 1. There is a 12 m long horizontal filter at the downstream end. Taking a free board of 3 m,
determine: (i) Factor of safety of downstream slope under steady seepage condition. (ii) Factor of safety
of upstream slope under sudden drawdown conditions.
6 Discuss Culmann’s method for the determination of active earth pressure.
7 Determine the passive pressure by Rankine’s theory per unit run for a retaining wall 4 m high, with
i = 15 , and . The backface of the wall is smooth and vertical.
8 How would you estimate the settlements of a foundation on cohesion less soils?
9 A strip footing 2 m wide is to be laid at a depth of 4 m in a purely cohesive soil
. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity from: (i) Terzaghi’s theory. (ii) Skempton’s
10 A group of nine piles, 8 m long, is used for a column. The piles are 30 cm diameter with centre to centre
spacing of 90 cm. The subsoil consists of clay with unconfined compression strength of 180 kN/m2.
Estimate the safe load. Take factor of safety as 3.0.
11 Explain the various forces acting on a well foundation.

Code: 15A01603 R15
B.Tech III Year II Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2018/19
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What do you understand by site investigation?
(b) What are the uses of vane shear test?
(c) What are the factors of safety used in stability of slopes?
(d) What is the effect of steady seepage parallel to the slope on stability?
(e) Name the types of lateral earth pressure.
(f) What is the use of Rehbann’s construction?
(g) Define ‘Safe bearing capacity’.
(h) What is shallow foundation?
(i) What is negative skin friction?
(j) What are the components of a well foundation?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Discuss about standard penetration test.
3 Describe the salient features of a good sub-soil investigation report.
4 How a slope is analyzed using Swedish circle method? Derive an expression for the factor of safety.
5 An embankment 10 m high is inclined at 35° to the horizontal. A stability analysis by the method of
slices gave the following forces: Σ𝑁 = 900 𝑘𝑁, Σ𝑇 = 420 𝑘𝑁, ΣU = 200 𝑘𝑁. If the length of the failure
arc is 23 m, find the factor of safety. The soil has 𝐶 = 20 𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 and ϕ = 15°.
6 Derive the expressions for active and passive pressure by Rankine’s theory.
7 A retaining wall with a vertical smooth back is 8 m high. It supports a cohesionless soil
(𝛾 = 19 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 , ϕ = 30°). The surface of the soil is horizontal. Determine the thrust on the wall.
8 Explain the effect of water table on the bearing capacity of soil.
9 Estimate the immediate settlement of a concrete footing, 1 m x 2 m size, founded at a depth of 1 m
in a soil with 𝐸 = 104 𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 , 𝜇 = 0.3. The footing is subjected to a pressure of 200 𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 . Assume
the footing to be rigid.
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Code: 15A01603 R15

10 A pile load test on a 40 cm diameter concrete pile in a deposit of sand indicates a settlement of
4 mm under a load of 400 kN. Estimate the settlement of a 4 x 4 pile group. The piles are driven at
a spacing of 100 cm. The total load on the group is 6400 N.
11 A well foundation has the following particulars:
Outer diameter = 5 m
Inner diameter = 3 m
Depth below scour level = 12 m
Moment = 5000 kN-m
Horizontal force acting at 8 m above the scour level = 600 kN
Factor of safety = 2.0.
Assume that the well tilts about a certain point above the base, compute the allowable, total
equivalent force due to earth pressure. Take 𝛾𝑠𝑎𝑡 = 20𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 , ϕ = 30°.


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Code: 15A01603 R15
B.Tech III Year II Semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations May/June 2019
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) Write about need for soil investigation report.
(b) What are methods for soil exploration?
(c) What do you mean by slope stability?
(d) Discuss types of failures in earth slopes.
(e) Discuss about earth pressure theories.
(f) Write the assumptions for Coulomb’s earth pressure theory.
(g) Write about types of foundations.
(h) Define ultimate bearing capacity and net safe bearing capacity of soils.
(i) Discuss the necessity of pile foundation.
(j) Write about sinking of wells in deep foundations.

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Explain about wash boring and auger boring methods with the help of neat diagram.
3 Explain in detail about borehole log sample with a neat sketch.
4 Explain the stability analysis by the standard method of slices.
5 Determine the factor of safety with respect to cohesion against failure of the canal slope of 45o when
the canal is full of water (take Sn = 0.08) and when there is a sudden draw down (take Sn = 0.12).
The height of the canal is 8 m below the ground surface and having soil with 𝑐𝑢 = 20 𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 ,
∅𝑢 = 18°, 𝑒 = 0.79 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐺𝑠 = 2.67.
6 Explain the stability of cantilever retaining wall for the factor of safety against sliding, overturning and
bearing pressure.
7 An 8 m retaining wall with a smooth vertical back retains a backfill with horizontal surface. The
properties of the backfill material are 𝑐 ′ = 15 kN/m2, ∅′ = 30o, γ = 18 kN/m3. Determine Rankine’s
active and passive earth pressure on the retaining wall.
8 Explain about Meyerhof’s theory and its merits over Terzaghi’s theory.
9 Determine the width of a strip footing if it has to carry a net load of 800 kN at depth of 1.5 m. Take
𝑐 ′ = 17𝑘𝑁/𝑚2 , ∅′ = 30°, 𝛾 = 19 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3 , 𝑁𝑐 = 37.2, 𝑁𝑞 = 22.5, 𝑁𝛾 = 19.7 and factor of safety as 3.0.
Use Terzaghi’s theory.
10 A 300 mm diameter concrete pile of 12 m long is driven into deposit of uniform clay having
unconfined compression of 100 kN/m2. Determine the ultimate load capacity and safe load capacity
of the pile. Take α = 0.75 and factor of safety = 3.0.
11 Explain the various components of well foundation with a neat diagram.
Code: 15A01603 R15
B.Tech III Year II Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations December 2019
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the constituents of the Pressuremeter test probe?
(b) What is a bore log report?
(c) What is the purpose of Fellenius method in slope stability?
(d) What are the assumptions generally made in the stability analysis of slopes?
(e) Compare Rankine’s and Coulomb’s earth pressure theories.
(f) What are the conditions to check the stability of a retaining wall?
(g) What is the effect of bearing capacity on soil?
(h) In which situation is Skempton’s method used?
(i) What are the limitations of dynamic pile formulae?
(j) What is grip length and its importance in well foundations?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 (a) Write the procedure to conduct the Standard Penetration Test.
(b) Compute the area ratio of a thin walled tube sampler having an external diameter of 6 cm and a wall
thickness of 2.25 mm.
3 (a) Explain the process of wash boring method of soil exploration, with the help of a neat sketch?
(b) An SPT was conducted in fine sand below water table and a value of 25 is obtained for N. What is
the corrected N value?
4 (a) Derive the expression to determine the factor of safety of an infinite slope (made of cohesionless
soil) for a steady seepage condition, when flow occurs parallel to the slope.
(b) An embankment 10 m high is inclined at an angle of 360 to the horizontal. A stability analysis by the
method of slices gives the following forces per running meter:
Sum of Shearing forces = 450 kN
Sum of Normal forces = 900 kN
Sum of Neutral forces = 216 kN
The length of the failure arc is 27 m
Laboratory tests on the soil indicate the effective values c’ and Φ’ as 20 kN/m2 and 180 respectively.
Determine the factor of safety of the slope with respect to shearing strength.
5 (a) Discuss the method of slices.
(b) The laboratory shear parameters of a soil are c = 40 kPa and Φ = 300. Their mobilized values are
cm = 25 kPa and Φm = 220. The average effective stress on the failure plane is 150kPa. Determine
the FOS w.r.t average shear strength.
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Code: 15A01603 R15
6 (a) A 6 m high retaining wall supports a soil with c’ = 10 kPa, Φ’ = 00, 𝛾 = 20 kN/m3. The backfill is
horizontal and carries a surcharge of 10 kPa. Determine the passive earth thrust on the wall.
(b) Explain the procedure to check the stability of a retaining wall.
7 (a) Derive the formula to determine the active earth pressure for a c-Φ soil?
(b) An L-shaped concrete retaining wall (𝛾 = 24 kN/m3) is constructed to retain dry sand. The unit weight
of sand is 17 kN/m3 and the angle of shearing resistance is 300. The base of the wall is placed 6 m
below the top of the level backfill. The thickness of the base and that of the stem is 0.25 m. The base
width is 3 m. The angle of friction between the concrete and the foundation material can be taken
as 200. Check the stability of the retaining wall against sliding.

8 (a) A circular foundation is 2.50 m in diameter. If the depth of foundation is 1 m, determine the net
allowable load. Assume 𝛾 = 19 kN/m3, c' = 30 kN/m2, Φ’ = 150 and factor of safety as 3.0. Use
Terzaghi's formula (assume local shear failure).
(b) The following are the results of a plate load test conducted in a c-Φ soil.
Load (kN) Plate size (m x m) Settlement (mm)
50 0.3 x 0.3 25
125 0.6 x 0.6 25
Find the size of the footing to carry a load of 750 kN at the same specified settlement of 25 mm.
9 (a) A purely cohesive soil has a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 and cohesion of 150 kN/m2. Determine the safe
bearing capacity for a rectangular footing 8 m x 2 m founded at a depth of 4 m in clay. (FOS = 3.0).
Consider Skempton’s formula.
(b) A footing 2 m x 2 m, is founded at a depth of 2 m in a sand deposit, for which the corrected value
of N is 27. The water table is at a depth of 2 m from the surface. Determine the net allowable
bearing pressure, if the permissible settlement is 40 mm and a factor of safety of 3 is desired against
shear failure.
10 (a) A group of friction piles 30 cm in diameter is subjected to a net load of 2 MN. The soil is:
from 0 m to -6 m is silty clay (Cc = 0.25, e0 = 0.75) with 𝛾 = 16 kN/m3 and from -6 m to -14 m is stiff
clay (Cc = 0.20, e0 = 0.65) with 𝛾 = 20 kN/m3. The length of the piles = 12 m. Estimate the
consolidation settlement.
(b) Write a note on sinking of wells.
11 (a) A bored pile in a clayey soil failed at an ultimate load of 400 kN. If the pile is 40 cm diameter and
10 m long, determine the capacity of a group of nine piles, spaced 1 m centre-to-centre both ways.
Assume adhesion factor = 0.50.
(b) Write a note on tilts and shifts of wells.
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Code: 15A01603 R15
B.Tech III Year II Semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations October/November 2020
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the different types of borings?
(b) List the geophysical exploration methods.
(c) Write the factor of safety equation of Swedish method of slices for a cohesive-frictional soil.
(d) What are basic assumptions made in the stability analysis of slopes?
(e) Explain active earth pressure against a retaining wall.
(f) List the different types of retaining walls.
(g) Define shallow foundation. What are the different types of shallow foundations?
(h) Discuss the Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation.
(i) What are the different types of pile foundation?
(j) Write the ultimate bearing capacity of pile foundation for clay soils.

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Describe with a neat sketch, how will you carry out the wash boring method of soil exploration. What
are its merits and demerits?
3 Explain the Seismic refraction method in geophysical exploration with neat sketch.
4 (a) What are the different types of slope failures? Explain with neat sketches.
(b) Write critical notes on friction circle method of analyzing the stability of slopes.
5 A dam of homogeneous section is 25 m high with upstream slope of 2.5 to 1.0 and downstream
slope of 2 to 1. There is a 12 m long horizontal filter at the downstream end. Taking a free board
of 3 m, determine: (i) Factor of safety of downstream slope under steady seepage condition.
(ii) Factor of safety of upstream slope under sudden drawdown conditions.
6 (a) Differentiate critically between Rankine and Coulomb theories of earth pressure.
(b) What are the design criteria to be satisfied for the stability of a gravity retaining wall? Indicate briefly
how you will ensure the same.
7 A gravity retaining wall retains 12 m of a backfill, 𝛾 = 17.7 kN/m3, φ = 25° with a uniform horizontal
surface. Assuming the wall interface to be vertical, determine the magnitude and point of application
of the total active pressure. If the water table is a height of 6 m, how far do the magnitude and the
point of application of active pressure changed?
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Code: 15A01603 R15
8 (a) Explain ‘General shear failure’ and ‘Local shear failure’. Differentiate between Shallow foundation
and Deep foundation.
(b) Discuss the various types of foundations and their selection with respect to different situations. Bring
out clearly the effect of ground water table on the safe bearing capacity.
9 (a) What are the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s analysis of bearing capacity of a continuous footing?
(b) What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing resting on a uniform sand of porosity 40% and
specific gravity 2.6, if φ = 30°, Hansen’s factors: Nc = 30.4, Nq = 18.4, 𝑁𝛾 = 18.08 at a depth of 1.5 m
under the following conditions:
(i) Size 2 m × 3 m, G.W.L at 8 m below natural ground level.
(ii) Size 2 m × 3 m, G.W.L at 1.5 m below natural ground level.
10 (a) Write in brief about the Engineering News formula.
(b) Give a method to determine the bearing capacity of a pile in clay soil. What is group effect and how
will you estimate the capacity of a pile group in clay?
11 (a) Discuss the different shapes of cross-sections of wells used in practice, giving the merits and
demerits of each.
(b) Sketch and describe the various components of a well foundation, indicating the function of each.


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Code: 15A01603 SS
B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Regular Examinations November/December 2018
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the common methods of advancing bore holes in soil exploration?
(b) What correction is to be applied for observed SPT values in sands below water table?
(c) Distinguish between finite and infinites slopes.
(d) A clayey soil has unconfined compressive strength of 140 kPa. If the factor of safety of slope in this soil is
1.5, what is the mobilized cohesion?
(e) A backfill soil has ∅ = 300 . What are the three coefficients of earth pressures?
(f) Distinguish between Rankine’s and Coulomb’s earth pressures.
(g) What is the net ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing in purely clayey soil having c = 50 kPa at a depth
of 2 m.
(h) What are the three components of settlement in soils?
(i) What is the general form of engineering news formula to calculate the ultimate bearing capacity of a pile?
(j) Mention any two merits of floating caissons.

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 (a) Explain briefly the objectives of soil exploration.
(b) With the help of a sketch, explain split spoon sampler.
3 (a) Compare the area ratio of a thin walled tube sample having an external diameter of 60 mm and a wall
thickness of 2.25 mm. Do you recommend the sampler for obtaining undisturbed soil samples? Why?
(b) A SPT was conducted in a dense sand deposit at a depth of 22 m, and a value of 48 was observed for N.
The density of the sand was 15 kN/m3. What is the value of N, corrected for overburden pressure?
4 Explain the methods of stability analysis of slopes in:
(i) Saturated cohesive soil.
(ii) Cohesionless soil.
5 Explain the method of slices for stability analysis of slopes. How can steady seepage be accounted for in
this method?
6 (a) What are the important assumptions made in Rankine’s earth pressure theory?
(b) A vertical wall with a smooth face is 7.2 m high and retains soil with a uniform surcharge angle of 90. If
the angle of internal friction of soil is 270, compute the active earth pressure and passive earth resistance
assuming 𝛾 = 20 kN/m3.
7 A retaining wall with its face inclined at 750 with horizontal is 10 m high and retains soil inclined at a
uniform surcharge angle of 100. If the angle of internal friction of the soil is 360, wall friction angle 180, unit
weight of soil 15 kN/m3, and a line load of intensity 90 kN/m acts at a horizontal distance of 5 m from the
crest, determine the active thrust on the wall by Culmann’s method.
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Code: 15A01603
8 (a) Describe the procedure of determining the safe bearing capacity based o the standard penetration test.
(b) What are the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s analysis of bearing capacity of a continuous footing?
9 A loading test was conducted with a 300 mm square plate at depth of 1 m below the ground surface in
pure clay deposit. The water table is located at a depth of 4 m below the ground level. Failure occurred at
a load of 45 kN. What is the safe bearing capacity of a 1.5 m wide strip footing at 1.5 m depth in the
same soil? Assume 𝛾 = 18 kNm3 above the water table and a factor of safety of 2.5. Take for
𝜑 = 00 , 𝑁𝑐 = 5.7, 𝑁𝑞 = 1, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁𝛾 = 0.
10 (a) How piles are classified based on the function or action?
(b) A group of 16 piles of 50 cm diameter is arranged with a centre to centre spacing of 1.0 m. The piles are
9 m long and are embedded in soft clay with cohesion 30 kN/m2. Adhesion factory is 0.6. Determine the
ultimate load capacity of the pile group. Bearing resistance may be neglected for the piles.
11 (a) What are the merits of pneumatic caissons?
(b) What precautions may be taken to avoid tilts and shifts in sinking of wells?


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Code: 15A01603 SS
B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations June/July 2019
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) What are the uses of trial pits in subsoil exploration?
(b) Differentiate between distributed and undisturbed soil samples.
(c) What do you mean by finite and infinites slopes?
(d) What is the safe height of a slope which is to be constructed in soil having 𝛾 = 20 kN/m3, Factor of
safety of 1.5, unconfined compressive strength of 20 kPa and Taylor’s stability number equal to
(e) Distinguish between active and passive states of earth pressure.
(f) If the Poisson’s ratio of the soil is 0.35, What is the coefficient of earth pressure on the wall at rest?
(g) What do you mean by anchor piles and uplift piles?
(h) What are the practical application of pile load test?
(i) Distinguish between safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing pressure.
(j) What are the common types of caissons?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 (a) Explain briefly soil exploration by: (i) Auger and shell boring. (ii) Wash boring.
(b) With the help of sampling tube with its cutting edge, explain sample disturbance.
3 A seismic refraction study of an area has given the following data:
Distance from impact point to geophone (m) 15 30 60 90 120
Time to receive wave (sec) 0.025 0.05 0.10 0.11 0.12
(a) Plot the time travel data and determine the seismic velocity for the soil layers.
(b) Determine the thickness of the upper soil layer.
4 Describe a suitable method of stability analysis of slopes in:
(i) Purely saturated cohesive soil.
(ii) Cohesion less sand.
5 A canal is to be excavated through a soil with c = 15 kN/m2, 𝜑 = 200 , 𝑒 = 0.9 and G = 2.67. The
side slope is 450 and the depth of the canal is 6 m. Determine the factor of safety with respect to
cohesion when the canal runs full. What will be the factor of safety if the canal is rapidly emptied?
Take Taylor’s stability number for submerged and rapid drawdown conditions as 0.06 and 0.114
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6 (a) Explain: (i) Active. (ii) Passive. (iii) At rest conditions in earth pressure against a retaining wall.
(b) A sandy loam backfill has a cohesion of 12 kN/m2 and 𝜑 = 200 . The unit weight is 17 kN/m3. What is
the depth of the tension cracks?
7 A retaining wall with a vertical back 5 m high supports a cohesion less backfill of unit weight of
19 kN/m3. The upper surface of the backfill rises at an angle of 100 with the horizontal from the crest
of the wall. The angle of internal friction for the soil is 300 and the angle of wall friction is 200.
Determine the total active pressure on the wall and mark the direction and point of application of the
thrust. Use Rebhann’s graphical method.
8 (a) With relevant sketches, bring out clearly the effect of ground water table on the safe bearing
capacity of soils.
(b) What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing of 1 m diameter resting on the surface of a
saturated clay of unconfined compression strength of 100 kN/m2? What is the safe value if the factor
of safety is 3? Take Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1 and 𝑁𝛾 = 0 for clay.
9 Two load tests were conducted at a site with a 0.5 m square test plate and the other with a 1.0 m
square test plate. For a settlement of 25 mm, the loads were found to be 70 kN and 190 kN,
respectively in the two tests. Determine the allowable bearing pressure of the sand and the load
which a square footing, 2 m x 2 m, can carry with the settlement not exceeding 25 mm.
10 (a) What is the basis on which the dynamic formulae are derived? Mention two well-known dynamic
formulae and explain the symbols involved.
(b) A square pile group of 9 piles passes through a recently filled up material of 5 m depth. The
diameter of the pile is 30 cm and pile spacing is 90 cm. If the unconfined compression strength of
the cohesive material is 60 kN/m2 and unit weight is 15 kN/m3, compute the negative skin friction of
the pile group.
11 (a) What are the circumstances under which a well foundation is more suited than other types?
(b) Under what situations a pneumatic caisson is preferred? What are the safety precautions to be
followed in working with a Pneumatic Caisson?


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Code: 15A01603 SS
B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Regular & Supplementary Examinations November/December 2019
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) Write about soil exploration.
(b) What are borehole logs?
(c) What is a factor of safety?
(d) Discuss Taylor’s stability number.
(e) Write about types of retaining walls.
(f) Discuss about at rest condition in earth pressures.
(g) Write about settlement analysis of shallow foundations.
(h) Discuss about choice of foundation in soils.
(i) Write about different shapes of well foundation.
(j) Discuss about settlement of pile groups.

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 Explain plate load test with a neat sketch and its limitations.
3 Explain about Menard’s pressure meter test with neat sketch.
4 Explain the stability analysis by Swedish arc method.
5 Determine the critical height of an infinite slope having a slope angle of 30o when the soil is dry. The
slope is made of cohesive soil with a cohesion of 25 kN/m2, angle of internal friction is15o, void ratio
0.67 and specific gravity 2.7. Also, calculate the critical height when the slope is submerged.
6 Explain about Culmann’s graphical method to determine active earth pressure for cohesionless soils.
7 A retaining wall with its face inclined at 750 with horizontal is 10 m high and retains soil inclined at a
uniform surcharge angle of 100. If the angle of internal friction of the soil is 360, wall friction angle 180,
unit weight of soil 15 kN/m3 and a line load of intensity 90 kN/m acts at a horizontal distance of 5 m
from the crest, determine the active thrust on the wall by Culmann’s method.
8 Derive the equation to determine the bearing capacity of soils by Terzaghi’s theory.
9 Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing of size 1.5 m X 1.5 m and 2 m deep. Take
c’ = 15 kN/m2, Q’ = 34o, γ = 18 kN/m3, Nc = 52.6, Nq = 36.5, Nγ = 30.0 with a factor of safety of 3.0.
Use Terzaghi’s theory and assume general shear failure condition. Also, estimate net allowable load
of the footing.
10 Explain about pile load test and its recommendations as per IS code.
11 Explain the functions and design criteria of well foundations.
Code: 15A01603 SS
B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R15) Supplementary Examinations October 2020
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) Distinguish between disturbed and undisturbed samples.
(b) Describe the use of pressure meter in soil exploration.
(c) How do you decide depth of exploration?
(d) Write about effect of water table on bearing capacity of soil.
(e) Define earth pressure at rest.
(f) Discuss about negative skin friction.
(g) What is the practical significance of pile load test?
(h) Distinguish between driven and bored piles.
(i) Describe a caisson.
(j) What do you mean by end bearing & friction piles?

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 (a) Explain briefly sampling by: (i) Split spoon. (ii) Thin wall tube & piston type.
(b) Explain types of boring for exploration.
3 (a) What is meant by Dilatancy correction and overburden pressure correction?
(b) Explain briefly about Cone penetration tests.
4 (a) Explain briefly about types of slope failures with neat sketches.
(b) A 8 m deep canal has side slopes 1:1. The properties of soil are cu = 15 kPa, ϕ = 10°, e = 0.7 and
G = 2.80. If Taylor’s stability number is 0.108, determine the factor of safety with respect to
cohesion, when the canal runs full. Also find the same in case of sudden drawdown, if Taylor’s
stability number for this condition is 0.137.
5 (a) What is stability number? What is its utility in the analysis of stability of slopes? Discuss the use of
stability charts.
(b) Define Taylor’s stability number and explain how it is used in the stability analysis of slope under
submerged condition.
6 (a) What are the assumptions of Rankine’s theory? Derive expressions for active pressure and passive
(b) What are different types of earth pressure? Give examples.
7 Explain how active and passive earth pressures on retaining walls are determined using Coulomb’s
earth pressure theory.
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Code: 15A01603 SS
8 (a) State the assumptions made in Terzhagi’s bearing capacity analysis. Distinguish between general
and local shear failures.
(b) A square footing of size 2 m is built in a homogeneous bed of dense sand of unit weight 18 kN/m3 at
a depth of 1.5 m below the ground surface. Estimate the safe load that can be carried by footing with
a factor of safety of 3 against shear failure. Take Nc = 65.4, Nq = 49.4 and Nr = 54.0.
9 (a) Describe Skempton’s analysis for bearing capacity of cohesive soils.
(b) Define following terms:
(i) Net safe bearing capacity.
(ii) Gross safe bearing capacity.
(iii) Allowable soil pressure.
10 (a) Explain the necessity of pile foundations.
(b) Explain neatly classification of piles.
11 (a) Explain with sketches the various types of caisson foundations.
(b) Explain the problems associated and precautionary measures to be taken during installation of
caisson foundations.


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