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Irregular verbs II

burn burnt burnt pálit, hořet, spálit

buy bought bought koupit
can could - moci, umět
catch caught caught chytit
choose chose chosen vybrat
come came come přijít
cost cost cost stát (o ceně)
cut cut cut sekat, řezat, stříhat
do did done udělat
draw drew drawn kreslit

He ______________ (burn) that document.

I ______________ (buy) the tickets, you buy the popcorn.
______________ (can) you swim as a child?
They ______________ (catch) her.
I ______________ (choose) the first option.
She ______________ (come) at midnight.
This car ______________ (cost) a lot of money.
Ouch! I ______________ (cut) my finger.
What ______________ (do) you do?
The kid ________________ (draw) a nice picture.

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