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Introduction Aim of the Project Hardware Design, Power and Information Flowing Mi Microcontroller Ch i ll Choice Software Design g Problem Definition Fl Flowchart h t Construction of the project p j

We have designed and constructed an AC/ DC converter controlled b a t t ll d by microcontroller. A user set the voltage and current with eight buttons. After setting the voltage and current values, the circuit adjust the voltage and current values up to set values values. User can observe the set and actual voltage and current values from 16x2 LCD screen. Hardware and software design design.

Aim of the Project

Design and construct a useful and usable converter device device. This device can be used easily at the market. Only 220 V AC needed for this device. The voltage level can be obtained between 0 and 25 V with 10 mV resolution. The current level can be obtained between 0 and 10 A with 10 mA resolution. The cost of similar device at the market is changes between 250 $ and 350 $ $.

Hardware Design, Power and Information Design, Flowing

Microcontroller Choice

It is supposed that the whole project is a human body, body microcontroller is the brain of the body. body It manages whole system with respect to user entering and program created by us us. There must be at least two analog to digital converter. converter Because both current and voltage level will be red as analog signal. There must be at least two pulse width modulator (PWM) generator due to two PWM signal needing by the circuit to adjust current and voltage levels. Finally, it must be enough input or output used in the project. h j

Software Design

Nowadays technology not only hardware but also software include. The f Th software problem of this project bl f hi j divided to four parts as problem definition, problem analysis and computations, g g p g g algorithmic design and program coding.

Problem Definition

System has 8 inputs which correspondence to 8 buttons in project. System has 2 inputs which correspondence 2 analog inputs System has 2 inputs which used as reference voltages for the analog to digital converter in the g g microcontroller. System has 7 outputs to send information to LCD. y p System has 2 PWM output to adjust voltage and current. Reading voltage and current from the circuit are shown on the LCD screen for every two seconds seconds. Overload current protection.

read the initial values

setting adjustments

lcd initial

send initial note

delay 5 second

read the current

read the voltage



delay 10 ms, a++

write the current voltage values to LCD, a=0

press buton1

press buton2

press buton3

press buton4

current up (0.01) write values

current up (0.5) write values

current down (0.01) write values

current down (0.5) write values

press buton5

press buton6

press buton7

press buton8

voltage up (0.1) write values

voltage up (1) write values

voltage down (0.1) write values

voltage down (1) write values

c=1000 c<1000 c=0 False delay 10 ms, c++ send warning to LCD ALARM ON, delay 6 second, c=0 i>i_set True

Construction of the Project

Construction of this project included three main circuits and a transformer connected by each other. Main circuits: 1. Control circuit which i b i of the circuit 1C l i i hi h is brain f h i i p g 2. Power circuit : power flowing is released on this circuit. 3. 3 User interface : User control and observe the product with respect to this circuit Transformer : Convert the AC voltage level comes from bus to what we want.


We need two AC voltage level for this g project as 6.3 V and 24 V.



Input voltage comes from power bus as 220 V, 50 Hz, AC voltage. 24 V is needed for power circuit. 6 3 V is needed for control circuit 6.3 circuit.

User Interface


Eight buttons are needed for this project Four of them are needed to adjust voltage. F f h d d d l First two: up and down the voltage with 0.1 Second two: up and down the voltage with1 The other four are needed to adjust current level. First two: up and down the current with 0.01 Second t S d two: up and d d down th current with 0 5 the t ith 0.5.


Two switches are included in this project. One of them is power switch to give voltage to the circuit. Another switch is needed to change current sensitivity. Two current sensitivity are included in this project as 1 A and 10 A If we need smaller than A. 1 A the switch will on 1 A side or if the load need larger than 1 A the switch will on 10 A side side.


An 16x2 LCD is used for this project Two current values are shown on lcd screen. The above current value is set value. The below current value is measured value value. Two voltage values are shown on lcd screen. The b Th above voltage value is set value. l l l The below voltage value is measured value.


The voltage and current are taken from connectors below. The red one is positive side of the voltage.


Data Cables

There are two data cables in this project.

One of them is needed to carry information from microcontroller to lcd.

Another i A th gives i f information t th PIC comes ti to the from buttons.

Energy cable connections

Positive side of energy cable is connected with power switch firstly and transformer secondly. dl Negative side of energy cable is connected g gy with fuse first and transformer secondly.

Control Circuit

Control circuit is brain of the project. Microcontroller is on this circuit. It provides information flowing on the product with respect to software program.

A zener d d used at this circuit to diode d h produce 30 V regulated DC voltage to provide power to the opamps.

Two regulators is connected to the circuit to get DC voltage levels used in projects. One of them is lm7805 to get 5V DC voltage to supply power to LCD and microcontroller Another one is lm317 adjustable regulator We used regulator. it to supply voltage to opamps.

Power circuit

Power circuit includes a 20 A diode bridge g circuit to rectify ac voltage. A filter circuit is used to get unregulated DC voltage (30 V). A switch circuit is used to adjust output dc voltage with respect to signal comes from control circuit. I Input of th circuit i 24 volt ac comes f t f the i it is lt from transformer and output is controllable dc voltage and current.


References www microchip com www 320volt com CCS C ile pic programlama Serdar EK Proteus Hikmet AHN Development of an AC to DC converter using microcontroller , Rashmi Ranjan ROUT, Durga Prasad TRIPATHY P d


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