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2020 National Youth Research Competition
Juwita Widia Wati
SMA IT Cahaya Bangsa

Introduction in humans are similar to those of the common cold, with a

high fever of around 38 ° C as the main symptom. Body heat
is accompanied by coughing, sore throat, pain throughout the
The swine flu virus coded G4 EA H1N1 reported from body and joints. Some people who get H1N1 (Virus A) also (2020) is a unique mixture of three lineages, suffer from nausea and diarrhoea.
namely one similar to the strain found in European and
Asian birds, the H1N1 strain that caused the 2009 pandemic,
and the North American H1N1 which has the gene, from Quoted from, the G4 virus has shown a
avian, human, and swine flu viruses. Meanwhile, humans sharp increase since 2016 and is the dominant genotype in
have absolutely no immunity against this virus. Apart from circulation in pigs detected in at least 10 provinces, "said
that, it is also capable of replicating in human cells and lead author Sun Honglei quoted from Science Mag.
causing more serious symptoms in ferrets than other viruses.
Ketut (2020) explained that the G4 swine flu virus has the
In a study entitled "Prevalent Eurasian avian-like H1N1 potential to become the next pandemic because it is easily
swine influenza virus with 2009 pandemic viral genes contagious. The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) through
facilitating human infection", the researchers also reported the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal
that this virus has been transmitted from animals to humans. Health (Ditjen PKH) explained that the G4 swine flu virus
Based on the study, it was recorded that as many as 10.4 per has not been reported in Indonesia. The PKH Directorate
cents of people who work in pig farms have been infected General, Ketut Diarmita, admitted that he would increase
with the flu. In addition, 4.4 per cent of the general Chinese vigilance to reduce the potential for the virus to enter and
population has also been exposed to the virus or is infected spread in Indonesia. "So people don't have to worry about
with the G4 swine flu. this swine flu." The government will continue to monitor and
try to prevent this disease from occurring in Indonesia, "said
Researchers from China Agricultural University discovered
the virus after analyzing nearly 30,000 nose swabs from pigs
in slaughterhouses between 2011-2018. Through Some experts say that the G4 swine flu virus doesn't need to
examinations conducted by researchers, 179 viruses were be overly concerned, but still be on alert. According to the
successfully isolated. The majority of them are the G4 virus Virologist from Udayana University, Professor Ngurah
or one of the other 5 G strains.``Since 2016 the G4 virus has Mahardhika, this virus has the shocking power to trigger a
shown a sharp increase and is the predominant genotype pandemic. "If 10% of people tested already have antibodies
circulating in pigs detected in at least 10 provinces, '' the (swine flu virus) the jumping species has been going on for a
scientists wrote in their report in the journal Proceedings of long time." And the human to human transmission has been
the National Academy of Sciences. happening for a long time. That is what I learned. It doesn't
bother me, ”said the prof. Mahardhika.

Over the past 8 years (2011-2018), experts took 30,000 nasal

swab samples from the largest pork slaughterhouse in Considering the current problems related to the spread of the
China's 10 provinces. The scientists then conducted swine flu virus, researchers will analyze data on the spread
experiments on ferrets (a type of ferret). These animals are of the G4 Swine Flu Virus around the world and calculate
often used in flu virus experiments because they cause the opportunities for the virus to enter and spread in
symptoms that are almost similar to humans. Especially Indonesia so that it can be used as a reference in preventing
fever, cough and sneeze. From these experiments, it was the virus in Indonesia.
found that the G4 virus infection rate was very high.

Research Methodology
This swine flu has spread throughout the world since
appearing in Mexico and is the first flu outbreak in 40 years.
Although this virus originated in pigs, it has now become a 1. Type of research
disease that attacks humans and can be spread from person to
person by coughing or sneezing. The symptoms of swine flu
This research is quantitative research which emphasizes data Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It is
analysis as well as qualitative. which is a literature study known that in China the population is large enough that they
(library research) which uses books and other literature as carry out fairly good surveillance. They then reported and
the main object (Hadi, 1995: 3). The type of research used is observed swine flu as a follow-up to the H1N1 pandemic
qualitative, namely, research that produces information in that occurred in 2009. The H1N1 virus was also responsible
the form of notes and descriptive data contained in the text for the 1918 pandemic.
being studied (Mantra, 2008: 30).

2. Primary sources The team collected 29,918 pig nasal swabs from
slaughterhouses in 10 provinces from 2011 to 2018. As a
result, they found 179 types of swine flu viruses and 165 of
The Primary source is a reference which is used as the main them were identified as EA H1N1, seven viruses were
source. The main source of this research is data on the spread identified as PDM 09 / H1N1, one type of virus was
of the G4 swine flu virus in the world. identified as CS H1N1, four types of viruses as H3N2, and
two types of viruses as H9N2. The EA H1N1 virus, apart
from being the most widespread, is also found every year.
3. Secondary Sources This is different from, for example, the seven types of virus
PDM 09 / H1N1 which were only found in 2011 and CS
H1N1 and H3N2 which were only found for a few years.
Secondary sources are supporting references and
The researchers conducted further research on EA H1N1 and
complements for primary sources. Supporting sources in this
classified it into six types based on genotypes, including G1-
study are data and literature relevant to the issue of the G4
G6. One of the most striking is the G4. This type of virus
swine flu virus.
was first discovered in a 2013 sample in southern China.

4. Data Collection Methods

2. Mode of Transmission of the G4 Virus to Humans
In library research, the method used to collect research data It is known that in 2016, infection due to this virus increased
is in the form of data and literature that has been selected, sharply and became the most prevalent genotype in the 10
searched, presented and analyzed. The data source of this provinces studied. Then the question arises, how does the
research is looking for literature data whose substance virus spread in humans?
requires processing action philosophically and theoretically.
Literature study here is a literature study without an
empirical test (Muhadjir, 1998: 159). The data presented is
To answer the question of whether G4 EA H1N1 is
data in the form of words which require processing to be
contagious to humans, researchers took four samples of the
concise and systematic (Mujadhir, 1998: 29).
virus. As a result, all samples bind well to the SAα2, 6Gal
receptor. SAα2, 6Gal receptors are in the lining cells of the
5. Data Analysis Techniques human respiration. If the virus attaches to these receptors, the
virus can enter other cells in the human body. In addition, all
EA H1N1 viruses are also known to bind to human epithelial
The Analysis is a series of simple efforts on how research tracheal. Thus, these results suggest that the G4 EA H1N1
data is in turn developed and processed into a simple virus binds to the SAα2, 6Gal receptors as well as humans. A
framework (Zed, 2004: 70). The data that has been collected prerequisite for infecting human cells. Researchers also
is then analyzed to obtain information, but first, the data is investigated the ability of G4 EA H1N1 replication in normal
selected on the basis of its reliability (Mantra, 2008: 128). In human epithelial bronchial cells (NHBE) and epithelial
this study, using an analytical technique in the form of alveolar cells (A549). For information, these two cells are
content analysis. This analysis is a scientific analysis of the the main targets of the influenza virus. As a result, G4 EA
message content of data (Muhadjir, 1998: 49). H1N1 was able to self-replicate at the same level as the PDM
09 / H1N1 virus in NHBE cells and mostly occurred 30
hours-60 hours after infection. Similar findings also occurred
Result and Analysis in A549 cells.
In exploring these findings, researchers took 338 samples
1. Data on the spread of the G4 virus from workers in 15 pig farms and 230 samples from ordinary
citizens for serological testing. As a result, 35 (10.4 per cent)
In 2020, the Proceedings of the National Academy of pig breeders and 10 (4.4 per cent) ordinary citizens
Sciences (PNAS) in April 2020 (submitted for review on 9 developed antibodies against the new virus strain. Tests also
December 2019). The research was carried out by a team of showed that the human body's immunity to seasonal flu
23 scientists, some of them from the Agricultural University contains no protection against the G4 strain. To investigate
of China, the Shandong Agricultural University and the the potential for human-to-human transmission, researchers
conducted experiments on civets - an animal that is often With the above considerations, there will be an opportunity
used for experiments on the infection and spread of influenza for the G4 EA H1N1 swine flu virus to spread in Indonesia
viruses in humans. As a result, the G4 EA H1N1 virus can due to a large number of pig farms in Indonesia and the
spread in civet groups through direct contact and droplets. presence of clusters of residents from countries exposed to
This virus also causes severe symptoms in infected civets, the virus. However, considering the current condition of the
such as fever, sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Covid-19 Pandemic which is still showing an increasing
trend, Indonesia is quite alert to viruses with symptoms
similar to influenza and Covid-19. Due to the effect of
In the report, it was said that until now there were five cases vigilance on the spread of the Covid-19 virus, a fairly strict
with symptoms such as contracting EA H1N1. The last two check is applied at the entrance to international arrivals
cases occurred in 2016 and 2019 in people aged 46 years and visiting Indonesia, which causes the chance of
children 9 years. The Genetic analysis said the 2 cases were entering/spreading the G4 virus to be quite low.
caused by "viruses like G4 EA H1N1" and epidemiological
studies found that the two people had neighbours who raised
pigs. Until now, there is no evidence that the virus can be Some of these things apply for the near future as long as
transmitted from human to human. However, the researchers there is still a trend for the Covid-19 virus. Then what if
cautioned, "the G4 EA H1N1 virus has essential signs of some time will come when the Covid-19 pandemic no longer
adaptation to infect humans. Controlling the existing G4 EA exists? Prevention of spread can be done by:
H1N1 virus in pigs and closely monitoring the working
population of pig farms must be done quickly. a. Keep life clean
b. The livestock service office continues to provide periodic
vaccines to livestock, especially those imported from abroad,
Chance of the G4 Virus to be a New Pandemic
c. Continue to implement health checks for everyone who
The discovery of a new strain of the H1N1 virus is certainly comes from abroad.
unsettling considering that the COVID-19 pandemic is still
not under control. The latest data records that ± 377,541 d. Tighten the selection of imported food goods.
people in Indonesia have been confirmed that this disease e. Provide vaccines regularly to the public
also originated in China. 301,006 of them recovered and
12,959 others died. f. If there is an issue of a dangerous disease spreading in
Indonesia, the government should have started to increase
awareness and protection of the community.
Director-General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health
of the Ministry of Agriculture I Ketut Diarmita said that the
G4 EA H1N1 virus has not been found in Indonesia. This
was based on the results of surveillance and genetic analysis Conclusion
by the Medan Veterinary Center and the Wates Veterinary
Center. Ketut said the Ministry of Agriculture with USAID
and FAO have developed influenza virus monitoring to The opportunity for the spread of the G4 EA H1N1 swine flu
monitor influenza mutations since 2014. This tool is used for virus in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic is still low
early detection. The Ministry of Agriculture has also due to the high level of alertness and handling by the
conducted risk-based surveillance for swine flu based on the government and relatively similar symptoms. This is also
characteristics of the virus. supported by the results of valid studies that show the
potential for human-to-human spread of the G4 EA H1N1
virus. When one day the covid-19 pandemic has ended, the
spread of the G4 EA H1N1 virus can still be prevented by:
Even so, his party is still preparing if one day this virus
enters Indonesia. One way is to issue circular letters to
increase cooperation, alertness, and contingency plans. "This a. Keep life clean
circular invites all related parties to increase cooperation, be
aware of, and prepare contingency plans for the possibility of
entering and emerging G4 EA H1N1 in Indonesia," said b. The livestock service office continues to provide periodic
Ketut in a written statement, while the Director-General of vaccines to livestock, especially those imported from abroad,
Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health is
also the official spokesman. government for handling
COVID-19 dr. Achmad Yurianto has also submitted a c. Continue to implement health checks for everyone who
circular to health offices throughout Indonesia to increase comes from abroad.
awareness of this disease.
d. Tighten the selection of imported food goods.
e. Provide vaccines regularly to the public

f. If there is an issue of a dangerous disease spreading in

Indonesia, the government should have started to increase
awareness and protection of the community.


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