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Cells are the basic structures of all living organisms.

Cells provide structure for the body,

take in nutrients from food and carry out important functions.

 Cells are the basic structures of all living organisms.

 Cells provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food and carry out
important functions.
 Cells group together to form tissues?, which in turn group together to
form organs?, such as the heart and brain.


Organ means
-A part of the body that performs a specific function. For example, the heart is an organ.
-Your heart is the primary organ of your circulatory system. It pumps blood throughout your
body, controls your heart rate and maintains blood pressure.
A cell is the smallest unit of a living thing. A living thing, whether made of one
cell (like bacteria) or many cells (like a human), is called an organism. Thus, cells
are the basic building blocks of all organisms. Several cells of one kind that
interconnect with each other and perform a shared function form tissues; several
tissues combine to form an organ (your stomach, heart, or brain); and several
organs make up an organ system (such as the digestive system, circulatory
system, or nervous system). Several systems that function together form an
organism (like a human being). There are many types of cells all grouped into
one of two broad categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. For example, both
animal and plant cells are classified as eukaryotic cells, whereas bacterial cells
are classified as prokaryotic.

the first part of the cell theory states that all living things are made up of cells. Anything that’s
alive, from bacteria to plants to humans, is composed of cells. And what are cells? The
literal definition is a cell is a group of organelles surrounded by a thin membrane.

The cell theory definition states that cells are the building blocks of life. Cells both make up all
living things and run the processes needed for life. Your hair, skin, organs, etc. are all made up
of cells. In fact, each person is estimated to be made up of nearly 40 trillion cells! Each part of a
cell has a different function, and your cells are responsible for taking in nutrients, turning
nutrients into energy, removing waste, and more. Basically, everything your body does, it
does because cells are directing the action!

The third part of the cell theory definition states that all cells come from preexisting cells. This
means that cells don’t just appear out of thin air (known as “spontaneous generation”). New
cells are always made from current cells. This means that all current life on the planet is
descended from the very first cells, which first made an appearance on Earth roughly 3.5 billion
years ago. Cells have been replicating themselves continuously ever since.

-Early stage in the development of humans and other animals or plants. 
Difference between Zygote and Embryo
The human body comprises of many things like systems, arteries, cells, veins, capillaries,
skin layers, etc. All these internal organs come together and form the human body.
Various processes take place in the body through these complex mechanisms. The
process of digestion, secreting enzymes, and reproductions; all of it takes place through
the internal organs. Now, talking about reproduction, the human body faces many
complications. Earlier, we had talked about the embryo and fetus. And today, we are
going to talk about the zygote and embryo. Zygote and embryo are the stages of
human reproduction, or we can say that they are the diploid cells that undertake
reproduction. There are some differences between them too, but let us first look at the
meaning of zygote and embryo.

A zygote is defined as the fusion of two gametes. A zygote is a eukaryotic cell formed by
the process of fertilization. A zygote is considered to be an early development stage in
all multi-cellular organisms. In layman's language, the union of male gamete and female
gamete leads to the formation of a zygote. It further leads to the formation of an
embryo. A zygote is a single cell that gets segregated into smaller cells because it is a
brief stage. This stage occurs in the first week of the fertilization process. The other
name of the zygote is the fertilized ovum/ egg. Now, you must be wondering as to how
many days are required for a zygote to form? Well, the zygote takes around 3-6 days to
enter the uterus from the fallopian tube. The cell division takes place in the uterus,
which further leads to the formation of the blastocyst (hollow ball of cells). The division
of the zygote takes place based on time. For instance, after 12 hours of conception, the
zygote gets divided into two cells.

Further, after 15 hours, the zygote gets divided into four cells. After three days, the cell
count reaches sixteen. The zygote is a germinal stage (developmental stage). After this
germinal stage is over, the embryonic stage starts as the zygote enters the uterine wall.
After the eighth week, it becomes a multi-cellular organism called the embryo.
Interestingly, the embryo becomes a fetus in the eighth or ninth stage, respectively.

An embryo is defined as the unborn offspring that is in the process of development. An
embryo has been derived from the Greek word 'embruon,' meaning embryo/ fetus. An
embryo is a developmental stage that comes after the formation of a zygote. The
embryo in humans is defined as the unborn offspring until the end of the seventh week.
This week is followed by conception, and the embryo turns into a fetus in the eighth
week. These are the first two stages of human development (zygote & embryo). In
animals, the embryo is defined as a developmental stage in which the unborn offspring
hatches from the egg. The fertilized egg leads to cell division and is called a pre-embryo.
An embryo goes to several stages in the fertilization process. For instance, the first stage
is that of a zygote, which further develops into a blastocyst. After this, an embryo is
formed, leading to the formation of the fetus. The age of an embryo ranges from ten
weeks to 13 weeks. After the thirteenth week, a hair called lanugo develops on the head
of the embryo. Now, there are certain contrasting points between a zygote and an
embryo. So, let us have a look at them.


day 35

-Limb buds are visible, eyes start forming

Day 60

-Separation of toes takes place

7month of fetus

At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, fat begins to be

deposited on your baby. Your baby is about 36 cm (14 inches)
long and weighs from about 900 - 1800g (two to four pounds).
Your baby's hearing is fully developed and they change position
frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain, and

If born prematurely, your baby would probably survive after the

seventh month of pregnancy.

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