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Robotic Mathematical Topics

Presented by
Dr. Aung Myat San
DH Parameters
 Only one DOF joint
 Only two joint types: Prismatic (P) and Revolute (R) (All other joints: Considered as combination of P and R)

0 (Immobile Base)  1 (First Joint)  2 (Second Joint) etc...

Geometrical configuration of the manipulator: 4-tuple
 2 elements describing the geometry of a link relative to
the previous link:
Link length : a or r
Link twist : α
 Other 2 elements describing the linear and revolute
offset of the link:
Link/Joint offset : d or b
Joint angle : θ
Revolute Joint Prismatic Joint Joint Joint
t Link
Link Link
Join i - 1 Join
t t

Certain parameters in the first and last links in a chain

are automatically specified, or can be arbitrarily If joint 1 (resp. joint n) is revolute:
specified by convention: 1. The zero position for d1 (resp. dn) can be chosen arbitrarily.
a0 = 0 = a n 2. The link offset is set to zero d1 = 0 (resp. dn = 0).
α0 = 0 = θn
If joint 1 (resp. joint n) is prismatic:
1. The zero position for d1 (resp. dn) can be chosen arbitrarily.
2. The joint angle is set to zero θ1 = 0 (resp. θn = 0).
Link length : a
Link twist : α
Link offset : b
Joint angle : θ
Link length : a
Link twist angle : α
Joint offset : d
Joint angle : θ
Link length : r
Link twist angle : α
Joint offset : d
Joint angle : θ
Standard D.H. Parameters
Four parameters:
ai , Link length: Displacement of joint axis i from joint axis i-1.
αi , Link twist: Twist of axis i with respect to axis i-1.
bi , Link offset: Linear displacement of the joint i along the axis of joint i.
θi , Joint angle: Rotational displacement of the joint i around the axis of joint i.

■ For a revolute joint, link offset is fixed and joint angle is a controlled variable.
■ For a prismatic joint, joint angle is fixed and link offset is a controlled variable.

The first two parameters, link length and link twist, are always fixed parameters.

So, for any robot with n single-dof revolute or prismatic joints, there will be:
■ Three fixed parameters, termed the link parameters describing the fixed kinematics of the
■ One controlled parameters (one for each joint), termed the joint variables.
Modified DH Parameters
Total transformation from Frame i-1 to Frame i

Link length : a
Link twist angle : α
Joint offset : d
Joint angle : θ
For each pair i of consecutive reference frames compute the four parameters
1) Compute di (Joint Offset): distance between axes X(i-1) and Xi along axis Z(i-1) (variable for a prismatic joint)
2) Compute a(i-1) (Link Length): distance between axes Z(i-1) and Zi along axis Xi (link length)
3) Compute θi (Joint Angle) : revolution angle between X(i-1) and Xi around axis Z(i-1) (variable for a revolute joint)
4) Compute α(i-1) (Twist Angle) : revolution angle between Z(i-1) and Zi around axis Xi (twist angle)

Variable for a prismatic joint z

Variable for a revolute joint z

Revolute Joint Prismatic Joint
Frame Assignment of SCARA Arm

Page 64 and 112 in Robot Analysis by Tsai 1-168 (11-178)

To print

Pages 1-168 (11-178) in Robot Analysis by Tsai

Pages 33-146 in An introduction to robotics : analysis, control, applications / Saeed Niku.—2 nd ed.

Pages 33-164 in An introduction to robotics : mechanics and control / John J. Craig.—3rd ed.

Pages 35-160 (48-173) in Robot Modeling and Control by Spong, Hutchinson, Vidyasagar
Summary: D.H. Parameters
Standard DH Parameters

Provide 4 numbers that define the orientation of the ith link with respect to the i-1th link.
"Standard" DH convention assumes that the ith coordinate frame is at the i+1 joint.
 The first number represents the angle (in radians) between and about .
 The second number represents the length (in meters) along of the common perpendicular between and .
 The third number represents the angle (in radians) between and about .
 The fourth number represents the distance (in meters) along axis between the origin of the ith coordinate frame and
the point where the common perpendicular intersects axis .

Modified DH Parameters

Provide 4 numbers that define the orientation of the ith link with respect to the i-1th link.
Unlike the "standard" DH convention, the "modified" DH convention assumes that the ith coordinate frame is at the i
 The first number represents the angle (in radians) between and about .
 The second number represents the length (in meters) along of the common perpendicular between and .
 The third number represents the angle (in radians) between and about .
 The fourth number represents the distance (in meters) along axis between the origin of the ith coordinate frame and
the point where the common perpendicular intersects axis .
D-H Parameter Classical convention Modified convention
Joint axis is for joint i is for joint i
Link length () The distance along of the common The distance along of the common
perpendicular between and perpendicular between and
Twist angle ( ) The angle between and about The angle between and about
Offset length ( The distance along axis between the The distance along axis between the origin
origin of the ith coordinate frame and the of the ith coordinate frame and the point
point where the common perpendicular where the common perpendicular intersects
intersects axis axis
Joint angle () The angle between and about The angle between and about
Summary: D.H. Parameters
A robotic manipulator is a chain of rigid links attached via a series of joints.

Given below is a list of possible joint configurations.

1. Revolute joints: Are comprised of a single fixed axis of
2. Prismatic joints: Are comprised of a single linear axis of
3. Cylindrical joints: Comprise two degrees of movement,
revolute around an axis and linear along the same axis.
4. Planar joints: Comprise two degrees of movement, both linear,
lying in a fixed plane (A gantry-type configuration).
5. Spherical joints: Comprise two degrees of movement, both
revolute, around a fixed point (A ball joint configuration).
6. Screw joints: Comprised of a single degree of movement
combining rotation and linear displacement in a fixed ratio.

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