CM1 Drawing 2

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Drawing 2

Course Material 1

BMMA Instructor

Shape Psychology and
Multi point perspective


• Shape language Here’s what I will teach you in this

• Shape Psychology course material:
• Effectivity of shape psychology in • Define shape psychology.

an ad • The importance of shape psychology in visual

• Multipoint & curvillinear arts

perspective • The effect of Multi point & curvillinear in an


For this lesson, you would need the
following resources:

• PowerPoint presentation for

• Traditional drawing

troduction to
ultimedia Arts


3 Pre-Test Before you start, try answering the following


5 Shape Language 1. Elaborate the term shape psychology.

6 Shape Psychology 2. What are the different shapes in design?

3. What are the major concepts of multipoint and
7 Effectivity of shape psychology
in an ad curvillinear perspective?

3-point, multipoint & curvillinear ________________________________________

8 perspective

10 Summary and key Terms

11 Post-test


Shape Psychology and

Multi point perspective

In 1946, Solomon Asch wrote a paper on how shape language and the physical aspects of a
character affect the emotional aspect of a character:
Body shape has a tremendous impact on the overall impression of the character. If you ever
looked at a cartoon character and thought they seemed confident but did not know why you
probably were not aware of the character’s shape language!
What is perspective? (drawing)
The way we see the world is driven by rules of perspective. Perspective in sketching is a tool
how to create a realistic illusion of 3-dimensional space. Everything we draw, from an apple to a
spaceship, needs to follow the rules of perspective in order to look realistic. Perspective drawing
is a way for us to express a three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface.

I Shape Language

Shape language is when purposely the shapes in an art piece (character design, environment, object, etc.)
inform you a little about the story, setting, mood or tone. If one understands shape language, they can
break down complex subjects such as the human body or animals into simplified elements of shape.
Shape language is much more than a few geometric shapes as they all represent meaning and personality.

3 Different types of shapes in design:

Natural/Organic shapes- shapes that represent nature.

Geometric shapes- Square, circle, and triangle.

Abstract shape- Combined shapes without specific structure.


Effectivity of shape
III psychology in an ad

II Shape Psychology

Another term for shape theory.

Shapes represent ideas and feelings. Each shape has its meaning and influences our minds and reactions
differently. Many psychological tests are used to define the personality or mental condition via shapes.


* There are also the rarely used organic shapes. They are associated with the feeling of pleasure, comfort,
interest, and spontaneity says Sukhraj from the article The Psychological Meaning of Shapes in Logo

When people view shapes, a multitude of psychological occur. Each attributes different emotions,
thoughts, and perceptions that resonate with our brains–the viewers’ brains. Shapes are the main part of
graphic design by choosing the shapes which provoke the desired response, designers can influence how
people feel about the design and ultimately, how they perceive what the shapes stand for.

Square shapes are formed by straight lines and right angles that give viewers a sense of reliability and
security and these attributes make people feel safe and contained.

Triangles are commonly defined as energetic and dynamic shape attributes that make triangles used to
represent motion and direction.

Circular shapes are much friendlier shapes than the others for encompassing other images within. Because
they tend to “invite” the viewers into their “completeness”.

Pentagons, Hexagons, and Octagons: When you think of pentagons, hexagons, and octagons shapes all
around us, the most relatable objects that use these polygons shapes are nuts and bolt heads. They are the
predominantly used polygon shape for nuts and bolts because of their unique features. That polygons are
not very often used in design projects due to their complexity, but we can see polygon shapes to represent
real elements from our daily lives in form of icons or logos.

When using abstract shapes, however, keep in mind that the individual aspects you use retain their
symbolism from their original shapes. It will be a visual symbol that can be abstract ideas or simplified
versions of an organic shape, in some cases abstract shapes can be difficult to associate with some ideas
due to their abstract anatomy, and in some cases, the idea is behind a small detail of the shape.

IV 3-point, multipoint &

curvillinear perspective

3-point perspective uses three vanishing points (VP) where two of them are on the horizon line and
the third is either high above the horizon line (at the zenith) or way below (the nadir). Three-point
perspective uses three sets of orthogonal lines and three vanishing points to draw each object. *The
red line represents the Horizontal line

Bird’s Eye View- third point is below Ant’s Eye View- the horizon line is
the horizon line. situated very low.

The last type of linear perspective is Multi-point perspective - it is the case when there are more than
two primary vanishing points on the horizon line. In a Multi-Point Perspective drawing, each object will
have separate sets of vanishing points with a variety of angles and none of the objects are parallel to each

The curvilinear perspective is another type of projection, different from all linear perspectives as it
introduces curves into the grid system. The curvilinear perspective grids work with 4, 5, and even 6
primary vanishing points. They can be also divided into these categories based on their type of field of
vision: Cylindrical field of vision (4 vanishing points), Hemispherical field of vision (5 vanishing points),
Spherical field of vision (6 vanishing points).




horizontal line

Linear grid

bird’s eye view

Ant’s eye view


Shape Psychology

Mental condition




▪ Keep practicing the shape psychology incorporating perspective drawing



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