Omens in The Dark

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OmeENs IN THE DARK ParA ORACLES Opps Bonuses Odds Rolling Bonuses Impossible 4 Almost Impossible -3 Very Unlikely 2 Unlikely 1 50/50 ° Likely " Very Likely 2 ANear Sure Thing 43 A Sure Thing +4 PBTA Yes/No Oracte Roll 2d6+Odds The Answeris.. Double 1s Hell No. 5 No 6 No, but. 19 Yes, but 10 Yes Double 6s Hell Yeah tl Matching dice results can trigger an event table roll. 2s and 3s trigger negative events. 4s and 5s trigger neutral/positive events, EEE YTD Oractes DICE ROLED FOR EACH ODDS. Rolla quantity of dice according to the table below, taking the higher result ifthe odds are favorable, and the lowest ifthe odds are unfavorable. Odds #ofDE Take the... Impossible sD Lowest Result Almost Impossible 4D Lowest Result Very Unlikely 3D Lowest Result Unlikely 20 Lowest Result 50/50 1D Likely 2D Highest Result Very Likely 3D Highest Result Near Sure Thing 4D ASure Thing 5D Highest Result Highest Result FITD ves/no Oracte ‘critical is aro made when 2 or more positive dice turn up 336. Result ‘The Answer is.. Critical Yes, and furthermore. 6 Yes 45 Yes, but. No, because. a No 1 Complication ————— When doing a score, you may eave out some elements to be defined later when your character rolls doubles on dice. 2s and 3s tick 1 out of a8- sections clock Twist o Complication. 4s ticks 1 out of a6-sections clock Connected to a person... And 55 ticks | out of a 4-sections repeating clock:wand factions When filed, they tigger a roll onthe corresponding table at pg. 307 ATD NPC Reactions "None of the tables below are meant to replace Action Rolls, or the NPC generation tables found in Blades in The Dark, but they may help you determine position and effect when dealing with social interactions, Here's simple way to interpret NPC interactions: * Determine ifthe NPC is significative * Determine ifthe NPC is likely to be hostile, neutral ow friendly, In the case of a NPC that ist significative, ust a bystander for member ofthe public, roll only on the tables below: Base Disposition #of DE Hostile 0D (2d6, keep lowest) Neutral 1D Friendly 20 INTERACTION RESULTS If youare interacting with a NPC that belongs toa faction, apply its status with you crew as a bonus or penalty on the final dice result rolled Result(+ or - faction status) ‘The Respons Crical Very Favorable 6 Favorable 4or5 Mixed. Would help, but wants ‘something in return 3or2 Unfavorable 1 Very Unfavorable If the NPC is significative, proceed to roll onthe tables on page 302 to 304 (People and Devils) or page 15 of the Alone in The Dark rules, NPC NaME INITIAL AND RELATIONSHIP TABLE Name Action or 466 Initials Motivation A Stole (orstole (Arden, from) shiyn) B Hides (or hides Brace, from) ricks) Subject(Recipient/Target Alchemical Ingredients/Formulae Sparkcraft Invention C.D, Conspires Random District With(or cconspires for) Creates for Random Faction(pg creates for) 307) Is Escaping Random Supernatural From(or For) Entity Is anally of Random Cult Random Duskwall Is an enemy of Notable Wants Revenge Random Vice Sells (or sells to) Blackmails(or Blackmails, About) Protects(or rotects forjrom) lronhook Keys Random Vice Purveyor High Quality Equipment Is Deceiving (or at Deceives About) Desires Acess to Random Personipg. Bare Indulges infor Random Cult with) Buys(or will by Leviathan, from)” Bloodilectroplasm Spies for Random — Arcane Ritual/Book NPC/Faction about Isa Artifact of Kotar Mentor Former Hides Map of Connections Underground/Catacombs With WY Owes(Orowes Source of Secret to) Knowledge Z — Knows(or knows Random Forgotten God off Betrays (Or Betrays About) Ossracizs TROUBLE RATING Before you make an action roll envision what challenges you are facing and assign it to one of those categories. When dealing with sentient forces, envision what is their chosen ‘method to dealing with you and what's their level of expertise (on said method. Trouble Description Common _The expected threats that a common Troubles scoundrel deals in their daily routines. You however, are very well tained in dealing with them. They rarely prompt a roll with a position Tower than ashy and an effect lower than standard on except when prompted by advantages they might not have over you otherwise, The magnitude tables apply here. This is the equivalent to a standard NPC. Challenging. This obstacle i challenge enough to pose a Troubles’ real threat toa PC character, such as a NPC that is as tained as. 2 PCI their chosen method of dealing with you. You make action rolls as normal and they represent how successful you aren deal with this threat and how ths threat responded to you. This is equivalent to avery trained NPC Serious This obstacle significantly surpasses your rouble ainng andabites Your action roll are 4 made onky afer youve set consequences an Choose whether to resist them or not This s equivalent to a NPC that isa master inthe method, or the way asupematura entities compel normal people to rere or le. Ifyou are unsure of which methods this NPC will employ, roll (on the Methods table on py.302 to determine it. If their sill initis also unclear, you can make a fortune roll on the table below using their faction Tier or guided by the magnitude table, Result ‘Threat Level Failure or Parti sucess Standard Sucess Challenging Giitical Legendary i Legendary Troubles may have +1D on the random consequences table below. q3KrlKaQuU Mzssinc Up ‘You may roll on the table below if you desire to generate a random input for the consequences of an action roll Position of the Roll Dice Result Fortune Roll Controlled Consequence Any oD Risky Consequence 4-5, 1D Risky Consequence 1-3, 2D Desperate Consequence 4-5 3D (ignore criticals) Desperate Consequence 1-3 4D MULTIPLE CONSEQUENCES ‘Specially when faced with serious trouble obstacles, you may face multiple consequences from a single roll, making it difficult to resist each one of them. You may also do this ifthe result rolled has dice matching, rolling once again for each ‘match if you fel like the scene could use alittle more difficulty. 1 Repucep EFFEoT ‘Something hinders your progress in the task at hand. Your action is less effective than expected If player characters are completing a clock, fill one less segment. What's getting in your way? 2 Worsk Posrrion ‘You must put your neck further out in order to proceed The ‘gravity ofa failure now would also rise to the occasion. ‘How were the stakes just raised? What risks were introduced? 3-5 - COMPLIGATION ‘Trouble, mounting danger, or a new threat. 46 Minor Complication 1 One of your marked items is somehow out of your reach, You may do a setup roll to retrieve it. You are ‘disarmed. 2 oc = a pot SS circumstance. Your taget notices you /A candle is dropped near some 3. 1 tickin anew or existing 2-segment clock for taki 1 heat. You leave circumstantial evidence or an unreliable wines 4-1 tick in anew or existing 2-segment clock for losing status with a faction. Someone connected to an ‘Bives you a bad name based on this act: Who fs. 5 Telegraph anew threat. You suddenly hear acl for ao reinforcements! 6 I tick ina new or existing complication clock. 46 Standard Complication 1. Lose 1 marked item. You'd have to do an action roll to backtrack and retrieve this. 2 Your objective is on the risk of not being achieved. The pe a et a ne eee Your target evades you, now its a chasel / The room catches fre 3. Take 1 heat You leave evidence or a reliable witness. 4 Lose status with a faction. Your action is actually in some toes. 5 Introduce a new threat. Reinforcements arive. 6 2 ticks in anew or existing complication clock 6 ‘Serious Complication 1. Lose 1 item for the rest of the score. Your weapon gets broken. 2 Your objective is almost gone from your reach. In ah a a tacties. Your target e Su ‘out of The room cate tre and ling cet Bor eee 3 Take 2 hea, You eee significant evidence or ‘mutiple/strong witnesses. 4 Lose status with a faction. Your action publicly aby How wl they toopond™ 5 Comered by a possibly new threat. Reinforcements ‘surround and trap you 6 3 ticks in new or existing a complication clock 6 Harm Controlled Consequences Risky Consequences Lesser Harm Moderate Harm Desperate Consequences Severe harm Carricat - Losr Orrorrunrry Your plan of action was negated somehow as your objective slips through your fingers. Ifyou want to insist on the same objective, you must change your method. ‘How were the tables turned? Petal temen ea Include Consequences list table ———— Include uncle aldo's devils bargains(as a random table?) ooo

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